Osceola Record from Osceola, Nebraska (2024)

Historical Society THE OSCEOLA RECORD POLK COUNTY'S OLDEST INSTITUTION SIXTY-NINTH YEAR -OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER- OSCEOLA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1943 NUMBER 33 DRAFT BOARD RESIGNS Polk County is without a draft board. Members of the board consisting of W. S. Heitzman, Chas. Hoffer and Albert Hult have tendered their resignation to become effective at once.

FORMER RESIDENT BURIED WEDNESDAY Mrs. Sam Hoffer, a long time resident of Hackberry precinct passed away at the home of her son, Roy Hoffer at Payson, last Thursday. The remains were brought here and funeral services were held Wednesday. Burial was made in the Hoffer cemetery. FRANK A.

HULTGREN BURIED SUNDAY Frank A. Hultgren, 74, resident of the Stromsburg community passed away last Friday, April 16th. Funeral services were held at the Edwin L. Anderson Funeral Home in Stromsburg Sunday afternoon and interment was made in the Hoffer cemetery. C.

J. Hultgren, of this community is among the surviving children. Others are Kermit of Wichita, Kansas, Ola of Stromsburg, Mrs. Blanche Cole of Lincoln and Howard of DelMare, Minnesota. STROMSBURG NEWS Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Olson and family of Hordville were Sunday guests at the home of the formers' brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.

Olson, Miss Iva Olson, telephone operator at Osceola and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olson and Ed Larson were also present. Mr. and Mrs.

Glen Lindberg who formerly run a clothing store in Genoa left Saturday morning for Las Vegas Nevada where Glen has a position and where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Lindberg spent the past week visiting with the C. P.

and R. E. Nelson families, parents and brother of Mrs. Lindberg. Mr.

and Mrs. Kermit Hultgren and family of Wichita, Kansas were called to Stromsburg Sunday by the deah tof his father, Frank Hultgren. They spent a few days the first of the week visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Anderson attended the Young People's Rally in Polk Sunday evening which was held at the Free Mission Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ericson and daughter, Mrs. Doris Nuquist and baby were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Ericson and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. L.

A. Raney of Columbus spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. B. Lind.

In the evening they attended the Candelight service of the Girl Reserves at the Methodist church. Edsel Carlson, C. M. 3-c left on Sunday evening for Norfolk, Virginia to go to advanced schooling after spending five days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Carlson. NEWS FROM POLK Mr. and Mrs. Adam Deuker and Emalyne and Arlene Wright were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Wright at Osceola. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.

Johnson of Hordville and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson and Connie of Lincoln were afternoon callers in the same home. Mr. and Mrs.

L. C. Hoover and daughter, Mrs. Robert Hamil of Holyoke, visited Wednesday and Thursday of last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

John Cohagen. Earl Halleck of California arrived here to attend the funeral of his brother, Harry Hallick. Mesdames Glen and Harold Green entertained twelve ladies at the latter's home Monday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Walter Green's birthday anniversary. Mr.

and Mrs. Glenn Green, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green and family were dinner guests Monday evening at the Walter Green home in honor of Mrs. Walter Green and Harold Green on their birthday anniversaries.

Miss Angeline Ingall of Silver Creek spent the week end at the H. W. Herbes home. Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Hahn will spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Blanchard at St. Paul, Neb. PIONEER LADY BURIED AT OSCEOLA MONDAY A POLK COUNTY BOY IN THE SERVICE OF UNCLE SAM JACK C.

HASTINGS Pvt. Jack C. Hastings, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.

N. Hastings entered the army Feb. 2. 1943. He is now taking advanced work at the Institute of Aeronautics at Columbus, 0.

He was a graduate of the O.H.S. in 1940 and was Manager of Jack's Produce Station at Osceola for several months. He graduated from the Liberty Aircraft School at Minneapolis, last September and at the time of entrance into the army was working for an Aircraft Company at Grand Rapids, Michigan. BULLDOGS QUALIFY FOR STATE TRACK MEET Last Thursday, all four of the Osceola Bulldogs that Coach Alexis took with him to the Columbus Invitational Track and Field Meet, gave a good account of themselves. They won two first places.

one third and one fourth place. Jim Brazee won firsts in both the high jump and pole vault and Stanley Braithwait took fourth in the pole vault while Wayne Parks tied third place in the high jump. Ray Iwan missed fourth place by inches in the half mile in his first run ever. The Bulldogs are now preparing for the York College Invitational Meet May 1st and later the Lincoln meet. FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE WAR FUND DRIVE Polk County, Nebraska Ohapter of the American Red Cross (As of April 10) Polk, City $293.00 Rural 412.00 705.00 Shelby, City 348.75 Rural 558.95 907.70 Swede Home area 319.00 Osceola, City 709.35 Rural 558.03 1,267.38 Stromsburg, City 1,000.10 Rural 714.10 1,714.20 4,913.28 Polk County quota 3,300.00 Over the top 1,613.28 JAMES CAGNEY IMITATES COHAN IN MANNERISMS ONLY In the forthcoming "Yankee Doodle Dandy," James Cagney will attempt to resemble America's famous song and dance man, Geo.

M. Cohan, only in mannerisms, briskness of speech, and dancing agility. "In the frist place young George M. Cohan and Bing Crosby of eight or nine years ago could have passed as twins," Cagney remarks. In portraying George M.

Cohan. Cagney in great degree will be following the precept, "Be Your2 self." Jimmy never has written. a hit musical, an "Over There," nor has he ever accumulated well up around the million dollar mark as a play producer. But he literally hoofed his way up through show business the hard way, has clung passionately to family ties every step of the climb and definitely is possessed of Cohan's electric personality. This feature comes to the Shelby Theatre for four days starting Friday, April 30th.

We can save you money on your Herald or Journal subscriptions. ALL WE ASK OF YOU IS A LOAN THEY GIVE THEIR LIVES DAIRY CALF AUCTION AT OSCEOLA APRIL 13 145 Dairy hiefers were sold to 4-H Club Members and farmers at the fair grounds in Osceola April 13th. These calves were brought from Wisconsin and distributed to club members and farmers by the Extension Service Dairy improve-' ment Committee. The calves were sold at auction on a cost basis with an average of $27.41 per head. When the amount of the bids exceeded the average cost the pt r- chaser received a refund in propor- tion to the purchase price.

Polk County 4-H Club members bought 113 head and the general public got 32 head of the dairy heifers. County Extension Agent Ray L. Cruise reports that another shipment of calves will be brought to Polk County sometime within the next two weeks. GREENS CHAPEL The Brotherhood will sponsor an open meeting Thursday evening to which everyone is cordially invited to attend. Pvt.

and Mrs. Raymond Burke of San Bernadino, came on Friday to visit until Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Burke and on their return will visit her parents at Ogden, Utah. Mr.

and iMre. Rudolph Bloom and Miss Donna Jean Dvorak of Lincoln were Sunday guests of Mrs. Christina Bloom and sons. Mrs. Sam Hoffer an old time resident of Hackberry died at her! home in Payson, Utah and was; buried at Hoffer Cemetery Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. and Mr.

and Mrs. 'Claren'ce Austin spent Sunday in Hastings with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Carlson. Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Johnson of Davenport, Iowa, Arthur and Ann Lundgren of Shickley visited Mr. and Mrs. T. E.

Nelson on Sunday evening. Mrs. Chas. Kries and Timmie of Denver who spent the week end with Mr. Kries in Grand Island were Monday visitors here before returning home Tuesday.

Mrs. Henry Olson and daughter of Denver came Friday for a week's visit with the D. E. Powell 'Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas McKeag of Wood River came Monday for a visit at the McKeag homes. RECORD HONOR ROLL Mrs. Gordon Mace Clarence W. Anderson David Timm Verl Anderson Dr. C.

R. Peterson W. H. Smith Mrs. Royal Gibson A.

F. Nuquist Wm. J. Herrmann HAIL INSURANCE 51c an acre for $10.00. No down payment.

We carry your note without interest until Sept. 1st. P. A. NELSON, Osceola.

Mathilda Carlson was born in Oscarsholm, Smaland Sweden on November 20, 1869. She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith and came to this country in the spring of 1889, coming directly to Osceola. She was married to William Silverstrand at Lincoln, on September 15, 1893. To this union were born three children; one dying in infancy. The Silverstrands have made this community their home ever since.

Mr. Silverstrand passed away February 11, 1937. Mrs. Silverstrand has been a great friend of children and has cared for many of the younger Osceola generations during her sojourn here. She was a charter member of the Royal Neighbor Lodge of Osceola.

She always felt that other folks had done so much for her that she could never fully repay her debt of gratitude. Survivors include two children: Martin E. Silverstrand of Council Bluffs, Iowa and' Mrs. Frank M. Leibee of Exeter, Nebraska; four grandchildren: Veronica, William and Larry Silverstrand and Robert Leibee; a brother, Albert Wahlstrom of Fremont, Nebraska, numerous nieces and nephews, other distant relatives and a host of friends and acquaintances.

Funeral services were held from the Kepner Funeral Home Monday afternoon with Rev. Everett L. Bexell in charge. Interment was made in the family lot at the Osceola cemetery. SHELBY NEWS Miss Viola Curry spent the week end in Lincoln with her mother and other relatives and friends.

Mrs. D. A. Jones returned to her home in Cheyenne. last Thursday after spending a week in Shelby visiting at the home of her brother, H.

W. Umshler and family. Robert Hastert, a State University student spent the week end in Shelby with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hastert.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matticks moved Saturday to Dr. A. J.

Merrick's farm northwest of Shelby, where they will make their future home. Mrs. Jesse Cook was taken to the University hospital in Omaha Friday for medical treatment. Derold Abbott accompanied by Mr. Cook and Lorene took Mrs.

Cook to Omaha by auto. Mrs. Morris Miller, who has been making her home here with the Ray Miller family moved to York Sunday to make her home and be near her husband, Tech. Sgt. Morris Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gonnerman and family were in Gresham Sunday where they attended a family reunion at the home of Mr. Gonnerman's mother Mrs. Alma Gonnerman given in honor of her son Fritz who is with the U.

S. Army in California and is spending a sbort furlough here with relatives. SWEDE HOME Oberg of Grand Forks, North Dakota spent the week end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oberg.

He is awaiting his call to the army. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bolton were Sunday afternoon 'callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

H. W. Bolton at Benedict and were evening dinner guests of Mr Mrs. Luther Rhodes of the same place. Misses Mary Alice Ekstrom and Anna Marie Fjell of Wahoo spent the week end visiting their respective parents.

Mrs. Carrie Johnson and Archie of Clarks and Rena Mae Willits were Sunday afternoon callers of Rena, Dick and Francis Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A.

E. Ekstrom and family were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Ekstrom and daughter at Osceola. Irene Forss and Mrs.

Amanda Anderson and Bertha were business callers in Grand Island Saturday. A capacity crowd attended the senior play at High Prairie Friday evening. FOR SALE Polled Shorthorn Bull; Glider Hay Sweep; Chase basin builder; two sets Harness and collars. Leroy Rhodes. A POLK COUNTY BOY IN THE SERVICE OF UNCLE SAM EMIL F.

DEBAETS Emil F. DeBaets has been in the army since June 15th and is a rear gunner in the army air force. His present rank is Staff Sergeant. Sgt. DeBaets is 23 years of age and a son of Mr.


Yankton, South Dakota and County Extension Agent Ray L. Cruise made three radio transcriptions with farm families on their food production program the past week. The transcriptions were made on these Polk County farms and will be broadcast over W.IN.A. V. Yankton, on the following dates at 12:50 p.

m. April 23-Mrs. Alfred Grossnicklaus, Mrs. Clara Berck and Elton Berck. April 26-Mrs.

Nellie Benson, Martin Liss. April 27-Mr. and Mrs. 'E. H.

Tooker, Robert Tooker. The Polk County Extension Service will present another radio broadcast over K.M.M.J. Grand Island April 24th at 11:05 a. m. The County Agent Ray L.

Cruise will appear on this program. DISTRICT NO. 18 Miss Frances Lassek spent several days last week in Omaha visiting relatives and friend. Frank Gabel of near Shelby was a business caller in the Ralph Hasselbalch home Wednesday. John Micek was a Duncan business caller Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville Enyeart and Earl visited Thursday evening in the Emil Kubicek home. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Czuba and family of near Columbus and Frances Lassek were Sunday visitors in the John Micek home. Pvt. John Smolen of Salt Lake City Utah and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lassek and family of Omaha were Monday visitors in the Frank Lassek home.

ALONG THE BLUE Members of the Home Study Club will meet Tuesday afternoon, April 27th at the home of Mrs. Harry Brazee. Neil McCormick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCormick left for the army Friday.

Miss Dorothy Nelson and Marian Clemmer of Fremont were Sunday guests of relatives at the George Irland home. In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irland accompanied their guests to York, where they visited Mr.

Irland's mother. Mrs. Hattie Irland. Miss Dorothy McDonald and Nels Hasselbalch of the valley were Friday evening guests at the August Thelen home. Marjorie Thelen and Elanor Gabel of District 15 took the 8th grade exams at Shelby Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hiemer and son Dennis also Anton Hiemer of Shelby were Sunday dinner guests at the John Hiemer home. Mr. and Mrs.

Tom Skidmore of Shelby were Sunday visitors at the Matt Glatter home. Mrs. Ray Cruise vas a business caller in Lincoln last Wednesday. A. D.

Barnes of Columbus has accepted the position of music instructor for the Osceola schools for the coming year. Mr. Barnes has been associated with various music organizations in this and adjoining counties for many years. Mr. Barnes will move to Osceola upon completion of his work at Rising City where he has been teaching the past year.

FORMER OSCEOLA GIRL WED IN CALIFORNIA Announcement has been received of the marriage of Kathleen Albin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Albin to Clifford Zeigler of Amarillo, Texas. Mrs. Zeigler is a graduate of Osceola high school and Creighton Memorial School of Nursing of Omaha.

Mr Zeigler is a graduate of the Amarillo, Texas high school and is now employed in War Industry in Los Angeles. The marriage took place at the Church of Immaculate Conception in Los Angeles. WCTU INSTITUTE HELD HERE LAST WEEK The local institute of the WCTU held at the Methodist church last Thursday was well attended and those present enjoyed a fine afternoon's program. The guest speaker Mrs. Florence Banner of Omaha, State Director of Soldiers and Sailors gave 8 worthwhile talk on her work at Fort Crook.

Several musical numbers were given by the high school music department and a group of reading given by Mrs. Margaret Inness were enjoyed. Preceding this meeting, the officers and directors of the local union gave a 12:30 luncheon in honor of Mrs. Banner at the home of Mrs. George Moore.

Mrs. John Falk and Mrs. H. L. Haverland of Stromsburg, County President and ex President respectively attended the luncheon and institute.

WESLEY CHAPEL Our community was visited by some hard freezes the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krough and daughter of Omaha were Sunday guests at the Axel Anderson home. Tuesday afternoon a group of ladies helped Mrs.

Anderson observe her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Euse from Shelby were Sunday afternoon visitors with the Alfred Kuehnal family. Sunday was the birthday anniversary of Earl Watts and the Alfred Kuehnal and Bruce Pickett families helped him celebrate.

'Mrs. Ellen Sandin of Swede Home is visiting her daughter Mrs. Albert Anderson a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs.

Elias Timm and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd West called on Mrs. Wm. Hope and Charles Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson and daughters called on Wilmer Anderson in Stromsburg Sunday. Sell It With A Want Ad.

Osceola Record from Osceola, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.