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![]() | [...]I 985 The brands on the front cover represent the four original brands of, |
![]() | [...]ll s&\{,5 T€.n p I J &&/[...].i ( :rfi:.::.[...]8l I[...]F.. i[...]_,"id&* 4, j$l&1..,,i .loPFAr ;}r*,r€6*n ; i r,c[...]& *Y'i L abcxr'roT[...]i "?'i:':x*i{*3ilJ lf*6m*S[...]\i, *5rCn i[...]\.{: |
![]() | [...]&* i* tt rl t{,,[...]6nili".; * f,** rr LL&Ni' I nre tt*$rn 6e] $ Y!, qn[...]r)l&X$An ?[...]i * s$sAc.g 6aff t[...]i[...]I[...]I s66- :r-$ * s&*[...]I[...]I[...]I[...]I[...]I[...]*€6SL i:a:, ] tr\s[...]a:'iq4-( ftf-ri} 1K€ |
![]() | Dedication This book of Forest Grove and the area bor- dering is dedicat[...]We the committee have searched far and wide for stories of this area. You, the people have so gracio[...] |
![]() | [...]P: se Tn**^.1,.-+.i +tr!! VqUL !trUll^- a i a a a a a a a a t t I a l a a t , a t a a a a,[...]JlvtrllHltr -' r a a, I o a a r. r.r r... r. a[...]+h at t ar t at t at | | t I t t | | | aat t t r t t a[...]D-'1 ..l. !vrr6r1Lo4l"'rr ^n- I aoI r t , r t ar a, . t at at t r r at I t , r a| | t OtlHara, Bessie ,,,,,,,[...]I[...]rrrattrttll A,pple, Thornasrl'{argaretrHarvey ,,, I r, r. ! r r,[...]32 rvii n-i rrlrrrr+9n, ^1. T ^r,.i !VS4DO ^^ , i t a a a t,, a, , i a t I r a a,, a t a I t a fledgepeth, Al-ice M ,,...r.,,,r. I t,,, rr,,r., Roa ng , A lex . . rr r . o. . . , , | , I r . . . , , , . . r, ,, . . . Hrtrcn[...]een, A.B. . r r r r . . r , r t | , | , . , , | . I t , . , , r | ,[...]/,Q Ernison, Ha]- r.r'r.|.r,i,,...rr|.,,..Ir|.i[...],r.,,,rr,,,..,r PI AFNO HA I I a t a t I I t a I t a t t |,, |,,,l ! t a a,I l a a )LV James, Ilarry and Nettie[...]r.rrr....rrrr ,aclus Recollections- Duffner Homer i r.,, Foran Fanrily r r. r rr, I r. rr. r r., r,,,,. r' i t. r r.[...]r,..rr Fritz, PauI rr.rr.rr..rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.i Bowrnan, Hugh .rr r...,, r,., rr r.r r t,,.r..,t,, Forest Grove Postmasters .rt.i.rr,,rtrrr.r, Bgrsughts Chas . i r r r. r,,. r. |,,,,, r t,., !, ,..r[...] |
![]() | [...].....,..1.. r.. r | 97 Memories of Forest Grove- Cox,Isabel .....[...]nd .. r.. ............ a.......... I09 GrenstenrFamily re................r, e1[...]L22 Bowmantlfar]-ow . ........... r r... r... I a r. G.r L25 Thg Dinngr That Was . . .. . .......... ... .... f,[...]L37 Damschen, Floyd .. ... . ... ..... .. ... i ...... ]J+1 YoungrC.T. ........f ....[...]Fai-rview School..................... i..... 168 Fairview Distriet #II7 ..........'r[...]School D:.st,.# 2)..,.........r I73 Falrview Community CIub . .................[...]hy r...........'............t I87 Isaacs, Paul . ..............r .........[...]awrence ..r.................... I95 f |
![]() | [...]L99 Johnson Family r r I r r o. r. .. t. ... ..... '...[...]t 279 Inci-dents of Interest-,Se1ma Morrieotrtrr r r r[...]"...... 32I Anclent Pictgraphs .o | '. | ' ' ' ..... ' f. '..[...]";'Z I '''?.a.1-{ C;< z-'<" L[...] |
![]() | [...]IulcCarbney Springs Bradley is the Grandson of |
![]() | [...]AI A Pgron (Bee)Gregory 'I LJ SwenC R.Holland. TP Myron Gregory[...]in T Rhonda Dvorak M_ I4arilynn Laughrey ft3 Carl sande[...] |
![]() | [...]w G) Y .Nate I'iccauley '-\rovr tanley Ranch )[...]lriatt vlastetic aw ,'i agner IJ[...]F John T. Stanley tt-, I Jim tsreeden \,/ 2 A- . r ver i{egsen (i{ow Dale Cox's ) OD llar[...]Fhonda Duorak /tugust i^/estvelt RD N )12[...] |
![]() | [...]nd nor*" ,. It the earliest recollection of Forest Gro- |
![]() | Mr, Peterson at the Forest Grove depot saw the lights of the train coming thet wasntt on his sched.ule, he wired tewistown for inforrnation sn the unsched,uLed train. The crew had a good time, but come I'londay, they were alL looking for new jobs. The l920ts brought rnechanized f,arming in the foni. of tractors that could out.+lork the old horee and plowt Automsbil[...]h needed it often' So, Piercetc Garage was opened for busin€rlgo The 20ts were also the boom ye[...]n was around seventJr-five and it served an a,rea of near\r one thsusandn These people participated in[...]Cossnunity CIub' The picnics were often the scene of nany speeches. A person famous for glving qrite a few of, these tras known as trThe Sweet C lsver Kingtt, Albert Bauer" He could someti.nes be found pract,icing for the weekerrd while at work in the flelds. This was also a time for rodeos and, men were thel as alwavs. proud of their horses. Thiq pride $o-Bp-- limeJ staitba an[...]and droughtr which caused nany faurilies to leave for vrhat they thought were better parts. The poputatlon dropped serious\r.i\ Ti-ures were hard untll around 1937 and J8r when[...]offe{ and rnanaging the danG68 r In 1943 and I944r the l+-H clubs and Womenrs Clubs were started in the cmrnity . One of the legends of the area is a man named, Smokey Lyon, who was a c[...], just work shoes, right up until the day he died of pner:monia at a ripe old age. He was weII[...] |
![]() | [...]ough its nany ehanges. From hav- ilg a population of seventy-five and having two-year high school from l92L through L9?2t to lssing a lot of people to the l.arger ci,ties, The population of forest Grove j-s now around ten people in the tow[...]friendly air about the con- nuruity and most all of the fanilies would rather live here than argnrhere elserbecause of the because of tne beauty of the Land and helpful cooperatj.veness of the people. The snall communi-ty keeps Forest Grove the place it is today and the people seem to like it that W&Yo |
![]() | [...]FOREST C,ROVE From P.M.sirloway?s History of centrar l,Iontana.[...]kson bro- |
![]() | of the eountry, The bnide was attended by l{iss Canrie Fnost of Forest Gnover ad the gnoon was at,t,ended by Mtr, CanI Enickson of Ponest Gnsve. ',I FOREST GROVE --'50M8 trNTERBSTING FA0T5 ,A'BOU[...]ces |
![]() | This fact tho cattle feeders of lllinois and Iowa would not believe until shorn t[...]c0auley erd Amos Sr,l;rder. Since the coning of the railroad in I913r a grq ehange has cone ar,ui where the[...]es till one wonCers how there Loer could, be room for so ma,nJr settlers. We ean see that i-n a (Ew years the new settlers are to have sone etock on thein farns to eat up the grass that grolrs sn the lard that cannot be plowed ard that eventually there ls going to be more and better s[...]prosperous and thriving community. A number of eettlers are prtting dalry cows on their p1aees and, wtth the addition of hogsr iL is bound to take a prominent Frt in the deveJ-oprnent of ,the country, as a better dairy section doesntt e[...]ng welt supplied with grass, hay and ,(1J. ki-nds of grain a8 well as shade and water for thr etock. Besides fanning, dallying ard sto[...]un ny surrounding Forest Grove as eould be wished for. The tor*n hae a good schoolhouse, a very pretty[...]Led hay was6 shipped from this point, eome of it" going as far r*es\ as Seattllr Washing[...]a house-warming in his new house. A large number of settlers attended and a verl i"iolr.Ufe time rtas spent. Dancing was kept up unt[...]. -.4:_. about 30 head of heifers Frar,rk Lyon has bought fron[...] |
![]() | [...]it, more convenienb, l{e a)-so put in a sLock of grocenies. *r, , The Pioneer H,obel" is neari[...]eat improvement ov'er the o1d hoieL, Mrs" Fnost, i-s to be compJ".i:nented upon her enterpni-se in r.rndertak5-ng su.ch an i-mprovernent,. county A,ssesso" niao:Tn*" p$chased the hay and John E. Lyons i, *ffiot t,o his f,arm Just MERRY[...] |
![]() | [...]in need of a good general very rnrch store. It i.s surprising that a town that can support two saloons, one hotel, two restauran[...]aantb get some p,rty interested ln a proposition of this sort. I?ris v*iLl stand investigation. What is the ma'ct,en with oun boand of trade? Wake up! Ttre wrlter has befoil*fu- toou clippings of grain quof,ations, one from the Hei-ena Record of Febuary 17t and the other from the Democrab Ner*s of Ler*istor,m of the same datel Helena Record quotations furnished[...]t Ner+s quotations furnished by Lewistown chamber of commerce for the EE}'IEFIT OF FARMER,S of, Fergus Countyr$J-"lO per cwt. Why the difference?It is up to s,omeone to expJai: Satunday was hog day i,n Foreet Grove, John E"Ly- sns and s.w.$ler purchased. the hogs for Dowd. produce Cor of Seattle. The-' qecured enou6h to load twq qars an[...]s sure a busy plaee" Abaut $2,000"00 was paid out for the hogs. This money had to be spent. Why not i[...]q..r\^-_\ The farnens of, the Fa'irview school district have been having some exciting debates at, Lhe sehoolhouse this winter. I?rey are a trive, up-to-date elass of peopJ,e. February lSth bhe Bachelors gave a suppe[...]y were not married" This brought out a great deal of meruiment and wit. The prize for the best reason was voted to Mf'Baugrf'\zr'arrzr-[...]e fhon the penitentiary. Spangler was convict- ed of killing Lawrence Bolard at the foruerrs ranch on McDonald, Creek on Janua,ry I0'I9I0. He wae tried ard sent,enced to tr*enty-*ive yea.rs in the penitentia,r for murder in the second degrEe- Strong petitions t signed by repnesentative citizens of Fergus County hav been presented to the Governor, with the reeult that his eentnnce was conmuted to ten years. &rd credit for eood bEhavior entitled hirn to a- pres6nt diseharge. He is near 6tr years of age and will retire to hj-s ranc[...] |
![]() | [...]s kiltred Ln L9lb, rvhile worklng Ln coal- mine that he ard hig brother and the Apple a crothers[...]im to death, the rther tr*o bare\r escaping, Ihey i-mediately set to *ork to regcue Lern bub when Lhe[...]king boy" He was bonn in Chestnut Mourrl, Tenn,. ?I years Egoo He leaves his parents, three sistcrs r[...]thr at the ehurch in Jorest Grove. The Bev, Brann of, Grass fiange condueted bhe services, which were very impressive. .A large lu.Erber of friends ard nei.ghbons attended the funeral. [nterment was srade i.n the cemetory adJoining the Chu- :ch. Forest Gnove ncur boasts of a first-elass stri.ng,- rd orchestra, ConstabLe Peterson of Grasg Hange being bhe Leader. It uras orga[...] |
![]() | I{]STORY OF SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURC}i FOREST GROVE FROM ITTS BEG][...]BY John R. $ellers, Warden I have been asked to give an aceount of the To a gneat rnarty it hae been a source of wonder |
![]() | b, Pau1ts Episcopal church of PatersonrN,J. Hencs he name of thie church. While the Illers were i-n Clancy, Blshop hewer f the Episcopal diocoee of l{ontana used to visit then nd rrhen they moved[...]al isits ard hoLd serv:lces at this point. Most of the i-ne the servlces were held in the old schoolhouse, a og building located between the corn€r of the PIen- ng fence and the elevator, and, some tj-mes at the ome of Mrs. Matry E" Frost sr other homes. These ervices were the first rcligious servlceE of any ort held on McDsnald Creekr ad they were always weLl tteaded and appreci.ated by the residents of this part ,f the country, regardless of thelr religioue affili- tionen In L892 D,B.[...]n the old Dan lYler 'anch. Mrg. Brirns, nother of Auntie HaSn*ard, died in .895 and is buried on[...]y and nad,o nany f,rie- tds anong the residente of thi-s conmun:ity, About this ;j-ne the ladies of this vicinity got together and, forll- aed an assocla,tion that in the yoerp 1906 becane the fst. Paults Guild.tr It ia lnpossi-b1e to opeak of this :hurchrs history without taking in concideration the {ork doae by the Guild fron the tine of j.ts organ- lzation inI9O6 up to the presenb tine, ABd, I wanL to say that while iL waa organi-zed under the leadcrehip of bhe conmunicants of the Epioeopal church and, so contlnuos, its nenbe[...]most aII dcnoninations and has had the good-wi3-l of bhe residente of thle vicinity ln aL1 itE activittes; end it hae d[...]ugh Rcvn Wakefieldfs enth- si.an the posslbili-ty of buildirry a church was gone in+ to by the cornnunicants of the Epi-aeopel church and when Blshop Bnerer c&E€ in the fal-I of that lcarr he prornised that he rould personally donate $500.00 and thought that he could g9t sorae assistance fren his[...] |
![]() | [...]r was ej-rcul-aLedrhea.ded by Lhe Bishopre pledge of $5O0"( and ln t,irne enough cash and pJ"edges wer[...]nds, sheep herderr et,e., t* &ssure the buil"ding of the church. ?he amoun'l subscnibed varied fnorn 50 cents up to the $500.00 of the Bishopts. The List, of the d,onors is ln a tin box iJr Lhe aonner stone of the church buiJ.ding, The dsnarr necognired that the building of a church and influence that, it, wotrld have in the conrmunit"y was worth while and t-hey gavre wi}^J.i-ngJ.y. A si.te was secuned fronn bhe school disbnict frorn land that, had been donated to the echlool di,streict by ld[...]ceremonies by the Re\r. Wakef,ield. In Lhe f,all- of n907 j-t wae oom- pJ.eted and dedicat"ed the foLt[...]l-ater the C. M. & SL. P. RaiLnoad rall a eurvey for a nailroad down l"laDonal"d Creek and thein ni-ght,-of,-way nan, a Mr. Webstcr, came and, got Auguet Wes[...]h as the sunvey ran right through it " lle etated that they would ptrrchaee a si-te for a chunch and a cernetery anyw'hene we might selec[...]h we had to the sibe sel-ected. WiLh Lhe approval of the Rev. Wakefield we selected the eite upon r+hi[...]he wine fence thai; enclosee the pIoL and the men of the vicinity prt up the .fence that encl-oeee the pJ-ot and have kept it in repalr. I have been asked by some if this eernetery is an exclusively Episcopal cemetery. In answer I want to say it ie not,. It is frGodts Acre.tt[...]cL bo be asked 'xha& denominatj,on we belol€ to i+hen we preeent oureelves above" Neither has there .f-;iil fn;i-& ir'ryor,t[ iskedthat queetion i+hen they eome hene to lay awaY their[...] |
![]() | lown for Vinginia City and was sueeeeded by the Rev. leonge Hirst, who is no'* rector of St" Jarnesf parish rf Lewisbown and St. Paulre l,lissionr Forest Grove. 4ost of' you knor+ l'ln"Hirst and his interest in this ni[...]e in this cosurn- LLy. Xt is noL my part ta speak of the pre$ent tirne ls that speaks f,on ifuself. As for the future, I donrt (rlowr I ean only hope that you youngen generatj-ont teeing whab hae been done will carry on, and I think .ou wi"trl-, This addness vlas deli.vered in the ehurchyard of it" PauLt6 Mission, Forest Grove on Memori[...] |
![]() | [...]ttlers came one hundred years d1ot Dnawn to this valley, to Lhe special spot That today celebrates that beginning of a town and[...]oriesare naryr but vle are few. Stories were told of what happened before. We missed the railroad, the[...]trs plaee, Ever a beacon th draw men to the Grace of God. The school too, we were glad to see Holding memorles of teachersr studentsr programs and garnes, That, we never guessed would soneday be A. treasured link to our destiny. A town that stmggled, a town that diedt E,.lt so infused us all with prid.e. Fsr[...]e on our hI&Xr Our paths will cross with fniends of oldt Many more tales will be told. Again in tauch with our past we will bet l,lay the memories of the things we share Be sunned up in this[...] |
![]() | [...]s and Jbessa 'Bonnle)Johnson who homesLeaded east of Tfler. Norman married Katherine BgeJand, daughter of Gust ,nd }4aria Egelund. fotrmer Fonest Grove res[...]se he team and sled. The car was lef,t at Lhe top of the ill among t.he trees. Gtrocenies vrere juggte[...]n the hill to the house. The school was ie eenten of onganized social activities. The teacher nd prp,i[...]in and Aldona lankut.is lived on the old Syverson i..ace, IsabelLe & Archie Cox & famiJ,y , John & Cl[...]stop by and visit. There was always rveral games of cards nd a lot of visiting before rs evening cane to a close[...] |
![]() | the early houns of the mCIrning. While at Fairview, Bonnie plrt up hay, naised yearling cattle, did sorne farm.i-ng, broke some hcnses, rii-lked cows and sold ctr[...]Lhe ( other. The milking nrachlne was used for rnost of the I6 |
![]() | [...]oved. to the Forest Grove ,eommunity in the sping of LJ28, & left in the fal] of L935 . Gust had came from Norvray in L922, He sent for ldaria tn L925r &d they were marri.ed May 6thrtha[...]at the Remiltard place (now Charbonneauts) south of Forest Grove. The Egelands had a farm and a coal mine on the hilt north of the old Jaclcnan place {aow Gregoryrs). After l{a[...]Forest Grove duri,ng the wint€rsr They lived in I'lre Drake ts house across from the sehsolhouse and. i-n a house of Hansonle across from Ms 0rHarals. A lot of time and hard work went into the buildings & the i-mprovements on the farm. Shortly after they sloved , ]us conbined two houses and nrade a home for the fanily. ]us built a barn of native logs that he had cutrpeeled rnd hand hewn. A new bunkhouse was built, for the n-iners *hen Gus opened the new mine. Numerous out-buildings dere added, several of these Here built of railroad bies. Arnong them was the miLk house, wh[...]il.ding under the trees with its thick walls rade of bies, kept the cream unt,il- it was baken to Mrs[...]ove, Water was always a croblem. The rusty stream that ran frorn the opening >f the old Jackrnan mine wa[...]r supplJ ttil ius dug and rocked up a spring east of the buildings /,at,en, The deep well that Gus hand dug was dry. He & {aria used a tripodrpul}eyr& bucket to get the rocks rnd dirt out of the hole. I was a sad di.ssappointment, lI1 that work and no water. The rnajor building and levelo[...]ly the new coal tine. Gus opened a new mine west of the buildings. He tad sweral men helping hfu, Iaurence Sala , and Victor laponerwere two of the il€rrr Mi-ning coal in a srnall "ural comn[...]water seeped int ,nd there was always the threat of a cav€-in unless ,he tunnel was adequat[...] |
![]() | exhausting hours. They d,ug coal. an,d toaded it i-nt',o the coaL ears. Tons of eoal a day. Qy dayts end the eoal dust hard been[...]bodies inside and out" Ski-n, their nostrils and I lungs, Maria cooked f,or bhe rniners and did thene washr-\ ing The black ground i-n dirt had to be scrubbed ou1t, of the clothes by using }ye water and the old rvash board ' the old msty waber fron the old Jackman m'i.ne shaf,t in below the house had to be packed or[...]e frozen part,ially dry on the Iine, then brought i-n and scattered around. the house to finish dryin[...], raised chickens & sold eggs and raised a garden that provided fnesh green veget- ables during the sumr[...]back into the hi.ll near the trees, held shelves of filled jars and bins of fresh vegetables that lasted through the long winter months' CoaI minin[...]sonal Job and Gus someti.mes worked from the farm for part of the )r€&rr He worked on he section crew for the Milwakee Railroad at one tirne' Tkris crew repaired tracks and. reptraced ties on the railroad li-ne that ran from Lewistown throtrgh Fol"est Grove and on[...]were in Forest Grover(Jewarts staJred at the farm that winter), Gus herd.ed sheep for Charl-ie Baer at, Martinsdale. The Egelands neare[...]Eikes on the bench eastr Clavers then Iived west of us, To the northvsest lived the John Bergs and lh[...]llands. Schoo1 and church activities were the hub of social life in the connnurt.i"ty. While in Forest Grove Maria was an active member of the Lutheran Church and Ladies Aide. Katherine st[...]s Amanda Swift was the teacher and remajned there for 3 yearsr. Ivliss Swift was a dedicated teacherrsh[...]rom tB to 25 pupils, eight gradesr& aII baught in I roollre Every holiday was eelebrated wi-th a program that included plays, recitatj-ons, singing and[...] |
![]() | [...]e everyone was welcome to stop by and share a cup of coffee and visit with Gus and ltlaria. While living in Forest Grove, nrany of you shared lrlariafs friendship and hospitality over a cup of coffee before youtd go pick up the nail and the groceries and head home. Gue and l,faria spent the most of their livee in the Central Montana area. Maria pa[...]ides in Lewj-stown, where his vifality, and senae of hum.or, despite a stroke inL959, has seen[...] |
![]() | ly of Earl $heldon by Ear[...]o l"lontana that is how I got reacquainted with people around |
![]() | [...]st j rLg37 j-n Lewistown, rntana , the second son of Myron and Martha Gregory" e U-ved his firsL 4 yea[...]here, then he drove to Grass Range :r his 4 years of Hi school, He went to college in )zeman, l4ontana[...]lyron jr, moved to Seatble , rshington and wonked for Boeing Air Craff, where he rt, landing gears on 7[...]pent 6 years 1n the Seattle atrea and was working for highway con- bruction when he teft tn lg72, {yron Jr, is married > Jane WiLbuf of Buf,falo, Montana, We moved back Lo rnesb Grove f[...]&n- :gency Medical- Technician, and aLso a member of the trgus county sheriffts Reserve.' {yron[...] |
![]() | [...]-- FOREST GROVE CEI{TENNIAL SONG -- I98I- B[...]by Out west they cane a lookinr for a ]and they could[...]llers rl''Ic0auleys and Westveldts I JacknalrlyonrFrost and FrYs. Forest Grove has survived the passing of time, |
![]() | :188.1 - 198'i Cennterini.a"l (lell.ebr.'cr,bi.on[...]Fr:rest, C::'ove r:ell.ebra,t,e.rJ, tne.i.r :100 LLi ye;,r' anj.,rersa.r,y, l"f.ary 9r'i.gina) homectea,dt')r':; aNtenrlecl, :It, i,,ras a. 2 da,y ertent rvi.bhi a, SaLurcj.alr ni-f[...]fart,hest, deseand- a,nt ca,me frorn Beigj.ngrCli.i.na, a,nd Argenfi.na,, pl-trs from ri,a,nri[...] |
![]() | [...]est Grove. She came to the area with her I husband-, George in 19I!r when they took up the_ir hqgie |
![]() | [...]school with and was a friend of Jessie Johnson, The only one living, is the y[...]ter an extended illnessr or Jauuary 4th 1981. I'ls OtHara r*as born July 26rLB82 on a,farm in Was[...]ty, near .Ann Arbor, Flichigan, the daught{L? of Mr and lt{rs Micheal OrHara . She moved to Chicag[...]1 until her retirement in 1966. she was secretary for the Fergus County Health Dept. Since her retireme[...]ke her home in Lewistown. Ms O?Flara was a member of Dhersen Circle of the ladiesof the Grand Arrny of the Reprblic. Shers survived by one daughter, Firs Leo J I'llller(Mary June) of Lewistown, and three grandchildren, She' wag prec[...]h by her parents and a sister" F\rneraL servj-ces for Ms Otllana were from the C3.oyd Chapel at 2p.m, tuesday.Rev, Ed Pangburn of the First Cristian Church officiated, with intern[...]0tHarar98, passed. away on January l+ 1981. She I"" born June 26rL882 at Ann Arbor Mlchigan" In I9O7 She moved to bhe Forest Grove area & filed on[...]Mr& l"lrs l,{j-cheal- OtHara also homesteaded in that area, later molt'ing to the town of Forest Grove, Al-1 are buried in the Fores[...] |
![]() | El len Leffer:t,sr Fa-'n:i-1y Dy[...]efferts, mt Mother came to the Piper area to cook for pheep sheanens, in about }?06. She then fil,ed on a homestead. She l.ived the rest of her .life -i.n the Piper iitre&, r:ntil about il or ! years be[...]homesLead eabin was J"2 by LZ feet. She had 6 eh:i"ld::en. AIl the chilt1::en r{ere gone from hcme except Janer(Mr* Alrra Stevens). These are Lhe chj.Id::en o.f'Wil-Iiarn & Ellen Leffert i- Charl.es, Bitf -( Dutcl"r), Peter, John, Lydl,a Leff ert,s l{i}son, Jane Lef f eri;s; ,Stevens, & Tom Lef,f ert,[...]( I.,effer'l"s erl"s I.,ef f Storie rs We}}, I donrt know how to start herer but what I might say is, Bert and ILar,eL Claver lived up the val Ley above us abouL to the head of the valley' They were t'h.ere in about 1906 or" sornething like that. Then they moved -fronrthere over southeast o-f the OId Ben Hilt place up there in that high tinrber a.re&. I'{y dear I'tother usecl to teII a story about Hazel. She sald, that they[...] |
![]() | had for dogs. Four big dogs and she said about all the li[...]he 2 fqrtng pans rnd the 2 pJates and set it down for the dogs to eat out of. The dogs would lick theur out nice ard clean ind they r+ould prt then away, WeIl, I thought the .itory was a 11ttle fantastic when I was younger, but bhe older I got and the more acqrainted I got the less I doubted ry Motherts story . Ben Hilt had a big dog r big old sheppard dog that was getting old and he was lown with rheurnatism I think" John Berg eai4 this more bo hamase liazel[...].tt Boyt she blew her top there, she rvouldntt go for that. So it wasntt to long after that that Benny come to school- and said ol-e Fritz died. H[...]l & Bert Claver moved up r set up in this timber, kind of south & east of the Ben HiIi- place, and they built a 1og house. I hed a teaeher by the name of Katherine Ad.an. Taught Ln L922 and 1923. I know she taught in 23. She taught 2 years and rod[...]all it the Casey Runnrel place. A guy by the name of Flatha\tdy t that is who she was ts board with. This place was just about straight south of the Ben HilI buildings, kjnd of on the south edge of that rim up there. We3-1, one day she told us that she was going to Clavers to get her horse shod. WeLL Benny ard I thought we would do something on Saturday so we g[...]was al-ready. He was already at *brk on thE horse"I?re buildlng was a 2 room, there house was Just a[...]then you could go out through the buggy shed, out of the other sid,e, and you could go into the horse[...]e back where you could go into the chicken house. I donrt know, I was Just a kid and I didn t notice to nuch' I did notice that much about it. WelI llazel was always verT friendly, oh she wanted us to come in. tt 0h you tve got to come i.nrtrshe saidyso we was going to go in the[...] |
![]() | [...]use ever;rtime we would move they wourd bank. so I'inarly she stomped her f,oot reaL hand and ehe cuesed and they alL went unden Llre bed & shut uF. I dontt know neally what happened after that. We t probably didntt stay J.ong. Katherine had hen horse \ abouL shed when we got the:re I Lhink, so we alL node aII the way with hen" f,t,[...]. One wor"ild lead. Thon usuaJ"\y Lead, and Bert kind of seeond. WeLL, IlLL LetrI you another story, One t"irne when I was a kid of It or 12 years old, ny Dad eame horne and he was[...]didntt give me a saek to put the bananas- in ,aJ-I I had was & paper sack the etorekeeper ga\re me. Ir[...]guy came aLong and, said he wot-lld, race rne. So I took rrim on for a race, bu.t he ran off and lefb ne, but tr also left the bananas lay- ing in the niddle of the road. Well, I didntt have a sack so aII I could do was sbick them in ntr pockeLs" I tried to do the best I aouLd" I Jusb ki.rnd of mosied aLong d,aydreaming 1-ike a kid does" I stopped at the Warner place for a LittLe biL and went orrr By the tirne I got home tr had aII the bananas ate up, but I still- say that it was thene fault, they shorrLd of furnished fire a. s&ck.. Yup I ate thern all- bef,ore I got home. 4y Mother ard Dad klad kirda s ilPerated about the time I was born I guess, even before thab they had kinda nevetr cor[...]Gil-t Fxlge t ,and she had come over and a_pplied for a cook for the \- sheep sheanens. The;r used to come thene t[...]t,o shean thej-n sheepl and she come oven to cook for ti'le sheep sheanens. Thene was 20C acnes of stone and tj-rnben clai-m up thene nonLh of his plaeer eo she fj.Ied on that, but they wouldnit gave her title to ii because she was a rnarnied wornan. And so she had to go apply for a d,ivoree & Lhen as soon as she did they gave he[...],. She nevcr did get a divorae, & she lived thene for bhe rest of her l-ife. She had to build her homestead cabi-n & we walked. I waLked to Forest, Gnove nu,ny tlnes when I wae pnetty smaLl. Go thererbuy gnoeeries & catch the tra.in for home.' Well yes t 2a |
![]() | [...]r, ss j-t was to a little bit of a problem to get, groceries. You couLdnrt get l"[...]heavy t,o carry. Thene was an old ryan up there that nun t,he post office at Piper. {y Mother always )said that he built the cabin flr her. So tr[...]etty simple. They didntt have much naterial, and I m:ight t,ell you about 0his old Jinmy. Him and Mother got i-n & fuss one ti:ne. I donrt know what it was abouL. She was prone bo pick arguments. An;n+ay she was that kind of a p€FSone Ihe Post office at that, time used to sit on the south side of the nailrosd track right where you go up the south side of the track and then you go curve & go over where it set right there in that spot.This was one of these cook houses. l4y Mother went up there and t[...]ed out on t'he noad and eaidrft Shoot you ole Son of a !--, IriJ eaL your bulletsr[ She stood right th[...]her. Later on when we walked on home she saj.drfr That oLe eon of a bldidnlt think he was going t,o scare me wiLh that gurrr It Thats the t'ype of a person she was.This Unc1e Jinuqr, he had a bad[...]cerated toothe and it bothered him and finalJ.y I guess he had cancer in his head and it ate his head off. &rL she cussed hiru and she said, rr tr hope that tooth kills you.tr He got norse and he {ina1ly died. Ann Keeler said that she sat up with ,{im and that he smelled so bad that you could hard}y stay in the room with him[...]ng right up the railroad tracks, juet going along like he was tracking Boltr€- thing. ldy Ivlother saidrUncle Jj-nmy is dead and that coyote smells hj$. Sure enough he was. Of course you could see the probability of the odor comi.ng right down the valley. Never forgot that. He must of cross- ed the tressle I guess. &Dd he was trotting right up them railroad traeks. I started to tell about Thor Nelson. His sister, he[...]on quite a Iarger room on to this homestead cabin that was there. 29 |
![]() | that he was originally U-ving in, So r'rhen he gob it[...]rhood came and brought a cake, There was several of us boys out in this kitch- en part. I was the youngest one of the bunch. She was going around passing out this cake, fi nobody would t take ary of, it, so she saidrrf I know Tommy witl eat \ some o-f, ib.rr eo she gave me a pieee of it. WeII I did |
![]() | to school. I '*alked up that hil} one time in a foot and a half of snow. I went, to school and they closed school down, and[...]re the Snly tnacks were Lhe onJ-y tnacks going up that road" I remember it yet.[...]ment had been rnacie with the Firct National Bank of Grass Range to bqf the plaeenThe teachen at the school in Becket was a Ms I4angaret Westveltn Josephine wae in the sixth grad[...]lived at Becket" When the finaneial crash cane tn I929t the First Na- Lional Bank of Grass Range was forced to close and payment on th[...]+as able to get private financing to pay the bank for what he or*ed on his recenL purchase of a small band of sheep, but he could not raise enough money to finish paying for the property so he moved to a rented ranch north of Gnass Range" Some of the children attending the Becket school were;= W[...]r and Bea Foster. We all a Ecare in the fall of 1928 when one of the had students, fot either polio or[...]each day. It ineluded a pessenger car at the end of, the train. Families sent cream in bie cans to th[...]e back the check was inside it," It' wasnrt usual for more than one member of a f,anily togo to town, stay overnj,ght, a[...] |
![]() | [...]LgS6 and 1S79 i968, homeoLeaded near the present Act<fey[...]il they ret:-red and moved to Grass Iiange in mid i9a{1, ?hey_r'aised one daughterrMatLie" i4argaret Apple , l8l7 - /?SL took uf, a hanestead[...]ora?s homestead, laLer seII- ing it to Bert sulk. I4argaret Appre made her hone with ?om and Lcna Apple i-n Grass Range af,ter the sare of her prcperty. Harvey Apple (Thonas Apprle?s brother) and Mary also l.i'red 1n Forest Grove area for a period of tinre. They retired to Harlovrtown, Montar:a, Eob anC lfatfie Smith, l-i.red on fhe North Bench near Forest Gnove tn \933,[...]wn as the EarI and Pat Terry P,anch in the center of Forest Grove, They neared 5 chitdrenrBobbierBud"rDickrshirley, and Loraree. Arr of whom ]ive in the cenfral l,rontana area except Bod who resides irl Wyorning. Mattie SrniLh fa ste <i away JuIy L963 and is buried in the Forest[...] |
![]() | [...]. She went to the Dickson ranch s few niles south of Becket, to keep house for her 2 Brothers, Warrl and Wallace, Helen and Alic[...]tJermain and moved to his ranch on the South Fork of the Flatwillow Creek. "A.lice stayed at the Jacknran ranch ,worki-ng for room and her boand, vrhile she attended the ?th &[...]he 8th gnade she went to Norrnal school in Dillon for 2 years, bo get a teaching certj-ficate. In 1906[...]ier at Sand Springs and Allee taught ichool there that term. In February L}LT while still at the Dickson ranch, Louisa Minnich died after a ihort illness. I was born in May of that eame yearr & 'or the nort 5 or 6 years Dad tried[...]. My brothers, larx and RrsseII were born during that tine. When I ras 5 we moved back to Central I'Iontanarto a litt,le 'am on BaId B.rtte. Our nes[...]ghbore. My sister Verone wag orn there in 1923. That faII I moved in with Lloyd & ,ou Thonas, who }ived near Forest Grove, so I could go o school there. The next year Dad move[...]view school and the Aiken ranch. Dad then orked for Jirn Aiken and again tryed farning. He had Iso vrorked at logglng, and as a linenan for the tele hone Co. So after a year at the Aikens we moved to rrtinsdale where Dad began working for the Milwaulaee rilroad. Wh.en I was 9 or I0 we moved again. Tlrj.s time lettling in Lewistown. That winter brother Russell led of Scarlet Fever & pneuuronia at age /a. Dad got a[...]and Mom went to Fergus Lgh to earn more credits for teachirtg and taught for couple terms in country schools. We sta[...] |
![]() | Lewist,own, with the 3 of us finishing school there. Marx, Verone, and Myse[...]-t,he years we took in rnany events ab Beckeb, an<i Forest Gnove" This was where Monrs roots were & v[...]ether , & wene teachers at the same tj-rne" Mar\y of our sunmer vacaLions were spe- nt on these ranche[...]ex Roane & tr were married ue lived on South Fork of Flatwillow for over a year Keibh our oldest ssn was born during our stay there, It was March & one sf Lhe r*orst winters I ean remembe and the roads were bad" AIex carnied the rnail on foot for 3 weeks, He sure eould have used a long legged horse. No nabter i-f he was sick or what the weather was, he some how got the ns,il through, In November of the sane year Mom gave birth to rly youngest sist[...]lder than my oldest boy, Vivian has fond memories of going with I'Iom while she taught school ab Fishburns and when Mom cooked. for the threshers at Steeles and took her along, She[...]nd enJoyed the country dances to, Marx, Verone, & I also have fond memories of those picnice, dancesr{th of July celebrations and sunmer vacations in that area. Vivian r,qho is rnuch youngen than the rest of us, has some good memories of comj-ng to see us and visits to the Isaacs ranch, and riding the train to Forest Grove, I?m sure nry oldesb 3 child ren have the same good[...]na started school there, naki-ng it 3 generations that attended school at Foresb Grove, After AIocrs nai[...]ted to haul grain, coal, and livestock. In August of 1943 , Mom, Dad, & Vivian now 7 rnoved to Portland, Oregon" That s€uae fall we moved to Lewistown, vrhere Alex went to work for Ra1ph Merry as a mechanj-c' Seems we were always[...]sit thab would last untill the next year. Some of the tirnes we 34 |
![]() | would go to South Fork or North Pork oF Flatwill-ow to canp and fish for a week-end, I wi-sh I could r*rite more aboub ny Grardmother Minnichr &e she was a part of the corurmnj.ty for over 20 years but I never knew hern However I do have good menories of the ranch & our Uncles, Ward and Wallace. I want to add a litble about Alexts family, AI and[...]to Lewistown in1936, where Al died in Nov- ember of L937. His wife Jessie lived until 1958, AIex passed away very sudden\r in December of 1975, in Portland, Oregon. Fred Hedgpeth passed away in June I958r after fighting Parkinsons diseaee for narry years and Alice survived a debilitating stroke in 1978, and lived to be 9I| years old, passing away in April 1981, Vivian and I now live in Portland" Verone lives just out,side of Portland and Marx is back in Montana where our he[...]er , Afice was born in Aspen, ColoradorDecember I889r to Willard and Louisa Minnich. When Alice was[...]r brothers ranch. Ward and Wallace Dickson south of Becket and there they lived until the girls grevt[...]e 6th or fth grade, she worked at the Jacknrants for room and board and went to school in Forest Grove, During these early ye&rs Mom had many freinds. The ones that stand out the most were- Addie FrTo Harry and Alfred Sellars, and their sister Louise. She & I'lom were-tt Best Friendsrt aII their lives, in fa[...]fanllies. After the 8th grade Mom went to 2 years of Nornal School in DiIIon and became a teacher. She taught vari.ous schoolg in the area until in June I9I5, when she married Fred[...] |
![]() | [...]and farming and the farflIy moved back to central I'lontana, I went to rV first yean of schooL ( at Forest Grove, Margaret WestveLt was my teacher, Finally after I more baby, a year in l,lar,tinsdale at work on the railroadr w€ moved back to Lewistown, Dad went, bo work for the BeII Telephone Co, Our first win- ter in Lewi[...]our Grandmother l'linn'ich who had passed away in I9I7r before I was born" This was L mone t tief to Forest Grove, We nrade nBr\y trips out that way for picnicsrto visit our friends and to decorate graves, so it is really I our litt1e townt" After Marx, Verone & I Ieft home Ln L942t Mom and Dad & our }ittle siste[...]in 1960 at age 70,She loved Oregon but requested that she be laid to rest by her Mothen and sonr In Apri} I98I she was buried in the Forest Grove Cemetary with[...]in June L959, She has 4 remaining children;- Marx of Grass Range and Lewistown, Verone Hoyle presently of Los Gatos, Calif, Vivian Bernhardt and nyself (Bernice Roane) of Portl- and ,0regon. AIso 17 grard-childrenr J2 great, grard t children, and I greatrgreatrgrand-child" \[...]as 5 or 6 years old and settled in the foot hills of the Snowie lrlountains. Because his Father[...] |
![]() | [...]e residents"A,Iex camied the mail f,aithf\r- lly i-n aLl kinds of weather and road corrditions f,or 9 years" I tremember one very bad stretch of weather in February of l,larch at L936 when he carried it on foot naking[...]J.y. Keith and Luana started their school years i-n Forest Gnove with Netta Hansen as luanats first[...]there and lry Mother had atten- ded the 7 fh and I th grades. In the slum.er of 19J+2 Alex gave up the nail rotrte and tried his[...]r*e moved Lo Lewis- town where AIex lrent to work for Ralph Merryts garage maintainS-ng his own cars ard Lnucks2 he hed had a lot of practical experience" We made our home in Lewist[...]re the childreh grew up and went to school, Jhree of them graduatirg from Fergus High School. In JAugt-rpt',of ,1950 AIex , our 3'youngest boys and I all rnoved. to PortLand, Oregon, Alex worked as a mechan:ic tempnoarily, then for ihe A.nerican Pipe Construction Co for I years. He lived in Portland until his death in December L975, at, age 67. He is survj-ved, by aI3- of his 7 childrer-r Keith of Stanford; Iuana Hartford of Lewistown; Don of Grante, New Mexicor; and Geny, Jemy, andJessie LeRoy aII of PortlandrOregon; and Il grandchlldren. |
![]() | [...]Sorn near Ranfels, a small hanlet in the State of Bavaria in southern Gernarty on Jarnrary 5, 1880t[...]up the milling trade, and at age 17 t left home( for good to operate on his own. Bauer, a restless 'visionary lured by the proni se of the new western horizonr secured a steerage ticke[...]Ju].y 2J, 1904. Arriving with only a nickle i-n his pockets-- hungry and unable to converse in the English language -- he parlayed the knowledge of his trade to secure passage by train to the great milling center of Minn- eapolis, to work at Consolidated Mills.[...]rated on Er:.g1ishr developing an enviabLe letrel of understanding after a few years. Doing photograph[...]sccutn- ulated sufficient cash to purchase a team of horses. He was ready to homestead and to realize his life- tine ambition of owning his farm. In 1911 he staked clain to 150 acres of ttnice rrirgin fandrr five oiles southeast of Forest Gro'vet which he later increased to J2O, r[...]orr June 18th, 19ft7, he. had received his papers of natr:.ralizatton as an Ame{ ican citizen. Albert Sauer took his new citizenship seriously. A student of history and ci'vi.cs, he be- canne a leader in his communi-tyr attaining an uncomm- on grasp of the importance of strong communities in the business of the nation. Mindful of his own lack of forrnal education, he was determined that his chil- dren would be afforded the opportunity for sehooling. He donated an aere of land on the bench on the west side of his property and was instnrmental in na^ni[...] |
![]() | [...]traveled to the State Capitol in iielena to lobby for issues "r that affected the ranche::s in Fersus Cor'*+"[...]D "^1 wsJr ?s the rest of lvlontaf,ra. In 1!18 he met I'lorence C. llooper, a city gi-r'l from lt{il-w[...]i.n, who had ccme west with her mother to work for the ranchers. She was born in /' ^. Platteviller of German parentsr learning some German in hi6h schooL, whi.ch she attended for two years. Florence, the eldest of the girls in a family of three boys and three girls, was depended upon[...]sisters tc complete high school, Two brothers, i{arvey and Lester al-so came west, working as b[...]to ride an rroutl-awrr horse. Lester, youngest of the f;rmily, was kicked to death while tending ho[...]Florence maruied him in December, 1919. FIe tells of ,the night the wind blew the door of the chj-cken house open a.nd a coyote got six of his laying hens. Tom Lovas, homesteader directly to the south of the Bauer ranch, helped build the ranch house and the barn, and later when the Lo.vas I mo ved out, Albert pur- chased their homestead,[...]aces, where he was able 'to graze about BO head of cattle during the summers. With the rich bottom land of Canyon Gulch pro- viding alfalfa hay for the livestock, and plenty of vegetables for the family, Albert and Florence reared four sons[...]born on Thanksgivirrg Day in 1921. fn those days of no roads and no doctors closer than Lewistown, h[...]s, after a jostling bug- gy ride with the intent of reaching Lewistown. When it was tine for Eugene, the parents decided there was les[...] |
![]() | [...]e day well - they had chicken - a Bpecial treat - for breakfast. With the hard work of the farm bearing down on her, Florencers prayers for a daughter were answered on Septenber 17, 192r, w[...]ityschoolr taking specia. examinations to qualify for high school entrance, since Fairview was a nonaec[...]n those days, with all elasses taklng their turns for recit- ation at the front bench. Evelyn, A1bert,[...]ere forced to intermpt their schooling at the end of the term in 1 915, when Albert decided that Montana eould not support the family or prouide the opportunities he felt necessary for their education beyond grade school. Witlr h[...]5, Albert Bauer hung up his old 2f branding irons for goodt loaded his family and rernain- ing possessi[...]e al1 the way to the Pacific Co- ast in the State of Washington. left behind in the custody of Mr. Robert Meadorsr was the Mountain Home i Ranch, where they had begun nearly 20 years before. fn that transaction, only $J0O.00 in cash chang- ed hands - payment in ful1 for all the machinery, tool hay, grain in the fieldsl[...]rdens. An a€reement was written on a half sheet of paper to sell the land and ranch buildings for $41200.00, slightly more than $1J per acre, with all the buildings thrown in for nothing. The principal would be canied indefinite[...], Washington, located in the south-western corner of the state. Alvin and E\rgene milked cows a[...] |
![]() | [...]k up agricultural economics at the state college of washington at Rrllman, and Etrgene lwent to the university of lr/ashington to str.rdy engineer- ingr the farm load fell on the should.ers of Evelyn, Al-bert, Jr. and Ralrmond, and of course more heavily on Albert Sr. and Florence.[...]ngton. l/orld war rr o'vertook the rives of Alvin and Eugene before they could finish colle[...]France as they swept to the Rhine in the spring of 1945. Eugene ser- ved with the Tenth Army in the pacific, landing on Okinawa, j.n the summer of 1945 and remaining untit the spring of 1946, when he was diseharged as a Staff Sergean[...]rds, and settled in oregon, They reared. a family of three sons and three daughters. After a ca.reer[...]r in portland., oregon, Alvin went into business for hinself, first in silem and. later in Bend.. The family assured the f\rtr:re of the Bauer name with the magiage of one of their twin boys and. the birth iof two sons, great grandchild.ren of Arbert and Fror- ,'encg. Eugene continued[...]niversity dn rnternational Business, receiving an I{BA in l).11. Thereafter he joined the internatio[...]ng and sold commercial airplanes in south America for five years. In 1978, he noved. to Custoner Support, and in 1!80 accepted the position as narrager of the Boeing Custoner Support 0ffice in Beij[...] |
![]() | iiepublic of China. lle miirried Dorothy 0]ark in 1947 a[...]Evelyn completed two years at tite State College of r,{ashington in Fu}Iman, met John Booton, a shoe sal.esman from lowa, and they were married in the fall of 1941. Bearing two daughterst as well as urorking i full time, Evelyn was a vietim of a surgeonrs mal-- practicer md died from complications in 1961, leav- ing the rearing of Deanna and Dixie, ages 11 and ), to John.[...]olitics, successfully gaining a seat in the State of !/ashington House of Representatives on his first attempt in 1970. After being re-elected four times, he ran for the State Senate in 1980 and was eLected by a lar[...]aynoond passed away in 1950 at, age of 20. { A1bert Bauerr Sr. died of natural causes on his |
![]() | [...]1913r ia llenanna, IIl. F @ane to Montana around I93I, vrhen I was ebsut 18 yre old. I wsrked on ranehos rhcro Gver I eould lay ny hat. Wages at tha,t tlne wore about $l.OO to $I.25 a dayr for a dayc werk arrl board. I fLnally rent ta work ln the nLnes at Ncihart, l{o[...]gold and, sllver. lfagee at the mine ilere $t*.75 for a d,atrs ronkl whleh r*as good at that tlnen I net aruel narried Virglnia Plovanieh in 1938. At[...]raigod at Cheadle. llfontena, about 12 nllcg east of Leristotrn. Tho elstero are all alive, btrt the brothcre havo all passed &Ha,[o In 1940 I ras in a sl,ne aeeident at Nel- hart2 so left the[...]sold the littl.e plaec ard noved ts Lerri-st@ra. I norked at the Msntana Pswcr Cs. for 4 Jrcars ard at the Eaglcc CIub for nine years, until ry rettrGnonto tfc had one girl, Beverly, I year old at thc tlne re msved, t@ Forest Grovo, and I boy aftcr wo movcd to Itgistorn, Hontana.Baver\y[...]and Lhe bsyr Dennis Jr., }lves in Celiforr,rLa. I had 6 brothers ard I sistcr. $ l{othcr arxi 4 brothcrs havc p,sscd )ar*ay r ad Fathcr is sttll allvc at thc agc of 94 & I:lves ltr lbeson, Arizona; wlth .ry sistcr. Src va[...]the people rc ueed, to know. It ls sad nhca nbst of thcu hava pased @Br Hc rrllL never forgct, thcm.[...]Srrrs Eange ani, back to Ierlstorn. Vlrglnta and I arc ratJ*FGd B@rrr Flshlng and huntlng onee ln a r*rlle nhcn we fcel }:tku lt. rhought- r'o'of sJ "r.crt[...] |
![]() | [...]JT Auguet Thomas Westvelt wae bsrn Sept. 6, I854r |
![]() | on the east fork of Spring Creek, in the foothills of the tnorry l'{ountai-ns, ssutheast of Lewistown. Amos Snyder narried Chilla Frost and Nate McCau1ey rnamied a young wonan from Chicago, a sister of Jaek Flening, )l*ho later settled i.n Forest Grove. August was always very intereet[...]the present railroad tra- cks, where the remains of a grain elenator nou stand. When the railroad wa[...]rd Dan tller fanilies. The church has been cared for ard restored by a great conmrnity effort, and is[...]Minnie and August Westvelt were the parents of Dormanrwho died at age 5 t Mrs. Adele frirn, Iaur[...]to Lewistown around L935. August died in Deeenber of L935r at age 81, and llirurie died in June of L956. They are both buried in the Fsrest G[...] |
![]() | [...]s far as M:l1es City. The roads were closed west of there so He stored the car ar'rd boarded the tra[...]y afternoon. The sun wae brirria,nt aad a warm r*i:rd rrae blowing. }{c had nevor heard of a chinoekt The snow r+as nerting and everyr*here we rooked there waa mud,. Delbert Moe, who had worked for us in S.D.e met us with a team ar,rd wagon. Derbert amived earu-er in the rairroad boxear that brought arr our worLdr.y berong- ings, whick incl[...]Dadts saddle horee, Dan, Jack ard Jcnrqr - a teem of m,rles, aII of our furniture, toolsretc. It wag a nuddy[...]ew homer &D old tog four-room cabin, 3 nileswest of Forcst Grovc. Ttds Has carled the fldontgonerytt[...]rn and where we all grew llp. rlJ-er Oreek, runed for $am Tfler, runs thru the raneh and we used to figh fu,I it ard swim in the ttcwinnlng holett behlnd the barn. Lots of nenories - f,un ar'd trarrel rork too.The Grcat D[...]we kide and our frie- nde nere pooling our n@ney for a coupre of garrons of( gea. The entlre eormunlty shared - Joye and, sor[...]Ln Graes Ranga. lrlr.shoenaker steppcd :in front of Dan during the raee on ALaeka Beneh. Den ren qight over hin and broke ldr. Shocnekcrs I lcg. I'{oet of the eonnunity ftrnctiona woro Uifa in tho sehoorhousc in Forcgt Grovc. sc attcnded neet of th*, Plays (our Dad was i.n onc, along wltle John FlnnrOoear |
![]() | [...]p and he sangr tfBrtton Up Your Overcoattt. Ssme of the )teachers we remember are I'Iiss Bran:Lff, l{lss Talbot, Miss Swlft anC the l,liss H:ickeys. One of the MiEs Hickeys gave Roger a rtbeatingfr r*j-th[...]rcard Fart6 at, the sehoolhous€r Lj.ll- ian and I were noved up to the next higher table where Iver H€gen and, Mr. Thonpson wore r*aitlng. I saidrtlDubs oD Mr. Ihompsontrr I played with hi-n. Mr. Hegen yr&a a rrProtr at the[...]ok evory point Ieavlng ry partner r*ith a zero at that table. When Martin Nickols married Nettio C[...]building in tonn. It scemed to be always ia necd of repair btrt had epaei- .bo" living qrrartere. Ste[...]d. bake lt. Ono year we pasturcd l+00 hesd of steers ard 600 cows the follor*ing f€arr Tro coYrboXSr hlred by the Har'rsen Packing Co. of Ertte, cane with them. One of then Noble Samtrels, beeane a llfe long frlcnd of ourE. He took the boys with hln on r"ldes and taught then a few tttrl.ckE of the tradett. Ho shswed LlII:Lan and I how to tie a rffoolts knotrf, then swor€ ue to[...]daYt Ide movcd to the Flatwillow country in I93I and 47 |
![]() | lived on the rtKirktt place about five miles oast of surenuff hill. some years ]ater we mo\red to the[...]h armiversity Feb. 195r. Mrs- Bohreen passed away that farl on Oct. roth. Mr. Bohreen conti-nued to rais[...]and tractor. He passed away July L2rL976 at age 9I. Sonryr, Roger and Brd are itfff ranching[...] |
![]() | John Le Roy Brown I recall school days at Forest Grove. My fslks[...]a najor |
![]() | [...]horse had knocked down his saddre and it was arr i covered with that stuff ycu call rrused haytt, so he had to scrape[...]had-been rln ning star, mueh as she was covered w,i.th d,ry foan-seat & r saidr trNot muchtt, and tha[...]ications. Hswever star d.ied. in ]ater years when i-n la,bor with a colt near a fence. she was fatarl[...]& seems Alice was the otdest, more near my &g€o I donrt think it was a 4-H proJeat, Uut just a good[...]ae known as Leroy, rqy middle name, whereas now I am known as-John.[...] |
![]() | [...]The ]tmi eon family came to Fsrest Grove ln about I9IL The fanl\y included Sanford and Ev[...]t an ealier d.ater and they lived a non- th or Eo i-n an old log cabln. l{hen the Hotel ilaa ready th[...]strutrentel ln fourdirg the town. HaI had 2 years of school in Hyssa whieh would nake hi.n I ln I9I1. He attended granner sehsol in Ferest Orover The[...]across the ereek toward the depoL There was a lot of snow in the winter. He renenbers the teacher, a l[...]rove was the Frost fanilyr livirg on the rernains of a once Ftrog- p€rous ranch. The founder of the Frost fanily raa Iong dead when we arrived an[...]o1d. There wae one eon , Sedrick and a Daughter. I{aI sterted High school in Lerietown, his sister B[...]d.fulg to record,e Sanford nas Postnaster in 1914 for 3 or 4 _fears. He was t{heat adrlrin:istrator for the State. When his Mother died in Oregon, he ven[...]rkey-red wheat on the nesa. Had such good resulte that they won first pnize at the fair i-n Lewistown, t the ptrize- a l{odel T Ford. this reminded llal of an lncj.dcnt with this cEro His Dad wao goirg to[...]tial uent ou,t. A, rancher towed, then to the top of the hill that ran elong the Besa back of the hotel. Slnce the rancher didnrt rant t[...] |
![]() | he cut loose at the top of the hiII" The energency brake went outra third of the way down, He tryed to slow the car d,own, by[...]own they went" The road was straight from the top of a 2* fl grade for ( 3 niles to the botton, where it nade a right turn |
![]() | [...]abes in h"ggl, and fuhey seLtled five mlLes north of the N-Ban nanch. He went to Surenuff Schook Dj-st[...]tired af,t,er thirty years. They Li-ved in south i,ewis- tovsn unbil L956, whett ttrey moved to 2J.O[...]ild- ren were: Sedonia Schul".er, &d Servj-ceoJr. of Lewis- town, and Lonraine Eogner' She passed away[...]ce passed away on December L5r L97l+, at, the age of, 84" Lydia l"ives at the Sagl"es Manor in Lewj-st[...]huler Corstenic, who has tr*o sono, Greg and Brad of, Bj.LLing$; Ron Schul-er of Lewis,town, Lonetta Schu,Ler of Havne arrd Maryarun Bogner Of ScottsdaLerArS-zone. He llad. three sist,ers I l4ary Day of Great FAl,l"e, who has paosed away; and. Rose Du.rneu of Cody, Wyoming" ROEERT & EVA,[...]Fleharty |
![]() | Ikis live on the home ranch fl"ve niles west of Grass Rar,rge. The boys are now nanching with the[...]ching profess- ion in 1981, having taught a total of thirty years i., Central Montana. I A.W. ( grLL) PTSRCE[...]Lewistown, as nea.r as HA.RBY AI[...]r" r**l:J"trtlt iffi"lulT?or* |
![]() | [...]uII pn;znent. Patent was granted on ApriJ- l+, I9I4, He had a house built on the Land February J[...]Forest Grove Cornmunlty. All hav€ n€o- ories of a happy chil-dhood and loving parents, pfu,rs goo[...]ettb,ie was born in lrlinn- esots. and spent some of her chj-Ldhood on Alaska Bench with pioneer paren[...]L, Schwab 'John and Minnie Schwab homesteaded i-n the Snowy Mountaj-ns in the spring of lglorin }4arch, with their chirdren' Her husband[...]ys were born. The schoolhouse was built in about I9lA, Not lmore than twelve children att€nded any[...]t first they onlif went three nonths a telnr, and that was during the sunmer months, The sch6ol- usuaJ,\y had pmctice teachers for the surnmer. The closest neigh- bors were[...] |
![]() | [...]by Homer Duffner Far as I know, I was born around pine Grove on the South Fork of Flatwillow Creek, but ay firsL n€n- ories are of a place south of Forest Grove on McDonald Creek neighboring CarJ-[...]ickson school ard thatts where my troubles began. I wanted to go to school with ry brotherrEugene, but I rasntt old enough and the snow was deep, however I saw qy ehance and started out after him one day, without overehoes or cap, ar,rd I d,idnit get out of the yard. be- fone I feII down in the snow and got all wet and cold an[...]and rescued me. ltrj.e is nF fj.rst memoty. Later I did go to school in thab echoolhouse though.[...]Lived in thab are&, the r*intens were tough, Iots of snor+ and coyoteg. {y Dad was cor.ring home from Fonest Grove wibh f,our horsee plXling a big sled,-Load of eoal and groceries, when a coyot€ crose- ed, the noad ahead of, hj.n. The anow was Eo deep the coyote could handly tnavel and we saw ny Dad etop and he unhooked sne of' the honses, got a club and Jumped on this horse[...]Another time, a horse had died on a hill west of our house. The coyotes were sure bhick, and I cantt remember but I think my Mother got a trap set by thie dead horse[...]tock nearby and Hother got hin to kiIL the coyote for her rwhich he did and brought the coyote to our housc. {y nother skinned thie coyot,e Just like a beef and cut off the head. When they sold the hide the IUr Co.- npany eaid lt was a Number I wolf. She got $IB.0O for the hide and $2.00 bounty. In the $amc arca, my Dad and tr were going hone wlth a big load of hay when a big wolf came otrt of a couLee and headed north toward Ioco Ridg[...] |
![]() | crossed before he got there and, r*as in heavy timber. I think that was the last wolf socn ln that country, In 1928 we noved down to the MusselsheLl R:Lver on sone big ttget rich qulckrt deal that turned out to ..be a pipe dream. tln t929 ury Dad and I noved a steam engine from Foreet Grove area to th[...]t ti-ne so we traveled on dirt roads at top speod of three n:iles pcr hour. In the fall of L929 we tsok a big tnail-herd fron the nouth of the ltissouri River to Meletone, Montama ts the main line of the M:llwaukee Railroad. He had over tws thousand head of eattle Loaded in eatt1e calgo l{e got our horses[...]ard headed home- A Cowboyts Dream come truett I was thirteen. l{e went beJ.Iy-up about l.93O and ny folks moved to south of Forest Grove into the Surenuff are&. I dldnrt stay around, hos,e uruch after that but worked at, diffor- ent ranches around Forest Grove ard Grass Rangc &tGBBo Worked for Martin Elan, BiIIie Mcadors, Jolm $tanley and Lil[...]own, but grasshoppers ad. one thlr€ @r another i-nterfered aruil ia the Lg39ts I nas so broke I bad to get out of the arca, so.' I grabbad a handf,ul of box-cars and headed west. C.ot into Butte one mon[...]r-tend€,h. He wanted, me to have a d,rl- nk but I told hle I didntt have a dixe, I was so broke I couldnrt buy anythiag and I sure wanted a Job. Hcll, I stayed at the bar untll he got his paper and wG $ooked in the HeIp Wanted Col:nn. there r*ae one ad for a tnactor d,rlver and the bar-tender told ne how to get to the address, but when I got cLoEe thsrc $crc people lined up for two blocks waiting to appl.y for it. So I went back to the bar and. told ry friertde the ba[...]i-n thst would, be golng to Sheridan, Montana and I &ight get work there. So I was starding behind a big poct so the Yard, BrIL[...]r me and, roached around the post and grabbed ne. I tdld hlm whero I was headlng and that I waE looklng for work. He said I should have come to hi:a and he td have go[...] |
![]() | [...]give **-" rLd, wel-l a car eame along and stopped for me and as we werq niding down the road tr tord him r was rooking for wonk and he asked me if r aourd drive hotrses. r[...]hie brothen suno needed aomeone to haul J-ogs and that he was going right, by ttrene. WeJ-I, by golly, I got the Job at $2.00 a day and board. I mear, to say, I never saw so much money and such a fine place to[...]came back to Hanror+town and work hene Lrad sori- of opened up and I got a Job on the Milwaukee nail- road. tr worked there fon awhile, but couldntt get ranching out of'qy blood, so tr left there and went working on ranches again. went from ranches to cer- penter work and in I95O tr went to the B[g Sandy atrea building eJ-evators, affr?l(eg and grain bins. Ttren I worked, j-n the eLevator buying grai-n for awhile, but ebill had that farrruing bug, so in 1.953 we bought a srnalL place al'oee t,o Chinook, Montana and ran a dairl for a fer* yeane, until the big daj-ries and Governrnent Regul,ations made it ss expenoive that r*e soLd out and I went back to working out again. Sorne elerrator c[...]nt to wonk as Und,er-*$heriff and Stocl Inspecton for Blaine County for ten and one-half yearl then my boss, the Sheriff, died of eancer and I ran fr_ Sheniff and won big, only te have a heart[...]ne. We came baek to Lewistsnn shortly after that in f98O and after still anothen heart atta[...] |
![]() | fi{E FOR.AN FAMILY $AGA[...]chrour iFather, Chprles J. Foran, in the compaqr of his fri- 'end, HarrT Shepherd, Ieft Sioux City, I[...]flrther dorn on Mc Donald Creek. He worked there that spring ar'ri later worked for l,Irs. Dovenpeck on EIk Creok. BveatualJy he went ts work for Don Bean rvho ranched firrther up thc South Fsrk of Elk Creek. There he first met, our Ms- ther rrho was about twelve at the tine. He also worked for the N-Bar. Lyorls and Ccoree Wrieht. Sometine 1n[...]ve up on the North Bench. There he found ple- nty of dry woodr &s the ti-nber had been legged off . He[...]a&t looking around, found a nlcerflo- wing spring of eoft water. Herd Just enme off a round- up dowa on the blg dry, that hed bad nater. He flled cLain th that 160 acres. 1\ro years later Dad ard Mon were rnarri-ed and set up housekeeping. Dad di.d, a lst of freightirg until the reilrsad came. Ihen a lot of county road work. When HorJd War I cane, he began wheat farning. He lived on that old honestead until phe faII of 1939. Then they noved. to !{eEt of Forest Grove, where they lived a good rrrany year[...]ended and graduated fron the Forest Grove Sehool. I could add how hard the tines were, but ne learned to nake d,o. Aetually they rerenf t al-l that bad. We sure had a lot of fun together. Things were always kept pretty live\y. Sonebo{y wae al*aya popping off. A,s I look back I love then all. The Foran Famlly Firet came Annarweak and enall A child born of love. We buried her that fa1l, God took her home.our Dove.[...] |
![]() | Next came Dan, a honely nite, Ful,I of howls and squeaJ.s, Weakp but fuLL of f,ight,, Always there at meals" N[...]t long to surwive. She atrways had a lot, of, class. Then who cane in the eanly spring[...]hers, s5.sters, cousins tso" tr irn proud of, them ae c&n be, In fact, theytre by the[...], Much gone of, wh,t*h you I YeL the faniJ.y sure is gnown. AS I REI4EI'{BER CHARLES A.s a blustening J"ittl-e[...]back to marny and raise a familJ, A stubborn nan of force, to follsw through, to stay Tour[...] |
![]() | [...]linerup in heaven?tl And Harry ShepFardr a little of this and a little of that, Ts paint a houser or lick a lamb, He di-d his be[...]I€V]-QWo Tj-ne has prt fnost upon our locksrwe[...]rrder. tr wotrld return to yesterTrear, but I know that can not[...]old frierds I see"[...] |
![]() | [...]by Dan Foran Thie rhyme r nust terr, of a cute rlttte bugger naned,[...]h heaven r*ith all his nuight. Now brother and I were hired by this guy To help thnesh his oats and rye. Now the thneshing rnaehine was the last of lts kind, An old hand feed nrade of stee}. The power plant was an old Case deal. An oLd Model T drove him out of his mind. 0harl-ey and I were having a bcll, Nor+. The nost fun wefd had th&t fall. We went to the field and loaded up aome of the oats, I pulled up to the threshing platforrn, and you sho[...]up a storm, As he explalned, he was in good form Like a cricket on hellts hot griddle. AII we tacked wa[...]"pyli$jT1k"y , Charley and I wanted to ilrm, but heldt:":::t:::l;[...]slopi-ng bed.. At the end of the day said Andyrnltts tj-rne to retire.fl No sleep would come to 0lrarley and I. Our feet too low, our head,s too high. i When Andy saw this he declaredrttoutro teched ln the I' head, Ioutre sleeping with your feet at the head of the bed.. Now we to tell this man named Betl hated That hls house was loaning over the creek named HeII.[...]urong Hold klck up a lup,doo. IIIL never forget that dark littte guy With a tongue like a clapper He was cnappy end dapperr hJef ll always rmember that Llttle - BoII.[...] |
![]() | [...]by Dan Foran During the swnmer of L933 and I934r w€ organlzed a baseball team at Forest Grov[...]and also a few gloves, ae some had their ownG As I remenber, the fellows who played were: Marvin arx[...]ltrere were a few others from tjrne to time, but I have for- gotten their names" The shoes also helped as we[...]a cow m,sture. },IA GOES AII{I'NTING ldany years ago on an early day in sp[...]was dusting with an old goose wing |
![]() | [...]ttCornparqr pl,acentl And he hitched up a coupre of wild eyed. steeds, We do what we must, when dojng[...]r demurred, ard stood. in his waye Now never mind that, OJ-d George wilt pay. At a sharp tnot o\rer the divide, Shis had the nakings of a real wild ride. Nswt Itts down hill all- the wd[...]trSurerltd drive through Had.es al1 night To save that little girl for old nan Hright.rt Now, Doets team was hard and fa[...]nany a ninute they shortened the trip To the tune of the Brggy l{hip, And so the good Doc arrived j_n time To lengthen that little girlsr tj_ne. To show Itm no[...] |
![]() | FOUIITF,H\I YEARS Oi.T Til}] Bi,}IO}i The Homestead of Thomas and CJara Foster at Forest Gro ve , I\iontana by John R. Foster I f"o* information supplied[...]r The Foster family a.rriued j-n one of the popular railroad boxcars in 1912. They came all the v/ay from Kalol lowa, with a dream. Like thousands who had come west before them, their dream was l-and of their o\^/n - a homestead" One hundred and si[...]rrsuccessfullyil on free gov- ernment l-and. I'iost of the remaining unclaimed land was filling up fast. It was 1912. And it was time to get a piece of what was l-eft now. Father Thomas Foster and his friend Ben -u--verett left Kalo in April of 191'2 for lvlontanars .li-orest Grove courrtry, and l-ocated homesteads side by side on the bench just west of Beckett. fn June of 1912 the wives and children of both families, and all animals and posessions, l[...]rhomestead special'l boxcar iria tickets sold at I'special reduced ratesrrr destined for Lewistown, Montana. Both families and al-l of their earthly belongings were ticketed in one boxcar. Ivlother Clara. I,'oster and her seven children: Gladys, age 15t G[...]Norman, ag'e 7, Howardt age 4, and Ivanr ?B€ 2i were accomparlied by Mother E'verett and her two[...]amil-y membe:'s was the Foster Fam- ily workhorE I'Prince rrr plus the chickens, and all the furniture and family posessions of both family units. The car was full! Any availab[...], the train passed into Montana in the middle of the night, and in the boxcar the lJueretts an[...]tement. They were in their new |thome staterl of Montana for the first tirne, and a whole new life lay akread on land of their own near Forest Grove.[...] |
![]() | [...]l-d be all their ! s after just three short years of t'proving up." Imagine the opporturrity! Sleep was not forthcoming as vj sions of the rlream con tinued to be visualiz,ed and talked arboui o ver the "clickety-clackrr of the moving tra;,in' So in June of 1912 i;he train unloaded a,t the raiLhead at Lewistownp i{ontane-, a,rrd bot'h iarnilies traveled by r,,rag[...]el h ,d l,iired Link rijalker to have a d,relling i:oilse built and rea;dy for his family, and tney wele to b'-i-i.ld I roo4; cell:,ir that summer. There were fiel.is tr, i.'icw an<l plant and a garden to fend to. Adoliion[...]l sitr-t;iion did not "prove uprr to be the lif'e of rural. prosperity and splendor that the rail-road, lromesteaCin.3 ;rd rrerLisements h[...]d to death.rt The Everetts were to stay at I'orest Grove for 10 years. After loosing one son in VJorld iriar I[...]oved back to Kalo, fowa. The Fosters were to stay for 14 years, selling out in 926. They were never to return to Kalo. 1 Today only the foundation of the !'oster homesteac |
![]() | most visible vestige of coal mine remain today as therron the Foster Familyrs 1{ years the banchf' near For- est Gro've. Thomas Foster was born in Eng[...]ates. Tom married Clara Johnson, a natj-ve of Kalot nihose parents had imigrated from Sweden,[...]the KaJo coal- mi-nes until his move to ]vlontana i-n 1912, where they were to trown their own land.r[...]in KaJo organi'aed and directed tha City 3and. In I{ontana he continued to entertain his f;rllow horn[...]herings. His rmrsic prco- vided a cheer to a way of life that was not as cheer- ful as many had imagined it wou[...]eorge supplimented the family income in the fal-1 of 1912 and spring and summer of 1911 by driving a wagon for the grade contractor at i82 per day. The Chinese Cook, he reca11ed, provided excellent food for the crew. By late summer of 1911 the track was fini.shed, and Forest Grove an[...]wo. Beatriee was born in 1914, and Ralph a couple of years later. Ralph died in infancy. Hi.s gravesto[...]ve cenetary remains the only written public test- i-mony of the tr'oster Families 1{ years in the commun- ity[...]926 at age 21. As ldorman ln electrician for the power company, he was electro- :uted in a fa[...]and coal mine near rorest Grove were sold. None of the other livir€ chi]- lren were hinting that they might like to irrherit it lrom their parents. Most[...] |
![]() | [...]ral llontana - to other occupatj.ons and new ways of l-ife, lio one was clamoring to return and rrtake[...]he ran a dairy herd on rented land near Lewistown for two years, and then served- as caretaker for tLre El-ks cour try Club golf course in l_,ewist[...]n 195( and Cl-ara in 196J. To the ol-dest of the l;'oster ciiild_r:en; to Gladys, George, and[...]emories remaj.n- ed in iowa. Only -rhe turilight of their aclolescence was finished on tLre hornestea[...]es spanned both rowa ancl Montana with the coming of adulthood on the ranch at Forest Grove. Ilary became a beauticia.n, and later 1ived for many years in ;\laska, To the younger Foste[...]who were yery young upon arrival from lowa, anrl of course to Seatrice, who was born on the homestead[...]at the coal mine. There was schooling up I through the eighth grade, /rncl Beatrice a.lway[...]n a wagon to pfay at church ser |
![]() | the situation of the Foster Famil-y and their 1{ years on the benc[...]l over 100 families settled on homesteads ccmpris"i.ng the l-orest Grove Community. To- day tfrere are a.bout 20 families making a living on the same area of land. Twenty per cent stayed. Eigh- )tv ner v[...]rs c:ime, trled it, fail-ed, and left. The dreams of rur:- al prosperity on 'l 60 acres in Central Mon[...]cent who came, stayed awhi]e, and then 1eft. Like the nearly JOr000 people who peaked the homestead[...]rs left a homestead shack within a fenced boundry of land, land th;at once held their dreams. And ther[...]heir r'1{ years on the benchil. The Fosters, like so many of their fellow home- ste.ders, were typical in the[...]e, so they tried something else, and vron! For the children of Thomas and Clara Foster, something other than homesteading in Central Montana brought equality of the American Drean - a sl-ice of ,th" middle class way of life and slr.ccess. I At the time of this writing, only two family mem- bers who shared a part of the l'orest Grove homestead are leftl George and[...]grandchildren, scattered throughout the Greatness of America, know that at one time Grandma and Grandpa Foster had a ranc[...]sometime. come I On thebeautifully wooded ridge tfrey will- see the foundation of the house, the last of the root cel- lar, and the nrins of Grandpar s coal md.ne. And" they may stand on the cfiff at the edge of Grandpa and Grandmars property, looki-ng down into the valley where 69 |
![]() | [...]dl now abandoned and silent, once provided a host of human activity. And from theree only the imaginations of those decendents ob- serving can limit the drama of what life was like fo: Thomas, Clara, and the entire Foster Fanily,[...]i Dan and Sam Tyler l'arnil-i[...]Marian Underwood |
![]() | [...]ather, Frank Moshner, was an original pio- neer of Lewistown, having arriyed in 1879. He was a car[...]Clermany and buil-t the first frame buil- dings i-n Lewistown. He also built the first bridge acr[...]reek. IIe discovered brick clay and made bricks for some of the early buildings. He play- ed bass horn in the 1st band, helped establish mail , routes and worked for the incorporation of Lewistown. J Samuel Young ancL Anna first live[...]- uel Young and Anna homesteaded a few miles east of Forest Grove. Sam and Mr. CarL Erickson operated a threshing business. Anna di-d the cooking for the crews. Sarmre] Young and Arura had five children in For- est Grove, Li]lian 1908, contacted polio in 1914[...]1914, and Frances ) 1916. luring World VJar I, Sarmel joined the Arny and moved the fami[...] |
![]() | Danielr Sr. a.nd Thursa, I'rederic, John, emd Dan- iel- are buried in the Tl[...], and Ron and Judy Dvorak now live, Story has it, that locust came in 1915 and ate e'verything right up to the fence of the Ty1er r Cemetery. Tyle[...]rs Episcopal Ohurch, in Forest Groue, in mem- Buildings Frected[...]and five children, all girls. |
![]() | [...]19, 1905. f was only B years old I donrt remember all As Papa did, but here are some tha.t I do l<rlow. Jabez Cox was one of the early stonemasons who built the Abel Bros[...]eum in Great Fallsr the bank at Hilger, l-ots of buildings at Kendal and the big stcne barn that was tore down to make way for Butt- reys. Ol[...]Oddessa, Later, when his brother-in-law offered I him an apprenticeship to learn masonry and brickl[...]When he left Ergland he promised to send for his ehildhood sweetheart. When his sister and f[...]were nanied March 9, 1891. lhat year was of depression and not many buildings were being bu[...]work in Pittsburgh at the Carnegie Iron Works. I still have the brass- head poker he made for my mother there. I was born that yeatt December J1 in Braddock, near Pittsburgh, In May, 1895r mI mother and I re- turned to England. We sailed from Philadelphia and my mother had to hold me m.ost of the w&]rr One day it[...] |
![]() | [...]ster was born anrl my fabher retur ned to Fhgland for serreral years. f irad folrr sis.be-r.s born.bher[...]r_r]dnr b f'orget Americ:i ancl re-burned ( in 1900. I{e and a brother came to Great Falls, where he began to do s'bone and brick work. He sent for hj_s family in 1902. Ivly youngest siste[...]uer sa.w her. we liuocl in []r,eat }'alls a coup] of y,:ars. During this tirne my fir:st brc;ther wias[...]inte with Ralph lvlerrill and built a stone house for the Ivlerrills on their ranch north of Lewistc;wn. lle rcrcle the stage back and forth f[...]loaneC him his; bugg}r and team to bring the rest of us tcL L€w-j_Stown. Cur trunks, etc, were brought in a slnglc-horse i^iag()n. We sLru.nt one nio'ht in Stanford[...]u on Ross f'ork::.t the home of liir. and Ir1rs, Aclams, where |
![]() | [...]to an In the spring of 1912, my mother loaned me hert i11 neighbor. She helPed me more than I helPed gen- for I learned to bake bread and helped her in the )eral[...]ng. He was at Kendall a1f one summert and. many. of the stone buildings on Main Street in Lewistown[...]h to live on her homesteadr so the Hollands sent for me to come and help. Therer I l-earned to cook Norwegian food. Thj-s stood me in sood" stead., for I got to lstow the man I later married it Hollandt= an6 being a Norwegias, he enjoyed the cook- ing of his national foods. I{rs. Holla;nd was an expert una we usually had many at the table to pro'vide for. I was withithem until the fall of 191\ when I went horne because my nother was il1 and the next tt+o sisters had left home to help in other familj-es. That Decemberr my youngest brother and the last of my mothey's 10 children, was born. I believe he was one of the largest babies born in Fergus County. He weig[...]unds at birth, The next Julyr 01e Eike and I were married j-n Lewistown at the home of WaJ-ter Cox, where the Carter 1Motel now stapds, by Rev. Cress of the Baptist Church. 'At the timer mX fathe[...] |
![]() | ;lrr-i comirlg up fne nr.tlii, shc ,l1nr.rys ltrri lcd g[...]he tr,rpr where she sboppi:d; so ()le drcrye anrl I ran behj.nd r^rith;l stick'Lo give her a, gor-rd whzck befot she I d think of s topping. 'I'hi s u sually wcrked uery well. lile har1 iL lot of f'un, antl scrne ilc, b so funny, time s wi tlr he r. i ,,n/e started our ]lfe on the homcste[...]':.i Eike llomestead Buildings - prior to 1 9BO. Ole continued working for ivlr. liolland until lats. |
![]() | [...]il airnr,st nii;ry::cl J'irs. !v+stvel-t out, si, i I t.,",i;< r ,^,nr- trlmil . [)ur-' s,Jn, rid an.J. I was Osi,::n, was ouer a[...]:t, sii b-r.ng up in be d, wh,:n tire y returned. I gc.i a gentle scolding and trlrs. westuert tr.ir,k r1/":r until my fcJ-ks arriveii iate that;rfterni;on. it wns an 11 mil-e trip, s{r it was[...]the ilcx hr:si*r 4G l'lrs. {lox wals a midwj.f:. I)r. \^/a}}in .:.-l_so at'Lended u.*a, 'r^/e nearl-y l-r-,st il1esa, ;:na I gct t,iocd pcisonlng, ti(r l. nea,r'ly ieflt tiris ,,vcr'l-ri tlo. ilhet i.ras in 1i)17 ciur:-ing the flu epidenic and there was rro j[...]laviclf w?,s born in St. Josephts iiospital. lid I enjoy tha.t! I was in tor,vn a- r^rhr,}e month after his clue date anrl when he,iecide<i to crlrT)€r I had JC minutes tc ejet to the hospital and the kind- ly help of Sister Richard, for who we have,iur son his nriddie name. lle was my[...]wood stoves to heat the house. It was quite cold that day and though I had him wrapped we1l, the baby caught a cold and[...]so tiny, lavid said he h;:.d rra dried up potato for a headtr. But the chil-dren thought hin a doll, even though they had wanted so much to have a s i ster. While the children were smallr we worked hard. I worked in the fields along side 01e, and he helpe[...]system. He built fires and fixed breakfast while I bathed and fed the children; then he washed rlishes while I rnilked cows, six to nine[...] |
![]() | of them. ''rle usually rnilked only one dur-i-:rg cold wea- ther for the childrenrs mi_lk. Summers, 01e was arr early riser and would go to pasture for horses and co',ls before f wa.s Ltpr I was aiways the l-ast one to bed after straighteni[...]ing harvest, when r did the rak- i ing '.rhiIe he cut hay, !/e both staeked it- T ro[...]e d.epression days, 6ut we managed to keep free of debt and educate our chiirlren, 0sten is a Folytechnic of tsillings grad.uate. Ele sa attended Montana sta[...]d after a year the::e, was a bookkeeper at E,idy I s Bakery until her n:arriage to Jack 1,/right, a[...]ope, rchrrning horne on Thanks- giuing layt 1945, I{e is unmarried. since my husband. died in 1911, Osten and I have run the ranch. lasid served r,;ith the )th Caualry in Japan, the army Of r:;CCUlation, and l-ater attend.ed business school in 3i11ings, He marri-ed the former Angeline stendal, and now li.res in Pocatella, Idaho, where he is with an i-nsurance fi-rm. Donalei has been custodian at the Lincoln schoo] in Lewistolun for several years. Elric attended a"' aeronaut[...]d as a cadet under the u.s. Observer program, lio i e D riD^+ain vstrIr in the[...]vltg Air Force nft I'\/l_ L/g and is now serrrihq[...]_LD d his seeond tour of duty in Japan. |
![]() | [...]ss Range & then on to the Foran Place just North of Porest Grove iin l9l*?; Iiving there until L950. PauI put electric 'wiring in moet of, the homes in the Forest Grove atrea, and al,so[...]Merico in the winter. they have f,ond memori-es of the Forest Grove area. Bob Fritz, son of Paul & IaVerna i.s living in NeenahrWis. Hw went to grade school at Forest Crove, before &ov- ing to Royr Montana for 4 years, then back to Wiscon- sj-n, He j-s a Pol[...]mories ,- incJ-uding his first Job on a hay crew for John Stan - Iey. His overall learning (How to wo[...]ri - ence, he found rnany city kids are deprived of, & eome cf the hurnerous incidents at school (in[...]year Fonest Grove had 7 teachers.) ' i+n/} -A ,?/4/*- |
![]() | [...]0ffice tr'crest Grorre, Fergus Ccuni;rr i{ontana Established rn July 51[...]July 28, 1921 Mrs. lelma lvl. I{nuth June 1, 19qZ Ro[...] |
![]() | [...]in Kentucky in r8gr, & moved to Greenwood, I{issouri at the ripe age of ! yrs ord in a covered $ragon. After he grew to rnanhood, he attended country schoofe r- h years of generar educati-on, had not seen the inside of a High school or a correge. rn laLer ye€rrs was[...]1889. She went to 1ocal schools there, She was r of 14 chirdren & as time went by 2 children pass ed away. l,ty Motherrs name was Leona Augusta Mansfield, of German heri-tage. Mother worked for the u. s.Innd Office in Lewistown in about, l.9a[...]in construction work, He had many people working for hin, with teams, scoops, fres&ots and-excavation equip ment on 5bh avenue. They were ruaruied in I9l2 & th;- Honey-noon conslsted of going to the ranch & going to work.lhe ranch wae located 30 niires southast of Lewis- town, or 9 miles south of Becket. They homestead.ed, on what turned out to[...]ne, Joined the fani\y. They grew up on the ranch. I was 4 yrs o1d before I could talk, i" ,y folks were so. busy on the ranchrranc[...] |
![]() | [...]ersuch The Bersuch ts farmed and raised turkeys for a i-iving on whatrs ca}tred the Dry Iand Benchr north of, Becket,. .[Iong abouts ]9]7 or tr8, when tr was a out 17 frs oJ-d, tr worked for John Sbanley who lj-ve soufhwest of Becke{f so naturally we visited Becket more offen than Fonest Grover or Grass Range. One day I headed oven to Becket to get the rail and then on[...]Lo get ny paX, From half way down the Beaket hj-l-I I noticed a }ot of men com5.ng out of a work traS-n, that was on a siding. W the Lime I got fo the crowdr l'lr Creel, who was the funeral[...]tes after his ar- rival, four men catrried a body of a murdered. man out of Lhe work train and loaded him int,o Lhe hearse. M[...]' 0f course from everyonc talking, ue soon foulnd that the cook of the work crew had deliberately shot this IIEnr then head.od for Lhe Beeket hillr and was reported heading west af[...]ill' After geiting the mail from the Post Office, I headed out the nain road to- ward John Stanleyts farm. I had to go by the McCauJ-ey ranch to get to the Stanley nanch. Affer going south fron the McCauley ranch I final\y arived at the Stanley ranch, but was told[...]s Range to the bank and had not arrived home yet. I then decided to wait. IL got to be about 5 otcLoc[...]to have supper with them . They fed ny horse and I decided to stay and eat with them. As it was getting Late John paid me rV monthrs salary and I started for home. Affer crossi-ng the i McCauley ranch I started the climb up the hill north of the ranch. By this time it was pitch darkr and from there on I was really frightened. I unbuckled fhe 22 from bhe saddle and caried it, in ry hand. When I gob to the top of the hill, I could see the lights of the Tom Foster place and felt safer as I knew I could 8o to their place if I needed to. Howeve I vrent on down the north valley, and up the next hitl to hone. To finJ.sh[...] |
![]() | [...]oy Mervin R. Berkin i My grandparentsr Joe and SaraLr Collinsl c[...]1. The two boyst Leslie and George, were part of the consf,:rrction company with their father.[...]dge builder on the railroad to Grass Range at that time. That eonstnrction crew winter camped at the Drinka[...]powder nan when the rail-road grade was cut out of that rocky ledge abo've the Westvelt place. For safetyts sake he asked them to leave the house a[...]county comnissioners didnrt think they should )be that way. I guess they could not believe anything would be going fast enough to slide off the road, even when that black gumbo was wet. I was born Decenber, 1914 in a little house that is stil] there - just south of the location of the old pool hallr saloon. That bui]ding served mar,ry purposes o'ver the years. The Collins I nanaged the hotel for several years and I started school- at the nevr school in 1919. That was the year of the f1u, etc. and I caught the whooping cough and the flu so that took eare of my first year of schooling. The next winter I spent the weekdays with Grandna Frostt[...] |
![]() | that school year, The scho<rf had grades from I to 12 so there was quite an age spread' One noon hour a bunch of the boys were sitti.ng in the sun by the horseshe[...]the,little guys followed suit' Myrna Fisher i reported us, and the principal asked ea*h boy if he fannily was d,t their old place at that time and Jim |
![]() | [...]Mary Shaw Boyd lfom fiha"w i]ame to Montana j.n the l-,aie l8lOrs |
![]() | [...]1og house Grandpa built with itrs sod roof. Most of her brothers and sisters were born here, in this[...]horse and kilLed. He was buried on the east si.de of Forest Grove. I believe one of the West'velt children is buried at the sane spot[...]the graves were also noved. Followirrg is a list of the Frost fanily childrenr Charlosr Sedwick, Ear1, Chil}a, Nel1, Edna, Car:rie, Stella, and a boy whom i-s buried in the Forest Grove Ceonetary', who died as a ehild. Houe of Tom Shaw near Becket (l9lr).[...] |
![]() | Story of the Joe Isaacs Farnily Joe Isa^acs carne to Lewistownr Montana in the spring of 1912 from Hillsdaler Indiana, His wifet Effie, an[...]Company where Joe was BIII- ployed" In the spring of 191, Joe filed for a home- stead 'in the Fairyiew Cornrmrnity and hi[...]Boughton, Alice Minnick was the school teacher at that time. Later Fairview School was buiJt and Herman[...]Joets cousin, George Isaacs, In the summer of 1928 they bought the Frost Place at Forest Grove,[...]d Joe joining them in the winter, In 195, because of the drought and depression, they gave up f,arming and returned to their former home i-n Lewistown. Mildred married Tony Deutsch of Lewistown, Berniece married Leonard Elijah of Forest Grove, and Herman married Loucil}e Perso of Forest Gro've. In 1942 Joe and Effie[...] |
![]() | 1947 at the age of J0. Effie moved back to College Place and was living there when she passed away in 1970 at the age of 85. Joe and Effie had nine grandchildren and[...]grandchildren. i Submitted by Loucille Perso Isaacs o roTl%?il" rffi llf; 'uu ut i,,g |
![]() | [...]e lower placergle Flening plaee rn McDonald Creek for the first sevenal- years. His p,rents bought the[...]hooLed at Foregt Grove ichool through their first I years and $ent to Fergus )ounty High echool j-n L[...]ranch with his father arui bnothers. trn the lalI of 196I, DaIe moved the house fron the Thonason ?lace on McDonaLd Creek about 6 n:iles west of, Foregt irove ts the Cox ranch, 3 rutles eouth of Forest Grover )ale Cox and Shirley Hertel Cox wer[...]b sheep. They bought the lsnd on bhe Cauley place that was in p.eture and r'rest of the hi-ghway. DaIe and his fanily noved to Grass Rarrge in ilanuary 1968 to care for the cattle. In the spring, r6ter calving and movi[...].e in 1958. Slnce the Fa.{lX moved to Grass Range for the winter, we 5ut Llnda on the bus at $tanleys. At that tlme the bus csno to the Stanley turnoff a[...] |
![]() | [...]y and grain thene too" Dale stilL leases the Land for $ulnmetr paature, We leased pastune and hay groun[...]Cox tn L975. Ken owned the oLd Foran place, west of Forest Grove. Ken ard his family later moved to L[...]DaIe Ieased paeture and hay ground f'rom Leonard I'tiller for eeveral years thnough the ?Ofe. We have had lots of fun expeniences and some not so fun, whil-e trail[...]rain or shi-ne, to Al-aska Bench and Forest Grove for bhe summerrto t'he Foran place for fall paature and then moving the cows home to the[...]ri:rg the tr950is. DaLe bought some Angus heifers i-n the early l950ls and went to crossbred cor*s wi-th Angus base. He sold the last of bhe sheep in 1971 In 1"968 he lea,rned how to A I cattle ard we goL our f,inet SimentaL calves Ln L969. They were a new breed of, cattle j.:n Anerica. Simmental semen was importe[...]ngr so He ds- eided to go fon the Sinnental breed of eattle" We have been up-bneeding the cat ,Ie siryce that time and have irad 2 annual btrll sales rlowr T[...]cond yras held at ( the ranch Feb" Tthr 1985. One of the thinge DaIe re&- J-ly appneciat'.es about oun modenn times is the inven- tion of the big nourNl baler. He wae one of the first in the CentnaL Montana area to nake hay[...]y needed hauled from Foreet, Grove to Grass Range for winten feed. Dale said if he could haul those big bales on his trtrck, it was a naehine neceos&txr for his operati.or. We baled our firsb bales at the Kizer place tn L975. Thst was a great invent- ion for a rancher with large feedlng operations" Sh[...]e was rai.sed in the Trout Creek community, south of lIoore. Max and BErnice Hertel (Ternraat)[...] |
![]() | [...]cattle and doing some farnlng along the foothills of the Snowie lilountaing. Shirley r*as I of 3 students to graduate fron the 8th grade for the last time out rof the Trout Creek School. It[...]ley gradrrabed from Moore High School ard went I year to Montana State CoIIege in Bozeman. DaIe and I got narried the next fall. Max and Bernice Te[...]ie area. They were maruj-ed in L935. Max worked for several years for area ranchers then had a chance to buy his ranch.e 9 niles south of the city of Mooren MEtrx graduated from Moore schoolsr but[...]st finished the 8th grade and uorked out after that. Max is retired now and KarI has taken the ranch over. Berniee passed away in 1981. Iater I'{ax narried At-ma Thomas and they live in the[...]Ennna(Gartnan) Teruaat came 'to Lew- istown ln I9I5 to open a cheese factory on upper Spr- ing Cr[...]Msnt-. to nake eheese. The rntlk was waa not, of the same conoistency in Montana as it vas in Wisconsin, therefore his chee- se factory never got going for verXr long.Ed bought, a farn south of lloore in I9t7 and raised his fantily of 3 daughters and I son there. The 3rd dsughterr being Shirleyfs M[...]o KaIispeII to retire and are buried there. Both, of itheir parents are of Ger"man deeent and had cane to t{isconsj-n. The[...]in a horse aceid,ent at BLue l{oundrllllnoisr ilt I91?. She came to l.lont. to cook for her half brother sho had came earlier to help[...]ad sett,Ied in the Rock Creek Connlruityrsouth of Mooren He rented. sone land at that time" Delta had 3 childreni 2 sonsr&l daughter[...]ar5r years teachilrg sehool in later yes,rs in that area. Both Tex and Delts are buried at M[...] |
![]() | [...]erand. The HerbeJ- Heritage cane f,nom Genrnarly i.n L85z and they raised, the faniry around Spningf[...]Linda got her eoll-egg degree frorn Harrre SchooL of Nursing and married Tom Barnett in I98r. Torn was a winneLt boy with a ranching backgn[...]e with friends and nei.ghbors. B"*-l"R*-- J.,*i |
![]() | ,/i"l.11am and Taots Meadors by Sar[...]borus, Kentuci.;y. He iuas one <lf nine |
![]() | [...]lk cow was add.ed to the herd., a viable resourse for extra cash by selli-ng cream for elothing and food through the I'tough timesrr. Money was tightr Do doubt abo[...]started the field on fire. The family fought fire for hours and. hours. [oots cried after it was out sa[...]get Xour fj-re would, The railroaci e,3mpany paid for the damage Meadors got more for that than what was left to- be thrashed. Later as[...]ore cattle, spring branding was the social e'vent of the ranch. Toots cooked gall.:ns of food shs always belierred that there was more help than- cattle. She loved it though, it was a time of hard work, good friends gathering, and lots of 'visiting. The Meadors wele always bringing horne some poor fellow that had no place to go or nothing to eat. They always[...]ther. If a kitten or a puppy was left by the side of the road, Meadors gathered it up and brought it h[...]dors lo'ved horse racing. He had the rare quality of being able to judge horse flesh at a. glance, pos[...]came frorn his Kentuc$ baelcground and the fact that he owned raee horses all his life. Onee he bought[...]on from a good friend, Kenny Mortag. This was one of the few times he didnrt come out ahead on a horse[...]look at - the horse named Kenny, and that wa.s the last Meadors rode it the day[...] |
![]() | [...]where different items were donated to raise money for a charitable organization. Several" of the buyers wc,uld buy something then donate it baek for resale" A rocister had been donated several times[...]nd up wj-th the chicken and tosk it to his trtrck for the trip horne. Meadors treft the sale, stole the chicken out of the tnrck and went baek into the sale until the s[...]hen they gc't to the trucks, StanLey told Meadors that some so-and-so had stole his chieken out of the tmek" Several nights later the Stanley family was in'vited to the Meadors home for a chicken and noodle supper[...]ots loved the raneh life even with the hard. work of earrying water, canning crn a wood sto'ue, and do[...]in a tin ti.r.b" She always had room at her table for one more. Her grandchildren ]oved to come and stay with rrGrandma Tootsrr, a lady that never had a bad word to say about or against anyo[...]; Paseal (fat) Meadors who ranches 12 miLes south of Grass Range; Jean Zappone who lives in Spokane, Washington. One daughter, Anna- bel1 Apple died of cancer in 1 975. Bill and Toots are b[...] |
![]() | This is a famiiy reunion picture of all the Meariors childrenr.ffI?+dchilciren[...] |
![]() | [...]Drnald IliirP Lewis I]i-pp left l{orth Cari:1ina in 18i:? it*u th*: age of 11 yearg. He wcnt tc Texas uheri: h+ wr;rjr*d i-:Ti ranches an.d picking cctti:n. 4.e e v*ntuaily ,tr:i f teC tc Montana and got a job nn the c,iri K+iie[...], daughte.r nf Cha.rles En and Mary (Uoffy) Smith of Lewistovrn, The house burnE:cl to the grcun,l i,n irei6, Ii: was rebuilt and sti-]-i stands torlay, 1981. Three children were born to them while li,ring at Fo.resL Grove, Ethel ilipp Guellawee of Los Angeles, l)onala Hipp of Seattle, Washington, and Lila liipp Kewpper of /i.uburn. Washington" Lewis and Mae HiPP on[...]their wedding day in 1915. Trailing Cattle to Fonest Grove Stoc[...] |
![]() | llemories of Fr::rest Grc-,ve by[...]( This is a summary of early settlers jn the |
![]() | [...]n Missionary started and maintained Sunday school for many years. The church was built on the north sid[...]tie) liayward in 1901. The Frostrs donated a plot of Land for the chureh and comrnrnity cemetary. The title has[...]est Grove Comnmnity and is maintain- ed and eared for by the people who have graves of f amily and friends buried there, cleanr:.p days[...]ry beautiful-. Forest Grove was a small town that supplied the many needs of the people. A liverY stable where those coming from a distance with a load of grain to the elevator could put horses for the night. Hotel and meals, different ones operat[...]. Emisorls also had a store - general merchandise for the area. A blacksmith shop operated by Longe'von[...]d plus other bLacksmith work which took the place of todayb Machine and Welding Shops. Also a dance ha[...]ral worked in the store which carried a full line of groceriesr mat- erials, sewing needs and notionsr[...]m rope to boltsr nailst hammers, saws, everything for the times of hand ]abor and hard work. They bought produce fro[...]made butter, eggs, rhubarb, eabbage s &ay surplus that was grown and offered to seIl. Things did not have to be inspected and all the copyrot of today. One of the highlights of going to Hansonrs store when I was a child was one or the other of the women folk would want my mother, Mrs. Iver Heggen to come upstairs for a lunch before returnj-ng home about five[...] |
![]() | p;L1;i;h.t ,lli.,ilF:-i+s r 2, Ve:r'y Sp.:i: j, le.i dlr:;;:i t, , l'1 :-t ;)/i .'u11,{- S t e:rrl , Thi s (,\ j' coi.].L'$t V/LiS ,?,itsl.' trilt,' l":, i i ,f ,:; ;i; !: ,'t. rlr,rllF) t,it-i:',Ugh in 1')i 4 r di.llfltl;i t*-'ariE;?'rj wq: j'r:j Ii tli '.r;1" i''\.ri,i t'jr i 'i 60 aeres at thi g tinr*, l:'t)liii, oi' 1,iri' ilrllllt--;:ja,-j:,i.'i:11'1; \ arDund. Fc)]:9st tlr:ov+ r otht,r titar: t:?,1'.1 .)/ ,:., t'e ,i.''':.r's r District 117 is recorded November 17, 1911. A por- |
![]() | [...]Iuer Heggen came to Arnerica when s j-xteen years of age in 1885. Thea 01son, who took the name Brenden, came to Itmerica in 1889 at the ag.e of nineteen. Brenden means worker in Noryr,egian, Th[...]errs pla.ce, who had already came overseas, where I'rrer was boarding while working in timber and saw[...]in a plow factory until 1910 when he had enough of clock punchi-ng and scheduli!, so he calne to Mon[...]girrg the materials which he loaded in the bottom of an emmigrant tJifro-a-a- ear. Then he bought tools, a walking plow, a team of horses, a lumber wagon, and a cow. He rode in the[...]as parked on a siding to unLoad. He took his team of horses and wagon and hauled the things fi've mil-es southeast of Forest Groye. This took many trips, one day to Ir[...]up, one day to return honer the horses got a day of rest between trips. This was the spring of 1910. While breaking sod with the tean and walking p1ow, one of the horses dropfed dead apparently change of altitude and work, as I'ver took good ca.re of his stock. Albert Bauer, a neighbor, Let I'ver use one of his horses to plow the required acres. On Labor Day of 1911, Thea left LaOrosse with the three ch[...] |
![]() | [...]il dad got the house b'uilt. ft was a shack built of green lumber whieh shrank as it dried leaving wide cr:acks., between the boards. Mother told of an October { storm which blew the snow through the cracks so dad |
![]() | Kentucky. Archie died in June of 1952, In 197J, I toured Norway with Sons of Norway group, I located one first cousin, so in 1976 I went to Norvay again' r got to meet all- firre of my first cousins and part of their families. Norway is a beautiful coun[...] |
![]() | thc tJhitc Rabbit of The MC hide Mine 0n ard in the hllls nortlr 6f Fo[...]artsJphillip?s, ard the l{cbidefs, urder the name of rThe Pine Tree CsaJ- Co. Itre eoal ras shipped[r train bb Lewistown for delivery[...]sther surrounding touns by teanster uincrs. I?tc l{chide mine enployed 18 to 22 men from Lts pcak season in the faII unlil latc sprLng. Whilt $ome of the non stayd at a hot'el, - others u?re fed at the eookhsuse. Another anployec of thc nine was the utrite mlle nanedrnRabbitf She uas a sly old gal; not vsrJr big, but she handled the Job of prJ-ling the coal ears fron the insidc of the nine verT woll. the coal dust from the nine w[...]ines she rould. run s,rtaJr fron the niner & uhen that happened everything stoppedr so the men could get[...]n went back t o ttre coal nine after a trard, day of rench uork in the hot sun. Ever5day a hen would J[...]st. Xtrc l{ehide nine was operated until Lgt+z sr I9l+3. Coal ard, wood urere the only sourccs sf heat for cooking ard hGating until electricity, alo[...] |
![]() | [...]Alice }lolland Boclc The year of 191, I lived on the cld Westuelt plaee not far from l'or[...]s a frequent visitor. One morning uhen he stopped i-n for a chat he was all excited. He +rold me there was an epidemic of German MeasLes in Forest Grove. He said, ttltd be[...]Norwegian get the German Measl&s.ft He was right. I went all around the people with the measle and ne'uer got them. Maybe the real reason was I hdd the naeasles when I was four years old. Mtffi{&}@//-L[...] |
![]() | [...]s with Gibson, an early day settler and a founder of that city. He subsequeratly took Jobs freighting and w[...]hes. In 1 911, he took up a homestead ryest of Secket and south of and ad.joining the Nate Mc0auley ranch, where he[...]provlng his land, buildin€; and starting a herd of l{erefords. In the twenties he leased the Jackman place *est of Forest Gro'ye, which was a good hay ranch *ith more pash.rre, building up his herd and a lrea^n of acquiring more land. In 1911 , he was unite[...]bhat had been abandonedl building up a nice herd of :attle and three bands of sheep. John vas always ci'vic and community[...]them ln their wo/c John was the organizer of the Forest Gro've leeders 4-H Club and leader for narry yea,rs. Clara1 loon after, becarne-leader of the girls I sewing rnd cooking projeets, whloh she contirmed for 20 rears. She also nade arrangernents w.i th Marion Moline, iou-nty Extension Agent at that tine, to aeet with r group of ladies at the scnool house where an htensl[...] |
![]() | [...]John & C1ara StanleY Descendants of John StanleY-Lg?g |
![]() | [...]ame to Qentral Montana in 1891 and worked 2 years for Mons Teigen, before he took up a hsmestead in a beautiful valley on the No- rth fork of McDonald creek, eight miles frsm Forest Grove. He namied Olga Jacobson in 1903. Five child- ren were born to that union;- Jennie(Jane) Ingvaldson of Omaha, Nebraska., Jacob, who passed away ab 2! yts of age, Selnra (Sa1ly)Momison of RounduprMontanarswend Hollarxtr.flr (Sonny) now living on the ranch, &rd rqy- self- A1ice Bock of Visalia, California. When I was 5 years old I was given rqy own horse and a new saddle. The horse was a black mare calledrftBeautytt. I rode i-t to school for several years. I remember Mary Shea & I ridj-ng to Foreet Grove after the mail when I was qrite young. Irm not sure how nrany years we got our nail at Forest Grove. I do know we got it there from about 1921 to L935 and off and on before that ti-me. Sometimes it was 2 or 3 r*eeks before we w[...]ring the wj-nter.Hans 0n Hansen is the posrnaster I remember the most. We attended school at Cheadle and Lewistown. One day in July of 1915 as the teacher let us out to go homershe not[...]cloud rising in the west and north. She urged all of us to hur:y on home. Jane, l,{ary Shea, & I were going to school at the tine and we certain\y didnlt tarry on the way home that day. We had just prt the horses in the barnr& rea[...]burst stmck in aIL itts fury.It hailed and rained for a long time. If ve never seen anything like it since. there were some calves in a pasture not far from the house that had sense to run for higher grourd wtren the water started flooding th[...]f nudged the snaller.ones across the creek on top of a d,an before going acrosg himself. When the r*at[...]o see what would happen to those calves. Everyone of us was very happy to see then run to sefety. the water came u,p to the corner of the houge. Orr nen Studebak- er car, parked Ln the garage, stood tn 2 feet of the t09 |
![]() | [...]vari-ous objects and chickens, perched on pieces of lunber go froating down the creek. when it was arJ over there wasnrt a bridge reft on that No rth Fsrk of McDonald creek for j0 nires or more. Our Dad & the hired men were on one side of the creek, & Mother, the hired glrl, & we childr[...]as safe at our pJace. We could t nt go to school for a fdw days, untir the creek went down. A rnonth later we made i.ce cream and used. ttre hail that had lodged up against the icehouse to freezq it.In L928 & L929 SalI and I both worked in the hay fierd. One day we were p[...]s on the stack and r was driving a stacker team. I put a load of hay on the stack and to everyones horror a rattl[...]it. Odjx let out a yetl & went off the other end of the stack on the double. In a little while Odin[...]ack. We never did know where the snake went, but I'II bet that snake was as scared as we were. sheep ehearing w[...]the shearers would be at our pLace on the Fourth of JuJ;g. A Ist of the neighbors and sometirnes friends from town wourd ome out at that tirne, to spend the day, to watch the sheep shearers & visit. Many Limes my Mother cooked for 30 or more people for meals at that time. Sacking wool is no doubt the hottest and dirtiest job connec ed I! with shearing. I know, Ifve tried it. SaIIy, Sonrqr & I used to sit on the pole fence and watch the calve[...]Dad always llked having us around & nade good use of usrkeeping us busy.When we were teen agers we used to go to the Forest Grove dances held i-n the baeement of the schsol and had nany good times there. One birthday party Itll never forget, wae gi.ven for Mattie Apple. Ivlother eaid we couldntt go unless I made a cake to take along. Then she & Dad went off to town that day. I rnade a Iady Baltimsre cake. In those days[...] |
![]() | [...]total flop. WeII, if we were goi-ng to the party I had to bake a cake, one we could eat, so f baked another on€r AII three of the layers. I ground the raisens and nuts and n:ixed them with the powered sugar fnosting. Ihen I frosted the whole cake. It was a beauty. Mother was so proud of me even if I did use 16 eggs aII total. Bert Gra- ntier ook a v*hole car load of us to the pary. We danced. until the wee hours of the morning. There was a young nan around the country at that tirne who kept calling more & more after every dance. Bert cane up to me and said he was going to call for ladies choice & he wanted rne to ask thj-s young rnan aa a partner & to ask for a square dance. I think Bert caIled every square dance he knew and.[...]r Just up and walked off the floor in the middl-e of a getn Bert took his place and we finished t,he dance. I donrt evetr remember seeing that young man after that,. I ofLen wonder how rnany more of the young people Bert had in on the Joke we pla.yed on the young $&rle I never did know his name. Ihat was one good tirne I 6ure worked for. I wonder how rnany people living now remember that party? It r+as sure a big success. The wint,er of L93l+ & L935 was a eold one with a lot of sDowr I was living on the old Wesbvelt place at the time.[...]ay to school at Forest Grove. We hadnrt seen then for 3 weeks or so because of the cold weathen. One of the warrner days tr walked up the hill to see how[...]r they had seen in a month.rt We had a nice visit for an hour or sorbefore I started back home. Ihat Forest Grove hill wasnlt[...]wn was some r+hat easier. One day in the stunmetr of Lg35 I think j.t was, John Stanley rode into the yarrC. What he came for I dontt remember but during our conversatj-on he told me about Forest Grove having several cases of the German Measles. He saj-d, Itd better not go up there, then in the noct breath he said, I didn?t have to worry, because how could a Norwegian get the Gerrnan Measles? I never did stay homerwent all around them,[...] |
![]() | owe a rot to those stout hearted pioneers of a century &gor I have lived in California now for 45 yars, I0 of them in Fresno, the rest of the time in Visalia. Iv[y husbard tiarley Bock and I have 4 lots here, about Zll rds of an &creo I love it here, but I stiil have fond memories of ry childhood on our nanch, & the surr[...]and also the people there. I i i Mr HolLa[...] |
![]() | [...]n 1866. rn the uj.d seventie. the fanrily aaired for the uni-tes states of America. Ttre voage took 6 reeks. They settred[...]eter in rdaho. John worked as an operator fsr the I{ilwaukee Railredr hrt in LggZ deeided to go to Mo[...]is brother Jean took up a ninine cGim at the town of Enory. A nining canp near Deer Lodge. Ragn[...]chooli-ng. rn lggg she cane to Ameriea and rorked for a few years for a Law- yers faei\y in Chlcago before couring to E[...]en namled in Brtte and contlnued to live at Emory for severral yeers unti-l they sold the uinirg proper[...]ounty arn-bok up a homestead 14 niles eouth-ryest of Leristown. Jean & Raghnild hed 5 ehildren. Astrid[...]Astrid dted 1916 at Foiesl 6ro"", ,f,itu working for the san Teagardeh faeily, she contacted pnemonia.[...]e Great Diutde cemetery. 9rr Mother Raghnild died i. Igrc. Grr Father Joan died jn Lg27 and both are buried in the Greet Divide ceme- tery, along slde of our sister Astrid. CarI ran the Heath- Forest Grove nair route for erqr yearsr. He paesed auay in 19?o. He is hui€[...],na. ldy rife, Hary took over ard drove the route for about 12 years. Ray is riyi.ng Ln south Iewistoun and has been retired f"ot the lfilwaukee nairroad for sevsral ycars. Arbert and rlfe Harltr, are livLng[...]d. a'way at 5 weeks old in 1951 arrl is buried in I;itt1e 4ttg"r. section of the r,eriEtorn city eeneterlr. ltrrfort (n[...] |
![]() | [...]rene }4ae Colenan I writing this in mem- |
![]() | [...]arguerita. In Gerrsn society there were 3 classes of people" The I st clase were the richegt, The 2nd class was the[...]ay in their own \ cLass or categorlfr the father of any fanl\y was the head of boss. He would arrs,r€e the mamaige of his daughters. Nothing was ever wasted in Gernarry. Ttre forestg were cleaned of dead branches and everything useflrl was saved, l[...]th & the feathers and nake feather beds from then for her faniJy to sleep on ard, to use as covera, Fat[...]ster Marguerj,ta also came to America ard neither of them ever returned, l{y Grardprenbs had 2 other c[...]yd Oct. 1895; Viole Pearl 0ct"1898- d,ied in 1902 of spina]. nenlngitlsl Lloyd Leonard May I9O2 George Wesley Docenber I9O5; anl John Jr Octt 1907, I In the serly winter of I!IO, Fathor decided to Home ' stead. He traveled to Montana, to a place 18 uilee south of Forest Grove, cal.ledrttltre Snorvy Mountainstr ancl Haomesteaded a piece of lanl. Ttre honestead had a J.og cabin on it, Fath[...]honestead rhich saa a 25 to 35 nile trip. She prt i-n a garden ard atarted the farn. lry oldest brother ms about 15 yoars of ege.After the work was done on ttre farn in lowa Father Gtut€o In June of I91l hother- Arnold Frederick ras born, arrl I (Irene Mae was born JuIy of 1913 in the log cabln.[...] |
![]() | [...]tabl-es,-Mothen al-so nnade cakesopies, & bread for us, We al-oo raj-sed, tul,rkeys chj.ckens and geesen In April 1915, Mother had a baby girlo that, was sbi-Ilborn" Uncle Ed came to be urith l,[...]g-hoLrss ovetr a natural running prirlg" He dug i-rt, outrF[rt a concrete tube ar. ound it and a[...]on arul. a J.arge basj_n ttxat iaad dividers in i-t,., The waten ran ilrnough this and we set our mj.llc, cre&mrand butter on thj-s, The water was I0" at al-I times, We had e 3O ealtron sbone jar th,ere ard,[...]t, He worald get thre vrild d,eer meat ard prt, i.t into the Jan" Af,ter the naten ran thnough thio basin i_t wao run out to water the horses and. cattre.[...]3-es Garlp,nd was born, q1n old,er brother wirl-i"an took uncle Ed back to rowa, uncl-e Ed i died there in Lg4. I'{y FaLhen and bnothens moved the house of uncle Ed rs u,p and Joi-ned it to ours wi-tLa a[...]er patched our clothes, Mot,her nade Lhe covers that went on olrr beds. She made tho shirts and pants for my brothers and she elso lnade d,resEeE fon herseLf and I. l'toLher would nake 15 to 2O'loarres of breed e\rery reeek aLong with pies and c[...] |
![]() | [...]. pour hot grease over it. It would keep for a long { time. They nade their o[...]n ard bury it in the sawdusL in Lhe ice house. It |
![]() | LefL us on "A.uguot, ?th, Lg6/+, In thein memory I write this, ) Raynond and Jane E, Schruab l19 |
![]() | [...]e l920rs and to the ranch in ]ti:,z-. rt was one of the trappiest,? daye of my life. Dad said we have all the pets we wanted[...]ercatsrdogsrchickens, geeserturkeysrducksra team of mulesr'lambsrpigeons, guineasr ponXs rhorses, cc[...]ranch, we didntt need oecurity. The combinaLion of arr those voices hit your ears, and ne aII hit the yard. We loved to he,ve company. When I neturned to ihe ranch Ln L95?, for the fint tirne, eince before the sale in Lgl.g, (whlch tr didn tt go to)I Just couldnrt faee that d"y. I knew as a teenager part, of, my life was ovetr, things r*ouLd never be the E[...]theNatLoral cruard ard was in the south Facific for 5 years, tr norred to Porttrand, 0regon, Margaret[...]Lh me" Howard Joined the Navy, and wae at sea fon I years. Dad carne out and wonked in the shipyande[...]gn Montana. trn Lgt+g he rnarried GLaeia Mama j_n I Swcetgrassr!1t,", and, had a seaond batch of kids. He caLLed us, rrBatchestt" Leo, JohnrDanqyr[...]ssed away with Parkinsonts Disea,se. Frankie died of Cancer, and rry husband, CarI 01son, vrhom[...] |
![]() | [...]dian 4 timesrin Saddle bronc and Steer wrestling, I have a J year old grandson who wants to be a cowboy like Grandpa Carl and Teaur roper Iike his Dad. My gra[...]s Father ind l'tother have a store in Sweetgrass. I }ive in l,Ihit- efish, have had a home here nany years. I arn working in our Mountian MaII in the rrCosme[...]ns Department Store. Itm their Cosmetician" P.S.- I enjoyed the reunion this eumner(1985). Hor*ard and I came for 2 daysr w€ stayed 2 weeks and still we wernlt ready t,o go home" WiLI never forget all of you r+onderful P€,opler who *rorked so hard to put on a good party like that and stayed home, so we sould aIL get together and remember. It even rai-ned for usrto beauty up the place" That 9O degree weather was hard on it. I hope we aII get, together again" My Love a[...] |
![]() | Ler' and Veda Ce;mpan.i^on by[...]iper ar(:;unci 1')25 - 26. He was section foreman for the Miiwauiceie Railroad at 'bhat time. We spent[...]m Forest Grove. We lived there un't::Li 19)g- 39. I have alut of nice memories of both piaces. During Wcrld War lI, w€ ali liveo[...]husbancl Mike, were all rn the seruice. The rest of us warked in the shipyards around there. After Wo[...]cis, and Sandy live in Sweetg.,:ass, Howard lives i in Portland, Oregon. Bob ii'ves in Vallejo, Californie f ha've li'rred in California for 40 years, I still Jove Montana, but we always l-iqed vrhere o[...]the Arrny and vre mo'iec al-ot. After he got out of the serr,rice we settled in Napa, California, and[...]or. Mike passed away Ln 1977 fram a heart attack. I am really thankful for r',ry good country backgnound j.n Montana. It really helped me. When my husband passed away I nerer e'ven knew how to nrn a lawnmowert but I mader up ny mi-nd to get on the ball and learn. My grandson Robb taught me. I ha're almost an acret with quite a few frrrit treesr grapes, and a big gardel every year. I love to work in the yard. I l:trn the 122 |
![]() | [...]Napa Va11ey is a beautiful area. We grow lots of wine grapes. rrFalcon Crestfr isnlt far fron he[...]st as bear.ltiful as it shows on television. I ha'ye many beautiful of piper and merao[...]Gro've. Mr. and Mrs. Knuth used to gi've us a ba6 of candy with our grocery order, They were real nice people. I renember the eommunity danees and picnics we used to go to. I loved to :rrn, and would enter my age group. I ne.ver won a lraee. Jean Nelson would always beat me. f ne'ver ga've up. I still like to rln. I jog e"very day, I donrt play golf. T remennber the bealrtiful Ho1id[...]we made. Cranberry and popcorn strings, and lots of real eandles. It would be just beautiful. It was[...]e'ven go to ileath in our sleigh. The only thing I dontt nisgl is the 20 below zer:o, when us kids u[...].vl.yed and were rea1ly healthy, r I renember how hard my father and ulother worked |
![]() | [...]by May Charbonneau I was born in LgL5, in Lervistown, Monta"na at the[...]hs Hospita}. L sprent ny }ife on the ranch south of Beaket, until. f, was 22 years ord. r attended[...]stnict No lt7r and due to the inelement weather for me and rqr eister, riding the honse dou.ble to s[...]he next terq to serrd ue to the l4inn:ich sehoole that was }ocated in Atherton ftrlch, south of Becket, We rsde horseback there too. I attended Fergus Hj.gh in Lewistown fon l* years, Missoula Co1trege for 4 years, 1nd was employed on various nanches until l9AI, fihen f enlist,ed in the Navy" I had combat duty in the [fs- nth and South Atlant[...]ot- land after senving on the LI.S.S.Swanson bU3.I was up for F.RrTo- which meant to Join Adrniral Halseyts fl[...]tations and as a combat veteran had on\y 5 months of state side duty. I was dlsabled in L97L and an now retired. tr was Security guard No.LC+28 for the Federal Qsysjn- ment, making calls to the police eveqf hour on the houn. I retired temporarily in I971r neeieved total (fuff) disability retirement tn L972. I now live in He lena, l,lontana. On July 1fth r Lg6O , I was married ts Elizabeth Lechner, of Petersburg, pennslyvania. WhEt I enJoy the most about retj.rement is the Duty station at Fort Harison, Monta,na. On\r 7 miles west of Helena I volunteer for work. tr run movie and training filmsr for the Doctors and also Diabetic and Alcoholi[...] |
![]() | [...]r0r0oo hour award, presented. frorn the Direetor of the Medieat Regional ofiice cen- tetr- rt is a silver Bow, and you d,ontt get tha'b for just being there and drinking coffee. rt is .for vorun- teer wsrk above and beyond the call of duty" I enJoy doing this kird of wonk. The patients come fron ait { ov[...], world r+ar rr, Korea, and. |
![]() | [...]rl was narried at that, time" He was a Union[...]prisoner at the Batble of erII Run, and imp[...]on. In the course of their narraige they had 9 child i,Iedding Pictune Oct. 1906 F€nr John, Lewis[...]Mary and Ju}le. AI1 are deceased. John died in I9I3" Julie wae lris Abbotts Mother" Since my Mother was a St Jeruain by nainaige I think sonething should be included of her roots. She was the daughter of Wa1ter Watson l{iruulch and Louiea Dickson Minnic[...]ana from Colorado, to where they y{ere bornn From that bi:ne on aII trace seems to be gone of Grardfather Wal- t,er Watson Minnich. Mother was raised on the Dickson ranch south of Becket. The Dickson brothers were half brothers of Gnandmother l'[innich. Father and Mother were ma[...]st Groverl'lontana. He homesteaded about the turn of the century at Pine ]rove. They had I children. Victor- stillborn, C\rde, BrylrJ[...] |
![]() | [...]nd Bock Shortly after Chuck(Charles)ltitter & I wer€ il&rr- ied in 1934, Mother decided that I should have a din- ( ner for Mrs Gregory, !$ron Gregory, l{artha HiIl, and Mother and Dad. With Lester Miller, Chuck & I, that n'ade B people, in all. Not a hard number to cook for, so I thought. So- one Sunday I went about, to have this dinner for eight. I fixed piesr &tr angel food cake, had a big green sa1ad, baked a good sized tur- key and Lesber insisted I bake a ehicken also.At the appoinfed hour Mother[...], Odin ii{a[land, their }ong tj-me hired rnan, So I nade room fcr him at the table. Next came {yron, I4rs Gregorlr & l4artha, and they had a guest with them so nor'*r the party was 10 i-n aII. Afterdinner we were all playing cards r+hen in drove a whole car load fuII of peop)-e lcoking for the Gregorys. We ask them inr& the whole bunch playeC cards until around 6 prrno when I fixed supper of leftovers f'rom the dinrlopr Then ule all played cards unfil about nidnight. It was tirae for cof,fee, So Martha and I got together and lucky for ne I had the Angel food cake left, and a large can of pineapple. So we rnade coffee, put a slice of pineapple on the cake with a dab of whipped cream on it. That?s what they got for the midnight snack. As the guests were leaving, b[...]nice dinner and evening. Someone ask l{other hoi* I had managed it. She said she didn?t know I could do so well Dad stuck out his chesf and said[...]ng we rnade our rninds up to do. I(arI Johann Sikveland[...]Sikveland , cane to thi-s country from Nonray, in I9O5, coming fron an area near ByrnerNoFwsyr whi'eh is south of eentral Nonyay. He we- nt to Swend Hollands, wher[...]brother, Kefas was born in Nomay in 1910. He and I'tother came to this countqr in 1915 & he started hig first year of school at Forest Grove. Father had a[...] |
![]() | lomestead Just eaet of the 01e Eike place. 0f course llother could not speak eng]ish. I think she spenL a t,ime with the Hollands and Eikesr as weII as at the degtvelts. In the fall" of 1919 they moved to Doveteil *here Father prrchased the Ton lverson homestead. I '{aa born Septenber 22nd L9L9 t and we moved shortly rfter that" Father passed away December l7thr1960 at lge 60.[...]ahor iister C'unda, born at Dovetail, lives north of Grass lange, M.ontana. Esther Donovan HiIdahI |
![]() | [...]o Winnett or Grass Range on the raj-Lroad handcar for our drinking wat€t. Nothing was wasted in those days, The hourly wage was I8 cents, About twice duri-ng the sunmer I would geb a peruay to buy a sueker wibh" We had a[...]d to raise grain on, and cuL hay along the right- of-'way, The geese were picked every year fon feathers for pillor*s, 3d feather-bed ticks" All bhe feathers were saved, &if I had nothJ-ng betLer to dor I got a job of stripping the large feathers that were of cou- rse used in pillows, My Uncler by n1y Grandn[...]sewings quilts etc" Everything was bought by the I00 pounds in bulk' Flour, Sugarr& oa*meal . That nade it nice, because you got your meat with it.T[...]e cooked the r*eevitrs were weII donee & the rest that wasntt eaten was good .for chinking the cracks in the walls. It was borture to tly and get it down. There were na trees for shader so the heat was unbearable in the summer.[...]d washing clothesr eo rse would gather a big pile of sagebmsh for a smudge so we couLd get outside without the mosquitoes eating us up alive. Something else- we had plenty of rattlesnakes" ( I was not uncommon to find one relaxing on the fron[...]e luckyr Lhe dog no doubt did save us nany times. I forgot to mention how handy the flour sacks were bo help out with the clothing, They were used for underpantsrslipsrblouses, dresses, dish towels, e[...]Deprty Sheriff in Winnett" He was with the posse that wenb after the men that robbed the bank at Roy. The robbery Tex Jackson serv- rd, ti-ne for. One of the nen shot a hole through ry Dad,te hat. My Dad[...]knew him as Red Dono\r&rlr Dad also drove a stage for a r30 |
![]() | ,ime betr*een Ler*i,:town amd Winnett, It was a Packard or Hudson, and some better than going by wagon. There rere a lot of Gypsies roarnlrg the country i-n those ryer and when they cane around everyone n[...]as locked up or nailed dottn, It was a big thrill for .s each year to see the wild horse herds driven thro- .gh. AIso Mr Teigenrs sheep, I donrt know hor* narqr he Edr but there were sheep for as far as you could s€€r . was abouL 9 or IO[...]evening. Men set up saw horses to put boards on for tables, and everyone rrought foode and freezers full of homernade icecreamo lhere were garnes for children and grow,r,uFs " Everyone rnjoyed the dances held i-n the barn at lleath. The old as weII as the you[...].:: ,' ,,.:,.,li ,.. - i 01d log Schoolhouse at Teigen where I went |
![]() | [...],iled on a homestead in the old Holmes coulee' At that' time, ( L9W- 1916r we calted it the $heepshed'[...]asin country' He filed on the homestead and sent for MoLhen and us children' !{other took us 4 boys, M[...]ed also' ?hey had a homestead over the other side of Bear Gulch" Lucy Boughton used to come by and take me to school at Forest Grove. I rode behird the sadd.le" The next year I walked 3* dleg to school with all the other child[...]alFaLfa field along the creek" Had a LuIu SeIIers for teacher. The ne:rL year the men fol} built, a new[...]t had to walk over the hill to go to school then. I remember some I vrent to school withi- The Daniels glrls, Johnson[...]herrGene & Jane { Corni-ng took up a homeetead in that area about bhis bine, His fuII nane was Orin Euge[...]le Mat Corning used to eome visit us someti-mes n I can remember snarirg gophers with binder twi.ne loops for excitement. We had to make our onn entertainmertn[...]creek . 4y Father had a hearL attack at 3O years of &ger so we had an Auction sale in I9I5 and sold moet everything. I r,ras 5 years old at the tine of the sale, I remember aLnost like it was yesterday. SaIe day it the Auctioneer drove out in an automobile, I bhink it waa & Znd hand one that I had never s€€rlr Some of the tricksters in the crowd fut a log chai[...] |
![]() | front and back wheel-s for a joke, We Lef,t the aue- tj-on and book the t,ra[...]o B]-oomingdale, Id.J-chigan" tr am t,he oldest of, g chj-}d tr€rrr There are 6 of us left t?owr Dad died at 6O years ol-d and Mother ab 7l+ years " Grandgn Conning Lived to be B& years old., I will be 79 when we see you alt in August 1985. I now Live at Hu son, FLorida r &s do.eo n1y' sister, HeJ-en, the on\y one of urs bonre in l,lontana. Reeo].1-eeti[...]we ea}}ed Spr- |
![]() | [...]e hotel in Forest Grove. He waa ruuned Postnaater of F''orest Grove in l-908 and served until, I9tr4. 0ther children born in Forest Grove or on Lh[...]Elbert,r1908; Anna MunleJ-rI9IO; Claudina Louise, I91I; ard Robert Wi]*liarl (i,ittte Birl) 1913" Bj-tly died of' Diptheria in r9r9 j.n Lewist,own, at age 5* years oLd" The creek rtrruring behind bhe hoLel was a source of enjoynent for the Foreot Gnove ehj.l-dren, btrt, i.t atrmost, was t"he end fon Roy. Ralph and SyJ-via wene skat,i.ng on the frozen creek wj.Lh Roy taggi-ng aJ-ong one day, when he felL i-n to one o.f the hoLea chopped in the ice for animals to dnj.nk water .fromn Luckj-}y it vmE the upper of the 2 hoLee. SyIvS.a ran for hblp, Ratph gnabbed a hoe on the h*, ekated to tl[...]e he trfished Re;r orattr. Everyone pnaised Ralph for his qricL think- i.ng. In Laten years Roy was heard saying, that no one ga\rs hl"ru any cnedit fon being emant eno[...]ee. He died in l-9tr8 a year before the discovery of, Insulin. trn 1915 bhey had a eale at the raneh a[...]rI Svlartz, the hired rnan, took over bhe rinning of, the ranch at, that, time" In 1920 the fanily moved Lo Levristown. Four of the faudly then graduated frorn Fergus Hig[...] |
![]() | er death in X951. Ralptr w&s a pai-nt,er for t,he Grahari ainL Shop in Lewist,ovm, unt,il- he d.j"ed of $,pJa,st,ie an- mia in 1937. Syl.via taugirt in n[...]n unt,il moving t,o L.os AngeJ-es iJr lg6L She ad I son, Ral"ph Lyons Kenraey, Arule d.ie.d in 1984,,[...]na to live. She rnoved o Holena in 1978, She ha,e I son, Jarme,s Wi-1lay6 Nance. Wi[...]nkard was bonn August 3Othrl-9tg j-n Lewi-stown, I4.ontana' I ived on the ranch until t,he farnily moved to Lewist ounr n 1936, and ny bnotLrer Ge'orge and I both attended he trittle L room school which is st,ill standirgo but ob in us€r IL is about L rnil"e east of where Piper sed Lo be. We both laber atLended f{i[...]here' After oving to town & going to High school, I wonked at lrj-ous jobs, rnost\r on ranches" I married Sigrid Ro- tad in 1940" We Lived fon a sh[...]n morred, back to Lewistownn whrere e Llved while I wonked for the U"S.Gypsum plant at eath"When World War II ca[...]ty at Helena, We then move.d to kemertonrWash', I worked in the Navy yar'ds, I have fotlowed tlrat work alt my life, l1y[...] |
![]() | John E I.yons aro[...]- Roy, Sylvia, Ralph, Granny Flowardr and Isabel i.yon", Bil-Ly, Louise & Anne[...] |
![]() | [...]David Bianchi The Wilden Brothers homesteaded I nile north of |
![]() | [...]ws Nest Pass, or"r fsot as Lhere were no roads in that area in the early days. Crows Nest Pass dirrid.es[...]ibish Columbia and AlberL&. After a short periocl of wo.rklng i.n the nri.nes at Var:covern the; aga.in crossed t,he Crows ltiest Pass to i,ethbrifge and Lhen e&me to Flavre, IvionLana and[...]hey worked in No 3 &. l+ raines located just wesL of the town, This was. homesLe€,d d,ays, ancl they heard of a l=a,nd simila"r in nrany ways Lo the land of their birth, LoeaLed. I day by horse and, wagon ar Z days j-f they chose Lo walk. This was near Tller, Mont, i.n Fergu.s County.Tller then haci a general sLorer[...]p. Today if you sLop bhere you only s ee remnants of early foundations r f"fter ree iev ind tit,le Lo[...]l./A VUgU Log home locatecl eenLrally of all homesLeads and whick si:ill sta[...]pre. Jack and Ed,ga,rrHarry and Ralph spent most of their renraining year$ of their lj-ves there, RiIeS' had moved to Round- u[...]o never ( end, was the new home for Berb Wilden. IJe settLed a |
![]() | [...]r Fox business. These fox lived eating the horses that were no Ionger of ary rralue. Endless tine and money was spent bui-lding pens of chicken wire with sandstone floors, making it inpossible for the fox to dig out,They had hardly got into the f[...]fur hit an all time low, and they had to get out of Fox and into what became a cow ranch"Thj-s seemed[...]wheat and barley. The ranch had acquired Lhe name of the, ftFox Ranchlf which reny people wj-Il re cogni-ze even today, If you were to talk to some of their neighbors, like the- AbbottsrBrooksr"A,hlgren, Eickoff , F inkbei[...]s are low in the Grass Range and. Snowy Mts, area i-t recalls to aremory the stonj-es tol-d by the Wil-din brothers in the ev€I1- ings when all huddled around the large coal & wood burn5-ng stove in the ol-d ranch home. Storles of f,iret settling the landrand. beirrg vi-sited with the last of the wandering Indians, that stopped to rest and drink ai the rnaqy spnings on the ranch"Of how the grest N- Bar Ranch, began and pastured ca[...]shel-l to the lvhssouri- breaks, befone the land i'las all- scarned wj-th banbed wj-re fences ard gates that read, rNo Tresspassinglt The untimely death of neighborrDave Paynewho shot hirnself, and saddend the whole comnulrity, Storiee of Fedenal agent,s conai-ng to the ranch in search of liqlror, that was illega1 to inake otr poeess. and how one of then basted from a ga3-Ion jugr which conLained the urine of the fox, kept to use as scent on the trap lines.[...]use fhe agents hod not looked j-n a proper pla.ce for the whi.te noonshine liquor Jug or the ptrace fro[...]never to be recalled by this wri-ter again' Jusb like the broken-spirited Indians that struck the Iodges after eanping at the Big Spring[...]Isst and perish in tirne with the rustling winds that blow. Slowlyr & sure\r the stories told by these early p5-oneers of Fergus County wiII be forgotten and replac[...] |
![]() | stories of new pioneens and ne',^r front"ieno j-n outer s[...]can neea}}. Yets, the naneh is stil} Lhere, Just I niile north of Tyler, with Lhe same fence tl:at srrrounded it then as rlow* Wlth many of the $ame fenoe pcnLs atiltr holding it uFr that were laboroucly dug by hand by the pion- eers, in[...]soilt bhat support,s very little in many pl.aees except clumps of grass anet Pond.eroea Pine trees, t,hat, exist,n[...]and wiII nourish Iittle else. The )E ranch is stl]I in the fanrily and i,n owned by the f'annily of Wllliam D. Bianehi, who l.s m"a.rree.d to the for[...]uch to a"sslst nne in prepaning the brief history of Lhe Wildin Brobhers, and for this I t'hanlc her. Rosatie ,her hunband-Davici Heinrt,o[...]sr &Iso. trlohrrrorrr I This brief history of events concerning the viildin brothers |
![]() | [...]Petrj-san Rapi"ds, I'linnesot,a" He wae the sen of Fred & Anna Me[...]hen and eldest of nine children;*[...]eliffcrd, Mar*i-n, Flerence, Eaymond,[...]nal d, tauren. I{is farni}y liveC aL Pel"-[...]rnoved t,o Montana, ta Lheftsune-l'iuf,fft area i.n the Snor*y Moun- tains, near Forest Gl.ove. Thi[...]when so many folks were moving wesL, to the land of oppontun- ity and a new way of life, The meager possessions al-l eame vre.gt by[...]Included with thein fl,rrniture , was & few heael of, stockr-horses & eows, & the bane essentials of beginning a new life on a new trand, Mtr. Fred Danschen had 320 acnes of, NriHsiderDarnn nough grnoulnd which dictntt prov[...]y good farm 1and. Fred had earne to Montana ahead of, his famLJ"y to file his claimrbut Anna and the e[...]embers.-staying rit,h a good neighbor by the name of,rrHornseth) until- sueh a time as & hsuse r+as bu[...]eolder than the barn. In fact, he seems bo think that the barn might have been better for all bo live in than the house. Times wetre hard,[...]ace. trt was in Forest Grove *here Floyd and mos! of the chil"dren grew up & went ;o school. During th[...]ce from ;he hsmestead. Floyds most vivid memoriee of the home rtead was trying to keep enough wood chopped and to (eep from freezing to death" A cord of wood. would last t4l |
![]() | only a day or twon Floyd killed the first deer that the family hadrbut he had to send Margaret to get[...]get it home" It was a smal} deer, and he says rrr I4y Dad just bhrew it sver his shoulder & away he w[...]dmothers appJ-e tree, and a big appl"e in the top of the tree. He was tol-d te leave it alone until it[...]do me any good ei-ther, but she diCn?t punish me. I have never forgotten about the apple ep- isode. H[...]yd left school in the 8th grade, to go to work so that there would be 1 less mouth to feed. at home. He started working for Albert Bauer, but didntt stay there long. He didn[...]g enough money, and when he approached l{r" Bauer for more money, he wae told that he was Just a kid and not r+orth any moren He had[...]kutis had just lost his hired ran, & v*as looking for help, so he qrit Bauer and ask Lankutis for a job' He got lf,e $ 50.00 a month he wanted and a good p3ace { to workn He also worked for a fellow rumed, Parks in |
![]() | the catbl-e had not neturned, Floyd thought that they shou}.d go bring t,he cattle back to the f[...]at Forest, Grove, cutting rip rap t fron the e1i-ffs abo''re the tswn. Han,ry Spears was the boss. On the l8th of tr{,ay of that y€r F}oyd went to wonk with tha'L etr€wr FIe lj ed about his agen but that was no problem, as he was a big strappi-ng kid[...]o as long as you were able to hol.d uF your end of the job that was all t,hat mattered. Soon after that, Spears was promoted to road rnaster and Jim Barta became his boss. ile workeei for Jirn Barta for about 10 years r or until he got a wonk erew of his ownc Floydis first job was huildi4g a stockya[...]ded them 'riith a box car home on wheele " later that fal-i, Lhe erew was ]aid r:ff and he went to work for Gordon Tibbetsrand. Erma did the cooking fon the crewr Hoi+even it ',rnas about Lhat time that the rai-lroad peopJ.e were beginning t,o geL qui[...]n 1937 and 38. Floyd went into the water service for the nailroad in ]939 and had to move his famiSy[...]J l-itt1e bedrooms, no'omrand big enough for a bed and dresser with no clothes clos ets, It wa[...]ght his own house in Deer Lodge, in the sane year that the .47 |
![]() | Ja5:s bornbed Fearl lianbsu:r'. l{e had sol"d hls CIar for 7 rhuneired doLJers tc lrake a dawn payment on the heuse, and 2 rnonths Leter, *u'i:en the i,vararae deelared, the ear beeame r+orth .] 50* do[...]=iarisra 7 roorn hor:ee fai"ri,y reeent.Iy built" That I Eame hrruse t"o.day is werth lr5 to 50 thoueand d[...]6 days a week betiureen Harl.owioi+n and Arrery, i$.aho n i{is work l'rad bs' dr> with plumbing, He worke'd on bathroom f,ix- tures an1, argrthing that had ts do with the wat,er aL aIlr i{e m rred his famiSy to LeurisLoi^m in August of i,?LV, t"o take o"vex Otto Blo.fgettrs jsb, rarho lcas to rebine" lte bu:]t a he;me i-n Lere,rietown lieigl"lts, and his J sane gnaduat[...]es, sinee he r*as a month]-y rnan" ?he union said that, he woulC get j"t baek , but it Look about, J-O y[...]re mol'e lbo make" Thafl r.ras baek to Deer LoCge i.n June of 1958, where he continued to live until he reLired[...]t"ake ptrace dtri-ng his t,irne sn the railroad." i{e r:redj-eted foe" rnany Jrears that Ltre MiLwaukee wa.5 on its way out. When he went[...]ivision waa Lewistown, BuLte was the headquarters for the Rocky Mount'ain div j-sion" Those offices wer[...]rRoy and Winifred, ' They are all gone now, as we]I as the tracks being all torn up. With Reag[...] |
![]() | [...]ng At Forest Grove Reminicences of C,T.Young Chanles T"Youngrson of Chanles L, and Mrs Yourg was |
![]() | [...]nts were kept posted on what Lan,l was open, e.nd for a fee woul-C take you. to see if , Irry fol.ks di[...]si.rects arsund in , They showed the fol.ks a lct of pJaces arounct Gnass RangerHeathrPiperrand Forest Grsve, One trip in'rolved, a piece of Land on fr:p of fhe rocky btuff above Forest Grove, That olet Fackard, wi"Lh l4r Hur"ley af the wheel. cou[...]p:horre posl, FaLher &l,lother purchased 80 acres of land. from a fellow who was posf- naster in Lerlristown, by bhe name of Grant Robinson, & filed on a 320 acre tract along side of it in n\y GranC mother?s name" One cold winber he[...]d Nicholsretc, In fhe night, one could get on top of whaL we calleC, ttloco RiCgerf, and see lights on[...]ncher would use it when it was necessary, to fill i:r rutte ard to make the trails passable. It was hard for the counfy to keep track of Lhese as they ','Jere moved over a 1ot of country, When t, we got.here the rails wsre l[...]the Lyon$ |
![]() | of the fanily could. ride in the coaeh and the men in *ith the livestock. I4y brother DeweyrFather and I all rode in there, and by the ti-rne vre got to Montana we smelled just l-ike afl the rest of the livestock" We Fere probably the first emigran[...]the railroaC" It was llalloween day in L9:-.3t so that day has always heen sort of an arLiver- sary for me. Our cars were switched j-n on a siding , next[...]lp r.nloadrset up the wagonsr& prepare to load up for the brip to ttre nev,' homestead the next day. Some of the lrtj-cles we had brought along were; a rvood[...]idehill riding plowran 8 foot liscrthree sectj-on of harrowra grai-n drillrone horee buggyra wagCInrfo[...]sh boards rdishes, rooking utensi-lsr1 double bed for the folks, a single ced for Grandma, several nrattresses and bedding for .rs chj-ldren to rake our beds on the floon, carp[...]cing tools, Iog chaj-nsqcro$e-cut sawra few sacks of wheatroats & barleyr and some alfalfa seed. lhere was a cabin on the B0 acres, that Dad bought. It {as a fnane building, L2 x 16 feet, unfinished inside, irop siding on the outside and plenty of know holes for good ventilation. One thin board between inside bhe weather. With a fami\y the size of oursr we had to )xpand the living quarterl at once. this being last of )ctober, winter would soon be herer Eo we worked U-ke radgere to prepare for it" There was a spring to be levelopedra shed to build for the livestockrfencing, r homestead shack for Grandma, '*ood to get in for the uinter, batten up the cracks in the house, ard add a Lean-to for a kitchen. By building a half attic up in ;he maj-n part of the house, we kids eould lie the mat- lresses down in a row and cUmb up & down a ladder for >ur sleeping quarters. The big ehallenge was to t[...]r dayrn and she was tsually right. We had a grove of Aspen trees near the rouse and the prairie[...] |
![]() | [...]tllem in the trees, Any t,imewe wanted e hr-cken for tl'ie table we would set rLhe traprs, and the nex[...]them they became very{ tame and s+ere not afraid of us, & continued to U-ve in the trees for rnany year,$" h're also ate rabbitsrvenison, and sornetimes a psrrrul:i"ne and ducks, inie tried to nrake our meat stretcl'r "bo i',f€ cold buy anC save t,he breedi"ng stoek unii[...]he',sas Living off her own l"and., IL kla.s a ;ob for rine and sj-stenrCatherine, to cl-irnb fhe hitl- and fetch a pait of wat,er fon her bo wash with & t,o drink every day[...]as good as water in our spring, w5-bhin 50 yards of the house, The wat"er sometimes came from fhe clo[...]anily didnrt have, anotlrer didr ss it was a case of trading back and forth r*ith work and equipnrent, as welL as cari-ng for each other in sickness and running erands, When someone had a preject reqriiring help, like brand ing, hayingrharrrestrfencingrputting ice up[...]g in winter wood from the timber, ib was expected that one would arange with his neighbors to exchange help,, Sister Johana taught the Erickson sehool for several I years, It yras about, J miles from our place over rough counbry, My sj-ster Catherine, brother Newton, and I alf walked to sehool.rwhile Johana, because she w[...]1a Fishburn, 2 Rileyts, 3 Hagarty, { Nichols, and I Enickson" There was an average of 15 and all in I room, with 7 or B grades, When the folks built th[...]fr& aII a 4 horse tdam could do to bring 500 feet of lumber at a tjme, While delivering lumber for our house, my sisLer Mary and Dean Pierce met and married. They lived for several years about ! mite above the Jack[...] |
![]() | ob1le repair shop at Forest Grove unt,il about L92lr. wo of there chj-l-dren wetre born here, For the f j-ret 3 ears on the homesLeadr w€ kept gr[...]ewistown nd Mother made butter in l pound bricks, that she old to the Power Merchantil-e Store, Besi-des that we rapped, skunks rbadgers rweasels, coyotes r& o[...]thes we were to 7eL or the fol-l-owing year. Some of the other people I rem ,,tnbtare; The Joe !-inns, Jackrnans, Frank L[...]Westvelts, Paul- T\,'riss, Bor-lghtonsretc. Lucy of he Boughton fami J-y l-ater became the wif e of PauI Flsh urn who many of you know' Hanson Erothers had the gen ral storert[...]homesteader from up on Alaska leneh, by the name of Mrplijah' He pl.ayed the piano or houre. W[...] |
![]() | [...]lana. ltrey left Monteauna, Indiana , by train ln I90B for Montana Ihey traveled as far as Glengary, Montana I then on in to Lewistownl Montana. Ir I9Og George helped build and worked at ttre hiek ;r[...]to their Homestead at, Forest Grove. Montana. In I91O George filed on hi-s homestead. George moved[...]two sons, PauI ard EarI to their in I9I0. Homestead George wa}ked back and for[...]Grove , to Lewistown , to vrork at the brick yard for thrree years. During this tine Iver Heggen did the field work and harvesting for C.eorgGe George r*orked hard to make ends neet. X[...]George helped organi-ze the first Tele_phone Co i-n Forest Groverin I9I?. He builb his own wind changed electrj-c light plent in L932t so that nad.e things a lot more convenlent for Edith and the fanily, R.S.A. didn t come to that area unt'il" the faIL of 1948. Robert the third bo the young- estr(sen) to[...],,,ipii !,";,:';, 'fu,.,i :, ::: :1"[...] |
![]() | [...]Fiel-d. He served l+ years artd uas discharged in I9/+5" He rnaruied l4artha Rhyne in Puyallup, Washington, They had 2 daughters ; Edith, bsrn in I9&8, who attended[...]om Richland Hi School, j:r Washington. She worked for Sac Tac 3-n SeatLIe, then in Medford, Oregon, She[...]nd she rnarried, Gary Livezey in L977. In June 197I Earl retired from the Bonneyille Power Adninistration, '*here he trad. r'rorked for 3I yrs. In L973 we noved to a 38 acre farrn. Earl ha[...]nch, ot? 'Tfler creek' The ranch joined the ranch of Elmen Eri. ckson, 1"15r uncle, Eugene Garber, U-ved on the ranch vith us most of the ti-ne", unti-l his death in r9G8. We had 2 d[...]., Bon Dvorak, have the ranch at this time, Kelly i; naryied to DrlPete &rleigh, and they Live i_n Great Falls" Mary passed alray in 1983. I later naruj-ed Dolly Nj-:r of Miles City" We reside at the nanch in the sunner and in Mesa, Arizonia d.uring fhe r*i-nter. \-J +---l[...] |
![]() | [...]ir marriage in March of IBB5, and first sett[...]in 1886. In lvlay of 1887 Constance was b[...]o & Southwest branch of the Northern Pacific[...]to thevn there in 189I, but he died OIe and Gertrude in 1893[...]onstance rotanding. Taken and May was born in May of in 1889 at FargorNo.Dakota 1898. North Dakota was[...]to be bought €sy;so Ole bought a farm out of Gacklerbut sold it to buy a hctel in Gackle. It was hard workn but socially rewarding for the family. The Piano, engraved chairsr& round oa[...]rove, where they renrained until Pollyts death in I97I. The westward movement of the Johnstad family from Gack1e was spearh[...] |
![]() | [...]C in the Johnstad Hote1 i-n Gackle Lillian and Ed Finnrs 3rd Wedding anniversary in |
![]() | From the southern edge of her propenty, she coul-d see the beautifirl valley of the head,waters of the South Fork Creek. Lillian hired Ed Finn t,o b[...]920. Ed Finn wae 1 of 7 Ln the i f,amily of Mr-$tlrs J.J.Finn.[...], lSB5.When about I year ol-d, he & h[...]ly in the spri-ng of 1900, the farni}y l=eft for Montana, making t[...]lwaukee Rail-- noad, then building south and east of Forest Gnove to Grass Range. He later homesteaded a tract of lanC near Forest Grove and hauled fnieeht in the[...]Forest Grove area. in I9I0 rr4 |
![]() | Ed Flnn worked 1n the grain business for about twelve years, following his marriage to Lillian Johnstad. Most of those years were spent in Gre\t FallsrMontana wlth the Roclqy Mountaln Elerrator Compargr, worki-ng for \iu brother-in-lawr Walter G Kirkpatrlck, who was the "leneral Superintendent of the Cornparqr. &[ was a pri-me favorite with most[...]ska and Muriel & his nephew (nrA) Truman, because of his ready understanding of their problems, his proteetivenessrand his urarvelous sense of humor. For some tlrne prior to his heart attack on Febmary 2[...]nnj-es husband, Ton Pettltrhad a job as a printer for the Lewistown. Argus Newspaperrso Grandma and Gra[...]nrood, Luella and LiIUan Pettlt, daughters of Connle & |
![]() | Walter G.KirkpatnLck, second son of TheophoJ-us Nesbit KlnkpatrickrM.D., was born in[...]ne 30thr1883. A traveling jobrbuying and selJ.ing of gnain fook hlm fnsm his horne state to GacklerNo.[...]where he met Palma Johnstad. ( They were rnaruied i-n ..lune sf X910. Duska was born in OcLober of }9).IrMuriel in April 19I"3r& Trunran(Bud) in L9I5 in May. Walter?s grain buainess exLended into Mo[...]& homestead in the Haekshaw Creek &rea soubh-east of Forest Grove, because the cou ntry was so beautj-[...]nnie) fog home stead cabin was buiJt, on the edge of the hiII that drops down to Nonth Fork Creek and the N B[...] |
![]() | In March of l9l5rthe Kinkpatrick fanrily arrived in Forest[...]would be attending school in Lewistown tp qualify for teaching jn the fall. Both sf their husbands we[...]t,ive Jobs r so Graridma & Grandpa Johnstad cared for the I grandchiidren. Connie taught the ll- Bar Schoo1 that falli The lJ Bar schoo] as it[...]school heren Beeause of the scarcity of teachers d[...]In L95OrBrett a son of Duskats aLtended this school during his I th grade. His teach[...]t Lo sehool in the country.rl Ficture at right is of Brett Ershelle at bhe )Johnstad ranch, then[...]has a cattle ranch in north Minnesote. just out of the city of -Gonvick. r57 |
![]() | Wa1ter Kirkpatrickrs homestead was also a part of the foothills of the Libt1e Snowy Mountains. It was near the Hackshaw Creek which flows from West to East like North Fork Creek and South Fork Creeks. l{ackshaw[...]h Fork flow through lovely lower land valleys.All of this water drainage comes together below the N Ba[...]rls rnakee ii all- very beautifulrbut clearing it of tfunber and rocks is difficult for road building or planbing crops.Hackshaw Creek at that tjme rolick ed and tumbled down the hills with nu[...]eek and the moist gu1J-ies providcd them moisture for delicious Jellies and jams.hrry people helped bui[...]us how to nake pine needle necklaces and took all of us for rides on his horse. He taught us how to find ard chew pi-ne sap gum before we kne'r there was ary other kind. He helped build our road. from the homesLead to[...]t hsme l-n Montana. sheep in the yard of L to R- Dugka and Luella our tt[...] |
![]() | [...]ble. To get t,o the Nicholts place at the bottom of the hill on North Fork Creek to practice lour[...]b back up the hill-. In retrospect it anraaes me that no one seemed concerned about wild bearrwiJ-dcat[...]-f\rl, natural scenery to this day, remaj-ns one of my fond- est memories. I find it so easy to understand why none of us became greqt pianists. Thiere was little conta[...]ht the Pine Grove school, about a mile eouthwest of Lhe Scott St Jermain ranch. Scott?s wiferHelen ran the Post Office out of the nanch house. trt was a long trek on horsebac[...]ical devices to rub the ekin raw on tenden spots of your anatonly. Palrna & Duska boarded. with the[...]mily and Grandma and Grand.pa Johnstad took care of Bud and Muriel in ourtrnew housetr on the homestead"I neven remember the weather being enjoyable on the weekends that we went home. Fenhaps that was because of the discornfort of hanging on to Mot'her from the baek of the saddle. Scotf ?s oldest sonrCJ-yde, and daug[...]the saddle on lheir horse to and from school. If I had been given a .'choice, Ith convj-nce[...]ther initiated a poli-cy ln the Pine Grove School of giving a monthly prize for the best behaved student. George Schwab raised his hand to say that he knew who was going to get the prize.Upon being[...]fDuska, because she sleeps aII the tlmelt So much for edueation! I should have counted my blessings as hardships in regard to education, as it worsened after that. In the fatt of lgtgrConnie Pettit and May Johnstad were hired to[...]ielts teacher was Doris Shaw. May taught the rest of us and Connie taught the upper[...] |
![]() | gnades. The ycnng people agreed that the sight of Ma::ganet anci GeraLd Lycns riding down the main street of Forest Grove in a pony cart driven by a shetland pony had to be the rnost fascinating event of fheir lives, Housing was provi-ded at the Forest Grove Ho- i teJ. run by the Collins family. The children soon dis-' covered that Ma Collins had a very colorful daughter, I'lettie, r^rho beeame the bride of our fami\y?s long tirne friend, Martin l,lichols.[...]just did not have enough power to get to bhe top of Sure-Enuff Hill even with- out a futI load. AIl p[...]rted Lhe car a goodly distance down from bhe base of the hillrthen walked up the hiil to a point where[...]' chance to cool down, so Connie could make a run for the hill,So when she reached us, it usedrrrrnan p[...]e top. Huffj-ng and puffirg when reaehing the top of the grader w€td aII get back in and enjoyrrt Free wheelingtt d.own the other side of the grade. At the clcse of the school y€r i.n Forest Grove in lp20ra.I1 the Johnstad girls departed the area. Connie ran for Fergus County Superintendent of Schools against funanda Swift. Amanda won the election, not only on a fine re cord, but as well for her rare sense of humor, In her canpaign speeches, she saidrshe was[...]onnie and the girls moved to Lewistown as she was i hired to teach the Garfield school in town" May m[...]Gulch area . She married Dudley Gibsonroldest son of HaI & Francis Gibson, of Lewistown. HaI served a court repo- rter at the Lewistown Courthouse for the major part of his working years. Dudley Gibson worked for the Montana Power Compan;r and was transferred bo[...]child, Dona May Gibson was born there in Ju\y Bth of L?U, The Kirkpatrick famiJy noved to Great Falls as Wal-ter had been given a Job as General Superintendent of the RocIry Mountain Elevator Comparry there. Great Fal}s proudly clajmed the title of the Niagara of the West, because of Lhe many beautiful water falls along the[...] |
![]() | [...]ar Sehoo] and the Voge1 and Sehultz property east of the Tom Elan rancht )ordering the county road' He[...]h stiU- stands. but it eventual3y became the home for the people-who nranaged the ranch for him, Lillian Johnstad and Ld Finn were married in the strmmer of L920 and moved to Mendonrlt{ontanarae Ed was in charge of a grain eterrator there ' IIsw that the children no J-onger had pressing needs, OIe a[...]ce in 1919" This property was about 4 miles south of the N Bar Sehool" \n I92h, they were fortunate to secure propert}'adjaeent to Hackehaw creek and have it eonnect with the rest of their property. It was then that the young fo]Is expe- rienced an old fashioned[...]neeessity because it r+as a fore gone concluej-on that the grand ehildren would be spending sunmer vacations there" Duska and Muriel can account for 50 atunmers spent there, hrd too spent a part of every sunmer there until his death in L965. The highlights of summers were the saturday nite dances at Forest G[...]ow Creek.Duska and Muriel even pnovided the music for the dances at the Mormon HalI one sunmer. Duska p[...]e stream dieappeared entirely raking it necessary for thd family to drill a well for a sta,ble source of waber. As l-lememberrit took 40 feet of dril- ling to reach the underground souree of waLer, but when t"hey found it their troubles were oV€rr The water was cold and of good 4iality then as it is today. The Jshnstads a[...]Their home soon beeame a favorite ttline stoprt for eowboys;- Smokey Lyons, hd Bird, Ber[...] |
![]() | family for his cheery nature and untold kindness to Grandma[...].the age where they could not always do things for themselves, ft was an exciting time rshen Shorty[...]e yearly branding" The Lasy S reversed. E Bar I brand. was burned on the .Iohnstad stockrthe P +[...]l Finnf s, OIe and Gertrude Johnstad in front of thei-r new home |
![]() | help. It a torturous 3 rniles for rnan and horse. was Jack Milburn Sr. sent a crew of men to shcvel out a path so a car could get to the ranch.The same crew shoveled most of the ren,aini-ng 18 miles to the high- i^ray at Grass Rar€e' The snow plow fortunateJy h[...]ack Milburn was always read.y with a helping hand for our far[\r. Hard scrabble school -in[...]hinen |
![]() | [...]e year was finished Duska was called be teach one of the goverrunent schools funded by the Br:reau of Indian .{ffairs at Fort, Feck Damn Sitel-B milee east of GlasgowrMont"am: During ( that year Duska became engageC to Wil-Iian (BiIIy) B,rshelle, son of Ernes-tine Bushell-e Aiken' They had met the year[...]iken had been hit by the incoming train j-n front of bhe stabion in Forest Gnove during a blinding bli[...]a, Muriel returned to teach the Ryan sehool north of the N Bar ranch, From bhere she lef,t to teach sc[...]Ala- ska. While there she ne.rried Wayne Vihinen, of Great Falls, Montana and a cl-ase rnaie of Duskals' The couple returneC to Great FaIl after[...]orked his way through school by working part time for an insurance compar\y, He continued in this field[...]During the years Lhat t his business was located i-n Roundup, he speni nany a I happy hour at the JohnsNad ranch. Duska arrd Billy ware rnarried at Grandrna JohnstaCf s ranch in June of L935, The Reverend George Hirsto formetr rector of thre Saint JamestParrish in Lewistown, as well as Pastor of Sai-nt Paulrs church in Forest Grove officiated"[...]d Dudl-ey and May Gibsoru It was nade an occasion of a family reu- nion and aII of Grandrna Johnsta,dts children and Grand ch[...] |
![]() | [...]work, Grandrn haql even stopy;ed bakinlg brea,d 'i-f sire eou3-d get to a store a,nri buy bakery bre[...].shione,l long hair he}d j.n a knot at t,he back of t"heir head. wibh brobrn bone hair r.i nq -r Thn t,rrru !arv rest, of the women arril'ed wifh be-auty-shop hair-elos a[...]been eon$iriered very inappropri.ate at the turn of fhe century. .[unL ]tay Gibson played t]re weddin[...]l1 pro ceeded to a natural pine arbor by Lhe side of the house, Leffi,to right - Duska Kinkpatr[...]ella pit,tit & Dick Smithrunofficial ad.opted son of |
![]() | [...]et?'{6{ner EULOGY FOR BIG BILL BUSHELLE b.v[...]ceful rest Unllqp the'S';c'ft, cloud-specked blue of M,ontana skim, Over'tree-studled green' hills that Bi'll loved besb. He was a quicit, gentie nlan w[...]sun and sand; Ea,s['of thg Sncwy lvTr-.un,t:l'ins, and North of Northfork Creek. |
![]() | [...]ers-Olefs adopted son, and Ole Johnstad. In fronL of Ed is Lillian Finn, Ladies in the next rovr L tr-' I1- May JohnstadrConni-e PettitrBeat- r^'iruvr^e ^ Enricnsi Jr.svr a v+rJ I v Ki u , trol rr-;{ rkr[...]_w Last group picture taken of OIe & Gertrudels four[...]] r v++I rr[...] |
![]() | [...]moved to the but,tes near I ForeetGrove f,r[...]had 3 chiJ-drenr- CarI I EdibhSr&Helen2.[...]after L5 years of poon crops & ra[...]Mont-. CanI nramied }4yrtle Roane and spenfl noet of, Lhe years in Levristown. Pearl- paseed away in 1963 afte living for rnarqr years in Washington Lat,en M:innie sramj.e[...]n Lewiatswn fon aone 2J yeara" Minnie passed away i.n L978. Minnie Dickeon wonke{ hard to get a schoo[...]. In the fal"L af Lg?t+ we hel-d sahoolih a arnaJ"I J"og cabin. l,f,ber nniah planning a larger schoo[...]walked OLd Jack would let the 3 o.f us ride most of, the time, except f,or bhe La.rge noclry eLif"f, Pthr he would stop at the bottonarrtJ-ike get offrt- 6r!ld if, we didntL he I[...]ill., to wait f,or us at the top. He r+ould let 2 of us ride up, but nevetr 3 of U$ r r:.,'..;r ,,r,,.;l[...] |
![]() | [...]arbonneau Dec. 22rL965 i The Fairvi-ew School, a landmark in the Fores[...]lt{unick and Lulu Sellers, It was a summer school for nnny years with as mary as 27 pupi-Is at one tirn[...]e hill.s around Forest Grove,Pupitr-s walked from I to 5 miles to schooL The schoolfs water supply wa[...]ng nearby, The school served as a gathering place for community dinners for the homes- teaders who came by tearn and wagon, T[...]he sehool J"arge enough to handle 10 to l-2 teams of horses as well as several saddle horses. I[...] |
![]() | [...]ool dj"strict was created in 1913 fron portione of Forest Grove District No.2Ir and Greenr*ood , Dis[...]olu.ne of children @n jthe census, and the location of Distriet LL?. Ihls first teachers were Alice !{[...]n L9L5 a new school wae bullt on land don- ated for a echool by Albert Bauer. The first teaehers re[...]strict. The new Eite wac morc centralty located for all peopl.e involved,. The largcst enrollment was 42 pupils ard the Leact was 2 pup5-3-e. At the tj-ne of the consolidation i.nto Grass Range District there wetre 9 prpllsr[...]prplle. Faj.rvlew Distriet lI7 ran a sctrooL bue for sne i"r" tn L963 to Grass Range. In f964 both Beeket,Gn[...]Range Echool and Range had ltfs first bus routc for sehool childrea. Hrs. Tora Nielsen (narUara) bas driven the Fainview bus for fsur years. The brilding is stardlng novt on th[...]errea aa a ohep and garage. Thls ended 49'yearE of eontinuous school- ing when clo,ged. in f963. T[...]ool Distriet ll? were: l"Irg' F.R. Boughtonr l9U-I92Ai Atbert Bauer, Lg2L-L925; iElva Lundin, L926 e J:g3l+; Elsie Toogood, L935i I_ Mead,ors , L9i6-L93Si llugh Pcrso, L939'I9l+oi l,eno F+- utis ,Lgt+6-l9lz; verlie Meadors[...]: AILce Hinich & Edna Plerce, each teaching pgrt of the year; Ellzabeth Bersuch & Fred Bayer, each t[...]thy Bayer & Marv Peterson, €el-teaeh- ing part of the year; Louise ltronas , Arula Robineont Waltir Haldt, eatt teaching part of the year'. U:'lter Heldt, Mary [6aap, Lorraine N[...]Baggenstross, tfalter HeLdt, each teaching pa;t of the year; Josie !1ieky, Bcl Il De- vis, B.Steingr.lbqr, 99ch teachine part of the pffr nil6 jobil$n;Au;a Syveraon, 2[...] |
![]() | [...]r6* Ear,l Steele & Jean l,lsran VlasbelJ,e , eaeh I teaehing part of fhe yeerg Norna Ripley & Marie Stee1e\ each teaching fert of the year; Adelaid"e Olm,stead, 2 year$; Selma la.[...], }lil]er& Lorraine WiJ.liams, eaeh teaching Fart of the year; Canol Ann Wede}l Shi.rJ-ey Evans; Betty[...]Jrestin, Lens & Flelen Lankutis; Chanles i.Ile Penso; Ethel sftowerman; & Ellnen Sn[...]Jr. Rapnonei & Evelyn Bauerl Rr.rth M" Dickensen; I4ay, Rose , .Iim & Joe Lundi-ng Ernest Ai.ken; WeJ[...]vin, Raymond, F'Lorenee, CharJ.ee, Donald & Floyd i Damechen; Homer Hemn; Sronn Donnan Ray, Essie, &[...]e Leo, AgnesnRobert & l,tarie Lanbeff ; Delores & I'tickel Jones; Robert & David Dudley; Johnr[...] |
![]() | [...]rline, Marcella & Raymond Lun- Iin. Trustees Of, Fairvj.ew were: Edwj.n Aiken, JnF"Arnoldl ,and F[...]1 L.H"Millerr George Isaac l"R.Boughton, 1918-1919i L.H.Ivliller, George Isaacs, {any Isaacsrfg20; Iv[...]; N.W.Lundin, Iver Heggen, L"H"}tiller, .c1Zi-7.92i+1 J"H.Arnold.n Harry Syverson, George Isaacs, -92[...]saacs, Sta,ni Lankutis, Fiarry Syverson, L936-L939i lanny Syverson, Stani Lankutie, Robert, Ivleadors[...]ift, Stani Lankutisr Robert leadorsrStr., l9il4-I95:.i Jj-m Lundin, Robert, MeadorslSr. 1 :lifford Swift[...]im Lundin, Justin La,nkutis, .obert Isaacs, L95l+-I96t+. trn L963 the Fairview Tnustees got con[...]he,State Superintendent. They bought , school bus for Dist. No" 117 and transported prpils .o Grass Ran[...]iew con- olidated into Grass Range District No" 2I and the bus 'an the same routeo Later after Fores[...]a month unless otheryise agreed on y a rnaJority of the members. There were 18 original embers. Speci^al getherings were held for other ffairs such as: Parties, Speakers, etc. 0n Feb. Ll+) 964 the maln dj-scussion vras for consolidation into he Grass Range school s[...] |
![]() | [...]Grove was a log building close to the south fork of McDonal"d Creekn in L893" was used until[...]new frame building was erected on the north edge of town, in about 1906. School was held Lhere untit[...]e was built near the Frost hsme on the eouth edge of tor*n. Sehosl was the eight upper and lower gradeg and two years of high school. Daniel A. Meagher was the firs[...]He also suggested the r'lame ffForest Grovert for Lhe town. Teachers did their or,tl.r Jar,'litor w[...]E:ceharrrges from all across the globe were so&e of the guest speakers. Forsst Grove Extension Homern[...]hristmas progra&s, arranged by the teachers were 6i8 \ evente at the Holiday 8eason, conplete with sa[...]I CJa,us, handlng out presentsr and treats of candy, nute, 17? |
![]() | [...]. Robertc, Mns. (Aunt,ie) Hayward, Mr. & Mrs. F.O.I4rons, Walter LyonsrGayle Thornas, RUW & Rex Chitt[...]race Dixono and Mr. & Mrs. Rayrnond Wallace. $one of the ]"ater carne to the conrnunity after 1920" Ho[...]estfe1t, Shenrnan Reese, Mr. & illrse W.PnParker, i{r. & Oscar Hanson and Mr. & Mre. George Har[...]nabelle & LuciIIe perso, ilrner & John Weber, Ida I'{ay & t{ard-Jr. Dixon, AlvinrEugener AlbertJr, &[...]June syverson. Junior nenbers were under L8 years of age and children comrnunity, added,[...]they were of Fairview 174 |
![]() | born membetrs" The neonle strived for echools. roads and imnro- vements for all. The children had programs or playst songs an[...]nd roads. AtrI this at the second meeting May II, I9I9r with over a hundred people attending. June B, t9I9 meeti.ng, Mr. CarI PetersonrCounty AgricuJ.tural[...]Lewistown in f9trlr. The first station was Heath of Gypsum, then on ovetr the divide at Horseshoe Ben[...]alled Orange, where water supply was repleni-ohed for the oLd eteam engines; on to Piper(named for tiarley Piper owner of the land, ani towneite), a Post Office established in L9L5 closed in L937, a sprr at Jackman for the coalnine, then Forest Grovel where there was[...]homested log cabln which was taken down from East of Forest Grove arrd rebuilt with an addiLion added.[...]r*n prior to this, with a Post Office since March I88. Next is Teigen(named for Mons Teigen gho ovrned a lot o1 lsnd and several bands of sheep, Teigens came thcre irat 1884), the Post Office was established in I9I4 and is stiU there in 1975: on to lrlinnet (named for ltalter John Wi.nnet whs established a ranch in M[...]l L963, tlalna were going to and fro, conbination of passenger and freighb as weII as freighr trains to haul the ble,ck gold to refineries. As of this date, 1976, some of the track has been taken up. Many winters rr[...]een dri- it;A inl--Onl-t,ir6-ior-fivi ddys, crowa of men with 17, |
![]() | [...]t bellied stoves , burning wood and coal, seats for fslks waitin l to rj-de the trainr nainly to irlewistown which was and is tbe County Seat of Fergus County. Roads were a trail of ruts cut by wagon wheelst with nany crooks, coo}l[...]and boulders. Referring to the Secreta,rysl book of Fair View community at the ltlay 1919 meeti-ng, Amos Snyder of Becket asked to have County Road from the mouth of Bear Gulch sn through to Becket, he vdrlunteered to furnish teams. In a radius of 12 or 15 miles of Forest'Grove were theee schools, possi-b$r other[...]lller & Erj-cksollo Grase Range, 18 rnilee East of Forest Grove and Lewis- town 2O miles West, are the closest schosls. I am not quotini; Distnict numbers as they are cha[...]ys school was held through the surilmer too, and for short terms according to funds available' Most aII of the school houses are now gone from their[...] |
![]() | [...]V, in r Levristown, Montar,a. He was t'he son of Charles John € Marion i{azet(Bean)Foran" Grandson or o**i*i; ;;;riru{ (Co:-Uy) Bean. He was Uducated in the[...]t approxirnaLely 45 rnonths in the senvj-ce, Most of tirne was spent, in bhe African TheaLer, and some j-n Irels,nd. On November Lg r I94&, he married Betty Sar- back, daughter of Gobtfnied and Fann:-e {DengeJ-) San- back.Betby was born "August 27+,h, L923, a twin of a sister who died at age-3 days. Bettyts grandpar[...]oseph and WiUrelmina DengeJ-, eanly day residenbs of the Grass Range area, corning hene in 1905, Hj-s[...]Joseph Got' fried Foran. He now lives in Fonsythn I,[t", and he is narried to Charlotte Huffine, daughLer of l& and }4rs Donald Huffine, former residents of LewistownrMt,They have 3 children. A daughter Les[...]es, a son and twin sister Kaycee Rae" On December I8t6 rL9b9, Charles and Betty had anothen ( daughter, Rena Carlee. She married Duane Negaard in I97A, and have 3 sons; Brockton James, Patrick Kent & Iance C., a daughter Cheryl Renie died of Ondenes dj-- sease, arul had lived all I8 months of her life in hospitals. On November 29th, L958, Ch[...]CharLes iII health where Betty, became postmasLer of the Cristina Post Office. Charlee passed a[...] |
![]() | [...]d 0-\d- I J[...] |
![]() | [...]rthy & Roy RiJ-i.eyrMrs Anderson Dickson School[...] |
![]() | Juet ,{ Few Of My Menori-es by l4artha F\.lerstenau Graser I was 5 years old wlren my family eame to },l,onta.na, I remember oun house in l'tinnesota, and rry Fathe[...]abourt, Montanar so Fat,her fook a tnip out, t,o I"I<lnta,na, bought 350 aeres sf Landrcarneback to tt[...]Xd blre house and rue morred. to Montana " The f:i-rst ru;lnter we llved i:e tewistown as it, was impossible to get to the r[...]er wagon at Forest Grove, We kids sat 1n the bed of the wagon and Mothen r-lpon the seat with Dad, Off we went f,or I niles, and I remember how upset Mothen w&sr Sl'le kept sayi4grtt Paul, wtrat kind of for saken counLry treJ4lu taking us to?rt When we ami[...]e ranch, Elizabeth, Pauline, and Evelyn, ryere al-I born j-n the cabj-n. Hard fo believe we al} lived[...]lrs Tom Elan was quibe profieient as a l,lidwife, I do neeall when Eve\yn was bonn, bhe Midwj"fe didn[...]it snowed. a lot. O.lr grain wasnrt trashed yet, I remember rqy parents brilging it in & threshing i[...]er" Fly l'lother nade bread and a cooked nush ouL of this meal. .dLso ru,de it int,o a sort of loffee, Iike postum, We had potatoee ancr. turnips and rte many a meal of thi-s & bread,. We did. have milk, cut for some neason we seLdosl hadhrtter. In those lays we Fid our grocerybi}l I time a year, Mother nade butter to sellr or else[...]:rearnery at Forest Grove, so we could bul a fe'e of ;he groceries, In winter bhe chickens drdntt laJr, )ecause it r*as to coLd. I can remember taking lard[...] |
![]() | [...]nch pails to schooL. We stayed on the ranch until I was Il+. The morgage wa,s then fore - closed and rre lost our property. During this time 3 of us of school age attended the Greenwmd Schoo}" We camied our lunches and a pail of water r E$ there was no water available at the sc[...]allest ehildren were in class from 9 A.M. to l+ F.I'[. We also had some good tj-mes . Inthose days it[...]ot to rnake ue happy. One year there was a fourth-of -.IuJy Celebna - tion in Forest Grove. My 2 hnothers and I picked wil-d bemies and cannied thern 5 uniles to[...]Otr beet friend were Lhe Danschens" Margaret and I rernained life long friends. We didntt see each other for years on end, bub atrways comesponded. About J.0[...]est Grove" It wae a very wondenful nostalgie tine for us. Mantin EIan took us for a drive up Surenuff road. It' was in June and the wild flowers wer'"e in bloom" I had forgotten how beau- ti-fuL the wild f,Iowere are i.n thab area. We visited the little chunch. How I remember going to Sunday schooL and eervices ta hear Rev. Hearst," I remembel l tinne when tr was about 15, n was working for Gladys Dnake (Uaclntyre) Sfre and her husband, Pe[...]dersons" My broLher , Fred was also was wotrki.ng for someone in the area. Thene was a danc at Forest,[...]he wouldntt fin out, so CarI Sandersono Fred and I went. trt was a lot of fun. TLre next dance we never went, and it nas Ju[...]She llved in Lewistown, Montana. My husband and I moved to Callfornja. in 1931. We had 2 s[...] |
![]() | Califsrnia,, lle rnronked fon t,laj-s eomfg,nf, for 29 years, anei rnr,as sti.il work.r4g urhen he[...]nrovi,ng to Califonnla, The youngesb ,sas only I0 wfrren uqy irusbrxi ) passed awalr. I werett,o r,vrk at, the Concord Commun:-ty llospl-batr as a rab heJ.per arrct irel"d the job for 13 yeans Vrrhen I reblred, I rn,oved to Grass Vai"Iey in J"9ZZ and live in[...]en 20,00, now it isover ]001000, So eongest,ed. I st,ill hraire uy home t,here, and rent it, t,oa grandson & famLl+r, I haue been blessed v,rith 13 grand,chj-l-dren ard so f,ar i+ great-grand,chj-Ld.ren. My olCesb son lives in GrmJarna, Fuerto Rico, He is tile night Superintendent, of, FhilJ"ips l:,r.ierto Ri-co Co,e & ahenaj-ca} ne[...]c hu l-t,2, .trames Ner*kirk rwes tve lt, $ ker J.i Bob r.ters teneau.[...] |
![]() | [...]Robh by Jessie J Roth I came to Montana in Augusb of l-904, at age Il months, then I eame l+hen he was established.Clara should r€rn- |
![]() | [...], l{ontana on September 20r 1972. The first child of George Washington and MarXr Catherine Rea A11en. He noani-ed Frances Folsom Phippsr daughter of John Phipps. She was born in La Plata, Missouri.[...]n, Montana with the Re'v. H. E. Wakefield, Rector of St. James Episcopal Church officiating. tliilliam Allen was a resident of l'orest Grove and Frances Phipps was living in Levristown, Montana. Allen was a resident of Gallabin County, Montana on No'vember 25, 1894,[...]g claim. On Oetober 15, 1905, he made appiication for a 160 acre homestead at the Lewistown, Montana U.[...]t Allen. 0n September 18, 1911, he filed a notice of intention to make proof and provided the names of witnesses, John lilcllohone, Fred Fishburn, and Henry Scally, of Lewistown, and Henry Jarnes of Forest Gro've, Ivlontana. He was then a resident of Forest Gro've, and signed the papers. 0n September 22, 1911, a notice of his intention to make proof was first published i[...]tanal Fergus.County Argus paper. )re notice ran for five consecr.rti'ye r^reeks. On Oct- ober 25, 1911, Henry Scally, neighbor, swore that Allen occupied his land since ivlarch 1907. Impro[...]mes, a half brother, claimed on October 25, 1911, that he had kr:own Allen to be in Fergus County eor se[...]tent lvlarch 28, 1912. He listed his residence as i'orest Grove, and his occupation as farner on the rirth certifieate of his son, William Attix A11en, tho was born No've[...]again on Septem- rcr 12, 1918 when he registeped for the World War I 184. |
![]() | draft. He was still in liladison Valley on Septernber' 18, 1918 when his first ciaughter,[...]t Allen died on irlay 11 , 195), from the effects of a granshot wound sustained i.tay 8, 1951. Frances Folsom Phipps 'illen died i'1arch 16, 1976. /.. , \ |
![]() | [...]Creek, Tyler Creek and Sure tsruf Creek jr:in at that spot, lie came into the area in 1882. He l+as b.trn the sr:n of C.N. Frye and Harriet Frye November 5, 1851 in Vi[...]November 18, 1890 he married Frances M. Atkinson of iiarnes County, Minnesota. He gave his address as I1.?lonaid Creek, Fergus County, Montana. Two child[...]who passed away in lecember 1910 from the effects of a goitre, IIe is buried rrfacing the setting sunt[...]er home, the daughterl Mrs, Addie Frye Wanvig ask for a drink of water from the o1d well that her father dug and rocked up and equipped with a hand pump. She remarked that was the best drink of water she had since she left this o,Teao[...] |
![]() | [...]a.Our lives began in Minnesota, but rve had heard of luh.e wonderf'ul- land in Montarn, and llere invited to becorne fart of lt. Son like pioneersr w€ crCI$sed the Rj.ver, by ferry, and[...]r and bhe children; Wal-ter ).2, Lloyd g, Dorothy I, and, Paui 2, IL was Ocbober af 'LgU+" fn the eyes of a chiJ-d, arriving in Forest Grove, was a fime of a;; things new and wonderfull Orr rela.trves, the[...]led. We attended school a'L Forest Grove the year of L}aq--L925, Later in the fall we lived in the Fro[...]en up the creek to the Tller Raneh. In the spring of L925r &o additional 2 rooms were added to the hou[...]were an hsurrs horseback ride to Foneet Groveror maybe less when we were late. Leaving the Forest Grove sehool to attend the school in the Erickson Distriet, I thought was tragiet We were seperaLed, from our cousins, and I thought, how { rniserablet For a year, f was the only girl in school. ' Mother insisted on Lady teachers and that we had each |
![]() | to tr981 aneithe Forest Gnove Centenni.al. Now that the raneh buildings have ci,isappearedn we do nof regret the faet that, t.hey have f,aded into rnemcry, J-eaving blre J,anel freer sFr€n, and produ.cti-ve. We had our usuai- i.pjnrnies;- Wa1ten broke his leg, aLso }ost an eye[...]e fell off ancl broke his nos,e"Mothrer broke her i-eg whi-}e on flhe way to r,'j.sit an aiLj-ng neighbor, A pant of our f,'amily, a baby boy n is burj"ed j-n the pre[...]e s1-rri-ng at L933 to srdnnJr CaLif,ornia. Oun l-i-ves took on a dif,l"erent turn tLrere. ldal"ter a[...]n a Fastor ir: Cal,ifornia, Pau}., a rail earrien for the U.S.Posta1 Senviee, died suddenly af a heart attack in L976. I (Dorothy) aiO secretarj-al- work and narket resea[...]n L95), and Father fol"J-owed in T979n at the age of 95. Taken in[...] |
![]() | [...]Paul Isaacs sr" I was rnarri-ed tr4,areh Bth L93t4, to Marion Cox, i-n I Ler.list,oran,[...]ey Brandt place for 6 years then moved to Kinsey, I{t, in 191+0, fa[...]les Ciby" There I worked. for bhe Standard Oil- Co.. In I9l*B to F[...]Oil_ Co",In 195e we moved o\retr to Miesoub, and I worked for the Taber truck sLop, for 5 years, In Lgi-g I went to r+ork for the Missoula White Pine Sash Co,; where I worked for 17 Jrears, f algo worked for the Rot,her Lu- mben Co, in Miesouia as a clean u[...]nr to rrhen ever f got d.one. Sometj-mes 12 hours of cleaning, One night about 2 a. nr & skunlc & l+ k[...]dnft come out, until the night, shift was ov€rr I ealled them Mom and her kids. They got so they were aII around where I worked. They didntt, bother me, and I not them either" tr feII into the refuse chain one night. Those skunks were right thene, like they were trying to help me out, I was aboub I0 feet from the burner, when the chain , stopped, so I eould get out, then went ono That is ( where I net the Lord. Riding on that chin to the tee- \ pee burner. There was no one else at the mj_Il except me and, those 4 skunks, and the swj-tch was acroe[...]from where it stopped to let me out, ?o this day, I tllnever forget those four sktlrr&g.[...] |
![]() | Aeeountrs Of' A Forest. Grove Sahool ?eacher[...]oneet Grove schootr 5O years )gn, September 1185. I- only taught I year, L935-36. In flhe fall at L936, \ neburned t o the Unirrersity at l[i-ssoula and obtained my B"A.degnee in 1938. rne year is very vivid in my memoxXr of days gone by. I was naiseeJ on a ranch about I miLes up East Fsrk Creek ) near Heath" I graduated from Fergus Coo High Sahool, ln I93l-, and spent 2 yeans on the ranch with my Father E.A"*iohnsono Hourever tr deaided that tr wanted to do somebhj-ng besides being a trancher, so in the fal-i of "L93,3, Dad gave mo $trOO"OO and eaid tr eould use it to go to co)-lege, Of counse it banely paid fon r1y bosks and Luiflion, but X was trurclqr. I obLained a job in the Library at Eastern l'lontan[...]sement roomrl managed to graduaLe in the spring of L935, & obtaj-ned a job bo teach your schooL fo[...]a month. J was then €r young nn,n sf 22 years of age, eager to make a nerk in the wonld, I ann pnoud of n;r one year of Leaching" The County Superint,endent of Sahoolsr- Me Fatt,on, had only worde of pnaj-se for the Job I did and tr wae asked by the tr"uetees Lo teach agaj-n" How- ever, I decided I wasnrt going t"o rnake much of a rnark without rqy B.A"Degree, and since tr had saved J+00.0O dellars of the 900"00 dollare paid me tr decided I had enough to go to school 2 more years, whi-ch I did. We had a good year at Foneet Grove. !y Christnas, things )were going well I nemember that we had an exeeLlent progron . Most of the panenLs were proud of the per- f,onmance of theln children, and I rvas proud of then al-I. I dontt remember aII ny students, but I had about 18 on 19" I had all eight gnades. Three f,rom the Dan- schen family; Chanles, Don, and I believe a gi-rI. Tko Forans, Ben and Florence.[...]rfired the furnace, and the stove in the hallway. I slept in I room in the schoolhouse arxl boarded with[...] |
![]() | IL was before the days -of R.E"A. so our J,ights af nighb , r{a$ a gas eoiernan }j-ght,.'1 There was no indoor nnumbS"ng and I had to carry water from the well fsr f'or the f,urnace. trt seems to me that it took abotrt 10 sr mc.tre gal)-ons a day. This[...]y iey bLast. The t rustees had prrchased. 75 t,on of coal from Mr McBride, who had a eoal- mine" $r February I had eIl of it used, and f rernember meefling I'1r Nielson, one of the t rustees , &L the Post Off,ice. He ask ne r+hat I w&s going to do when aII bhe eoal was gone" I replied, ItMr Niel-son, that reaJ"ly isnrt rry problem, When tr have sehool I am going to see thaL the kids are kept warm even though I have to shovel coal and earry water in frcm the wetl. When the coal is gone, tr guess that is Lhe end of school..tt Needless to say I was furnished wifh motre coal, In the spring Ms P[...]County Superintendent, gave the children a series of achieve- ment test,s, ad He wetre aII pleased with the ..esults, which indicated that I wasntt a failure as a teaeher, but had d.one a good Job, and because of it all the tnustees wanted me to eontinue. f would of liked to, because I had been broke al,l rny life. While $10O.OO a month wasn?t much, it was more thah f was used to, However I made the right decision to return to sehool, The Savings and Loan busj-ness has been good to merarxl I in return feel that I was good for the Savings and Loan business, I am now complete\y retired , and we spend our time[...]e been to Europe twice, China, Japan, Thialand, & i f,our times to Hawaii. We are leadi-ng a F[...] |
![]() | [...]ForesL Grove School tn L9i5_Lg:i6 lack ror,r - chartes Dauisehen, Gnant reruy, Don[...],t+<-g farmer sent his nephew a crate of chickens, but the ox broke open as the boy[...] |
![]() | [...]erfarden, doubLe vuedding ring, nine patch, sbars of vanious designs , basket, and many of tNre retrazyrf tJrpe" Does ar\yone know nry subject? It, r-rj-trl surely be1 easrer rbo guess when I menti-on scraps of colonful & pJain material- Iefb L'rsm other sewin[...]out a particular rol-or scheme, aJ.so rnil}:-ons of tiny even stiehes" Now everyone knowslfm writing-of quilbs and quitbing, l.[y Molbhen passed a.way WT /74. after a fu]-l-, busy often sad life, Now I- won$br hor,.r she carried, her burdens day after day, Bearing L2 children and reari-ng 3-1 of bhem in pioneer surr- oundings with }ittle incone[...]s than r,setlI evetr know, Chunch was to dj-stant for attendance, reS.a,tives in the easb and neighbors[...], Irm sure quilts were much sf the answer. Seraps of gay naterial brighbened her drab LLfe. She created beauty when money often wasntt available for necessities, Her handiwork c€r- tainly served a[...]ost blocks were sewed by hand with a nachine used for the join- ing and binding. As we grew up and star[...]ever;day type, but we each recieved at least one of ( her beauLies. Each grandchild was welc[...]s, and 35 grandchildren meant s€ry'- |
![]() | Grs enw+l'ci l,iercor :. i: s My parents, James Pcier ancl Giadys lr:::,^ll;;, ire,nne |
![]() | Veree;rrlr Sniri f,:rffrrerrii*rrerrce ieLerson, 8r I'larvjn Trj.nke. I{om f311.1ht at riian\} scircols, truf r tliink Green wnorJ, i*as her f.t'rlrite. - by Llabe Dr"ake J,Jr.:lnt,<l[...]tt M.aett -r{a$ bot"n in l,.rlcrt,h-'L_ngLcnrlt{i.nnesotara s.-;n- of l,{t: anii Mrc ,InIeFh l,i':inLy'r'e. He 'was ed.ucat.ed j.n l"ii.nrresofa a:rd" iane t,i; iiicnt,e.na irr liil..t, Cn Januayy ZtT)5e, he sra,r"l"ierl 3ladys lce ilake in i,e,.*istqwn, juiac sprent most qf t'ri.s Life i.n the Ferest Cr"or.'e anC Beckelt area, wcrk ing rnr tire Jrir:a-l ranr:.1'rers i-rr,:ludi-ng lhe lrl Iiar ranch, At r>ne Li:r,e he[...]alsc hac a thresl^rj.ng macfri-ne ancl thresl'ied for t,he far"mers in +-he area. ile worked af Lhe Ca+" Cr:eek oi.lfiei.cir.r anrl for s:_x yeai.'s he uorked at,n nrech'!r:e shop i.n Se.a+-tJ.e. Mac, rr?as rurai. r:ra1l c&r- rjer[...]as- Ler' :ln Ferer,+" Grove tn 1952. l{e reti::ed i.n I?6,8 anC moveri l,r F.ciln'iuf in 19t9. IIe ser'','ed in the Signal Cot"ps during l'r'orlu War fI a.nci i.{as a nrenri-rer of tilc Eagl.r:*s Ladg;3 ,:,!1rj. American Tegiorl. i\tac tr,assed a:day in Fiay ef L985,[...]l,unctin John il Barfel. '/;ae born lin 1905 i-n Gernrany, the son ofEphriam & Ernel;a Bartel" H[...]ned the U,S,Armed fcrces, anei was dischar ged in I9/r2, I{e t,hen purchased a larrn }iorth-east of Forest Grove, I ean recall, i.n most ary type of weath( er one could find John walking, carrying a[...]strike up a conversation and he enjoyed visiLing, I remember one fi-rne I had went to Grass Range with our three High Schoo[...]pily bhere gardening and visiting until the tj-ne of his deaLhr on March LgBl+, He was buried w[...] |
![]() | [...]n the Milwaukee Ra.il-road to Fonest, Grove, in f9I6, fnour Monroe Cor.rnty, Wi-s. , wi-th their two[...]'d S&ith,' homestead in Iairview Comnunity, Sd Sm:i,th was the brothen-in-Iaw of Nora Perso, Later ihey rnoved to her brother s ho[...]was moved onto the property" This is now the home of the Jim Lundints" Because of a severe drought and shortage of feed for stock, Persofs moved to Lewistown in 1920" Hugo f[...]r he wonked at, the Judith Laundry and at Po'rler I'lerchantile, Nora worked for many years at the Srsj-etzer Department Store, In the fall of 1926, the desire to fanm brought thern again to t[...]School, & Annabell,e was marcied to Lyle l'loore of Grass Range, and, Lourcille was rnarried to Hernan Isaacs, fonrnerly of Forest Grove. -Th€y farmed there un-til 19J+I. They then rnoved to Lewietown and purchased the[...]town, Hugo passed away 5-n April 196L, at the age of, 7I, and Nona passed away in I9?9, at the age of 8?, Persors had 2 Grandsons; Dick l'loore of Cutbattk l,iontana and Ron Isaacs of Eugene, Washington , They 'iad eisht Gneat[...] |
![]() | [...]1 , 1870. He carre to this country in the spri.ng of 1887. He died in Helena on Jarruary 21, 1917. I, Thomas G. Nielsen, Jr. was born in Lewistown on[...]on a ranch on Alaska Bench, where f began schooL i-n a one room log schoolhouse. School ran in the summer months only and in the fall of 1919r w€ noved to Forest Gro've where I went to school tiIl the eighth grade. My schoolin[...]high school in Grass Range, Montana State College i_n Bozeman, and Columbia University. My teaching h[...]d Baker, Montana and in Wapato, Washington, where I retired ir1 1972 after 25 years of teaching Biology in the high school. During World War II.I served as a photo gra-pher in Lhe Eighth Air Force i_n England. Whate'ver suceess I have had in li.fe can be attrib- uted to oly parents who sacrificed for my education. Forest Gro've in[...] |
![]() | [...]ungtt place near Forest Go.ve, duri-ng the summer of 1 926. We can:e from t 6 ivlile Bench in Mu[...]charLes and Eda peckenpough, moved with us. Each of the women drove a team and. lumber wagont and the rnen had. larger loads with four horse teams, I and another boy about fiiy age, rno.ved the 3-ivestock, some hundred and twenty cattl-e and. se'yeral head of horses. Needless to s&Xr we had. our problems and[...]were glad. to be finished with the responsibility of keeping the stock moving and out of peopLers fields and yard. The place hadntt been lj_ved in for some time and was rtrn down' r can remeraber weed[...]get hay put up and fixing buildi.ngs and fencesn I was too yourrg to remember rnrch detail except that tr sure wanted to go back to the rrBenchrr,[...]ade school at the hiekson School, My teachers, as I remember theur, were LucieLe quickendenn Vera Gor[...]d Mrs, peterson, There rnay ha've been others and I tm sure one or more of these taught two years. The school was never very big, r guess 21 students was the largest and I trlly donrt lcreow how those teachers mad.e it w.ith All eight grades in one room. Most of the years r went to Erickson school, there[...] |
![]() | and conral there to keep the horses out of the weather. Our nearest neighbors were Char[...]nter. The only tines we ever went to a doctor was for broken bones. Sis an arm and I a 1eg. Oh yes, we had our tonsilB out too. Mon ra[...]s and old fat hens was all the aoney we would see for months. Cattle prices were low, dry years didnlt[...]e or twice hall storns eleaned up the crops. I went to high school one year and quit to go to work and surprising enough, I nnost always ha.d a job. I worked for Ray and Earl Barnhart, there at the Forest Gro'ye[...]the rrNtl while Jack Milburn was superintendent. I also worked for o1d Charlie Tyler. for the trNrr way back in i912-14, Dad worked He had taken five year a[...]e ranches doetoring livestoek, patching up horses that had gotten into wire, castrating co1ts, floating horses teeth, on and on. I got in on scne i of those chores, too, and it has helped to this day.[...]ee in the Fairview area and Ii'sed there a eouple of years during the Thirties. Fron there, the folks moved to the old Lyons place for a year or so and then bought the place at Forest Gro'ue. By that tirae I had drifted to other pastures and jolned the Amy while they were stil1 liuing there. The things that stiek in your mind about the area and the times are 'varied.. I remember walking froo the Young place to Skellies[...]it was easier to walk than ride a horse be- eause of snow drifts. We used to 'visit back and |
![]() | [...]*eather didntt stop us. There were tines that it rmrst have been months between trips to lewi[...]22 niles . from the Young place and in the winter that was a )longl ways. Winter time always me[...]o've was attended regularly by our parents and, of course, we kids to. I still belonged to the Zion Luthern church when I went into the Arny in 1940, Both Viola and I were baptized there. One week it was an Ftrrise[...]llansenls store. Summers were busy times. I think I must have ridden a million miles on a hay rake[...]rard to. Bill lvleadors put on rodeos at Becket for se'vera1 sutnrDers. In winter, eard part[...]livestock, cutting next years woodrputting up i-cerard working ) repairing nachinery and har:ress[...]d after it turrred co1d. Then the house was busy for some tine putting up meat. Mother always ha[...]anned vegatables and fnrit. We always had plenty of potatoes, carrotsr and sueh..Ln the cellar. Duri[...]folxs moved to South Lewistown and lived out most of their days in a nice little place that was Eruch handier than either of then had ever |
![]() | [...]er E. Brown and they ha've lived in Lewistown all of their married life with the exception of a few years while Chet was working for the Baptist Church in Oregonn They have raised f a family of three boys and one girl who are all |
![]() | [...]vv May Charbonneau ) I climb a hill and in the distance, to tLre |
![]() | [...]vi_ft. The homestead cabin af Jchn Stani-ey, west of lieckeb in the fcothills, was nioved l-cg by.l-cr[...]ay Charbc;nneau. There are seueral shel-ls of buildi-ngs le.it, They are the Tom }Tielscn hou.s[...]e Fost Office was once on a h;mesite j-n the town of }{anorrer, mcved in and remodei.eclo anr1 is the honre of Alice and l}:b Smith. Hcmes o:: Mob.ile il.omes a[...]d trailers, by the tons on weekends, cdming fr:m 1i1g city to FlatwilLow Country to hrr-nt, fish* gfid picnic. The huge lcgging trrrcks haul loads of long Pine ancl Fir, eut down by the loggerst saw[...]rning skidders) and piled alcng a rcad pushed out of a hil]side by a Caterpilier trac|cr, then lcradec[...]draft horses pu1l arr ocaasional wa€on or sled for feeding cattle and for a good o1d Hayride for an afternoon of f\rn. The McDonald Creek sti1l runs[...] |
![]() | [...]c 150C pounCs each)n alnost overnight, j.nstea.cl of belng cut with a scythe c'r a hc,,rse-drawn mCIwe[...]in tnrck to be harled f,c; grain storage, instead of hcrse-drawn binders and men with three tined pitc[...]Grass Range cr Lewistown in the faLl and trade it for flour (lOO pound sacks and enough for a year) tc stcre i-n the attic of their home and be used for bread baked by the lady of the housen Some ranchers ground their own wheat into whoLe wheat flour and also cocked it for breakfast food. ALl in all it is still a g:':,at place to 1i.ve, out amang r'fJld Mother Nah:rerr on the South Fork of McDonald Creek. The children still ski but n[...]il1s around Forest Grore, but fav away ski slopes like Kingsr Hill, transported there by big buses from[...]t and Bozeman, Montana" Ride the airplane instead of the horse and buggy. 0ccasionally a helicopter la[...]Grass Range and Lewistown by school buses instead of riding their saddle horses or walklng to c[...] |
![]() | [...]w in nurnber, now they attend a scho+} in a class of 100ts. Some }listory of the Johnson Family I wonder whatever became of the graves that |
![]() | [...]when the railroad was being built through there. I remember a eamp right where we carne down to the main road. A bunch of hillbilly kids, scared to death of them. We even ) changed our route to schoolr so w[...]i*ned the Burke llc,t- eI in Lewistown. I remenber the church being built across the rsad[...]sehool with his chilelren at Greenwood schocl. I am not to farnil-iar with when the church was m[...]ter Mildred was born, September 26) 1912. l{hen I left there it was known as the Doc" Jongewaard plaee. I remember walking to school from therer ori a path along the fcot of the hi1l. lrie were always on the alert, espcia[...]ten going home at night we would kill a rattler that was crossing our path. When he heard usr he wcu[...]the lead would stopr we began to gather rocks, of which there were plenty, and pelt the poor snake to death. We were never afraid of them, and none of us were ever bitten. tsreddy tr"ry usually walk[...]a rascal, always pull- ing some orneaXr prank. I remember one time he met us on the path as though he had been to schoof and con'vinced us that the teaeher was sick and there would be no school that day, so we went back home. The next day we get a lectirre for being absent. One of the engineers on the railroad was a Mr. Bostwick"[...]durJ-ng the summelvacation. As & cer- tain amount of residency was required for proving up on a homestead. Their home was[...] |
![]() | [...]1"t, and my sister Eaeter was bi::n there Apri-i" 9, i917, Those years we w*nt 'b; G'ru:enw;:cd schcr::[...]nts who Ii ir*: ti c l. c ser. How I haterl that pl-ace - no near neighbors thi nearast was the Rrley fan:-i-}y. They haci two boys, La. Verne anci Edgar" And the winters were terrible. I recal-l going tc Fc,rest Gro ve ons tinre with my Uncle John and Granrima, They useci the front half of a bob sJerlr wrth a box cn it. They wculd fill th[...]he could get the sled thr'rugh, No one euer heard of a snow plcw in thase days, everybody t"esL eare c[...]d day, but e irerybody need.ed suppiies, How well I recall the winter: 1915-17 - bhe front of our house was drifted over the top, our front door was not open alJ_ winter, and many times when I went outside (through the back door) f would come back in with my nose and fingers frozen white, That was when I vowed that I would leave there, We left this plaee late in i{ay 1917 and on May 51, it snowed one foot of snow in just a few hours" We rnoved into a small[...]was a wagon and team and in bad weather a canuas, like an old sheep wagon, covered us. Lloyd Thomas was[...]the new schoor- buirding wasnrt completed, sone of us went to school in the old. John Lyons saloon buildingr known at that time as the vern Wright building, I belie'rre he had groceries there at one time. By Spring of 1919r we had mo'ved into Fores Groye, We lived for a while in an o1d store building[...] |
![]() | [...]er had a eream testing station there fir a couple of' years un- til we moved. into the 1og hi:use, Sne also ha^j. an ice cream parior in the front of the buiiding one summer, 192O. The tr'all of 1919 found the new school near €Dolr- gh completed to be usedr and my cl-ass was reacty for high school. I donnt recal-} who ali was in our cl-ass the first[...]cres, b/e star'r,eci the year pretty goodn but by that time the pe,:ple who had crrme out there on the r[...]he first floor, we were in the basement. We ended that yeay with five oc six soph- omores and about ten[...]Ruby Chittick, Ethel Jones, Jessi,e Johnson, and I am not sure about Margaret lanj-els. To begin the[...]. Jay Holmes (br<;ther to Harry) and Marie Fiscus for teachers, for some reascn Jay Holmes resigned and we had Mr. Ilaight to replace lrim of 1919 and 1924r &s silon as school- The summers was ouer, I went to cook on a ranch for Ben Hill. He had a large ranch over toward Cheadl[...]-d walk tc Piper on an afternoon off. Ben got all of his supplies from Lewistown, mainly about once a[...]ute mail carrier, also freight. !{hen he was busy I hauled freight and carried mail for him. Many times f was excused from schooL for an hour at 10:00 ?.[i. to take the mai] to the train and pick up the ineoming mail. As soon as sehool was out I met the return train from Wirurett with the outgoing mail and picked up the in- coming mail. That is when I would pick up the frei- ght for the grocery stores. At that time the Hanssn Brothers had built a new store wi[...], but they neuer vrent to sehool in Forest Grove. I believe 20, |
![]() | the Oscar Hansons had a baby boy about the tj.me I left therer the girls were LaVerne anri. Norma.[...]ns Ft:j.day' to twc litt1e IOWNS north (l thi.nk) of Forest Grr:ver Cheadl-e and ldovary So I hari that job al1 s!.mmerr 3s welJ as the loea,l t mail and freight, In the Fall I went to Lewistown |
![]() | and we would have them for delivery on thei-r return at 4200 p.m. We got 1r( a gallon for themr &nd to make $J.5O each between ten and fcur[...]e knew they made very good symp and jam. We heard that they made mighty good wine. After I left there, I dontt know if the kids go1., Iazy or the ehokecherries got scarce, but the job just seemed to play out. I left Forest Grove November 17, 1921 for Spokane, where my future husband was. We were married December 25,1923. summer of 1929, we returned to Forest Gro've late t[...]the weather was get- ting bad, we were broke, and I was not able to travel as I was siek and pregnant. Mac leased the Jackman rni[...]ator man (t think his name was Knuth) handled all of the finances. Mae came into town on Saturday and did barbering for the 1ocal gentry. That is all of the money we had all winter. I was sick, pregnant, discouraged, and unhappy all[...]n on January 27, 1930. Her hospital bill was paid for with a car load of coal. We caoe back to Spokane in June 19)O. There[...]nger brothers and sisters came to Spo- kane later that year. My brother Henry eame with us. Edith and Al[...]a$e in 1915. 0r'vi1Le1 Jessie, Lucinda, 3i11e Hank (seated). |
![]() | [...]L,ouise Miller Genriusa, I ti.i Forest, Grotre planning to file on a |
![]() | [...]there, My son, Charles" lived j-n Fresno for a few years, lie was j-n the Nauy for two years during ;\dorld War I1, After the war r,,ias o.ver, he ca$e bar:k and. l-i"ved and worked on the ranch for se'veraL years, He ma,gied and moved to Lewistow[...]in ]vlarch 1977, she ha.d. a bad st::oke. I soLd the ranch to !avi-d. a'd }ixie Wagner in 1o[...]Sellers had a sheep ranch where Coxrs now ]ive. (i remember a lot of names of some I went to school r^rith and some from conversations with my father. ) I was 6 years old at the time of our auction sal-e, I remember it almost like it was yesterday. The auctioneer drove out in an automcbile, and I think it was about the second one I had ever seen. Some of the tricksters in the crowd put a 1og chain around. )the front and baek wheels for a joke. The ol-d root cellar and spring are the only things left there now, except for sorne rocks for the house foundation, T walked to Forest Grove to school" Someti_mes I rode behind the saddle with Lucy Boughtonr my cous- in, on her Pinto potl/o I remember the horse shed.s up in the schoolyard, L[...]Forest Grove. rt was near the creek on the edge of an a].fa]'fa fie1d. Luru Sellers was our teacher[...]estead, LuLu sellers igas also our teacher there, I remember the Johnsons, laniels, and.[...] |
![]() | [...]o was my fatherrs brother, helped them some. I remember myfather putting up hay over on ( Flatwillow for some rancher over there. MY sisf,sr, |
![]() | Upon arriving on shore, he hitchiked on to the state of Minnesota and worked in the timber woods and saw- -/ mil.ls for two yearsn But Marcus was destined to chall-- eng[...]" on the section crew renairinq ihe roarlway for Chica4o-Milwaukee-St. Paul railroad, Af- ter a short time, he was promoted to foreman for the area of line between Medors, North lakota and Glen- dive, Montana, After about two years, a rolling stone for adventure, Ma::cus saw no future in this po- sitj[...]e because drinking hard liquor and a habit formed for gambling had be- gun to take its toll- and he dec[...]ing Glendive, he had purchased a re- linquishment of a" homestead entry from an aquaint- ance provided for by the llomestead Act. He was ass- isted and pro[...]ion by federal 1;Lnd agents at Glendive, Montana. For a fee, a real estate agent at Lewistown, Montana[...]this poi.nt in time l-ocated at about the center of Half Moon Ranch holdings, which he h,ad not seen heretofore. Having no means of transportation, he was destined for the 'iorrrrcv with the use of a n.nmnass 1;n n:.ena.?e[...]oot across prairi-e and badl-ands to the junction of the Red Hitl north of Lavina, Montarra and the stage route toward the h[...], a rifIe, and a broad &x. Upon locating the area of the homestead, taking time out to observe the sun[...]tion was to provide shelter. The shel-ter he used for the time alLotted to complete a cabin of logs and poles was under a large spmce tree nearby, After downing Ponderosa pine trees near the ]ocation of the cabin, he began to sense a big undertaking wa[...]bnrte strength would solve the problem" IIe spoke of the graat pride he had upon completion of the fog structure with a pole roof, Sti1l, the on[...]owed from a nearby rancher to place the dirt used for roofing. i{is rifle came into good use to shoot wild game for strength needed to eomplete the task,[...] |
![]() | [...]was told by his neighbor r&rr- came cher that work was avail-able for a rancher on East Fork south of Lewistown aborre Heath. He needed the money for other plans. He had developed. the urge to go back to Norway to again see a sweetheart ne rran i left behind. He had declded he would need someone tL share the loneliness for whate'uer the future might hold. 0n or about the'middle of December, 1899 he set sail forNorway to locate h[...]stead near He"wrer Norway. They married. mid.year of 190o. Again he left her behind with the promise that he would return to bring her to Araerj-ea.[...]Arneriea and the homestead, he began to rearize that he had. found the solitude tc his wishes and desires. To him there was a bond of i pride and commitment to this land. To fulfill hi[...]ner, he realized he was eompblled to aquire a job for the needed. funds for the return to Norway. He began working at the harrresting of grain the fall of 19a1 in the Judith Basin west of Lewistown, After the haryest season was overr he[...]rned to Norway. After gather- in their belongings for the reh;.rn to America, they told of the happiness they anticipated for the prom- ised land, the homestead they would sha.re together in the hidden ualley, now the holdlngs of Half Moon Ranch. ' Uponarriving in Americal they traveled on to Minneapolis, Mirrreesota and stayed for two months. 212 |
![]() | [...]some money to buy the necess- ary pro'visions that would be needed to fu1fi1l their objecti've.[...]y, they arri'ued at Lewistown, Montana by way of Three Forks, Montana. By now, their spirits w[...]s the years rolled by to form the foundati-on of the existing Half Moon Raneh and its f\rture.[...]ing life began to take shape with the arrival of new members conslst- ing of sj-x children dr.lri.ng their wedlock and happy[...]ased; Clara E. (lgll); Ken:eeth E. frMiker' (llll)i Roy T. (lglS) deceased; Judith f . ( t 918) d[...]- As the children beeame of school ager they at \ *p/tt*t-i"n)d*'t*"-o% * |
![]() | [...]rne emin-, lnt for Dad. lie was comp-[...]the lrvestock. I would spend the holiclay{ with hini from the age of 7 on tc high sc[...]Moon. 0n an occasior] I asked him what kind of bread he was ma[...]alone to take charge. Not Art in front of Homestead bad for a seven years old ! in the 192}rs'where he[...]the graduation was born 4/zz/06. of their children from[...]grown into young men and ladies ready to prepare for their own future and destiny, Da.d. and Mother dd[...]r overextendedr even by the pcpular sociSL means. I Art, A1, and Ken:neth rrl{ike[...] |
![]() | [...]aggravated by the new and inexperienced lifestyle of country living alongside me and my two brotherst[...]ge the ranch operation to- gether until 1941 when I took a leave of absence to work at law enforcement as deputy sheriff for Guy Tul1ock, Sheriff of Fergus County. A1 and Mike corr- tinued to operate the ranch during by absence until 1944. It was forhrnate for ne to bargain for and purchase the Half Moon Ranch from rny parents Ln 1944. Shortly thereafter, I resigned as deputy sheriff and rehrrned to the ranch I lo'ved and a continued life of contentment. E'ya and the children Carole Nancy and Arthur Mareus contirnred to live in Lewistown for two years so rrNancyrr might attend school. During this period I continued to care for the lirrestock at Half Moon Ranch which becane lc[...]er quarters and Iwin Coulee Ranch 20 railes north of Lavina which I purchased in 1919. This was home for livestock dur- ing the winter months. With the tw[...]e so our ehildren eould continue their schooling. I became bored at preparing ny own meals end hastily decided upon a new cqrrse of action by notoring to and from Lavina and Twin Co[...]76. Even with the hardship and grlel- Lng ordeal, I would not have it arry other w&f,r It ras been worthy of the saerifj-ce. Once the children rad gro[...] |
![]() | [...]Jr. attendecl Montana State College at Boze- man for two years and later graduated from Rocky Mountain[...]!Ig Avmrr IT+u wa5 not until after his discharge that fIJ-tlrJ. everything began to change and[...]lyr and lvlarcus Brand |
![]() | or the surrounding area of the Half Moon Ranch. Henry Eligah Jess Clark |
![]() | I want this for the back pa.ge. Why? l{e11 be- eause it always reminds rue of my Dad and the way he would look out over the ran[...]land, seeing, cri ictruing, and perhaps dreaming of things that no one eLs could comprehend. Moments like that are mighty impor tant to a rancher, perhaps more so today than e.ver be fore. Dad and lvlother often told of the best of times and the worst of times but never changing their atti- tude on life[...]l around us these days, there is a certain amount of stress and hor^l to deal with it, WelI, I an not against anything that is being suggest ed; I arn for any and all things that work, But I would like to recommend a simple cure: Take time to smell th[...]thrive and years to surviye This year may be one of the latter, but keep the pos- itiue things in mind. Hans O, and Jeanett Serrerson Hanson I'amily Dy[...]n Battle Lake, Minnesdta. My father owned a store i Parkers Prairie, Minnesota where my sister, LaVytne, and I, were born. He sold his store and mo.ved to Glasg[...]worked in a general store belonging to a relative of my rnotherf s. We came to Glasgow about 1905 and[...]there about a year and a hal-f, We then moved to Valley City, North nakota, where he worked as aJt accountan.t. Whil we were therer my father became i1l and the doctor tol-d him, if he wished to raise his family, he would have to find work that he could do in the fresh air. In about 1909, he f[...]no'ved to North Dakota, about 1B nniles northwest of Medina. We lived there nine years. My moth[...] |
![]() | farm, most people did that sort of farming a that.very[...]d vie had some good yearsr w€ were pretty wei-l of when we came to liontana.. IVJy brother, James wa[...]\ We came to Forest Grcue jn 1915, It seems that 'I .lust feIl in iose withi l{ontana imrned.iate}y, I{y Uncle Oscar Hans,ln had been in Ivlcntana for: a few years and wanted my father to corne to For[...]tart a general store. They ran the store together for seqerai yea.rs and there were good years and barL" These were some of the First v/orld War years" l{y father sold[...]change. liy mother started teaching sehool around that time. In June of 192r, sister, La- Vyrne, was married to Bertrand[...]ey live in Evansriille, Indiana. John Gilmore and I vrere mamied a yeax l-ater in September, 1925. We[...]and one grandson who was a ylrar old on the 28th of January. Our son'lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. He 1s a Chaplain, he works with first offender juveniles. i{e has four chiLdren, two boys and two girls. He h[...]pf Jarruary and another grandson was born the 1st of December. Mother and lad moved to Lewj-stown, some- time in the early 1!{0ts" Mother taught school for a nunber of years after this. My father died tn 1945 and my mother died in 1965. Now for a lighter vein - when my brother, Jimmyt was a little boy, my father had to go to Helena with a group of men to lobby at the legislahtre. I belie've it was in conneetion with lncluding our part of the eounty with Petrol-eum. Jimmy raised quite a fuss about Dad going. nad said, rrl canrt telL the men, I cannot go because of my baby son. rr Jimmy eried him- self to sleep an[...]woke up and said to my mother, ilWherets my duds, I an going with PaPe." ,rg |
![]() | [...]ha}l.rr Mother did not want Jim to go o.ver there that eueningr so she put him to bed when he was asleep[...]woke up, he said, rrDid you go orer to,. the ha].I last night.tt Mom saidl I'Yesrr. He asked, ! rrDid you see me there?rl My sister and I u/ere eonfj-rmed in Zion Lutheran Church in Lewistown, in April of 1917. It was a beau- tiful day when we left Fores[...]rked as a stone mason and also freighted material for the railroad to Great Fa11s Later he homesteaded I miles south of Forest Grove in Bear Gulch and returned to Wiscon[...]n Montana was an extreme change in en'viron- ment for Mrs. Syverson as the Wiseonsin farms were nicely[...]ncluded a eow and some chickens which were a gift for the Syversons from their'parents to help them get[...]ife. They returned to Wisconsin during the winter of 191, and hired a man to lock after the pla[...] |
![]() | [...]kens. After this Mr. Syverson took out- side work for a time in order to earn money to buy ma- :hinery and cattle. There were times of both diffi- :u1ty and joy over the following year[...]r one brother and four sisters al-so came and two of them filed on home- steads near Fairview. Carl ho[...]and also did cement work. Two other sisters of Herman and Carlrs, who came from Wisconsin were M[...]oved to Long Beachr California. {rs. Emma Bernett of Lewistown is the only living o}eo- rer of the Syverson familyr of which there were four )oys and five girls. I[...]orred to Lewistown. Herman rassed away at the a8e of 81 on November B, 1955, their chiLdren are Harry of Grass Range and Lewistown, \rnold of Lewistown and Betty 0sterholm who makes he[...] |
![]() | [...]m personal interyiew to Roberta Dona- yon for Lewistown News-Argus Christmas Editionr Dec- embe[...]aimed in the Missouri River Breaks near the mouth of the lvlusselshell R.iver. But it was not always easy, especial-ly for someone n€ to this country, to hrow how ,to proceed with unravel- ing the government red tape that kept them apart. Matt had first come to the[...]d in the smelters at Great FalLsn It was good pay for those days - $2.!0 an hour. In 1!08 he moved to A[...]s later he returr ed to Bribir, Croatia, the city of his birth and ther on lvlay 2), 1910, he m[...] |
![]() | [...]o the United States and to Anaconda. He had heard of the land that was free for claiming itr sc he cane to Lewistown in 1918 and filed on a homestead in Garfield Countyr near the mouth of the lt{trsseLshel-1. ttlt was a prairie dog town when I filed on it.rr he reealled. Matt set to work[...]stmaster, a man named Green, and his German wife, that he did not know how to go about bringing his fami[...]United States Congress. Mrs. Green wrote a letter for Matt to \dellington Rankin and in a short time he[...]hich Rankin adyised li4att to send to his wife so that she in turn could take it to the American'counsel[...]t New York City they were not permitted to debark for an additional three days be- cause the ship was under quarentine for scarLet fe'ver" Speaking of his wifers trip to this country, vlatt recalled that on his own first voyage here he paid fi15.00 for his passage al] the way frorn Yugosl-av- La to Gr[...]n the trip and while in Inaconda it was decided. that her tonsils should be removed. She remained there a total of 10 days. Mrs, Vlastel-ic and the children a[...];own by train in the morningr but it was e'uening of ;he same day before Matt got there. Since it was[...]the cl-osest place where he ouLd board a train for Lewistown. The children were wai.ting for him when he stepped[...] |
![]() | [...]- ched up his spring wagon and took them the rest of the way to the river. I{owerrerl they spent the rest of the winter with the Joe Bush family in order to b[...]e two chiLdren had littfe trouble in school. Some of the other children, including the lt{atovichf s c[...]hem out. Although it has been 55 ye'ars now, I4rs. Vlasteli, stiLl remembers her first view of the Missouri River. It was at flood stage at the[...]s, to gi've sorne protection from the snow. That second year Ivirs. Ed Skibby was the teacher. She received $55 a month for teaching the 12 students{ in the school. An[...]in Grass Range and ir4arie (tttrs. Joe Kovacich) ]i'ves on the Dirride east of Lewistown. tvlatt remenbers wel} his first tmck. He sold hogs to have the noney to buy it in 1929 for $15O and it had 9rOO0 miles on it. With a veh[...]children to the doctor in Lewistown. He remembers that Dr. Wal-lin and Dr. Wilder used to keep evening o[...]stance. RoElds were depl-orable. Often when i-t was necess- 224 |
![]() | [...]onthse they stocked up on groceries in the ;al-l, I'lr/e would sell ttten[...]o get some ;'roceriesrrr he saidl sa,cks of floure ten sacks rf sugar, and coffee.r' hl[...]river breaks, ;he ilfastef ics never killed them for food, They rais- :d qhocn nirrc Lr[...]v*u u:vt Ma.tt remembers that in 19jO Tom Stout and Teddy llue Abbott of Lewistown opened a ferry across the :iver at the mouth of the l'fusselshel-l. It was operat- rd by a man named I'red Lute, The purpose of the ferry ras to shorten the distance between Lew[...]ring ranchersr Lew and Ed- Tripp, They mcv*td- ;o I'orest Grove where he ranched, raising cattle and oi3s. Chickens a.nd geese for the coyotes, he a,dded. Both sons, I{att, Jr. and George, worked on the arrch and help-i.ng others who had helped them. 'Zara as always df[...]doilies, ableciothes, etc. She was a glrea.t cook of simple eal-s, offering them to anyone who was around at dinn- r time. lvlatt and Zora kept lots of children over- ight or for longer periods of time as therr I i rzcd ext door to the school" They sold iheir[...]to Dick Burch, when hey mo'ved to Lewistown. I{attts days were rrot spent in id}eness. At last :[...]ing hobby he becarne rterested in many years ago. i{e learned the intri- lte skill from an older man[...]d as planters on the lawn. Although the work i-s exacting, Matt does not wear -asses. Nor does his wife Zara. Ivlatt claims that ) can copy in wood anything he can draw.[...] |
![]() | rqade a model of Ed Lambts priz,e mare. Although he has ha[...]it to rel-atives and frienc He also has a number of items on display in his home. t[...]a became Af ber moring very actirre members of St. Leors Catholic Church.- l missing very few of the churchs ritual services. pr€ viously they were members of St. Barbarars Church at Grass Ralge. They lo[...]wo chil-dren and their grandchildren. Decend-ents of those mentioned in this story were able to be present But as life had a new beginning in this country for l{att, it was also here that he passed away i$ovem- ber J, 1984 after complications from an inj[...]Ivlatt and Zora on Mother I s[...] |
![]() | [...]Lin Geary and Emna Geary by Harold Geary & I'lary Phillnps Crj'swell In the spring of 1900, having trived in northern Nebraska for 19 tears and experienced in droughtt & i l,ack of wood anC otkrer di-sappoi-ntrnents in farrning ,[...]U-vi-ng" They were also tol"d there was plenty of nraten and trees, They were onJ.y a few days iu[...]&'rrnn had 2 covened waSons arrd about l0 head of, horseq four niLk cows, and a d.ozen ehrckens. T[...]ehickens -l+ould, be Let out, 5-n th.e evenir:g for a whj-Ie, but would go to roost in coops a't t,he b,ckend of the wagon box where they were locked. up and. wo[...]ay' trt, was sonr Nathanfs job to drive and care for bhe nilk cowsr otr horseback. This way .tire fan"i3y v+as able to make about 15 m:iles a day' When[...]at fl-ood stage, So they parked thein ll'fagons i-n a circle and p-rt the aninals in the cen.ter,[...]traveked, on weeb' Wheneven wonk was avail- able for the boys or Frank, they "*oul-d stop' When Lhey[...]k on sheep ranches, & Iumber wsrk providLrg ties for the Bj.Ilings- Cody railroad line being buj,Itr so they rernained there for a couple years' Duri-ng thj,s tine, MarLha Elizabetht the 3rd child, took il-I and passed away" In the sum mer of L9O3, Frank heard of 2 old school f,riends of hi.s in the Snor*y Mor:.ntains, in Montana' So t[...]and see them. One was Frank (l'tact<) Mc Cartney for vrhich the creek and big spring on ,Alaska[...] |
![]() | [...]n they should homestead on land at the confluence of HelI Creek and North Fork of lhe Flatwillovr, which tfrey did. Af,ter Frank an[...]ildren were born to them" Life wasi much the same for all homesbeaders. Big gardens Lo provide vegetables and along wiih wild beruiesr were canned, for winter use. Thege Wetre pJ,aced in a cellar at the back of the }og bunk house, in the front yard v,rhich was[...]beaver dams and packed in sawdust in the cell"ar for j-ce oream rnaking in the aumrner tj-ne. Wood was[...]rovide aII the n'ilJ<, cre&rn, & butter nec,essal1i for the family. Sorneti-unes there was ctream left over to place in creann cans. By I9I3, with the nailnoad into Forest Grove,[...]ensrguinees rand ducke. There were quilts Lo neke for tLre beds as well as feather nrattnessee and pill-ows. AilL cJ-othing except overalls and. jeans were rnade by Enuna who was a[...]as started down on Flatwillow. It, r+as also used for Sunday School and other geb togethens. The oldest[...]d grain and naiLroad ties to Roundup. Then aft,er I9I8 stayed he stayed at hone, because of Frank had died of the flu. The other sons worked on the N- ranch or for sawmille in the area. Each eventually started his own ranch. Nathan marrled Norna Curtie of ltliddle Bench;[...] |
![]() | [...]er he moved on to Ftab willow and lived the rest of his life there, raising 6 children, His son, Har[...]Flatwillow ,and hi-s pJace is also owned by some of his family lowr lFrank Jr, rnarried Ethe] Snith and homesteaded on the A1aska Bench untj-I moving to Lewistown' Sid & Jees also had places[...]rt Phillips. She always nade it home every summer for a vieit when her husband tended the sheep camps i[...]n atre gone now aLso' Howevetr, there are several of their grandchS-ldren 3-iving in the area.[...] |
![]() | [...]child in a farnily of four children that were born t Geo[...]hi-rn Year of T923 othen eh[...]soon discotrere James (Jinl) Hiatf that she could not suppor them , so she put thern into[...]Live with an eJ-derly pair rorho had no children of their own and were also slave ownetrs. He was tre[...]ugh the second reaCer j-n school, and at, the age of Lhr he nan awaJr' The next few yearE wene badrtin[...]l l890ts when. the united states was I end,uring a reeession. F''athen told |
![]() | and enJoyed to sing, He also thought so much of the circuses " I believe he cane to l4ontana in I9O2. Iater Grandna found where he was and came to[...]along with her a daughterrnamed -.Iewell itlewby, that was 9 years old at the time" It also hap- lened that Daddyts sisters came along to either renew farnil[...]dore Tbams, Aunt luh,y was single. The only thing I knew of her life, was that at one time she worked for a famiJ.y by the nane of Olsen at Grass Rar€e" She also worked for the Parsonts fanily and l,ater rnamied their son, Tom, He was a brother of the el-der ,Mr Parsonfs families of Judith Gap. They were sheep ranchers j-n the l93}rs and lg5ots.Grandrna married Levj- Knerr, who I was told was one of the Lar geot sheep ownens in Fergus County, They l-iveC ln Lewistown for sornetjme until they moved to PoJ-son, Monta,na,[...]-9tr0. tr did not see rny grandmothen again until I was 1? years old Aunt Pearl and Uncl-e Ted hornestead ed in fhe Snowy Mountains, southeast of, Lervistown & above the east forl- of $pning Creek, Uncle Ted. was mentj.oned in El-l-en tlall?s story in tl:e tt Fergus County Herita,ge Booktt' I thj-nk the T)rams moved away in L920. Theplent to[...]ching positlon at the Universi-ty where he taught for nany years " Afber Daddy came to Montena hre dj-d nar{y kinds of work, ltre fri-eghted fnom B5-J.1ings to Lewistow[...]bs. He also wonked at rbhe smelter in Great Falls for sometime. He nursed snall-pox casas duri:rg bhe epidern-1c i-n Great falls. I donlt lmow what year rut while in the Grest Falls[...]ame good friends. ,iving in Central l'lonte,na at that tirne for more than r deeade, doing the things he did arrd moving around a good deal, he beeame acqralnted with most of bhe pion )er settlers and many of the proninent towns people, . dontt know where he met nry rnother &lith I'Ia.e Mc Far €,nd, who was born in lowa. Her parents l1ved et Iinthrop when I was a small child. l4y parents were ramied at Winbropr I r*as born in April of t9I? in 2rr |
![]() | Great FaLls Deaeoness Hospitalr so I suppose they were living bhene then. They wex"e l[...]]?rL9L8. This was, a tough ,*inter and WorLd War I fl-u ep,i-demic was at it"s peak. Our r Mother was f,j.ne for 6 days after my brofhers birthn \ then her health t,ook a turn of sort,s. In spite of aL, that Daddy and the neighbore coul-d do, ehe died 1l- d[...]&B onJ-y l-7 daye oLd," This was a teruible ti-me for n1y Father and he now had aL1 the reeponsibil-ity[...]w&s bonn wibh digest'j,ve Lnoubl-e ard lt seemed for the first rnonth t'hat noL a thing agreed with him, We tried rnlLk of all kinds, cowsrgffit*ewes, nrareerand caruned nd[...]t (a forest rangers wlfe) r+ith 3 sne,Il ehiLdren i+ho Lived on Cottonwood Creek took eare of baby Jay much of the tirne. I nernernber whiLe Daddy d,id. nronning chones at t[...]p and put nne ln a horee feed box t"o keep me out of troubl-e and wa,rrlr. Just befone ry thind birLh-[...]no waten near the bulildinge on the pLace. We had I to haul water in sumnrer and mel-t a Lot of snow in the\ wj-nter. Daddy dld sevenaL things wh[...]Ld a 2 st'ory rectangular house. He had some help for the bough parts, but did a great deal of the work himself. He tined it with lathr so it had to be plaetered. He obtained ldr Gnandpa Eckhert for this Job. He was the Father-in-Jaw of the lady who 272 |
![]() | kept baby Jay. Jay was now about 4* years old and I was past 6. M:" Eckhent wore a grandpa bearrt" W[...]s nealtry sdd. f think we lived in the new house for absut a year, when Daddy decided we needed some[...]ear with his bed tied to the wagon and some oats for the horses. He was direeted bo South Fork on Flatr+illot' on the Nonth side of the Snor+ies, where he rnet a fellow who had asmatr3 sar+mi]I and some lumber" This mans name was, Saott St Jen[...]gh sehool. The parents were seri-ousl;r thinking of trying to find a place t"o live ss their kide eo[...]it with nry fathen. He came honne with his load of J.umber, and thinking absut trading places r*ith the St Jerneins * later he r*ent back fon another load of Lunber. IL was decided we wsuld nake the trade v[...]fsund us on a fairly nice day with 2 wagon loade of what ever we were taking" The heavy articles had[...]udibh Mountain home and travefed around the edge of Lewistown, up $pring Creek, on to Heat,h, and ov[...]on through Forest Grove and almost to the bottom of ,Sutre-nuff HitrL ?his is i+here we were prt up for the Jnight by the Stretch family. People were alwaye so helpfirt and kind " The next day, on the road q*ite ean\r, we cros[...]rson bench, and Carson grade and into South Fork valley.TLrere we turned to the west and tra -veled up South Fork creek" I thlnk we only passed 2 occupied building groups. The first one we I'ater was to learn was, Joe Randlers place. He wa[...]y. Qnce in a r'rhile he Would di-scuss a rooster that he owned. He said the rooeter was , ffpure bred Rhode Island Red, except he is Fite (white). Just a m'ile form oun destination, a nice set of buildings were along the hillside and smal[...] |
![]() | Iog buildings set farther west sf them, that had a sign on it readingrtt Pine Grove Post 0fficef That was to be our address f,or a few years, but part of the ti-ne in a diff,erent location ' This place was Griff & Beulah St Jerrnains' He was a brother of ScoUt, and I wilf caII these 2 people Mr Griff and Mr scot,t. I We covereC the last mile of our morning triprreaching |
![]() | [...]schoolhouse measured 24 x 36 or close to it, ft" i*as very dif,ferent than the school tr had. left,, but f soon found one can learn under ar4p conditisns i.f, they set their rnlnds to it. The teachers jobs[...]fire was started in the stove, as the first chore of the school day. The bigger boys usually went to the spring for wat,er. ?he St Jermains s ayed on at the place for about 2 weeks, leaving at the beginning of Christnas vacationr so they would have ti-ne to g[...]around enough kids at a tjme to pJay these kj"nds of games and we were to young to know how to play al[...]ing with them. Those 2 weeks stanted a life tjme of friendship with the fanr- ily, to the point of being as dear as kin folk. We didntt see them dun[...]red in a huge F€t. The furniture was placed out of the wayr or even out doors and the dancing began.[...]t acqlainted prty. It was the first dancing party I had ever saw, but certainly not the ]ast. Orer the years there were many community celebrations for most ar\y occasj-on. Sometimes srnall groups and sometimes filled houses. We soon learned that it was much fun. The Griff St Jermainrs household consisted of Beulah and her Uncle, an Elderly man named, Frank Younglove. He was adopted Unc1e of the whole community, with the n&me ofrtljn[...] |
![]() | [...]ar$rones Grandpa should" He slept in the building that we had saw the Pine Grove Post Offlce sign on. It afso housed bhe post office and he i*as postmaster. When the St Jermains }ef,t, the teacher eontinued to t bsard r*ith us. She and I were usually allovred the ( priviJage of riding a horse to school" Sonretjmes Mrs Andenssn bnought her horse from hone on North Fork, where she went for the weekends. Most of the tirne wo rode a work mare ealledrrrCoaU-efr,[...]ought her saddled and bridled from the barn ready for the trip tp school Evidently he didntL get her ti[...]have been a few mj-nutes early or the teacher and I were a few mi.nuLee late. Anyway when we were rea[...]r away and there she was, going, almost to go out of sight behind the ridge beside the roadn She r*ae[...]ith out us if we were going to be slowpokes. Lots of kind of things, mar{f of then bad may have happened to people, if ii had not been for trusty old faithful In this case, C[...]me. Winter wnet by and school was closed bhe last of April. I wae sad at both loosi-ng the teacher, because I would noL see her often anymore and at school closing, as I really liked going to school. I had learned so much in 4 months while I had been there. Mrs Anderson r,ras t a really good teacher, especial\r for early grades. \ She had an abundanee of patience. After other schools were out^ Mrs Bror*[...]Ihey were Ethel 11, and Tomry 9. Ihere was a lot of things to do to keep 3 or 4 kids from 1I to 6 busy and helpfuI, Always wood and water to keep in supply and that supply almost never seemed enough. Baby ca[...] |
![]() | [...]eek, * mife or so from our house. A steam ,ensine for power and slab wood for firing it. It was I Jnrall mili, that took 5 on 6 men to nake 5 or 6 thousand feet of lumber a Cay. l'1r S StJerrnain boarded at the[...]on meal with us also, TLre workers were Ed Roane, I4arin RoanerGeorge RoanerGeorge TripkierJohn Schaf[...]Day and. Jack wil}iams. It was a real busy sunmer for all of us. so interesting to us kidsr &s we had so much[...]body at our house was taking a well deserved day of r"ut from the weekly labor. Mr Griff came up, and[...]before. As she nas a frj-end we had not met, aII of us kids acted. tike bumps on a log. We didnft see ntsny ner* kids often. Finally, one of the mill trorkers ask one of us if r^re had a baII. We said yes and went and f[...], Iris Mc Williams and she waa a p year old neice of scott and Griff st Jerrnajns. This was the beginn- ing of a life long friendship for some of us. She stayed with the scott and Griff st Jerrnains. After that one tctrm of country school, she stayed at her home in Lewisto[...]and Aunt Beulahs. There was always a lot Ioing on that was interesting. Riding horseback for /o*r or p:tting up hay. l'{,aking ice-cream or swimmirg ,1r."* a must for us kids. I hope Iris enJoyed the time we epent together as m[...]s we did through out the yearsn The school ter^rn of L925 & L926 was a year for illness at our house and the corffnun:lty. During November some of the kids had whosping cough. Some were out of school for 2 and 3 weeks. In December, brother Jay came down with pneurnonia. He was very iII and on the 3rd day of his illness, with no sign of the fever breaki-:rgt one of us kids was sent to Mr Griffe with a note aek ing him to go to Grass Range for Doctor Freed. It v*as b{e afternoon and a storm w[...]k to our place sornetime after mldnight, and then of course 277 |
![]() | [...]ce bhat Jay would recover, and givng a great Ceal of crediL to the onion por-rltices and mustard plasters thaf were bo be applied regularly. That was the kind of neighbors that most of the people were" A,Iways ready to help in any emergency, I never rnet Dr Freed, but I do know she did much good for the area surrounding Grass Range" That wasn?t the end of illness at our house or in fhe community that urinter, Ihe last part of February and inLo March an epedernic of snall pox struck, Very few in the country escaped[...]ousehoLd had them, but it seerls, brother Jay and I came down wj-th Uhem first. I really habed being il}, as I hated missing school The teacher came down with the snralL pox too and they had to close the school That I believe, was the worst year for illness at our home in all our years there" Uncle Frank wanted to give up the responsibility of running the Posb Office, $o it uas decided Lhat Bla,ncir would put in an application for it, trt r+as sent to the government in September of L925. The rnail at that time came to la,vina, a snrall town locat,ed on t[...]brought the Pine Grove nail & another Post Office of, Clara. Pine Groves mail was ( brought porbably o[...]route patron had their own snall mail sack, nade of heavy grade cotLon naterial. People often used sL[...]ae ne went the route leaving the seeond sack full of nail for you, and took it bo fhe post offiee, where it was[...]ly not, opened again until it got back to Lavina,.Of course, he brought nail back in the sane b[...] |
![]() | [...]ies not on the route. During the earliest years that we got mail at Pine Grove, a lvlr Dela,pp broug[...]ek. Later a Mr. W.H.Streeter succ- ) essfully bid for the noute for 2 terms, however he died befone the ]ast terrn[...]inished the term in his fathers place. At the end of the second term the route was discontinuedl I belleve that was Ln L932. Blanche Brown becarne the poetman tnL926. That was another job and a large one to keep everything right for Uncle Sam and also very confirming, as sure as the postmaster wasntt home, a caller came for their mail" Blanche always enjoyed people?s visj[...]et a store }icense, then he could buy wholesale. That way people could buy their groceries a few at a[...]baking powder, dried fruiLsrspieesrcandyrgun and of course tobacco. Tobacco was a big seller. the st[...]y needed fhat & often ran low wi-thout realizing i-t. Daddy would bry some colse-outs at the whoLes[...]. One winter he bought a .,gouple 1O0 pound sacks of peanuts. A litble story .beminded me of those peanuts, We happened bo have the ) peanuts and a portion was gave to each of us kids & a hired man who had been helping out for a few weeks, The hired man, being geite devilish[...]she wasnrt looking and she retaleated, and the 2 of them began having lote of fun by throwing peanuts at each other. This hired man was a fe1low by the name of , Ernmett Charbonnea,u. The rest of us kids were told to stay out of the fight and there were shells all over the pla[...]mess had to be cleaned up by bedtj:ne. Ethel and I had to do it without too much dilly-da1lying around, becauoe bedtjrne was to be at I PnM." Elections were also held at our house. The 'f irst years that we lived on the place. Daddv had a"[...] |
![]() | herd of cattle along with a libt,Ie Civensif,icaLion of whai ever we could produce that, was saleable' We aI- ways nnnaged a living, Dadd[...]ho still owned {\ Iand. It was on\r a bill for exp,enser because oft,en they couldnrt even rent, ib for pasture. .As Daddy be- came financially able, he[...]main inLerest and keeping only a few cattle, Most of the time we had a few milk cows as the cream alwa[...]morning and evenings we had to pull bhe can out of the waLer, pour the cream in, then put the can ba[...]eepirg bine wifh the milk sqr.rirts into the pail I wonder now how we sounded, back then r*hen we didntt care, We were doing a job that had to be done and doing some- thing we liked at[...]tt Oh, anyplaceT So he r"rent to the farthest end of the cow barn and he sat down to an ani.nal that looked like a cowr He { could not see very well, becauso it was Lo dark, It ; turned out not to be a cowr I know that the nn,n ltas \ surprised and humiliated, but we[...]ny" While Daddy was stil} running the large herds of cattle, before they were turned out on the range in the spring, there was always one big Cay of branding and dehorning, and ear-marking also went with the job. I never liked branding day" Most all were prt to use carrying water for those hard workers or wood for firesr otr standing in a place wavi-ng your arns to keep the poor victinn of the hot iron and knife from getting away w[...] |
![]() | [...]t ever they carried wit,h them or naybe stopping for the night, near a ranchr where somebody woul-d offer bo pay though ,very few would aceept pay for a meal-, Wa sor of a law lof the rangerl guess. Cattle were usually shipped from nnd Septenber through the first week of October. As I remenber it, the railroad prJ-ce, included the return fare for -the catble owner or helper in fhe shipping char[...]the cabt l-e cars, the exLra helpers could head for home, )-eading Daddyts horse' This trip took the[...]eattle, These men went wifh the eattle fo check that none got, down and tranpled on and also to feed[...]et,imes was erowded anC not -'yery eornfortabl.e, I suppcse they earried sonrething t,o eat a'it,h th[...]' Ofi these trips Daddy r*as gone about 2 weeks ' I remember one trip, he got back to Lewistorryn and[...]the other haLf, One year, Daddy took 2 car Loads of eaLtl.e to rnarkei ' There was about 50 head of eattle for which he recieved $I20Q, dollars. Ihat was about twenty dollars apiece. I doilt remenber the year but it was before t93O'In the fal-l after several days of riding and getLing aII the cattle togefherr the d[...]o to the ';/nrarket" " The market was maybe in St Paul or Chieago lstockyardg, When the bunch[...]we could help with the driver unfil they were out of the mounlains where it was fhe hardest t,o keep c[...]omeward, rnade grite a day' When we got the sheep that mosbJy ended therttBig Cowboy Stufftt'[...] |
![]() | [...]to go to town and back in a ( d.ay. One of the neighbors had a blue Dodge touring |
![]() | [...]sfack arrd had to be pitched by forkr oil and off of a Xsad f,rom a rack., usually on a wagon gearsp w[...]arrer damns )n our pLace, and if we had the right kind of weather there would be thick ice, about I/a Lo 18 inches thick on them. This was harvested[...]ep sawdust too. It was a very valuabl-e necessity for homernade j-ce-creamr or a drink of ice water in bhe sunrner. If, l{e were lucky and[...]lons, they were buried in the damp sawdusi on top of the ice. Pubting up wood and ice were some tjmes[...]worked hrard, many were ready on a Saturday night for more of thioser rt Throw out the fur- niture and dancetr part,ies. They were held at most aqy oneis home for any occassion, Evident\y they were goo therapy, D[...]Larger cror,.lds attended these dances, .A, f,ew of us often went to the d.ances held at the Forest G[...]d L93l+, Donations were oftern accepted and taken for good causes. Mr Griff prrchased one of the first radios to be owned by our near neighbor[...]i-rneg d.uring fhe years, The nein culturaL doing of the y(:ar was usual\y the Pine Grove Christnas Pr[...]d some good progralns. Eveny one came in besb of clothing to nake the performers feel wothy. Maybe 30 people yrotrld be there" Santa or a heJ_per sh[...]e and coffe rnrere served" It wes an exciting day for the school children. Iris McWilliams completed her education to teach and appU-ed for the Lg36-37 term, This was the last fulI year of school there. there were no echool age chi[...] |
![]() | [...]re was frequ- ent changes in growth and operation of the p1ace. f berieve there was only I more land puchase. That wad a place in the Durfy hilIs, South of the N-Bar ranch. The last years on the home place brought personal adversity to Daddy. As aII of ue kids approached to adulthoodl we all changed in j-deas and personality, I married in L935 and brother Jay joined the C.C.C. pro gram for a yeer. By spring, Daddy had treded the home plac[...]ming. It Just wasnlt his goar in llfe. so by fall of L939* Daddy eord the stock and land jn the Durfy[...]o visit his Moth en ard Sister. They stayed there I or 2 yeans, then deci-ded to go to California, that it would be a good pJ-ace to be. Sorne tj_me duri[...]he would rather be baek in or close to the pJace of his birth. He eettl,ed in Hot Springs Arkansasn where he stayed for about 4 yea.rsc FIe and a new wife then went back[...]e at the age af 7Ar Daddy buiLt a 3 bedroom house of this and Lhat and whabever he coul"d pick up at s[...]t time we were in Calid'ornia, Mrs Hiatt was stil-I livi.ng in the house. Daddy paseed away in Long B[...]Father got his srnal-L empi.re built Just in tjme for ti to be torn apart. Our I0 years there was a wonder{tI oxper- ience, whieh I remenber fond\i. We owe and I want to give a lot of credit to Mrs Blanche Bnown for rnany of the accomplishments of this past venture. She did as much as shc could t[...]passed. awiy in western washi-ngt'on the sunmer of 1948, Her son claude[...] |
![]() | Stani Lankutis M,ade of Strong Stuff Stani Lankutis who homesteaded southeast of Forest Grove in l9llr was rnade of stnong etuff . He was a Lithuani-an, who was drafted inLo the Russian {/ anEy in I90I, and fought the Russo-Japanese war qf f90L-I905. Stani was captured by the Japanese in the Baitle of Mukden in nor'thern China, and r*as a prison- er ,)f war fon a year.- ilere ie the story that wae !n the Democrat,-Newsr 5? years &8or that descrj-bed Sta'ni with his war experience$r &nd h[...]Japanese wan w&s deecribed to Roy Marsh, mana8er of th; Calvert HoteJ-, by Stani La,nkutis, proml-nen[...]He wae dnafted into the Russi-an army in the falt of 190Ir and in l-904 the war between Ruslia and Japan bnoke out. He Landed at Harbinn Chinar or Chrlstrnas day of the same yearn aften they travel-ed for 63 days in a box canrbefore affj.ving at their destj.na'{:j-on. He f,ought in the BattLe of, Mukden from Christrnas untiL the latter part of Februalyo In this battle, his battalion of 3000 men w&s captnredt i,+ith onty I0o surviving the horror, the others being either killed sn wounded. The reunainden were herded like cattle fon 21? days, until they reached the sea' Lankutis was aprisoner of war for 1 yean, and then an A,merican ship took him back[...]f,or $ ?-5.CQ a year. It' wae during t,his peniod that he nade up his rn:ind to eome to Ameri-ca and seek his f,ortune, He arrived in New Yonk City in April of 190? with appnoxi-nately $ e'40 in his pocket, no[...]ld not speak the Englisfr tanguage. In the spring of 1908 he came to Fergus County and has reeided here since that time, He fil_ed on a homestead at Foresb @[...] |
![]() | [...]by Leno Lankutis Her are some of thenernories rry brother Justin & I have of our folks, Mary andStani Lankutis, when we were g[...]o Chicago, 'where he worked in the railroad yards for a while. After hie brother joined him frorn lithu[...]to the Milwaukee Railroad. They dug the air shaft for ventilation as their first job. Dad told of haring the advertisement put out by the l"lilwauk[...]ed the homesteads, because it meant more business for his railroad. hauling out a lot of the homesteaders and also their suppli-es. Dad, after his brother died, came to Forest Grovel looki-ng for a homestead to file ono The choj-ce sj-tes were pretty well claimed by IgIL when he filed on I5O acres near where the present o1d buildings are. I remenber hj-rn saying that he hat on a rock and cried wondering what to do n[...], He went back to Roundup and bought a Hanbleton i-an nrare which he rode out to Lhe honestead, She[...]d finally did at Rourdup where he had bought her. I can remember the horse as a high spirited nare that was the Mother of a Lot of Dadts work and saddle horses. He then started }ooking for a nachinery dealer who would let hj-n have a plor* on credlt so he couLd break up sod" I remember hi-ur say- ing the dealer that did so was BiIl Wiefuran Sr, who ran the Montana Hardware " He vras the Father of Art & BiII Wierlnan Jr". Dad said ltliednan told him that he, rrlooked honesttf and he would trust him until fall.{y Dad always admired I{r Wiedncn for his kindnosg. After a, few years of batching, Dad decided thst this Has, trfor the bi[...]his neighborsrsyversonsr, Isaacsr and Boughtons, that he was going back to Chicago to find a wife, ad if he didntt he wasnft coming back. If that happened they could do vrhat lhey wanted w[...] |
![]() | [...]Mike & ltriek were severeJ,y gassed in Worlcl War I. Nick passed away in t'he ]ate 1930is, and Mike m[...]to a dairy fanm where he raised 9 ehildren. Eight of, whorn ar'e stiil livi.ng. Mothen wonked aE a seanetress ard for the milroads cleaning pulfunan eatrs between[...]at, Fcrest Grove, &d Look them home to the raneh. I renember Mon te}ling about asking Dad what kind of a house he had and that he was pretLy nrague as to the condition et,c of the cabin. The finet shock Morn got r+as when Lhe[...]th Mornrs indusLri"- ousness, it didntt take long for hen to have thej-r place pnesentabJ-e, with a coat of r+hitewash and a real bedl then a Leanto added fo[...]who left, untiJ- he acqr.lired the pnes ent ranch of over 3OO0 acres. The homesteadens were most}"y Xo[...]en renb or sel-L thein property" tr can remen*ber that one was fnom Indianan another was a prizefighter,[...]g in his cabj-n bo keep li.nbered uF . Justin and I would t"ake turns writ ing Dadts Letters for hin, since he could onJy sign hie name. tr dontt remember the foLks ever speakirlg i Libhuanj"an except fon some word they couLdntt think |
![]() | hand in the fields for marly years until he could so aff,ord a hircd man for part of the year. Even then she would rather be out"doors working. I ean Just re- mem er the 3Ora" A lot offellows worked for their room and board during the winter v*hen the[...]t, whene he died 1n a mine fl-ood. The big event, of, the year was going to KJ-ein, to rrisit UncIe George Chieldj-nas. Justin tells of, going by t'eam and buggy, a 2 day trip. He also[...]d Mom putting hjm to bed in the horse marrger. I remernber (af,ter we went, rnodern), Dad gett,ing[...]would atJ. pitr-e into the l4odetr T, a Foad.ster that Dad bought for L5 bucks. Jown Flatwillow we wouLd go to,It 16 ni[...]m Nelson Lives fiowr Barring an abnormai. nurnber of ilat t'i-ree and no Lhundenstonms r w€ usuatr-Jy go'b Lh[...]ts€rs, tr had a hard time convincltg ;he folks that it was no maJor undertaking to geb in ,he can and[...]year baby, having been born on February 2pth in .8I8. So every {. years the neighbons would come from[...]with his xpeni-ences in China and .Iapan.tr wish that there were ape recorders then" because I wonrt attempt to recal lot of his day t,o day experj-ences ovetr t,here, as I ay not be accuraie. I do nemember hin telling of be- ng crammed into a ship with hatches shut and[...]healy seas. Thi"s bringe back nremories to Iot of fellows in Wor1d War II, of rioting againsL he Japanese in prieon, becauee t[...]s they got, a,-- ty with it and got better food. I donlt reeall the rpanese doing that during the Won1d War II. Dad told f being etuffed into a little box Like our soldiers 249 |
![]() | [...]tured" These Korea incidents are some of the few I remernber and are fair ly accurate on nly part. Dad was in r what I suppose now would be a heavy weapons company. Instead of the usuaf rnortars and machineguns, they used the[...]a 5 foot target consistent 1y at up to 1200 yards That was apparently the r€&s- on for thettBattle sightsff on bhe old military rifles,[...]ed to make was in Japan. Dad wae a prisoner there for a while during the Russian-Japanese War. In other[...]rom our family. Dad forgot more about horses than I will ever know, but when he tang- Ied with motors[...]rr the last f ew miles were because Dad got tired of fjxing flats or ran out of patching" The drop center rims on the 29 Chevrolet, that, he could not get to fasten were always a mystery[...]rnaster bhe technique. Dad had a bemper, so most of the rirns, bore reny hammer dents and consequently all sprung out of shape. So they had a distinctive sqreak going down l4ain Street in Lewistown. I remember the gates he had to fix whenr trthe dann[...]so she couldntt get on out. She did walk the rest of bhe way home though. Dad near\r died of the flu in l9L9' Justin lras a baby sor George Is[...]fhe hill every day and cut wood and do the ehores for },lom until Dad got better. Mom didnrt know much[...]er coal at the McBride rnine. After trading wheat for flour at the elevator, he[...] |
![]() | [...]reet Grove Merchantile store ran by Oscar Hansen, for sugar, staples and maybe a l"ittle candy too if there was money left. A big trip I f ll- always remember, was r*ith I'iom on Saturdays to Porest Grove wj.th the team a[...]sstr_yrs. We wsuld then buy groceriee and get out of town while the train was eoming back from Winnett[...]woul-dnrt scare the horses. The annual vacation for Daci was a trip back to Chieago with cattle. We t[...]the earlier days during the hard times the check for the cattle would banely pay the freight bill" The[...]d going to dances at somebodys house. Dad did not like to dance, but Mom really enjoyed dancing if Dad w[...]omebody played eards with him after he got there. I remember a boy that worked for us, that had the most stamina of anyone I ever knew. He wore a 1ight levi jacket sunmer and[...]uld get on nis hsrse,(usually one he was breaking for someone,) rnd went d.own the road to r--., guess[...]him rtaying home a night, although he rnust have. I do remenber the one morning he was Late. His hors[...]ptt and fel1 off his horse & tad to walk the rest of, the way hom€. WG were bapbis- d Catholics, but[...]and Christnas. In later years, when le had a car, of sortsr w€ would go to church in 'onest Grove, o[...]d in Winnett and had an old beat pI926 chevrolet that he drove to Grass Range and to 'ceet Grove once a month. That was quite a trip in 'hose days. The homesteaders like ny folks, had real ough tines, but they a[...] |
![]() | little or no expense. A lot of thern, I think, were just out for adventure and a little profit. This was probab\r[...]art, after br:ing all over Europe and Asia. A lot of the homesteaders such as my folks didn?t have arq[...]ng the depression yearsr so theyhad to rnake a go of it. The country was not fulJy settled when qy fol[...]c- es and get into crops and gardens. In the days of steam engines and threshing rnachines, l'lom told of the crer,r eating a whole beef before they were d[...]moving in so, they otayed a week when they should of been gone in a couple days. Dad also had to bomow[...]s, or otherwise he would have lost what he had, I guess there Just wasntt ar\y money to be h[...] |
![]() | [...]Lillian and Tom Gregory Parents of Myron Gregory Lillian Gregory, Mother of Myron Gregory was born at Cascade, Montana, then Montarra territoryr September ]2th, l-882, the daughber of l,lyron and Ellzabeth UIc Daniels. She was a gnaduate of the Grest Falls high school and a college in Ohio. l'lrs Gregory taught a school for a time near Cascade, where she was rnarried to To[...]e area. Lillian Gregory passed away in Sept ember of tr946. She was a good business woman and act- j-v[...]Gregory Mother and Father of l4yron GregorY 2rt |
![]() | [...]1876, the son sf Iseral Hayter Gregory (a native of Seotland) and Mary Jane Hastingsr(who r+as born i[...]rn inGreat falLsn January 15 th 1910, the son of Thornas and Litrlian Gregory" His Father, Thonu.s Moruis Gregory rneved. Lo ChestnuL Valley near Cascade in about L9A7, Thornas Mornis was born September 2I'f875, in Dekalb County neatr Stew- artsville, Mis[...]MacGregor, was outlawed in Scotland" Some members of the CIan changed their nane to the now-Gregory name which signi-fiesrtr the son or descen dant of Gregor" lf;rronts mother, Lillian (Mcnaniel), was[...]2rL882, in Cascade County and grew up in Chestnut VaLLey" After finishing high school in Grest Falls, she[...]llege in Ohio, Return:lng to Mont'.nar she taught for a tine at the Chestnut Valley school near the town of Cascade, Lillianfs parents were [yron & { Elizabe[...]ounty, New York, August 28thr1851, He was the son of wilrismand MaryJane (Meade ) i'tcoaniers. The Father, liilliem, !{as born in the norLh of rreland of a scottish father and an rrish Mother, I'{yron I' . ran:iers Iulother was born in England" wirriam[...]Utica, New lork, where he went into the business of nraking soap and candles. M;ron McDanieis canne t[...]ld" He came into Chestnut Valtey riding the w4gon of Jinmie Austin whom he had met at Sun River" He pre-enpted 160 acres of land and went in business[...] |
![]() | [...]also ran r sawmill" He prospered in the Chestnut Valley and rcgrired 5L2O acres, most of which were 1n the Sheep lreek area. On August 3rL[...]She was born at Kj.ngstonrCanada und at the tjrne of rneeting Mr MeDaniels, she was }iv- ,,ng in Alban[...]rew up on a smaLl 'anch 4 miles from the ChesLnut Valley schoo] and 8 tiles from the town of, Cascade. Ihey raised caLtle , rheeprpigerchicken[...]off the bus, because hey had Just let a skunk out of the traps. It was an ngenious way to get out of, going to schooln Myron ent to the Chestnut VaIIey school for his first 4 rades. Then the school r*ae consolida[...]ooln He recie- ed free rent, ad he cleaned a bank that was in the rne buildi-:ng" Starting when he was )[...]re. He rrked several years before he quit because of a lack I money and the depression. He then left Bozernanr&[...]his Missouri relation. .ving in Missourl was one of Iul;rronrs fondest memorj-es. .s eousin, l4ary I[...]visits, Tom and Lillian Gregory decided I move to Forest Grove area shortly after l"[yron ret 'ned to Montana. In the spring of L932r they moved ' the present Garber plac[...] |
![]() | ill and passed away that spring" Myron and his Mother renLed at the Garber place for a short bime before naoving to Lhe McCauley prlace' They stayed there for several years as ren|ors, and then bought the pre[...]y ptace.on June 27 t 1935, Myron nranried l4artha i Hill, The ceremony was at her parentts ranch at P[...]st son, was born in a s&rr Five more chil-d- ren, I4yronC" (Bee) rJohnnArthur, Thomas (nrtcfr) and A.[...]st 2 sheep camps. He stayed in the sheep business for about, 2L years, T\llo of his favorite sheep-herders were John ny Beal and[...]3, M;rcon rented the Brovrn p3-a,ce on Flatwillow for cattle pasture ' i{e alss raised hogs. In the ]atel960ts he starLeC[...]boar stock from around frhe country' His interesL i_n hogs lead to his active participatisn in fhe Po[...]os" They necieved several local arrd state awards for their contribtrtion to the porl industry. AI1 Log[...]erience both befor and after ngrraige and in the For- est Grove area incLuded l+6 yen,rs as a pork producer, 34 years as a sheep.rman, arrt 48 years of raising of cattle, $rcon was veru fond of meeting people and visiting" He loved to be on t[...]e road, He and Martha were able to travel to nany i conventions and. spent several winters i-n Arizonia" t He was a menber of the Fraternal Order of Eagles for {2 years rMasonic Friendship Lodge L39 tcalvary cornmand er }f Royal Arch Masonic chapber I5r AI Bedoo Shrj-ne and. a lifetime member of the Central Montana Pork Co- uncil, State Pork P[...]estnut Val}ey area and died withj-n a few nonths of each other, Several of Lhe I0 FIaIey children went to live with neighb[...] |
![]() | wetrr read and a member of the wornents cristj-an Ternp- erance union. Gus m[...]rrgton in 1932 and went on fo become Lhe rnanager of, the rargest rumber xiIl j-n the Pennrnsul"a of Por$ A,ngel-es" lnl;rron passed lway in March of 1980. He had recently returned from .tlntering in[...]ill Gregory was bonn to Benjami-n J & Sigri-d {il-I on Janua ry 7 ,LgL3, at the log }-iornestead house on ;he HilI Ranch south of Chead.le' No one could have (nown, thab she would[...]d become an active ribal part, in the developmenf of the cornurunity and .ocal organJ-zations, Her par[...]ative Norueg- -an6, giving her a direct, henitage of which she was rary proud " Benjamin J Hill, hd ir[...]filing the homestead in -88?. Sigrid (gere) HiU- i-rnigraLed J-n, 1!3-0, from TeIe rark, Norway, arr[...]h Norwegian fri-ends and they fere matrried in l-9I2" Withln a f,ew years, Martha and rrother Ben wer[...]ing Norwegian Christrnas ,radi-tions, eating lots of fish. th€.t aruived in big arrels from Minneapoli-s and ridi,r8 in the wagon to 'isit neighbors" One of the higltlights of her early -ife rroras a tri-p to San Francisco, B[...]n to a warmer clinu'te 'or the devastating winter of f919, They ate fishr€xt- ioyed tlre ocean and h[...]ide school, and Hent on to finish grade chool at that location. During her younger years' artha had a fondness for horses and i^lould cli-mg on ny kind. One July Athrcelebration in Forest Grove,[...] |
![]() | [...]y horae" Martha won the racer but missed the rest of the celebration" Martha attended Fergus ( County[...]ol" Her church home was the Zoin Lutheran Ch rchr i+here she was extensively invoLved in Luther Leagu[...]He feI} total-Ly in love with this love\y Norweg- i.an girl" After a shorL courtship, Myron proposed[...]Ethel Kizer, Marthats best fniend uras her nraid of honor. M;rron and Martha Lived on the Mccauley pl[...]ande, eheep herders and cropsn lulantha took care of the babies, J.iked the cows and naised a large ga[...]log rooms t'o kitchen and triving area" The re*t of, the familJr, Anthurn?homas I (gutc5), and, A,rdith were born in t,he next, six[...]nk aystem f,on 15 yeare, pr.ltti-ng through ealls for ovetr 20 Foneet Grove, Fairview ard Surenuf, farnj-Iies. When Lhe N- Bar ranch was part of the system, she would have to pr.tt throtrgh up t[...]as a gracj-ous, dedicated and hard working nember of more onganizatisns thnoughout the year$. She was a memberroffleer and or President of the Arula $nalJ,ey Chapter of tf,e Eaetern Star, Central Montana Cowbel[...] |
![]() | [...]Council' 4 H was a very imporbant 'amily acLivity for the Gregorys ' lutrartha was a leader ,f the Forest Grove Feeders CIub, for 14 years. She ras the guiding and supportive motivation that promp ,ed the six chilrlren to complete 57 years,[...]j-th achieved several tate awards and trips. One of Marthats favorite on- ;anizations was t,Lre Eastern Star. She was n of,.ficer nf member far 22 years and found tlee fraternal Chris ,ian fellowship a speciatr part of her life' Durirr.g he 1970ts and earJ.y l980ts, Myron and Mantha travel- ed mucfr of, the yean. They knew hundreds of people & njoyed visit,ing fnierds and relatives[...]nly on areh 1911980r upoil returnS-4g f,rorn one of their trrps. ,e was very deep3-y nnissed by l4ar[...]rne on the Gregory anch, She passed away in M,ay of X983r following everal lengtty illnesses' The c[...]b to thern, Benrraoved, to SeattLen John esides i.n Lewj-sLown, [yron C, is at t'he home tranch,[...]h .ucleur power, Thornas is 5-n ilougJ.as, Wyorn-i-ngr& works or a gas compar{f, and. SJ-s - Ardith Lindgren, is a rersoo€I depantmenb rnanager and secretary fon the A. .I. company in Seattle, Washi-qgton' Gregory Coat" of Arms[...] |
![]() | I4r and Mrs Ben HiII Sr' Parents of Martha Gregory 26r |
![]() | [...]l r+as born in llaugesonrNorway, in 1858" The son of Joe and }dantha Haugeo He was or i of, 7 ehildnen, anci grew up on the coast of Norwa where his parents farned and fished. Both h[...]sane province, Thejr birthdays being in the years of I82/i and k830. Een was educated in Nonway throughrrrgyani-st!r which is the equivoLent of our high school" As a yound nan, his first trade[...]ted States Citi- z€rle It r+as during this time that he deeided to change his narne to Hill. Thanslate[...]and in L885 filed on a homestead" 3 rniles eouth of Chead1e" He p.rchased more le.nd and etarted in t[...]s and also purebred catt,Ie bueiness. Ben was one of the rnen r'lho took a personal" interest in the organizati-on of the Fergue County Rrrebred Livestock Association, which was one of Lhe mo,st ef'f,icienL organlzatione at the tjme w[...]s in the county. He assj-sted in bhe organization of t'he first Cooper- ative Grain Elevator Co", in Fergus County and was a director af the Eqrity Elevator Co. of Forest Grove. , A frienJ of nary of the early pioneers, his daughter, l |
![]() | [...]in lglL6- He was ln accurate observer and student of events. Ben will ulways be remembered as having great respect for his iami-\r, and neighbors and always had a kind word for ;hem, l,lrs Sigrid HilL Berg iigrid Berge was born i-n Telemark, a province in the -nland and central mount,aln area of Norway, August 2, -884r to Svening and A,ustrj-a, Berge. She was the third :hild of ten childf,€no She ruas educated in rural Nor t[...]lk 7 niles to school. Sigrid torked and took care of ehildren to accurnrlate enough toney to come to t[...]y j-n about 1910. Her first jobs hrere in rorking for families around Lewistown, while she was .earning to speak English, $he filed on a hornestead l,afun north of Forest Grove, but due to coyotes hor*l- ng ard r[...]his venture she niaryied Ben ill, and spent most of her busy lif,e on the Hil-l anch south of Cheadle, Her religious ethics and her candinavia[...]subnitted, was chosen fon therZ n utheran Church of Lewistown, of whi-ch she was a Ij-fe ember. Her husband passed[...]ati-on, She had 2 chil-dn€n, Martha and eru In I92l+ she rnarried John Berg" They had t gi-nI, ileen Brandt of Lewistoyn. This q.riet spoken, plea- tnt[...] |
![]() | [...]Your Life (sr bitgand pieces of it) by trrj"s Abbott[...]At the t.ender age of 2 ,she her I'Iother and 2 sietens[...]fe, Juri.y l3thr L983 r+ith a wal,k of 3 niLes to school-. Part of the time they had school at, Lheir home. In L9A5[...]ype by handrl*hich was no smaLL task. The wj.nter of Ig13 and l-9}4r juet af'ber Li-L got out og the Bth grade she taughL a futrI ni.nemonLh tern of, schoo] six niles ! from the fanS.iy hone" Eight months out of the nine I she roGe horseback to sahool every dayn Because of bad weathen she wae fonced to board wj.th a Russi[...]il eupper time. $he got so lonesome and home siek that she cried everT dey for a whole month. Lll and sister Connie cane to Montana in I914r and took up homeeteads. They hired Eel Finn a[...]d me $35.00 to build her homestead, cabln and now I?11 spend the rest of n\y life 'rorking for her 264 |
![]() | fior nothing.tt To prove up, on the homestead Lil ]-ive I there LB nonthe to establish residence. She dug out ;he spring and nade a box for it" made troughs and tiped water down to Lhen, plowed up land and raj-sed I ctrope During these busy sl.unmers she helped r+i[...]year LiI worked at ;he hotel in Forest Grove" At that time Forest Grove ras a bustU-ng Little community consisting of a hote! rlevator, restaurant, post off,j.eerblack[...]Lil stayed with hem did the cooking and eared" for the children" May aught the lst- .f,oun gnades,[...]er 14 gradee " Ihe school had the fj-rst 2 y'ears of igh echool also" One Xe&f,r whj-Ie Lil taught Mi[...]l\y drove in a one-horse buggyt robab$ a distanee of /** or 5 rough miles one way. il- went back to Gackle in I9f5, Disaster struck the ohnstad family at Chrietnas time of that year, when he hotel burned. Lil sister Connie and[...]d ouse and moved to Montana in the epning toon In I9t6 ills sisterrPollyrher husband, ard 3 children[...]Dime bore. While she was r+orkirrg for Woolworths was flfered the nanagership of a Woolworth Store in Ka]i- reII. Because of Edfs work she was unable to accept re Jobrbut she did teIl her bosertt ht I donrt lctow rough to rnanage a store.tt ll[...] |
![]() | [...]unt Studiol rnaking costunes " She r*orked on a $ I0r000 full length black velvet gownt trimmed r*ith genuine Ermine, and eovered with sequins, This was nade for Lillian Gish. At this ti-me LiI also ( worked aL a delicatessen for a fiery litt,Ie Italian who fired her every day,[...]ad lived before. Ed, &&o- aged ttre elevator here for & years " In f930 they noved to Geyser where they[...]dup where Ed worked on the Rehabilitation Program for 8 months" He took sick that fall and passed away in FebruarXr of L936. The sunmer of 1936 Lil r+orked for Bargerts Photo Shop in Lewistown, In I93? she cooked 6 weeks of the summer seaaon for the Knof,fsinger Transportation Co' at Glacier Pa[...]r Recre ation camp or Dude Ranch in the foothills of the Snowy mountains, on bhe north f,onk of Flatwillow creek' Here LiI did the cooking and ke[...]0 to 1950 they rented the camp Lo the GirI Scouts of Roundup. From 1950 to L959 they ! rented ca[...]\ campers. In l9l+7 Lil was named Superintendent of the Artdeedlework department for the Central tr{ontana Fair in Lewistown. A fain board official pointed out that fr she had this spot for a number of years and is a real expert.tt Lil thought sherd pnobably had bhis Job for 9 or possibly IO years, but when we figure[...] |
![]() | [...]them to Roundup. After there r+as no moe demand for mj-ne propsrthey eut poets and poles. These went[...]ht with thern and she spent her time in the shade of a tree, i* her wheel chain, watching the birde, squimilsrchipmunksretc" While they wetre cuiting tj-mber, a I'ellow cELme up fron Melstone and saw Lhem tired,[...]the Insurance Center where urrey were taking care of things while Erd & LiIIian Kirkpatrick nade a bus[...]in the world 2 girls would work up in the timber like that at that' heavy wonk, when they could be holding down a job }ike that. trn l-95b &. L955 LiI worked at the Roupdup Meno[...]oundup, both as a maid and in the offiee.ln spite of Lilts busy schedule she has never missed the opp[...]Joy life to the fullest along the way. He!" love of travel is evidenc- ed in the following list of a f,er* places she has saw and been; She has seen all the western states and some of, Mexieo, all the Northern sta.tes, the New Englan[...]friend on Whidby Is land, a 3 week overseas tour of Norway, SwedenrDenmark Scotland and lreland with a wonderful Grayli-ne tour of, New York City on the return tri-p. She has also[...]birthday parties and aniversary celebrations for friends, and playing in all the rnarathone[...]s many as 3 at a tine. she stil does a great deal of crocheting for epople, pi,eces and ties qrilte for charitable organizationsr,&d makes m[...] |
![]() | for our local rest home and hospital. Shets still gane for arlything and ready to go at the drop of a hat. If you sayrrr Letts go Lil"rr She saysrrWh[...]o eome and help us celebrate LiI?s 90th birthday, I am sure we all wish her marqr years more of health and happineeslrtl Over 100 relatives and friends attended the open house for Lilfian Finnrs gOth birthday, aL the Rsundup Odd FeIlor+s hall, JuIy I3thrL9B3r from 2 prrn. ts & prllt in Roundup. Rela[...]Flhn , brother-in-law ard sister--in- law of Ed Fj-nn - Husband of Lillian Fi"nn |
![]() | [...]n Johnstad Finn Nestled in the foothill-s of the Little Snowies is r/ the long deserted Double Diarnond Bar Dude Ranchn ( 99 ) The ranch conslsted of a big lodge and two sleepirg cabins, all constructed of native }ogs. It j.s surr- ounded by giant pine and fir treesr r*ith an abundance of wild flowers. {y husband Edr had passed away a short tjrne before and r\y sister Polly Kirkpatrick, & I needed a means of income, preferably one which would allow us to[...]beloved home ranch. We came up wi-th the idea of a dude ranch, with Po1ly to take the guests on pack trips, and me to prepare the good country meals for the guests. We slecLed the name from ury brand[...]We selected a beautiful spot on the north fork of Flatwi Ilow creek, which was well stocked with[...]a, a coal niner from Roundup, and it was rnade of love\r natural rock collected from rrarious parts of our ranch property. Ttre Lodge consisted of one large nrain room with the fireplace. The f[...]rer rocking chairs /and a Jarge hand made table for the dining &rea. Tkte room was deeorated in a[...]r ant lers, a mounted buffalo head, the barrel of an old arny gunran Indian harnmer and arrows,[...]cabins, one near the lodge & one on the slope, that was reached by a stairway or a cljmb up the st[...]as cornpleted ,and our fi-rst guests ' a group of seven from California, amived on July 18 1938,[...]days and stayed 2 weeks. We did a snalL amount of newspaper advertiiements sent brochures[...] |
![]() | [...]ed fishing and swiming, which diversion eonsisted of lots of splashingr and vrhen fhe wafler was high enoughrd[...]riding, and rela:ci-ng" Guide pack trips wetre' pta.nrred and c&pied out by PoIIy and occasionally by[...]own, Rourdup, ad Grass Range. llle also leased it for nany years to the Roundup GirI Scouts for their srunmer camps. Today it is sad to re- turn[...]unlovedl but standing among the ruinsr one can 'i rnagine the wonder{\rl hapfy hours thab once were spent in that splendid setting.[...]v-i$[...] |
![]() | [...]1885. When a yound man of 14, he and a friend of his would take the goats up into the Alps for the surnrn€Fo They did this for 2 summers, saved t[...]ayed with his friend for a while & then went[...]ired as a cabin boy for the officer of the shi-p. He told us nany stories of the ship and the sea. From San Fran- cisco they saj-Ied around the horn of South America to Australia and. back. The ship was called ttrerts{ayfiel{ the ]ast, of the saili.ng ships. When the storms at sea would[...]to run up the mast to roIL the pails uponr a gust of r*ind would blor* the nast over the sea. Father s[...]er. Xpnder" Anothei tine the sailors told Father, that r that night they were going dovrn the hole to egt one of the officers llve chickens, to eat. They ask Fath[...]worked on a dairy farm in Livingston, l,lontana , for several year. When he was 21, he heard[...] |
![]() | [...]s a beautifut tittle spot" He built his cabin out of logs, bd a we]} and another building too, In lgtl[...]chool board" One day '*hile he was up on the roof of the school, one of his friends ask him why he was there workingr as he wag a bachelor" Father saidrtt Who knows, maybe someday Itl-I have a fanily, He }ived. there seveml years' He told us of his life on the homestead, his neighbors, the San[...]l the people r*ho had places beside him, He spoke of the N- ranch" He said he got very lonelyn Just he[...]ld it, to the Gearys ' Hi-s cabin is still a parb of the Geary homen (He lived on t'he Homestead for ? years.) He went back to $wit,aen].and for a wife, He found qy t.Iother, A young g5-rl working in the city of Lousanne, on the shore of I.ake Geneva" They lrere married in 1913, in Pompa[...]yed with his folks as she was wibh child, In May of l9l4r Mother cane on the lasL of the passenger boats bo the United Statesr &s World War I was on and this was the Last, ship f,or them. Fa[...]Range, and again Father got a new homestead east of Grass Range' Their homestead joined OIe olsens, Norman Nicklesonrthe George crooks, and a I,lrs Boles to the north' So rtrite Father uorked o[...]abin, Mother got the Qozy Restaurant, at the end of the street, by C1arks store. She had the pJace for 2 years ' Ttto sisters were born there, The Doct[...]hing. Father came home after the r*ar' He worked for J.MnJohnsonrJust over & hill from us, for a tine then rtent back to working on the rallroad, from Grass Range to Teigen. I can remember Mother taki&g a buggy on Fr[...] |
![]() | [...]rshrcactusrand snakes" The winters were so cotrd,,I tremomber Mother having t,o walk bo Ol-e OLsens to get xrd.l-k, Sheid light the i-ight, and, stoke the heati-ng sboven and LelI us[...]were 5 t3 t& 2" Three othen children were born on that, homest,ead. ' |4y sister & I werTL to the Kinnick school i-n I92l-, Father heard of, another farm, better ]and for rent on the Mc DorlaLd Creek, So in L922 they moved Liaere. ,[Il of us child- ren went to the Doulghty SchooL, Yerbetter L"and, they i-ived there ? years r&d t,hey did very well-. In 1930 they moved to fhe Crouse pla,ee east, of Grags Range, Lived there about, 3 years, then mov[...]e next to the BLake pJ.,ace, Wedding picture of MrJ{rs Alice Louise Bonzon |
![]() | About that tj-me the depression was onr- In December of L935, t'ather went to Seattler Waehi-ngton and got a beautlful home for us all. Mother was 8o happy. She saidrfr They tell rne ,there ,it is Just like it is in Switzerland.rt She made so nany plans. In Febnrarr5r of ( L936, she got very ill and was taken to the[...]eet her on the |
![]() | [...]by Raymond Francis Fishburn This i.s a story of the advent and progress of the ,John Fishburn Fanily at the approxi-mate date of rBB0 ivhen they arrived in l'Iontana. Ben Fishburn, as did many other men at that t,ime, with his wife and brood, of youngsters, found it, advisable to move westl f,n[...]war be- tween the states had ended, and promi.se of f,ree land out west sounded rea,l- good to Ben, S[...]cessit,ies ;: covetred wagono, muLes, and a tearn of horses and other gear needed. for such a trip, they headed west" Ben had heard of the government opening up huge tnacks of l-and in Okl,ahorna to be hornesteaded, Ben appar[...]nd finaJ-3y arni.ved at the then very suai-L town of Lewistown, Montana, I do not i:aye the d,ates and am writing soleJ.y from msmory of events that iletre tord to me' Ben fiJnarry f,ound. his piece of land at Castl-e Brtte near Lewisbown, tWhy?tton\y God knowsl r wilL at this tine list the names of, Benrs end his nifel Marganetts children;- MarljG[...]er boys, rnd if lqy memory serves me right, & boy of ll years cId, was considered. old enough to rnake[...]e mineE" They were expect contribute some of their eannings to the f.*iry ttilt!o at homenttl[...]boyn id ieorge, had searched and found his piece of land., I lay his piece of land, because that is exactly what :ach of these people vere S"ooking forr- eortr€thing, rspeeially a tiny piece of this worrd thst theJr couta :arr their owrtrr r c[...]the ;hrirr they wourd feer Just with Lhe thought of orin- -ng thelr olrn pJace" This spot rras at, I believeo tha ,gld of lfler Creek, or thereabout, appnoximatley t2 rires south of Forest Grove, !.{.onta;a,-Soon after Geon ;e home[...]hn, moved in rith him and proceeded to do his bit of homesteadins 'n adJoining land, The herd w[...] |
![]() | [...]urse there were certaln goverrunent req,rirenents that had to be met i1 order to become &n owner. A building to live in,[...]nd persuaded her to E6rry hjm and become the lady of hls new donain. WeII the way I look at it, the r*lfe of a homesteader was a life of hard work, frugal tr-iving, and a hope thet, thi nge would get betber eomeday. I will at this tilne j-n- troduee you to ry I'lother, Juli^a. She and her falilIlly, her Mother, a sister E114, and I brothersn Nelsr Hans and chrls Nelson came to the[...]cording to Motherrs sj-ster , EILa.. ttrey stayed for a short time at the Day reaid ence after arrivlng in LewLstown. I believe they then movd to Just eouth of the big spning and took up a honestead if I a^n not nistaken. That was only a few uriles from the Ben Fishburn homestead on Castle Ertte It seems tiketry that ny Father and l*Iother went to the saee echoolo Uut f an not certain. I do remember viv ( idly some of the tales uy l{other told me about the ti.rnes rny Fathen hauled f,rieght by teams of horses & wagons Lo rrarious places. He hauledloads of nool to nort Elenton, to be shipped to Eastern factolies- picking up a 1oad' of groderiesrdrygoodsrwhiskeyrand iff Hina" of tools etc to beul back to Ler+istown' l4any tj-me he r+ou}ti be gone for a nonth or 6 r,reeks on a trlp" Lnagine, if you c[...]tle wonant alone at the homestead with only a dog for compaffr Sheneven adnitted to me that she was ever afraid tho- ugh.It was only about ![...]h did rather lsolateone from the other. Qne story I recall was, that ny Father had a hlred nan to work around[...] |
![]() | [...]spring ti-ne end the cows were calving. It seens like this hired nan was avery anbitlousrhard worki-ng[...]d kettle filled with nilk, r'rlth a final result of sinply feedi:rg it to the plgs. A4y- way the men[...]he pigs get fat' On October Sndr 1903, the faniJg of John and Julia increased by oller PauL was born.[...]ad a pet Fawnrpet skunkrd,og several cate a,\ild I donlt re- member what elsee but he clai-ned, that before Paul could rralk, he would be on hard when Mother would filt a blg pan ftrlt of nilk.The fawnrcaterdogrekunk, and PauI would aIL drink out sf that pan at the aane ti-ne. Cou1d be tnrel About ever[...]ite little devi}, who could taLk most anyone out. of anything she wantedrand usual,ly did. Bescie was[...]ken arm bone or sonething. According to r€cordo I was the next to arrive on the scenerJanuary U+trt[...]remenber a thing about ltlt In those days and at, that date the snow uas ustlslly very deep and the tenp -erature qaestionable, I donrt reneulb€r r*orrying about it. Vere was th[...]eyes, was rather short and chubby and waa af,raid of nothing. When she was 5 ot 6, it was not a wise p[...]_ with sticks elones or anything e3.se that she could tay |
![]() | [...]app- ened again+ Just as he wal"ked under the end of the board it fell oooee and t"he sharp corner of of stntc| him sqrare on top of the head.. I aan stii.I eee that i poor little SuXr r,'lith that tenri-ble hol-e in his headt and the blood pouning out of, it" Agai-n in a short ti.ne he was out and aroun[...]very good, ti-ne. ELvin wae the ]ast and youngest of the Fiehburn tribe, and probably neny of'the people who will, nead this account,r reI have knor,rn Elvinr & l"ot hebter than I did as he was still in sahool when I l-eft the hornestead ard went out to seek ry fori[...]e wsyr has managed to elude ne up to the presenL. I believe thi"e is a somewhat accunate and honest aacount, of the John Fiehburn f,amilyn tr ann un happy[...] |
![]() | [...]d and Olga Holland in early I9OOrs Rattlesnakes by Alice Holland Bock I was raised inMontana, on the Swend HolLand ranch a few n:lles north of Forest Grove, so know something about rattlesnakes. Believe j.t or not, the last one I '[saw was i-n Fresno, Californbr in the surrner of 1939. was really surprised to see I rattlesnake in the rnil dle of a city of 581000, I nas living on the alley , facing second avenue. One hot sumer day I vrae out in front of the house standing on ny poetage sized yard, when I noticed the rattler going down the al}ey. lry fir[...]ll it, but.'not havlng anything to do it with, I gave it a wide berth, and watched it cross second avenue and go on down bhe alleyeSome hou- rs later I heard a yell from that direotion and figur- ed someone had discovered the snake, I Often wondered how that snake happened to be in a city of that size. I trave lived in California, roamed the mountAina e[...]lesnake before. However they say there are, a lot of them in the area 279 |
![]() | Incidents of Interest and Fiumor[...]n passenger Stud- ebaker. f think he drove it fon I years or so on the verg rough noads rue enjoyed in those teen years. He ( put many rniles on that autornobi"le going to Lewj-st,own stopping place for farnilies who Lived farther north & |
![]() | never did find out. I4r liol-l"and was a long ti*" member of the Elks Lodge, & had quite a nice EIk tooth chain fob. He got so used to canrying the wateh and chain that, he wore the d,ecorat,ion long after the watch ceased to trun. I,,iris Holland thought this was lrnnecessary since[...]at time it was. This usually happened when he was i-n a deep conversation with a very good. friend. T[...]g by boat to New York , then by train to the city of Billings, Montana. To Ubet by sta.ge rrhere he had a job for a time. Janet(called Jessie), came also fnom Scot[...]y eontinued their trip by horse &\l&,gon to south of the snowies whene AIex ran sheep with J. B. Elliot, until he bought the beginnings of the Mor- rison holdings at the headwaters of the South Fork of Flatwil-Iow Creek in the Snowie Mountlins, in Fer[...]essie, Douglas, George, Lavinia r ad Henry. Ihree of the Morrison children ,Be1la, Douglas, & George, home steaded open land in Fergus County that Joined the home ranch.In 190&, AIex Morrison bought the central part of the lvlorrison holdings, An early map shows that some of this part of the ranch belonged to Hugh Mclean who homesteaded in that area in the 18901s. CarI Erlcksonspent one winter[...]ld. M? Morrison built the first Pine Grove School for hls children and the nei- ghbor childrenr&paid th[...]d by stage to the Ru{\rs thompson ranch northwest of Roundup, twi-ce a week .[...] |
![]() | Probably the first keepers of the Pine Grove Post,0f- f,ice was the Hugh Mclean[...]ch when Mr Morrison prrchased it. The forest fire of 1910, the largesbin that area since the turn of the century oceured in late JuIy, i.rr the Half Moon Cargron. The fire is believed to[...]tni-ng. Si-ncep there was no Forest Ser vi-ce at that time. the fire burned out of control fo:r some time except for the local ranchers who were just beginning to fearn about fi"re fighting. A back fire was started & because of a change in the wind, the fire nearly burned out the Frank M,aynard & Archie Me Lean buildings. T\,ro feet of snow fell in that area the last week of August which prt the fire out. In f90B there was[...]h caused by a ra- nge disputeamong the sheeSrnene of the surrounding area. The Post Office was the meeting place of the 2 parti"es whick resulted in the death of one of the said p.rties. AIex Morrison was a hardy early day rancher and could shoot guns like a movie cor+boy sure shot. He used to tell the story of his good all Scotch Blanketl whi-ch he prized. No[...]s point and nrt 2 fast bullet holes in the center of the blanket. The two drifters left like greased lightning. Bella used to tell of hrer Dad using his colt revolver as a sheep dog, He could turn a bunch of sheep with his colt pistol by kicking up rocks ej-ther in front of or behind them or at their heelsr thus saving him end- less walking. Strangers often stopped at the ranch for a meal or an over night stay. One drifter remark- ed to Alex that he had a very fine horse in his stable and the next, morn:i-ng the drifter and the horse were gone. The drift[...]s to , the nighty fine horse was never recovered. For the most part people partaking of early day western hospitality were honest travele[...]riety to their work-a-day life & brought the news of other friends and neighbors. Duning the rairly se[...]long ar[r creek there is usually a s]t€rmp area that rnay be a stock hazard. Stockmen learned t[...] |
![]() | [...]mud.on one such occasion Mr Morrison found a cow i_n deep rnire and in cowboy fashion with the ai-d of his cow pony & Lariat was able to pulI the cow to dry land. The bossy fert that she had been handred in a most undignified mann[...]Alex in a most undignified fashion.so rhe started for him, head lowered ind with great speed rith nostrils snorting. what to do? of courie Alex ran. but the bovine critten wae nap[...]he listance between them. Mr. Morrisonrall 6 feet of him lecided to cross the swamp wiEh hrs Desl prac[...]ow. She was stuck in the mud again. AIex tecided that the bovine crltter could stay there until ,e had[...]help, Jessie Morrison was dearly .oved, because of her hospitality and keen wit. Both lex and Jess[...]il their ast years. They lefb a cornbined legacy of over a hun- red years of service to that FJart of Fergus County. Swend and Olga Holl[...]>ther died, & his perenbal Grandmother took care of Lrn and. younger brother san, and 3 younger sist[...]r alxl the Mediterranean Sea" He sailed in a rip that he called a fuII rigger and often talked of .s life on the s€&r the talk of the tjmes, was the rportunlties to get ahead in[...]e land. to be had in the weet. At lTrSwend ,ided for lulontana, r*here he worked for a tlme near g sandy. He soon found a Job near Grass Range, where -worked for Mons Teigen and learned quite a bit of ising livestock. Especially the sheep business' He s 2I, when he hornesieaded sn the North Fork of the Oorraid creek, north of Forest Grovep in 1892' Mr'[...] |
![]() | [...]and cattle and buying other homesteads and farms for the next 51 years. In 1pg!, Swend nrarried Olgs[...]d long hours arul together developed a fine i ranch. There were 11 children who survived, Jenr[...]and liked to talk about the hornestead days. 0n6 of his repeated staternents wasrrt In the early days[...]There was no place much to spend it.tr He spoke of them as, trThe Early DaysT Olga Holland, 188I-1963, had the gsual education. She lived. near a[...]hose parts. She also had gone to cooki-ng school for a year and was an unusually fine cook and housekeeper. She was Talented and sensiLive. OIga found much of the early homestead life a hardship, ard dietaste[...]n about it. She niesed the gaiety, parties, & fun of the settled conrunity she was used tol but she pe[...]ng are places hornesteaded and proved up on after I9IO. EarI Steelels homesteadr the l4arker plaeer SLeve Shea, Mose laIbay lived on the ranch in a cabj-n for a tj-me. Ivly brother, Swend says that ltlr laTray sold Dad 80 A at one time. There rnay be others , but theee are aLI that I can remember. Places that bordered on the HoI- lard Ranch (rnost of then homesteads are;- Frank GaII- asr Char[...] |
![]() | [...]Qct 5throf came 1905. That day Mrs Holland was in labor with her sec- ond ch[...]in bringing Jacob jnto the world, alive and well. i.lenny and Jacob were the only 2 Holland children[...]He died one March day at the GiIt Edge Hospital of $phoid Fever. Swend Hotland thought he had the fineet, neigh- bors to be had and for the most part he did. Four homesteads, one to the east of the ranch, & three to the west sj-de of the ranch were often rented places " Souietimes j-ncidents of litt,le conseqfrences would oc - cur in relation ts these lented pLaces. Mr Holland often had a few old ewes that were to old to rnake the trip to the sutnmer pas[...]was some distance away, and he kept a few wethers for bubcheringrwitlt the old ewes. Ihese were kept in a pasture west of th- e house . One sunmer day they were ur"issing.[...]a hole in the uoven wire fence and went on vlest, of their own accord or they nay have been help ed to[...]ing was different about them. Ihe painted bLack S that Mr Holland used as a sheep brand had been clipped[...]a crew around 1n the early days, as it took a lot of people to do the Vork that had to be done. He enJoyed his neighbors & Ln tru[...]her. Mr and !{rs Holtand were charter members of the Zoin Lubheran Church in Lewistown. Mr Holland btaa a member of the EIks Lodge and the Eagles Lodge. In 1943 r Mr Hol-la,nd reblred and }eased his ranch for a short time until- hls soli-dame home from World[...]along with other enterprie€€r r He lives much of the tirne j-n New Mexico. Jenny lives ln Ornaha,[...]isalia, California, and Selma lives 5 nlles south of Roundup, Montana[...] |
![]() | [...]in the eldest son of NeiI InI. i and EIva M. lundinr& Jrd chilo in a fanily of 4 was bornrJa[...]iew District No 1I? near his homeran[...]grade, he got T.Bn in one hipr and was in a cast for 9 months from hj-s waist to his knee" He rnaster[...]ea.r Lewistownr& Iived there until Lt was sold in I948r when herhis wife and fani\y moved to tbhone r[...]l+7 he rrarried Ida },l,ay Breckenridge, daughter of John &llsonrand Margie Eva Breckenridge of Hilger, l"Iontana. Four chiLd ren were born to theni- Mrs John L Perguson(Starljne) of A.lexandria, Virginia ; l'lrs Micheal McGregor(I,1,arce1La) of Grest Fallsrl'lontana; Raymond James Lundi-n of llavre, l'lontana; ard Dwaine Edison who passed a[...]e ranch.Their 3 children attended the same school i their Father did at Fairrriew Dist. II7,, then we[...]avre, Montana" Jj-m was first elected as a tmstee of the Fai-rview school in l952ra position he held u[...]Grass Range schools, He was elected as a trustee of Grass Range High school in 1960 and held that position until 1958, when he would no long[...] |
![]() | [...]George Snith ) t have been told of the following incident thpt happened at a dance[...]e fellow from Moore saw Jin on the opposite side of the dance hall and he rushed over and grabbed Jfu, and chewed off the top of one of Jimts ears. The fight was broken up by bystanders and the farmer from Moore left for his home. A few days later, after giving the i-ncident some thought, the farmer frorn Moore, dr[...]lete\y astounded by such an offerras S 500.00 at that tjme was quite a windfall, kind of J.ike the pot of gold at the end of ,the rainbowr &rrd Jimrs response to him wasrtr Jesus rChrj-st! Mr; give me $ 5Oo.OOrand. I will let you bite the other ear off.[...]Rasor ' W George Smith |
![]() | [...]bert went to school at the Faj-rview District No 1I7 schooL. On August 24th J-9l+6.1 he married Al-ice Breckenridge, {aughter of lrlr & Mrs John Edison Breckenridggrof HilgerrMon[...]rof ShelbyrMontana; l4rs Ed (Caro1) Deffin- baugh of Lewistown; JohnE.Isaacs of Circle, Montana Ivlrs Robert (Diana) Thonpson of Seabtle, Waih. Nancy Isaacs of Bozeman, Mont. &rrd JoAnn of Forest Grove. Robert and Alice have ten grandchildren. Robert has Iived on the home ranch aII his Life except when he was in the service. He joined the U.S.Arm[...]Kelly came to Montana June 1914. She was a native of Conneaut, Ohio, and recieved her schooling there. One of six children, she worked in the grape arbor and l[...]and raised six children It was at her insistance that they all recieved at least a high-school"educatio[...],r Mildred then moved to the Forest Grove area in I9/+1. After her husbands deathr--she moved to Alas[...]ana. She worked at the Central Montana Hospital for many $e&rsr 'ffir"o Tomorrow is the tod.ay , for yesterday. |
![]() | [...]ffiFather and Motirers f,ol-ks wetre farrners' I{erg I.n SsuLh Dakota and hj.s in lowa. .A'fter they were mar- ried they left the farrns and went to work for the Gresb Nsrthern Railroad, in Sior,rx Falls $out,h Dakota, rrhere my sisters and I were botrn' One eister was born later ln Lewist,o[...]ol-j,c church, where we could attend school' When I was {, Fat,her t,ook me with hj-m" He was r*orki-ng as general forers,n of a l"ange grou.p of men and ue lrad outr own railroad car t,o l"ive i[...]outrd openat,e ttreir raj-Iroad into the Central" I'lontana area and. r'lesbrsard to LombardrMontana,[...]to the Pacific coast, The Milwaukee pS.ayed an i-mportant role in the progress of, CentraL Montar.la arrd the zurrou.nding areasr Thls reminds me of a, story t,old me when I was first sLarting railnoadingr which I shall never forget' A railroad or was building a[...]green oner lte told rnd showed tLrem how to place I sross tie at a time on Jhe n"w road bed, ,After[...]is enough without taking five"ft This is }ike ome of rV school experiences during vacation, I would hire to work on some farm or railroad,and think I '*ould never Live through the day" I know they r'rould also think I should be paying them, instead of them paying me" In the pastr long workirg[...] |
![]() | [...]ave to eat , always seemed to be plenty. One year I worked for a farmer west of Lewistown during harveet. He prt me to work shocking bundles of grain. I donrt Lnow how I tived throu[h that day. It turned out hot, ( and I didntt have any glov€go My hards began to blis- |
![]() | another lesson" When harvestlng was over that yearrl could kiss the tean I drove as they seomed to know I I was a green horn" When I started working on the rail road it was hard work" Beir€ I was raised near rail- )oading I wasntt quite a green horn, although I had a tlme driving a sp5-ke near the rail inbo the tle, I did a J.ot of nissing with a splke maul" Father told ne I vtas costing the company nore than they were paying mez by hitting the raiLs and breakins the naul handles. I then started practicing on the side after work. The next teer I worked for I,eo Companion, ry brother-in- law, stationed at Pipere within the Forest Grove work- ing area"I worked wlth Ray Grensten of Piper, George TerrXrrand Walter Hansen, La,f,er I norked in Lewistown with Amos Cherbonn€aro Thes[...]sunmer Leo , hired a pneacher, Arnold Foultonr of the Church of iodr of Lewistown, I *ontt forget hitrr, He buckled in uith us norkir,[...]start to listen as it became quite Lnteresting" I ras rai-sed in the surnourding areas of )ristinarPipernWS-nnettrand Forest Grove, terdist[...]own, people cane to, to do their rhopping from aJ-I areasl as it had supp3,i.es and most, necessitles" Churches of al-I denosdnationsn schools, and entertainrnent" Ilav[...]lrlontana Fairp lrith parades"People would come for rniles by train, ,,{lagon, buggies, and a few ear[...]as a fountain o.f iron, broun looklng, and built like a toad stool set on a corner of a block actross the street, where at T tj-ne was a place called the Day housee ard it had a top like an upside down rrmbrella, everyone used this fou[...]deo had qrite fanous men and wonnen in then.gnee that had helped eettle the west, sueh as[...] |
![]() | the aarly eettlers. I rccall the falr-grounds the year it hed the firt bi-plane that flew over during the falr, that had the first paraehute Junper. He Junped over th[...]C. People were hollering and staruting up in some of the seatsas he dropped right into the earth but in no time he cllnbed to the top of the trill and waved to the crovid. Then there was the years of the gypeies. They used to come through Montana,[...]colorfuI dresses and with their tong black hair, I used to think they were qrite beconlng. lhe men l[...]ould put on. The men always sent the women to beg for food,e arut they had qtite an aet of doing sor The last time of seeing them, they were rlding through ln Star Tou[...]me pJace along the line their ship must have came i-n. Just I ti.rne I renember a big band or tribe of Irrllans cane by our plaeer wlth a lerge bunch of ponles, some were ridingrsone wa1kir,g, some in w[...]. '', place ard the Royr Winifred railroad line. I went to vlsit then and they were friendly. Iaughing and speak ing theln language and as I remember verT good english too. I gtllI f,eel proud that they ask me in to a real t,eepee. I dontt renember if they cane frorn Spring cneek or[...]eli.ng to Fort Benton or Havre" Later in ny teens I went to Polson and Ronan on the reserrration to fieh. They I r+ould lef, us fish their lakes if you ask permission & | looked all right to them. I told then about the lrd, ians f vieited beforen and that did it. the fish were thick and some got your hook befor it got far into the water. Nor* days I tn lucky to catch I fish. One other arti.cle i wi.sh to nentlon i-s. W Father pJanted the trees by the Mllwaukee Ra[...]by Leo Conpanian, between Piper and Foreot Grove, I net eome wonderftrl people" I rould have to use sheets of paper to name them aIIs young arrl old. I would like to teII a few laughs i had whi.Ie bhere. Lou Ia,key was poEtnaste[...] |
![]() | [...]ow he caught Joe Flnn. He aluays did accuse Joe of llstening ln on the telephono converoa tions.[...]oe ansr.eredrrTlello Iakeyn ; Another tlne a fer* of us were going to have a snall gatherlng ard pi[...]but everything he had rcae in the creek , and that eruled the picn5.c. One ti-ne ry nieee, Maretit[...]reutrnlng from Lewistonn on the train, ras naitln for John Berg to come pick her up, eo sho was visiting rry eister Veda uho then lived i-n the railroad, section house. Mrs Berg was wea[...]s sure pretty. After she Isft my sister saidrtt I gure wish I had oll€rtt There waE an old poem I recalJ.; If wishes were horses, the begars woul[...]ere pncakee we would, eat tilL we d,led.Perhaps I shouldnft wrlte about people thj.s r*al but it di[...]back, it is in a way furury" Leo Conpanlon and I went over to give the Clavers a hand. While ther his wife, Hazel ask us to stay for dinr,rer. It was d.uring the hot part of the )surnner and the flies were thl-ek. As she r[...]Hazel raislng up and waving the towel in front of us anl, over the table. Chickens Junpfng ard fl[...]the dinner nas good. In the ear\y days most all of us had to U-ve with tttis as most had no screen[...]to help elLuinate the flles. In the early JOts I was called upon to help fight a forest[...] |
![]() | went to a farm house amanged for us to eat our break fast. lhe folks raj.sed a few[...]ing we were walJring back to flght the fire. As 2 of then were brothere, one said to the otherrlt Did you see that big crock sitting on the porch by the door?tt The[...]{ full of weavil goat milk, I saw her dip it out and |
![]() | [...]slike they called them Jackrabbits, on acco' unt of their build and long ears. ltre ranchers would. i[...]he traders, some wanted to work the nules first. I recall one farrner bought a pair" AIL in al} thl[...]y all got together and all decided to saddle one of the mu1es. We aII knew what was coming, because[...]e to work or ride. AIso the traders wanted money for the mules flrst in case of inJuries to arqrone or killittg it. No probleurs[...]in. The old mule c€une out all-right, but some of the riders sure suffered, The money chipped in should have been the other way around. Those of us born in I!O0, ttre laet days of President Ttreodore Boosevelt, the 26th pF€B-[...]pecially those born and raised in Montana nhich I feel is the Last state to fade of the old r.reste have seen arrl heard of nany changes through the years" Like the o1d saying. )ttThe man on the noorrnrr We ha[...]Oh and Ah at inventione etc through the years. I dontt think there is any more to Oh about. l{e expeet lt now. unless Bomeone lnvente a pair of r*inge for us to fly with that would anaze the norld and ellnrinate all the other transportatLon. We are retired now and live in the etate of, Washlngton. HE have IO acree in the nou- ntains[...]d our fanily let us Etove so far asaXr fron then, I nay end with ry dream of retlrement, aome travel fishlng and hunti[...] |
![]() | [...]onneau was born in Kankakee, IlL..on May 21st , I9L2, the eon of Oscar J. Zelia Ctrarb-[...]ty Roads. Amos rnamied May Agnes tundln, daughten of NeiL Wn & EIva M.Iundin of Fonest Gnove, &t the St. Alouyotrs Cathol-ic chur[...]a, and l-ived on the Flanls Nelsonts ranch, unti} I9l+I, when we prnchased the John Frye ranch at Forest[...]72, We raised 6 children, Mrs RoberL(ALiae) Smitn of Forest Grove, Alfred Chanbonneau- Construction-Forest GroverRj.ctiard-Chief Mechanj.e for Billings Fire Dept. of Billings Montana, Mrs Ji-m (RosaLie) nngfish- Pqs[...]Montana, Oscar uI. Charbonne&u- Constr- ustion Co of, Ban-I5-ntine, Montana, and Amos L. Charb- onneau now operabing the home ranch of his parents. AII the children were active in &-H[...]had 10ji-4 chievenents. May was J+-H CIub Leader for 1O years. Annos served ae Tbustee of thr Forest Grcve School He worked ar+ay frorn horne on Lhe M:llwaukee Railroad for 9 years to provide extra cash for the h -b o{Jt.; *b Bt |
![]() | Loggers cn $rxenuff the Summer. of :V9 A }-ogger tnrck went up one *f our count'ry roads. |
![]() | [...]ur) Sc thanks again-donrt take alarm, L{ebet some of you loggers grew up on a farm! AnC if our san grows up and wants to cut logs for a time; Let him be iike thcse on Surenuff the summer of t79. by Mr. and Mrs. 3i11 Cox A 'uiew from,' the Susenuff road.. |
![]() | [...]id there were too nrany Swedes in this country by that r&nor l?rey lived on Ellis fsland for a while. Itrey moved across country & their final horne was in Seattle, and TaconarWashingtoru They raised I0 children. My DadrNeil W.(BilI) l,unOin was the o[...]ber 4LhtL9L2 in St PauI, Minnisota. They moved to Valley CityrNo.Dakota where a daughterrlulay was born- ltlay 27 r L9L5. We moved bo Denton, I"lontana when f was about 6 nonths otrd. Dad worked on the railroad in that town. About the year t916rmy Dad and Mother noved again to prove up on a homestead in the Straw-Garnie1 area of Montana. l,Ly sisterrRose was born there March 18[...]. f do not remember much from the homestead days, except' n1y Dad loved to hunt and never came home with-[...]hen shot. Dad sold out to Leonard Luther in April of 1.92J-e and moved GroverMontana in an[...]every thing j-n one railroad c&rr The year was L92I and my Dads name is written near the Indjan Paintings ln the Bear Gulch Canyon, April 2L'I92L. Ihat was the year they came. We stayed a night ln the big hotel at Forest Grove. ran by a Firs CoIIins. I thoueht that was gre t, such i spacibus building. I thoughtlForest Grove r+as beautiful set in between the hiUs. We set- tled on the CarI Syverson Ranch that rqy Dad had pur- chased, in the Fairview arearabout 4 niles East of Forest Grover &s the crow flies. qy Mother always said, ItThey left the homestead and moved to this ranch so that I might, go to schooll tras we were to far from a schoolr on the old homestead. I attended the Fairview[...] |
![]() | school, all I od'the grades, The first day of schoolt my Dad took me up and over the hills to school. I was 'trlry lonesome that, Ist day. Everyone was so strange. That 'las in April L92L. Life for us on that ranch was hard. Ity Mother packed water from a well in the rocks in the coulee north of the house, 2 buckets at a ti-urg( up that hill, but Oh how good it tastedr fresh and[...]50 Ga}. barrel fastned on it and hauled a barrel of wafer for washing clothesr otr a washboard j-n a tubr(rubrr[...]and broke (softened) the r*ater with 4,teaspoons of iye in a bo!]er (about 5 pails of water)' Ttre scum or hardness would come to the top, abouL I inch bhickl and she r*ou1d skim that off the water and it would be nice and soft like rain water. We used the wash wat,er then to tater[...]ub brush, and got Cown on oilr knees. We had lots of windy days so the clothes did not need much ironi[...]en. W Dad worked long hoursrwalking behind 4 head of horses hitched to the nrachinery to till the soil[...]and tr ran outside the house, and. there came th; I head. of horsesr(Z were green broke) hitched to the harrow[...]across the culvert and up the hiLt" when they got i-n between 2 treesrcaught, machineryrharness and a[...]Job in the field. The horses sure got a workout \ that day.Itly Dad loved mechanics, ard always helped n[...]ey broke down. Mother distiked him helping oLhers that Yay as he vras gone a lot. BrotherrJames Houard.[...]own and rnarriEa Cfaude Snith. Iuly Dad built one of the firstljAtwater Kentfr rad,ios in the area from a kit' It sure sourded. good at nlghtrmusic and pla.ys' I used to watch herd on the sheep that r4y Dad owned, at night |
![]() | during lambing time, and that radio kept ne awake, I loved it. {y Dad and Mother were Community Leadersrhe serving on the Schoo] board, and she as clerk of School Dist. No.Ll| for nrarqr years. My parents prrch- )ed the olr trCo[...]Lewistown in 1935, and sold it a few years later for $50"00 an &cr€r They paid off their ranch at Fo[...]7bhrl952, at age 59, and Morn passed away in June of 1958 at age 74" They are buried. in the Catho- li[...]had some power too1s, but they never enjoyed T.V. I graduated from the Bth grade at Fairview School in Lg2g. Then that faII rqy folks found a place for rne to work for r1y room and board in Lewistovrn and to go to Hig[...]good friend, Lucille Perso, tried to help merbut I was so lone- some, the peopte I worked fir brought me home and. I never hrent backrbut I had to help my Dad feed cows & sheep and all the hard work on the ranch. I was always sorry I did not go to High Schoole as I had to self- aducate rnyself. I stayed with r\y parents untj-I in lg3l+ r.n the r:anch, when I maruied, Anos A Charbonneau of fass RangerMontana. Some interesting things happened ln those 4 years I wae home. I helped nry Dad butcher sheep. One coldrstorrny da[...]stack, Just in tfune &ertt Punchtt dropped lead. I was scared to deathp and ran almost aII the *ay home. I hated to tell my Dad. He said I had no cusj-ness riding so fast as I had frosted his Iungs. {e had several nice horses[...]e to go look up and down the creek in 3ear Gulch. I found the horse j-n a bog hole, al:nost lu[...] |
![]() | [...]the 2? gun & shoot the horse between the eyesnrr That was sure hard for rne bo do" I used to herd the sheep in fhe sprirg and summer" One morning we t,urned the sheep out of the conral, There was sr*eet clover all[...]' We p:t them in the corral, and tirey were dying like flies' Dad fixed. milk and kerosene and plt it in a catsup bottlerpoked. the neck of the botble down the sheepts throat, If we got the[...]We csuld save them" Pa hauled out about one-third of them, j-re a wagon wj-th a Leamr and then we buri[...]y and said it can be done' It helped to try a lot of thi-rngs " One evenirrg in the win- ter of L929r 4y Dad was neadirrg a science magazine. I said.rtr Whab are you readirg about?ft He saidrtt[...]o the moon.tt l saidrrf Do you think they ever wl}I?rt He saidrtt llhy not? Man can'do anythingr & some day they will sit down on that big yellow $oor'rt Man d.id, but he did not live to see it. In surnrners I would be able to go rrisit nry Grandrna and. Gran[...]and we would attend, j-twas so much flrn. Dad and I sawed down big trees to build a sheep shed one fa[...]re big around, and we set the* j-n hand dug holes for the uprights, to nail boards onto for the walls, and 2 rows of these trees down the middle of the shed" Por the roof, we streched woven wi-:rer[...]rf through the straw roof. I took the ni-ght shiftff & I never kindled the fire. I was afraid it would burn down. It d cover the new[...]dry thern off with a rag. One earty morning when I was through wifh rny ovrn shift, I went to the house to bed. Soon Mom called[...] |
![]() | I got on ny duds quickrshj-rtroveralls and shoes,[...]the sheep and lambs out. When the roof caved in, i-t .g.lmost trapped hlm" He could hardly breathe,[...]huge smoke roll up over the hills. My DaC saidrtt I shouldntt have ptt thosefj-r sticks in, as that wood shoot's sparks more than pi-ne.rt The sparks hit the sLraw and set it on fire. He lost many sheeprbut that fal] we cut nore J-ogs and built another shed in[...]t the bank wiht horses and a slip, Get s slip fu1I of dirt, pull it up, dunp i-t, and go back for another slip f\rII" They ealled them slips or tf fresnostt, and pulled them by a team of horses " Another year lt{om and J were out with the sheep herding thern hone from over east of the house. We had noticed fluffy clouds coming our way out of the west.It had been about 50 or 60 degrees above[...]o now j-n the 8ots. Dad always ran about 200 head of sheep. The 1930fe were dry years and sheep survived quch betLer ttran cattle.l &rrd, besides that the sheep ,Jad three erops a year.-- Woolrlambsrand the pelt if she died". I?rey were easy to handle too. I alwaye had a burn lanb or two to raise for my ownr They nade real nice pets and woutd follow me all over, then I could seII them in the fall to buy winter clothes[...]reen- woodrForest Groverand Dickson schools. Some of the young men would harness 2 teams, hitch them t[...]ow, to arfbob sledrtl and stop and pick up a load of young people all along the w€rf,r ltle w[...] |
![]() | [...]e events, and the boys woLlld usually buy l-unch .for thej-r girtr f,rienCs. Tickets to Cance usually cosf $ 1.00 & $I"0o for supperl each' A five dollar bj-}l went a long(' ways and there i,{as no gas Lo buyrit was al.J- horse Po- WBrr We[...]was a cream tester at the o1d pool halL building' I would gallop them all the way home along the rail-road tracks so i would.nrt meet fhe trein ' I would sLop by Oscar and Nettie Hansonrs store. Th[...]y things in their suppl;r" Beautiful calico cloth for dres$€5r I bought a prefty green pnint and rnade a dress -for rqy self, A long green print dressr and I wore it to many d.ances, Isabel tleggen and I rrrould rj-de our horses to Forest Grove, caryy o[...]e Forest Grove School basement" It was the length of the school and lots of room" Lester Miller had charge usual.\y and he na[...]pen boiler on a wood stove" It sure tast,ed good' I had several girl friends whon I thought a lot, of, Joseph- ine Dixon, she was tall and slirn" She and I herd'ed sheep and brought the baby lambs in from the high hifG north of the Di:con Ranch' (Now Harold and Mary Nielsonts)[...]nch, she was fun and a hard wonker,' too, One day I visited her and we got dinner for tlie t lambing crewr Ttren there wad Edna[...] |
![]() | [...]<t- u{ 6att .. o-td- tS crrra.C/-, children of 01e !t.-{:ke and Elsie (cox) nike. Left to Ri.[...]uit, Norwayr on Easter Sunday, April 17, 188'1 , I{e came to America with two brothers, to the Harl[...], in lilontana, working on ranches in the spring of 19A?-, Tlhey joined a third brother already here[...]rs laterr 01e came to Lewistown and went to work for swend l{olland )until 1914. Ole filed on a homest[...]n 1910, 01ets brother Olaf took a homestead north of winnett, Their brother, osten, tromesteaded east of Winnett, Their brother, S.gm, went to the Col-umbus area, west of Bil-lings" Osten was a soil_der during World War[...]etery, though he died following the !/ar at Galen of T.3. trl"sie Cox born at Braddock, Pennsylv[...]England, They returned to the U.S, in the spring of T902, entering New York llarbor the same day as 01e, only on differ* ent ships, They came to Great Fal1s for nearly three years before they came on to[...] |
![]() | Jabez and Eliza were born and raised in the area of Pengance and St. I'ves r England. He was a stonenason, briuklayer an[...]ead. near cheadle in 1 904. The children attended i the Cheadle school, then ca}led the Qverland schoolt Eliza was so d.iscouraged raising her family of ten, nostly by herself. she had a total of six girls and four boys. (ffre oldest, old.enough to l-eave home and. the youngest iust a baby). J*ez, a lot of the time was home only one or two weekends per mo[...]ried farming. [his place at Cheadle wasnrt suited for farmingr so they gave it up and took up a desert claim on Chipp- awa Creek north west of Grass Range. This didnrt work out either, so they[...]y bought the Flenning and Brow- nie rariches east of Frank Lyons ranqh and east of Bear Gulch. When it got down to just one sonr Arc[...]adquarters. Archie also started his fanily, har,.i-:rg been married to Mabel Isabel lleg- gen.[...]re before passing on in 1918. Jabez eontinued to 1i.ve in Lewistown till his last year. i lle no'ved. to Great Falls to a sonr Percyr where Jabet passed. on in December 1955. Thej-r children were bt"i", Bertha, Annie, Sarah 2 EJ'rza (f'yf e;r Percy,[...], Elsie went to work helping fllrs. Swend Holland for one year. Here she met 01e. At age twenty, on Jul[...]abin on his homestead. Here they oiade their home for the rest of their lives. OIe passed on, on August 3t 1957. El[...]a, Donaldq Davidr and E]- rie. Osten. Dccept for World War II and a eouple years at Polytee[...] |
![]() | [...]m. July 1, 1914. ed on the ranch until the summer of 1 980, when the ranch was sold, remaining single.[...]herts ranchr €stablish- ed by Archie Cox, south of Forest Groue. Elesa. After high school-, Elesa worked for Eddyrs Bakery in Lewistown, where she met Jack Wr[...]moved to Choteau, buying and operating the Bella Vista MoteL until his retir- ement in Choteau, Montana. Threy raised two children - both with famili-es of their own. Donald. Ionald left home[...] |
![]() | ranehes until he went to Lewistown to work for Sten- dal- Transfer, and then for the Lewistown school- dist- rict as a custod.ian.[...]folLowing World War IIr Put timei in the service of occupation in Japan. fhen he went to school, so h[...]Stendal and adopted two child.ren. She passed on i-n 1959. The next yeart David found a widow with f[...]970. He then worked as a guard at Soise State Pen for about ten years. They now live in Puyallupr Washing- ton. Elric is working in a RV shop for home trail- ors and motor homes. 01e. Ole ([...]built his homestead to 1974 acres plus 400 acres of BIJvI Land. He had a very good frienci, who homesteaded just east of hin. His name was Karl Sikveland and his wife Guri. They looked for greener pashres following World !/ar I, and they went to the Dovetail areat n,rrth of l,{innett, Montana. There Karl really enjoy-, ed plowing ground that was free of rock. They rais-{ ed five children and the youngest son still operates that Douetail ra:rch (Torger). The youngest daughter,[...]eland to James Chittick who kept it only a couple of years. Then 01e bought it. It cost him-' twel've dol-lars per acre which was higher than what he paid for any of the rest. Quring'the tate thirties or early forties, he paid for 'Fome at a rate less than a dollar per acre. Yet[...]€ received $t5O per acre. . 0n the east side of Sikvel-andts homestead was another where O[...] |
![]() | Fred Zahrn and started over on the west side of Sik- rrelands. Zahrn didnrt li've there long. He[...]also a root ce1Iar and a couple small barns - ano for pigs and another for team horses and chickens. This was one, bought back in the late thirties for one dol1ar per acre on a tax deed and put into El[...]k, George Foster, and lJalkers. They were dealing for the land which was taken over by BLM, but then le[...]Apple on eastl they went to Becket or Grass Range for urail and to trade. The children went to the Dryland scho- oI from Soul-ets on east. We, the Eikes went to For- est Grove. Ernest )a'vis had his place joi[...]hay loft a bright red eolor. FoLlowing World War I t Jabez helped 01e build the fra"mehousee doing t[...]in about 1965. The tele- phone came in the spring of 1958. About the time Karl Sikvel-and and fa"[...]came noticeably closer. They lived two miles west of us. Work was traded. and socially became 'very close. The children of the For- an and Eikes grew up like one famify, especially dur- ing elementry school.[...]Lewistown, and Ben living at Christj-na. A11 the For- an children got married and ha've their o[...] |
![]() | [...]ing Olers life, he picked and clean- ed off a lot of rock, using a team of horses and a wagon. Hay was always handl-ed with a pitch fork. Wood for the stoues, was alw;rys cut the winter be- fore h[...]ck. If 01e can ]ook down, or could return to this I'ife, what woul-d his impressior: be of us? He went to bed with the chickens and eot up with the sun! TllE AtBitRT and I{ATHRYN DUFFNffi STORY |
![]() | [...]Eugene on his horse Gyp in front of the Greenwood. School abo've Su[...] |
![]() | fhe folks decided to start farmingr so i'Jouember 50, 1911, they bought land at Fine Grove, l{T. This must have been rluite art a.dventure for ltlother. Souie- one had told her tlrat porcupine[...]s got school ager DaC bought a horse-drawn hearse for theirt,ransportation. They were the enrry of the other kidsr so gave them rides, too. The hearse was beautifully handcarved of some hard wood. ]lsther must h r"ve upset so[...]lans as she was born about 2:00 p.ffi. on the 4th of July, 1922, About this time the folks bought[...]s did. They helped ea-ch other thresh thei z. orq i n lf* 14+rr. Lawrence was born[...]ob in 1927. lad holding Lawrence, E\:gene, I{omer, Ralph, Nora, |
![]() | [...]river in flood stage to reaeh the cld bu- ildings that worild be our home. It is a much longer gro[...]boys had a big garden up on a bench. One day one of us brought a sack of water- melon down tied to the saddl-ehorn of Dadrs old saildle on Momrs little mare, Virginia.[...]d watermelon all cuer and broke the headlight out of the c&rr i,{e also took !-gal-lon cans of cream by saddle- horse to Cat Creek to send to ii[...]t down there and the rilrer wouLd be wild and out of its banks. If the horses wanted to cross they wou[...]gs coming downstreamr too. Our water supply for washing had to be hauled from the rj-ver. lrinking water came from the springs at the edge of the ri'ver, so after each flood we would have to hunt for a new spring. In the Fa1l, Mon and us kj-ds would mo've to Cat Creek for school as it was 10 miles. We had the flu reaL b[...]d terrible nose bleeds. ,It wasnft too long after that he started to hirve eye /trouble. He was blind by the time he was 18. Such a waste of talent! He used to draw western pictures and especially like to draw animals. He also was the family barber.[...]Dad cut our ha.ir (Uoys and girls alike) it was like he had a bowl over our head. Vereen was born in Cat Creek in 1929 with the help of our neighbors, Mrs. Lawrence Grocer and lvlrs. McGibony. l{e also went to sehool- 10 miles north of the river. The Sam Shermanrs lived there. I believe the school was the Dryland school. At any[...]taught us there the first time we had him. Fi've of us rode horseback for awhiler getting there[...] |
![]() | [...]les to schooL. Broth, er lld was born there in 191i. Ivlrs. Sam Sherman and I{rs. lundarn helped Mom. Mrs. Dundam was the mothe[...]we moved back from the MusselshelL to i the Stretch place, just across from Ed Glauserrs. The years of 1936 and 1917 were bad ones up on |
![]() | [...]chopping wood, and going to school. 'v/e didn I t have a radio and no one had T.V. so we woulc[...]the Grand 01e Opry. We lorred any kind of music as there wasntt much '\ +rr vq! .'r vs.'. '[...]time to play we woul,d make in Arr€ ''l .i.'^- 'ski-s and sleds. E:gene made us a really neat steel |
![]() | the wide open spaces sc ntuch that he felt trapped there and canre home. This is whe[...]taking typing so tauglit Errgene, too. He enjoyed that and ( also made leather belts wi[...]d before they couLd get to town - a very sad time |
![]() | [...]re able to attend the funeral.. It was a sad time for usr but we were very glad we coul-d be there.[...]l our family reunion in 1978 in Lewistown. Eighty of the family attended. Besides the ten brothers and[...]a family which our parents could have been proud of. Family Reunion 1978 - Standing: Homer,[...]ter. |
![]() | [...]i The Forest Grove Telephone Company was orga[...]r and J.W. Jones. Three dollars a day was allowed for labor for a manr and fi've dollars a day for a man with a tea^n to build the telephone line in[...]hone users. No one could own nore than six shares of stock in the Forest Grove Telephone Comparqr, Eac[...]et Centralr give her the telephone number outside of the area. She rrould then crank the numbers requ[...]These rrere in addtion to exchange service charge of Moun- tain States Telephone Conpany for Lewistown calIs. George Isaacs was elected President of the eompany in 1925. He lived in the Fair[...] |
![]() | [...]zed at the Forest Gro've School house in March of 194, by Miss Marian Moline of the Fergus County Extension Office. The first[...]Stanley, Secretary - Treasurer. Other nernbers of the Club in 1945 were Mrs. Kathryn Drffner, Mrs. Mabel I. Cox, Mrs. Gladys Glauserr Mrs. Zora Vlastelict[...]Meetings were held once a month nn the years i to oome, and nany nore ladies joined. Many edueat[...]would. join the Forest Gro've Feeders 4-It CtuU for a joint pJ.cnlc. Sonetimes the Jarruary r[...] |
![]() | Ivlany members made a pair of Leather gloves, that they wore for meny years, In 19551 Ken Ross and Pat George of the Fergus County hctension Office gave a talk on rrDangers and Protection Against the I Atomie Bomb and Fall Outrr. Many area menbers att[...]Central Montana Fair, reoei'ving nany cash prizee for their booth, 'vegatable, fmits, and grains, The Club sent a subscription of the local News- Argus to area boys serving in the[...]Forest Grove, Mont. I{9 zzr4 o^,"[...]. Make a Seperate Sllp for Every Item Cash or chg?[...] |
![]() | [...]si-m Mifchell was born at his family home south of MaltarMontana and spent the greater part of his life in Pi:illips county. Growi-ng up on hls forks horne stead, he attended country schools in that area. Jim laten spenL three and a hal-f years i-n chinarBrrna & rndia with the Air Force in world[...]ite' church in Malta and moved to the ranch south of Marta where their three daughters were raised' Do[...]fter their marriage they farmed and ranched south of Malta until 1g67, when they sold their ranch and[...]Montana state university at Bozeman with degrees i-n Educatj-on, In LgTl+ they purchased a larger ranch south of Miles City, near .{shland, and .noved there with[...]; rn r98l, Jim'and Dortheg prr- chased a portion of the [yron Gregory ranch near For- est Grove, where they now n:ake their hone, The[...]been our home, and no doubt always wlll be, i 72r |
![]() | [...]one knows who lived here and left them Uehini for future generations to wondef ov€Fr No one knows who, of our type of people found thern first. There are dates and nan[...]ts, Paleontologists, professors and conmon people like us all. We have had visitors from arr over the un[...]eral Central Montana townswith their papers, One of the nost interesti-ng people we have rnet was some years ago. A Piute Indian nen came with his fan-i_Iy. He is a very well educated man and has wrltten several books. He told and showed me hovir some of the stai_ns and paints were rnade centuries ago.[...]1d,er tnj-bes and chiefe he has compiled a wealth of know- Iedge into hie books. However, he believed like some others f have talked and wnj.tten to about these signs, that, they were before the white man &s we know him. Sorne have even thought it ndght go back to the time of the land bridge, and the Vikings and or Norsmen period of ti-me. Wl'ro knows? We enjoy visitors, but ny rp,[...]ry to stop the vandalism and research where- ever I eanrin hopes that some where, sorneday, sorneone will have a[...] |
![]() | [...]rthe first Caughter was born in 188O"Now a fami\y of 5 they noved to Helena. Betr*een the years l-880[...]o in l-84O) who had settled near Fort Mcgu5-runis of the south fork of McDonald Creek in central- Montana the year be- f[...]his fam- flf j"n Helena, went back to South Fork of McDonal-d Creek with McCau1ey in the fall of 1882. Thrilled with the birnbered Litt,Ie Snowie[...]rich selected his choice ,on the creek of meadowsrhe Mc0auleys from the rimrocks on[...]ite & planned his operation, Others were arriving that fall, John Selle.r, J.E.FryerA.T.WesveldtrAnos Sr[...]Brothers and Jackmans, A home ranch con- si-sted of 160 acres on a stream or sprirrgoand names bear that out, McDonal-d CreekrDuncan CreekrTller Creek, io[...]and Athern Creek, Ottrer streams held their share of pioneers rsurenuff , FlatwillowrMc0artneyrWillow,[...]mary ranger shared by allrleading it info the era of the spring and fall-s colorful and well written about ftRoundupsrt, Ihe winter of 1882d was a mild one, and sprirg came earjJ with plenty of moisture, the grass was belly deep in the meado'+[...]d supplies, then back to MC Donald Creekrthe hone of the Lyonrs for the next 45 years, AII of tlhe new pio- neers got thelr homes uprcor[...] |
![]() | [...]uinness established in 1880 was the trading pootr for sord.iersrpostofficg and telegraphic comrnunicati[...]st frorn the Dakota?s. Nate Mc0auleyto first herd of l-03 had arrived by nay of Fort Benton in rgg2. $ t4 to IJ per head with the calvee thrown in. By the sunmer of 1883 there were 12 cattle outfits on the Fort l'l[...]_ton,Tingley Bros.r& Ming on Annells creek. Most of the €rly herds were joint venture drives from the herds of Oregon & washington, which had a surprus of livestock" By 1884 bhe Te:cas herds were increasi[...]lem & rust,lers were taking their toIL. Hun dreds of thoueands of catbregraised the bdrbrrt times were good. It r.r[...]unbranded, cut out the fat cattler2 & J year olds for the drives t,o the rail ends. Custerr[i1es Cltyr& Fallon for shipment east. Over supply and low prices in the faIl oft886, there were over I million cattle in eastern and central Montanae fo[...]iles, then brlzzards turned the water ihto sheets of icelmore snowrthen brj-zzard.s, cold winds arrl often3O to f*O below zero for weeke. The cattle dled not bg hundred.s, but by hundred.s of thousands. Granvllle stuart on McDonard &[...] |
![]() | [...]S. Iosses at 75 percent" Open range ended in }day of 1887rwith etun- ning suddeness, cowboys became pa[...]y '',nd grain to guard against a repeatra builder of fences -le fenced himself in. Ra,nches never agai[...]I eE- tablished, and not badly hurt by the winter of 1886-?. His farming background had prompted hjm to turn hj.e bottom ground i.:nto hay fietrds. He was also a pioneer in planting some of the first alfalfa in Central Mont- and. His lives[...]corporated city and eounty seat. By 1890 the last of the Frederick and Mary Lyon family had boen bor[...]nes ) ; Frederlck Alfred, fg4g; Front row L to R- I'lervin Fred- erickr1890t Harry HarrlsonrIS[...] |
![]() | In ]890 Frederick filed for an additional 640 aeresrin f905 Walber and Frank for 320 eachrand Ida for 32Q in I9llraII adjoi-ning acre&g€r Life in Montana was[...]nglhonyocker, bohunkrnester, or scissorbills!? that the renraining homesites of 32A acres equaled only approxinrately 30 acres of loam j-n fowarlndiana, & East enn Dakota?s. nail fare fnom St. Paul to Billings was cut to $ 12.10 for settlensra whole boxcar for $50.00. Between 1900 & I9I0r eighty to 90 thousand flooded int, eastern and.[...]s the honrest- eaders plowed in bhe springrprayed for rainrin fhe faJ- they harvested and hauled to the[...]rcent. They needed nore l-and and seed. The price of wheab was good. The banker usuaJ-\y knew l-ittl'[...]e growing. Loans exceeded. d,eposits bV 5O%. Most of the l-oans on next year crops. Mechanization was[...]k with the water wagon pulled along side by teamr of horses, could plow in a dayrwhat a good team coul[...]tre potential- was awesomerand ripped up millions of &ctres of fnagile soil with deep botton pI- ow6r Only the old bj:ne ranchers and the Indians knew ( the folly of it. The plains would do what the plains \ had done for mlllions of years. They would continue to go through their e;rcle of drought and moisture. It began in the spring of l9frBig SandyrFort Benton and Havre registered .33 of an inch NIay, .45 in June the wet rnonths. The drought spread southeasterJy and by lglgrcoyered all of central and eastern Montana' Hot sustained wirdsr[...]ling range firesrand grasshoppers. Endless clouds of blackruglyrclacking, whinigrinsects eating every bl,ade of dry grassrtrees, and even shingles. The ma[...] |
![]() | that weathered and fell downrbroken hearts. they left in all directionsr Banks falted with n rlions of dolr- ars in MorLage indebtedness, and rnilrions of acres of eroded land. By the early 1920rs, sj-xty to seventy th- leff Montana. Those that remainedrtoughed .lrsand had iL outrate and sc[...]erle Fierce in 1910. Essie Belle, the daughter of Albert W & Leona E.Pierce, who operated a sar^nn[...]5r & later a garage in Forest Grove. The Pernyts of Mc0artney Croek were the parents and family of Leona Pierce. Harry & Essie hornesteaded on the[...]ercerEssits bro- ther, married Mary Young, sister of Charlie youngra Lewistown resident. The flu epide[...]sands perished. Harry Lyon died in LewistovmrDoc- of that year' xssj-e Lyon hur€ on to the honestead with[...]l.gz3rcou1dntt nrako it,gor Bo packed up and left for cali-fornia & never returned. Frank Lyon and his[...]anch -'+th Frederick. walter(snnok5.e) was riding for the N Bar ie glrls lv€re narried and gone. Me[...]ew Jrears before, her burial place is at the base of the rirnrocks to the northroverlooklng the ranch. rn the falr of 1928 Frank and Mary Lyon sold off the ranch and left for Colorado and California, After almost half a cent[...]er}lontana. Smoky passed away ln Bozeman ln March of L955. All was quiet until the surnmer of 1978 vrhen a retired son of Harry H. Iyon, Vernon H, born in Lewistown in July L9L5 from an abs- ence of 56 years returned to Montana to filt the v[...] |
![]() | aII ties had been broken wlth the other branches of the family, I was the survivor of mine and had no knowledge of bhe others. Relying on a seven year ol-ds memory & a box full ofttbox cametratt picLures of the good oId days i it was tjme to retunn" Needless to say Lewistown had \ changed. Surprisingly there are perhaps 50 /" of the |
![]() | [...]Si I I o ![...]Trade 'With Us and Secure a g6-piece Set of Rogers Silverware. FOR,EST GROVE . MONTANA[...] |
![]() | [...]from Fergus County Argus of - I9t0 Mr Mccauley came from the state of ohio to l,ast chance Gurch, Montana in 1869. He w[...]ast Chance Gulch was in those days a great center for placer miners and nlarqr fortunes were extracted fron the soil in and about the present site of the state capitol. For 12 years, Mr McCauley gave his attention to prace[...]those early days finding profitabte opporLunities for the investment of his own labor twerve months in the year. rn last chanee he got his start and in lBB2 purchased I03 head of eattle in Jefferson County and drove them to McDo[...]. The stream appears on the epr as the south Fork of McDonald Creek, but really is the main stream, th[...]au1ey has increased his land holdings to upward.s of 1600 patented acres, i-ncludi-ng some of the best of Iand in that section, and his flocks have grown to over eleven[...]this stock has consid erab\y increased the value of his herds. He never ship ped anu stock for feeders, but confines his shi;rnents to beeves and for several years has marketed in Omaha. He considers that with conservative nianagement and, pno per handling , such as he gives his own herds, fhere i is good pnofit in beef at four cents per pound. Mr McCau1ey was among the origirnl incorporators of the Judith Basin Bank and is at present a director of that institution. For narry years he lived a bachelor, but in Auguet 1899 r rnaryied Miss Fleming, of Michigatrr who shortJy previous thereto was one of the roost successful instrrJ ctors in Fergus Coun[...]onaId Butte West of McCauley[...] |
![]() | [...]ith 11 the original buildings, including the barn that as burned" Gerald said that his father, took great ride in the ranch and how it l-ooked. This picture is ertainly evid.ence of that feeling" Ttre barn fj_re was tarted by sparks fno[...]the brigade. ol"t d"r-;jd Xr","a^^,t Jr,^-A I2*-r, |
![]() | [...]one was at the head of Bear Gulch,The shearing was done in the large shed.. r remember that Mexicansheep shearers came i-n every spring to do the shearing. r dontt know if they worked up from Mexi-co1 or i-f they lived in or nearMontana. rt took them abou[...]the wool down so they could get more in the sack. I remember having quite a few sheep ticks on me eve[...]off. The sheep were sold in 1919 and a herd of cattle replaced them. A herd of about I25 to 150 were bought at christinarMontana. They were arl shapes and sizeg. ALso a part of the ranch operation consisted of raisi-ng wheat, arfalfa and wird hay was harvested each year for feed.[...]St. PaulrMinnesota. Sioux City being closer, most of thern were shipped there. one year we drove the[...]ilwaukee Railroad tracks went right by the ranch. I donft remember the yearrbut I must have been about 12 or 13 years old when the[...]ies told about it, the barn had Just been fil Ied that day with hay. There were always sparks flJ- ing from the train engine and evetTrone decided that must have been what started the fire. It d.idnft burn untj-I night, but it could have been smoldering for tt2 |
![]() | [...]section glew usuarry followed the train to watch for argr fires bhat might, have been started by frying sparks, i ember getting into the old overland ana goi-ng to ""r- Forest Grove for help, vern wrlght & ny Motherrs bro- bher, llaruy shepherd, were 2 of them who came back *ith me. rtm sure there were m[...]our neighbors were rlso there trying to help. By that time, though the carn was conplet,e\r gone. Fortunaterxr it being in surRmer, none of the horses were in the barn. Ar1 the rarnesses ar[...]re d.e- Itroyed. some ranchers got up on the rooi of the house rnd as we handed buckets of water up to them, they roured it on the roof. Thie was whal saved tle holse lrom burning too. That sane year fsur stacks of alfarfa hay were rurned- They totared about 100 tons of ha,y. ghi" fire :ould have been started by sparks from thL train also. We had to buy /r carloadi of hay that wlnter to ieed the cattre. rt cane frorn Nebraika ard south Da- rota'. The Last carload of hay they bought cost about 19.00 a ton, but th[...]said it was probably srew grass and no gola .t ,I1 for feed. rt had been very dry that season and most of the anchers had to buy hay. when a carroad of hay came .n for a rancher i-t was sprit up.- the other ranchers 'eal\y borrow[...]r carload came in. r remember one night" Ar1 of our work horses got n the railroadrright-of-way next to the tracks. wf,en ,hey saw the trai[...]s he courd find to put some teams together.- I remember the barn dances at the Lyon ranch[...] |
![]() | [...]No questions were asked anC his grandfabher said that l-ater on in the night,, he heard someone whist,I[...]ocial-s at Porest Grove at the dance haIl, Fourth of July celebrations and pi-cnj-cs in the old grove[...]nt t,o dances at Grass Range too, From what I have wriLten it sounds like all that ever happened were tragedies, but there[...] |
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This book of Forest Grove and the area bordering is ded[...] |
Forest Grove Citizens., Forest Grove, Montana: A History Book (1985). Montana History Portal, accessed 17/01/2025, https://www.mtmemory.org/nodes/view/3734