Various Demon Slayer One-Shots - Chapter 6 - littleladylilac - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

When you had told Obanai that you had an idea, he had no idea what to expect. You were always coming up with new ideas, whether they were for dates you two went on, or meals to cook for him. No matter what it was, he would always listen. Sometimes, you had bad ideas, like when you insisted that Sanemi was ticklish and formed a whole elaborate plan for how you were going to prove it. Tengen had to, quite literally, hold Sanemi back after you had lunged for his sides during training in an attempt to tickle him. Today, however, you insisted that he sit in the bedroom and wait until you returned. Despite being a tad worried about your plan, Obanai remains sitting on the futon, waiting patiently.

"Karburamaru can stay with you until I return, but I think it would be best to...put him to bed a little early once I come back." is what you had told him before you left.Why would he put Kaburamaru to bed? And a little early? It could mess up his whole sleep schedule! Obanai's head snaps up when he hears you walk through the front door. He wants to get up, to greet you like a good boyfriend should, but he remembers what you had told him and decides to stay put. In a moment, you peak your head through the doorway, grinning when you see him.

"Hi, darling!" You greet him cheerily. You notice the way his eyes soften when you use your token pet name for him and it makes you giggle. You make your way towards him, first greeting Kaburamaru with a small, two-finger pet to the top of his head. He gives your hand a few sniffs with his tongue, seemingly happier at your presence. Your attention turns back to Obanai.

"So," he starts, "what's this idea you have in mind? I'm quite curious to know." You grin, wide, but shake your head.

"I can't tell you just yet, darling. Not until we put Karburamaru to bed." Obanai stands from his spot on the futon.

"The sun hasn't started to set yet. Putting him to bed now could mess up his sleep schedule."

"He doesn't have to go to sleep, honey. I just..." You hum, trying to figure out how to say it without giving away your plan, "In order for me to tell you my plan, I'd feel more comfortable if he's nice and comfy in his bed, okay? It'll only be for a moment." His curiosity grows at your insistence, his eyes scanning yours as he tries to figure out what exactly you have planned. Thinking it over for a moment, Obanai agrees, walking out of the room to put Kaburamaru in his little bed by the closet. Your eyes light up when he returns, noting the absence of his snake. You motion for him to sit on the futon and he does, watching as you follow.

"Alright, spill it. What's this idea that you've got in mind?" Obanai notices the way your smile falters as you giggle nervously.

"It''s kind of a big ask, darling. I just want to let you know before I tell you that you can absolutely say no if you don't feel comfortable." His hand reaches down to grab yours as his other hand pulls the bandages down on his face as he moves to give you a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"Just tell me, please? It can't possibly be as bad as when you asked me to distract Tengen so you could dress up the Muscle Mice." You laugh at the memory, shaking your head.

"I..." You feel the heat that rushes to your face as you try to put your plan into words, "I know that, in the times where we get...uhm...intimate...that you tend to be the one in control...but I was just wondering..." You shut your eyes, trying to muster the rest of your courage," I was wondering time...I can be the one in control?" Obanai hums, a little interested in your proposal. Admittedly, the thought had crossed his own mind once or twice, though he thought that you didn't necessarily have the courage to be the dominant one. Not in a bad way, it's just that you always seemed to really enjoy it when he was in charge.

"If that's what you want, then sure. Though," he leans over closer to you, right by your ear, "I'd truly like to see you try. You and I both know how much you enjoy the way I make you feel."

"O-Obanai!" You whine, hands moving up to cover the blush that coats your entire face. You don't even need to look at him to know he's smirking under those bandages. "Not fair!" He just chuckles, standing from the bed. He holds out his hand for you to grab as he helps you to your feet. "It's just been something I've been thinking about lately. I figured that we could...I don't know...try it out and see how it goes?" Obanai sighs, bringing a hand up to run his thumb across your cheek.

"And you needed me to put Kaburamaru in his bed for you to tell me this?" Your face heats up more.

"I-I didn't want to say it in front of him!" He laughs, shaking his head. You just huff, giving a small pout as you cross your arms. The sight just causes Obanai to laugh a little more.

"Alright, alright. Thank you for thinking of him, my love." Just as he says that, your stomach growls. Come to think of it, you had started to get a little hungry on the way back from your trip.

"It's food time."

"Food time?" He chuckles, and you nod.

"Food time. I'll cook tonight!" You rush out into the kitchen and Obanai follows, grabbing Kaburamaru from his bed.

As you start preparing a meal for you and Obanai, you can't help but think about what you have planned for him, and a part of you hopes that he won't think it's too much. You glance over to the closet in the corner, a small smirk forcing its way onto your face.Oh, you have so much planned. You had gotten some supplies while you were out and, thankfully, Obanai had listened when you told him to stay in the bedroom. It gave you enough time to hide the rope. You had seen Obanai use it while "training" some of the slayers (he tied them up to use as targets to avoid during his training), so you figured you would try to use it on him. You weren't going to tie him upall the way, no. Just enough to immobilize his hands. They have a tendency to get greedy when it comes to you, and you can't have that.

You hum quietly as you cook, but you have to keep forcing yourself to pay attention to the task at hand. You're just getting ahead of yourself by imagining him on his knees. You shake the thought from your mind, and it's almost like Obanai can sense that you're not totally focused on cooking as he moves to stand next to you.

"It seems like you could use some help. You look...distracted, my love." You shake your head, eyes trained on stirring the soup. Obanai moves his index finger to your chin, turning your head so that you're looking at him. He tilts his head, raising an eyebrow. "I know you, love. What's going on in that head of yours?"

"I'm just trying to remember what else I need for this soup." You tell him. It's a plausible answer, but Obanai's more receptive than that.

"Liar. You've got that look on your face like you're plotting something." You can't help but grin.He really does know you so well.

"Okay, okay, you got me, I am plotting. However, what I'm plotting is not currently your concern."

"Not currently? So it will concern me at some point?" You just know that he's grinning from under those bandages.

"Maybe it will, but right now I'm trying to stir this soup. You can help by grabbing some green onions to cut up, please." He hums, still way too curious about your plan, but he'll let it slide for now. He goes to grab the bag of green onions from the shelf, but notices that it's empty.

"There's no more in the bag. I think we have some extra in the closet." You see him start to walk over to the closet, and a bit of panic sets in.

"N-no it's okay, darling! Here, you stir the soup and I'll grab the onions."

"But I'm closer to the closet. I don't mind grabbing them."

"Wait-!" Before you can stop him, Obanai opens the closet door. He scans the shelves for a second before finding the spare bag of green onions and grabs it, turning around and shutting the closet door. No f*cking way he didn't see the rope. He walks back over to the counter, grabbing the knife from the cabinet. You take a deep breath before returning to the soup.

After a few moments, the soup is done and ready to be served. You can feel your heart still pounding from that close call with the rope. You really hope he didn't see it, but even if he did, Obanai hasn't said a word about it. Instead, he urges you to sit at the low table, offering to serve it since you had done all of the cooking. Once he gives you your bowl, Obanai sits next to you and starts unwrapping his bandages. You can't help but watch him. Every time his bandages come off, you're left in awe. He's just so beautiful, scars and all, and all you can do is admire him. He notices you looking and blushes a little.

"Why do you watch me every time I take them off?" He asks, referring to the bandages. You grab the chopsticks beside your bowl and hum, shrugging.

"Because you're just too beautiful for menot to watch. It makes me happy when they come off because it shows how much you trust me. That, and I can also do this." You lean over to give him a quick smooch on the cheek, giggling. He smiles softly at you, grabbing his own chopsticks. The first time he had shown you his scars, he was so terrified about what you'd think of him, terrified that you'd recoil and call him hideous. You did none of those things. Instead, you held his hands and gave him the softest smile he'd ever seen. You had been so gentle with him, so understanding and kind that it had made him tear up. You spent the rest of the night holding him close, planting soft little kisses all across his face, and whispering to him all of the things you adored about him. He had asked you to court him the very next day, still curled up at your side.

You both eat the soup in semi-silence, just taking in each others' presence. You pick up a tiny piece of tororo kombu from your soup, holding it out for Kaburamaru to try, giggling as he flicks his tongue at it. Your mind is still a tad occupied with plotting, but you push it to the side for just a moment to enjoy this meal with him. Afterwards, Obanai offers to do the dishes as you clean up the table from dinner, grabbing the bowls from your hands before he walks outside to wash them. While he's occupied, you quickly sprint to the closet and grab the rope off of the ground, rushing to the bedroom. You scan the room, trying to figure out a good place to hide it. You're left with two options: under the futon or shoved behind the clothes closet. You decide to go for the closet, figuring it to be the safest option. You just manage to push the rest of it in place when you hear Obanai return. He calls your name and you respond back, making your way into the kitchen.

"What were you doing? You look out of breath." He states, putting the bowls away. You push your hair out of your face, taking a deep breath before responding.

"I just had to put something away in the bedroom real quick."

"Oh? What is it?"

"A surprise. For you." Obanai turns to face you, intrigued.

"Really? When do I get to see what it is?" You move closer to him, arms moving to rest on his shoulders. You can just barely see the blush that appears on his face from your closeness and you sigh.

"That much do you love me?" He smiles as his hands reach to run down your sides, stopping on your hips.

"I love you a lot, more than anyone could ever know. You know that." You giggle, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"I know, I just wanted to hear you say it." Obanai hums, leaning forward to kiss you. He's so sweet and gentle around you, and you can't help the way your heart melts as you kiss him back. Your right hand moves up to cup his jaw, pulling him just a little closer. He hums again, more curious about your intentions, but he obliges, tugging on your hips. It starts off as slow, sweet little kisses before you start to grow a tad hungry. You only pull away when you feel Kaburamaru's tongue flick against your cheek, almost like he's giving you a little kiss. You giggle a little at the feeling, your eyes moving from him back to Obanai, and you're a little taken aback when you notice that the teal and yellow in his eyes are just a smidge darker.Uh oh.

"Should I put him in his room?" Obanai asks, and you feel that small pang of arousal as you realize what he's insinuating. You only nod as the heat rises to your face. He gives a low laugh at your expression before walking over to Kaburamaru's little room to settle him in. He's quick to walk back, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the bedroom. Your heart thumps in your chest as he shuts the door behind you, especially since you know thatthis is it. You'll actually be able to put your plan into action. He did say that you could be in control this time, after all. Obanai's quick to capture you in a heated kiss again, both hands running up to cup your cheeks as he starts to guide you towards the futon. You reach up to drag your fingers through the hair closest to his scalp and he groans in response. You break away from the kiss for just a second, trying to catch your breath.

"Darling," You coo, a little nervous to bring it up again, "do you remember what I asked earlier?" He kisses you again before responding.

"About letting you be in charge this time? I do remember. Why do you ask?" You grin as his kisses move from your mouth to your jaw and down your neck.

"Because," you gasp as you feel him nip at a spot before soothing it with his tongue, "y-your surprise has something to do with that. Can I grab it for you, please?" Obanai hums, not ready to break away from you just yet. He gives you one more love bite to your neck before letting you go. "Okay, sit on the futon and close your eyes. No peeking!" He does what he's told, covering his hands over his eyes. The little curious voice in his head tells him to peek, but he knows better than that. You rush over to the closet to pull the rope out, nerves bubbling as you make your way back in front of him. "Open!" Obanai opens his eyes, curiously tilting his head when he sees the small bundle of rope in your hands. He grabs at the loose end that hangs from your hands, running his fingers along the fibers.

"What is this for, my love?" He asks, looking back up at you. You can't help the wicked little grin that crosses your face.

"It's for you, darling!" Despite all of the clues being right in front of him, he still doesn't seem to understand why you're giving him some rope. "Darling, do you remember when you did Hashira training with some of the slayers? How did you do that?"

"Well, I wanted to test their ability to avoid targets, so I tied some of them to some poles so that the others would be more aware of their targets and-" He stops short, and you can see the realization appear on his face as his gaze moves from you to the rope and back to you, "You're planning to tie me up? Is that what this is for?" You giggle, nodding.

"Not completely, like you did with those poor slayers. Just your hands, really." You pull the rope out of his hands to run your own across it and Obanai shivers a little at the thought of you tying him up. You reallydidmean it when you said you wanted to be in control. "Maybe more, if need be."Oh sh*t. "What do you think, darling?" You can tell from the look on his face that he's really thinking about it, and you can see the way he pulls a little bit of his bottom lip between his teeth.

"O-okay." You grin, kneeling down in front of him.

"First, I want you to get undressed a little. It'll be harder to take off your haori and uniform if your hands are tied up." He visibly gulps, nodding, and moves to slide his haori off of his shoulders, placing it beside him. His hands reach for the top button of his uniform and you can just barely see the way they shake a little. When his fingers fumble to undo the buttons, you reach forward to help him. He reaches back to tug the uniform top over his head once they're undone enough, slowly revealing his chiseled torso to you. You suck in a breath at the sight. You'll never get used to seeing Obanai shirtless. You blink a few times before you remember the task at hand.

"Okay, put your hands in your lap. I don't want to hurt your arms by keeping your hands behind you, so I'll do it like this instead." Obanai does as he's told, pressing his hands together and settling them on his lap. His breath hitches a little as you begin to wrap the rope around his wrists. There's just enough from the bundle you grabbed that you're able to make a nice little knot without having any extra that he can pull on to get out of. "There. How does that feel?" Obanai finds that his brain seems to be short-circuiting as he stares at his tied-up wrists. "Darling?" You ask, concerned at his lack of an answer.

"I-it feels good..." His voice is quiet, almost nervous, and you've never seen him like this before. Well, except when he asked you to court him, but other than that Obanai Iguro being quiet like this when it came to getting intimate with you is pretty much a first. He won't look up at you, eyes trained on the rope that keeps his hands together and unmoving.What the hell is this feeling? It's a weird feeling, and he can't help but notice the way the fabric of his hakama pants feels just a tad tighter than before. You just hum, moving the index finger of your right hand to his chin, forcing him to look up at you. His eyes are hooded and dark, mouth slightly agape, and the sight of him looking at you like this sends a feeling of arousal straight to your core.

"What're you thinking about, darling?" Your voice turns sultry and alluring, and you can see the way he shifts a little. You remember back to when you thought about Obanai on his knees while you had been cooking dinner and you grin, desperately needing the thought to become reality. You have to pace yourself, though. This shift in energy is new to the both of you, and you don't want to overwhelm him, though it clearly seems that he is already.

"" He stutters over his words, his mind still unable to fully comprehend the swirl of emotions and arousal he feels. The only thing that he knows at the moment is that he waswrong when he told himself you didn't have the courage to be in control. He was absolutely wrong.

"We can stop if it's too overwhelming, darling."Gods, yourvoice. The way the words seem to slither off your tongue in such a way that has him completely and utterly hooked to you, it's a little too much to handle. But he knows that he definitely doesn't want you to stop. He doesn't want you to stop looking at him the way you are, like you want to devour him. The thought makes his hips twitch a little and you notice the movement, causing you to blush. Obanai shakes his head, too stunned at the moment for words. "You're sure?" He nods, mouth still hanging open a little, and you giggle. "Can I ask you something then?"

"Wh-what?" His voice is shaky and his eyes go wide when you lean down to get close to his ear.

"Can you get on your knees for me?" You whisper, and you can hear the breath he releases, the way it kind of sounds like a whine as it escapes him. "Please?" You add, and Obanai slides off of the futon onto the floor, sitting back on his legs. You want to praise him for it, but seeing the way he's reacted to you thus far you feel that it might not be a good idea at the moment. You stand up straight, looking down at him, and you wish you engrave this entire moment in your mind forever. Obanai's sitting so nicely, so patiently for you, looking up at you with his pretty eyes, mouth slightly parted and bare chest starting to heave a little as he pants. You find yourself getting wet at the sight, he just looks so pretty like this. Your eyes travel down his body, taking everything in when you take notice of the slight bulge he's trying to hide with his arms. You take a step closer to him, reaching your hand to press against his cheek. He leans into it before turning his head and planting a kiss on your palm with a low moan. You can just barely hear him mumble something.

"What was that?" You ask. His gaze turns back to you, a dark blush creeping up his neck and across his face as he realizes that you heard him. He hadn't really been thinking straight when he whispered it into the palm of your hand, but now here you were, asking him to say it out loud. He opens his mouth like he wants to say it, but the words stop in his throat. You press your hand against his cheek again, gently stroking your thumb against the skin, and it seems to encourage him just a little bit.

"I-I said...I said...uhm..." You tilt your head, curious, and he looks away, too embarrassed to look into your eyes. "I said...touch me...please?" Your eyes widen a little at the request, but you're more than happy to oblige. You squat down in front of him so you can reach better as your fingers begin to trail across his jawline and down his neck. Obanai closes his eyes at the feeling, and you feel a pang in your gut when you realize that you don't want him to close his eyes.

"Look at me, Obanai." His eyes snap open and he blushes, hard. You've never seen him blush this much-

"Yes, ma'am." He whispers, and you almost choke as you gasp.Oh...oh my f*cking gods... Your fingers stop abruptly at his collarbone as you're left stunned. He looks at you, a little concerned, before trying to stumble out an apology. "I-I'm sorry...I shouldn't have-"

", don't apologize. That was...f*ck, darling..." You can feel yourself shudder as you replay that sentence in your mind over again.f*cking hell... Your fingers stutter a little as you continue, and the weight you feel in the pit of your gut is strong. You press the palm of your hand against his chest as you continue, and you grin when you hear him let out a low whimper. Your fingers were so teasing, and it feels like there's a fire flowing under his skin that's left behind by your touch. He's so sensitive to it all. Your hand travels lower and lower until you press against his abdomen, feeling the muscles flutter under the palm of your hand. He wants you to go lower, you're so close to where he wants you, where he needs you. He wants to feel your fingers drag under the waistband of his pants, touch him more. Instead, you remove your hand, standing above him again. Obanai whines at the absence of your touch, but you pay his desperation no mind.

His beautiful, mismatched eyes look up at you, pleading for you to keep going, to touch him more. He shivers at the way your right hand comes back down to cup his cheek, running your thumb against the scar that resides there. You're so gentle, yet so domineering in this moment, and the thought makes him twitch as he watches you, taking you all in. Your smile is laced with mischief as your thumb moves from his cheek to his lips, slowly tugging at the bottom one. His eyes widen.

"Will you be good for me, darling?" The moan that passes his lips surprises him and he nods. Yes, he'll be so good for you, so good, as long as you touch him more.You smile as you hum at his response. "Mmh...good boy." His whole body stills except for his hardness, which twitches in his pants. "Do you want me to touch you more?"

"Oh f*ck...please touch me. I-I can't take it...please." You kneel down this time, face-to-face with him. Gently, you bring your hands up to cup his face, pulling him closer to kiss him. Obanai groans into the kiss, fingers twitching. You swipe your tongue against his bottom lip and he eagerly lets you in, giving you free reign to explore as you please. As you do, your left hand travels from his cheek to the back of his head, intertwining his dark hair between your fingers. You break away from the kiss and Obanai whines in protest, needing to feel more of you on him.

Both of your hands move to rest on his chest as you lean in to press your lips against his neck. You realize, with a slight smirk, that you're willing to tease him for as long as you please. He shudders as your kisses trail down his neck, and you relish in the way his breath hitches and turns into a whiny moan when you start to suck and nip at the skin. You continue to trail down his neck to his collar bone, leaving dark hickeys in your wake. When you pull away, you grin at the amount of dark spots you've created. Thank gods the uniform buttons up to the neck.With a grin, you move to the other side of his neck, repeating the same, slow process. Obanai's head falls back, giving you more access to his neck and collarbone. You press a gentle kiss to the last dark spot you leave, pulling away. You look down again and notice the way his hands are shaking as they remain on his lap. You know just how much he wants to touch you right now, but you refuse to let him have his way this time.

"I'm starting to think that I've had enough of teasing you, darling." Obanai moans as you stand, eyes wide as you begin to undress yourself. "There's another thing that I want to try from this position." He watches, eagerly, as you start to pull off your uniform. Heloves your body, adores it and worships it when he can, and you can just see the adoration in his eyes when you finally pull off your hakama pants. "I want you to eat me out, okay darling?" Obanai nods as you start to step closer to him.

"C-can you untie me,please? I want...I need to touch you..." You hum, thinking for a second, before reaching down to grab the rope on his wrists. You untie the knot, rubbing the skin on his wrists to soothe them. As soon as you release him, Obanai has his hands on you, running his left hand up and down your leg. You bite your lip as you carefully put a leg over his shoulder, your heat so close to his mouth. With a low groan, he practically dives in, right hand moving up to grab your thigh and keep you steady as his tongue swipes from your entrance to your cl*t. You gasp his name at the feeling, head hanging forward as he continues to lick and suck on your cl*t. The hand that was trailing up and down your leg moves up as Obanai's attention remains on your bundle of nerves, his finger pressing against your entrance.

"Obanai, please." You moan, and he listens, slowly sinking a finger into you. Eating you out is one of his favorite things to do. He loves making you squirm and whine as he works you to the edge with the part of him that he despises the most. Each time you release on his tongue makes him hate that part of himself just a little less. Your moans and whines become louder as Obanai exchanges one finger for two, curling them inside you as you squeeze him. "Oh,just like that...such a good boy..." He relishes in the praise, fingers digging into your thigh as he feels you getting closer and closer to your org*sm, your walls spasming around his fingers. You start to lose your breath, gasping as he curls his fingers once more, and you're done for. You whimper and whine as you cum on his fingers, panting as he continues to press his tongue against your cl*t. When it becomes too much, you push away, moving your leg off of his shoulder. Obanai looks absolutely pleased, mouth covered with your juices as he sucks the remnants of your org*sm off of his fingers. When you look him up and down, you notice the very prominent bulge in his pants and you grin.

"My poor darling," You coo, kneeling in front of him again, "I've kept you waiting for too long now, haven't I?" He nods, eyes wide as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Do you want me to fix that?" Obanai nods again, more eagerly.

"Please, my love. hurts. I need you so bad." He leans forward to capture your lips in a desperate kiss, truly trying to get his point across about just howbadly he needs you right now. You sigh against his lips, willing to give him anything and more.

"Okay," You mumble into the kiss before pulling away. "I want you to lay back on the bed. I promise I'll make you feel good." Once again, Obanai obeys, doing exactly as you tell him. You climb into the bed over him, watching with keen eyes as he hurriedly starts to undo the buckle on his pants. You tilt your head, egging him on as he wiggles out of his hakama pants, tossing them to the side. Finally no longer confined by the fabric, a low moan escapes him, his arm coming up to rest over his face. He moves his arm away and sits up a little, eager to watch when he feels your hot breath closer to him. A broken gasp falls from his lips as he watches you wrap your lips around the tip of him, head falling back as you slowly sink your way down, swallowing him whole. It's too much for him, especially after how long you've kept him waiting. His high-pitched whines and whimpers fill the air as your tongue presses along the underside of his shaft. Once you've taken him as far as you can go, you start to bob your head, your slow pace excruciating.

"Please...oh f*ck...please-" Obanai whines, breath hitching in his throat as he continues to watch you. Your hands press down on his hips, keeping him from involuntarily thrusting into your mouth. The way he whines as you suck him deeper sends shivers down your entire body and leaves another ache to rest in your core. They're needy and erotic, and you relish in the way he twitches in your mouth as you start to quicken your pace. His praise and begs become incomprehensive as you work him closer to his org*sm and you watch his reactions through your lashes, humming around him when you see his eyes roll back in his head. Obanai can't help it. Your mouth just feels so f*cking good on him. "I'm so f*cking close, love." He pants, his whines and moans becoming louder and more desperate as you drag him towards that edge. He mumbles obscenities under his breath, hand coming up to cover his mouth as his hips uselessly try to rut into you. "O-ohf*ck...m'gonna-" his sentence is interrupted by a long, pathetic whine as he c*ms, thick and hot, down your throat. You can hear him suck his teeth as your lips continue to drag up his shaft and swallow everything he's given you. You pull away with a noisy pop, wiping the drool off of your mouth as you watch Obanai drops back onto the bed, breathless. His hand comes to rest on his abdomen, eyes closed as he comes down from his high. You giggle when he shivers, capturing his attention. He holds an arm out and you get his message, dropping onto the bed by his side. He lazily wraps an arm around you, holding you close as you leave soft little kisses around his mouth.

"So, how was that?" Obanai just hums, completely and utterly satisfied. You laugh, nodding in agreement. "Is this something we would do again another time?"

"Most likely, yes. You're quite stunning when you're in control, my love." You smirk, wiggling so that your lips are inches from his ear.

"And you look so pretty when I have control over you, darling," You purr, and Obanai groans, pushing your face away. "What? I'm not wrong. It's pretty hot when you beg. Oh my gods, and the 'yes, ma'am'? f*cking hell, Obanai." He laughs at that, shuffling his body so that he can cuddle you close to his chest. You can hear him chuckle as he lays his chin on your head.

"Yes, ma'am," He whispers, teasing, and you squeal, pushing your blushing face into his chest. "I think you should come up with plans like that more often, love." You nod in agreement, moving to wrap your arm over his waist, drawing lazy circles on his back with your finger. He hums as he plants a kiss on the top of your head, and you've never felt more at peace than you have in that moment.

Various Demon Slayer One-Shots - Chapter 6 - littleladylilac - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.