The Georgia alert, 1956 - 1958 (2024)


Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, George J. Hearn, Stat

01. 6,- No. I

January, 1956

~~Big Voice" from Sky

May Warn of Attack

SAYS - - -
I wish to commend the merican Legion for its continued support of the Civil Defense Program.
In one of its most positive actions, the American Legion National Convention in Miami, Florida, October 10-13, 1955, adopted unanimous ly a 10-point report of the Committee on Civil Defense of the
ational Security Commiss ion. In calling upon the Congress, the Administration, State and Local Governments, and the Legion itself for active support of Civil Defense at all levels, members urged that the
ation move immediately toward adequacy in home survival measures.
The Committee concluded its report with the added recommendation that "consideration be given to include the American Legion Auxiliary Civil Defense Committee in future pre-convention briefings," in view of the fact that Civil Defense is of equal interest to Auxiliary members.

A "big voice" from the sky may some day provide the warning and information which will save families in rural America from the effects of nuclear attack.
o farmer in the fields, or housewife shopping, or child on the way home from school would be beyond danger warnings with an airplane mounted transitor amplifier now under development by sound specialists and the Federal Civil Defense Administration.
NUKE mE ,the flying public address systems would not only warn of impend ing danger, but could be used to give directions on how to protect against it. For example, deadly radioactive fallout drifting downwind from a blasted target city could be charted. People in its path could be warned to evacuate or stay clear of any danger area.
The voice warning system would be effective in alerting people quickly to the complex dangers of biological warfare. It would be ideal to spread the word of an approaching tornado, flash flood or similar localized Tlatural hazard.
Airborne Paul Reveres with "big voice" equipment also would help to overc ome the I imitations of Cone lrad, the system of emergency radio broadcasting which, of course, cannot alert those oeyond the reach of a rad io rece iver or in areas where Conelrad stations do not provide coverage.

FCtJA officials are quick to add, however, that both sirens and Conelrad are basic warning devices.
LFHED P. ~lILLER, director of the FCDA Warning and Communications Office, points out that "the siren still gives more sound per dollar than any other system." A voice warning system, however, provides voice information not obtainable with sirens, but essential in any evacuation of people.
Conelrad also is extremely valuable, .\liller says, because radio gives a degree of blanket coverage unobtainable at such low cost with any other system.
In addition to airplane-mounted units, portable loudspeakers could be installed on trucks, at key intersections or downtown areas to route evacuation traffic and pedestrians to safety. Battery-operated megaphones would. be used extensively by civil defense workers.
Fixed P systems also would be installed in rural reception areas near large cities to give instructions to the vast number of evacuees from target cities.
To find out exactly how many units of each type of PA equipment are needed in different types of cities and how much it would cost, FCDA is planning application studies next year in a predominantly industrial city and a residential-business type

Continued on Page 4

Continued on Page 4



Published monthly by the
959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E.
FRM~K A. KOPF Deputy Director CHARLES T. WHITE Public Informotion Officer MRS. JOHN G. LEWIS Coordinator, Women's Activities JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer KELSO HEARN Administrative Aide JERRY CAUBLE Northern Area Di rector A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSON Southwestern Area 0 irector HOYLE R. YANDLE Southeastern Area Director
There will be a five-day Civil Defense Staff College Course held at the University of Georgia, February 6-10, 1956. This course is being sponsored by the State Civil Defense Division in cooperation with the Federal Civil Defense Administration and the University of Georgia.
Any person interested in civil defense is cordially invited to attend this course. You should contact Mr. Larry Walker, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, for details concerning registration, lodging, etc.
Each of the civil defense services will be discussed at length by a group of specialists with experience in that service. Some of the subjects to be studied are "Effects of Wartime Weapons," "Civil Defense Analysis," "Operation and Organization in Support Areas," "Peacetime Disaster Control and Its Relation to Civil Defense," "Civil Defense in Schools and Colleges."

Hoke J. Duncan
A visitor to the Dalton, Georgia Civil Defense Control Center any Monday evening is bound to meet Hoke J. Duncan, Deputy Director and Assistant Communications Officer of Da lton. Hoke has a perfect attendance record on the Disaster
et for the past 62 weeks. He has not missed a drill night on the Disaster et since Dalton has been on the air. He has also been on the air every time the Disaster et has been called into session for tornado alerts and storm warnings.
He holds a General Class amateur radio license with the Call Letters K4CC5.
In addition to his duties as Deputy Director of Dalton Civil Defense and Assistant Communications Officer, he has been Ground Observer Corps Supervisor at the Dalton post for more than two years. Mr. Duncan served two years in the Army Signal Corps, is a graduate of Piedmont College with an AB Degree and a graduate of Vanderbilt College with a BS Degree. He is employed as sanitarian of the Whitfie ld County Health Clinic where he has worked for the last eight years.
Under Mr. Duncan's direction and with the cooperation of Mr. Julian Longley, Dalton's Communications

new half-hour dramatic and news show on civil defense, "By The People," will be broadcast weekly by the Mutual Broadcasting System starting January 1-
The show, written and produced by top professional talent working in close cooperation with the Federal Civil Defense Administration, has an unusual format. The first 25 minutes are devoted to a dramatic portrayal of the experiences of a small town newspaper editor as he works to interest his community in building a sound civil defense program. The last five minutes cons ist of a summary of civil defense news. The format is so arranged that local MBS stations may use the news from the Mutual network, or cut in with local civil defense news.
William L. Shaffer, a Greeley, Colorado, farmer with extensive civil defense experience, has been named Rural Consultant to Federal Civil Defense Administrator Val Peterson and assigned to FCDA's Tactical Operations Office in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Shaffer, with a background of 18 years of farming and livestock feeding in the Rocky Mountain area, planned and directed "Operation Welcome," the first successful test of rural care for evacuees, held in Weld County, Colorado, last year.
As deputy civil defense director of eld County, haffer originated and directed the organization of a countywide rural civil defense considered to be a model for the nation. Seven thousand farm families were organized under a three-point program of food prod uction, care for evacuees and assessing food supplies.
Officer, and Irs. Marion Sims, the Director, a volunteer crew of women operators has been recruited and trained and are ready to meet any emergency that may occur in the Dalton area.


The Columbus-Muscogee County Civil Defense Organization is preparing complete EVACUATION AND SURVIVAL PLANS. Until then, follow these instructions:
If an Air Raid Alert should occur (announced by Siren. Radio, or otherwise) _


a. KEEP CALM - Do not Ret excited.
b. DRIVE OUT the nearest one of these Escape Routes Drive Carefully. Speed 40 mph. Keep four car lenRths between cars. Follow these instructions and all vehicles can be cleared within 2 hours.


c. DO NOT CROSS any of these escape roads. NO CROSS TRAFFIC can be permitted.


d. ALL TRAFFIC will be OUTBOUND on all roads. except as noted for Victory HiRh_y.

CU ETA ROAD - Benning Blvd. - Traffic Circle, Then follow VlCTORY HI G H -

e. ONE LANE ONLY on RIVER ROAD. All others, two lanes. STAY IN


f. HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR. Fill your car. Pick up anyone wbo has no ride.


Dixon Wadsworth,

VlCTORY IDGHWAY - Use ORrn LANES (left lanes)
I ONLY to Traffic Circle.
Keep ourn LANES (right lan",,) OPE FOR TROOP


MO\F.~rE:\l if required.

-_----!.!._-<~SE=B .0T.1l. EIl.S:ID:Kl =~~-

The t.:ivil Defense Office of Columbus has printed 30,000 of the above Tentative Evacuation Instructions Cards and they are being distributed through the Sheriff's Office, issuing one with each automobile Or truck tag which is
p urcha sed.

The Federal Civil Defense Administration announced that 1300 of the ation's radio stations will receive special joint awards from FCDA, the Air Force, and the Federal Communications Commission, "in recognition of public service to the people of the United States through participation in the Conelrad system of emergency broadcasting."
Upon receipt of an alert, all broadcast stations go off the air. FM and TV stations remain off the air while the standard AM stations that are part of the Conelrad system change their transmitting frequency to either 640 or 1240 kilocycles and return to the air to broadcast emergency messages.

The Federal Civil Defense Administration has recently announced that seven U.S. Weather Bureau meteorologists will be assigned to FCDA's RegionaI Offices throughout the ation
- Concurrent with transfer of the meteorologists, FCOA's Regional Offices will begin receiving by teletype all Weather Bureau observations in the
nited States. The circuit will provide weather alerts, warnings and twice daily fallout forecasts.
ssignment of the meteorologists is in line with the recent delegation by the President to the Department of Commerce of res pons ibility "to prepare and issue currently, as well as during emergency forecasts and estimates of areas likely to be covered by fallout as a result of enemy attack on the United States."


The first line of civil defense after a nuclear attack would be a comparative handful of "detectives" ranging over the nation's towns and farms in search of invisible but deadly "culprits. "
Armed with rad iation survey meters, these scientific operatives would be looking for dangerously radioactive areas where the deadly fallout particles had landed as far as 200 miles downwind from H-bomb explosions.
ESSE TIALLY, Their job would be to take readings in areas suspected of radiation contamination, and plot those readings on a map. These results could then be used in doublechecking the Federal Civil Defense Administration's national fallout plot, based on Weather Bureau wind forecasts.
Until advised otherwise, no farmer or city evacuee should stir outside of shelter in possibly contaminated rural areas.
Some of the radiological monitoring teams now train with airplanes, which would be vital for faster radiological scanning of vast rural areas. Another advantage of airborne units is that they could fly over dangerously radioactive fallout areas that they wouldn't dare approach on the ground, where radiation intensity would be so much greater.
USI G MATHEMATICAL formula, airborne monitors can apply the weaker aerial radiation readings to figuring the fallout inte ns ity on the ground below them.
Already the technique has received considerable testing, including the scanning of FCDA's "Survival City" after it was blasted during Operation Cue last May at the Atomic Energy Commission's evada Test Site.
On the shoulders of the radiological monitoring teams around the nation would fall the grave responsibility of being the "eyes" and "ears" of civil defense in searching for the invisible and silent alpha and beta particles and gamma rays.

The State Civil Defense HACES Communications et was called into session on an unscheduled drill Sunday morning to determine how many radio operators could be contacted without prior notice and they, in turn, were to contact the local Civil Defense Directors and deliver a season's greetings message from State Headquarters.
The drill was said to be highly successful by Jack Grantham, State Communications Coordinator and Jack Farr, State RACES Radio Officer. Of 139 RACES operators, 75 were contacted within one hour delivering 56 messages and rece iving 26 answers within the hour. These messages, in turn, were relayed through the alternate State RACES station to General Hearn, State Civil Defense Director in Atlanta.
General Hearn stated at the close of the drill that through the cooperation of the amateur radio operators it is felt that even during an attack we could expect amateur communications to function to a satisfactory degree throughout the State. The General likewise extended congratulations to the amateurs for their fine work.
The Civil Defense Dipision extends its deepest sympathy to Mr. Jack L. Grantham, our Communications Coordinator, in the loss of his Father, who passed away on
10 December, 1955


Continued from Page 1
city amonp; others.
PRELIMI AllY ST DIES indicate the cost of a voice-sound system would run about 20 to 30 cents per person. Federal money is available now on a matching fund basis to install such equipment when cities and towns request it.
The aerial "big voice" still awaits additional development of a practical loudspeaker system likely employing transitors instead of vacuum tubes.
ix different firms are now working with FCDA on this project.
FCDA officials point out that transitor speaker systems eventually would be cheaper to build and maintain, more adaptable to weather and last longer.
Because of their much lighter weight and lower power consumption, they could be used on helicopters or light planes, which are cheaper to buy and operate, and are able to fly closer to the ground for greater audibility.
Special civil defense courses for clergymen will be offered by the FCDA Staff College at Battle Creek, ~lichigan, ay 29 through June 1, 1956, and August 24 through 27, 1956.
o tuition fee is charged for this instruction and the cost of transportation, food and housing will be borne by the clergymen or sponsoring organization.
Enrollment and registration for this course can be made through the Civil Defense Division, 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E., Atlanta 16, Ga.

Continued from Page 1
Some of the ten points ~dopted
were: "To extend the Legion's utmost
assistance to Civil Defense at all leve Is by participation in all phases of CD, particularly in education of the public for "self-help" in CD emergency and in recruitment and training of personne I; and further that the FCDA recommend, after study, a standard individual first-aid subsistence food-pack to be included in the Legion's "self-help" educational program."
"To provide that each Legion Post establish a rescue team for disaster relief and CD emergency and to aid in acquiring the necessary rescue equipment; this in view of the fact that national CD requirements call for at least 10,000 active rescue teams, with only 2,000 units now established, including 1,000 Legion rescue teams."
"The American Legion proffer the services of its organization and membership to take an active role in such a program, and Legion Posts throughout the ation be urged to support this project for life and survival, as well as God and country,"
"Pledge the support of all Departments, Posts and Districts and of the ir officers to give assistance and encouragement to the Civil Defense Program."
The Federal Civil Defense Administration has published a six page Technical Bulletin (TB-16-3, dated December 1955) titled "Industry Defense -Sources of Reference and guidance."

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Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division,

01. 6, No. 2

Atlanta, Ga.

MARCH 1956



George J. Hearn
SAYS - - -
Lets Be Frank!
Can our home commumties really be attacked? Yes, our cities can be destroyed because there is no absolute defense against atomic weapons. All right, how are we going to live with this thing? For live with it we must, and will-just as all other nations now must live with it.
I can best answer that question by asking you another. How do you live under constant threat of death, on the highway, in the polio ward, or in a tuberculosis sanitarium, in a heart disease clinic, on the operating table, at the hands of prowlers or in the blazing ruins of your home?
Those are dangers that beset us every day of our lives. Yet we have learned to live with them because we have set up protecti" e services in our communities to control the
Continued on Page 4

President Eisenhower, in his Budget Message to Congress January 16,1956, requested 123,200,000 for the Federal Civil Defense Administration for the fiscal year 1957, beginning July 1,1956.
In line with the President's stateme nt thatthe re ques t is "a s tren gth ened effort on the part of the Federal government to assist the States and cities in devising the most effective common defense," the proposed budget, in comparison with funds voted this fiscal year by the Congress, carries increases ranging from about 40 per cent to over 100 per cent in funds earmarked for State and local civil defense programs. These funds are covered under the
sections on Operations; Federal Contributions; Emergency Supplies and Equipment; Surveys, Plans and Hesearch; and Civil Defense Functions of Federal Agencies.
The fund request represents an over-all increase of nearly 80 per cent over the amount Congress appropria ted for civil defense this fiscal year, when the final appropriation totaled 68,675,000.
The President had this to say about civil defense:
"The key to our civil defense is the expanded continental defense program, including the distant early warning system. Additional progress has been made in the civil defense program under the Federal Civil Defense Administration. Comprehensive studies are being conducted jointly

by the Federal Civil Defense dministration, the States and critical target cities to determine the best procedures that can be adopted in case of an atomic attack. Such planning has vital national importance and parallels the necessity for maintaining a strong military establishment.
"This budget provides for a strengthened effort on the part of the Federal government to assist the States and cities in devising the most effective common defense. It includes funds to extend civil defense preparations in more metropolitan target zones in accordance with recent recommendations of a special committee on civil defense. Funds also are included to accelerate procurement of field-type emergency hospitals and increase stockpiles of medical and rarliological supplies. "
Colonel Charles 1. (Charlie) Ford, Jr., formerly Health and Welfare
ervices Coordinator, Atlanta Mettropolitan Area of Civil Defense and later serving as Assistant Senior Attack Warning Officer, Headquarters, 26th Air Di vision (Defense) Roslyn, ew York, has been transferred back to Atlanta as Assistant Senior Attack Warning Officer, Headquarters, 35th Air Division (Defens e) Dobbins Air Force Gase, Marietta, Georgia.



Published monthly by the
CIVIL DEFENSE DIVISION 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E.
FRANK A. KOPF Deputy Director CHARLES T. WHITE Public Information Officer MRS. JOHN G. LEWIS Coordinator, Women's Activities JACK L. GRANTHAM Commu.,ications OHi cer KELSO HEARN Administrative Aide JERRY CAUBLE Northern Area Director A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSON Southwestern Area 0 irector
On May 9-10, 1956, in Charlotte, . C., the Women in Civil Defense in tbe seven Southeastern States comprising Region III of tbe Federal
Civil Defense Administration wil.l
meet to hear the latest findings on hazards of radio-active fallout and bow present evacuation planning will affect not only the larger target areas but rural population as well.
"Women in Civil Defense" means every woman, not a group of individuals or an organization. You as a borne maker, teacher, business 01 professional woman are a "Woman in Civil Defense" and it is for you that tbis meeting is being planned.
Part of the program will be directed toward showing you how to evolve a basic survival plan for yourself and family in the event of enemy-caused or natural disaster. Part of the program will concern new, silOrt Clivil Defense training courses
from 2Y. to 12 hours in length. All of
these lIUly be incorporated into the year's work of any organized women's group, permitting the members to take Civil Defense training without having to attend those " extra" meetings it is so difficult to find time for.

Recently Atlanta's Hadio Amateur Communications Emergency Service Plan (RACES) was approved by FCOA and the FCC. This is the first city RACES plan to be approved in the State. The man "behind the gun" in this was William Clifford Lundquist, better known as "C liff. h He is the Atlanta Metropolitan Area Civil Defense Hadio Officer.
Cliff's first radio contact was back in the good old' 'spark" days, while he was in school. His room mate was Dr. H. F. Olson, Director of RCA Acoustical Labs. Dr. Olson's accomplishments in "Hi-Fi," and other electronic audio devices probably exceed that of any other living man today. One of Cliff's great accomplishments was the opportunity to operate a commercial Poulson 5 KW arc transmitter.
Amateur Radio Licenses are issued for five years each. Cliff is now working on his third license. From 1943 until the end of World War II, he was active in the War Emergency Service. He was also privileged to use the first "Audion"

radio tube wbich was produced on a
production basis. Only noo of these
tubes were manufactured and prior to World War I.
While living in Olds, Iowa, Cliff and some friends built their first crystal set. His first spark code signals were picked up from the Great Lakes aval Station, .seve~~ boats cruising on the Great Lakes, and by other amateurs. Encouraged by this response, the boys constructed spark transmitters from Model T automobile spark coils. They found that they could send messages for a distance of 50 miles. Today? We II, you name the part of the World you wisb to talk to, Cliff bas probably already done so.
Cliff received his first amateur license in 1920. In 1926, he graduated from the University of Iowa. He is employed by the American Associated Insurance Companies as Engineering Supervisor in Atlanta. He is married, has a son, Kenneth, who is now in the Air Corps taking pilot training at Bryan Air Force Base in Texas.
"Civil Defense is and will continue to be a very important part of our community's existence," states Cliff, who believes that the public has yet to be educated to the organization's true value.
March, 1956

_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : . . . . . THE ALERT

Picturedabove isthe first all-women radiological monitoring team in ueorgia. These ladies belong to the Ladies Auxiliary to Stanford Ellington Post No. 6447 at Thomaston, Georgia. This VFW Post purchased a Geiger Counter through the State Civil Defense Matching-fund program. Left to right, standing, Irma Cook, Junior Vice President; Angelo Mallory, Secretary; Lucille Daniel, President; Jettie Hawkins; Carri" Jenkins; Seated, left to right, Na-
omi Chapman; Eddie Conley (Gold Star Mother).

Groundwork for a new rural civil defense program, designed to strengthen the preparedness of the 55,000,000 persons who live in rural America, was laid at a conference in Washington, February 2 and 3.
The ational Advisory Council for Rural Civil Defense was organized at this meeting. The Federal Civil Defense Administration extended invitations to 14 national rural leaders. These incl ude the heads of the four major farm organizations, representing6,000,000 farmers in 30,OOOlocals.
Federal Civil Defense Administrator Val Peterson is the chairman. The U. S. Chamber of Commerce and the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Health, Education and Welfare are represented on the Council.
The chief function of the Council will be to help map the vital support role which those who live in areas far removed from the nation's potential target cities should be expected to play in any civil defense emergency.


At the last encampment of the VFW, this fine patriotic organization resolved to help the Georgia Civil Defense Program at the local level.
One program that they embarked upon was the procurement of radiological monitoring instruments for local civil defense use. They are also furnishing the personnel to make up radiological monitoring teams.
The following VFW Posts have already procured instruments:

Post- 8579 - Atlanta Post 6449 - Fairburn Post 5376 - Calhoun Post 3200 - Augusta Post 6447 - Thomaston Post 6442 - Oglethorpe Post 9709 - Macon Post 5374 -Jackson Post 3027 - Atlanta Post 2872 - Athens Post 6688 - Summerville

Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post

5290 - Metter 5893- McRae 4472 - Baxley 4904 - Bainbridge 6447 - Thomaston (Auxiliary) 5646 - Sandersville 2588 - Brunswick 4629 -LaGrange 4985 - Dalton 4382 - Waycross

These radiological monitoring instruments are available through the State Civil Defense Office on a matching-fund basis.
The above-listed VFW Posts are to be commended on their active interest in Civil Defense.

House trai lers may become rolling hospitals and portable rural reception centers for city evacuees during a civil defense emergency under a program being worked out by the trailer industry and the Federal Civil Defense Administration.
FCOA evacuation specialists say the use ()f trailers would take some of the load off farm areas and small towns which would be jammed with urban evacuees if major American target cities were attacked.
Trailer industry officials point out that each trailer has sleeping accommodations for a minimum of four persons. They estimated that most city dealers have at least 70 trailers in stock at all times. Under the plan, these would be made available for public use during an emergency.

March, 1956




Continued from Poge 1
worst of them, and we constantly strive to minimize or eliminate them.
Disease and accident, sorrow and death, are no strangers to us. We have learned to muster great spiritual reserves against the suffering
they entai 1. They do not and cannot
destroy us because we have ways to fight back at them, to overcome them, and finally to rise above them.
And so I say that this is a time for courage not confusion; for effort not apathy; for calm rational readiness, for anything that might come, rather than resignation. We will not be destroyed-indeed, we cannot be destroyed-once we face up to the fact that there are ways to guard ourselves against even the most terrible weapons.
Ours is a big country-a very big country - with big hands and big hearts and a will to win over any hazard to our homes. In the fight to do just that, someone must lead and since our families must survive if our nation is just to survive, each one of us must face up to our own res ponsibilities.
The home front answer to the threat of atomic warfare and the threats of aggressor nations or natural disaster is civil defense. In simplest terms civil defense can be described as a means for survival rather than death. It comprises all measures which can be taken to help people, communities, industrial plants and installations in anyemergency.
When you are trained and prepared through civil defense, to protect your home and loved ones, you are shouldering your big share of

Civil Defense volunteer rescue work ers are shown at PI easant Grave school which suffered about$10,OOO damage in a storm which struck the Dalton area an 18 FeLruary. From left: Graver Cline, Jake Duncan, W. E. Burch, Fire Chief Luther 3roome, Mrs. I. arion Sims, CD director, Hoke Duncan and Albert Davi s, superintendent a f County
Schools. (Photo by Frank Painter)


Dalton's Civil Defense rescue unit was called into action for the first time on the 18th of February because of tornadic winds which struck that area.
The mobile unit and equil-ment, purchased last year by the Dalton American Legion Post No. 112, was manned by several volunteer workers for two days after the storm struck.
Mrs. Marion Sims, local CD Director, in reviewing the first actual operation of the unit, said she was well pleased with the work. Volunteer crews were assembled and ready to go into the storm area 30 minutes after the call for them went out.
On Saturday, the work was directed by Fire Chief Luther Broome, and on Sunday by Hoke Duncan, local health sanitarian and chairman of the CD Communications committee.
Mrs. Sims said citizens who may be victims of future storms should call Civil Defense for assistance, pointing out that CD's purpose is to function in time of natural disaster as well as enemy attack.
"We are on call 24-hours a day, offering free service," she added.

the responsibiht} I:or national defense.
To the citizens of Georgia who are making our civil defense program a success, I salute you.

The last training month of all British military draftees is devoted to CiviI Defense.

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Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, George J. Hearn, State Director

Vol. 6, No. 3

Atl ant a, Ga.

May, 1956

George J. Hearn
SAYS - - -
It is most gratifying to note the increased interest in all quarters in Civil Defense.
Starting from the Federal level, where all departments have now been told the part they will play in Civil Defense, down to the man on the street, Civil Defense is coming into its own. People are beginning to realize that it is a way of life - a national insurance policy.
Three months ago we held a Civil Defense Staff College at the University of Georgia and had over fifty patriotic citizens in attendance. This is more than three times the number of students at our last Staff College which was held six months ago.
Talking with the various Local Oirec tors as I travel around the State, they tell me that it is easier now to get people to participate in
Continued on Page 4


Operation Alert 1956, the annual national civil defense test exercise, has been scheduled this year beginning July 20 to 26.
Operation Alert 1956, is intended to bring into action civil defense of the United States. It is primarily Ii training exercise to advance the continuing efforts of the Federal, State and local governments to bring a total ci vil defense into being.
In the assumed attack, two targets in Georgia will be struck. These will be Savannah and the Savannah River. Savannah will receive an assumed attack with a one megaton weapon, surface burst, and the Savannah River the same. Therefore, it is expected that for this exercise the full civil defense forces of the Citie~ of Augusta aml Savannah will go into operation with all other parts of the State acting in support.
Plans are proceeding for the provisions of adequate communications and all cities throughout the State are urged to begin planning now for their part in this exercise.
The purposes of this civil defense exercise are: rehearsal of operational procedures; the testing of civil defense air raid warnings; the testing of coordination of emergency plans of the local agencies in the use of resources; increasing the education and training of the public in civil defense actions and procedures at all levels; the determi-

radiological fallout pattern predictions and dissemination of data; reception and care of displaced and injured persons; assessment of damage and determination of recovery requirements; adequate flow of essential data between all levels of civil defense; effective utilization of available resources, including Federal agency support; essential civil defense operations for recovery from attack and/or for support to attacked areas, including radiological fallout problems; prompt and effective dissemination of civil defense information and instructions at the State and local levels, and proper coordination of civil defense and other information at the national level, to produce a balanced picture of what is happening and to maintain public morale and will-to-win; determination of assistance the attacked and support areas can expect from military sources, under the condi tions of this exercise.
This alert will be conducted in four phases. Local levels may close after completing phase one. That will take two days. State levels will close 'after completing phase two. That will take three days. However, State and local levels are requested to continue activity with regional and national levels during phases one, two, and three. This will take four days.

nation of the effectiveness of civil defense policies, procedures, and operational plans to include; tactical evacuation and application of

The frequencies for Con elrod, the Civil Defense emergency system of broadcasting, are 640 and 7240 kilocycles.

published by th.
959 E:. Confederate Ave., S.E:.
FRANK A. KOPF Deputy Direetor CHARLES T. WHITE Public Information Ollicer MRS. JOHN G. LEWIS Coordinator, Women's Activities JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Ollicer KELSO HEARN A dministrative Aid. JERRY CAUBLE Northern Area Director A. MACK DODD Central Area D ireetor HARRY U. JACKSON Southern Area Director ELIZABETH W. PIPER Area Director at Large REBECCA R. UNGAR
Welfare Chief
People of Atlanta will have an opportunity to se e one of the 200 bed emergency hospitals used by Civil Defense on May 15 and 16. The annual meeting of the Medical Association of Georgia will be held here during that week, and one of the exhibits to be set up will be the hospital, and also one of the Mobile First Aid Stations recommended by the FCDA.
The display will be held in the First Baptist Church which has kindly donated space to the Civil Defense for this purpose. E:ntrance will be on Cypress St. which runs parallel to Peachtree back of the Elks Club.
Anyone interested in Civil Defense is urged to visit the exhibit. TIle Federal Civil Defense Administration plans to have more than 500 of these hospitals in storage at various places in the country for use in emergencies, either natural or enemy caused.
The Women's Auxiliary of the


Mrs. Maurice A. Cameron of McRae, Georgia, has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the Georgia Women's Advisory Committee for Civil Defense.
Mrs. Cameron is widely known throughout Georgia for her untiring work in civic affairs. She has been for many years prominently connected with the Auxiliary to the American Legion.
Many of our organizations, whose membership is made up of rural citizens, have been requesting information concerning activities which they can carryon in order to make a contribution to the civil defense effort in our State.
These groups, as well as our Civil Defense Directors will be interested to know that there is a new pamphlet available called Rural Family Defense.
ledical Association will act as guides and demonstrators in this project, and they will be assisted by at least one member from every PTA group in the city.
Later in May, Dr. E:dgar M. Dunstan, head ...of the Medical Services for Georgia CD will have the PTA in Decatur hold a practice exercise in setting up a 200 bed hospital in the high school.

. Area Director at Large
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Piper of Conyers, Georgia, has been appointed Area Director at Large with the Civil Defense Division, State of Georgia.
She has just returned from the Federal Civil Defense Staff College, UniversityofOhio, and has assumed her duties. Her area includes the entire State of Georgia.
Mrs. Piper is well known throughout Georgia for her tireless work in civic affairs. She has been for many years prominently connected with the Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Mrs. Piper's primary duties will be working with the local director in getting a good civil defense program started in his community.
Amateur radio operators ("hams") have often provided the only communi. cations link with the outside world in areas cut all by floods or other civil defense disasters.
In a nuclear attock, an allto ",auld serve as a good family shelter because, in addition to shelter from the weather, it would provide fairly good shelter against fallout, a means of getting out of a dangerous fallout area, a storage space for food and water, and a means o~ receiving civil defense instructions by radio.

MAY, 1956

_ ~------ _..,.-


......lTHE ALERT



There is no universal protection against tornadoes except caves or underground excavations. When time permits, ~o to a tornado cellar, cave, or underground excavation which should have an air outlet to help equalize the air pressure. It should be kept fit for use, free from water, gas, or debris; and preferably equipped with pick and shovel.'

1. Move at right angles to the tornado's path. Tornadoes usually move ahead at about 25 to 40 miles per hour.
2. U there is no time to escape, lie flat in the nearest depression such as a ditch or ravine.

1. Seek inside shelter, preferably in a steel reinforced building. STAY AWAY FROM WINDOWS!
2. In homes: The southwest corner of the lowest floor or in the basem*nt offers greatest saIety. People living in brick or stone houses should seek other shelter, preferably in a storm cellar or the basem*nt of a frame house. U time permits, electricity and fuel lines should be shut off. Windows on the north and east sides of the house Olav also be opened to help reduce damue to the building.
3. Standing against the inside walls on the lower floors of an office bulldlng offers some protection.

In city areas: Especially if school building is of good steel reinforced construction, stay inside, away from windows, remain near an Inside wall on the lower floors when possible. AVOID AUDITORIUMS AND GYMNASIUMS with large, poorly-supported roofs!
2. In rural schools that do not have reinforced construction - remove children and teachers to a ravine or ditch if storm shelter Is not available.

On rpcel\,IlU: a tornado w3.rning, a lookout should be posted to keep saIety oflicials advised of the tornado's approach. Advance preparation should be made for shutting off electrical circuits and fuel lines if the tornadc approaches the plant. Workers should be moved to sections of the plant offering
the greatest protection.

Keep calm! It will not help to get excited. People have been killed by running out into streets and by turning back into the path of a tornado. Even though a warning is issued, chances of a tornado striking one's home or location are very slight. Tornadoes cover such a small zone, as a rule, that relatively only 3. few places in a warned area are directly affected. You should know about tornadoes though,
t~ Vl'r "just in case" See other side for details. Keep tWled to your radio station for latest tornado advisory information. Do not call the Weather Bureau, except to relXlrt a tornado, as your individual request may tie up telephone lines urgently needed to receive special reports or to relay advisories to radio stations for dissemination to thousands in the critical J.rea.

~AY, 1956



Weather Bureau

Howard 13. Stephens, Sr.


at this time, and as the hours tolled

(This is the third in a series of stories on the Radio Officers in the State Dis-
aster Radio Net)

away, messages from Savannah to the State Civil Defense Headquarters told of how communications had been established from the Civil

It was a bad night, back in Sep Defense Director, the Red Cross,

tember of 1955; heavy black clouds the Coast Guard, and the Civil De-

were rolling into Atlanta from the fense forces.

northeast, but the operators in the

As these messages were coming

radio room of the State Civil De- in, the State Director was ordering

fense Control Center were unaware rescue trucks and other equipment

of what was going on in the clouds to proceed toward Savannah and

above Atlanta. They were concerned rendezvous somewhere out of dan-

with one area in much greater dan- ger, ready to move in immediately

ger at that moment.

to assistthe area if it were hit. The

Through the crackle of static in State Director and part of his staff

the radio receiver came the call began preparations to move to Sa-

they had been waiting for, "W4TJS vannah to assist if needed. "W4TJS,

from W4DJW," and the familiar an- this is W4DJW. The Civil Defense

swer, "This is W4TJS. Go ahead Director, after having a conference

W4DJW." Contact had been made with the Red Cross, the Weather

with the Savannah, Georgia Civil Bureau, and the Coast Guard, has

Defense Radio Officer.

ordered Savannah Beach evacuated

A severe hurricane named "lone" for tonigh t. "

V:as pointing straight for Savannah

Vital information was being trans-

Continued from Page 1
their local Civil Defense program. The tremendous service which
Civil Defense, as a volunteer organization, has performed in many natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, blizzards, and especially here in Georgia in droughts and water shortages we have had during the past two years, have made our citizens keenly aware of the peacetime importance of Civil Defense.
President Eisenhower said recently: "A good Civil Defense corps, like a good bombing squadron, lessens the chances of war and might well mean the difference between victory and defeat if war does come "
So, to the citizens of Georgia who Me making our Civil Defense Program a success, I salute you!
mitted that night, and the man at the mike in Savannah was Howard B. Stephens, Sr., W4DJW, Savannah Civil Defense Radio Officer, better known to his friends as Steve.
He is a member of the Savannah Amateur Radio Club and holds one Public Service Award. He has assisted many times in disaster communication. Steve, also a member of the Georgia Cracker Amateur et and the Civil Defense RACES et, served as et Control Station of the Cracker et during 1954 and 1955.
He was Coordinator and Net Control during the Savannah Civil Defense School Evacuation, 25 May 1954, where, with the members of his Communication Service, he proved, without a shadow of doubt, the importance of amateur radio in civil defense.

o~ 'n
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Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, George J. Hearn, State Director

Vol. 6, No. 4

Atlanta, Ga.

July, 1956



Defense against radioactive fall-

out, the greatest nuclear menace to

rural areas, will come under the in-

tensive scrutiny of University of

California scientists under a new

Federal Civil Defense Administra-

tion contract just signed.

A $591,600 contract, largest sin-

gle research agreement ever entered

into by FCDA, aims at laying rhe

George J. Hearn

basic framework for a national sys-

tem of defense against fallout that
THE DIRECTOR could result from a nuclear attack on the 'nited tates.

SAYS- - -

\\ hat the study finds could spell the difference between life and death

Honorable Marvin Griffin, Governor of Georgia, has issued a femorandum to all Department Heads, State Government, concerning civil defense and "Operation Alert 1956," which I believe is a big step in making the civ il defense organization in Georgia one of the best in the nation.
Following is the Governor's memorandum:

for millions of rural residents. Federal Civil Defense Adminis-
trator Val Peterson, who announced the one-year research project, said the study should show "how the nation stands now on radiological defense, what we need to do to improve our defense, and indicate the most logical ways to do it."
He added that a nationwide fallout defense system is urgently needed "not only to increase the chances

State of Georgia Executive Department
2 July 1956

of survival under nuclear attack,

but also to strengthen our national

defense armament as a deterrent to

attack. "


Gl- D D I the-a as of study

To: All Department Heads, State Government

are: 1. The shelter-evacuation pro-
gram, stressing way s to use existing

"The historic American way of life, with its emphasis on peace and ,productivity

cover to shelter evacuees and displaced persons from fallout.

2. Review and analysis of programs for selecting, buying and distributing radiation detection instruments.
3. Communication systems to control radiological defense operations.
4. Large-scale radiological decontamination to make safer those areas where people must work and live.
5. 1edical diagnosis and treatment of radiation cases, including the hazards of internal radiation created by breathing and swallowing radioactive materials.
6. How to improve the national system for predicting potent~al fallout patterns by charting wind movements.
7. Tests and experiments on radiological defense that can be carried out during nuclear weapons tests.
Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerfield has directed that Civil Defense decals be posted on both sides of the Posr Office Department's 25,000 mail trucks. Each decal carries the slogan - "This is a Unit of Your Civil Defense" - a reminder that mail trucks are to be made available for Civil Defense use in any national emergency.

Continued on Page 4



Published by the
l)epartment of Defense
. 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E GEORGE J. HEARN Director
CHARLES T. WHITE Public Information Officer
MRS. JOHN G. LEWIS Coordinator, Women's Activities
JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer
KELSO HEARN Administrative Aide
JERRY CAUBLE Northern Area Director
A. MACK DODD Central Area Director
HARRY U. JACKSO Southern Area Director ELIZABETH W. PIPER Area Director at Large
REBECCA R. UNGAR Welfare Chief
IAJOR FORREST L. WAREHIME Ground Observer Corps Coordinator
Jerry Cauble, Director
New Civil Defense Directors since the last issue of the Alert are:
Howard Henderson - Acworth Palmer G. Edenfield - Wadley H. C. Stewart - Lincolnton W. Harvey Roughton - Sandersville John Tinney - Dallas Leonard ~hitlow - Royston Three cities in my ar"ea held CD school evacuation drills in the past few weeks. They were: Toccoa, with 2,800 children from three schools participating. They had a walk-out drill. Douglasville, with 3. ~oo children from seven schools had a ride-out drill. Atlanta, with 24,421 children from 168 schools had a ride-out drill. The below listed cities have procured First Aid Chest which will be available for any emergency in

This attractive float was sponsored by the VFW and Auxiliary Post Number 4985 of Dalton, Georgia, for the Armed Forces Day parade. These patriotic ladies are enrolled in a Nurses Aid Training Course and will become a vital part of the Civil
Defense Organization of Whitfield County.

their community: Washington, Toccoa, Elberton, Gainesville, Cedartown, Calhoun, Dalton, Griffin, Clarke~... ille, and Cornelia.
Cities which have a civil defense identification tag program under way are: Toccoa, Cartersville, Rome, Washington, and Elberton.
Mrs. A. . Jay, President of PTA in Douglasville, for developing and putting into operation the evacu' ation drill for Douglas County.
Mrs. Marion Sims, Civil Defense Director of Dalton, for initiating and writing the first Nurses Aid Training Program in the State of this size and scope. This group of ladies will have their own uniforms and will be assigned to the Whitfield County CD program.
Mrs. Peggy Carter, Civil Defense Director of Toccoa, for carrying out her school evacuation drill in a splendid manner under most adverse conditions.
Mrs. Anne Fligg of the Atlanta Civil Defense Office for the outstanding contribution in making the Atlanta School evacuation test a success.
Mrs. Ephriam Moss of the Amer-

ican Legion Auxiliary of Cartersville, on her community leadership in having the Auxiliary sponsor the Welfare Service for the local CD office.
Orchids to the following CIVIC organizations for sponsoring a service in their local civil defense organization:
Athens Jaycees - sponsoring Warden Service. Griffin Jaycees - sponsoring Warden Service. Cartersville - American Legion Auxiliary - Welfare Service Kennesaw Jaycees - sponsoring Ground Observer Corps Toccoa Veterans of Foreign Warssponsoring Warden Service. Monroe Pilot Club - sponsoring Welfare Service Dekalb County Jaycees - sponsoring Auxiliary Police Service
Twenty-two cities in my area have participated in matching-funds program for communications equipment.
Ten members of the East Point Civil Defense Organization received certificates from The Third Army for having completed a course in Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance.
JUL Y, 1956

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+_THE ALERT

Ground Observer Corps Post Foxtrot Echo 5213 Block is located at Cumming, Georgia. Pictured from left to right are Mrs. Evelyn G. Tribble and Mrs. Katie H. Chancey, who have been members of this post for four years. The Alert is proud of the many patriotic Georgians who have given so many hours to this important program.

By - A. Mack Dodd
Directors recent!y appoinred in the Cenrral Georgia Area are:
Col. R. R. Coursey, Vidalia, and D. E. Medders, Pembroke. Bothof these gentlemen have indicated interest in the Civil Defense program and we are expecting considerable activity in these communities in the future.
There is much interest throughout the Area in "Operation Alert 1956" and those contacted thus far, who have Ham radio stations in their setups, indicating that they will playa part in the exercise are:
Thomaston, Claxton, Baxley and Lyons.
While in Savannah on June 20, attending a meeting of Director Charles Musante and his staff concerning "Operation Alert 1956," I learned that the Rescue Service of the Savannah organization wenr into action on the evening before, under the direction of Rescue Chief Sam Rahal. During a heavy rainfall on the 19th certain sections of the city

The U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce has distributed copies of a ..Jaycee Disaster Preparedness Project Kit to its 3,000 local chapters.
The kit implements a program of disaster preparedness adopted by the Jaycee parent organization, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, as a year long national community service project for 1956.
A full plan of organization and operation for a disaster organization is set forth in five pamphlets in the kit. Jaycee units are urged to establish civil defense agencies in areas which lack such a program.
were flooded and a large number of negro children were marooned. The Rescue Service was called into action at 8:00 p.m. and rescued 75 negro children. They were placed in boats and dispatched to safe territory. Orchids to the Savannah organization for being ready and performing this fine deed.

By Elizabeth W. Piper
Area Director at Large
Congratulations and welcome to Mr. John H. Tinney, newly appointed Civil Defense Director of Dallas, Georgia, and sincere appreciation of Mayor H. J. Cooper's fine cooperative spirit.

Hats Off - to Mr. Homer Pharr, Civil Defense Director of Cherokee County and the City of Canton for your tireless work in reorganization.

A thank you Mayor H. J. Mickle for your interest in a local civil defense program for your County of Heard to include your City of Franklin.

A thank you to Mayor J. D. Kicklighter of Glennville and Mayor Wilton Hill of Reidsville for their splendid cooperation in developing your Civil Defense local program and the ideas passed along to me and a thank you for the helpfulness of your Civil Defense Directors, Mr. F. E. Phillips, of Glennville and Mr. B. B. Watkins d Reidsville. NOTE: Watch with interest these two cities and the County of Tattnall.

To Mr. Murray A. Chappel- a Silver Star - watch him and his City of Dublin and County of Laurens - before long he may have a gold star.

We lcome to Me. J. W. Minnier newly appointed GOC Supervisor for the GOC Post of Glennville.
Most cars today go about 250 miles on a tankful of gasoline, and get greatest gasoline economy between between 30 and 40 miles per hour. Every extra mile your car could go would help to carry your family farther out of danger in an attack emergency.

JUL Y, 1956




AN AIR RAID ALERT WAS STAGED in Toccoa on May 2, in both city schools by the
Georgia Civil Defense under the direction of General George J. learn, Director of Ci-
vil Defense in the state. The drill was pronounced a complete success with the white school emptying 600 students in the rain in two and one-half minutes. This group witnessed the demonstration. Left to right, FIRST ROW: Warren Bishop, Cartersville; Fred Weldon, Lavonia; Lt. Marvin Dunson and Capt. Edwin Stowe of the Toccoa National Guard; General Hearn, Mrs. Peggy Carter, Toccoa Civil Defense
Director; Mrs. J. R. Reeves, Clarkesville. 2nd ROW: E. F. Lyon, Homer; C. W. Will-
iams, Supt. of Clarkesville Schools; Mayor 8. W. Crowe of Cornelia, Mayor Ammo Lee Graves of Clarkesville; Mrs. Spurgeon Davis, Cornelia; Mrs. Teel Smith, Cornelia; Mrs. Z. B. Lane, Clarkesvi lie. BACK ROW: Fred May, Clayton; Leonard Ellard, Cornelia; Jerry Cauble, North Georgia Area Director for Civil Defense; Miss Gladys
Holcomb and Mrs. Grady Carroll of Clarkesville.

The American Petroleum Institute, through its Service Station Advisory Committee, recently offered the assistance of 250,000 gasoline service stations throughout the Nation for Civil Defense.
Service Stations, because of their construction and geographical locations, are good sites for Civil Defense activities in the event of

emergency. Various civil defense activities which would be assisted by use of service station facilities are, first-aid stations, traffic c ontrol points, collection and transfer points, information centers, radiological training centers, amateur (RACES) radio stations and ground observer posts.
It is suggested that all Georgia civil defense organizations initiate steps to incorporate gasoline service stations in their civil defense planning.

Continued from Page 1 and its repugnance for war and destruction, is threatened by forces whose objective is the destruction of free institutions and the enslavement of man throughout the world.
As we must be strong militarily, so that we may not faU easy victim to our powerful adversary, so we must gird ourselves for the protection of our homes, our people, and our productive reSources.
This we shall do through our Civil Defense Organization in Georgia and throughout the nation.
During the period July 20-22, 1956, Georgia's Civil Defense Division will participate in "Operation Alert 1956." This test exercise is based on an assumed nuclear assault on 76 American cities. The Air Force Base at Savannah and the Savannah River Project at Augusta have been designated target sites for this exercise.
Since each Department Head has been placed in charge of a Civil Defense service, 1 hereby direct you and members of your Staff to actively participate in this important test exercise.
As Governor of Georgia, and the official responsible under law for the organization of' its civil defense, I call upon each department head to acquaint each employee under his jurisdiction with this new and v ital subject
Civil Defense is a continuing program and we will need it as long a s we need military defense. Until our military establishment is able to guarantee that an enemy cannot make an attack on this country, we will need civil defense.
Therefore, I call upon all State employees to tender whatever contribution they are best qualified to make, regardless of the personal sacrifice that may be required, to ensure our continued existence as a free people in a free nation. "
A basic Civil Defense training course may save your life.

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Department of Defense, Civi I Defense Division,


Vol. 6, No. 5

Atlanta, Ga.


September, 1956




September 9 through September 15,

1956, has been designated by the

President of the United States as

America's first Civil Defense Week.

The Federal Civil Defense Adminis-

trarion, with the cooperation of State

and City civil defense organizations,

are endeavoring to make Civil Defense

Week an outstanding milestone of

George J. Hearn

American civil defense progress.

THE DIRECTOR The purpose of Civil Defense Week is to pay tribute to the civil defense

SAYS- - -

workers and organizations for their efforts in behalf of our nation. Also, it provides the opportunity to promote

Our schools, universities and colleges have now reopened for the 1956-
57 terms. Realizing that civil defense is a
new dimension in community thought and service, our first job is to create an understanding of this new dimension and its implications for our survival, individually and as members of a community.
We look naturally to our American institutions for leadership in this task. We must look to our educators from the kindergarten to the univer: sity level, to pioneer in helping us bui ld into the educational thought and practices the substance of this new dimension.

public interest in and understanding of civil defense as a means of protecting our people, safeguarding our freedom and constructing an enduring peace.
National attention was focused on Civil Defense Week by the issuance of a Presidential proclamation, and by a special hour-long star studded television program on Sunday, September 9, which featured the appearance of President Eisenhower.
Civil Defense Week is a grand op portuniry for indoctrinating 166,000,000 ,Americans to the urgent compulsion for developing a civil defense capable of insuring national survival under the most devastating attack an enemy

What is education's role in the couId launch. It also provides the oc-

development of the national civil casion for presenting civil defense in

defense program?

its dynamic concept as a positive

Continued on Page ..

force for peace. This can be accomplished by creating public awareness that the chances of enemy attack will be reduced in direct ratio to the increased knowledge on the part of potential enemies that America has a civil defense strong enough to insure that the nation cannot be demoralized by attack.
In connection with Civil Defense Week the Boy Scouts of America will distribute nearly 1,500,000 civil defense posters. In addition, 40,000 posters were placed in post offices allover the country, and postal trucks are carrying a decal with the words "This is a unit of your civil defense" to point up one of their roles in a civil defense emergency.
The G.eorgia Civil Defense Disaster Radio Net will resume weekly drills on September 10th for the 1956-57 season.
This radio network is comprised of seventeen of the larger cities in Georgia. These seventeen cities are responsible for their surrounding area which gives a complete coverage of Georgia.
These weekly drills will be under the supervision of Mr. Jack Grantham, Communication and Training Officer for Georgia civil defense.



Published by the
Department of Defense
959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E .
CHARLES T. WHITE Public Information Officer
MRS. JOH G. LEWIS Coordinator, Women's Activities
JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer
KELSO HEARN Administrative Aide
JERRY CAUBLE Northern Area Director
A. MACK DODD Central Area Director
HARRY U. JACKSON Southern Area Director ELIZABETH W. PIPER Area Director at Large
REBECCA R. U GAR Welfare Chief
MAJOR FORREST L. WAREHIME Ground Observer Corps Coordinator
Preliminary plans for a project which' should prove of great value in maintaining the morale of the American people in the event of a National civil defense emergency have been approved by Val Peterson, FCDA Administrator and the Honorable Arthur E. Summerfield, Postmaster General.
The project which employs existing governmental machinery on a cooperative basis provides that the FCDA will assist in distribution of the Post Office's "Emergency Change of Address" cards, through civil defense welfare facilities, to victims of attack who have been evacuated or cannot be reached at their former homes; see that the cards are properly completed and returned to the Post Office.
The Post Office Department will

Governor Marvin Griffin and Major General George J. Hearn, State Civil
Defense Director, are shown conversing with Mr. Jack Grantham, State CD Communications Officer, during Operation Alert 1956. Governor Griffin came to the State Control Center upon receiving warning "Lemon Juice." When the exercise began he issued a proclamation declaring an emergency in Georgia. The Governor remained at the Control Center for several hOUTS and was pleased with Georgia's participation in the test exercise.

assist the Civil Defense Welfare Services by accepting for delivery F ederal Civil Defense Administration "Saf ety Notification" cards, postage free. The safety notification card will be used by evacuees and others to advise their friends and relatives of their safety and new address.
Information will be provided to local civil defense organizations in the near future, regarding the availability, use and submission of official "Safety Notification" and "Emergency Change of Address" card and the obtaining of official information on available postal services in the event of enemy atta'Ck.

A good farmer who checks his crops and livestock frequently for disease is one of the nation's best defenses against biological warfare.
If you are ever exposed to radioactive fallout after a nuclear attack, you may save your life by removing contaminated clothing and washing yourself with soap and water.
The hydrogen bomb which was touched off during Operation Ivy in November, 1952, dug a crater 17 stories deep and obliterated an entire island. That is why target cities must be evacuated.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--JTHE ALERT

A motion picture entitled"ALERT TODAY - ALIVE TOMORROW" will be released by film exchanges of RKO Radio Pictures throughout the country on September 7.
The film is being released through the courtesy of RKO Radio Pictures on that date to insure its availability for initial showings in theaters during National Civil Defense Week.
This two-reel subject, which dramatically portrays the activities of civil defense volunteers in an American community, was made with the cooperation of the Federal Civil Defense Administration.
Local civil defense directors are urged to request theater manage-rs in their areas to obtain this short for showing beginning the week of September 9. Local directors are also urged to publicize this impressive documentary in every suitable manner.
Because only a limited number of prints will be available, bookings in some theaters probably cannot be arranged during Civil Defense week. The picture is so designed, however, that its use is in no way re stricted to Civil Defense Week programming, and it will continue to be available for showing indefinitely through the RKO exchanges.
A special Civil Defense Health Services Course for Nurses will be conducted Sept. 24-28, 1956, by the FCDA Staff College in cGoperation with the Health Office, Technical Advisory Services, ar the Federal Civil Defense Administration Headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan.
The study program will cover the principles of civil defense and, with specific emphasis on aspects of the Health Services, the orgainzation, administration and operation of civil defense programs in the U.S. Special emphasis also will be given to the educational and training programs for nurses in civil defense.
Nurses wishing to attend this course should request application forms from the State Civil Defense office.

The following safety precautions have been listed by the Weather Bureau for residents of an area for which hurricane warnings have been issued:
1. Keep your radio or television on and listen for latest Weather Bureau warnings and advisories. If power fails, use your car radio.
2. Pay no attention to rumors. Be
Calm. Your ability to meet e;;;:
ergencies will inspire and help others. 3. Get away from low-lying beaches or other locations which may be swept by high tides or storm waves. If passage to high ground is over a road likely to be ununder water, leave early. Don't run the risk of being marooned. Be alert for high water in areas where streams or rivers may
flood after heavy rains. 4. If your house is out of danger
from high tides and is well built, then it is probably the best place to wearher the storm. Board up, put on storm shutters, tape or otherwise protect window s. Danger to small windows is mainly from flying debris while larger windows may be broken by wind pressure. Be sure that a window or door can be opened on the lea side of the house, or the side opposite the one facing the wind. 5. Get in extra food, especially things which can be eaten without cooking or with very little preparation. Remember that electric power may be off and you may be without refrigeration. If emergency cooking faciliti es are necessary, be sure they are in working order.
6. Sterilize the bathtub, jugs, bot-
tles, cooking utensils, and fill with drinking water, as city water service may be interrupted. 7. Have flasWights and/or other emergency lights in workinR condition and keep them handy. Be sure to have gasoline in your car. If electric power is off, filling starions may not be able to operare pumps for several days.

Jerry Cauble New Civil Defense Directors appointed during the last two months in my Area are: J. Virgil Jenkins of Trenton; Richard B. Sims, Jr., of Canton; and, Albert Flynt of Sparta. HATS OFF TO: Mayor Otto Terrell, City Manager Bill Sharman, Post Supervisor Bob Slack, and Mrs. Peggy Carter, Civil Defense Director of Toccoa, fo.r the excellent GOC post dedication. Palmer G. Edenfield, Jr., Civil Defense Director of Wadley, for developing an excellent civic organization to sponsor CD in his community. Mrs. Beverley Dubuc and her col.legues in Smyrna for the outstanding civil defense meeting they arranged last month. The following civic clubs are helping to develop a civil defense program in their communities: Lions Club of Sparta; Rotary Club of Canton; Pilot Club of Winder; Rotary Club of Decatur. The follow ing women in my area were appointed to the Georgia Civil Defense Women's Advisory Committee during the past two months: Mrs. Hugh Butler of Carrollton; Miss Sydney L. Jolly of Cartersville; Mrs. Roy Pope of Chickamauga; Mrs. Pherson McCarter of CIar kesville; Mrs. Mildred Gilbertof East Point; Mrs. G.H. Whitley, Jr., of Griffin; Mrs. E.G. Harper of Griffin; Miss Joyce Blocker of Millen; Mrs. Michael Mansour of Newnan; Mrs. Glena Marie Hale of Rome; Mrs. Beverley Dubuc of Smyrna; and, Mrs. Alera Harrison of Toccoa.
8. "Check on everything that might blow away Qr be torn loose. Garbage cans, garden tools, toys, signs, porch furniture, awnings and other objects become weapons of destruction in hurricane winds. Store them all inside if possible.
Y. If the center or "eye" of the storm passes directly ave, there will be a lull in the wind lasting from a few minutes to half an hour or more. Stay in a safe place.



House fires, auto collisions, wing tank falling off airplanes, and electrical storms all added fO the excitement of the ational Civil Defense Exercise Operation Alert 1956.
Upon receipt of the warning' 'Lemon Juice", the Georgia Civil Defense RACES Radio officer, Jack Farr, W4TJS, immediately called the RACES Net into action upon direction of the State Director, Adjutant General George J. Hearn.
Pre-planning had established four alternate State Control Stations in the State, whi ch had been divided into operational areas. These stations were manned by 4ACH, W4PMJ, W4BKK, and W4 UM, with W4YEK alternating relief at State Control. W4PIM direrted activities on the C.W. Net, which was operated from the State CD. mobile communications unit stationed near the Control Center. Additional operators to man the many shifts at the concrol centers were recruited from the RACES members throughout the State.
Although weather conditions caused considerable interference at times, there was no failures within the Georgia RACES et. Approximately 2500 messages were handled. The Net, which was using the frequency of 3995 kc, bogged down early in the exercise primarily from two causes. One was inexperience on the patt of a good many civil defense workers in composing messages (length); and two, severe weather conditions across middle Georgia caused all Savannah

traffic to be relayed during first 12


There are 173 members in the Geor-

gia RACES etwork; practically all of

them worked in Operation Alert.

The Operation was in progress for

three days and during that period one

amateur gave an account of a house

burning near the Control Center at the

State Office. Another report of an auto

collision where two youths were killed

was transmitted. Information of an

actual bomb drop from a. plane near

Savannah caused considerable excite-

ment until it was determined that it

was a jettisoned gasoline wing tank.

The night before the Operation began,

a severe thunderstorm forced Savannah

to begin the Operation on emergency

power. During the Operation, several

antennas were blown down by severe

storms. One such incident founa

W4BKK 40 feet up in a pecan tree at

4:00 a.m. replacing his antenna. Many

of the amateurs worked the entire ex-

ercise with no relief.

General Hearn, the State Director,

said, "Such devotion to duty by the

volunteer radio amateurs gives us the

hope, faith, and courage to carryon,

sometimes in the face of se~mingly

unsurmountable odds. May God bless

them all."


Civildefense officials advise that every family should be prepared to manage its own food, water and sanitation problems for at least seven days during a major emergency.

THE DIRECTOR SAYS: Continued from Page 1 It falls into two broad cat~gories: (1) effective leadership at the community level, and (2) participation in civil defense educational and training programs. The educator, whether he be an administrator or teacher, has long been looked upon as a community leader. He sets an example for others to follow in civic affairs. In civil defense, community leadership is the most important element in the enlistment and training of volunteer civil defense corps. Don't wait until others volunteer for civil defense. Enlist in your local civil defense programs now and encourage others to do so. Offer your individual services for the big training job that must be done.
The United States Civil Defense Council will hold its Fifth Annual Conference at the Biltmore Hotel , Atlanta, Georgia, October 8-12 .
The U.S. CD. Council is comprised of local civil defense directors throughout the nation and more than 1,500 delegates are expected to attend.
An elaborate program has been arranged with dignitaries and civil defense experts from throughout the United States participating. Among some of the speakers will be Mr. Ellsworth Bunker, President of the American Red Cross; Congressman Chet Holifield of California; Governor Val Peterson, The Federal Civil Defense Administrator; and Mayor Frank P. Zeidler of Milwaukee.

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Vol. 6, No.6

Deportment of Defense, Civil Defense Division, George J. Hearn, State Director

Atlanta, Ga.

November, 1956




George J. Hearn
SAYS- - -
Blood is as much a weapon of defense as guns, tanks, planes. It is as vital to national strength as aluminum or steel. Unlike weapons, it cannot be manufactured. It cannot be mined or fabricated. It must come as a free donation from the veins of men and women of good will.
Civil Defense has received a real challenge from the American Red Cross to aid in obtaining four million pints of whole blood, over the next fifteen months, to promote the establishment of a "Civil Defense Disaster Blood Reserve."
The new program, which went into effect on 1 October, 1956, is an extension of the previously-existing responsibility of the Red Cross for the entire blood collection program for Civil Defense at all levels. Quotas established under the new program are in addition to quotas imposed for

Women Civil Defense workers soon will be identified by attractive new uniforms in Civil Defense Blue, a soft shade of gray-blue.
Arrangements have been completed for the manufacture and purchase by volunteer and staff workers of a two-piece suit with matching hat and slacks, a blouse, coat-dress and a coverall.
The suit, worn with a soft wine-colored jersey blouse, is made of palm beach fabric. It has flattering lines for the mature as well as the youthful figure, and it features interesting pocket detail. The sleeves have two-button side openings which can be turned back while working.
The Straight Skirt has inset slant pockets and two large pleats in the back for easy movement. The design f"r the suit was presented to FCDA as a public service by Louis Tabak, president of the California Apparel Manufacturers Association.
A Coat-Dress' which may serve as a secondary choice in place of the suit is made of ciella jersey and features three-quarter sleeves bloused softly into button cuffs. It has slim, smooth lines with a side-opening skirt. Both dress and blouse are washable and can be drip-dried without ironing.
Sally Victor, famed milliner for Mrs. Eisenhower, presented the hat design to FCDA. Made of palm beach fabric matching the suit, it has a softly bloused sectional crown and a visor dipping jauntily over the right eye.
The coverall, especially designed for women, is made of heavy-duty cotton poplin of high tensile strength. The material is light, the coverall is wearable in all climates. It contains a full-length zipper opening in front and side zip per. There are four large pockets with button flap~. The small round collar has a small flap underneath, providing tight closure for protection against dust.
It is not required that civil defense volunteers wear uniforms. However, FCDA has received so many requests for uniforms that these designs have been officially established.
Ground Observer Corps volunteers, working with the Air Force, may wear the uniforms. They will use a shoulder patch which designates their service as a Civil Defense GOC volunteer.
Uniforms may be purchased direct from the manufactures who have been designated as authorized manufacturers. Each order must be place through the Civil Defense Director, and approved by him.

Continued on Page .4

Published by the Department of Defense CIVIL DEF ENSE DIVISION 959 E. Confederate Ave., S. E.
CHARLES T. WHITE. Public Information Officer
MRS. JOHN G. LEWIS Coordinator, Women's Activities
JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer
KELSO HEARN Administrative Aide
JERRY CAUBLE Northern Area Director
A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSON Southern Area Director ELIZABETH W. PIPER Area Director At Large MAJOR FORREST L. WAREHIME Ground Observer Corps Coordinator
Harry U. Jackson, Civil Defense Area Director of Southwest Georgia is convalescing at his home in Cuthbert, Georgia, following a serious operation.
Harry states that he is feeling fine and hopes to be back in harness by the first of December.

Pictured here is the presentation of a Radiological Survey Meter to the Civil Defense Organization of Athens and Clarke County by Frank E. Mitchell, Post 2872, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Athens.
From left to right are Albert D. Seagraves, Past Post Commander and present Quartermaster-Ad;utant; Roscoe A. Hansford, Post Commander; W. T. "Terry" Wingfield, Executive Director of Civil Defense for Athens and Clarke County; Mayor Pro Tem Guy 11'. Smith, City of Athens; and Grady Pittard, Jr., Department Community Service Chairman for the VFW in Georgia.
The survey meter will be retained at the Post Home on Sunset Drive, where it will be available for use whenever needed. Members of the Post have volunteered to receive training in its use, as part of the Post's contribution to the Civil Defense effort in the area. Mayor Jack R. Wells, who was out of the city at the time of the presentation, has stated that full use will be made of the Meter, and that various City employees will also be trained in its use. Training classes will include city policemen and firemen, other city employees, members of the VFW and any other civil defense volunteers who wish to attend. Classes will be held at the VFW Post Home.

All radio stations in the country will be offered a new transcribed series entitiled "Stars for Defense," on a request basis. The weekly program will feature a main star who will deliver a central civil defense me ssage, in addition to entertaining with songs. The first six programs have been recorded and are ready for distribution. These programs feature Frankie Laine; Kay Armen, Johnny Mercer; The Chordettes; Sammy Davis, Jr.; and Edie Gorme.
It is suggested that all local Civil Defense Directors contact their radio stations and suggest that they avail themselves of this transcribed program.

The Congress has passed a law permitting surplus U.S. property to be used for civil defense purposes. The basic authority and plan is explained in FCDA Advisory Bulletin No. 202. Plans for implementing the obtaining of surplus property by Civil Defense Organizations are being developed by FCDA, State CD and other government agencies.
Details of methods of requesting and utilizing surplus property will be disseminated to Local Civil Defense Directors in Georgia, as soon as they are completed.
No community which does not have an effective Civil Defense organization will be eligible for donation of Surplus Property.

Mrs. Sue Byars, Civil Defense Director of Griffin, entertained a group of civil defense workers with a buffet dinner at her home near Griffin recently.
Among those present were Mr. & Mrs. Elmer George; Col. and Mrs. George Shivers; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pruitt; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Jim New; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitley; Dr. and Mrs. Virgil Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Reid Childers; Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. George Patrick; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moore; Mrs. Elizabeth Hasty; Mr. Roland Richardson; Captain Ellis Simonton; Captain Leo Blackwell; Mr. Kenneth Williams: Miss Sarah
Continued on Page 4



_______________________________________ THE ALERT

Blood Means Life
Yours Is Needed


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There will be a five-day Civil Defense Staff College Course held at the University of Georgia, January 20 - 25, 1957. This course is being sponsored by the State Civil Defense Division in cooperation with the Federal Civil Defense Administration and the University of Georgia.
Any person interested in civil defense is cordially invited to attend this course. You should contact the State Civil Defense Office for details concerning registration, lodging, etc. There is no registration fee.
Each of the civil defense services will be discussed at length by a group of specialists with vast experience in that service. Some of the subjects to be studied are "Effects of Wartime Weapons," "Civil Defense Analysis," "Operation and Organization in support Areas," "Peacetime Disaster and Its Relation to Civil Defense," and "Civil Defense in Schools and Colleges. "

If medical requirements for whole blood are to be met during the coming year, one out of every 20 people in the nation will be needed as a blood donor. The use of blood and blood fractions in medical practice will continue to grow as new discoveries are made. Every healthy man or woman can safely donate blood five times a year. Giving blood is safe and easy. Receiving blood means life to thousands each year. Make it a habit to donate blood regularly - give the ill and injured an extra chance for life.
Call your Red Cross chapter to learn when and where you can give blood.

Packed away without fanfare in strategically-placed warehouses around the nation is the Federal Civil Defense Administration's mercy stock~ pile, which some day may spell life or death for millions of people.
It consists of 200 of FCDA's selfcontained emergency hospitals in the federal stockpile, plus 76 others owned by the States. FCDA has ordered an additional 731 hospitals, and the States six.
Set up in outlying schools, churches and other buildings, the hospitals would provide working facilities for doctors and nurses evacuated from the l,aOO r~ular hospitals in critical target areas.
The $22,500 emergency hospital, complete with X-ray and operating room equipment, 2 generators, 200 cots and supplies, can be loaded in two large vans, and be in use 5 hours after arrival.
Your Civil Defense can provide families with information on how to prepare self-survival programs for use in major disaster.



by Jerry Cauble A series of Basic Civil Defense Courses, prepared and taught by the State CD Staff, are being held. One
of the first communities in my area to participate in this program was Smyrna with the leadership of tayor
J.E. Quarles and his CD staff.
Other communities in my area to receive this course, in conjunction with the Women's Advisory Committee meetings, were Rome, Griffin and Elberton. The City Managers of these respective cities greatly assisted by offering their facilities and personnel. They are: Mr. Sam King, Rome; Mr. Elmer George, Griffin; and Mr. George Aull, Elberton.
New CD Directors in my area appointed since the last issue of The
Alert are: Mr. J.E. Keivey, Adairs-
ville; Mrs. Anna Laura Reid, Covington; Mr. William C. Rogers, Waynesboro. HATS OFF TO:
Mayor E. . Landrum of Adairsville for his quick action in setting up his CD organization, the passing of his city ordinance and the selection of his director and staff.
Mayor M.G. Pound and CD Director Flynt of Sparta for the splendid cooperation they are getting from the County Commissioners and other community leaders in building their CD program.
Miss Joyce Blocker, County Home Demonstration Agent, and CD Direc-
tor J.T. Evans of Millen for the successful County CD meeting held for their Home Demonstration Clubs.
CD Director Tom Veasey of \rarrenton for the distribution of the Home

Protection Exercises to the families of his community.
Mr. Frank Miller of the Lockheed Security Staff for the development of the excellent Disaster Plan for his company and its employees. This plan is now in the final stages of being edited and should be finished before the first of the year.
I would like to convey my appreciation to the following persons for making arrangements for the Women's Advisory Committee Meetings: Mrs. Elizabeth Hasty, Griffin; Mrs. Glenna Marie Hale, Rome; and Mr. T.M. Martin, Elberton.
Several communities are in the process of evaluating the potentialities of procuring Light Rescue Equipment on the federal matching funds program. I would like to encourage all communities to contact me in regard to obtaining this valuable CD vehicle, to be used in all types of dtsaster.

THE DIRECTOR SAYS: Continued from Page 1
blood collection for normal, daily requirements. As soon as initial collection~ of blood under the Civil Defense
Red Cross campaign have been made, blood will be processed at existing laboratories and will be placed
i.!t reserve at strategic locations
throughout the ation to strengthen the medical programs of Civil Defense.
I urge each reader of "The Alert" to actively and personally participate in this most important blood-collection program and to do all in your power to encourage all people to donate blood in the interest of national security. Be sure to coordinate your activities in this vital undertaking with your local or county chapters of the American Red Cross.
The ational Blood Program is a total blood program, designed to benefit the entire population. Therefore, all eligible, partriotic citizens of our State must rise to the need and give of their blood to the end that we can save lives and thus be more certain of our survival as a nation.
Continued from Page 2
Frances Whatley; Miss Mattie Myri Statham; and, Mr. Al Hill, all from Griffin. Those from the State Civil Defense Office attending were Major General George J. Hearn; Colonel Glades T. White; Mr. Kelso Hearn; Mr. Jack Grantham; Major Jack Warehime; Mr. Jerry Cauble; and, Lt. P.c. Peaco*ck.
This enthusiastic group of volunteer civil defense workers is the reason for Griffin having one of the finest civil defense orgainzations in the State.

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We have now completed the 11 Workshops for Women Leaders and thought you would be interested to know that we registered!&1. from 84 towns, that 45 of our women's organizations were represented, that 35 local civil defense organizations sent either the director or deputy and that 534 training certificates for the Basic Civil Defense Course were presented.
We wish to say a special "Thank You" to those of you who notified your local units and members of these meetings. Also a special word of appreciation to Mrs. Maurice A. Cameron who presided in Moultrie, Cairo and Swainsboro, Mrs. Helen K. Smothers in Americus, r.Jrs. Ralph W. Fowler in Rome, f1ln. G. W. Freiberg in Elberton, f,lrs. Charles Hatcher in Baxley, flirs. E. J. Ennis in Lyons, Mrs. Bruce Schaeffer in Cochran and Mrs. Charlie Morgan in Warner Robins. Your chairman had the privilege of presiding at Griffin.
We hope you will plan to enroll for our State Staff College which will be held January 20-25, 1951 in the new Georgia Center For Continuing Education Building on the University of Georgia Campus in Athens. Ther.e is no charge for tui tion, approximately fifty dollan ($50) will cover room and board. f.iay we suggest that, in addition to attending yourself, you arrange for your organization to send your Civil Defense Chairman or whatever Chairman has responsibility in this field. If you are set up by districts, each district should be representeG and we hope you will encourage your local units to be represented also. Local
women's groups should see that the civi! defense director and his chiefs QL
services attend along with the director ~ women's activities.
We are passing on to you suggestions for civil defense chairmen and committees which were distributed at the National Women's Advisory Committee Meeting. This information will be helpful to you as an individual and you may wish to pass it on to the local units of your organizations.
Please help us publicize Civil Defense by using the enclosed seals on your letters particularly in mailings to your organizational units and members.
We appreciate the inte~est and coope~ation you have given to the Civil Defense p~ogram in 1956 and we look forwa~d to even greater work during 1951.
We wish for you a Safe and Sacred Christmas and a P~osperous and Prepared New Year.

You have the impo~tant post in you~ o~ganization of Chai~man of Civil Defense. You know it is impo~tant because upon you~ efforts may well depend the su~vival of many of your co-wo~ke~s. That is a se~ious ~esponsibi1ity, so you want to know what you should do to caay it out with st~ength and conviction.
Ee~e a~e a few suggestions to gUide you in your year's Ieadetship:
1. Appoint o~ ask to have appointed a strong, wo~k-willing committee.
2. Be well info~med yourself. Find out what the Civil Defense program is in your community. Read available mate~ial, such as Home Protection EXe~cises, G~andma's Pantry. CD Household First Aid Kit. Atomic Blast Creates Fi~ef What to do now about Emergency Sanitation at Home. Facts about Fallout,
3. Be prepared yourself. You are in a much better position to advise preparedness if you have your own home prepared for emergencies.
4, Attend all open Civil Defense meetings. Not only will you learn more yourself, but you will make known that your organization is represented.
5. Participate in local planning. If there is a women's Civil Defense Advisory Committee. join it and help. Your individual participation and your organization's support are essential to successful local planning.
6, Plan at least one program meeting of your organization on disaster preparedness during the year, Meeting suggestions: a. Buzz Session, A buzz session is a good way to ascertain what members know and what they want to know about home preparedness, school preparedness. and the over-all Civil Defense and disaster program. b. Movies. Both Civil Defense and Red Cross have excellent 10" - 30ft sound films on disaster. c, Speakers. Check with local Civil Defense office and committee as well as with the district and State chairmen in your organization. d. Panels. Try a panel made up of chairmen of the various committees of your own organization <Health and Safety, School, Public Affairs, Leglislative, Community Service, etc.), stating the relationship of each to the problems of disaster preparedness. f. Demonstrations, First Aid, Home Care of the Sick, Fire Fighting, Water purification lend themselves well to interesting demonstrations.
7. Keep your group informed by brief announcements at ea~h meeting, dist~ibution of pamphlets, displays of survival kits and eme~gency food supplies.
8. A~range, especially for your membership, training courses in borne care of the sick, first aid, light rescue, mass feeding.
9. Tell both your membership and the general pUblic through all media (newspaper features, ~adio inte~views, TV skits, club bulletins, etc.) what YOUR o~ganization is doing about disaster p~epa~edness.


Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, George J. Hearn, State Director

Vol. 7, No.1

Atlanta, Ga.

January, 1957



Because of the wide- spread inter- for the expenditure of the funds Con-

est in the recent Holifield Committee gress authorized and appropriated for

we are presenting the recommenda- this purpose. A local or regional sur-

tions made by this Committee:

vi val pI an study should be cone erned

1. Federal civil defense legisla- only with the adaptation and applica-

tion should be redrafted to vest the tion of the national plan and of basic

basic responsibility for ci viI defense studies to a local situation.

in the Federal Government with the

6. The Department of Civil De-

George J. Hearn

States and local un its of government fense should be authorized to finance

having an important supporting role.

the construction of shelters in all tar-

THE DIRECTOR 2. The new legislation should cre- get areas, with the cooperation of ate a permanent Departm ent of G viI Scate and local authorities.

SAYS- - -

Defense, combining the civil defense functions (broadly defined) of the Office of Defense Mobilization and

7. Th e Dep artmen t of Ci vil Defense should be authorized to institute all other measures necessaty to

A publication entitled "Education those of the Federal Civil Defense establish an integrated nationwide

for National Survival --- A Handbook Administration.

ci viI defense sy stem, and to utilize

on Civil Defense for Schools" has

3. The Department of Civil Defense toward thi s end such available re-

just been issued.

should consult with the Department sources and facili tie s of the Federal

This is one of the finest booklets I have seen on Ci viI Defense. It

of Defense and be required to formulate a master plan for nationwide civil

departments necessary.

and agencies asare

urges the nation's schools to develop defense. Plans for each target area

8. The Department of Civil Defense

strong ei viI defense programs that should be made and protective mea- should be authorized to strengthen

will serve to enlighten pupils and sure s initiated after caref ul determin- State and local civi I defense organiza-

adul t s alike on the need for being ation of their respective priority tions by contributing equipment, sup-

prepared to meet and minimize the importance to national defense and plies and funds for administration,

ser ious consequences of natural survival.

trainin~, stockpiles and other neces-

disaster or enemy attack on the

4. The master plan for civil defen- sarycivildefenseuses, subject to the

Vnited States.

se should be pointed toward the es- supervision, inspection and approval,

The foreword says that education tablishment of an integrated nation- by the Secretary of Civil Defense, of

is the most important element in an wide ci vil defen se sy stem based on the civil defen se programs of State and

effective civil defense effort, and the need for including ci vii defense

the key ci viI defense measure of local authorities.

shelter protection against the blast,

9. The Secretary of Defense, in

measures as one of the responsibi- heat, and radiati"n effects of nuclear consultation with the Secretary of

lities of our school s should be made explosions.

Civil Defense, should establish and

clear to school administrators,

5. Studies under the survival plan- implement an effective program of


teachers, pupils and parents.

ning contracts should be suspended, training active and reserve military

It also points out that a strong civil pending a reformulation of the criteria personnel in civil defense duties as a

Continued on Page ..

Continued on Page"

Published by the Department of Defense CIVIL DEFENSE DlVISIO 959 E. Confederate Ave., S. E. GEORGEJ.HEARN
Director CHARLES T. WHITE Public Information Officer MRS. JOHN G. LEWIS Coordinator, Women's Activities JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer
KELSO HEARN Administrative Aide
JERRY CAUBLE Northern Area Director
A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARR Y U. JACKSON Southern Area Director ELIZABETH W. PIPER Area Director At Large MAJOR FORREST L. WAREHIME Ground Observer Corps Coordinator
by Mack Dodd
Macon Lodge #1455, Loyal Order of Moose, is sponsoring the purchase of an International Jr. Rescue Unit on matching funds basis. This very fine organization will provide twenty of their members to be trained for serving as rescue teams to man this unit in the City of Macon Civil Defense program. This is, indeed, a fine gesture in the direction of assisting in perfecting the Macon Civil Defense organization.
New Civil Defense Directors app anted in the Central Georgia Area during the past few months include: William B. Akins, City of Barnesville; Col. CH.S. Russell, Ciry of Blackshear and Pierce County; Julian E. Dutton, City of Glennville; John Lane, City of Brunswick and Glynn County; D. V. Childs, Jr., City of Gray and Jones County; Frank Reiger, City of Helena; LeRoy Fairman, City of Hinesville; Max Lockwood, City of Statesboro; F.F. Talkington, City of Sylvania, and William A. Pharr, City of Thomasto... and Upson County.
Also those who have been serving as city directors and have recently received appointments as county dir-


ectors include: Clyde W. Hill, City of Cochran and Bleckley County; Edwin Hodges, City of Eatonton and Putnam County; J. W. Cleary, City of Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County; Otis Waldrep, Jr., Ciry of Forsyth and Monroe County; B. Stafford Rooks, City of Fort Valley and Peach County; Paul Wasmer, City of Hawkinsville and Pulaski County; Ronald E. Widener, City of Lyons and Toombs County and D.E. Medders, City of Pembroke and Bryan County; and James C Wilkinson, CityofClayton and Evans County.
The City of Baxley and Appling County, under Civil Defense Director Donald R. Harrell recently completed their operational plan, which is being used as a model by many of the communities in the Central Georgia Area and probably in other parts of the state. Also the City of Eatonton and Putnam Counry, under the direction of Director Edwin Hodges, and the City of Fitzgerald and Ben Hill County, under the direction of Director J. W. Cleary, have recently completed and filed with Geotgia Civil Defense Headquarters their operational plans.
There are orchids due to many of the people in the Central Georgia Area for their outstanding accomplishments and efforts during the year 1956, but they are too numerous to list in the limited space. I will just say thanks to everyone for the fine cooperation accorded the department and me during this year.
Many of the directors and their staffs are hard at work completing their operational plans, getting the City Councils in their respective communities to adopt a Civil Defense Ordinance and filling any vacancies that might exist in the service heads of their local organizations. I would like to request that you add an amendment to your New Year's resolutions for me to the effect "I promise to see that my City Council has a Civil DefenseOrdinance'; that I will promptly complete my own Civil Defense Organization, and that I will complete and file with the State Civil Defense Di vi sion the operational plan for my community without further delay" .

The Federal Civil Defense Administration stated it was augmenting its medical storage program in order to stockpile across the nation medical stores that in the event of an enemy attack could be used for the treatment of casualties in any critical target area or in regions contaminated by radioactive fallout.
To make this possible, FCDA has established an emergency supply support program that provides for three types of warehouses to give "distribution in depth" to its system for making available medical supplies.
In the front line of this warehouse program will be small, minor storage locations -- 10,000 to 20,000 square feet of floor space -- adjacent to or within the nation's critical target areas. They will contain medical supplies and instruments for detecting radioactive fallout resulting from nuclear attack.
The second type is a major storage warehouse -- 40,000 to 50,000 or more square feet of floor space -- and may be located underground. It is designed to supply one or more critical target areas.
The third type is a large, general reserve storage location -- capable of supplying every possible kind of medical material to large geographic regions. These warehouses may be located underground. It is planned to have several of these warehouses spotted strategically in secure locations around the country.
Prior to development of this emergency supply support program, FCDA stockpiled medical supplies in warehouses usually located some distance from critical target areas.
Because nearly half the nation's hospital beds are located in target areas, hospital s must be prepared to move their personnel and patients on short notice civil defense authorities agree.
The Ground Observer Corps needs Civilian Volunteers. Get out today and do your part.


_____________________________________ THE ALERT

Jerry Carlble

Miss Margaret Murray is leading discussion in what schools, children, and teachers can do for civil defense. This eigthth grade class of the Brown Elementary School in Smyma displays excellent coordination between city and
county CD planning.

Two Federal tax rulings made last Fall make volunteer Civil Defense and Red Cross workers eligible for special income tax deductions.
The Internal Revenue Service, in two separate decisions ruled that Civil Defense volunteers may deduct certain out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of their dun es.
These items include traveling expenses to watch atomic bomb tests, the expense of attending state meetings of CD volunteers to other expenses directly connected with and solely attributable to the rendition of such volunteer services.
Wher~ expenses come OUL of the volunteer's pocket, the Internal Revenue Service considers them contributions or gifts and therefore deductible.
The other ruling permits similar deductions for Red Cross volunteers, such as costs of going to and from local churches and hospitals to do Red Cross work.
All volunteers also may deduct the cost of special uniforms if the uniforms are not used for other work. The cost of meals, if paid for while away overnight on special duty, also are deductible.

To 1ayor A. C. Graves of Clarkesville for coordinating the developm ent of the first aid chest program in his County.
To Mayor Gordon Mays of Millen for his leadership in his area for spearheading the drive for a close coordinating effort of his Civil Defense St aff development and plans.
To Civil Defense Director Thomson of Douglasville for the excellent m~lDer in which he and his staff prepared his Civil Defense plans and training program.
To Bill Rogers, the new Civil Defense Director of Waynesboro for his fast action in developing his Civil Defense Staff and enlisting 70 volunteer staff members. This is indeed unusual for a city to develop at this rate of speed.
To Garden Hills School Faculty and P. T.A. President Mrs. J. W. Veatch for the development of Civil Defense skit "Tale of Two Families". The group of 8th graders will present thi s program before the Staff College in January in Athens.
To Mrs. Anna Laura Reid, Newton County Director, for her diligent efforts in developing their county plan.

Many communities in the North Geargia Area are developing Civil Defense plans and training with great enthusiasm. One of the most outstanding cities is Augusta. Mrs. G. W. Freiberg has trained over 500 persons in First Aid with the Basic Ci vil Defense Course gi ven to all. Some 40 persons have been given Basic Civil Defense Course and one of the most recent co urses is the Traffic and Rescue Course for 21 persons.
Mrs. Foster, Director of Marietta and Cobb County, has coordinared several plans and trainiIlg programs in her area. The most recent one was the excellent job Mrs. Carl Balding developed in the East Side Elementary School. Twelve persons were given the completed Home Nursing Course. Also thirty-one persons received the Basic Course in Soute Cobb, ten persons in Mountai n View, and twenty-one persons from East Side.
Mrs. A. C. Kotchian in the Cobb County Area has been appointed to the Women's Advisory Committee. She brought to our stare a fullrounded knowledge of the Civil Defense problems.
I would like to take this opportunity to convey my appreciation to three of my friends, Mrs. Peggy Carter of Toccoa, Palmer Edenfield of Wadley and Bob Carmichael of Hampton for
the splendid cooperation given to me by these former Civil Defense Directors. The above directors resigned because of expanded business obligations, but during their time as directors in their respective cities, they gl\ve the utmost consideration to the active part they played in their communities development program by having one of the most active Civil Defense staffs. Your colleagues will miss you, and thanks again for a job well done.
New Civil Defense Directors in my area are: O.H. Carson, Commerce; Allyn Robb, Watkinsville; Alba J. Dover, Ellijay.

Continued from Page 1 defined part of regular military training.
10. The Secretary of Civi I Defense, in behalfofthe President, should have defined statutory powers to act in an emergency and to mobilize all civilian resources for minimi zing the effects of enemy-caused disaster upon the national economy and the people of the United States.
11. The Secretary of Civil Defense, in behalfofthe President, should have statutory authority to carry out plans and operations in peacetime, under preattack situations, particularly before declarations of emergency have been made, in order to minimize the effects of enemy-caused disaster upon the national economy and the people of the United States.
12. The role of the military force s in civil defense should be clearly defined. State andlocal officials should be fully informed as to the terms and condi tions under whi ch mili tary as sistance to civil defense authorities will be rendered in the event of widespread disaster and the breakdown of civil government.
13. The studiesof martial law conducted by the Attorney General, the Department of the Army, and other Federal agencies should be made public promptly upon completion, to assist the Congress and the public in understanding the contemplated rol e of th e military force s in civil defense.
Every family is advised to be prepared to manage its own food, water and sanitation problems for at least 7 day s during a major emergency.


The first large-scale computer for the nation's vast new electronic air warning network is now being installed.
Our growi ng con tinen tal air defen se system, known as the Semi-Automati c Ground Environment (SAGE) system, combines the abilities of an electronic computer to receive information, to memorize, to calculate, and to record answers with the perspective and display talents of radar to present an instantaneous graphic picture of the location, speed, and direction of all planes within radar range. With a knowledge of flight plans of friendly pi anes available in the computer, hostile planes can be identified immediately and the most effective defense action taken -- again on the basis of computer information and instruction.
The SAGE system starts with a radar ring -- on land, on Navy picket ships at sea, on offshore Texas Towers, and on airborne early warning planes ranging far out over the ocean. These radars are linked by telephone lines or ultrahigh-frequency radio directly to the high speed computer. Informacion about aircraft anywhere within the radar area is relayed continuously and automatically to an IBM computer. This equipment, the AN/FSQ-7, digests all of this information plus Ground Observer reports, flight plans, and weather information as fast as it is received and translates it into an over-all picture of th e air si tuation.

THE DIRECTOR SAYS: Continued from Page 1
defense will serve as a deterrent to attack and stre ss that Ameri can s must be informed on how they can help themselves and others in the event of an emergency. This is obvious because well-organized protective measures cannot be formulated and placed into operation after a disaster strikes. Every individual, should be taught in advance the civil defense knowledge, skills and fundam en tal s of behavior needed during emergencies.
Because 25 percent of our population, every fourth American, is associated with schools --- as student, teacher or administrator --- the nation's elementary, secondary and higher institutions of learning serve as one of the best means of disseminating chil defense information for personal and family survival, the foreword de clare s.
If, the foreword continues, school s organize effective programs for students and, at the same time, become neighborhood centers for the education of adults, general civil defense knowledge and skills c an thereby be effecti vely transmitted to a large segment of the total population.
I urge every person to read this informative booklet.
In event of a major attack ell the United States, farmers and small town dwellers would be expected to take care of target city evacuees and aid in .:estoring the damaged area, according to the Federal Ovil Defense Administration.

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MAR:L 0 '57

Vol. 7 No.2

Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, George J. Hearn, State Director Atlanta, Ga.

MARCH, 1957


President Eisenhower's Budget

Message for the fiscal year 1958,

which begins July 1, 1957, was

transmitted to Congress on January


The President "Recommended new

obligational authority for 1958 for

Civil Defense" of 180 millions.

"Estimated et Budget Expenditures"

were 95 millions.

George J. Hearn

The following is the section on

"Civil Defense" in the President's
THE DIRECTOR Budget Message, as follows:


SAYS- - -

1E T have made encouraging progress in preparing tor civil

Today the American way of life provides the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by any people in all history. But all of us are prone to take the things we have and the conditions under which we

defense since the Federal Civil Defense Act was approved in 1951. These gains have been partly offset by the increasingly destructive capabilities of nuclear weapons. In the light of these developments,

live for granted.

the Administration will transmit

We forget that people in many other countries would look upon

to the Congress the recommendations for amendment of the Federal

our everyday conveniences as fabu-

Government better to meet its

lous luxuries. We forget that the

responsibilities. To achieve maxi-

average American makes and pos-

mum results, Civil Defense must

sesses more than ten times as much

continue to be a cooperative ef-

of the world's goods as the average

fort with state and local govern-


ments. Individual and hcal initia-

America has only one-sixteenth

tive and resourcefulness must be

of the world's population and about

our ultimate reliance during an

the same proportion of land and natural resources. But, America has more than one-half of the world's telephone, telegraph and radio net-

initial recovery period. "This budget provides under
existing legislation for extending Civil Defense programs for public

works - more than one-third of the

education, information and train-

ing and for a larger Federal staft to give assistance to the states and cities. Appropriations are included for an attack warning system which will quickly transmit warnings from the Air Force to certain key areas. Stockpiling of emergency hospital equipment and radiological detection equipment will be continued; and a substantial program of research on radiological defense, on shelter design and on bomb-damage assessment will be carried forward.
"Funds for Civil Defense activties are included in the commerce and housing section of the analysis. "
Sixty-four communities in Georgia have ~een certified as eligible to participate in the surplus property program.
During the first two weeks of this program, twenty-two cities procured $15,279.51 of material at a cost to them of $1,021.50.
As this program progresses it is believed that every community in the State will take advantage of this very fine opportunity to procure surplus property for their civil defense organization at an extremely low cost.

Continued on Page 4

Published by the Department of Defense CIVIL DEF ENSE DIVISION 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E. GEORGE J. HEARN
Director CHARLES T. WHITE Public Information Officer
KELSO HEARN Administrative Aide J ACK.L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer
JERRY CAUBLE Training Officer MRS. JOHN G. LEWIS Coordinator, Women's Activities ELIZABETH W. PIPER Coordinator. Area Directors A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSON Southern Area Director ALICE GLOVER Northern Area Director MAJ. FORREST L. WAREHIME, JR. Ground Observer Corps Coordinator
The Federal Civil Defense Administrati on Staff College of Battle Creek, Michigan, will conduct in Atlanta at the Fulton County Medical Society Building, 875 West Peachtree Street, N.E., on April 15-19, 1957, the third of a series of courses on the conduct of health services in civil defense. Enrollment is open to physicians, dentists, nurses, hospital administrators, sanitary engineers, pharmacists and associated professional groups.
The course will cover the principles of civil defense, the organization, administration, and operation of health services. The general theme will stress the importance and inter-related teamwork between medical and para-medical groups and other related services in multitudinous operational phases.
All individuals desiring to attend the course should forward a letter to Dr. Lester Petrie, Deputy Director, Georgia Civil Defense Health Services, Department of Public Health, Atlanta, Georgia, requesting enrollment.

by Jerry Cauble The new Civil Defense Directors in North Georgia Area are: G. David Newton, Gainesville; William L. Berry, Villa Rica; T.L. Asbury, Crawfordville, Bob Sexton, Cornelia. The most outstanding community project in Civil Defense in my area during the last several months was ~he Rome Welfare Emergency Feeding Course. This was a jointly sponsored effort on the part of local Civil Defense, FCDA, and the Red Cross. This was the first course of this type to be held in the Southeastern Area. The following cities have met their qualifications for the Surplus Property Program: Marietta, Richmond County, Whitfield County, Griffin, Monroe, Smyrna, Crawfordville, Taliaferro County, Burke County, Waynesboro Calhoun, Canton, Cherokee County, East Point, Clarkesville, Adairsville, Commerce, Gainesville, Hall County, Villa Rica, Douglasville, Carroll County. HATS OFF To Bob Sexton for his expediting the section of his Civil Defense Advisory Group in the prompt and successful action taken on the writing of his Civil Defense Plan. To Tom David, Civil Defense Director, Calhoun, for a successful development of his Rescue Program. He will soon secure a new rescue unit which was bought jointly by the city and other civic groups. He will began his first training on March 12. To W.J. Wilcox, Lockheed, Frank Miller, Lockheed, and Mrs. J .M. Foster, for the splendid development of their Civil Defense Plan. To Mrs. Helen Bose, President of the Georgia Dietetic Association, for cooperating with her group and deve loping for the plans for her association to assist in Civil Defense Program throughout the State. To Stanley Hastings, Civil
Defense Director, Decatur and Dekalb County, for developing with County Commissioners their proposed Civil Defense Plan and the cooperation of the communities in his county in connection with thi~ program.

The Federal Civil Defense Administration continues to add to its medical stockpile of 20o-bed emergency hospital assemblies, anticipating an urgent need for such facilities by millions of Americans should this nation ever suffer thermonuclear attack.
FCDA recently initiated purchase of 1,000 additional hospital assemblies under this program. When delivery is completed, by the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, the total number will have reached 1,932. At present, 743 hospitals have been delivered to the Federal stockpile, 200 ate in process of assembly and 76 others are owned by the States, having been purchased under the Federal Contributions program.
Some of these assemblies, complete with X-ray and operating room equipment, portable generators, 200 cots and medical supplies, are stored in strategically placed warehouses near critical target areas around the nation.
Others are being issued to States for training and familiarization. Many also are being stored in local areas in a special prepositioning program at places where they actually would be used during an emergency.
10 an emergency, the hospitals would be set up in outlying schools, churches and other buildings to provide working facilities for doctors and nurses evacuated from the 1,800 regular hospitals in the nation's critical target areas.
The emergency hospital, when set up, occupies about 15,000 square feet of floor space. The packaged unit can be loaded into one large truck and transported where needed. The hospital can be assembled, ready for use, in a few hours.
Accompanying each hospital unit supplies, such as drugs, medicines and dressings, for 36 to 48 hours' operations.
A regular staff of 306, including 16 medical officers, 33 nurses, 173 trained aides, and assorted technicians, clerks and untrained workers, is needed for each hospital.
MARCH, 1957

______________________________________ THE A.LERT

A. Mack Dodd
The Rescue Truck which is being secured on Federal Matching Funds Basis through funds provided by Macon Lodge o. 1455, Loyal Order of Moose, will be officially presented to Mayor B.F. Merritt, Jr., by Governor Joe Pompei of Macon Lodge on Monday evening, March 4. Macon Lodge No. 1455 expects to get underway with its rescue training program soon, with lodge members making up the necessary rescue teams to man this rescue truck. Maj. B.L. Kersey, of the Georgia ational Guard and a member of Macon Lodge, who is a graduate of the CD Rescue at Olney, Md., will assist in the rescue training program.
Jos. N. Neel Post o. 3, of The American Legion, Macon, is in the process of raising funds at the present time with which to purchase the second Rescue Truck for the City of Macon. Commander Ben Chatfield, of Post No.3, advises that they should be in position to deliver their truck in the near future.
The Macon-Bibb County PTA Council sponsored a Civil Defense Workshop at the Army Training Center, in Macon, on Wednesdlly, February 20, at which there was a total of 170 people in attendance, including B.F. Merritt, Jr., Mayor of Macon, Bill Hunt, Director, and Bill White, Asst. Director, Macon Civil Defense, Ben Chatfield, Personnel Director, City of Macon, Kemp Harrison, Mayor, and
Ed Nobles, CD Director, Warner Robins, R.M. Byington, CD Director, Gordon, W.E. Hunter, CD Director, Oglethorpe, some others from surrounding territory and members of the PTA Units. Maj. Gen. Geo. J. Hearn made the principal address and a full basic course was taught by members of the State Staff. Certificates were presented to all who completed the basic course. This meeting was under the direction of Mrs. David Kalish, President, and Mrs. Leo Thomas, Chairman CD Committee, of the Council. At the end of this meeting Mrs. Kalish called on Macon and Bibb County to

provide a full time Director of Civil Defense with the view of having an active CD organization and program.
Words cannot express the appreciation due the Moose, The American Legion and the Macon-Bibb County PTA Council for their intense interest in and active support of the Civil Defense program and I am sure that their efforts will bear fruit.
The following communities have completed all of their eligibility requirements and have been cleared to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Program:
Baxley & Appling County, Donald R. Harrell, Director; Jeffersonville & Twiggs County, DeWitt Harrell, Director; Eatonton & Putnam County, e.E. Hodges Director; Lyons & Toombs County, Ronald E. Widener, Director; Fitzgerald & Ben Hill County, J .W. Cleary, Director; Thomaston & Upson County, W.e. Cochran, Director; Warner Robins, Ed Nobles, Director; Unadilla, Ralph Daemmer, Directo;; Mc-RaeHelena & Telfair County, T.L. Rhodes and Frank Reiger, Directors, Folkston & Charlton County, Jack R. Mays, Director and Batnesville & Lamar County, William B. Akins, Director. There are numerous other communities in the Central Georgia Area who have about completed all of their requirements and will become eligible to participate in this program soon. I might state right here that the main requirements are; First, a community must have a Civil Defense organization; second, for the city there must be a CD ordinance adopted by City Council and a CD resolution adopted by the County Commissioners; third, there must be adopted a Operational Plan showing the operation of the organization in time of emergency, and finally certain forms must be filled in and mailed to State Headquarters, Civil Defense Division, Atlanta, along with copies of the ordinance, resol~tion and operational plan. It is hoped that all communities will soon complete the necessary requirements.

More than two hundred "victims" of a supposed disaster were fed with a hot meal on Febuaty 20th at the Rome City Clubhouse in the first southeastern demonstration of a joint Red Cross - Civil Defense program.
All the victims received their nourishing food with dispatch - 120 were served in 15 minutes. The meal consisted of steming Irish stew, bread, coffee and candy bars, providing them with some 2,500 calories.
It was prepared for the purpose of bringing back the morale of a group of panic-stricken casualties, as the first effort to restore order and calm following any disaster.
The mass feeding concluded a three-day course sponsored by the Civil Def ense and the Red Cross. Thirty-six women successfully completed the new training program.
Ted Donath, director of Civil Oefense in Floyd County, and Gordon Anderson, Red Cross disaster chairman, expressed themselves as gratified over the outcome of this first joint mass feeding effort.
Gordon Walker, Civil Defense Radio Officer, at Valdosta, Georgia while riding in his cat January 11, received a call by Amateur Radio that his assistance was needed 12 miles from Valdosta where the victim in a water accident had drowned.
Twenty-five minutes later, 2 radio operators and 4 technicians were on the scen.e providing boat to shore communications.
The recovery of the body required 8 hours and the Valdosta Radiomen were in operation for the duration.
This is another example of the fine cooperative spirit of the Amateur Radio Group and again points out that Civil Defense workers do not have to wait for an attack upon our country for their training to be useful.
Our hats are off to Gordon Walker, N.N. Langdale, Jr., the Civil Defense Director and the fine Civil Defense Organization at Valdosta.



;:ST::-A:-:F::F:-:C:O~LL~E:G::E=-----::S~A-:-L~V-:- THE ALERT N EXT



The 7th Industry Defense Course

is scheduled to be held by the FCDA

Staff College, Battle Creek, Michigan, May 20 to 25, 1957.
This Course is designed to serve as a forum and clearing house for

information pertaining to emergency planning, disaster control, and civil

defense preparedness in and among plants, companies, and various industries.

Civil defense coordinators from

industrial plants, institutions and
other large facilities are invited to attend.

. To insure the widest exchange of

VIews, the Course welcomes discussion by the students and includes

workshops, panel discussions, and lectures. Individuals enrolling are

encouraged to discuss the emergency plans of the companies which they represent and are urged to bring

copies of company brochures or other
printed material pertinent to industry defense.

Requests for enrollment in the 7th Industry Defense Course may be sent

through the State Civil Defense Dir-

ector to the Director, Staff College,

Feder al Civil Defense Administra-

tion, Battle Creek, Michigan. Enroll-

ment is accepted on a first-come

first-served basis.


A simple underground shelter would provide almost complete protection from radioactive fallout while a regular frame or brick home would provide some protection, the Federal Civil Defense Administration reports.

DEFENSE The Salvation Army has offered to make its resources available to civil defense in case of enemy attack. In some cases, the organization already has made appropriate arrangements with local civil defense agencies to assist in an emergency. In welcoming the Salvation Army' s participation in civil defense, FCDA recognizes that its many and varied activities for human betterment constitute a substantial resource poten tial in building communiry readiness for warcaused emergency. The Salva-
tion Army is prepared, where local capabilities exist, to provide the following kinds of service to community civil defense organizations
1. Personnel, facilities and equi pment for the emergency care of people.
2. Counselling and morale building services.
3. Participation at the operating level in the planning of mass
emergency care. 4. Promoting an increase aware-
ness of and participation in civil d.efense within its own organition and among its constituents. In view of the critical need for mass care facilities and experienced personnel on the operating level in a war-caused emergency, local civil defense directors are urged to initiate and facilitate cooperation with the Salvation Army.
Civil Defense Training is Life Saving Training.

Continued from Page 1
railways - about three-fourths of the automobiles - almost one-half of the
radJiuo~st. what is it that has given
AmerIcans the highest income - the most goods - the best quality - and the lowest pr ices on earth? It is free enterprise - the one system in which men are free to take business risks; free to make a profit; free to expand; free to change jobs; free to keep pace with the wants and needs of people.
These freedoms have fostered the spirit. and created the labor-saving machmes through which we Americans produce so much faster for every hour we work. Thus we earn more and can buy more.
The wonderful American way of life described above is mentioned only to bring out the point that we can lose it! We can lose the next war if we are not prepared on the home front. The only way we can defend our American way of life is through an adequate civil defense force. Civil Defense is everybody's business.
Old-fashioned root cellars and "cyclone" cellars are two of the best type shelters against the modern-day hazard of radioactive fallout, civil defense officials advise.
The organized reporting and detection of low-flying aircraft in the United States under the Ground Observer Corps is a joint Civil Defense - Air Force program.

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"Vol. 7 No.3

Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, George J. Hearn, State Director
Atlanta, Ga.

MAY, 1957


April's Tornadic Winds rending nel and equipment to meet these tragic

destruction 10 these many years experiences and I want to urge every

across our great State have finally local Civil Defense Director and

met some organized resistance in the Mayors to call the State Headquarters

form of Civil Defense Rescue Squads. when you have been hit, so we can

Half way through the month, more send you help. I also want to urge

than 15 counties had felt the blast you to train rescue squads and get

of terrifying tornadoes or damaging you some equipment, you never know

winds. Georgia Civil Defense Rescue when you will need it. My staff will

and Communications Units answered help with your training program, just

calls in the counties of Gordon, call on us."


Richmond, Chatham, Bibb, Twiggs,

George J. Hearn

Peach, Macon, Schley, Telfair, Ware,

THE DIRECTOR Lamar, and McDuffie. On March 30, the Savannah Rescue

Operation Alert 1957, the Nation's

SAYS- - -

Squad was called to assist the Lyons Rescue Squad in the recovery of a drowned body in the Altamaha River.

fourth annual Civil Defense exercise, has been scheduled this year beginning July 12 ~o 14.

Since more tornadoes occur during

Again on April 3, the Savannah

Operation Alert 1957, is intended

this season of the year in Georgia,

Rescue Squad was called to the to bring into action Civil Defense of

I am devoting my column to a few tornado safety rules.
To know what to do when a warn-

Memorial Bridge at Thunderbolt after a towboat damaged the bridge. Floodlights on the Rescue Truck were used

the United States. It is primarily a training exercise to advance the continuing efforts of the Federal,

ing is received, or a tornado is ob-

while seven of the squad members State and local governments to bring

served, may mean the difference

assisted the State Highway Mainten- a total Civil Defense into being.

between life and death.

ance Department in clearing this

The total 1957 exercise will be

There is no universal protection

emergency for traffic. During the five conducted in several phases. One

against tornadoes except caves or

hours period of work, one spectator will deal with Civil Defense plan-

underground excavations. When time

who had fainted was administered ning and actions preparatory to the

permits, go to a t.ornru:lo cellar, cave,

first aid by the squad and sent to the opening of the exercise. This will

or underground excavation which


be followed by the theoretical nu-

should have an air outlet to help

Following the Tornado at Calho'lD, clear attack and the exercise will

equalize the air pressure. It should Georgia on April 8, the Dalton Rescue close with government officials work-

be kept fit for use, free from water, Squad made a record run to Calhoun ing on problems of survival and

gas, or debris; and preferably equip- to assist the Calhoun Squad which has recovery.


p~d with pick and shovel. If you are in open country, move

just procured a new rescue vehicle.

Operation Alert 1957 will provide

The State Civil Defense Director, the most realistic national Civil

at right angles to the tornado's path.

Adj. Gen. George J. Hearn, paid high Defense exercise yet held. It. will

Tornadoes usually move ahead at praise to the rescue squads and their provide all Civil Defense with the

about 25 to 40 miles per hour. If activity and said, "We are now begin- greate st training opportunity to date.

there is no time to escape, lie flat ning to get sufficient trained person- Realism is the keynote.

Continued on Page 4


Published by the Department of Defens e CIVIL 0 FEN E DI I 10. 959 B. Con/ederate Ave., S.B.
Public In/ormatton a/licer
KELSO HEAR Administrative Aide J ACK.L. GRANTHA~I
Communications a//icer
JERRY CA BLE Training O//icer MRS. JOH G. LEWI Coordinator, Women's Activities ELIZABETH \1:'. PIPER Coordinator, Area Directors A. lACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY . J ACKSO Southern Area Director ALICE GLO ER orthern Area Director ~lAJ. FORRE T L. WAREHI~lE, JR. Ground Observer Corps Coordinator
A new series of low-yield nuclear tests at rhe evada proving ground for "knockout" weapons of concentrated punch but reduced poisonous fallout was announced recently by the Atomic Energy Commission.
A limited number of Civil Defense observers will be present at rhe series of tesr, with the southeastern states being invired to one of the first test in mid-May.
The Commission said a major objective of the tests -- sixth to be held at the evada Proving ground -will be rhe development of weapons for defense against atrack. Mindful of some fears about radiation effects, the Commission also stated rhat "an extensive radiation monitoring network will again be used during the series." The Defense Department and FCDA will participare in the new tests and will make studies of weapons effects in order to improve U. defenses against atomic attack.
The evada tesrs will be known as "Operation Plumb Bob."

Senior Girl Scout Troup No. 12, 0/ Smyrna, under the leadership of Mrs. Hazel
Padgett, Scout Leader, and Mrs. Jane Culpepper, Assistant Scout Leader, have completed the Basic Civil De/ense Course. The course was presented in three sessions by Mrs. George Dubuc, Training Director, Smyrna Civil Defense, and included a field trip to the Georgia State Civil Defense Headquarters Control Center. Diplomas were presented to the girls upon completion of the course on farch 18th. Shown here is Mrs. George Dubuc presenting diploma to Bunny Belsky. Left to right are: Susan Sammons, Trina Hoepner, Jeri Hamby, Sue Yarbrough, Kay Mills, frs. Hazel Padgett, Leader, Sherrie Robin son, Mrs. Jane Culpepper, Assistant Leader, Carol Austin, Edith Colston,
Ann Konigsmark, Ann Cobb, and Elizabeth Black.

by A. Mack Dodd
ew CD Directors appointed 10 Central Georgia Area are: Byron C. Glisson, Director, City of Rincon and M. D. Waters, Director, City of Reidsville.
The following additional comunities have completed all of their eligibility requirements and have been cleared to p:lrticipate in rhe Federal Surplus Property Program: Forsyth & Monroe County, Otis Waldrep, J r., Director; Savannah & Chatham County, Charles J. Musante, Director; Claxton & Evans County, James Wilkinson, Director; Pembroke & Bryan County, D. E. fedders, Director; and Douglas, \l;'. K. Meeks, Director. There are others who have qualified, but official notice has not been received by the writer.
~fany of those who have become

qualified have availed themselves of the opportunity to secure materials under this program and the surplus sales slips which have come to me show that much good equipment and serviceable supplies have been received. Those communities that have not yet qualified ar e urged to speed up the organizational process and get themselves qualified without futher undue delay.
The Savannah-Chatham County Council of Defense has organized an Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance Service, which is to be part of their Police Service. Eleven men have completed a ten hour course and have been presented Certificates of Training by rhe Third Army. They are: Wm. M. Wallace, Wyatt L. Wilson, E. E. Price, J. C. Riner, Carl Richrer, Charles E. Ogden, Hail L. Clark, JamesJ. Connolly, W. C. Fleetwood, Malcolm E. Kendrich and Clinton J. 1urphy.


Conti nued on Page 4

MA Y, 7957


by Miss Alice Glover

Shown here is the delivery of a Rescue Truck being made by officers and members of Macon Lodge No. 1455. Loyal Order of Moose to Mayor B. F. Merritt, Jr.
Those in the photograph, reading' from left to rigbt. are: George J. Fay, Treasurer, Dr. Joe Pompei, Governor. Charles C. Gregorie, Mayor B. F. Merritt, Jr., David L. Bowman. Trustee. Maj. B. L. Kersey. of Ga. National Guard and graduate of the Rescue School at Olney. Md. and A. Mack Dodd. Trustee of the lodge and Central Georgia Area Director.
This rescue truck will be located at Headquarters, Fire Department. in Macon, and will be manned by teams taken from members of the Macon Moose Lodge. who will receive instructions from Ma;or Kersey.

Suggested Pantry
I\ULK: One package of powdered. non-fat dry milk, and two 14'12 oz. cans of evaporated milk.
FRUITS: One 1 lb. 14 oz. can each of two varieties of canned x:uits. and 1 lb. of dried fruits.
JUICES: Three cans of approximately 1 qt. 14 oz. each of fruit or vegetable juice.
VEGETABLES: Six cans (approximately 1 lb. each) of vegetables.
SOUPS: Four 10'12 oz. cans. MEATS AND MEAT SUBSTITUTES: Four cans (approximately 1 lb. each) of your favorite items. Include cheese or peanut butter if desired. CEREALS: Seven individual-service packages of ready-to-eat variety. BREAD: The canned varieties. CRACKERS-COOKIES: One box. BEVERAGES: One small jar of instant coffee, one of instant tea, or a 1 lb. package of instant cocoa, whichever your family prefers. SOFT DRINKS: Twelve bottles. SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS: Sugar, salt, seasonings, candy (types that store well), chewing gum, and cigarettes and tobacco. CAUTION: Store these items llke Grandma did-in a dry, cool basem*nt or storeroom within a tempera ture range of 35 to 50 degrees for best results. Check ~'our "pantry" preferably weekly but at least monthly and
changed every six weeks.

In Civil Defense, a steady siren wail for three to five minutes is an alert signal. It means you should turn your radio to 640 or 1240 kilocycles for emergency instructions. A series of short siren blasts total ling three minutes means to take cover.
Shelters have been designed by the Federal Civil Defense Administration which can reduc e radioactive fallout to l/S,OOOth of the exposure to a person in the open. Plans for the easily constructed shelters are a~ail able through local Civil Defense.
Common household items may be used to make an improvised stretcher in a Civil Defense or other emergency, Possibilities include an ironing board, the leaf of a dining table, a door or a window shutter.

Since last issue of the Alert, considerable progress ha s been shown in the following communities who have qualified for Surplus Property Program: Cornelia, College Park, Conyers, Sparta and Hanco*ck County, Lawrenceville and Gwinnett County, Elber ton and Elbert County, and Stockbridge.
Several new directors have been appointed and they are as follows: Col. John Kimsey, Sandersville; Mr. L. J. Broome, Grantville; Mr. L. D. Culbreth, Zebulon and Pike County; Me. H. L. Phillips, Tallapoosa; and Mr. L. H. Bacon, Stockbridge. HATS OFF
To Bob Sexton, Civil Defense Director, Cornelia, agair. for his outstanding alertness in regard to the young boy who was dying of leukemia in Cairo. It was through his efforts that the young mans request of a rocking-horse was received the nex.t day after the published story in the Atlanta Journal.
To Mrs. Jeanette Gregory, Civil Defense Welfare Office, for her splendid cooperation in planning for the Atlanta School Evacuation.
To Mrs. Jean Goslee and Sara
Sorrells of the Atlanta Office for their prompt and efficient way in which they coordinated the support area of the Atlanta Evacuation Program.
To Mrs, J er e Field, of Monroe, for development of their Civil Defense Program and Staff.
To Mrs. Marion Sims, of Dalton, ~or the effective way in which all phases of her training program have progress~d during the past months, especially the splendid response to her Nurses Assistance Courses.
To Mrs. J. M. Foster for establishing two training course s within a months time, Auxiliary Police Training and Emergency Welfare Feeding.
To the Calhoun Civil Defense Director, Me. David and members of, the Rescue Staff, for initial assistance in the recent storm area in their County.

MA Y, 7957

Continued on Page 4



Mayor J. G. Stith of East Point and Mrs. Lois W. Braswell, Civil Defense
Director of that city are shown inspecting an "evacuation route" sign. East Point is one of the first cities in the state to install these signs within the city limits.
Mayor Stith stated he is very proud of the fine Civil Defense Organization East Point has and of the good work Mrs. Braswell is doing.

Continu~d from Poge 3
To Mr. J. C. Dover, Civil Defense
Director, Buford; Mr. Warner Bishop and Mr. John Green, of Lawrenceville; for their contribution in coordinating the planning program for the Atlanta Evacuation.
To the many Civil Defense Directors and Mayors who have made it easy for me in my initial visits as Area Director, "thank you."
Hot water heaters are a good source of uncontaminated water for families forced to remain in a basem*nt after a nuclear attack.

ContInued from Page 2
Mr. Charles J. Musante, Director of
the Savannah-Chatham County Council of Defense has just recently returned from Battle Creek, Michigan. He was invited to come to FCDA Headquarters, at Battle Creek, by Governor Val Peterson to brief the FCDA Staff on the Savannah Civil Defense Story, which he did on April 5. This certainly indicate s the high regard Governor Peterson has for the Savannah-Chatham Council of Defense. Congratulations for the fine job being done there.

THE DIRECTOR SAYS: Continued from Page 1 in the nearest depression sucb as a ditch or ravine. If you are in a city or town, seek inside shelter, preferably a steel reinforced building. ST AY A WA Y FROM WINDOWSI In homes the southwest corner of the lowest floor or in the basem*nt offers greatest safety. People living in brick or stone houses should seek other shelter, preferably in a storm cellar or the basem*nt of a frame house. If time permits, electricity and fuel lines should be shut off. Windows on the north and east sides of the huuse may also be opened to help reduce damage to the building. Standing against the inside walls on the lower floors of an office building offers some protection. In schools in city areas, especially if school building is of good steel reinforced construction, stay inside, away from windows, and remain near an inside wall on the lowel floors when possible. Avoid auditoriums and gymnasiums with large, poorlysupported roofs. If in rural schools tha t do not have reinforced construction, remove children and teachers to a ravine or ditch jf storm shelter is not available. I pray that we are not hit with any more tornadoes this year, but by learning these simple rules, you enhance the chances of surviving in the event of a storm.
The first wartime atomic blast at Hiroshima destroyed 62,000 of 90,000 buildings, and irreparably damaged 6,000 onore. Today atomic weapons are many times more powerful.

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Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, Charlie F. Camp, State Director

VOL. 7, NO.4

Atlanta, Ga.

JULY, 1957



More than 150,000 school boys and Metropolitan area. They were among

girls in the Atlanta metropolitan the largest ever held in the nation

area were given an insight on April and drew deleg-ations of official

30 into what would happen in a observers from as far away as

national emergency such as an enemy Philadelphia.

bombing raid.


About 54,000 weat through a simu- NEW PROJECT OFFICER FOR

lated evacuation by railroad or motor


vehicle. A remaining 100,000 or so

The appointment of Dr. Frederick

Charlie F. Camp

marched out to loading areas a t the

Bellinger, of 2148 East Lake Road,

schools, returned to their classrooms

Atlanta, Georgia, as State Project

THE DIRECTOR and heard a 3D-minute instruction broadcast by a network of 15 radio

Offic er for the Federal Civil Defense Administration's Survival Plan Pro-

SAYS- - -
Civil Defense is more than a plan and an organization. It is an aware-

stations. About 15,000 went to railroad
landing areas just as they would in a real emergency. Some 300 from the Decatur High School actually board-

ject Program, was announced last month by Major General George J. Hearn, the former State Director.
This project is a federally-financ-

ness upon the part of the entire civilian population, that is emergencies, both in war and in peace, our safety depends a great deal upon how much we help ourselves and our neighbors.
The great destructive power of the

ed a box car on the Georgia Railroad about a block from the school.
The majority of 38,500 evacuated by motor vehicles rode only to turnaround points in or outside the city

ed study of Civil Defense problems in the State of Georgia.
Dr. Bellinger is on leave from Georgia Institute of Technology where he is Assistant Director (Industries and Servic es) Engine er-

atom bomb and the hydrogen bomb area and returned. But 1,500 continu-

ing Experiment State and Professor,

might temporarily paralyze an entire ed in groups to Buford, Cartersville,

SchooL of Chemical Engineering.

community. Aid then would have to' come from neighboring communities.

Tucker and Jonesboro. There they were served lunch at emergency

During 1955-56, Dr. Bellinger was with the United Nations Educational,

Too much stress cannot be placed upon mutual aid between neighbors

welfare reception areas set up for the drill.
Also participating were 6,300

Scientific and Cultural Organization as a Expert in Scientific Research

for rescue work and for housing and feeding the homeless. If bombs fall

drivers, most of them mothers or Parent-Teacher leaders. So well

at the National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.


on America, everybody, everywhere in the untouched areas can look upon these homeless and injured and say to himself, 'There but for the grace

planned and executed were the maneuvers that not a single accident had been reported at noon.

Other members of the newly-formed Staff for this Project are: Malcolm G. Little, Jr., Chief Planner; Richard C. Williams, Engineer; Thomas W.

of God, go 1'.

The evacuation exercises were

Turbiville, Planner; Harold L. Bac-

The military forces are using every directed by Elliott Jackson, Civil

cus, Administrative Officer; and,

device known to modern science to Defense Director of the Atlanta

William J. Hudson, Draftsman.

Continued on Page 4

Published by the Department of Defense CIVIL DEFENSE DIVISION 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E. CHARLIE F. CAMP
State Director KELSO HEARN Administrative Aide ] ACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer ]ERRY CAUBLE Training Officer MRS. ]OH G. LEWIS Coordinator, Women's Activities ELIZABETH W. PIPER Coordinator, Area Directors A. MACK OODD Central Area Director HARRY U. ]ACKSO Southern Area Director ALICE GLOVER Northern Area Director MA]. FORREST L. WAREHIME, JR. Ground Observer Corps Coordinator
The Federal Civil Defense Administration announced development of a new chemical agent detector kit for detecting dangerous concentrations of war gases such as might be used by an enemy in an attack on the United States.
The kit is designed for use by Civil Defense personnel in detecting the presence of such gases as nerve, mustard and nitrogen-mustard.
FCDA adapted the kit from an original design by the Army Chemical Corps for the avy. Weighing only 14 ounces, the rectangular-shaped kit can be carried by the user on his belt. The kit opens from back to front and holds a l-Y2-ounce rubber aspirator bulb equipped with a short piece of detachable cord, making it available for wrist wear.
The kit contains a pIa stic springtype detector tube dispenser and small dropper bottles for resting gases, plus a supply of solid reagents for preparing nerve and mustard gas solutions, and a set of instructions.

Civil Defense in Public Health Meeting Held in Albany
Sixty-four persons attended the two-day course on "Public Health in Civil Defense" in Albany, Georgia, April 24 and 25. The registrants were medical, nursing, sanitation, clerical and Civil Defense pr.rsonnel from twenty-eight Georgia counties.
Conducted by the Southwestern Health Region of the Georgia Department of Public Health, under the direction of F. C. Pickron, Regional Engineer, the program featured lectures and demonstrations by persons prominent in the field of Civil Defense.
The staff of instructors included members of the State Health Department; Sgt. lC Robert B. Chaney, Thi d Army Chemical Section, Ft. McPherson; Harry U. ] ackson, Area Director in Civil Defense; W.]. McAnally, ]r., M. D., Health Officer, FCDA, Region III, Thomasville; ] oseph L. Minkin, Training Officer, Civil Defense Training Section, USPHS, Atlanta; Major E. E. McDermott, Third Army Chemical Section, Ft. McPherson; Major Forrest E. Warehime, ]r., Ground Observer Corps Co-ordinator, Georgia Civil Defense, Atlanta; C. P. Whiting, Civil Defense Director, Albany and Dougherty County.
The State surplus property warehouse was opened w qualified Civil Defense units for the first time 1 March, 1957.
During the past four months supplies and equipment ha ving an original acqui sinon cost of almost onequarter million dollars were acquired by fifty-one local Civil Def ense offices.
The service charges to these local Civil Defense units receiving this property were $8,569.22.
This is a grand opporrunity for all local Civil Defense organizations to get hundreds of items such as trucks, radio and electrical equipment, generators, medical supplies and office supplies at a fraction of their original cost.




Miss Alice Glover

Dear Folks:

It has been a pleasure working with

you these past two months, and I

want you to know how much I appre-

ciate the courteous reception each of

you have given me. More than that, I

am happy over the progress that many

of you have made in your Civil De-

fense Organizations.

A number of new directors have

been appointed, and they are:

Fields Whatley...Cedartown and Polk


Ashley ] ewell, IV


Ray Bolick

Ellijay and Gilmer


George S. Summers Heard County

Charles W. Gwyn

LaFayette and

Walker County

T.P. Lawrence


Laurie Pritchett..Newnan and Coweta


Ralph Astin


Randolrh Medlock Srone Mounrain

] oe Grooms, ] r. Dr. C. Roy Williams

Midville Wadley

O. D. Strother

Wrightsville and

] ohnson County

The following communities have

qualified for the Surplus Property


Zebulon and Pike County, Chicka-

mauga, Homer and Banks County,

Dahlonega and Lumpkin County,

] efferson, Millen and] enkins County,

Tallapoosa, Mansfield, Covington

and Newton County.

I hope as many of you that can will participate in "Operation Alert 1957:'

This exercise will give you valuable

experience. I will be listening In

for your reports.

Remember, if any of you need me

at anytime, please don't hesitate to

call on me.


Q...t....1t.L ~.1.~~.

Food protected by a cellophane wrapper, a refrigerator or deep freeze would likely remain uncontaminated even in an area otherwise contaminated by radioactive fallout, Civil Defense officals report.
JUL Y, 1957

_______________________________________THE ALERT

Certificates for completion of a special course as auxiliary policemen (police service) were awarded by the Civil Defense Division of the State of Georgia, Department of Defense in Monroe recently. The following were photographed, left to right, front row: lIerbert Allen, Daniel Yearwood, Mayor Nimrod Preston,
Jere Field, head of the local unit, Jerry Cauble of the State Department, who conducted the course, Home Stephens, Albert L. Hegwood, G. L. Bray and J. E. Jordan; second row, Truman Reeves, Raymond Head, Tramel Ayco*ck and Joe IV. Bowers; third row, lVinfred Rowe, Hoyt Adams, George Ozburn,
Bill Yarbrough and J. B. Underwood. Mr. Field made the presentation of

Twenty-one members of Calhoun Civil Defense organization recently completed a rescue course.
A practical demonstration of a mock bomb attack climaxed three months of study. It was their final test before presentation of certificates.
Those receiving certificates were A.E.Cook, Jr., Clay Stephens, J. C. Burgess, Jr., George K. Hayes, Rufus Strickland, Solie Wilson, Paul V. Stephens, Calvin Brumlow, E. W. (Buck) Prather, Alton L. Defoor, John Crawford Neal, Winfred B. Gray, Lamar Henderson, Jack H. Bell, Trammell Robinson, Clem Holland, James E. Buttrum, Jack Holland, Don Gentry, James Noles and G. S. Edwards. This group will meet monthly for refresher tactics.
Another course, light duty rescue work, is planned for the near future.
Following an enemy attack there will be two kinds of people. Those who NEED help and those who CAN help.

Shown here are some of the members of the Calhoun Civil Defense organization who recently completed a rescue course. Left to right are: J. C. Burgess, Acle Cook, Sam Edwards; stretcher, Clay Stephens. (Photo by
James H. Hobgood.)
There are 172 standard metropolitan target areas in the continental United States. Cities in these areas are assumed by Civil Defense to be among the possible targets for nuclear attack because they contain major concentrations of population and industry.

by A. Mack Dodd Mr. T. L. Rhodes has been appointed CD Director for Telfair County. He is, and has been for a long period, the director for City of McRae, Mr. J. E. Mooney has recently been appointed to serve as Director for the City of Glennville. Mrs. James Maxey has been appointed to serve as Director for the City of Montezuma. Mr. Ed M. Nobles has been appointed to serve as Director for Houston County. He is also the Director for the City of Warner Robins. The Warner Robins CD organization is making strides in its training program. Recently a group were sworn in by Mayor Kemp Harrison to serve in the Auxiliary Police Service. These men are employed at service stations throughout the city and give a good coverage. Mr. W. R. Harvey, Training Officer, is doing a fine job in training his own organization and is almost constantly speaking to groups of the general public in connection with the program. During a recent visit to Thomaston, inspected some of the surplus equipment secured by Director W. C. Cochran. One of the items was a generator, which has been installed at the City Water Works and is a standby capable of operating the entire filter system in the event of a power failure. The City and County governments at Barnesville have agreed to supply Director William B. Akins any necessary funds for the use of the CD organization for Barnesville and Lamar County. Mr. Akins is busy with his plans and I am sure he will have an active efficient organization. At regular meetio.g on May 28, members of the Joseph N. Neel, Jr. Post No. 3 authorized the purchase of a Junior Rescue Unit and formation of Rescue Team to man the unit. Commander Ben Chatfield advises me that the City of Macon has filed application for the purchase of this unit on Matching Funds Basis and that the application is in the process at this time.

JUL Y, 1957


THE DIRECTOR SAYS: Continued from Page 1
strengthen the country's defense, but no system is infallible. We, as ci viHans, must be ready too. A community that is prepared will keep the loss of life to a minimum and will dig itself out systematically and without the disastrous effect of panic after the blow has fallen.
Thjs is not a short term measure. Until peace again reigns throughout the world, the pattern of American life must include a readiness upon the part of modern minute men to meet whatever comes and meet it squarely.

Shown above are school children from Cobb and Fulton County being regis-
tered at an emergency welfare reception center in Cartersville after being
evacuated during the recent Civil Defense drill. Mr. Warner Bishop, CD Director of Cartersville and Mrs. Marie Vaugh, CD Welfare Chief were in charge
of this operation and did an outstanding ;ob.

The President has forwarded to the Senate for confirmation the name of Governor Val Petersro to become
Ambassador to Denmark.
Simultaneously, he nominated for confirmation to the post of Administrator of the Federal Civil Defense
Administration, former Governor of
Iowa, Leo A. Hoegh. Governor Hoegh was educated at
the Uni ver sity of Iowa and holds
B.A. and J.D. degrees. He served as
Attorney General in the State of Iowa in 1953 and 1954, and was elected

The Federal Civil Defense Administration has disaster relief materials and equipment stockpiled in 43 medical warehouses and 32 engineering storage sites in the continental United States.
The Ground Observer Corps needs Civilian Volunteers. Get out today and do your parr.
Governor, serving from January 1955 to 1957. During his encumbency as Governor, he served as a member of the Civil Defense Committee of the Governors' Conference during 1956-57.

The Albany Fire Department, under the direction of Chief E. E. Moody and Assistant Chief Carl Callaway, will ~tart a Fire Training School for all members of the Albany Civil Defense Fire Service, according to C. P. Whiting, Civil Defense Director of Albany.
Instruction periods will start Tuesday June 25th at 7:30 pm and will continue each Tuesday evening for the first month and then will be held every two weeks thereafter. Sessions will last about 2 hours per night.
All Mutual Aid cities are offered this training school at no cost other than transportation to and from Albany. This should offer a great op portunity to those cities who rely on volunteer help.
All sessions will be held at Fire Station No.2 at 8th and Palmyra Rd. unless otherwise announced. Those interested are asked to report on time and to wear old clothes for hard work.

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Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, Charlie F. Camp, State Director

Atlanta, Ga.


More Powerful Than A-80mb!

Ga. Coast to get Hurricane Plan

Civil Defense can be defined as "Governments on all levels doing in an emergency what comes naturally." Government responsibility in time of disaster, in general, is the same as that in normal times - to provide. for the common defense, public welfar e, health and safety of the people and for the protection of all public properties.
Civil Defense is, therefore, the government-coordinated effort for making the best possible use of its existent resources during natural or man-made disasters. In addition to these services (fire, police,

What's more powerful than an A-bomb?
A hurricane! Recently in Lousiana the loss of hundreds of lives and millions of dollars in property damage attested to this fact. Perhaps, out of this horrifying experience, those who lost their lives did not do so in vain. As a result of this experience and others that have occurred in recent years, the United States Weather Bureau in Washington D. C. appointed three of its staff to vi si t the State Civil Defense Directors and to work with them to e srablish plans for hurricane preparedne.s s.
welfare, medical, etc. ), Civil Defense is the utilization of such organizations as the Red Cross, Salvation Army and other trained auxiliaries. In shott, Civil Defense is the planned emergency utilization of the total resources of a community, state and nation.
Governmen t action, in our American system, always grows from the needs and desires of the people. Public acceptance and support usually comes before government action. When a public program requires Federal, State and local effort, the citizens usually exert the primary influence in forcing these levels of government to take consistent and coordinated action.
Governor Griffin and I are well

State Director Charlie F. Camp, quickly recognizing the value of such a plan, called a me eting of the Civil Defense Directors of the coastal counties and other agencies 10 Savannah, on July 23, 1957.
Mr. Glen V. Sache, Regional Director of the U. S. X'eather Bureau re'commended that States and local organizations immediately take steps to avoid the useless slaughter.
State Director Camp appointed Mr. Charles J. Musante, Director of the Savannah-Chatham Defense Council, as Coordinator of the Hurricane Preparedness Program and directed Mr. Musante to prepate a general plan for all coastal counties.
aware of our responsibilities in developing a plan to minimize the effect of natural disaster, enemy attacks, and subversive activities. We have gathered together what we believe to be the most competent staff available to work with our State Staff and local Civil Defense Directors in developing a survival plan for the State of Georgia.
Development of a plan will not do the job alone. To survive a disaster or any enemy atrack will require the coordinated efforts of all levels of government and individual citizens. Civil Defense is everyone's business --- YOUR BUSINESS. It is your Life --- the fate of your family --- and the survival of your Country. What is your Answer?








o!.)~;e,~g>'it.a)r''~'sA!~l(.~v} ival in

an atomic




on a small grouI;'..p..t,riW~~~~J:are pro~ing the proble~~ ~nvolved in such a

gigantic task.,. ,.,' ,p. .lbeen charge~ with .the re~ponslbl~ry of

~.rp..~a'.:s~.t/:;}e,,~fI ~"'':!t;~:;... inr~l,ting in the estab-
lishme~t o~ t~~ ~~.i.t !?~e~~nse Act of
1951. and illmaUon ,.~~~,for the

operational ' . . plan for Georgia which will ra ke lOto conslderauon every kno . ." ceivilble aspect of Civil Defense against nuclear warfare

survival of the targct"~.~d 160
other towns) practically i~~, the





i l











Und . .dfrection of Dr. Freder-



.. ' .






Tecp'i~:Etjl~ry and Yale Universities,

J~ ~~li:m~nary Operational Survival

Under the latest FCDA guides and concepts of nuclear warfare; Georgia has eight target cities. They are Atlanta, Albany, Augusta, Brunswick, Columbus, Macon,

s c

urviv ontra

al p J"
cteu rgia,

lan'.s completio~


o~~ e




stare:s. "

undertake ,t;l'!i"survival projecr, to~q~

advantage/(}{i~s position and re~iew;"}/

. :'f.. (P9SP ) w~ll provide .the Savannah and Valdosta. These

ed the, .p~~~.s su~mitted, by ?th~~,!i

~' .. ' s .)0 t~7se. and other Vital areas are possible targets for bombs ..... ~:H't5r.1I."1lf*t1nessee,s PO~p. wfS ..~.~{}

~st~o~t.: ;. ' ~ '.



.~.fjQrgia' s when the

,. :l~af~~n goes' up?'

.~.~':"~':;.+;,~~~~(~~oW~!rh,9geb.l.S~a~t;k~,.i!en\~fbwdfeeioellldl:ov-ct~eh.~?ae~r',n~ni.negI~sf p.".tA\c'e"atmlpain"Mw'ta~oVuftlI~,fS:fi

in the 20-megaton range. With such
faorw e2a0p o nm, .lwl ehse roe utth efrDomr i n~ghee xttaerngdest

tC!!A.,' ''partJ.(;~ar value. Other lIf~!m'ati~ .,,1 been hter.ature


boundary (about 25 mlles from

RegiOn III. However, '1t.was,doWi.!~fJ

. .rgwior~uo~gruikl~HOedAd..yl-'~b7:',zu0>e%t~r.o.o~o_)i~f,q~~G~Fei?a~o~n,f:~~g&.l~~.e~a~I~v~fsa'" ,!hobUy~t1hd.e~rGc,o~ets14otdWar.agt~ekinal~'prOslg,bat<,n}f$,~ed!.J~:!~.r.e.;~'Pl~~I~~(~.C~.oOfu.rPq.p.t.")~~i~~I.iJ,;'.rl:J

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ca.fe~,~. :a',ws~e~afp.o~ni:.lh-(hpii'~~"~.1~t_ (Dfe~'tle'ed\t.ft9e9rl-e~r:~arid .


,,'w'a;.mf., .J.r>:".~vi~e~w'ei~r1'-s~~p:r.d,~.;ae,~r.,g"u"


"'f\' afM,~.~ ...;.v..w:.

. -

.'1'.. Ho.'w.


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.~ ' ,,r-'

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ts' results

. of~';' -t"',

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off). .




I; .".,,~

;'" shelter utiIiza-

importanc e to tIi~, . '

w? . " .1<


stat~, The facts con(~~~J~'~s:l;r'~~"

~{eo.f.lraft of the

I of the plan proper will

SurVival study and the Ih~hV1duals plan

, \tftdeI;' FCD

consisC'of concise statements of the

whos e job it is to determine the solutions to the many problems in-

be subm ";0 Po' A 00 '
1957 Ie n~ thfe~~nth 0 '

general situation and the attack and def ense assumptions adopted as the

volved are made known here for

up" th plan., e con- basis for the plan; the overall

the first time.
Working as. a team .a~d as small
groups exploClng specific problems, the experts were given five months to complete their preliminary plan. The group of f1ve experts has been authorized by the Federal Civil De~ense Administration (FC:DA)

.,f.en;.c genciei5 s being ~~ I iIit~9i. / mpletion
" It I~ antlQJp d that a
careful r ':leJt;' of '.~.". mpleted study by E JlN, Sta;ce C ,'. d target-
city-area I~ ~ffkials )ll result in POSSib!"reJis~ons th,.t will be completed.' the ':end of. ,i'F ebruary,

mission of the plan- basic stare-
wide organization; r~sponsibilities
and immediate actions to be taken by top CD officials in the event of a strategic warning; and bases for control of supply, transportation and communications.
Part II contains the annexes, which

whIch contracted for the proJect.
Major sections in the staff include, ~ngineering, ~dministra-
uon, operauons and drafung,
. The broad purpose of the study
IS to pre~ent a. POSP which will
spell out 10 detail areas of responsibility in the coordination of sur-

1958. signed

Wbhyex~t ~ppGr?ov,;eerd~rb.Y1'CGDeoA~g.ainad,

the ?I~n t'h b~com~s/ e offiCial

1 Prehm~nar~,surv.lval,St ,.,. Plan,

ConsldeCl~~ ~e. ~orn~ty ~f. the

task and rfjc~Sity,: fo.r ~a?ditlOn~l

data, the F~D~ has, put 'ilde add1-

tional fund~.:to ove6 an tra seven

derail the activities of groups having specific technical or service fields, The annexes planned at present pertaining,: to. the continuity" of government include Command and Control, Public Informarion, Manpower, Legal, Administration and Intelligence.

vival activities and continuation of government.
The project got underway quietly

months of w;ork. :Final, re ement of


'uld be compl. ,~. uring

t the ' 01 c

Service annexes include reports on CommWlications, Radiological, Public Safety, Engineering, Supply

on Jl1ge 1, 1957, ar the headquarters..

of the State Department efe

~ .:?idy Wt' this surviva

-i.> J ",





rocurement, Health, Welfare,

, . ",_~lan.

tation and Inq~~">> .. > 't

~h' otrGe t.d Si!~

s pre

" .,.,.#~,F'1lp'.hu;tW'~~,",






~ ~t~~~I~,iI-.~'~'~...:.

______________________________________THE ALERT

covering Mission, Organizatim and

Responsibilities, Execution, Supply

and Transportation and Communica-

tions and Control.

Charts and maps are used through-

out the plan to illustrate points

denoted by the title. Basic data not

needed for "action" is appended to

the annexes.

To clarify further the mission of

the survival project, Dr. Bellinger

revealed that (1) Responsibilities

and control of operations in an

emergency will remain the duty of

the same officials who are in charge

of local and state departments or agencies. That is, no ~ttempt is be-

ing made to establish a "super-

defense" organization that would


spring into action to usurp the func-

tion of normal government channels.

(2) Detailed plans for evacuation

'(', .


are the respon sibility of local targetarea officials. (3) Preparation of most of th~ annexes is being accomplished by the people who will be responsitle for carrying out the f unctions of that agency in an emergency. For instance, the Welfare annex is being written by a repre-

Key personnel of the Preliminary Operational Survival Plan discuss possible radiological fall-out patterns over Georgia. They are, lor, Harold Baccus, former AF pilot, project administrator; Tom Turbiville, exGOC coordinator for Georgia, assistant planner; R. C. Williams, retired Rear Ad miral and Georgia Tech graduate, chief engineer; and Malcolm Little. MIT graduate in City Planning, the project's Chief Planner. Dr. Bellinger.
POS P director, was unavailable for this photo.

sentative of the Welfare Department, etc. The Georgia POSP staff assists these experts by furnishing broad guide-lines and coordination between the services.
(4) For coordination of efforts, and in realization of communication and transportation diff iculties, it is being proposed to divide the state

Williams, who IS in charge of engineering. Chief planner of the project is Mr. Malcolm Little. Thomas W. Turbiville is the assistant planner. Mr. Harold L. Baccus is Administrative Officer. Mr. Jack Hudson is the draftsman.
Many agencies and individuals

Published by the Department of Defense CIVIL DEFENSE DIVISION 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E.
CHARLIE F. CAMP State Director KELSO HEARN Deputy Director

into a number of Reception Areas (at present, eight). Each area may operate as an autonomous unit, relying upon the State Control Center

are contributing valuable effort to the Georgia POSP. Although space doe s not permit I isting all of them cooperation of the following organi-

ROGER WEBSTER Matching Funds Administrator
JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer

for formulation of general policies, zations has been outstanding:



and for inter-area and interstate State Departments of Geor g~a, At-

Training Officer

problems. Almost all of the people torney General, Highway and Public


to staff the Area Coordinating Service Commissions, officials of

Coordinator, Women's Activities

Centers are present employees of local Civil Defense organizations


the several State Departments, so that only a minimum of new State

and the Southern Bell Telephone Company. The survival staff of

Coordinator. Area Directors A. MACK DODD

Civil Defense personnel will be Tennessee has givell invaluable

Central Area Director

needed to administer the Area Centers. assistance to the Georgia staff.


(5) Even at this early stage of the The State Civil Defense Division and

Southern Area Director

Plan, the evacuation plans of the the staff of FCDA's Region III in


target areas and the reception and Thomasville has rendered whole-

Northern Area Director

care plans appear logical and hearted cooperation and is contri-


feasible, Dr. Bellinger revealed. Dr. Bellinger is assisted by R. C.

buting immeasurably to the progress of the study.

Ground 0 bserver Corps Coordinator





It might have been real, but this scene of Smyrna's volunteer fire fighters and rescue unit in action was only realistic practice. Giving Johnny Elwood oxygen and rushing him to a first aid station are, lor, Ralph

Bennett, Bob Landers, Harold Davis, Harold Gann, C. E. Fleming and Harold Puckett. At right all of the participants in the Smyrna Rescue Demnnstration are shown
in front of the Elementary School.


Citizpns of Smyrna, Georgia, on August 21st witnessed a realistic drama of

rescue forces in action when Civil Defense and government agencies combined

to show what an alert and well-organized team can do to effect a hasty rescue

of children from a burning school house.

The demonstration, staged under

techniques. Ladders were quickly

the plans and directions of the

erected, fire-fighting teams went

Smyrna Civil Defense organization,

into action, a first-aid station' was

was executed in a minimum of time.

set up by Dalton's volunteer nurses,

Only one hour after "fire" developed

several variations of rescuing "in-

in the Smyrna Elementary School,

jured" children from the second

fire-fight ing and civil defense units

story were used and liner-bearing

had "rescued" stranded pupils

teams stood by to evacuate the

(Explorer Scouts) from the upper

"victims" from the danger area.

story of the building, given them

Afterward, the tired and dusty

re suscitation and first aid and rush-

v olunteers were treated to refresh-

ed them to local hospitals.

ments at the Smyrna American

Staged at night under the glare of

Legion Post.

a dozen searchlights, the demon-

Engag~d in the demonstration

stration clearly indicated the organ-

besides the Explorer Scouts and the

izations had spent considerable

Smyrna CD unit were the Smyrna

effort in perfecting their rescue

Volunteer Fire Fighters. local fire

and police units, and volunteer CD or giifiization~ and equipment from Calhoun, Dalton, For~st Park and Stockbridge, Dobbins AF B sent an ambulance with medics.
State Civil Defense officials Jerry Cauble and Jack Grantham were at the scene with State Highway Department rescue units, Mrs, Beverly Debuc, Deputy Director of the Smyrna Civil Defense organization, planned and arranged the demonstration and coordinated the rescue services with out-of-town CD units.
Smyrna has one of the most active and well-equipped CD organitions in the state. They have an ambulance, resuscitator and CD truck which they paid for from funds solicited in the emergency-conscious community.

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Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, Charlie

..-. ----------------------------------------------------------i

-VOL. 7, NO.6

Atlanta, Ga.


Block Wardens Returning to U. S. Scene

In the American tradition, people help each other in case of emergency.

Today, teamwork and helping each other on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood

basis have become basic factors in community survival from any enemy attack

or natural disaster. Every community in our State must be organized and

prepared to meet disaster by their own efforts. The Warden Service with its

neighborhood protection program serves as the broad base of Civil Defense

and is the "grass roots" of Civil Defense.

To assist Georgia cities in organi- coordinated in presenting the

zing and training their citizens, a programs.

series of six Warden Training Work-

Augusta was the first city to pre-

shops were presented in the past sent the workshop. There were 68

two months. Throughout the State representatives from Augusta and 9

Parent and Teacher Associations support area cities.

and local Civil Defense leaders

(Continued on back page)



During the past decade the world

has become divided into two armed

camps. The forces of totalitarianism

are adamant in their determination

that their form of government shall

prevail not only in their own lands

but throughout the world. Democratic

nations are even more determined to

maintain the freedoms for which they

have struggled - freedoms which Twenty-eight communities were represented at the Atlanta Support ATf:a dignify and protect the rights of the Workshop. In the group are, front, l-r, Mr. Nevin Davis - Rome, Mr. Warner

indi vidual. We strive for international Bishop - Cartersville, Mrs. A. 1. King - Calhoun, Mrs. Francis Vaughn -


peace while under the constant threat Cartersville, Mrs. V. S. Chapman - Rockmart, Mrs. Walter Slaughter -

of war.

Cartersville, Mrs. W. H. Bradley - Cartersville. Second TOW: Mrs. P. M.

Today the United States faces the Wise - Winder, Mrs. Frances Eubanlls - Canton, Mrs. Naomi Hubble - Trenton,

greatest problem in its history - that Mrs. Jules A. Case - Trenton, Mrs. Holcomb Goodwin - Canton, Mrs. Roy

of providing defense against the ever Haley - Canton, and Mrs. Nevin Davis - Silver Creek. Back row: Mr. Bill

increasing, powerful nuclear weapons Holcomb, Mrs. Gregory Puster and Mrs. Paul Holland - Gainesville,' Mrs. W.

being developed and stockpiled by A. Hastey - Griffin, Mrs. O. G. Chamblee - Griffin, Mrs. Newt Adams -

possible aggressors.

Canton, Mrs. Paul J. Phillips - Canton, Mrs. R. H. Johns, Mrs. Hugh Rose

(Continued on back page)

and Mrs. Hugh Denton, all of Dallas.





Georgia's Civil Defense Health Service program has many more active for safeguarding the health of all our

workers than many persons may at first realize. This is because of the sound people from physical, chemical and

Civil Defense policy of working through organizations that already exist.

All Civil Defense health work can be classisied as either medical care for the sick and injured, or as public health. All persons in professions concerned with m.edical care should consider themselves ro be Civil Defense Health Service workers. The

An enemy attack upon any of Georgia's major cities or target areas would destroy everything, including hospitals and health departments. Everything would then depend upon rural support areas. The Civil Defense

job in peacetime is the same as that in wartime except for magnitude.
With the Director of the Georgi a

committees of the hospital area councils and the many individual hospitals are making excellent

Department of Public Health serving emergency preparations, incl uding

biological hazards in the environment. This means safe ground, safe air, safe food, safe water. It works for control of infectious and occupational di seas es, as well as accidents and poisons.
The realities of the thermonuclear and electronic age have already increased the peace-time hazards of just one category - radiation several fold. Modern warfare would further increas e these same hazards.

also as Director of Civil Defense Health Services, every employee of the Health Department automatically finds himself serving as a Civil

plans for prepositioning of FCDA Emergency Hospitals.
Georgi a' s target areas are Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, Augusta, Columbus,

The Georgia Department of Public Health has accepted its responsi bility for control of radiation. Effective control procedures require cooperation

Defense worker. In the realm of medical care the
physicians, nurses, medical technologists, and the many other profes-

Albany, Valdosta and tlrunswick. Neighboring targets are Chattanooga, Savannah River Project (South Carolina), Jacksonville and Tallahas-

from many other agencies. Just one facet of interest has to do with the recruitment and training of volunteer radiation monitors which is being

sional and semi-professional persons concerned with the care of the sick and injured are organizing themselves fot disaster preparedness. The

see. Public Health problems are, if
anything, more complex than medical care. Public Health is responsible

worked out cooperati vely. The school systems have a vital
role. Every science teacher and student in our high schools and colleges

comm uni ty hospital is the natural

ready-made organization for these

people to use as a starting point. The hospital is already equipped to handle the large numbers of patients that may be the product of any man-

made or natural disaster. No other

organization in any community has

provided for the variety of professional

skills,_ supplies, buildings, communi-

cations and records needed in an


The hospitals have accepted their

responsibility and are developing

indi vidual disaster plans. The Georgia

Department of Public Health has a


spec ial consultant ass isting them in

these plans. This work has the sup-

port of the Georgia Hospital Associa-

tion and its six hospital area councils. The disaster planning going on in
hospitals in realistically emphasizing natural disasters, such as floods and hurricanes - things that can happen any season to any community. The preparedness that results from this planning can easily be put to good use in case of a man-made disaster such as war.

Planning the establishment of a communications network for the Georgia f1ealtlJ Department, these Health, Civil Defense and communications officials met recently to expedite the setting up of a radio system to handle casualty care in event of a disaster. Meeting in the office of Dr. Lester M. Petrie, Deputy Director for Civil Defense f1ealth Services, were front, lor, Hoke Duncan, Whitfield County Health Department; Dr. Petrie; Jack L. Grantham, State Quil Defense Communications Officer. Rear, lor, are George Olive, General Electri c; Dr. John H. Venable, Executive Officer, State Civil Defense
Health Services; and John Lewis, Motorola.



_______________________________________ THE ALERT

Dr. Kenneth R. Williams, deputy superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools and chairman of Manpower and Education Committee, Georgia Nuclear Advisory Committee, watches two Health Department workers record measurement of

radioactive fallout taken from a single channel gamma differential analyzer. Seated are Bob Byers and Richard Fetz, industrial hygienists of the Georgia Department of Public Health. At right is N eUJton County Hospital, typical
of many of Georgia's support area hospitals.

is asked to participate. The Health Department with the assistance of State and Federal Civil Defense Departments is preparing to furnish training kits to cooperating science departments in our schools. The kits contain survey met ers, comparison standards for food and water contamination measurements, dosimeters, chargers, and other items. It is beiieved that these kits will help stimulate interest in scientific careers among qualified students.
The instruments provid ed in these kits would be extremely valuable in the hands of trained science teachers and students for radiation monitoring in support areas following a nuclear warfare attack.

Smyrna's Rescue Unit saved its first victim in a real-life drama on October 21. Mrs. Sarah Halland fell 90 feet into 15 feet of water at the bottom af a well and was heard screaming by a passerby. Twenty minutes after the initial call, 4 members of the Rescue Unit were on the scene using their rescue skill and training to I ift the victim from the narrow passage. The members of the Smyrna Volunteer Rescue Unit were Mr. Jerry Fouts, Mr. Mrcellus Hambey, Bob Landis and Bob Busby. After the rescue Mrs. Holland was taken by the Valunteer Ambulance Group ta the local hospital. This disaster situatian proves again that Civil Defense training can help everyone in any type of disaster.


CD Communicators Active In Monitoring
Local Emergencies; Two Cases Cited

T~o "near misses" last month provided some interesting acuvlty for Civil Defense Communicators. State and Regional FCDA Headquarters were informed that an impoundment dam on the Ochlocknee River gave way and flooded a considerable area in Florida. Amateur Radio Operator W4IAP in the area reported the crisis to W4MV, J. V. (Vic) Settle, State RACES Radio Operator, of Atlanta. Mr. Settle said, 'We managed to keep the frequency more or less clear until the true facts of the reported damage were known." Several roads were blocked and three persons swamped. For his service, Mr. Settle was congratulated for handling the emergency messages.
ear the end of October, a tourist traveling north on U. S. 41 advised the Barnesville Police that a freight traveling south toward Forsyth was on fire. The Barnesville Police notified the Forsyth Police Department by use of the Civil Defense Emergency Police Coordinating Frequency, and a police car was sent to intercept the train.
Meanwhile, Mr. Jack Grantham, at State Civil Defense Headquarters, while monitoring the Police etwork, requested the Griffin Police Department to keep the State Civil Defense

Division informed of developments. Mr. Grantham then notified the Atlanta Office of the State Highway Maintenance Department which is responsible for Rescue Operations. Then a radio message to Division Headquarters of the Highway Department at Thomaston placed a rescue unit of the Highway Division working in Monroe County on alert.
While these messages were being flashed, the train was intercepted enroute to Forsyth and the fire put out. If it had been a major fire, many men and machines were ready. This was peace-time Civil Defense in action. The train engineer was unaware of what was goin g on' all around him and the precautions taken for his safety.
Albany's American Legion Post 30, sponsors of the local Fire Service, with the cooperation of Chief E. E. Moody and Asst. Chief Carl Callaway, are conducting regular drills to train local and ne.ighboring volunteer firemen. Dr. W. D. Martin, outgoing commander, and Deputy Chief J. L. Cason have been sparking the interest that has spread to the communities of Sylvester, Bronwood, Shellman and other localities .




Tornado Alert Finds Girl Scouts Prepared With Emergency Plan

Girl Scout Councils throughout the State are taking an increasing interest in Civil Defense activities and recognize the value of precaution that should be taken in view of impending emergencies. One of the best examples of Girl Scouts responding to an emergency situation is contained in the following report to the ational Branch Office of the Girl Scouts of the U. S. A. This account reflects the spirit which is necessary to successfully carry out a plan of group preservation.

Although we don't as a rule approve of radios in camp, there was one time this summer when we were glad that' a camper had brought a portable with her. Late one afternoon during the first sess ion, just as we were sitting down to supper, I was told that one of the girls in the Frontier uni t had reported hearing a tornado alert for our area over a batteryoperated set.
Word was quietly passed to all staff members that an emergency state was being declared. Each person was given a definite job, and then a general announcement was made in the dining room. Nothing was said about a possible tornado; the caplpers were merely told that because of the severe rain (it was a veritable cloudburst) we would remain together at the Lodge for an hour or two of fun.
During the deluge, Ann, the waterfront director, supervi sed a program of dancing and singing. However, the girls were blissfully unaware that she had anything more on her mind than a defiance of the rain which had spoiled the previously planned outside activity.
Two of the scout units were cooking out under shelters at the back end of the camp. Word was sent to them to return at once to the Troop House. Bobbie Sue was placed in charge of that group, and she led

By .. Penny" Longer
Roving Counselor Camp Martha Johnston
Macon, Georgia
games and singing during the alert. Ext ra staff personnel were assigned
special jobs. Libby was assigned the job of listening for all information given over the radio. Our nurse packed a basket of first aid supplies in case we were forced to evacuate. All cars were parked so that they were headed out of camp. Lanterns were collected from the unit houses in case we needed emergency lighting. Gretchen and Lil were assigned as "runners" to carry messages from one station to another.
Last, but not least, Eddie and I became the official storm watchers. Donning ponchos and boots, we proceeded to the one cleared area in the camp where we had a good view of the sky. Realizing that we might not have time to get messages around in case we saw the funnel-shape cloud approaching, we carried the camp bugle with us. Neither one of us could blow any calls on it, but Eddie at least could get a loud blast from it. All the Stl ff was informed as to what to do in case they heard that warning. The group at the Lodge was to take shelter beneath that building; the group at the Troop House was to take shelter in the nearby underground pool filter room; the nurse was to take her Infirmary patients underneath that building.

And then we waited, keeping a close watch on the sky. It seemed a long time to us, too, for we were most conscious of the fact that the safety of some 75 youngsters might be depending on us. The camp director was out of camp on time off, and it was up to us to carry through. We chatted quietly, constantly watching the sky; and then, wonderfully, the sun shone through from the west. Next came the most beautiful rainbow we had ever seen - high in the eastern sky. No wonder that, from time immemorial, man has felt the rainbow to be God's promise to a worried world. We felt it too, and as we watched it fade, the runners appeared to inform us that the last report had come over the radio - "Alert lifted."
Campers were sent back to their cabins, and the whole staff breathed a combined sigh of relief. Our emergency measures had not been needed, but we felt an exhiliration in knowing we had all worked together well as a team. No one had panicked; and I have enough faith in human nature to believe that had a tornado materialized our staff would have continued to come through. Perhaps we didn't think of everything - I still wonder if the filter room would have been a safe place for our girls! but we met the situation to the best of our ability, and that is what counts after all.

________________________________________ THE ALERT







Mrs. John G. Lewis has left the

Miss Alice Glover was appointed

A. Mack Dodd

Civil Defense Division of the Georgia

Department of Defense after serving

the people of Georgia as Coordinator

of Women's Activities in the Civil

Defense Program of the State for

the past five years. Her resignation

was effective October 1.


Georgia was the first State in

Coordinator of Women's Activities, State Staff, on October 1, 1957, by Major General Charlie F. Camp, Director. She replaces Mrs. John G. Lewis, who recently resigned.
Miss Glover came to the Civil Defense Division of the Department of Defense in January 1957. She

There are a number of communities in the Central Georgia Area which have not yet completed all of the requirements to become eligible to participate in the surplus property program, and I urge the city and county officials in all such communi-

Region III to see the great need and

served the State for six months as ties to do so without further delay.

benefit of Women's efforts in Civil Welfare Coordinator, during which

New directors appointed in Septem-

Defense and employed Mrs. Lewis on

time she attended the Georgia State ber and October are as follows: W. C.

May 15, 1952. Mrs. Lewis planned,

College of Civil Defense at the McFarland, Baldwin County; J.

promoted, organized and put into operation the Women's Advisory

University of Georgia, Athens, and the Civil Defense Welfare School at

Gordon Bankston, Jackson and Butts County; E. L. Daniel, Cadwell;

Committee, which serves the State Director and his Staff, and the local

FCDA Headquarters, Battle Creek, Michigan.

Charles A. Harris, Irwin County and Ocilla; Albert Folsom, Berrien County

Women's Advisory Committees, who

On June 1, 1957, Miss Glover was and Nashville, and M. E. Rivers,

serve the local Directors and Staffs

appointed Area Director of the North Candler County and Metter. Miss

in formulating and promoting their Civil Defense Programs. She devoted

Area of the State. In this capacity, she demonstrated strong qualities of

Anne Johnson has been appointed Deputy Director for Dublin and

much of her time to the Women of

leadership and organizational ability Laurens County by Director Murray

Georgia (homemakers, civic leaders,

in orientating and assisting cities Chappell and we are looking forward

professionals and volunteers), familiarizing them with their roles

and counties in enacting Civil Defense Laws, recruiting Civil

to a good, active Civil l)efense organization in their community.

in the preparedness of our State to

Defense staffs and preparing local

Appointment of new dir ectors are

meet any natural or man-made plans to meet disasters.

as follows: R. E. Jones, Lanier


The Stare Director urges women's County and Lakeland; James J.

Mrs. Lewis made familiar to many Georgia women such themes as II Home Preparedne ss," cc Grandma's

organizations to feel free to call or write Miss Glover at State Civil Defense Headquarter s, concerning

Horne, Cochran an d Bleckley County; Joseph H. Hutton, Sr., Savannah Beach; Walter M. Herronn, Pooler;

Pantry," and "What You Can Do

implementation of women's programs John Lane, Glynn County and Bruns-


of preparedness.

wick; W. E. Hunter, Macon County and Oglethorpe: Daniel B. Reese,


Waycross and Ware County; W. E.



Mullis, Jr., Thunderbolt; Miss Ger-

The September 23 issue of the


trude Proctor, Woodbine; Grederick

Washington Report on the Medical Sciences reports that the Atomic Energy Commission is launching a

The American National Red Cross, in cooperation with the Federal Civil Defense Administration, has

D. Black burn, Garden City; Ben Chatfield, Macon, and Edward B. Grace, Port Wentworth.

program to make professional schools, colleges and universities eligible for grants up to $250,000.00 each for the purchase of specialized radiation equipment and teaching aids in radiobiology. Schools of medicine, public health, Veterinary medicine, pharmacy, and agriculture are prospective recipients. The new enterprise is an extension of AEC's

revised its Standard First Aid Course from 18 hours to 10 hours of instruction. The first aid textbook has also been revised to reflect this change. The shorrer course was desi gned to encourage more citizens to enroll.
When the course is conducted at the request of official Civil Defense authorities as part of an organized

At Lakeland, R. E. Jones, city and county director, enlisted the aid of Mrs. Mary Holland, Welfare Director for Lanier County, in organizing his commUl1ity and drawing up the CD plan. I take great pleasure in commending Mrs. Holland and her Clerk, Miss Ruth Connie, for the time, effort and interest given in bringing about a successful conclusion to this task.

broad activities to stimulate application of nuclear technology in the life of sciences. Information on this program is obtainable upon request to the Director, Division of Biology and Medicine, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 25, D. C.

Civil Defense training program, federal contributions can be made available under matching funds provIsIons. Funds allotte d under these conditions may be expended on classroom maintenance, operations and expendable supplies.

At a dinner party a shrewish woman fell into a violent argument with a gentleman seated by her side. Finally, as a crowning blow, she snapped, "If I were your wife, I'd give you poison."
Undaunted, the gentleman replied courteously, "Madam, if you were my wife, I'd take it."



Dear Ladies: A number of you have been asking
for the "Leadership Kit" for the "Home Preparedness Workshop". Distribution differs from previous methods, so I though I should explain.
We have promotional leaflet (L-2-15) Home Preparedness Workshop, a practical planning for Family Protection in Emergencies, and it is available to stimulate interest. When local groups indicate their desire to put on a Workshop by sending to their local Civil Defense Directors a properly filled out Form Num ber 430 (available in this office), the Kit and related necessary materials can be furnished for the leader.
You, as a leader, might ask, "How can I stimulate interest?" Groups must first know something about the subject, so they will become enthused enough to know more. How do you inforre them? Plan a panel discussion. Have your Chairman of Civil Defense as the moderator. Then select ~nough women for the panel and allow them to make five minute talks on the assigned subjects. Subjects to be covered are: Escape, Protection, Emergency Living, Injuries and Illness, Fire.
As soon as the panel members are selected, gi ve to each the material to be obtained from our office.
It is a good idea to have a brief run-through before the meeting.
After the discussion, allow a 10minute question period with questions directed to the individual panel members.
Two pamphlets, "Between You & Disaster" and "Home Protection Exercise", are recommended for distribution at close of meeting.
If any of you are interested in setting up a program, I will be glad to assist you in any way I can.
As our Federal Civil Defense Administrator said, "The greatest force in a post-war attack is womanpower."
ALlCE GLOVER Coordinator Women's Activities

by Miss Alice Glover

Since my last report to you in July,

there has been some activity in our

area that I feel will be 0 f interest to


Habersham County has trained

twenty Auxiliary Police.

Fourteen persons in Covington

completed the Basic Civil Defense

and Rescue Course.

Hartwell had twenty-six people to

receive diplomas for the Basic Civil

Defense Course.

In Dalton, fifty Nurses Assistants

will graduate in December. Twenty-

five per sons have finished the

F irst-Aid-Self-Help-Neigh bor Help

Course in Dalton.

Down in Wrightsville, the FHA

has taken Civil Defense as their

project, and have set up a stand on

one of the main streets, showing in

public demonstrations the necessary

requirements for one person's food

and water for a several day period in

case of emergeAcy. Also, the grocery

stores are cooperating wi th this


Let me introduce you to our new

directors. Some of them have been

serving as city directors only, and

now, they have been appointed county

also. Thomas W. Dial, Oxford; J. K.

Brookshire, Colbert; O. T. Smith,

College Park; J. Marvin Holland,

Girard; J. C. Shepherd, Social Circ1e,

Lloyd H. Hutchings, Sparta and

Hanco*ck County; Mrs. J. M. Foster,

Power Springs; J. B. Polhill, III,

Louisville and Jefferson County;

Thomas R. Adams, McCaysville;

Mrs. Ronald Myers, Sanders vi lIe and

Washington County; Allyn D. Robb,

Watkinsville and Oconee County;

William C. Rogers, Burke County;

H. C. Seaton, Carroll County;

Joseph E. Loggins, Summerville and

Chattooga County; W. T. Wingfield,

Jr. , Athens and Clarke County; Mrs.

R. A. Carden, Jr., Clayton County;

Edward L. McLeroy, Mountain View;

Rev. T. M.

Emory Martin,

CE.lbeGritlbCeor~t ntyT;enFnriallnek'

Chancey, Cumming and Forsyth

County; Ben C. McEwen, Fairburn;

W. B. Caldwell, Greene County;

Shown here receivIng her Auxiliary Police certificate is Mrs. Theo Damianos of Clarkesvi lie. She is among the first housewives in the State to complete the combined Auxiliaries police training ond unexploded ordinance reconnaissonce course of 20 hours. Mrs. Damianos is the mother of 3 daughters and carries many responsibilities in community planning for civic advancement. The presentation was mode by Jerry Couble,
State Civil Defense Troining Officer.
James H. Ward, Demorest; Henry Robinson, Jackson County; Jack E. Jones, Stapleton; Jere Field, Walton County; Mrs. Marion Sims, Whitfield County; Roy D. rickson, Forest Park.
Since the last publication in July, we have some cities and counties that have qualified for Surplus Property: Cedartown and Polk County, Stone Mountain, Wrightsville and Johnson County, Jackson County, Wadley, Midville, Athens and Clarke
County, Douglasville and Douglas County, Burke County, Summerville and Chattooga County, Elbert County, McDuffie Counry, Blairsville and Union County, Oxford, Stapleton, Carrollton and Carroll County,
As of October First, I have been appointed Coordinator of Women's Activities. This means that I will no longer be serving you as an Area Director but I will be assisting you in setting up your Women's Programs. I do hope, however, that if you need me, you won't fail to call on me. I will be happy to as sist you in anyway 1 can.
Thank you for your cooperation in our program and for your past courtesies to me.






The first Auxiliary Rescue Training


program for women in the Georgia

The largest rescue training class

Department of American Legion is in the history of our Civil Defense

now being conducted in ~lacon under Training Program is now underway

co-sponsorship of Macon American in Macon under the joint sponsor-

Legion Post J um ber 3.

ship of lacon Lodge 1455, Loyal

iacon's Civil Defense Director, Order of the loose, and Joseph

Ben Chatfield, invited wives of

eel, Jr. Post 3 of the Macon Legion.

Post umber 3 and ioose Lodge 1455

The first class was held on Octo-

to assist in the CD program.

ber 9 with 78 persons attending.

Mrs. Rose Rominski, president of Classes are being held each Wed-

Post umber 3 Auxiliary, directs nesday night in the new City of

activity for her group. Mrs. Agnes lacon Communications Building.

Hicks is in charge of the women's These training periods will continue

participation for the Moose Lodge.

for eight weeks. A Rescue Training

Dir ector Chatfield said that they Demonstration will be presented on

feel the 18 women participating in December 7 with many rescue training

the training course will aid the units attending from cities over the

rescue teams in their future opera- State, climaxing the training program.

tions in disaster.

Mr. Ben Kersey is in charge of the

State Civil Defense officials instruction whil e ir. Steve Romin-

strongly endorsed this development sky is Lbairman of the Civil Defense

in community Civil Defense planning. Program ror Post 3. Captain E. E.

Governor Morvin Griffin hos been nomed to 0 notional committee on C ivi I Defense headed by Governor Harriman of New York. The CD comm ittee will function between sessions of the onnuol Governors' Conference to be held next year in Miami.
Governor Griffin's interest in Civil Defense become mOre apparent recently when he issued on E xecutive Order directing his deportment heads and other state agencies to initiate appropriate plans for the "protection of personnel, supplies, records and documents against the effects of enemy attock."
The order further stated that assistance would be rendered the State Civil Defense Division by these ogene ies at the request of the State Civil Defense Director. Fifteen departments of state government were named specifically by the Governor to perform such functions as they are capable" in the event of disaster Or catastrophe. "

Civil Defense Chairman for the Walker, of the Macon Fire Department,

Legion, Torn Minor, said this program can be adopted in all Legion Posts throughout the State.

is assisting Mr. Kersey. Both of these instructors are graduates of the Civil Defense Training Schools in Olney, laryland.


Published by the Department of De fense CIVIL DEFE E DIVISIO 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E.

Mr. Ben Chatfield, Civil Defense Director of the City of Macon, is cooperating with th~ organizations in their sponsorship of the training classes. Mr. Raymond, Governor of

Toccoa's Leon Williams Post 4346 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has volunteered to take over the Civil Defense Warden Service in their city. Each VFW member has


the Macon Moose Lodge, Leon Myers, been assigned as warden in a specific


Commander of Post 3, and Mr. A. area - if at all possible in the sec-

State Director

Mack Dodd, Area Director for State tion which includes his horne. The

KELSO HEAR Deputy Director

Civ il Defense, are also coordinating decision of the post to undertake tae and representing their clubs during warden project was a result of a


the corning year.

two-hour class on the duties of the

Matching Funds Administrator JACK L. GRANTHAM

warden conducted by Mr. Jerry Cauble,
STATE JOINS USCDARA State CD Training Officer. The class,

Communications Officer JERRY CA BLE Trainin/?, Officer ALICE GLOVER
Coordinator, Women's Activities ELIZABETH W. PIPER

The Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service of the tate of Georgia has affiliated with the nited tates
Civil Defense Amateur Radio Alliance. lajor General Charlie F. Camp,
tate Director of Civil Defense,

held last May, was attended by 48 me mbers of the VFW.
At the regular August meeting of the post, iajor General Charlie F. Camp, Adjutant General of Georgia and tate CD Director, was the

Coordinator, Area Directors

has appointed Andrew Jack Farr featured speaker. Mr. Cauble and

A. MACK DODD Central Area Director

delegate to the CDARA, and Jack L. Grantham, tate Communica-

Peggy Carter, tephens County CD Director, also attended. After hi s


tions Coordinator, as alternate informative address, General Camp

Southern Area Director


presented a Certificate of Commenda-



Alliance is a national tion 1:0 the post in recognition of

GroundObserverCorps Coordinator

organization of the tate Radio distinguished service to the CD effort

Officers who head their respective in Georgia. Basic CD certificates

RACES organizations.

were also presented to each warden.





One of the featured exhibits at the Civil Defense Warden Service Workshop held at Radium Springs showed householder's fire-fighting equipment. The exhibit is being examirted by some of those attending the workshop including (in foreground from left) Harry U. Jackson, area director; Mrs. John R. Pinson, Baconton, parent education chairman, Georgia Congress of Parents and
Teachers, and Edgar P. James, regional safety officer.


In Columbus there were 179

Participation of the Georgia

representatives from 12 support Parent Teacher Association was one

area cities. Parent Teacher Associa- of the most important steps in the

tion groups were in attendance.

advancement of the State Civil

The m~eting in Albany was held in picturesque Radium Springs with 80 registrations representing 24

Defense program. Civil Defense Warden Service is the backbone of of Civil Defense because every

different communities.

Warden carries the respon sibility

Macon, though t!Ie cooperation for the safety and preservation of

of American Legion Post 3, was host lives and property within his or her

to 150 interested Parent Teacher assigned area. A Warden, as bought

Association members frem Macon and out by these conferences, must have

30 support area cities.

some working knowledge of every

Representatives from Atlanta and phase of Civil Defense and must be

22 support area cities met at the able to conduct training sessions

Athletic Club. The 292 PTA delegates with the people representing his

represented the largest group to community. Proper leadership by the

attend the training sessions through- Block Warden may mean the difference

out the State.

between safety and panic, orderly

The final Warden Workshop session or disorderly confusion, between

was held in Savannah.

livinl? and dying.

Many persons are unable to comprehend how vulnerable we are to the overwhelming devastation these instruments of destruction are capable of inflicting. We have a false sense of security if we fail to realize that the nation now must reckon with intercontinental bombers and with guided missiles which may be launched from other countries throughout the world.
Since we are now more vulnerable to enemy attack than at any time in our nation's history, we must create and maintain a total National defense readiness. We cannot permit weakness in either our military or Civil Defense which would tempt an agressor.
Each of us has a personal obligation to help develop and maintain the non-military part of our nation's defense. Civil Defense provides the means whereby we can fulfill this obligation. We must build into every agency of Government the capacity to function effectively in any kind of disaster. Perhaps the most important way we can ready ourselves for unforeseen emergencies is by family and community preparedness.
Knowledge is the key to family, community and National survival from possible disaster. This knowledge is available to every citizen through his local Civil Defense organization.
Civil Defense is our plan for survival in the event of enemy attack. It is also our trained reserve force for coping with any kind of natural disaster that might strike. For these reasons Civil Defense Deserves the support and participation of every citizen.

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Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, Charlie F. Camp, State Director

OL. 8, NO. 1

Atlanta, Ga.

Urgency of Operating CD Emergeny Plan

Main Lesson to be Learned at Villa Rica

By Maior General Charlie F. Camp

Since our last edition we have suffered a tragic disaster within our State.

Without \I:arning on December 5th a violent explosion struck the quiet little

town of Villa Rica, shattering in its midst four buildings in the business

district and taking the live s of twelve of its citizens. What was the reacrion

of the towns people? What did Civil Defense do? To what degree was out-

side assistance available and utilized in rescue and clean-up operations?

What lessons did we learn to better cope with future disasters? In an attempt

to answer these questions, I called a critique of my Civil Defense and

National Guard Sta ff immediately following the end of clean-up operations.

Villa Rica had an excellent

Civil Defense plan which had ters of any nature requiring outside

been approved by my office; how- assistance, such assistance is only

ever, this plan was unknown to the minutes away, BUT, it must be

populace. Ironically, the Civil requested by the authorities of the'

Defense Director was himself a stricken community. Such request

victim of the explosion and received must be made to rhe Governor or the

medical care in a neighboring State Civil Defense Director by the

town before he could return to the Mayor, Sheriff, Judge or Civil

site of disaster. The Chief of Defense Director of a stricken com-


Rescue was also a victim of the munity. Such request must be made

explosion. Had the plan been in order to comply with the law, un-

known and continuity of persons less mutual aid agreements exist

to take charge spelled out, immedi- with neighboring communities

ate rescue work could have been which would automatically go into

initiated on the spot which may effect. Communities must realize

have saved some lives. Rescue that they themselves are responsi-

work was initiated, but in a con- ble for disaster operations within

fused and unorganized manner.

their areas. Neither State nor any

Civil Defense agencies outside other agency can take over this

the area reacred immediately but in responsibility unless requested to

a restrained manner because of do so. However, if the Governor

delay in receipt of request for aid deems that the local authorities

from persons of aurhority within cannot cope with the situation, he

the stricken community. When rescue may declare a State of Emergency,

units, firefighting equipment arrived directing other agencies to take

from several communities outside charge. A quick survey by compe-

the area, they were forced to work tent local author,il:ies and a report

independently due ro lack of a to the Governor (describing the

central authority to take charge and disaster, areas effected, estimared

coordinate rhe operations. In disas- damage, local action being taken

and estimated assistance needed) will bring immediate results.
In any disaster of any magnitude we know from experience that where public and private property has been damaged or destroyed, there always exists those individuals who will resort to looting. These properties must be protected. Also, serious traffic problems, both pedestrian and vehicular, will present themselves. On this side your National Guard stands ready and able to assist when such a problem is beyond the capabilities of local police authorities. But again, such assistance must be requested from the Governor by the Mayor, Sheriff, or Judge of the community. In the Villa Rica instance, one National Guard unit was on active duty at the time and could have been dispatched immediately to the scene. Two other units were placed in an alert status; however, it was hours before a request was received and the troops employed.
Yes, we all should know now that through thorough planning, training of Civil Defense personnel, understanding of continuity of authority, methods of obtaining outside aid and informing the public, the toll of loss of life, injury and loss of property in any such catastrophy
can be greatly reduced. My remarks above are not to be taken as being critical of any of the agencies or individuals who participated in the rescue operations at Villa Rica. I have read all reports and have been briefed by personnel of my staff, and in no instance have I received anything but praise for all participants. My remarks are
(Continued on page 4)




The value of adequate CD preparations was tragically demonstrated December 5th at Villa Rica. An explosion in the norrhwest Georgia city obliterated four downtown buildings, killing 12 persons.
The blast, believed caused by a leaky gas main, brought tate and Villa Rica area CD teams into swift action.
As the stunned community recovered from the shock, rescue agencies were being dispatched to the scene by CD Communications Co-ordinator Jack Grantham at State Headquarters.
Having been alerted to the emergency by a call from the Atlanta police at 11:18 a.m., Grantham con-

property. Among the first rescue agencies on the scene was the Salvation Army, which arrived shortly with a truckload of clothing, food and other supplie s.
The Red Cross rushed blood to hospitals in the Villa Rica area and a canteen to refresh rescue workers. Hospitals in Douglasville and Carrollton sent doctors and nurses.
Mr. ] erry Cauble, State CD Training Officer, was on the scene to co-ordinate the emergency rescue efforts. Digging into the rubble was a backbreaking task, but the volunteers energetically wor ked far into the night clearing the debris which

cal help. Prisoners from the Carroll County work farm were particularly helpful in clearing the debris. Behind the scenes of the rescue efforr were many individuals who shared in the success of the rescue mission. These were ham radio operators, State and local officials, volunteer doctors and nurses, contractors and builders whose equipment was invaluable, and spectators who volunteered to aid the disaster crew s.
Outstanding commun ications services were ..endered by State Patrol, State CD, amateur operators, State Highway department, and Atlanta and all local police radio stations in the affected area.

tacted ~he Villa Rica city clerk and discovered the stricken community had a genuine disaster on its hands. Ascertaining as best he could what

at 7:35 p.m. yielded its last victim. The volunteer rescue teams which had parricipated in demonstrations recently at Smyrna and Griffin were

The Atlanta Steel Erectors Inc. rushed a large crane and a full crew to the scene to expedite debris clearance.

would be needed in the way of rescue on the scene in their familiar white

Besides Villa Rica, those cities

equipment, Grantham in quick suc- uniforms, which soon became soiled which furnished personnel and

cess ion keyed his mike buttons and and blackened. Immense credit has equipm ent were Smyrna, Forest Park,

(1) radioed fire departments in been given these volunteer units as Calhoun, DeKalb County, Carrollton,

Bremen and Carrollton, (2) called the well as regular fire, police, and medi- Douglasville, Griffin, Jonesboro,

tate Highway Patrol and asked that

East Point, and Atlanta. Lt. P. C.

roads into Villa Rica be closed to

Peaco*ck of the State Patrol was in

all but emergency traffic, (3) dispatche d two Atlan ta-area fire-fighter units, (4) called for rescue units

charge of traffic control. In spite of the smooth-functioning

from Smyrna and Jonesboro, (5) sent

rescue mission and all-out efforts of

State Civil Defense emergency vehicles to the scene, (6) arranged for

all concerned, it has been noted that


measures could have been taken

additional ambulances from Marietta

prior to the disaster which would

and Austell, (7) requested front-end

have greatly assisted in the rescue

loaders (road clearing machines) be

operation. Dr. Ernest Powell, a

sent from Calhoun and DeKalb

Villa Rica physician who was on the

County, (8) secured medical aid from

scene moments after the disaster

the State Health Deparrment and

struck, said that more lives might

maintenance trucks from the Highway

have been saved with equipment the

Department, and (9) notified Third

city's CD had planned to buy some

Army Headquarrers and Federal

day. "We could have done a tremen-

Civil Defense Administration offi-

dous job in those first 30 minutes,"


he said in a article published in the

While Grantham was busy co-ordin-

Atlanta Journal, if there had been

ating these emergency efforrs, two

more fire and ~mergency equipment.

ational Guard companies, plus

He referred specifically to an air

additional Guardsmen and equipment from Atlanta, were be ing alerred and rushed to the scene. Rome and Douglasville units of the ational Guard were posted around the damaged buildings to protect exposed

Sifting through the blackened debris, rescue workers probed the ruins in Villa Rico by hand until all victims were removed. Identifiable in this photo are volunteers of the Smyrna, Calhoun and Forest Pork rescue teams.

compressor and a bulldozier. Both items he said were on a list of equipment the city council-sponsored CD organization knew were desirable and had considered obtaining eventually.



Mission of Public Welfare In a Nuclear Attack

The Ge.orgia State Department of Public Welfare is Fac ing with deep con- Utter chaos will result if prior

cern the need for serious preparation if Georgia is to meet, effect iveIy, the

plans have not been made for such

welfare needs of people who would be victims of a nuclear attack. 10dern

an emergency or disaster.

war, by its nature, is war against the civilian population of a nation and it

During the past year the State

is not within our imagination to realize what an attack on this State would

Department of Public Welfare has

mean to our complex economic and social life. The economic and social

been developing plans to implement

arrangements by which we get food, clothing, housing, transportation, com-

Emergency Welfare Services into

munications, employment and other necessities of life would be destroyed.

the already existing agency. It is

It has become increasingly clear

hoped that within the next year

to our State and Federal governments that an organization of trained workers augmented by volunteers will be required to meet the human

will be needed to carry out these missions and each county in the State should have an active and a reserve corps at all time for each

detailed plans will be completed and training in Emergency Welfare Services will begin so that each worker with the Department will

problems created by enemy attack.

of the five services.

assume, along with their regular

Because the Georgia Department of

Vast numbers of these people

duties, the responsibility for Emer-

Public Welfare, by law, is the

will have suffered personal, finan-

gency Welfare Services.

agency concerned with eliminating

cial and property losses, and income

The State Department of Public

hardship, this Department has

payments from employment, invest-

Welfare realizes that while key

accepted the responsibility for the planning, organization and opera-

ments, private insurance, social insurance and public assistance

personnel can be furnished by the State Department in case of attack,

tion of Emergency Welfare Services

will have been interrupted. How to

the immensity of the problem should

in case of attack upon our State.

feed, house and clothe these people

be realized by every individual in

The Georgia Welfare Department

is a task beyond one's imagination.

the State.

has also accepted the responsibi-

lity of offering its services to the

American Red Cross in case of a

natural disaster within the State.

In the event of attack the Georgia

State Director of Public Welfare

would automatically become the

State Director of Emergency Welfare

Services, and all employees of the

State Department, on state, area

and local levels would immediately

take the position for which they

had previously been trained in

Emergency Welfare Services. On the

local level the CountY, Director of

Public Welfare will become the

County Director of Emergency

Welfare Services.

The State Department of Public

Welfare has a well organized Wel-

fare Department in each of the

159 counties. However, because of

the immensity of the problem, it is

essential that public and voluntary

agencies and others be organized

and trained in Emergency Welfare


The five services for which the Welfare Department will be responsible are lodging, clothing, feeding, registration and information and financial assistance and related services. Thousands of workers

Examining the first draft of the Georgia Preliminary Operational Survival Plan, State Welfare Director Allen Kemper (top right) discusses the welfare section with Mrs. Jeanette Gregory, CD Liaison Officer, and Mr. Phil Cawthon, deputy director of the
department. Bottom pi .,to shows feeding of Atlanta and Cobb County school children who were evacuated in the exercise held May 2, 1957. CD workers were welfare
personnel in Cartersville who also registered the children.



solely to alert each local civil authority throughout our State, to the urgent necessity that t~e.y adopt an effective local CIvil Defense Emergency Disaster Plan, and that all responsible individuals of the community be well versed in the contents of the plan and trained to carry out his or her resp msibilities. I feel that I would not be fulfilling the responsibilities of my office if I did not bring this most important matter to your attention and urge you to take such action as is necessary to protect your life and those of your neighbors to the fullest extent possible if disaster strikes your community. I, and my Staff, stand ready to assist you in any way.
Published by the Deparcmenc of Defense CIVIL DEFENSE D1VISIO 959 E. Confederate Ave. S.E.
Atlanta, Georgia CHARLIE F. CAMP
State Director KELSO HEARN Deputy Director ROGER WEBSTER Matcbing Punds Administrator JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer JERRY CAUBLE Training Officer ALICE GLOVER Coordinator. Women's Activities ELIZABETH W. PIPER Coordinator. Area Directors A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSO Soutbem Area Director MAJ. FORRESTL. WAREHIME, JR. GroundObserver Corps Coordinator


1957 Shows Progress
Of City-County CD
Almost 5,000 volunteers were trained in Civil Defense techniques during 1957 - indicating the interest cities and counties throughout Georgia have taken in the State's expanding CD program.
Besides the training accomplishments, emphasis was placed on City-County organization with the result that 107 counties have appointed CD directors, 100 have passed resolutions, 93 have appointed chiefs of services and 98 have plans of operation.
By the end of 1957, 217 City CD directors had been named, 156 cities passed CD ordinances, 157 named chiefs of services and 128 have plans of operation.
Only 33 counties and 21 Clues with populations over 1,000 do not have any form of CD organization.
Seventy-three courses, covering basic CD, Warden, Health, Rescue, Police and Welfare services, trained 4,554 volunteers throughout the State.
Eight CD training exercises and rescue demonstrations were also held in 1957. During this time $346,511.31 in federal funds was expended for CD equipment for use by cities and counties in emergency operations.
The value of trained personnel and equipment, plus operational CD plans, was clearly demonstrated in 22 counties during 1957 when disasters of near disasters occured. Considerable advances were also made in the communications field with 242 RACES members available,

One of the largest Civil Defense rescue training demonstrations ever held in the State was conducted by members of the rescue teams from Macon Moose Lodge 1455 and the American Legion Post No. 3 December 11 at Lanier High School.
Severly cold temperatures - near 20 degrees - did not hamper the volunteers. After the exercise began with a simulated attack, the air raid alert was sounded. The Macon Fire' Department - first on the scene - sent units to the disaster area to put out imaginary fires. Then the volunteer units arrived as pre-scheduled to begin their demonstration of rescue techniques with victims who were volunteer students from the Lanier High School R.O.T.e. units.
Within three-quarters of an hour the school was evacuated, using all methods of escape from upper stories. CD units participating were from Jonesboro, Stockbridge, Forest Park, Smyrna, Calhoun, and Thomaston. A group of 40 CD volunteers from Thomaston and 32 Macon ational Guardsmen were also on duty.
After the exercise, members of the rescue training groups were presented diplomas from Major General Charlie F. Camp, Director of the State Department of Defense. These 57 individuals completed a 10-weeks course in Civil Defense rescue work.
Other rescue training program and demonstrations will be held in Cartersville, Thomaston, Marietta and Gainesville in January and February.
two disaster nets installed and 11 stations joining the city police net.

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UNIVlfls/TY OF a

Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, Charlie F. Camp, State Director

VOL. 8, NO. 2

Atlanta, Ga.

MARCH, 1958


To accomplish our mission, Civil Defense divides its activity among different serVIces. One of these services is the Rescue Service.
In recent months the interest in this service has increased to the point that our rescue teaching staff has more requests for classes than it can handle. We now have classes scheduled for weekends. This increased interest is most gratifying because in the event of a man-made or natural disaster the rescue service would pla,y a most important role.
We all kno;v the extensive destruction that can be caused by explosions, hurricanes and tornadoes. Where there is mass destruction of property, there is often un believable human sl,lffering and many deaths. In those a reas where

When nuclear disaster looms on the horizon, the greatest burden will fall

on the broad sholders of Georgia's State Partolmen. It is this agency of State

government - the Georgia State Patrol - that will receive the first warning,

handle traffic coutrol and coordinate police activities.

Under the general direction of Col. W. C. Dominy, Director, Georgia Department of Public Safety, the patrol will be responsible for these emergency measures in accordance with the State Civil Defense Emer-

alert system is tied in with the Eastern Air Defense Warning Center and is the primary method for notifying other Civil Defense agencies and the general public.

gency Plan.

When the Con tin ental Air Defense Command (CONAD) makes the de-

When and if ememy bombers are cision that an Air Raid Warning is

detected on the way to destroy us, to be declared, this warning would

the first life-saving alarm will be usually originate at HQ, CO AD in

given by the Georgia State Patrol's Colorado, but may origInate at any

vital communications center.

one of three centers. The warning is

This impow:nt link in Georgia's

(Continued on page 4)

the full force of a hurricane or a tornado strikes, or where the blast effects of a bombing are great, homes will be demolished, stores, factories, schools and other buildings will collapse; utility poles and wires will be torn down; automobiles will be wrecked and many roads will be filled with debris.
Under, or in, many of these demolished homes, schools, stores, factories and other buildings there will be people. Many of them will be alive but they will be trapped under beams and debris, and they will not be able to extricate themselves. Help must come from outside or they will die. That outside help should be your trained Civil Defense Rescue Squads.
Every Civil Defense Organization should recruit, organize, train and equip workers to rescue people trapped under such conditions

Training of rescue worken IS essential. Experience has shown that following a disaster, tho: flrst people to arrive are most willing and eager to be of assistance. Unfortunately, the eagerness and enthusiasm of untrained rescuers by the sudden movement or removal of the wrong debris in a damaged buildlng can aggravate a casualty's condition and result in further injury or death to the trapped person and may jeopardize the life of the rescuer himself.
Re scue Training Instructors are available through this office. Rescue vehicles and equipment are available through the Contributions Program. I sincerely urge each CommuOliy to r eeruit, train and equip Rescue Squads now. Remember, saving lives is everyone's responsibility. Let's act now - your community may be hit next.



Col. R. o. Nunamaker, Army CD Liaison Officer, Retiring

Lt. Col. R. O. Nunamaker, Army Liaisoll to Civil Defense and Coordinator of Civil Defense activities between the Third U. S. Army an tlie Regional Office of F. C. D. A., plans to retire from active service with the army after 28 years.
Lt. Col. W. J. Sweet will replace
Col. Nunamaker. This office is known as the Civil Defense Branch, Plans and Operations Division, G-3 Third U. S. Army. Its functions are to coordinate Civil, Defense activities between the Army and the Regional Office of F. C. D. A., Thomasville, Georgia, which in turn coordinates the acti.v ities of the State and local political subdivisions. The Third U. S. Army is the coordinating agency for all military agencies within the seven southeastern states.
Col. Nunamaker said, "It has been a pleasure to work with Civil Defense. Cooperation berween the Army, Civil Defense and the State Agencies is at a high standard because we try, we work at it; the cooperation is one of willingness on the part of Civil Defense and the Army."
Col. unamaker also pointed out that, "the Army always stands ready to help as that help fits the prevailing situation." He continued, "All liaison with the military should be through the State Civil Defense Headquarters and from there to F. C. D. A. thence to the Army."
There have been many occasions where the Army has assisted the State: the recent coal shortage in Lawrenceville; a broken gas main in Manchester where a requirement for Navy divers to inspect the break was handled by the Army when they procured two Navy "frogmen" to do the job; and the Villa Rica explosion. Army MARS Radio Operators have assisted in many ways. Each annual Operation Alert has been a joint Army - Civil Defense function. Assistance in planning and providing some maps to the State Offic~ has been invaluable. The Army has assisted at many of the

Lt. Col. R. O. Nunamaker, left, Civil Defense Liaison Officer for Third U. S. Army, who is retiring following 28 years of Army, Service, briefs his replacement, Lt. Col. William J.
Sweet, Jr.

local water shortages assisting the tate Civil Defense and Georgia ational Guard in their alleviation,
and has rendered assistance in joint planning on the Preliminary Operational Survival Plan.
Col. unamaker stated, "I would like to emphasize the fine relationships between the military and the civil authorities which have been

based on mutual respect and understanding. "
Col. Sweet will take over his new duties about April 1. He has recently returned from duty with the Canadian Joint Air Training Center.
Col. James L. Ballard, Jr., Chief of Plans and Operations Division, Third U. S. Army, remains in charge of Col. Sweet's section.

Second prize winner at the Exchange Club Fair held recently in Augusta was this Civil Defense display prepared by the Evans Home Demonstration Club. Theme of the display was preparedness. Essential ingredients of emergency supplies and equipment are shown on the left while the scene at right depicts the possible results of a
lack of preparation.
MARCH, 1958

_________________________________________ THE ALERT

Communities Aid CD Training Progr~ms

A successful Civil Defense Training Program requires guidance and the volunteer civic groups. It prepares a

full cooperation of community leaders and all levels of Government.

C. D. worker to survive physical

Since January, 1958, we have developed through cooperation with many communities in our State a

Civil Defense training should be a prerequisite of every C. D. Staff

disaster and enables him as a citizen of his community to protect himself and othe~s in time of an

successful C. D. program. The

member and representative of


following communitieS with their

Civil Defense staffs have success

fully completed their Basic Training

Courses in Civil Defense. They are:

Wrightsville, Canton, Cumming,

Villa Rica, Washington, Fayette-

ville, Fitzgerald, Blue Ridge, and

Throughout the State during the

past six months, rescue training has

developed new interest. Many cities

have secured Rescue Units of

various types.

Among those completing Basic

C. D. and Rescue Training are:

Cartersville, Marietta, Cobb County,

and Albany. Courses will be started

this month at Cumming, Villa Rica, and Fayetteville.
Recent developments have brought about the completion of the new Auxiliary Police Training Course

Thirty-five graduates of the Civi I Defense Auxi Iiary Pol ice course conducted for Lyons and Toombs County volunteers ore shown with their certificates of completion. This was one of three different types of CD courses which hove been given through-
out the State since the beginning of the year.

for presentation before police staffs

throughout the State. Lyons has

just completed one of the largest

auxiliary courses in recent months.

Courses will begin for Auxiliary

Police Training in Cumming, Villa

Rica and Smyrna. The fourth C. D.

Nurses Assista"nts Course was

completed in Dalton. This brtings

the total to 200 women trained as

C. D. Nurses Assistants. This

group serves in conjunction with the

local Hospital Plan and C. D.

Organization. In the area of We Hare

there are proposed three Emergency

Mass Feeding Classes to be devel-

oped at Thomasville, Fitzgerald, and Cartersville.
Civil Defense Directors and their Service Chiefs will receive from the State Office a training
manual outlining all training courses developed by the State C. D. Office.

"'\ ...
CD Nurses Aides for Dolton are shown after completing their course January 13th. In the group are, starting left to right at front, Ruby Rackley, RN instructor, Minnie York, Elaise Wilbanks, Beatrice Trammell, Aline Trapley, Marlene Schneider, RN instructar, Virginia Wood, 110 Woody, Christine Townsend, Pauline Summey, Thelma Smithy, Texas Singleton, Kathryn Searels, Agnes O'Bryant, Jimmy McNeese, Lucire

These courses will be available for presentation by local C. D. Staff members and other instructors that may be secured in the immediate area.

Jenn ings, Ruby Houston, Juanita Joyce, Jureda Mann, Jerusha Mosteller, Georgia McMath, Frances Hill, Nelle Elkins, Katy Hawkins, Bernice Hall, Nellie Gordy, Jewell Gordy, Kathryn Garrison, Sammie Chatham, Elva Combs, Dimple Ellis, Mable Duncan, Ethel Croy, Vera Coldwell, Anne Brawn, Kathryn Browder, Dolly Beaver, Nell Babb and Estelle Albertson. Not pictured are Janice Nochumson, Jeraldine
Cohen and Jean Foster, on RN instructor.

MARCH, 1958



STATE PATROL IN CIVIL DEFENSE (Continued from page 1)

flashed over straight-line wire with 2 hours time before the planes

circuits to the State Civil Defense are expected over the reference city.)

Key Warning Point, which is State

The Warn ing Signal is now flashed

Parcol Headquarters in Atlanta. back to State Patrol Headquarters

Simultaneously, as the warning is over a "hot line" in the Civil

being received at State Patrol Head- Defense Warning Office and is

quarters, through an open circuit, it transmitted immediately to all Base

is also being received at the Police Stations and cars in the Patrol

Department in Savannah, which is

etwork. From the cars and Base

known as a Warning Point. Upon Station, it is then delivered by all

completion of the warning, the State possible means to the County Seat

Patrol Ra:dio Officer in Atlanta City Police Department. The County

closes the circuit, receives an Seat City Police Department is then

acknowledgement from Savannah. responsible for conveying the mes-

He then acknowledges for the State sage to all other police departments

of Georgia as the roll of States is in the county. As each police depart-

called over NAWAS (National Warning ment receives the warning, they


immediately pass it to the local

The information rece.ived by State Civil Defense Director who makes

Patrol will usually indicate: time the decision, based on his commun-

air raid warning was received, gen- ity's Civil Defense plan, as to the

eral location of hostile aircraft, type signal he will sound on the

warning time to reference cities, community air raid warning system.

raid number, location, course, speed

In accordance with the Local Civil

and other pertin ent remarks.

Defense Plans, a steady blast of

This information is immediately the siren for three to five minutes flashed to the State Civil Defense could mean in a target area evacuate

Warning Office where it is plotted. immediately: while in a support

The State Director translates the area, it could mean start organizing

information into a coded signal, to receive possible victims and

pre-designated to save time in fur- homeless. Conelrad, the emergency

thur delivery to local subdivisions. C.D. radio ne twork on 640 or 1240

(For instance, a Civil Defense kilocycles will then disseminate

Signal 102 means "A-i-r R-a-id-W-ar-ni-ng=" - -fu-rth-er-i-ns-tr-uc-ti-ons.

Col. W. C. Dominy, Director, State Department of Public Safety, autlines State Patrol Operations for Civil Defense
with Lt. P. C. Peaco*ck of Canton.

R. M. Burns, Chief Radio Op demanstrates what action he wi raid warning. Over black receiv Then he relays the message to phone and is ready on mi ke t di
if Civil Defense 0

Two words that will look as big as the atomic bomb itself, if Georgia ever receives an alert are "Traffic Control.' ,
With the receipt of the Air Raid Warning, there is a likelihood that all other police functions will have to take a back seat, while the movement of thousands of evacuation vehicles is given number one priority .
To meet this challenge, Col. Dominy has assigned Lt. P. C. Peaco*ck of the Canton, Georgia Division to assist in Civil Defense Planning and establish adequate training programs for local police groups who will bear the brunt of traffic problems in their communities.
In antic ipation of an attack, the police forces on a group of roads ringing the target city some 40 to 50 miles out may establish a "Voltary By-Pass". Drivers approaching trus ring from the outs ide would be warned of the danger if they proceed toward the target. The officers w'ould suggest that the driver go around the area using predesignated bypasses. If he continued toward the
MARCH, 1958

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---=:=..-


erator, Georgi a State Patrol, II toke when receiving on air
Irs on right he gets the 01 ert.
State Civil Defense by telesse inate warning to all units irector concurs.
danger area he would intercept another ring of highways approximately 30 to 35 miles from the target area. There police will form a "Compulsory By-Pass". The officers will allow no one to penetrate this circle, so that those coming Olt of the tar get area can have freedom of movement.
Following the attack, a third ring of roads still closer to the destroyed area would be used as a "Distributor Route". This is a two-way highway used to distr ibute. the emergency vehicles within the area of operations.
Then immediately encircling the destroyed area, another circle of roads would be established. This would be called a "Ring Route", deriving its name from the fact that it rings the area of destruction. It is from this group of roads that all emergency workers and vehicles would begin to penetrate the area. All of these rings may be drawn in or expanded as circ*mstances require.
The Patrol would designate "key point" people or officers on foot to cover certain important inter-
MARCH, 1958

sections, bad curves, bridges, etc. izations. For this reason, they escape

Highway Traffic Regulation Points some of the problems of other Civil

established along the highway would Defense services which must be

act as supervisory posts and main- established indepenpently.

tain communications with the Target

The many independent police

Area Traffic Control Center.

agencies which participate in

Emergency Highway Markers, Georgia's Law Enforcement Program

road block equipment, road clear- will be ready to mobilize for Civil

ance equipment, flashlights and Defense emergencies and welded

personal clothing would be provided at the Patrol's direction.

together as one functioning organization. To accompli sh this, the State

The State Patrol will coordinate Director of Civil Defense has asked

the activities of all police services the Director of Public Safety to

during evacuation. They will keep apply the knowledge, skills and

traffic moving. They assist in ar- facilities of his department, (includ-

ranging for areas where cars may ing the Training Division, the G.B.I.

be parked in the reception area and and the Crime Laboratory), to this

provide gua:rds for these vehicles. A task.

great many cars may provide the only

To assist the Patrol in their

shelter for sane time following an gigan.tic police function many local

attack. Wrecks must be cleared police schools have been conducted

rapidly and passengers transferred and many are now in progress. State

to other cars after pushing the Patrol Officers and members from

wrecks off the road.

other divisions of the Department of Public Safety are devoting many

In Civil Defense emergencies the hours of their time to the develop-

calls upon police forces of this State ment of adequat e police reserves to

will be staggering.

meet emergencies.

At the time the Governor of Georgia

The joint effort of survival will

declares a "Civil Defense Emer- hinge largely on the 400 members of

gency", all law enforcement agen- the uniform division of the Georgia

cies will become one large police State Patrol. Their task will be

task force under the general coor- grim, but it is one that they will

dination of Col. Dominy.

handle with traditional efficiency

Civil Defense Police Services in and devotion to duty should the bombs

Georgia are built on existing organ- ever fall on Georgia targets.

State Patrolmen discuss Highway Traffic Control Points, left to right: Trooper B. C. Allison of Milledgeville, Lt. P. C. Peaco*ck of Canton, and Corporal R. B. Rogers of Post No.9.



The Girl Scouts of Eastern Georgia sorted and packaged for distribution in Richmond County 35,000 evacuation pamphlets prepared for the citizens of the county. Shown with representative members of Girl Scout Troops who made the distribution,
is Mrs. G. W. Frieberg, Civil Defense Director for Richmond.

Girl Scouts Active In CD Home Worlc

Public Hea Ith Gets

Rescue Training classes in Cartersville were conducted in the local Fire Station with Ace Cook, rescue chief from Calhoun, in charge of instruction. Here Mrs. Sara Paul McLeod brings down a "casualty" - Mrs. Veara Gaddis. The ladies completed the course
February 28th.
2- way Rad io Systems

Northwest Georgia Girl Scout Councils are making preliminary studies on how the Girl Scout program can be supplementary to the Home Preparedness program of Ovil Defense.
Members of the program committees and officers of the Whitfield County Girl Scout Council (Dalton) and of the Floyd County Girl Scout Council (Rome) have begun a pilot program aimed at council cooperation in alerting communities to the need for better preparation in time of disaster emergency. Mrs. M. S. Morrison is president of the Whitfield Council, and Mrs. George e. Horton, Jr, is president of the Floyd Council.
Plans are being made for training the girls in the troops for participation in activities centered in the health and welfare program of Civil Defense units.
Continuing its program of girlpreparedness, the Middle Georgia Girl Scout council (Macon), which covers 11 central Georgia counties, is planning its first test of the call-out system set up by Senior Girl Scouts in the area. This council held an experimental camp last month at Camp Martha Johnston, and the girls te sted the emergency food kept in the h orne cupboard. Girls brought their "Grandma's pantry" into the camp and used this food on a three-day camping trip.

A vast communications network has been authorized the Georgia Department of Public Health by the
Dr. Lester M. Petrie, Civil Defense Liaison Officer, State Department of Public Health, tests new communications unit recently approved for Civil
Defense Health Servi ceo
Their finding: adjustments had to be made in the contents of th e pantry of the individual girl, bec ause some foods proved impratical. Plans call for a camp-test of the new pantry food decided upon by the girls. Working with the SeniorGirl-Planning-Board on this project is Mrs. Richard Pierce, Field Director of the council.

Federal Communications Commission to rapidly relay vital information among two important Civil Defense Health Services.
Disaster network frequencies have been set up for two-way communication between city and county hospitals. Doctors, too, have been included in the license and may obtain mobile equipment on a matching funds bas is.
Also licensed are Public Health Offices which have been allotted a frequency of 47.62 Me. City and county hospitals have been assigned 47.46 MC, same as the State CD Headquarters and the Georgia Department of Public Health. These control stations will be equipped with a trailer-mounted 60-ft. portable tower with auxiliary power which can operate these stations in event they are required in a disaster area. Six mobile units have been received by the State Health Department.
Dr. T. F. Sellers, Director of Georgia Health Services, said these networks "give us the ability of fast, efficient action under emergency conditions." Dr. L. M. Petrie, Deputy Director of CD Health Services, predicted the system will "grow to include a large number of city and county hospitals and the 38 Public Health District Offices throughout the State."


MARCH, 1958

_________________________________________ THE ALERT


Carrollton Girl Scouts of Troop 45, acting on their own, have begun a program of alerting the citizens of their community to the value of preparedness in this nuclear age.
Beginning their activ ities with a call upon the Mayor and City Council of Carrollton, the senior scouts mapped plans to meet the needs of Civil Defense in their hometown. Next, the sc nIts printed an outline of precautions to be taken in the home and neighborhood. This outline touched on family action, food essentials and adequate shelter.
The scouts were divided into four groups and distributed the survival sheets throughout the quadrants of the city. A Colored Cub Scout Troop helped make deliveries to the Negro sections. The girls also arranged for a story on their project to be included in the local paper.
Evidently this is only the beginning for the active scouts of Troop 45. They are now planning to go before the Mayor-Council to find out what part they can play in Carrollton's Civil Defense Program.
Miss Celeta Estes is President of the troop. Senior advisors are Mrs. C. P. Tigner and Mrs. Ruth Griffin.
MARCH, 1958


Within minutes after a snarling tornado ripped through Cochran, Georgia, 24 January, a dedicated group of radio operators began flashing word of the disaster to to relief agencies of Civil Defense and Red Cross. Since normal telephone communications were swept down by the velocity of the winds,
Surplus CD Properly Available in Americus
The Georgia State Agency for Surplus Property has opened a new warehouse 10 Americus. Property may be obtained by Civ il Defense Surplus Property Officers beginning 17 March 1958. Visits to the warehouse will be restricted to 15day intervals, the same procedure used at the Atlanta warehouse. Both warehouses will now be available for Civil Defense needs; however, requests for heavy equipment should still be directed to the Atlanta warehouse. The Americus warehouse is located on the property of the South Georgia Trade School.

first vitally needed news of the emergency was relayed by Jack Bramlett, W4PIM, and Kay Kennedy, K4CZR, both of Atlanta.
Coordinating the information which rapidly began filtering into his State
CD Communications room, Jack Grantham asked K4CZR to designate W4VWO (mobile), enroute to the scene, as the official CD unit. Setting up W4VWO ill the Cochran Police Station, James Saxon of Hawkinsville began advising other units of American Radio Relay League and Middle Georgia Amateur Radio net what damage had been done and what relief was needed.
Major General Charlie F. Camp, State Director of Civil Defense, was advised of Cochran's needs by radio-telephone patch through Dublin's W4BKK, operated by James Wells. Gen. Camp ordered National Guardsmen into action.
Other radio officials and operators aiding the Cochran relief effort were Jack Farr, W4TJS; Juanita Farr, W4YEK; Bill Kennedy, W4CFJ; Ray McQueen, K4KEC; Elon Allred, K4AUM; Jack Dyer, K4GGD, and G. V. Harvey, K4AT.







A mobile communications unit of the Augusta-Richmond County Civil Defense organization was placed on exhibit at the Exchange Club Fair recently. The van contains an assort-

ment of radio equipment that is ready for use under emergency conditions. It wi II be manned by local vol unteer radio operators who wi II handle amateur and State disaster networks. Other
units in the van include police, fire and public utilities.

Publisbed by the Department of Defense CIVIL DEFENSE DIVISIO 959 E. Confederate Ave., S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Deputy Director ROGER WEB TER Matching Funds Administrator JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer JERRY CAUBLE
Training Officer ALICE GLOVER Coordinator, Women's Activities ELIZABETH W. PIPER Coordinator. Area Directors A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSON Southern o'\rea Director MAJ. FORRESTL. WAREHIME, JR. GTOundOhserver Corps Coordinator

"Alma" will be the first of this year's hurricanes, according to the U.S. Weather Bureau. Thats the name the bureau picked for the first big blow, if and when it should make an appearance.
Other names chosen by the Weather Bureau and Becky, Cleo, Daisy, Ella, Fifi, Gerda, Helene, Ilsa, Janice, Katy, Lila, Milly,
ola, Orchid, Portia, Queenie, Rena, Sherry, Thora, Udele, Virgy, Wilna, Xrae, Yurith and Zoroa.

"Operation Alert 1958", the annual national exercise held to examine readine ss of the nation at local, State, and national levels to meet a direct nuclear attack on the United States, will be held May 6 - 7.
The exercise will be conducted in three phases. The first phase, on May 6- - 7, will find local and State agencies performing their emergency actions. On July 14 - 18, Federal Agencies will stage their exercises for phase H. Phase HI, the assessment phase of the operation, will be he ld September 15 - 17.

Learn these two numbers -- 640 and 1240. They may save your life! These are the CO ELRAD frequencies on your standard AM radio. In case of

an Air Defense Alert, you will receive life-saving Civil Defense information and instructions on these frequencies. That's 640 and 1240!

D!6Joa!) '91 D4 UD I4V '3 'S "aAV a40Japafuo::> '3 6S6
UO!S!A!a asualaa I!A!::>
asualaa 10 4uaw4JDdaa


...-----"!!l... ~ UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA MAY ~~ '.:. '58

Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, Charlie F. Camp, State Director

VOL. 8, NO.3

Atlanta, Ga.

MAY, 1958


The City of Griffin has been se- of time.

lected to receive Georgia's first

Initial allotment of the hospitals

Civil Defense Emergency Hospital has been limited to one per 100,000

under a recently activated "preposi- of metropolital are a population until

tioning" plan.

more of the units are purchased by

The complete 200-bed hospital the federal government.

unit, supplied by the FCDA, was re-

Another hospital unit is located

quested by the Griffin-5palding in Covington. Acquired on a match-

County CD organi zation to augment ing funds basis by Georgia CD

local facilities should potential Department, State Health Department

casualties from the target city of and 50% by FCDA, it is available

Atlanta flood their city.

for local disaster use as well as for

Acquisition cost of the packaged utilization in a national emergency.


hospital was approximately $28,000. Under the prepositioning program,

A trailer to mobilize the Griffin hospital has been acquired, awaiting


the unit is to be stored in a safe, shipment of the medical supplies permanent location in unopened from the FCDA. The medical facility


original containers at or near an was obtained from federal surplus
. appropriate facility where it could through the Georgia CD Health

be unpacked in a matter of hours Services. The unit will be set up

and put into operation in a minimum in the junior or senior high school.

From time to time a great volume

of property is declared surplus by the various Federal agencies of government. Realizing the economy that could be effected through the continued use of this property, the 81st Congress in 1949 passed Public Law 152 which provided that such property could be donated for educational purposed to States and local sub-di visions. Later this privilege was extended for health purposes. In 1956, the 84th Congress passed Public Law 655, which further ex-

instances even these local Civil Defense organizations have not taken full advantage of the opportunities provided under this program. One main reason for this is because certain of our local Civil Defense Directors have appointed Surplus Property Officers who have little or no Civil Defense interest. Therefore, they do not take the time to plan what supplies and equipment they might need nor do they take time to visit the urplus Property

tory, as it will be, in eacl. instance, an extended period of time before outside aid can be made available. The Civil Defense Surplus Property Program is designed primarily to provide the necessary equipment for this purpose.
I urge all local authorities and especially Civil Defense Directors whose organizations have qualified for surplus property to vigorously pursue the opportunties available. Cities and Counties that are not

tended thi s privilege for Civil Defense purposes. Properties which have been and are available include

Warehouses to inspect available equipment. Local civil authorities Mayors, County Commissioners and

qualified should take immediate steps to enter this program. My Staff and I at the State level stand ready, will-

transportation, communication, res- Civil Defense Directors

must ing and able to assist any local

cue and fir e fighting, educational realize that in the event of an enemy organization in the furtherance of

and other types of equipment which attack or other Civil Defense emer- its readiness in this and any other

are most vital in coping with Civil gency or disaster, the local community phase of its Civil Defense program.

Defense emergencies and disasters. will have to cope with situations Elsewhere in this issue you will

umerous City and County Civil which will require the total energies, find a breakdown of surplus property

Defense organizations within our resources and skills of each agency investments which indicate many

State have qualified for and have of the community. The requirement cOIT.munities have been and are now

recei ved much of this valuable for emergency equipment, with trained taking advantage of this program in


equipment. However, in numerous personnel to operate it, is manda- preparing for any emergency.



Editorial Advises


CD Preparedness

Permission to reprint the following thought-provoking editorial has been obtained from the editor of Carrollton's Times-Free Press. The message, which appeared in the April 15 edition, is entitled "Our Civil
Defense. " Who are you depending upon to
rescue your children from a collapsed building in case of a tornado or the dropping of a bomb?
What are you going to do about feeding your family and the neighbors in need if disaster should strike?
Do you know just what to do in case of a drowning, an automobilp accident or other localized tragedy?
These things may sound a little farfe tched to you and you may think this newspaper and the Civil Defense people are being alarmists, but people all over the world are having to meet emergencies like these almost every day.
They can happen to you! Several days ago there was a Civil Defense meeting at the Courthouse to plan emergency operations in our community. There were only a few people present. Most of those on hand represented the utility companies and people whose jobs call for their presence in any emergency.
We have an idea that too many of our citizens are leaving all of the Civil Defense and emergency matters in the hands of these faithful people. It is no more their job than it is yours.
What gives you the right to think it is somebody else's job to rescue your child while you wring your hands in helpless ignorance?
All of us can do something about this situation. Plans are being made to c ooduct classes two hour s each Monday night to give expert training in all these emergency measures. The people of our community should he anxious to take part in this program of training.
This information and training is not only useful in time of war. Such emergency training is useful for every parent and citizen of the community

Cobb County Control Center Rescue Teom is shown ot Loke Allatoona. The team is flanked by Cecil Holt, Chief Cobb County Police and Lt. Weeks of the County Police

for everyday use. Things can be learned here that will save lives in hundreds of accidents and emergencies.
Then, certainly every thinking person knows that our country will not be safely removed from any future largescale war. Civil Defense will be the responsibility of the citizens in every community. Somebody else will not do the job for us. Everybody else will be too busy taking care of their own affairs that are in their own front yard.
There will be no cost to these courses of training for you. This will be an opportunity to gain valuable information fre: of charge.
Published by the
Department of Defense CIVIL DEFE E DIVISIO
959 E. Confederate Ave., S. E. Atlanta, Georgia
Deputy Director ROGER WEBSTER Matching Funds Ad;"inistrator JACK L. GRANTHAM Communicatio'ls Officer JERRY CAUBLE
Training Officer ALICE GLOVER Coordinator, Women's Activities ELIZABETH W. PIPER Coordinator, Area Directors A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSO Southern Area Director MAJ. FORRESTL. WAREHIME,JR. GroundObserver Corps Coordinator

Cobb Team Finds
Allaloona Viclim
Cobb County's Control Center Rescue team, composed of units from Acworth, South Cobb, Austell and the Civil Defense Control Center, was called upon to perform its first rescue mission only six weeks after completing its basic rescue course February 4.
Working shoulder-to-shoulder with the experienced Calhoun, Smyrna and Cartersville rescue teams, the Cobb County team was summoned to Allatoona Lake April 20 to search for a drowning viccim. Called upon by authorities in Bartow County, the squad began operations immediately, recovering the body from approximately 40 feet of water.
The team is composed of Leader D. V. Richards, Assistant Leader,
J. L. Wooten, Hubert Hill, Olin
Randolph, Claude Gibson, H. L. Bittis, Howard Gibson, Walter Harborough and Carol Tabler.
Two rescue training demonstrations will have been held in Georgia by the end of May. Cartersville's rescue tpam scheduled joint operation with tue local Welfare mass feeding group May 21st at the Cartersville High School. Teams from 10 cities were to participate in the program.
Fayetteville's rescue team and auxiliary police organ~zation planned a rescue training program May 29th with groups from seven cities taking part.


MAY, 1958



Thirty-two graduates of two more Civil Defense classes are shown in Cumming April 21 when they completed specialized instruction. At left, holding certificates of completion of the Police Auxiliary Course are, I-r, top row: Marcus Barrett, Bud Lipscomb, John L. Hughes, F. M. Purcell, Hill Tallant, Paul Shelton, and Bob Wilkerson, Front row: Jimmy fa*gan, Joe Brooks, Hershel Fuller,

Douglas Vaughan, Harold Raines and Henry Raines and Henry Nichols. In the right photo are 19 graduates of Cumming's Fire and Rescue Operations course. Back row: Jack Wood, Billy Brooks, J. C. Redd, Roy Holtzclaw, J\lmes I. Hughes, Miles Wolfe and Billy Hughes. Center: Mack Roper, Ed Wright, Gene Pruitt, Avon Hughes, Roy Pruitt, Loy Pruitt and Elred Watson. Front: L. J. Smith,
Buck Wood, Joel Webb, Alford Pruitt and Roy Moore.

CIVIL DEFENSE TRAINING MUSHROOMS Civil Defense training programs, ton and Cherokee County, has obsponsored by various segments of tained maximum cooperation between the community in cooperation with members of his CD staff and commu-

Ga. Gels Properly Worlh $1,277,000

civic clubs, P. T.A. and branches of nity leaders.

In the past 15 months the federal

city and county governments, have

Cooperating with the civic groups government has donated surplus

been mushrooming during the past and county organizations in the area property worth $1,277 ,918.36 to Geor-


of Carrollton, CD Director Seaton, gia cities and counties for civil de-

Among several community projects: has brought together the largest po- fense purposes. Care and handling

East Point's Moose Club has 46 tential training group in his section costs to the local communities re-

members enrolled in the Light Rescue of the state. Emergency mass feeding ceiving these surplus items amounted

Training program.

and rescue training will be the key to $37,259.56.

Cumming's Civil Defense organiza- to his CD programs this month.

Average expenditures by local

tion, directed by Mr. Frank Chancey,

Sparta's CD group has completed groups amounts to $1 for evety $34.2

has c anpleted its Local training pro- its basic course and is now ready for the federal government spent in ac-

grams in rescue, fire and auxiliaty training in the various services.

quiring the original property. The


Forest Park is completing another following is a monthly breakdown of

Fayetteville is in the process of of its many first aid training c wrses expenditures for items in the federal

completing its rescue and police as part of its overall program.

surplus property inventory:


Forty-three volunteers in Cobb County, representing the communities

Acquisition Cost Care and Handling Cost

of Acworth, South Cobb, Austell and

Feb. '57



the Civil Defense Control Center,

March '57



completed their Basic Rescue Train-

April & May '57 95,990.43


ing February 4, 1958.

June '57



Upon completion of their traming,

July '57



the Control Center Team organized

August '57



on a permanent basis and through ex-

Sept. '57



tended training began to cover water

Oct. '57



safety and water rescue. Several




practice sessions in this were held

Dec. '57



at Lake Allatoona near Acworth.

Jan. '58



Canton's Fire Department, plus

Feb. '58



other rescue services, is now in the

March '58



midst of an 18-hour training program.

April '58



Mr. Dick Sims, CD Director for Can-



MAY, 1958



- - --------i----~ i:-----S------ --'I- -------- --------- --------- ----------

East Point's active CD organization has begun training a rescue squad under the sponsorship of the local Moose Lodge. Volunteers participating in the training ore shown in the left photo. At right, East Point CD authorities have token advantage of the surplus property available from government

warehouses by purchasing a stoff cor and pickup truck. Appropriately lettered, the vehicles are being displayed by, I-r, Mayor J. 6. Stith, Mr. J. R. Grayson, EP Welfare Service Chief; Mr. A. L. Stanfield, City Councilman, and Mrs. Lois W. Bras-
well, CD Director.

Another disaster rescue team is being formed near Atlanta. Sponsored by Moose Lodge 1498, an East Point rescue squad began its training April 15 to keep the active civil defense organization in a good state of readiness.
Spearheaded by Mrs. Lois Braswell, East Point CD Director, and Mr. Ed Crumbley, Civic Affairs Chairman of the Moose, the program was inaugurated with the sanction of Governor Hollis Tinsley and Mr. Jerry Cauble, State CD Training Officer, who were present for the organizational meeting.
Members of the Moose Civic Affairs Committee besides Me. Crumbley are Governor-elect Walter Jeanes, B. E. Johnson, Lamar Dorsey, James Cheney and Ray McKay.


The Operational Survival Plan is now entering its final phase. This in-

cludes the refinement of the State Plan originally drafted as the POSP

(Preliminary Operational Survival Plan) in the first phase. Target city plans

for Albany, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Macon, and Savannah will be pre-

pared to tie in with the State Plan using the same outline. Thirdly a model

plan for the Reception Area will be drafted with an actual study of one county

in that area used as a prototype. Finally a shelter study, pointing up blast

shelter requirements in each target city, will be conducted.

In each of the target areas the main target-city Civil Defense Di-

These Planners include the following:

rector has been requested to act as

a local project director. To assist him in this, a Target City Planner for each city has been hired to coordinate the preparation of the Plans and the various annexes. As in the preparation of the State Plan, much reliance is being placed in the various agencies who would be expected

Albany Atlanta Augusta Columbus

Col. R. O. Bradley USAF (Ret)
Col. W. H. Vinson USA (Ret)
Lr. Col. C. A. Swanke USA (Ret)
Brig. Gen. W.G. Skelton USA (Ret)

to perform the work. The Target Macon

Lt. Col. M. U. Marsh

City Planner assists them in preparing these plans.


USAR Mr. Madison Z. Brower

o!6Joa!) '9L 3 S .. "Y ...OJ"P"luo::> 3 6!i6
UO!S!"!O "su"I"O I!"!::> "su"I"O 10 .u"w.Jod .. O



VOL. 8, NO.4

Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, Charlie F. Camp, State Di ct9UL~-=m">

Atlanta, Ga.

L1BRroift 8

The State Office has recently completed the evaluation of the second Phase of Operation Alert 1958. These evaluations disclosed, among other vital information, that damage and contamination froOl radioactive fallout would create great damage and many casualties after the initial blast of a nuclear attack. Results disclosed that approximately twothirds of our State was contaminated at various times and to various degrees. It was concluded that only thirty-seven of the counties uf our
tate could be consideled safe from radioactive fallout.
\\'ith these facts before me, I, of course, turn to the thought of how can we best proteu the people of Georgia from this secondary hazard of nuclear warfare. The only feasible solution I can see is shelter. Fallout shelters offer, beyond a doubt, the best single defense measure for the protection of the greatest number of people against radioactive hazards.
Our present plans include evacuation of target areas, but with new developments in the delivery systems



Radiological Detection Instruments have been granted to selected senior high schools in continental United States by the FCDA.
The purposes of this program are to (1) assist high schools in incorporating radiological defense education into their science curricula and (2) to provide a geographical distribution of instruments that will enhance a radiological monitoring capability in the event of such a need.
A total of 134 kits of instruments will be distributed in Georgia.
Other instruments which are of the high range type usable only with radiation sources of higher intensity, will be available for display purposes in high school science classes or for monitoring in case of emergency. These instruments also are used in radiological training courses conducted for adults by qualified instructors possessing AEC source handling licenses.

High school science teachers may qualify for such licenses by taking appropriate training.
Examing a new type Geiger Counter which is being sent to 134 Georgia schools are Dr. James Owens, CD Coordinator for the Dept. of Education, and Mr. Robert Byars, right, Radiological Of-
ficer of the Dept. of Pub Iic Health.

of weapons, time may not permit complete evacuation; therefore, our plans and the adonal Plan are being revi sed to include the use of shelter to provide protection from radioactive fallout in all areas. ow is the time and today is the day for all Georgians to begin their plans for fallout shelter. The Federal government through research is now developing plans and specifications for adequare shelter for homes, industry and public buildings. pon publication of these plans, we will be able to advise you, as individual home owners and industrial and public facility owners, the best proven plans to meet your shelter needs.
It is my prediction that all archi-

tee*ts, engineers and construction planners will include your protective shelter in their suggestions for building and will be able to aid you with plans for your present facility. Shelters will be in family residences and apartments and could probably be used as bathrooms, garages, basem*nts and recreation rooms when not in emergency use. Commercial buildings and all industrial plants should have annexes which will provide adequate shelter. Shelters will be added to existing hospitals and new hospitals, existing schools and new schools, and may be used two-fold as cafeterias, assembly spaces, classrooms, convalescent rooms, etc.
(Continued on page 6)



Sharp-eyed Photogs
Eligible lor Prizes
Georgia Photographers and Civil Defense workers who have taken outstanding pictures oi Civil Defense in action will have a chance to make the photos "payoff" in the Second Annual ational CD Photo Contest now in progress, Mr. Kelso Hearn, Deputy Director of Georgia's Civil Defense Division, has announced.
Any accredited press or commercial photographer or CD worker is eligible to participate in this nationwide contest, he said.
Participants in the contest, sponsored by the National Association of Public Information Officers for Civil Defense (NAPIOCD), will compete for an array of luxury prizes including a Philco Phonorama Console HiFi set with AM-FM radio, and a Wollensak "23", 3-turret, 8 mm movie camera.
Contest entry blanks and descriptive literature may be obtained from The Public Information Office, Box 4839, Atlanta 2, Ga. Participants should send two 8" x 10" properlycaptioned 0 glossy photos of each entry to Battle Creek before November 1, 1958, when the contest closes.
Action pictures of CD taken between November 1, 1957 and November 1, 1958 are eligible.
Other contest prizes include: a complete name-brand camera outfit with flash attachment, a Sylvania portable transistor radio, an Ansco Dualet slide projector, a deluxe Westinghouse electric automatic frypan, and an Actionrod Fishing rod.
Winners will also receive disdnguished framed citations at the Association's annual conference in November at Battle Creek, Michigan. All winners, including those with honorable mention, will be cited nationally.
Speaking of trade relations, almost everyone would like too
"What does this mean?" growled the customer in the greasy spoon. "There's a co*ckroach in the bottom of my cup."
"Listen, bud," said the proprietor, "if you want your fortune told, go see a gypsy."


Clarkesville began its traIning program for Light Rescue and Emergency Mass Feeding.
Calhoun completed a large first aid training course for its Civil Defense organization.
The basic Civil Defense course was presented to the Arkwright community in Macon.
The Emergency Mass Feeding course will be presented at Forsyth, Ga.
The basic course was given at Gainesville.
The Auxiliary Police trainIng course was completed at Smyrna. . The Basic Civil Defense course was presented for the Carrollton Rescue and Emergency Mass Feeding group.
Mr. Jack Chandler, Civil Defense Director of Villa Rica, is to be congratulated for his outstanding job in developing training programs in four areas of Civil Defense: Rescue, Aux-
Instructors in Civil Defense rescue techniques are being trained this month throughout the state in Georgia Forestry Commission areas.
The Commission, in conjunction witb tbe State Civil Defense Department, bas developed two-day, twentyhour courses for the purpose of training rescue instructors who will teach rescue classes throughout the state.
Instructors will consist of county rangers, members of tbe district and regional staffs and other citizens from communities in tbe area.
Schools will be held in Macon, Gainesville, ewnan, Rome, Washington, McRae, Americus, Camilla, Waycross and Statesboro. The instruction for these courses will be presented by Mr. Jack Grantham of the State Civil Defense staff.

iliary Police, Welfare Emergency Mass Feeding and First Aid.
A course for Unexploded Reconnaisance for Civil Defense volunteers was given at Calhoun.
East Point completed its basic Rescue program sponsored by the 10ca Moose Club. The Macon Moose organization met with this unit and demonstrated the techniques used with Light Rescue vehicle.
In Albany, the basic rescue training course having been completed, a start has been made to train volunteers for auxiliary police duty. Over 80 men and women have registered. (Shortly after completing the rescue course, the Albany team was called to the scene of a drowning to recover the body. They found the victim in a near-by lake.)
Dalton completed its basic Rescue training.
Fayette county completed the basic Rescue training and Auxiliary Police training.
Thomasville completed its Mass Feeding demonstration and will have other training programs developed later in the year.
Chickamaugee completed its basic Re scue training.
The Reserve Officers organization completed the Self-Help and Neighbor-Help First Aid.
J UL Y. 1958

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE ALERT

Thomasville, -- Twenty-nine additional Southeastern cities will soon be on the national "hot line" ready to receive simultaneous warning of an ememy air attack, it is announced by Thomas H. Goodman, Regional Federal Civil Defense Administrator.
The 29 new "warning points" are being added to the 17 Southeastern cities which have been on the national system for some time, Goodman points out. The increase in "warning points" is in keeping with FCDA's current program of expanding national capability of withstanding attack.
The ever-ready hot-line, which will feed warning ef attack direct from the FCDA warning-center at the
orth American Air Defense Command, is officially known as the ational Warning System. At present there are over 200 "warning points" in the system--cities or areas which will simultaneously receive word of an impending attack direct from Air Defense Command headquarter.s. The system is federally financed through FCDA which hopes to expand it to over 500 points by 1961.
Known as AWAS for short, the system is the nation's most important and fastest party line. Operative 24-hours a day and constantly checked, a warning can be given to the more than 200 points and acknowledge within 90 seconds. In addition, intelligence on progress of enemy aircraft can be relayed to all points as the planes are picked up and tracked by our far flung radar detection screens.
The local warning point termination of the AWAS system is usually located in a police, fire or patrol headquarters where it is covered 24hours a day by personnel drilled in instant further dissemination of the warning. The warning is relayed from these points to other communities within a state by police, patrol or other public safety radio networks or priority long distance calls.
The system has also been made available to State Civil Defense Di rectors for the dissemination of atural Disaster warnings.
JULY, 1958

High praise has been heaped on this group of Turner County citizens who have formed a first-closs Civil Defense organization in Ashburn and have held a remarkably successful practice alert. The "dry run" was 95% effective according to CD Director W. P. Tyson who has molded together one of the most spirited organizations in the State. Shown at on April briefing on CD Services, these 65 City and County officials joined with local volunteers to show the citizens of Ashburn what was expected of them in on emergency. Director Tyson has more than doubled the size of his stoff since this photo was token. With talented communications and rescue experts on his stoff, Tyson says he can call more than 200 people into action in case of emergency.

It is on the basis of the information received over this system that the public warning siren systems are sounded.
Those cities to be added to the system are: Columbus, Albany, Valdosta, Brunswick, Macon and Augusta.
Atlanta and Savannah have previously established warning systems.
CD Rescuers Find
Drowned Woman
A young woman who fell from a motorboat into a private lake near Woodstock Jlune 22 was discovered drowned late that night by Civil Defense Rescue units from Smyrna, Calhoun, Cartersville and Acworth.
J'he girl was identified as Miss Dorothea Setser, 21, Rt. 1, Acworth. It was reported she toppled from the bow of a boat when it stopped suddenly.
Rescue units from neighboring towns rushed to the scene and found the victim approximately four hours after the accident.
Members of the Smyrna Rescue team, first to discover the body, were Tommy ichols, leader, Okra Yarbrough, Marcellous Hamby, Whit Carson, Bobby Carson, Cliff Keltner and Bill Woodward.

They tell the story of the shipwrecked sailor who was captured by cannibals. Each day his arm was cut and a native would drink his blood. Finally, the sailor sent for the king:
"You can kill me and eat me if you want to," he declared, "but I'm getting sick and tired of being stuck ,for the drinks."
All things come to thQse who wait, Either sooner or later;
All things come, at any rate, Except, perhaps, the waiter.
Published by the 'Department of Defense CIVIL DEFENSE DIVISION 959 E. Confederate Ave. S. E.
Atlanta. Georgia CHARLIE F. CAMP
State Director KELSO HEARN Deputy Director ROGER WEBSTER Matching Funds Administrator JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer JERRY CAUBLE Training Officer ALICE GLOVER Coordinator. Women's Activities ELIZABETH. W. PIPER Coordinator. Area Directors A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSON Southern ;\rea Director MAJ. FORRESTL. WAREHIME,JR. GroundObserver Corps Coordinator



CD Rescuers Respond to Real Emergencies
At 2 of 3 Practice Demonstrations Staged At Cartersville, Fayetteville & Villa Rica
The value of Civil Defense Rescue training has been dramatically demonstrated in two of the three latest training exercises when volunteers were called from their practice sessions to answer local fire alarms.
Rescue teams from several cities got in their first actual emergency firefighting experience at Cartersville May 21 and Villa Rica June 21, when scheduled demonstrations were interrupted for teams to answer actual emergency calls.
Showing their proficiency, several units rushed to a blazing lumber yard in Cartersville, quickly laid out their hoses and aided local firemen in bringing the raging fire under control. A similar incident occurred in Villa Rica.
Another rescue demonstration in Fayetteville May 29 showed how effective the teams could perform with coordinated effort. In all three localities, Welfare Mass Feeding was used along with Rescue and Auxiliary Police training.
Photos on these pages show participating rescue teams in action.

JULY, 1958

,---_------------------------------------------'----THE ALERT

JULY, 1958




Many other dual purposes may be met with underground parking garages, understreet shelters, etc.
To all Georgians I say let's make arrangements now for a place to "take cover'.' quickly when and if the need ever occurs.
Thomasville, Ga.,-Top representatives of municipal and county government associations from the Southeastern states attended a one-day briefing at the Federal Civil Defense Administration's Regional Office here as a part of the national planning to assure continuity of civil government in the event of a national emergency.
State and national officials of the American Municipal Association and
ational Association of County Officials attended.
Hubert R. Gallagher, FCDA Assistant Administrator for Congressional Liaison and State Relations and Robert Y. Phillips, Director of FCDA's Continuity of Government Office, both of Battle Creek, Mich., participated in the briefing.
FCDA is urging government at all levels to prepare for a <:ontinuance of governmental leadership and services in rhe event of an enemy attack by taking steps now to provide lines of suce~sion in depth for key officials, assure the preservation of essential records, establish safe locations for government operations in an emergency, and to plan now for the fullest utilization of government personnel, facilities and equipment.
Another reason that man's best friend is a dog is that we know he isn't after our job.
Datfynitions: Tact - making a blind date feel that she got the worst of it.
A young actor came home all excited. "I've landed a part," he told his parents. "It's a new play and I have the role of a man who's been married more than 25 years."
"Fine," nodded his father. "That's a start, anyway. Maybe next time you'll get a speaking part."

34 Girl Scouts
Are Called Out
In Macon Test
Only the land, trees, an old kaolin pit and many spring flowers greeted the 34 girls of the Middle Georgia Girl Scout council who were taking parr in the Emergency Call-our sponsored by the Senior Girls Planning Board this spring. The site of the emergency encampment was the old Camp Wheeler site, east of Macon. In several hours the camp was con'tpletely set up, supper was over, and the girls, with six adults, gathered around the campfire for a good time.
The girls pitched tents to accommodate the group for the night, dug latrines, and flew two tarps for extra shelter in case of rain. Each of the !-ligh school girls was prepared to care for her own needs with food, water, extra clothing, and bed rolL Plans for this emergency call-out included previous training in assembly of camp materials, and in the use of "Grandma's Pantry."
During the second day of the outing, the girls learned such skills as first-aid, flying tarps, and nature study. The call-out was disassembled at the proper time and the group judged the exercise as one of the most successful camping ventures for testing "Grandma's Pantry".
The planning board is composed to two representatives from each Senior troop in the eleven-county Middle Georgia Girl Scout council. Emergency evacuations have been the theme of the year's program. In May the planning group also held an evacuation exercise for two Brownie Scout troops. On this occasion the girls were responsible for the welfare and happiness of nine-year-old girls, including the sharing ot "Grandma's Pantry," for a 24-hour period. Part of the plan was to prepare the younger girls for this experience by teaching them to make bedrolls, and to know what to take with them to camp.
Other plans of the group include the preparation by each girl of a "Grandma's Pantry" for a 24-hour

Georgia Association
Of CD Officials Formed in State
The Georgia Civil Defense Association has been formed to develope a s:ronger understanding of and participation in the Civil Defense Activities of Georgia.
Started by local CD directors, the association led its first executive committee meeting in Macon June 27th to formulate plans for the coming year. The committee planned a program for November and discussed changes in the organization's constitution.
Mrs. Sarah Byars, Civil Defense Director of Griffin was elected president of the association for the coming year. The other officers were: Treasurer: Elliott R. Jackson, Municipal Auditorium, Atlanta, Fulton County; Vice-Presidents: Region I, Ronald Widener, Lyons, Toombs
County; Region n, c. P. Whiting,
Albany, Dougherty Co.; Region III, Col. C. M. Virtue, Columbus,Muscogee County; Region IV, Mrs. R. A. Carden, Jr., Forest Park, Clayton County; Region V, Mrs. Lois Braswell, East Point, Fulton County; Secretary: Tom David, Calhoun, Gordon County; Region VI, Ben F. Chatfield, Macon Bibb County; Region VII, Mrs. Marion Sims, Dalton, Whitfield County; Region VIII, John Lane, Brunswick, Glynn County: Region IX, Mrs. Peggy Carter Sisk, Toccoa, Stephens County; and Region X, Mrs. Lillian Frieberg, Augusta, Richmond Co.
period and for the entire family. A test of this will be made during a Family Week-end. Mass cooking, Hospital Aide and Home nursing training are also in the emergency training plans of this group of girls.
Activities of this group are directed by Mrs. R. T. Pierce, Warner Robins District Director, and Mrs. W. W. Jones, volunteer Advisor of the Middle Georgia Council. Senior leaders assisting are: Mesdames Sam Karrh, S. B. Dean, H. C. Jones,
E. w.. Burke, E. B. Miller, John
Harper, Wm. Olsen and R. A. Brewer.
JULY, 1958

______________________________________ THE ALERT


Dear Girls: The Regional Women's Advisory
Council Meeting met in Thomasville, June 10-12. Mrs. Pearle H. Wates. Director of Special Activities, FCDA, presided and presented an education and training program.
Mrs. Tom Pacheco. volunteer worker from Miami, presented "A Housewife Looks at Atomic Radia. tion"; and Mr. James E. Miller, FCDA, presented "Radiological De. tection and Monitoring." Mrs. John G. Lewis and her volunteer workshop presented "Home Preparedness." Mrs. Norton Pearl, FCDA Deputy Director of Women's Activities, held a Religious Affairs Workshop with group discussions.
Mrs. Wates gave the state coordinators a kit of seven skits that are program aids for Emergency Action. These will be available to you in the near future.
On June 4. Mrs. Gene Goslee. Deputy Director AMACD. presented a film, "Facts About Fallout," at the State Home Demonstration Conven.ion at Rock Eagle where I set up a Home Preparedness Display and gave an outline of the Workshop.
The Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs held its Institute in Athens. The Federation chose as its theme for the year, "Knowledge thru Action."
At a conference with Mrs. Hardin Stuart, National Field Staff, Girl Scouts, Inc., and Mrs. Jake Harris, Executive Director, Yonah Council, WI! made plans for meetings in the five counties under Mrs. Harris' di rection. At Camp Echoee in White County, we plan to train the girls in light rescue, home fire fighting and mass feeding, since in the case of an attack this camp would be a Reception Center. Also there is danger here of forest fires. The mayors, county commissioners and Civil Defense Directors will attend.
I hope that all of you are making plans to educate the people in your area and that "Home Preparedness" will be your motto.
Miss Alice Glover Coordinator of Women's Acitvities

Awareness of Civil Defense and a constant reminder to all citizens to be alert and prepared is achieved by many means. Here two CD emergency vehicles are shown in the Armed Forces Day Parade held in College Park, Ga. The May 17 event was one of several that saw participation by local CD units in parades and demonstrations
throughout the state.
Governors Show Concern In CD Reports
During the National Governors' Conference in Miami recently many resolutions were adopted pertaining to Civil Defense. The following resolutions and reports on Civil Defense were approved:
The advent of the space age during the past year has highlighted the need for a strong civil defense, both as a means of survival in case of attack and as a powerful deterrent to attack.
The fiftieth annual meeting of the Governors' Conference approves the 1958 report of its Special Committee on Civil Defense, together with its recommendations for legislative and administrative action by the Federal Government and by the States.
Also during this conference a special committee report was given on Civil Defense. Those comments most valuable to Civil Defense were as follows:
Two years ago, and again last year, th is committee recommended that the Federal Government accept primary responsibility in the vital area of civil defense and provide greater leadership and assistance to the States in the development of civil defense plans and preparations. On both occasions, the Governor's Conference adopted the committees' reports.
During the past year, substantial advances in this direction have been made. The Durham Bill (HR 7576) amending the outdat.ed Civil Defense Act of 1950 along lines recommended by our committee two years ago has passed the House of Representatives and is now pending in the Senate. That bill would liberalize the contributions which the Federal Government may make to the States and localities. It also would give to the Federal Civil Defense Administration new authority to promulgate a National Civil Defense Plan, to be supplemented by corresponding State plans.
Should there be a future all-out war with extensive devastation on both sides, it would probably be won by the side which is best able to carry on effectively after the devastation has occurred. It follows that a strong civil defense system would be a maior deterrent to attack.
In a recent statement before a Congressional committee, Governor Hoegh asserted: "The principle that modern weapons' and the means for .their rapid delivery require that the total non.military defense activities of the Federal Government be given a priority commensurate to that established for our mili tary preparedness measures." We applaud and approve that principle.
We reiterate our recommendations of last year for action by the States to provide for continuity of government in the event of attack, protection of essential records, and assurance of full utilization of available facilities and personnel.





200 Dental Students
Complete CD Course
f-Iore than 200 senior dental students, who are now practicing dentists, have successfully completed a thirty-two hour course in civil defense at Emory university.
This course is a part of the curriculum. Therefore, students are required to complete the course with a satisfactory mark in order to graduate from the school of Dentistry.
The course covers such subjects as federal, state, and local civil defense organizat~ons; communication; the effects of nuclear bombs; principles of radiation, decontamination and monitoring devices; first aid; chemical warfare; emergency biological warfare; management of wounds of the head, neck, chest, and abdomen; fractures; treatment of shock, hemmorrage, contusions and lacerations. Also included are public health aspects of civil defense such as emergency hospital function; sanitation; physiological aspects of disaster; blood and blood derivatives, radiation sickness, water problems and biological effect of animals and crops.
In addition to the above lecture course, each student is tequired to spend at least one night for each semester or two nights per year in the emergency clinic at Grady lemorial Hospital to observe handling of casualties in a peace-time clinic. They are required to write a comprehensive report of rheir observations at this eme' clinic, noting methods and technics of handling casualties of all types, specifically
national recognition principally oe-

Willian R. Anderson, Richard M. Arnold, Joel Wyman Baker, Charles E. Barrett, Homer
S. Benson, Jr., LOUiS, T. Brown, Thoma!< H. Callihan, Walter R. Davis, Jr., William N. Doster, Lewis S. Earle, James J. Fason, Jr., L. Rodgers Feese, Jr., Leon E. Frush, Jr., Joseph S. Gatlin, Walter A. Grage, Z. Bernard Gross, Jr., Henry J. Hudson, Hubert, H. Hughston, Ill, Robert P. Iler, Jr., Lewis R. Irby, Jr., Wendell St. C. Johnson, Johnny J. Jones, Jr., Charles D. Joyner, Jr., John Mitchell Kreher, Larry Dennis Love, Joseph F. Lowe, Lester L. Luttrell, Jr., Walter E. MacDonell, James M. McKnight, Jr., Charles P. Martin, Prescott D. May, Jr., Michael T. Melneck, Raymond Daniel Nable, Edward Parnell, Jr., Sam Houston Parris, Richard C. Patrick, George P. Patterson, Jay Stanley Paulen, Gordon D. Perkins, Jr., James Jackson Reeve, L. N. Rhodes. Jr., Charles 1 Ri~ey, lorman T. Sharpe, Daniel H. Silcox, Jr., Lester S. Smith, Jr., Jo H. Stegall, Jr., Rudolph Steinhauser, Jr., Frederick L. Strammer, Robert E. Talbert, Joe Price Thomas, Joseph S. Tullier, Charles H. Turner, Alfred H. Underwood, Jr., Wilham S. Wells, A. Pearson \\'hite, Jr., Edward White, Wilton L. White, Clyde H. Caesar M. Williams, Jr., James W. Williams, Carlton V. Winter and Shigeo Yamamoto.

the instances in which priority is given i.!l the treatment. The array of casualties in this clinic is perhaps one of the best in the lJnited States. Only a few of, the students have failed t J see life-saving measures applied during one f the nights in this clinic. Some students were permitted to ride the ambulance and see first aid measures applied to victims at the scene of the accident.. tany students have seen patients die despite the best of treatment. This experience makes the students realize that the severely injured would necessarily be passed over in the event of mas casualty.
The course at Emory has received cause Dr. John E. Buhler, Dean of

the School of Dentistry, recognized that such training will help make better dentists. Without the aid of the members of the medical profession, faculty members of Emory University and the various instructors from the
Georgia Department of Public Health, Department of Civil Defense, and rhe medical and dental professions, this course would be greatly limited. TO one person or organization could do this entire job with any degree of effectiveness. Georgia is up front in this matter of civil defense for dentists, and it has been greatly aided by the tate Civil Defense Administration which has helped purchase literature, provide films, and issue certificates to each graduating class.

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VOL. 8, NO.5

Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, Cha Atlanta, Ga.




From May 1957 through July 1958, a group of selected, expert technicians and professional people of all walks of life performed a study and developed a plan under a Federal contract which is known as Georgia Emergency Operational Plan for Civil Defense. Following a military context, the plan presents the situation governing Enemy Capabilities, Attack Assumptions, Nuclear Weapons Characteristic and Defense Assumptions. Ie provides for the organization and assignment of responsibilities to assure continuity of operations at each level of government.
It further provides that the State be subdivided into six (6) geographical reception areas. In each of these areas to be established will be a Coordinating Center, staffed by a State Civil Defense Coordinating Officer with representation from each of the responsible State Agencies. This Center is to coordinate the efforts of the Civil Defense Agencies at County and City level in the development of operational plans and the actual operations in the event of a threatened or actual attack, natural
(Continued on page 8)

(See Directors Message)

The Georgia Operational Survival Plan establishes the non-military courses

of action to be taken in emergencies, and the role of the various State Agen-

cies, the political subdivisions, and of individual citizens of the State.

The State level Plan's salient fea- der the Plan to meet disaster needs.

tures are outlined in the Plan Proper To assure effectiveness in these

(Volume I). Starting with a planning services, the Annexes to the Plan

basis comparable to a Military Intel- have bF.en prepared and approved by

ligence Annex, the Plan presents the the Department Head of the State

situation. This covers Enemy Capa- Agency responsible.

bilities, Attack Assumptions, Nuclear

To outline the steps to be taken

Weapon Characteristics, and Defense under clmditions of Normal Readi-


ness, Strategic Warning, Tactical

It then provides in part, as the Mission:

Warning, and Post Attack, the Execution Section provides a check list for

"I. To delineate the organiza- each responsible individual and

tion and assign responsibi- agency or department. The plan is

lities and authorities to based on evacuating the residents of

assure continuity of opera- the target cities into the "Reception

tions at each level of gov- Areas". To provide for control of


such evacuation, the State has been

"2. To outline the operations to subdivided into six Reception Areas.

be carried out in the event In each of these Areas, there is a

of a threatened or actual at- Coordinating Center staffed by a

tack to:

Civil Defense Coordinating Officer

a. Minimize casualties. b. Minimize property dam-

and representatives of each responsible State Agency, who will coordi-


nate the operations of, the various

c. Sustain life, health, and services at the county and city level.

public morale.

Thus, Government is continued at the

"3. To determine and provide re- various local levels and remains Gov-

location sites for Govern- ernment in Emergency.

mental Agencies and for the

The Supply and Transportation Sec-

safe storages of their vital tion gives general information on ob-

records. "

taining additional required supplie s

The Plan then assigns to the vari- and equipment. State agencies are norous Governmental Agencies certain mally expected to be self-sufficient

responsibilities for conducting opera- for about five days. Transportation

tions necessary for continuing gov- requirements are coordinated with priernment functions in emergency. In vate industry by the Public Service

general these are along normal gov- Coml1lission at State level and by

ernmental operating responsibilities, using paid civil servants well qualified for the assignment.
It provides that their ranks will be

Transportation Control Groups at the Reception Area and City and County level.
The Control and Communication sec-

augmented by volunteers trained un- tion reiterates the fact that the Gov(Continued on page 8)

THE ALERT - - - - - - - - - - -



FOREST PARK successfully completed its Rescue Training program. This demonstration was very colorful and represented excellent coordination between \X elfare 1ass Feeding
ervice, Auxiliary Police, Rescue teams, and Fir t Aid groups.
CARROLLTO'S smooth working Civil Defense organization successfully presented its Rescue, 1ass Feeding, and Auxiliary Police training program.
CANTO has completed its basic Rescue training program. Director Dick ims will present his Rescue demonstration on eptember 25th.
The basic Civil Defense course was given at GRIFFIN. This is the second course of this type for this area.
The ALBANY Civil Defense organization has completed Unexploded Ordnance training program for Auxiliary Police group.
The basic Civil Defense course was given at \X.HITE, Ga. This community is part of Bartow County Civil Defense organization.
DAHLONEGA has completed the basic Civil Defense course.
Training should cover everyone in your Civil Defense organization in varying degrees, with individual participation determining the amount of preparation made by the director. After the Civil Defense director has gathered information regarding training needs and facilities available, he should meet again with service chiefs and staff members to draw up a training plan.
This plan should consist of four systems of training:
INmVID ALLY, with basic Civil Defense training, including first aid to all trainees and specialized instructors to qualify certain trainees for specific duties.
TEAM training in technical and

service duties; teach and demonstrate the team functions; provide liberal trained messengers as auxiliary workers within the units to which they are attached.
COLLECTIVE training in which teams of each service are trained with teams of other services to assure coordinated activities; be as realistic as possible and reproduce conditions likely to arise before, during, and after an emergency.
COMBINED training exercises with the local Civil Defense organization; with disaster - control groups in neighboring plants; with municipal services.
\X ith the increased use of radiological materials and the increasing chance of incidents occuring in the transportation of these materials, the Atomic Energy Commission has authorized the use of radiation assistance specialists from the Commission to aid local and state authorities in coping with such incidents.
Governor Marvin Griffin, when informed of the AEC's Radiological Assistance Plan, requested the full cooperation of the special team from the avannah River Plant if such an emergency should occur in Georgia.
If an accident should take place involving radioacti ve materials, local police and the Georgia tate Patrol will be notified to safeguard the area and report the incident to the Public Health Department and the local fire chief.
\X hen advised of the emergency, the tate Director of Civil Defense v.ill then contact the avannah River Plant and request the assistance of the radiological team.

Safety Handbooks
To Be Distributed
By Scouts Oct 11th
A concentrated publicity effort at all levels of civil defense in support of the distribution of the new ODCM "Handbook for Emergencies" can help assure its favorable reception and use in homes, and do much to promote greater acceptance and support of civil defense in the localities.
Boy couts will distribute about 37,000,000 copies to homes throughout the country on aturday, October 11th.
everal advance copies will be sent to about 251 local civil defense directors.
A series of suggested news releases and probably some additional suggestions to obtain publicity will be mailed to 1ayors, CD directors and other officials from our office.
ational publicity will also be reflected in the October Boy s' Life Magazine, in a double-page picture story of a cout "coaching" his family in the safety features in the Handbook. A picture of the President receiving a copy (released last month by the \X'hite House) will appear in the spread.
1eanwhile, we urge that all local civil defense directors be informed of the October 11 distribution, and that they coordinate with local Boy Scout Council officials to help assure participation by local troops in the distribution and to exploit the publicity poten tialities.
Newspaper and television photo or TV newsreel possibilities include presentations of the Handbook to the 1ayor, or prineipal county officer, or to them and their families.
Local Civil Defense Offices are urged to arrange for a news photo and TV movies of a presentation by an outstanding Scout or Scout Leader to the ~Iayor, or perhaps to th e ~Iayor' s wife or family group.
This will be the largest one-day distribution of any publication in history. The Handbook can save lives in peace or war. It merits the full publicity treatment.

_________________________________________ THE ALERT

- /lie Edtt(JU4t-
"Fire Defense"
Governor Griffin has proclaimed October 5-11, "Fire Prevention Week".
Fire prevention is significant to Civil Defense and should be observed every week in the year by everyone. It is continuously emphasized that during 1Y0rld War 11 more damage was done by fire than any other cause.
lYe have no reason to believe things would be any different today if we had an attack. There are still too many patches of dry weeds, too much loose paper and other inflammables lying around our neighborhoodsand too many attics that need cleaning out.
lYe have a tendency to complain about the law pushing us around. There would be no need for Fire Laws if we would all try a little more in our homes, in our cars, in our factories and forests to prevent fire.
Let's all make a solemn promise now to support our Fire Departments and agree to make our Firemen welcome in our homes as long as he leaves his truck at the station.

The group obove ore Albany - Dougherty County citizens of the Civil Defense Auxiliary Police Corps who recently completed training in police work ond in explosive ordnance reconnaissance detection. At left is Chief Henry Reid of the Albony Police Deportment. Upon completion of the training course, regular monthly meetings were set up ond all members report once 0 week for octive duty with the Albany police, doing ,office work, radio operation, walking patrol, riding patrol, detective work, traffic control ond other tasks of the police department. The Albany ouxiliary police service is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, with H. Jack Turner, Chief,

Forsyth Co, Red Oak
Rescue Teams Help
At Lake Catastrophy
Following 0 trogic occident Sundoy night, September 14, when 0 taxicab in Hall County plunged into 80 ft. deep water of Lake Lanier, Civil Defense Rescue Teams from Forsyth County and Red Oak worked si de by side with the Gainesville Fire Department and other volunteers in the recovery of four drowned bodies. When it was determined by the Geargia State Patrol that additional lights would be necessary on the scene, they dispatched the Emergency Rescue Ambulance of the Red Oak Fire Department to the scene with auxiliary power and flaodl ight s.
Participation by local volunteer res cue teams in natural di sasters such as this one point to the need for odditional locol rescue orgonizations which can save many Iives and thousands of dolIars in property damage, according to a State Civil Defense official who congrotuloted these units on a job well done.

For exceptional and continuing service to the Ground Observer Corps Program of the United States Air Force, Miss Judy King, Administrative Supervisor of the Atlanta Air Defense Filter Center since its activation in 1951, was presented with a certificate of appreciation from the Air Force Chief of Staff. She was cited for giying "voluntarily and with unflagging devotion, thousands of hours of outstanding and loyal service, often at considerable personal expense, to the cause of national security." By such service she has been an inspiration to both civilian and military personnel of the Filter Center. "Largely through her able guidance, and the high regard in which she is held by state and local officials, executives, of news media, and the general public, the Atlanta GOC unit has enjoyed the fine relations with all agencies. Her dedicated, dependable and efficient efforts reflect highest credit upon herself, her community
and the GOC Program of the Un ited States Air Force," the citation concluded.










Use the formula 3500 miles, 10 classes of 22 hours each, two months time and a group of very interested men and you come up with an answer of 227 State Forestry Commission personnel qualified basic rescue instructors for Civil Defense.
The Georgia State Forestry Commission in cooperation with the State Civil Defense Office planned this program of basic rescue training to meet its obligation under the new

State Civil Defense Operational Survival Plan.
The course was arranged by Mr. James C. Turner, chief fire control officer of the commission and was taught by Jack Grantham, tate Civil Defense Operations Officer, assisted by assistant fire control officers Curtis Barnes and Turner Barbour of the commission.
One of the state CD $10,000 rescue vehicles provided the tools and

equipment for the schools, and facl1ities such as school buildings, forestry headquarters buildings and garages provided the necessary working area.
pon completion of the class in each of the ten forestry districts a night-time examination in the form
of an exercise was held. The trainees, mostly supervisory personnel and county rangers are to



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - -







return to their respective headquarters and organize and train the men under their supervision in this wotk; this will provide approximately 200 eighr-man b>isic rescue teams distributed in practically every county of the state.
These instructors may also be called upon to assist the local Civil Defense Directors with their re scue training programs.

Classes are already in progress at Clarkesville, Ionroe and Jackson. The courses are being taught by the forestry graduates.
The importance of this training was pointed out by State Civil Defense Director Charlie F. Camp and Deputy Director Kelso Hearn when they indicated that constant radio contact is maintained between state CD headquarters and headquarters of

the forestry commission so that in the event of a lIIajor disaster anywhere in the state immediate dispatch of rescue teams can now be made.
The spirit of cooperation manifested by the forestry personnel during this training exemplifies the character of the state agencies in maintaining a strong disaster preparedness program.

THE ALERT - - - - - - - - -


Dalton Hospital First to Receive

CD Two-way Radio Comm System

Dalton's Hamilton Memorial Hospital has just completed the installation of a Civil Defense two-way radio communications system.
This installation is the first part of a proposed state-wide system under supervision of the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Georgia Department of Civil Defense. These departments, through their radio facilities, will be able to coordinate the activities of various hospitals, their staffs and facilities in case of a disaster or civil defense emergency.
Norman D. Burkett hospital administrator, said this utilization of radio communications will prove invaluable in the saving of lives and the safety and well-being of persons in areas affected by disaster.
The communications network at Dalton will serve the hospital, the

medical staff and the people of Whitfield County on a day-to-day basis. It provides instant communications from the base station at the hospital to various doctors' automobiles. This enables the doctors to set up the nece ssary measures for emergency situations before the patient arrives at the hospital. Doctors may also be reached, in emergency, while in their autos.
This communications system was made possible through the Civil Defense matching funds program of the Civil and Defense Mobilization and through the coordination of the State Civil Defense Department and the local Civil Defense director, Mrs. Marion Sims. The Dalton Whitfield County authority and the medical staff of the Hamilton Memotial H Gpital developed the final details in this program.

American Legion to Sponsor ~~Light Duty Rescue Teams")")

Continuing its longstanding cooperation with civil defense in the development of leadership training programs, the American Legion has announced sponsorship of a new program in the development of Light Duty Rescue Teams throughout the country.
Copies of a kit describing the Light Duty Rescue Program, which is being proposed by the ational Headquarters of the AmericanLegion, have been distributed to all the State Civil Defense Directors. The contents of the kits meet with the approval of the Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization which worked in close liaison with the Legion. These kits will also be distributed by national headquarters of the Legion to Department Commanders and their Adjutants.
The kits contain a program description and includes "Resolution

195" - passed by the American Legion, September 3, 1956 at Los Angeles, California, "recognizing the need for many hundreds of small, well-trained, well-disciplined rescue teams for rescues that can be made with simple and inexpensive tools, and that such teams will be needed throughout vast areas of the United States of America."
The National Civil Defense Committee of the Legion strongly recommended that all Posts organize, train and equip as many such rescue teams as possible.
The kit, in addition to describing the program, contains specific information on organizing, training, equipment and operations of the teams.
The State Civil Defense Division supports the American Legion in the development of this program and will assist Legionnaires in its promotion at State and Local levels.

Women's News
Dear Ladies: We have been busy reorgamzmg
the Georgia Women's Advisory Committee for Civil Defense. We still lack the names of some of the state presidents and state civil defense chairmen. As soon as our list is completed, each of you will receive a copy.
The executive section of our committee met August 12, and will meet again, September 30. We will send you a report on these meetings along with your committee TOster.
As to area meetings or a state meeting, definite plans have not been arranged, but we hope to accomplish these at the meeting, September 30.
Now, we think you should send us some news about your activities. Mrs. George Edwards, Coordinator of Women's Activities, Cornelia, wrote that they gave certificates to eigh.teen for completing a first aid course.
The Girl Scouts are busy. I have met with the Yonah Council in four of it s counties': White, /f abersham, Hall, and Gwinnett, and the last meeting for this group is September 16, in Rabun County. The Scout's Program of preparedness coordinates with our "/fome Preparedness Workshop."
We have received the revised kits for the "flome Preparedness Workshop". so order yours now. Remember, the materials cost you nothing, and are ordered thru your local civil defense directors or State Civil Defense Headquarters. The main thing you need is a leader that will organize and prepare for it.
I will be in Washington, September 21-24, attending the National Women's Advisory Committee meeting. It promises to be a very important meeting, so I'll have lots of news for you when I return.
Be Sure to let me know about your activities, and if I can assist you, feel free to call on me.
Sincerely, Miss Alice Glover Coordinator of Women's Activities



_________________________________________ THE ALERT

Industralists Confer
On Survival Oct 27
An Industrial Survival Conference has been set for Atlanta, Georgia, at the DinkIer-Plaza Hotel, beginning at 8:15 A.M. October 2 and winding up with a joint luncheon-meeting with the Downto\\-n Atlanta Kiwanis Club at noon on October 28th.
It will be devoted chiefly to Workshop Panels on the major steps to Industrial Survival. Speakers and \l:orkshop Leaders will include prominent figures from the Industrial, Busine ss and Banking world, leaders in governmental affairs, and local, state and national Civil Defense authorities.
The purpose of the conference is to afford Industry leaders an opportunity of exchanging ideas and "know how" in planning to minimize the effects of disaster, whether from nuclear attack or natural or accidental causes.
The sponsor is the Industry Committee of the Downtown Atlanta Kiwanis Club, in cooperation with the Southeastern Regional Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, The Georgia Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, The letropolitan Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Civil
Defense Committee and the Atlanta ~Jetropolitan Area Civil Defense. It has the active support of Chambers of Commerce, Disaster Prevention and Safety Councils, Industrial Associations and Civil Defense organizations of 15 states.
Some of the major industrial preparedness topics which will feature the 'l\orkshop session include; "Self Help \I: ithin the Plant," "Emergency Credit and Banking Plans." "Continuity of Management," "Preservation of Vital Records," "Plans for Emergency Restoration," and "Radiological Protection and Decontamination of Industrial Plants."
Registration fee of $5.00 will include the joint luncheon meeting with the Downtown Kiwanis Club. Advance registration may be made with The Atlanta Metropolitan Area Civil Defense, Municipal Auditorium, Atlanta, Georgia.

Georg ia Stote Patrolmen and other law enforecment officers are shown getting briefed on bombs and other civil war relics at a class held at Ft. McPherson by Capt. Barb, right. The others are, I-r, Sgt. W. W. Barnett, Cpl. Bruch Weber, Sgt. T. C. Burton, Cpl. J. T. Lunsford and Capt. R. V. Richards. Looking on are Roy Jackson, Civil Defense Director of Forest Park, and Lt. Emory F. Richardson of
the Forest Park Fire Department. (Photo by Sgt. Neal Schnecter.)

Law Officers Briefed on Bomb Disposal

Peacetime bomb scares and wartime duds were interesting topics at classes given Georgia tate Highway Patrolmen and other civilian defense and law enforcement personnel at Fort McPherson in August.
Capt. Richard ~l. Barb, Commanding Officer of 547th Ordnance Detachment, conducted the two classes of 40 men each. The course is part of a continuing program to instruct civilian s throughout the 3rd Army area in how to handle bombs and unploded ammunitions. Many classes covering this subject have already been held in cities throughout the Southeast.
It was pointed out that civilians with knowledge of how to handle duds were a great help in England during World War II. Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance Agents caninvestigate reported duds in wartime, and bomb threats in peacetime; and tben file reports to a bomb disposal unit.
Assisted by 1st Lt. Gerald J. Morcott, of the 142nd Ordnance Detachment, Ft. McClellan; Capt. Barb explained how to locate and identify bombs, booby-traps, and duds, and what precautions to take to prevent their exploding. He stressed tbat it was not the duty of the civilian to disarm the explosive, but that after the explosive is identified and precautions taken, bomb disposal units should be notified to deactivate the explosive.
The eight-bour class was held in

the Post Ordnance Museum, which contains many exhibits of weapons from musket balls to modern rockets.
This is the first in a series of courses of this type. This course shall become an official part of the in-service training program for the Georgia tate Patrol.
Published by the Department of Defense CIVIL DEFE SE DIYI 10 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E.
Atlanta, Georgia CHARLIE F. CAMP
State Director KELSO HEARN Deputy Director ROGER WEBSTER Matching Funds Administrator JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer LO IS HIGHTOI,l; ER orthem Area Director ALICE GLOVER Coordinator, Women's Activities ELIZABETH W. PIPER Coordinator, Area Directors A. MACK DODD Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSO Southern Area Director MAJ. FORRESTL. WAREHIME, JR. GroundObserver Corps Coordinator


(Continued from page 1) ernor, as the Commander of CD forces within the State, may delegate this authority to the State Civil Defense Director. It also states that State Agencies are responsible for the technical proficiency of officials, teams and technicians in their agencies. At the Area level, their efforts are coordinated by the Area Coordinating Officer. At the local level this is done by the local Governmental Chief Executive through his Civil Defense Director. ,
Channels of Communication follow in general the change of command and are given in detail in the Communications Annex.
The Plan Proper includes eight appendices covering details on evacuation and reception, the missions of the various services, and the State Agency responsible for coordinating this service. The evacuation of the eight target cities involves over two million of the three and a half million population of the State, There are four operating directions in the Plan Proper covering Attack Warning, Evacuation, Shelter Utilization and Reception.
Annexes to the plan proper, Volumes 2, 3 & 4, cover in detail all CD Services and the responsible State agencies plan of operation tor each service.
Complete plans for each of the six major target areas in the State, based on a 20 megaton weapon, were completed during the course of the project as a joint effort by the Project Staff, local CD Directors, Planners

and Officials. These are Atlanta, Albany, Augusta, Columbus, Macon, and Savannah. The other target areas of Valdosta, Brunswick and the Georgia Area around Chattanooga will be assisted in their planning in the near future.
Each Target Area Plan contains <a Plan Proper or basic plan and seventeen to eighteen service plans or annexes.
The Plan Proper of each, contains precise responsibilities for City and County Governments as well as CD Officials. Mayors, City and County Commission~rs are primarily responsible for the safety and well being of the population in both normal and emergency times.
The Reception Area Model Plan contains a model plan for the area Coordinating Center (RAMP-PP) in each reception area plus a Model Reception County. Plan (RAMPCO-PP) and seventeen annexes similar to those of target areas. It does not contain an evacuation annex. These model plans and annexes are so complete that reception area city and county governments need only to appoint the personnel specified and fill in specific data concerning their own locality, to complete the plan. As in the target area plans, primary responsibility lies wi th the executives of City and County Governments,
Copies of plans are being distributed to various State Agencies, and Target and Reception Area Cities and Counties as rapidly as possible. This effort will continue until the entire State is prepared fot implementation of the Survival Plan.

disaster or other type major emergency.
On 28 August 1958, the Governor called a meeting of the Civil Defense Advisoty Council. The purpose of this meeting was to present the operational plan to all members of the Council, Each phase of the plan was presented to the Council by selected members of my Staff. The plan was unanimously accepted by the Council and subsequently approved by the Governor.
In approving the plan, the Governor reiterated his directive contained in an Executive Order of December 1956, whereby each Department, Board, Commission and independent Institution of Government of the State was directed to develop adequate Civil Defense Plans to insure continuance of operation of State government in an emergency. He also emphasized that all political subdivisions of the State should follow the requirements setforth in the Civil Defense Law of 1955, as amended, in developing adequate plans which would minimize casualties and proerty damage and sustain life, health and public morale at local levels in the event of any emergency.
I heartily concur with the Governor's statements and urge each political subdivision to review the State Operational Plan as it pertains to them and utilize the suggested plan as prepared by the project group in developing an adequate plan for their community.
My Staff and I stand ready to assist in any 'way possible.

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Department of Defense, Civil

VOL. 8, NO.6

Atlanta, Ga.



In my last message undet this column I outlined the development of the Georgia Civil Defense Operational Sur: ivaI Plan, and a number of other details concerning the Plan were covered in an article within the issue.
One of the main planning concepts in the state level Plan, and this same concept is carried throughout all local planning, in both target and reception areas, is that Civil Defense responsibility belongs squarely on the shoulders of organized government. This is true at all levels of government; Federal, State, City and County. Elected and appointed offi. cials and governmental agencies au tomatically inherit responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of the people. This is true in peace as well as times of emergency. If the elected and appointed leaders ignore this responsibility, it is an open invitation to disaster. In some counties and cities much of the Civil Defense responsibility has been placed in the laps of volunteers. Many of our demo-
(Continued on page 4)

This article is the second of a series, under the "Georgia State Civil Defense Plan" heading, begun last month and designed to inform Civil Defense Directors, governmental officials and the general public on State agency responsibility and on the composition of target and reception areas throughout the State. These articles will be a standard feature of this magazine until all areas are covered. They are not designed as a substitute for the OSP itself. Copies of the plan will be required for full details.
With the issuance of the Governor's Executive order and a cover letter, mailed to all Civil Defense Directors on 29 October, 1958, the implementadon phase of the Georgia Operational Survival Plan goes into full swing.
For the information of all concerned, the major participating State Agencies and the State level CD Service for which each is responsible are shown in the following listing. The State Civil Defense Division has overall coordinating responsibility for all CD services and agencies.


Department Responsible

Public Information

Civil Defense Division


Department of Labor

Department of Education


Attorney General


Comptroller General


Civil Defense Division


Civil Defense Division

Radiological Defense

Department of Health'

Public Safety

Department of Public Safety

State Fire Marshall

Forestry Commission


Highway Department

Supply and Procurement

Department of Agriculture

Revenue Department

Health (and Medical Care)

Department of Health


Welfare Department


Civil Defense Division


Public ervice Commission

State Ports Authority


Department of Commerce

Training and Education

Civil Defense Division

Department of Education

The target area being covered in this issue is the Atlanta Target Area.

Its composition and number of persons to be evacuated during emergencies

are: Cobb-90,000; Cherokee-6,900; Clayton-31,500; DeKalb-212,OOO;

Douglas-13,400; Fulton-557,500; Fayette-6,400; Gwinnett-17,OOO; Henry-

8,500; Rockdale-l0,000; eWton-l ,320; Forsyth-2,200; Bartow-4,567;

Coweta-6,950; palding-5 ,167; Total - 985,329. (Counties which have been

designated as reception and care counties for Atlanta Target Area popula-

tions officials and forces, will be covered in our next issue.) - Ed.



Women's News
On December 9, the Georgia Women's Advisory Committee for Civil Defense, will hold a state meeting at the American Legion Post No. 3 in Macon.
We are not limiting attendance just to members. We want District and Local Presidents, Civil Defense Chairmen, and anyone interested in our program to attend the meeting.
We have an informative program planned. The Georgia Operational Plan, Communications, and Continuity of Government will be discussed. "Home Preparedness" will be presented in pantomime.
Be sure to mark this day on your calendar and be with us in Mason. The activities begin at 10:30 a.m. and will close at 3:30 p.m.
Luncheon reservations for the meeting are to be paid in advance and must be received in our office by December 2.
Make checks payable to Mrs. Charlie Morgan. Price $2.00.
Send reservations and checks to:
Miss Alice Glover Coordinator of Women's Activities Georgia State Civil Defense 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E. Atlanta 16, Georgia
Special queries have been received about repair parts for some of the equipment purchased by various CD organizations. The item creating most concern is the WW II Amphibious Vehicle called the D KW.
A check with the Office of Chief of Ordnance, U.S. Army, indicates that parts for these vehicles are still in military stocks but it would be extremely difficult to obtain any parts from this source. A check with the local GMC Parts Depot reveals that only current standard GMC parts w.ere available through them. They dId, however, direct us to the hite Owl Auto Parts Company, U.S. Highway 0 West, Kinston, N. C.

A check with this firm disclosed the fact they have parts available for practically all WW II Military equipmellt with an excellent stock of parts peculiar to the DUKW. Some of the parts are used, but still serviceable. All that is needed is the part number, either S L (Military Parts Book) Stock number or Manufacturers' part number. CD organizations who are unable to determine the part number, must give the correct nomenclature (name) of the part. Many of the parts have the Manufacturers' part number stamped into the part itself. There is no price list on the parts, so it will be necessary to determine the cost in each transaction. CD organizations should communicate directly with White Owl and not through the State CD office.
Many parts for obsolete military equipment are available through local jobbers. They can obtain the part if they are provided with the part number, or correct name of the part. In difficult cases, present the old part for their identification.
The implementation of the Georgia Operational Survival Plan and Public Law 85-606 will result in more emphasi s on recrui ting, training and equipping volunteers to staff the prescribed Civil Defense Services.
No abrupt or radical changes will be made in training policy and procedures, however, all Civil Defense Directors should study the Georgia Survival Plan and in addition, those CiviI Defense Directors of towns, counties, etc., which lie within one of the designated Target Areas should study the Operational Survival Plan of that particular Target Area. These plans have been written, printed, and are available in Civil Defense offices in Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Albany, Columbus and Macon. A 10del Cqunty Plan for counties not in the designated Target Areas has been printed and distributed to the majority of counties outside the Target Areas and all Civil Defense Directors outside the Target Areas should read the Model Reception Area (Coullty) Plan designated as RA~IPCO.

Having read the plan, the Civil De-

fense Director working in conjunction

with the local officials should select

and appoint the various service

chiefs. The Service Chiefs and the

CD Director should then determine

their personnel needs to staff the

organization and recruit these individuals.

Many of the individuals recruited

will need no training beyond the two

(2) hour Basic Civil Defense Course

and in their mission as outlined in

the Operational Survival Plan. This

applies primarily to technicians and professional people.

Courses are available and volun-

teers should be recruited and trained in the following skills:

Georgia CD Basic Course - 2hrs

Self-Help & Neighbor Help - 10hrs (First Aid)

Basic Aux. Fire Fighting - 26hrs

Basic Aux. Police Training - 22hrs

(8 hours of this is Unexploded Ordnance Reconnaissance)

Basic Rescue Training Home Preparedness


Workshop Training C D Warden Training Welfare Emergency Mass

15hrs 14hrs



Other courses desired which are

not prescribed by OCDM must be out-

lined, lesson plans prepared, justification clearly stated and forwarded

through channels to Headquarters,

OCDM, for approval. This does not

preclude a local CD Director from

training volunteers in a skill or mis-

s ion not approved by OCDM. How-

ever, OCDM is not obligated to assist

or recognize any training accom-

plished in other than approved training course s.

Recruiting of volunteers may be

accomplished as in the past where a

civic or fraternal organization was

recruited for a mission such as Res-

cue, Auxiliary Police, Auxiliary Fire, etc.

Training should be directed towards developing cooperation and

unity first within the municipality,

then on a Target Area basis for all

those elements within a designated

Target Area and for those outside

the Target Areas on a County wide

basis and last on a Reception Area basis.




Our compliments go to Mrs. Marion Sims, Civil Defense Director, Whitfield County - Dalton, for her well planned "disaster drill" on October 8th.
Preceding the staged exercise at the Court House, the Gordon County, Calhoun Civil Defense conducted a mass feeding demonstration for 100 people at Valley Point High School. The meal was well prepared and most enjoyable.
At 8:00 P.M., several smoke bombs were set off simultaneously. Dalton Police handled traffic control, and shortly after the alarm sounded, fire trucks arrived on the scene. High school students were made up so realistically that they actually looked like they had broken bones and were badly burned. This was serious business to these students; they carried out their part most effectively. Rescue equipment units from Dalton, Calhoun, Cartersville, Canton, Smyrna, and Carrollton gave their assistance, and a number of ambulances were on the scene in a few minutes. A first aid station was in full operation near the scene of the disaster. Serious cases were rushed to the hospital where provisions had been made to care for all types of injuries. A mortuary had set up for simulated dead. In short, all provisions for emergency and auxiliary medical care and rescue had been made.
The cooperative spirit between Whitfield County Medical Society, Health Department and Civil Defense was most evident and the crowd of workers and volunteers demonstrated their full approval of the fine arrangements. Over 500 Civil Defense volunteers took an acti ve part in the exercise with 5 rescue units from participating cities. Fire departments, Police, State Patrol, Sheriffs Office, nurses assistants, medical auxiliaries, doctors, welfare workers and many others, pooled their efforts for one of the most effective well coordinated exercises in the entire region. A Fort Benning, Georgia, officer, Lt. Trudeau, briefed the 81 simulated casualties in this effective portrayal of disaster.

A very successful Regional Communications Conference was held in Thomasville, Georgia, October 29 through October 31.
Emphasis was placed on improving warning capabilities - since every civil defense action must be initiated by an alert or warning and the effectiveness of this action will depend on how soon the warning can be received. Too long a delay might result in no civil defense action required, now or ever. Important phases of coordinating existing communications facilities, manpower and networks were discussed. Up-dating plans to meet the present situations and changes required thereby were covered.
The conference indicated that communications by itself is a service organization - it must know from the other operating organizations, what communications are required. In many cases, the operating agencies do not know their own communications requirements. A request made today for an extensive communications system can rarely be fullfilled tomorrow. Close attention must be given to the Continuity of Government, Radiological Defense and other programs to correctly interpret and anticipate their communications requirements.
Mr. Stark Totman, Director, Regional Communications Office, said; "The Communications Service might well be considered the most essential service to the defense of our country today. We only have to read the technical publications to realize that communications today is much more than the spoken work. When direct offensive and defensive actions are dependent upon communications circuits the responsibility of the communications industry is tremendous. I,\;e must all be continuously alert to this responsibility."
Those attending the conference from Georgia Civil Defense were: Jack Grantham, State Civil Defense Communications Coordinator; A. J. Farr, State RACES Radio Officer; Henry Cannon, Chief Radio Officer, State Forestry Commission; J. M.

Gilbert, Chief Radio Officer, tate Highway Department; C. H. McGaha, Chief Radio Officer, State Game and Fish Commission; J. 1,\;. Parker, Radio Officer, Chatham-Savannah Civil Defense Council;. W. C. Lundquist, Radio Officer, Atlanta Area Civil Defense; James Caldwell, Radio Officer, City of Macon Civil Defense; F. A. Saxon, Radio Officer, AugustaRichmond County Civil Defense; E. H. Polleys, Radio Officer, City of Columbus; J. M. Bonner and Plato Rhyne, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph, Atlanta; George Strickland, Communications Officer, Savannah; H. T. Coursey, John Harter and L. Rollerson, Radio Technicians, Georgia Commission; J. P. Born, outheastern Area Director, American Radio Relay League; I,\;illiam Kennedy, Section Communications ~lanager, ARRL; Earl R. Bolden, Georgia Director, Army MAR; Joe Lewis, State RACES Operator, Thomasville; W. C. Wilder, Broadcast Communications, Macon; and C. P. Whiting, Civil Defense Director, Albany, Georgia.
Published by the Department of Defense CIVIL DEFE SE DIVISIO 959 E. Confederate Ave., S.E.
Atlanta, Georgia
CHARLIE F. CAMP State Director
JACK L. GRANTHAM Communications Officer . LOUIS HIGHTOI,\;ER
Northern Area Director ALICE GLOVER
Coordinator, Women's Activities ELIZABETH W. PIPER
Coordinator, Area Directors A. MACK DODD
Central Area Director HARRY U. JACKSON Southern Area Director MAJ. FORRESTL. WAREHIME, JR. GroundObserver Corps Coordinator

THE GEORGIA ALERT ---------------------------------:g2.,."....-'!-7-'<"'--

cratic principles, of course, are based on volunteer activities, and it is seriously doubted that we could long sustain our democratic ideals, principles and practices without volunteer workers. In the intensely urgent and all-emcompassing requirements of Civil Defense, however, it is, without question, impossible to turn the government's authority and responsibility completely over to volunteers. Organized governmental agencies must form the backbone of Civil Defense with auxiliaries re cruited from the ranks of volunteers by the leaders of those agencies,
The primary county and municipal Civil Defense responsibility lies then with the layor, City Councils and County Commissioners throughout the tate. This responsibility is clearly stated in the Georgia Civil Defense Act of 1951, as amended, and is adequately de~ailed in the State Plan. Civil Defense Directors are the instruments through which this authority and responsibility is impo ed.
With the writing, printing, publishing and implementation of the Georgia Plan, the Fecieral Government through its Office of Civil and Defense ~Iobilization and the State Government through the State Department of Defense', Civil Defense Divi ion, have taken a long forward step in tate and Federal Civil Defense responsibilities. This Plan, has to date, cost these governments approximately $250,000. Virtually, every possible Civil Defense action

and c.ontingency confronting governments, people and forces have been covered. All agencies of the State Government have been given a general Civil Defense responsibility and fifteen (15) of these agencies are primarily responsible for a major Civil Defense Service. A listing of those agencies and the Civil Defense Service involved are. covered in another section of this issue.
It is no longer possible for governmental officials to ignore their Civil Defense responsibility in any city or county; be it small, suburban or rural, or a heavily populated urban area. These officials, based on the requirements of the Law, as detailed in the Plan, must marshall all city and county departments and agencies to protect the property and lives of the people during emergencies. The official who fails to do this may find that he has not only sown the seeds of community destruction but has also placed his people in dire jeopardy. I urge every Civil Defense Director to discuss this message with his Chief Executive as soon as possible.
In the past, incidents have been reported in which it would appear that the American Red Cross was not fulfilling its mission in the training of certain categories of CiviI Defense volunteers.
In order to clear such incidents and to clearly define areas of responsibility, a meeting was held at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta on

October 2, 1958. Attending were representatives of the American Red Cross, State of Georgia Civil Defense Staff and the Atlanta Metropolitan Area Civil Defense including the Chief of Hospital Section, AMACD. The following areas of responsibility were defined for the American Red Cross as prescribed in their Charter and for Civil Defense as prescribed by Headquarters OCDM.
First Aid Volunteers - Civil Defense recruits, ARC trains.
urses Aides - ARC and Civil Defense recruit. ARC trains only when Aide will work on a strictly voluntary basis.
Practical urses - ARC has no responsibility. CD should recruit from among those who have passed a State Board and been accredited. ormally are trained in a Vocational School or Accredited School of ursing.
Registered Professional TursesARC no responsibility. Civil Defense must recruit from among those in the community who have passed a State Board and are accredited. They are trained in an Accredited chool of
Mass Feeding - CD has responsibility for recruiting, ARC and CD have joint responsibility for training.
Instructors are obtained from ARC by local CD Director contacting local ARC representative. If not provided, contact local ARC Chapter Chairman. If the Chairman cannot help, Civil Defense Director should con tact Me. K. C. Lattimer, Director of Field Service for Southeastern Area, 1955 Monroe Drive, . E., Atlanta 9, Ga..

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The Georgia alert, 1956 - 1958 (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.