How To Do Voidglooms (2024)

Voidglooms are one of the hardest bosses in skyblock but beating them can give powerful rewards. This guide will takeyou through the requirements to solo them and the way you kill them.


Note: (Higher tiers require expensive gear and will cost you quite a bit of money)

Tier 1

  • Armor: Dragon armor (Preferably strong/unstable)
  • Weapon: Aspect of the dragons
  • Equipment: Full ender equipment
  • Pet: Uncommon griffin , Tiger
  • Wand of healing
  • Aspect of the end
  • Low talisman bag magic power (Around 100 mp)
  • T5 enchants
  • Reforges: fierce for armor, sharp/spicy for weapon

For T1 endermen you will need to at least be able to 1 shot zealots at the very minimum and dealing around 20k damage isa good amount to do them consistently, and having Radient power orb helps immensely.

Tier 2

  • Armor: 3/4 Necron with tarantula helmet (Full final destination if you have endermen slayer lvl 4)
  • Equipment: Full ender equipment
  • Weapon: Voidedge katana
  • Pet: Baby yeti (epic minimum) , Enderman (epic minimum)
  • Wand of restoration
  • Aspect of the end
  • Florid zombie sword
  • Decent talisman bag magic power (Around 350 mp)
  • T5 armor enchants, T5/T6 weapon enchants
  • Reforges: ancient for armor, fabled for weapon, bloody for accessory bag
  • Armor: Recomb & hpb Weapon: hpb
  • Optional: Necromancy summons (low mana cost mobs (nether mobs such as barbarians and wither spectres)), Power orb (manaflux or overflux)

For T2 endermen you will need to at least be doing 100k damage per hit to kill the boss at a decent rate.

Tier 3

  • Armor: Full final destination (5k-10k kills)
  • Equipment: Full Molten Set
  • Weapon: Vorpal katana (Higher magical power can do it with Voidedge katana)
  • Pet: Baby yeti (leg). (Legendary wolf can be used for getting xp) , Enderman (Legendary)
  • Wand of atonement
  • Aspect of the end
  • Florid zombie sword
  • Good talisman bag magic power (Around 500 mp)
  • T5 armor enchants, T6 weapon enchants, wisdom 5 ult enchant for armor, swarm 5 ult enchant for weapon
  • Reforges: ancient for armor, fabled for weapon, bloody for accessory bag
  • Armor: Recomb & hpb Weapon: Recomb & hpb
  • Overflux (mana flux if on a budget but it is significantly worse)
  • Summons: low mana cost mobs (nether mobs such as barbarians and wither spectres)

For T3 endermen you will need to be doing around 300-400k per hit to do them consistently.

Tier 4

  • Armor: Full final destination (25k kills)
  • Weapon: Atomsplit katana
  • Pet: Baby yeti (leg), Enderman (Legendary/Mythic), Ender Dragon (Legendary). (Legendary wolf/mythic enderman can be used for getting xp)
  • Wand of atonement
  • Aspect of the end/ aspect of the void (Etherwarp is not necessary but can be nice to have)
  • Florid zombie sword (Wither blade such as Scylla or Hyperion can be used instead or both can be used if you arestruggling)
  • High talisman bag magic power (700+ mp)
  • T5 armor enchants, T6 weapon enchants, wisdom 5 ult enchant for armor, swarm 5 ult enchant for weapon
  • Reforges: ancient for armor, fabled for weapon, hurtful/itchy for accessory bag
  • Armor: Recomb & hpb (fuming if u want) Weapon: Recomb, fuming and gemstone slots
  • Overflux/plasmaflux
  • Summons: low mana cost mobs (Tank Zombies from F7,M3)

For T4 endermen you will need to be doing around 800k a hit without final destination ability to do them consistently.


  • Skytils
    • Skytils (/st) is one of the best free skyblock mods you can get with many useful features for all aspects of thegame. It contains most of the voidgloom modifications required to do them properly.
  • Shyhanni
    • Skyhanni (/sh) is best alternate to paid mods like SBE, it provides complete Voidglooms QOL also gets updated frequently

These 2 mods contain settings to help out with voidglooms. You can customise them as you like but you need to have abeacon/head highlight setting on. This will highlight beacons and heads to make them more visible which helps out withthe boss greatly.

Boss mechanics

Each tier of the boss has very high damage and defensive stats. This table shows the specific details of each.


TierHealthDPSHitshield Hits


  • Dissonance - Every few seconds the boss teleports behind or to the side of the player. It cannot teleport while thehitshield is active. - 50% of dps is converted into magic damage (AOE) while 50% stays as melee damage.

  • Malevolent Hitshield - Gains a shield for 15 / 30 / 60 / 100 hits which is reduced per hit (not damage). This startsat 100% / 66% / 33% hp for all tiers. - While the shield is active the boss takes full ferocity hits and when it'sinactive the boss takes -75% ferocity hits. - The shield increases the boss's dps by 3000 dps every 3 seconds it isactive for. This is for T3 / T4 only. The bonus dps dissipates when the shield is destroyed.

  • Yang Glyphs - The boss holds a beacon for 2 seconds then will throw it in a random direction. This starts at 66% hpafter the hitshield for T2 / T3 / T4. - To break the beacon you need to stand next to it at feet level or stand on topof it. - If you fail to break the beacon within 5 seconds of it landing you will take 1000 x Max Health as truedamage. - Yang Glyphs cannot be thrown during hitshields but can be thrown during Broken Heart Radiation

  • Nukekubi Fixations - The boss spawns heads every 7-8 seconds. These heads float around the player. This starts at 33%hp after the hitshield for T3 / T4. - The heads can be destroyed by looking at them for 0.5s. - They deal 800 dps atT3 and 2000 dps at T4 and their base dps is doubled for each other head alive.

  • Broken Heart Radiation - Halfway between hitshields the boss becomes immune to all damage and casts rotating beams. -Touching a beam deals 25% of your max hp as true damage and reduces incoming healing by 12% for 90s (stacks). - Anyplayers outside the radius of the beams or within 2.5 blocks of the boss take 10% of their max hp every 0.5 seconds.

How to kill Voidglooms

Having the gear to kill voidglooms and actually killing them are 2 very different things. There are a few importantsteps you must take to kill the boss. Before spawning the boss you want to have an organized inventory. If you are ascroll wheeler I would recommend keeping your weapon and wand right next to each other to make cycling healing /ferocity way easier. Having your wither blade and aspect of the end / aspect of the void in an easily accessible slothelps a lot with quick heals / teleports. If you are a hotkeyer customize your items however you wish as long as you cancycle your weapon / wand easily. Spawning the boss in a more wide open location can also help. The best place to spawnT3 / T4 is the top of the Void Sepulture.

Tier 1

When the boss spawns start cycling wand heals every 7 seconds and hit it 15 times to break the hitshield then damage itthen repeat until it's dead.

Tier 2

When the boss spawns start cycling wand heals and soulcry ability for ferocity every 4 seconds. If you are struggling onmana you can cycle them separately to make full use of the 7 second duration of the wand but it is harder. If you havesummons you can summon them and try to get them agroing the boss during the hitshields. Keep a distance if using summonsbut stay close so they don't teleport to you. Summons will be automatically despawned at the end of each hitphase. Ifnot, cycle your wand and ferocity to destroy it as fast as possible. Once it's down you can damage the boss until thenext hitshield. After you destroy that one beacons will start spawning. Once one spawns try to damage the boss for aslong as possible but save enough time to get to stand next to or on top of the beacon before it explodes. Beacons canalso get stuck in hard to reach places behind walls sometimes which can make it harder. Repeat this process after thefinal hitshield to kill the boss. If you have a power orb like a mana flux it can greatly help but you have to replaceit after some time. If you get really low you can use your florid to get quick heals also.

Tier 3

When the boss spawns you want to spawn your summons and get them to agro the boss while staying back a bit. The longerthe hitshield is up the stronger the boss gets so try to destroy it quickly and keep out of its range. Once it'sdestroyed you can start to attack the boss and cycle your wand and katana abilities. Try not to get hit by melee hitsbecause half of it's damage will come from melee hits so you will take a lot more damage. Once it gets to the nexthitshield respawn your summons and repeat what you did at the start. After it's destroyed you have to watch out forbeacons. Like T2 they can get stuck behind walls and sometimes be a pain to get. After you destroy the final hitphase.Heads will appear around every 7-8 seconds. While damaging the boss, aim yourself to target the heads to destroy themwithout breaking your dps. Beacons spawn along with the heads so it can be hard to manage. Heads can sometimes spawnbehind walls and mods don't work all the time so keep an eye out for stray heads blending in with the walls. Bydestroying heads and beacons while keeping a good amount of dps on the boss you can kill it very fast.

Tier 4

The start is mostly the same as T3 with a few differences. The boss does way more damage so occasionally you will haveto use a florid charge or wither impact when you get low. You start cycling after destroying the hitshield with summons.When it gets to 175m hp it activates broken heart radiation. It will become immune to damage and starts to emit rotatingbeams 3 blocks high. You can jump over these beams with jump boost from a god pot but if you get hit you will get areduction in healing for 90 seconds which can affect you greatly during the boss. After 8 seconds the beams stop and youcan attack the boss like normal. Once you get past the second hitshield the boss starts to throw beacons. At 105m hp itwill activate broken heart radiation again. During this the boss can also throw beacons so watch out for beacons whilethe beams are rotating. Once you get past the third hitshield the boss will spawn heads. 3 heads will double the boss'stotal dps so make sure you get rid of most of them. At 35m hp the final broken heart radiation phase will activate.During this both heads and beacons can be summoned so you will have to get beacons while jumping over the beams andgetting rid of heads. As long as you don't let too many heads spawn the boss will be easy to kill. Ender artifact isvery expensive but makes a huge difference and can make it like 10x easier.

End Game Method (after achieving 1100MP+ and fiery Crimson,Aurora)

Crimson Armor (regarded as LCM method)

  • Armor: Full crimson Armor ( or 3/4 crimson armor with warden helmet )
  • Equipment: Full Molten Equipment
  • Weapon: AtomSplit Katana , Duplex Terminator , Daedalus Axe
  • Pet: Ender Dragon (Legendary , Shelmet) , Golden Dragon ( Lucky Clover )
  • Wand of Mending
  • Aspect of the Void
  • High talisman bag magic power (Around 1100 mp)
  • T6 armor enchants, T6/T7 weapon enchants
  • Reforges: ancient for armor, Withered for weapon, Silky for accessory bag
  • Armor: Recomb & hpb Weapon: hpb
  • Optional:Ragnarok Axe, Weird Tuba, Necromancy summons (low mana cost mobs (nether mobs such as barbarians and wither spectres)), Power orb (manaflux or overflux)

  • This method Majorly relies on Crimson's armor's ablity Dominous with provides with slash at 10 stacks. You can maintain Crimson stacks on end island with the help of endermanspawning on ender pearl hit. You can also use Ender bow to do the same. Try to keep the 10 stacks sustained during Voidgloom Fight to gain high damaging slash.

  • Use Duplex Terminator ( Explosive Arrows see Jax ) to quickly pass the hits phase. (you can use 1-2 twilight arrow poison here to get extra 10%damage for 20sec)
    • Damage it as usual till next phase , try to remain hyperion's wither shield as it negates most damage.
    • After it goes in Broken Heart Radiation phase you can use Ragnarock Axe while doging the radiation beams.
    • Repeat the process and Kill it with Daedalus Axe and Golden dragon pet swap

Aurora Armor (regarded as RCM method )

  • Armor: 3/4 Aurora Armor with Wither Goggles
  • Equipment: 2/4 Molten , Implosion Belt , Gauntlet of Contagion
  • Weapon: Hyperion , Fire Veil Wand , AtomSplit Katana , Duplex Terminator , Daedalus Axe
  • Pet: Ender Dragon (Legendary , Shelmet) , Golden Dragon ( Lucky Clover )
  • Wand of Mending
  • Aspect of the Void
  • High talisman bag magic power (Around 1100 mp)
  • T6 armor enchants, T6/T7 weapon enchants
  • Reforges: Necrotic for armor(loving on cp), Herioc for Hyperion,Sighted for accessory bag
  • Armor: Recomb & hpb Weapon: hpb
  • Optional:Necromancy summons (low mana cost mobs (nether mobs such as barbarians and wither spectres)), SOS Flare or Overflux orb or better.

  • Use Duplex Terminator ( Explosive Arrows see Jax ) to quickly pass the hits phase. (you can use 1-2 twilight arrow poison here to get extra 10%damage for 20sec)

    • Damage it as usual with hyperion till next phase, try to remain hyperion's wither shield as it negates most damage.
    • After it goes in Broken Heart Radiation phase you can use mana steal soul whip to regain lost mana.
    • Repeat the process and kill it with Daedalus Axe and Golden dragon pet swap
How To Do Voidglooms (2024)


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