"Accolade2024.pdf" · Virginia Room Digital Collection (2025)












it's all in the moment
it's all in the books
it's all in the competition
it's all in the people




volume 68

(540) 772-7550
Title Page

Knights defeated Western Albemarle with a
score of 42-3. "I love the atmosphere of the
football .games. The student section always
gets everyone excited and the best part is
being with my friends," Bishop said.

Over 7

students bought tickets for the

homecoming dance (16, 17). 114 Knights
attended Young Life's fall retreat in November
(3 0, 31). Senior Emma Sexton and teacher
Kristen Canipe spent

combined hours per

month managing the school's official social media
account (32, 33). 2

cheerleaders attended and

competed at states in Richmond (64, 65).
Science Olympiad formed a new competitive club
that consisted of 1 6 students and counting (42,

43]. And it all happened here.

Ea •ng



. senior Delilah

Rodriguez spends time with friends at
senior sunrise. Senior sunrise was a
tradition started last school year. At
the beginning of the year, seniors got
together before school to watch the
sunrise. The tradition was carried to
the end of the school year for a senior
sunset at the end of the day to
symbolize the start and end of their
senior year. "I think it was a fun
experience for everyone since we
senior Cameron

were celebrating being seniors and

Haggett helps explain

spending time with our class,"

Academic Team as co-captain .

Rodriguez said . photobyeS&lllll

The club fair was a new
sophomore Tzion
Whitaker participates in Dungeons &
Dragons club. Whitaker's favorite
part of playing Dungeons & Dragons
was the dice. "I have three different
sets of dice in my backpack right
now. I have red, black and clear
dice," Whitaker said.

Table of Contents

photobye morris

tradition . All the clubs within
the school gathered in the
gym to promote their club . "My
favorite part of Academic
Team is definitely going to
tournaments," Haggett said .
ohotoOy l covau

World Map 8
Student Feature : Preston Lonker 10
Student Section 12
Homecoming 14, 16
Student Feature: One Eye Open
Current Events and Trends 20
Jobs and Hobbies 22
Senior Casuals 24
Student Feature: James Kupidlovsky 26
Hometown Hangouts 28
School Traditions 30
Multi Media 32
Timeline 34

Student Feature: Jeanne Picard 38
Buddies Club and Help Save the Next Girl 40
Key Club and Science Olympiad 42
Language 44
Post-Graduation Plans 46
Burton 48
Science Department 50
Marketing, Culinary and Knightly Grind 52
Student Feature: Gisele Crouse 54
Choir and Drama 56
Marching Band 58

Football 62
Cheer 64
Cross Country and Volleyball 66
Track 68
Student Feature : Lillian Swanson 70
Wrestling and Swim 72
Basketball 74
Softball and Baseball 76
Up and Coming Athletes 78
Lacrosse 80
Soccer 82
Golf and Tennis 84
Student Feature: Caitlin McBroom 86

Senior Portraits 90
Junior Portraits 101
Sophomore Portraits 106
Freshman Portraits 112
Faculty Portraits 118
Teams 122
Clubs and Organizations 136
S e nior Ads 146

Ads 173
index 180
Closing 186
Yearbook Staff 188

fres hm an Lo g an
M einster g ets excited at a pep
rally. This was M e inste r's f irst
pe p rally in the hi g h sc ho o l. "Th e
pep ra lly was e njoyab le d ue to
s p irited pe rfo rmance s , team
s p irit and a se nse of c o mm unity,'"
Me 1nste r sa id. ·., ... ,, .,, .· · ·. "


Ta ble of Contents

Immersed in the crowd, freshman Jason Shilling
watches his first pep rally as ~, high school
student. On September 22, students and
faculty gathere.d in the gym to build
'excitement for the homecoming football
game. Not kmowir:ig what to exp~ct , Shil ) ng
was s1:1rprised by the atmosphere. Form·er
Cave Spring student and NFL: Hall of Fame
Inductee Ronde earber was invited to the
pep rally and g_ame to e rec9gnized 'for his
achievem·ents. In aC!lGli_tion , ~atber gave a
spe~ ch to kick off the pep rally. "It-was c0el
heari n,g ·hirn ·t~lk about his exp.~ riepce at
CaV,e Spring," sp illing :;;aid. photob/SS.;cney

Breaking through a banner, seniors Samantha Manico, Sophie Mills,
and Isabella Cavicchia get ready for their senior powderpuff
game. On September 20, the girls played flag football while the
boys cheered them on. "Participating in these types of events is
important because it helps us build strong connections ith our
peers and creates a sense of community within our scho011" Mills
said. do!l;lbys.rnanicoaru!l S>'211SOO;holo~1aha)'lfenCOllybyLMnSon

take ti~


Six countries, six

summer adyePJtJl!lres ·


From July to August, sophomore
Sarah Sch a llon and senior Erin
Schallon went to Toronto . One
place they visited was Hershey
Park, where they went on roller
coasters. After Hershey Park, they
travele d to Buffalo, where they had
Buffalo wings. In Toronto, the


Schallon family saw old churches,

Sophomore Alijah Reeves took a
trip to ~ashville, Tennessee with
her fam ily to see Taylor Swift in

gueso I was," Schallon


concert on May 7. They stayed for a

weekend and the car ride was eight
hours long. While at the concert,
sh e got at-shirt as a souvenir.
Reeves knew all the songs




performed at the concert and her

Rian ( 11) and Rishi Patel (9)

favorite song was "All Too Well (10

went to Barcelona, Madrid and

Minute Version)." "My surprise

Malaga over the summer. They

song was 'Would've, Could've,

went with their family for eight

Should 've' and it made me cry

days . The Patel family visited

when it played ," Reeves said.

Sagrada Familia and Park Guell



. Freshman Aliza Schopf visited Costa
Ri ca with her parents and brother for
the first time. She stayed almost two
weeks and visited multiple locations.
She got to visit jungl es, where she
saw exotic animals and hot springs.
Schopf was originally going to go to
Costa Ri ca in 2020, but the trip was
. postponed due to Covid. "The


people were very welcoming , and
they enjoyed talkin g about where
they live," Schopf said .

Student life


be cause they were popular
attractions. They also visited
beaches while they were there .
"My favorite p a rt of th e trip was
visiting Malaga and the
beac h es," Pate l sa id .

Junior Julie Danco went to
Paris, France with her family
this summer for one week. She
visited the Louvre Museum ,
the Eiffel Tower and Disney
Land. Some differences
Danco noticed between
America and France were that
the architecture is older in
Paris and that people walked
slower. "I've always wanted to
go to France and finally
convinced my mom," Danco
said .


Anvit a Panchum arthy ( 11) we nt to Indi a
thi s past summ er. First she we nt to
Andhra Pracles h in south ern Indi a. Sh e
visited villag es and Vijayawada, w hi c h
is th e city her parents are fro m. For a
week, Panchum art hy vis ited Rajasthan
in north e rn India. Whil e she was t here ,
she we nt to Jaip ur, w here she visited
fa mo us old castles. Panc hum arthy has
bee n to India three tim es. "India has so
many languag es t hat wh en we we nt to
no rth ern Indi a I co uldn 't communi cate
w ith anyo ne," Panc hu marthy said. ""'"'"'
dm2kmanll e sc,ullo on mos SL!Omltleo COPJOv m rnet~l


World Ma p


ong before he was the

Throughout Lonker's high

64th Knight, senior

school football career, he

Preston Lonker was a leader

was coached by three

among his siblings, the

different head coaches. This

wrestling team and the
varsity football team.

made it difficult to feel a

"I hope to represent the

sense of community within
the team, but Lanker had
plenty of experience

school and


everyone in
it, so when
people hear
'the Knight'
they think


"If you respect me, I respect


you- even if it's just saying hi or
having a small conversation."
-Preston Lonker, 12

Spring," Lanker said.

hit, we would
hold whiffle

and kickball tournaments in

Lanker embodied the

our neighborh ood . I think it

characteristics of a Knight

went a long way for th ose

before he was knighted by

fam il ies w ho we don't know

valuing safety, respect and

thei r situation or how this is


affecting them . It brought us

"If you respect me, I respect

closer as brothers," Lonker
said .

you- even if it's just saying
hi or having a small

Lonker's kindness and

conversation ," Lanker said .

genui ne attitude expanded
on the Kn ight's traditi onal
role to not on ly be a

brothers, Lan ker was born

figu reh ead, but som eone to

into a leadership rol e. His

look up to du ring events li ke

parents impressed upon
him that fami ly is like a

trun k or treat, pep ral lies,

team- th e parents are the

gave at school.

parades and speeches he

coaches and as the oldest
of his brothers in seventh,

"Inviting others in, sitting

ninth and tenth grade, he

with new peop le at lunch,

was expected to be captain.

talking to different people in

"They were always my

showing that you care and

biggest supporters through

being kin d and polite and

classes, sh owing respect,

any sport I played . They

willin g to do thing s fo r

were always there fo r me,

others- that can really make

and I will always love them

or break someone," Lanker

fo r t hat," Lanker said .

s a i d. ~


Leaning over the front of the stands, seniors Abigail
McNamara, Taylor Foster, Abigail Harrison, Ella
Bishop, Kamryn Jones and Brandon Noell cheer
on the football players during the homecoming
game on September 22. "I love the student
section because it is a place where everyone can
come together, cheer for the team and have a
good time without really thinking about anything
else. My favorite cheer is 'We Can't Hear You'
because it always starts tension between the two
student sections making the game more
exciting ," McNamara said . Clapping their hands,
se niors Anderson Vannoy, Drew Ermel and Jake
McKinney lead the student section at a "Knight
Vision " themed football game. "I love having
themes for football games because it's another
way to bring eve ryon e together," Vannoy said . desgn
bys •dema1co copy by c trlb~e photos by t hopkms and e l'nish2k

Themes help to bring
the student section

Brmgrng energy to the game seniors
Daniela Dinsmore and Taylor
Foste r parad e the ir Styrofoam
mascot for the game. "The
themes for games add so mu c h
to the environment and make
thing s a lot more fun ,"
Din smore said. hrr mg
'o 11 1 a




senior c heer

ca ptai ns Raegan Shively and
Catrena Graham s how th e ir
su ppo rt. "Cheering at footba ll
games has given me some of
my favorite memories from high
school ," Shively said '" .,,,.,,. ·'"""'

Student Life

Cheering on their peers. seniors Ryan
Connelly and Drew Ermel attend one of
their last basketball games before they
graduate. "It's very different being a
senior in the student section because
you have to be a leader, you have to
create new chants and make sure that
the underclassmen will be able to
replace you once you leave," Connelly
said . Leading the student section. Assistant
Principal Chuck Parker helps to hype up
the student body during a boys'
basketball game. "Having a student
section helps the student athletes know
that they have support behind them- not
just their parents, but their classmates as
well. It's just a good thing to have for the
culture of the school ," Parker said.


pho1os byk

continue on
the tailgating

liettmq emtrd fm the h1g ganH senior Abigail Harri so n tailgates with her friends
before the first footb all game of the school ye ar. "Tailgating is such a fun
experien ce that has really made my se ni or year memorable ," Harrison said .
Show111Q ntt hP11


day ou•fl!s sen iors Drew Ermel an d Tyl er Wright pose for

th e ca meras befo re th e game. "I love to have a place to get to see all my
fri ends before gam es and get excited for ki c koff," Wright said . '""'"'""' '·""'"'·

Student Sect ion

Students take on
new roles in the
powderpuff football

Continuing the tradition, the seniors celebrate
another win against the juniors at the
annual powderpuff game. After a loss as
juniors, the now seniors took back the
t rophy for the class of 2024. "All of our
hard work creating plays and coaching the
girls made this victory feel even

b ett er,


senior Aiden Likens said. Ready for the snap,
se nior quarterback Sofia Deleon signals to
t he center to start the play. "Being
quarte rback made me fill a leadership role
with in t he team and I had to relay the play
call s to the team to make sure all my
players were aware of everything going
on," Deleon said.

d"'Jnby<hor.onphoiasby• so""'''OlfJYbya te9w11

With ball in hand, senior Samantha Manico
co mpetes against junior Cassidy Egle.
Mani co and Egle have been best friends for
three years and have always been competitive
with each other. "I loved being able to play
again st Cass and see how well our team
worked together," Mani co said . Manico
scored three of the fo ur touchdowns for the
se nior class. Dodging her opponent, junior
Cass idy Eg le ru ns toward the end zone. Egle
scored both of the touchdowns for the junior
class . "I think everyone on our team played
a key ro le and I cou ldn't have done it
without them ," Egle said. D/lOw'"''",,..""''


Student Ufe


the field

The band swaps

Shouting from the sidelines, seniors
Reece Ti bey and Johan Serrano
Murillo work with the other senior
powderpuff coaches to lead the
team to a victory. The coaches
hosted practices for the team once

Amidst his fellow band members, freshman Nicholas Freeman watches the

a week in the weeks leading up to

powderpuff game. Band members had the option to switch instruments with

powderpuff. " Ever since the first

one of their friends during the game. Freeman switched from the trombone to

practi ce, everyone got along with

the trumpet during the game. "It took me some time to figure out. It was

each other and we never had any

definitely an adjustment, but it was fun, " Freeman said . In the stands, junior Elijah

conflicts with the coaches or

Bills and senior W illiam Drake perform at powd erp uff. Drake typically plays the

players. It was fun getting to spend

baritone but for powderpuff he played the trumpet and trombone. "Playi ng the

time with our friends," Serrano

trombone and trumpet was a fun challenge for me because they are both

Murillo said . pho1obys ,.,,.eney

completely different playing styles ," Drake said . Keeping the beat, freshman James
Lankford plays one of the stand tunes they have prepared for the footba ll
games. "We do switch instruments and we clean the heck out of all the mouth
pieces because the time of th e game is when everyone gets sick. I switch
instruments but since I'm in drumline, everyone likes to switch to the drums.
I'm usually teaching someone," Lan kford said.

pno1osbys ''"'""


Launching through the air. senior Brand on Noell
completes a back f lip. Throughout the
powderpuff game, Noe ll did a total of 31 back
flips. Leading up to the game , senior Catrena
Graham's dad taught Noell how to do a variety
of diffe re nt flips. "My favorite part about
powderpuff was the practices because I
learned how to do many d ifferent types of
flip s," Noell said . ""·'· '""'·



Students kick off
the homecoming


and Lauren Hoffman represent their grade on
the junior class float. Each class hosted a
homecoming parade float with its own
unique theme selected by members of the
stud ent council for each grade. The juniors
selected a "Jukebox Junior" theme. "I enjoyed
seei ng the smiles on the little kids faces when I
tossed candy at them ," Kinsley said . photobya g11J1nrn




Showing off their togas, seniors
Mitchell Keller, John Chick,
Kal ek Wagner, Matthew Bradley


and Barna Bakhit participate in
Toga Day, one of the senior
themes for homecoming week .

Students and
teachers dress up
for spirit week

"The process of putting on my
toga was long , since my mom
kept adding more and more to
the outfit," Bakhit said.


Student life

011atub1b 0erco;


tne night away

Leading the parade, Nathan Bulla
{10) and Evelyn Anderson (12)

of the marching band take part
in the homecoming parade on
September 22 . The band, along
with various other student
groups, such as homecoming
court and teams, showed up
and followed through with the
homecoming tradition .
"Homecoming is a big week for
us, especially because of our
role in the parade . It's a really
cool thing to be a part of," Bulla


said . From under a surfboard,

Gathering on the dance floor, seniors Siena lademarco, Brandon Noell and Ryan Connelly

sophomore Grace Kielty

spend their Saturday night at the reinstated homecoming dance on September 23 . The

represents her class in the

dance was the second semi-formal homecoming dance after over a decade of informal

homecoming parade. The

homecomings. "The dance was a really fun experience, especially as it was my last one in

parade brought together

high school. My favorite part of the dance was the dance floor, that was a lot of fun . The

students, parents and members

music was great, as well as the environment," Connelly said . Ready fo r their pictures, junior

of the community. "I decided to

Bentley Brandetsas and senior Ronald Gromada get their photos taken in preparation for

be a part of the sophomore

the homecoming dance, a common tradition amongst students . " My favorite part of the

class float because I think it's

dance was taking pictures, before the dance and during. There was a really cute place to

really important to involve

take pictures at the dance. I love homecoming so much, because I am able to dress up

yourself in school activities

and go out with my friends and boyfriend and just have a good time with the people

during high school. You only get

around me," Brandetsas said. Holding their bouquets, seniors Lilly Swanson, Emma Sexton ,

one high school experience, so

Ella Bishop, Abigail Harrison, Kamryn Jones, Sarah Crawford and Laine Bennett get ready

you might as well make it

for their last homecoming dance. "I normally hate homecoming but it was fun this year. My

count," Kielty said. dcognby choltonandh draper

group was really good about making it fun since it was our last year," Swanson said. aho1os

phol!Jsbye marnsr.opybyc tr1b!e


With arms at the ready, the math

Smiling in their gear. senior Skyler

department parti cipates in

Ingle and juniors Holly Draper,

sports day during homecoming

Lauren Newbold and Brooke

week. Ryan Mason, the newest

Majors are dressed to sh ow thei r

addition to the math department,

school spirit. "I am wearing my

shared his thoughts on the

brother's ol d Cave Spring fo otball

theme, "The idea came from the

jersey. I enj oyed spirit wee k

movie 'Dodgeball.' Mrs. Shilling

becau se I got to see how mu c h

is th e departm ent chair so she

effo rt peopl e put into their

came up with the idea. I usually

different outfits for each theme

don't dress up, but I like being

day," Draper said. onotob11

part of the math teacher group,"
Mason said. phU1osubm111cd


ne Eye Open formed

For now, One Eye Open

as a band last year at

has not made an album.

homecoming. Owen

"We've been trying to

Sinozich ( 11) played the

[make an album] for a

drums, Landon Bishop ( 11)

while, but the quality of my

sang and played the guitar
and Mason Razvillas (10)

dad's studio is just terrible,
and it takes a lot of money
to produce an album,"

played the bass.

Sinozich said. Despite this,
they had
plans to

around the

"We want to keep the band
together as long as possible."
- Owen Sinozich, 11

drop a few
There were

same time in


2022. Razvillas started

being in the music industry

playing bass in January

that as high school


students. "As
seventeen-year-olds, it's

Each band member had
their own musical
influences. Razvillas cited

hard to get gigs because
you have to be twenty-one
to get into venues,"

Victor Wooten and Chris

Razvillas said. Their

Novoselic. Bishop was

solution to this was

influenced by Nirvana, and

performing at festival parks.

Sinozich was influenced by
Dave Grahl.
One Eye Open has
The band name and most

performed live three times.

of the lyrics originated from

They started selling

Bishop. The band has

merchandise like shirts and

created 37 songs so far.

wristbands at these gigs,

Razvillas wrote all the bass

with plans to expand later.

rifts and Sinozich came up
with the parts for the

E ch song they created

drums. It was ultimately a

had a different meaning.

collaborative effort.

"Most of them are just

The band practiced three to

stor,1es. Some of them are
jus like actual stuff that
everyone deals with, but

four times per week, but
practiced more in the

mo t of it just helps to get

summer. They held

ou emotions out," Bishop

rehearsals at Sinozich's

saiill .

house. "My dad used to be
in a legit band for twenty

They all agreed that this

years. We practice in his

ba d · as brought them

studio. It doesn't have walls

close r together, both as
bandmates and as friends.
"We want to keep the band




navigate politics,
pop culture and

Seniors India Cox and Isaiah Swanson voted for the first
time in the presidential primary election on
Tuesday, March 5. "As seniors this is our first year
voting . I think it's very important to exercise our
rights because we're given them and other
countries don't have the right to vote," Swanson
said. Both seniors' families had a large impact on
their political beliefs. "I watch the news every day
with my grandparents and they share a lot of their
input with me," Swanson said. "My parents
influence my opinion, but they also support
whatever I believe in," Cox said . Cox's political
beliefs most closely align with democrats and
Swanson describes his as "left-leaning." "I believe
our future rests in young people and democrats
and liberals especially take opinions from young
people," Cox said. "Issues like government vs.
states rights and gun laws, to me are better
handled by democrats," Swanson said.

what is

t re nd I ng

Students show off
the newest trends

With Stanley Cups together, Brooke Majors ( 12) , Madison Floyd (9) , Maggie
Simmons ( 11 ), Macy Holthouser ( 10), Ava Byers ( 12), and Caitlyn Karnes ( 10)
pose with their trending Stanley cups. The five girls combined own 19 Stanley
cups. "I love my cup because it keeps me hydrated and I bring it everywhere
with me," Floyd said. At the water fountain , sophomore Anu s hka Mukherjee fills up
her Stanley cup. With the increasi ng popularity of th e Stanley cup, Mukherjee
waited multiple weeks for a spec ifi c co lor to come back in stock. " It' s way
easier to carry around than my other water bottles," Mukh erj ee said . With uggs in
line, students show off their Ugg slippers and Ugg boots . In re ce nt years Uggs
have made a co meback in popularity . "I was influen ce to buy my Uggs
because they were trending , but they are also super co mfortable ," junior
McKenna Yearsley said . pho1°''~"~PJ"J ,,nw101


Student life

and ready
Students prepare to participate in
their first presidential primary
Seniors Ryan Scott and Laine Bennett prepared to vote for the first
time in the presidential primary election on Tuesday,
March 5. Both seniors touched on th e importance of
voting in primaries . "I think this election is one of the most
important primaries of them all. I think it's more important
than the general election because Donald Trump and Joe
Biden have already been the candid ates, so the primary
allows an opportunity to see new faces ," Scott said . "I
think it's definitely important to vote in primaries . I think
some people find it exciting and some people view it as a
sure thing, " Bennett said . Both seniors are impacted by
their families' political vi ews. "My family is important, and I
think th eir values pretty much reflect mine," Scott said . "I
definitely vote on the republ ican side and my family is a
place where I have gotten the majority of pol itical views
from, " Bennett said . Scott and Bennett describe what
attributes th ey are looking for in a candidate. "Someone
who is going to provide for our country a lot better than in
the past," B ennet said . "I will be voting for Nikki Hailey,
because sh e is th e young er candid ate and she is able
conn ect with the people more, " Scott said .


Students show off their
knowledge on TV in the game
show Battle of the Brains

The lop fo ur players on th e acad emi c team w ere se lected to
parti c ipate in a game s how hosted in Ri c hmond, Virgin ia,
" Battle of th e Brains. " The academi c-based show is played in
round s in whi c h th e tea m win s in ord er to advance. As the
team's c aptain , senior C ameron Hagg ett t ake s the lead of the
team. "I am res ponsibl e for pi c king w hat catego ry we take and
providing all th e answe rs to th e host. It's a lot of pressure

"The team work is

because it 's tim e-sen stive," H agg ett said . Eac h member on

he most

the team is res p ons ibl e for a ce rt ain subj ect . S enio r C arson
Ray spec ializes in sc ience. "I 'm big o n sc ience, any kind of

"We get to

"No matter whether we w in

scien ce, physics, c hemistry, es pec ially astro nomy. Th e Battl e

be on TV

or lose, it 's rewardi ng bein g

of the B ra in s qu esti o ns are mo re geared toward s science ,

whi c h is

abl e to spen d a few ho urs

histo ry and po p c ulture so I rea lly play we ll in B attl e of the


with my fri ends and get th at

Brains . In the regul ar seaso n the qu esti o ns are mo re balance d


fe llowshi p."

with more literature an d other subj ects ," Ray said .



amazin g part
abo ut it, you get
really c lose w ith
the peop le o n th e
team ."


Current !Events and Tr ends

it's all in the
Students take on hobbies
and jobs outside of school

Clearing a hurdle. junior Hallie Dunstan prepares for her next
competition. For the past seven years, Hallie Dunstan has
ridden horses that her and her aunt own . Her horse named
Tiffany was located at Healing Strides Virginia, where they work
with therapeutic rides. Dunstan rode in four shows a year to
qualify for nationals as part of the athletic equestrian league.
"Horseback riding is a big part of my life. I'm there almost
everyday after school. It takes up a lot of my time ," Dunstan
said. Lining up his shot. sophomore Levin Santhosh practices
his photography skills . Only a few years ago, Santhosh
stumbled into photography when he was gifted a camera
for Christmas. His muse was the still life of the natural
wo rld. Santhosh built friendships and skills with each
new camera and photography experience. One of his
best frie nds helped him edit all of his photos in Adobe
Lightroom. "At lanta was probably my favorite place to
take pictures. We went to the botanical gardens there ,"
Santhosh said.

p/lotosby 1. lloilkmrndt santhoshdellgnbyh craperandc holtoncopybys reartc1<photossubmine11





the artificial light of a basfH11~rt junior Noah

Wright bring s microgree ns, mu shrooms and fungi
to life. Wright grew a wi de variety of mushrooms
and fungi and spent multiple months c ultivating ju st
one kind. "I wou ld love to co ntinu e growing
mushrooms when I have more money and more
space," Wri ght sai d . Som e of the mushroom s were
ed ibl e and others had a strong aro ma which kept
them locked in the basement. Wrig ht even coo ked
som e of th e mushrooms and microgreens that he
has grown . ~t1)!'J •. rnr1· n~·1

Student life

Standing by his car, freshman
Miles Holland works on his
most recent project. For
most of his life, Holland has
worked on cars with the help
of his father. Projects could
span from a single day to si x
months until they were
complete. He accumulated
two of his own cars with his
Jeep being his personal
favorite . "I mostly work on
race cars during my
Motorsports Technology
classes at Burton," Holland

Students share how their hobbies
translated into jobs

Hanging out with Santa. junior Kayleigh
Levering finishes up a shift as
Santa's helper. Levering spent her
days taking photos of families and
kids with Santa. "My favorite part was
the conversations I would have with
Santa and the kids. You 'd be
surprised by t he amount of kids
running up to Santa to give him gifts
and big hugs ," Levering said. Cooking

up some iood senior Cameron Haggett
feeds the Salem Red Sox fans in the
baseball stadium 's kitchen . As a part
of the catering team , Haggett worked
shifts between eight to twe lve hours.
"I have a lot of coo king experience.
and I love baseball , so it was just the
perfect fit ," Haggett said . .·;;os .t-·,,

Jobs and Hobbies

Student life

Senior Casuais







Edi profile


2 ,991

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onP number



s a Christi an influence r


"I t hi nk bei ng a part of

with growing pop ularity

Young Life is where my

on Ti kTok, sophomore

heart is now, being able to

James Kupid lovsky has

teach kids around midd le

created a name fo r him se lf.

sc hoo l and hi gh sc hool age ,

H e has attend ed chu rc h fo r

on ce I'm outside high

t he majority of his life .

sc hoo l," Kupidlovsky said.

A passion

"Being a part of Young Life

for th e

is where my heart is now,

To share hi s
faith , he
shared his

beingableto teachkids

favorite B ible

rece iving 1n

aroundmiddleschool and

verse, James

chu rc h

highschool age, once I'm

4:3, "Draw

he was

in spired hi m
to share his
faith . Kn own

outside highschool."

.James Kupidlovsky, 10

for bein g

near to G od,
and he w ill
draw near to

used by t hose of high
sc hool and midd le scho ol

Ku pid lovsky spent much of

age, Ti kTok provid ed th e

hi s free ti me in worship and

pl atform he was searc hing

liste ning to Mac Miller. "Mac


Mill er is one my favorite

Kupidlovsky began tru ly

said . He tr ies to live by one

finding love for hi s faith

of his more famo us quotes:

during Yo un g Life.

"Life ain't life t il you live it."

hum an bei ngs," Kup idlovsky

"Oth er t han my mom,
Landon Dermott, my Yo un g

Kupidlovsky continued to

Life lead er, was a big

post content for his 255

inspirati on for me,"

fo ll owers to learn more

Kupid lovs ky said .

about re lig ion. He has
accumu lated over 7,281

For Kupid lovsky, Yo ung Life

views on his five TikTok

was abo ut co nnections w ith

videos and experienced

friend s and shari ng faith

continued growth each day.

with t hose closest to you.

Students list their top hangout spots around the city


~. .mt='/


- -H 0 USE


Student l ife

Waffle House is a go-to hangout after any late
night event. "After a Friday night football
game is the best time to go," freshman
Amelia Stoner said. Waffle House is open 24
hours, which makes it a top pick. "The staff
there are super cool , and it's always open ,"
freshman Chase Janney said.

AMC Theater provided entertainment for many
students . With its ten auditoriums. there were a
variety of films to choose from at each visit.


"My go-to snack is the popcorn, and I like
going to trendy movies, like the Taylor Swift
Eras Tour," senior Beatrice Garcia said.
AMC often hosted special events and fan
favorite films. "I just moved here, and my
friend Scottie invited me to a movie. We
went all out and dressed up," freshman Lila
Gorby said .

Elmwood Park, located in downtown Roanoke,
held an outdoor amphitheater


accommodating around 4,000 guests. "You
always see people you know at concerts ,
and everyone gets involved ," senior Sophie
Mills said . Elmwood hosted events for every
season . "The best time to go is in the winter
for the ice skating ," junior Lauren Newbold
said .

The Roanoke Star was built in 1949 as a symbol
for the city of Roanoke. The 100-foo tall Sta


overlooks the Blue Ridge Mountains and
the city. "When I think of Roanoke, I think of
the big Star," sophomore Camd en Wilson
said. "I like to go [to th e Star] with my
friends , especially at sunset," senior
Magnolia Burden said.

s AR
provid ed a space to
social ize. With

there was

a wide variety of fo od and drinks to c hoose
from. "I like to support local small
businesses. They have fun events like t he
Gilmore Gi rls trivia night," seni or Elise
Grieme said . "Friday nights are th e best
tim e to go, because they have th in gs li ke
live music and markets. It always bri ngs a
crowd," junior Karly Bard ales said .

leS><)lll\ '"'

ph!Jtos.submmoocopvb; b CJ\LCCh ;J

Hometown Hangout s

in the
Passing out candy, junior Peyton Sloane
participates at cross country's trunk or treat
car. "This was my first time doing the trunk or
treat and I had a lot of fun seeing everyones
costumes. I also really enjoyed decorating
the car because we made all of the
decorations by hand," Sloan e said. Singing
together, junior Mia Hylton and senior Rhianna
Loftland participate in karaoke during lunch.
"Rhianna and I sang 'Baby' by Justin Bieber. I
think it's really important to have school spirit
and I'm never afraid to show wh o I am,"
Hylton said. Distributing treats, senior Lauren
Niday helps organize the cross country car
and entertain the kids for th e second year in
a row. "My favo rite part about this t radition
was seeing all of th e kids happy while getting
t reats fro m us," Niday said.



Students share their
experiences at Young
Life's fall weekend retreat
Linking arms, sen iors Michael W itt, O we n
Tozier and Joseph Vann oy parti ci pate in
Young Life's retreat. The camp brought
together publi c schoo ls fro m around the
area every November. "I've been in
Young Life sin ce sophomore year and I
enjoy that it brings people together and
we get to learn about God with our
friends," Tozier said . Jumping in the air,
jun ior Co nnor George plays basketball
at fall retreat. "I joined Young Life this
year because my friends got me to
co me. To me, Youn g Life is a very
compassionate commu nity that brings
people together," George said.


Student life


Number of Cave Spring studentt
who attended Young Life 's fall


Cheering during the pep rally, juniors Connor Wilson and William Underwood cheer
during a battle between the Knight and the Blackburg Bruin. "The pep rally
got me excited for homecoming and the next quarter of school ," Underwood
said. Battling for a win, senior Wyatt Smith dresses up as the Blackburg Bruin to
fight the Knight, Preston Lanker, in preparation for the homecoming football
game. "I liked doing this because it was interactive and a lot of fun, " Smith
said. Preparing for his race, senior Kent Ray leans on a scooter. "I think pep rallies
bring people together and it's a fun way to end the semester. Now that I'm a
senior, I want to be a role model and show that it's okay to go out and enjoy
the activities within the school," Ray said . pho1os~yk limnng

Bringing back the school blood
drive with the Red Cross
"I did a blood drive over Christmas break and
had a lot of fun with it, so that inspired me to
want to do another one. I also knew a lot of
high school students would be willing to
donate because it's an easy way to get
volunteer hours. I'm excited to see the turnout
because we have already had a lot of people
Signed Up.





School Traditions

School journalists and social

media experts discuss how they
spread the news

sophomore Jason
Boswell films a segment for the Knightly
News during journalism class. "I love
journalism because just about anything
can happen. You could be filming a
segment and you get the most amazing _
blooper that you get to put in and it's just
really fun," Boswell said.


s sophomore Reagan

Basel and senior Lukas White carry out
their journalism tasks. "I decided to do
journalism because I just really love
making videos and I also want to pursue
journalism in college and eventually, a
career," White said, "There's a really
positive environment in the class which
is one of the reasons I love it so much.
Mrs. Shawn has helped me with my
skills so much throughout my time with
her." d~bys. odem2!rop001DSbyl omUCOJ1/by t~ibl2


The senior video is a one-woman project
senior Emma Yanishak works to create the senior
video. "At Burton we are in charge of the senior video and since I
am already very involved in school events I've taken on the
respon sibility of the senior video. I probably spend about two
hours every single c lass working on it to make sure that it's
perfect for the seniors . It' s stressful doing it by myself, but I know
that I don't have to rely someone else and I can do it on my own
time," Yanishak said . pho101hy 1 111anicu

Student Life

journalism program is that it gives me a chance to
work with media every single day. I go to the Burton
center for mass communication on the days I'm not
doing the journalism program. This allows me to
always be improving , iterating and perfecting my
craft. It's also nice because there's a super chill
environment in journalism. Of course there's still a
level of urgency, but we love to have fun too,"
Garlow said .

no" ~

~ mg

f Ifs


seniors Beatriz

Garcia and Lauren Mather film in the green room
for the Knightly News. "My favorite part about
journalism is interviewing people. We only have to
do it a couple times a month because there 's not
too many segments, so we can usually get it done in
one class. Our most recent segment was one of my
favorites . We asked people, 'Who is most likely to ..."
and interviewed people to get their opinions and it
ended up being really cool, " Garcia said.

phatos by Lc:avau

Knights behind the school social media
accounts share their dedication to
"I probably spend about 16 hours per
"Sin c e there is something happening

month running the acco unt because I

all the time , I would say I spend ten

have to find th e pictures , p lan the

hours a month on running th e

post and contact people about how

account. I abso lutely love running th e

th e activities went. I like run ning the

social medial My advance d marketing

soc ial medi a because it gets me

class helps c reate c onte nt. Getting

invo lved in the school and helps me

th em involved 1s the goal. " 1 1""""'' ' '" '"''

show everyone 's school spirit. "



A glimpse into highlights from every season


On September 22. former Cave Spring football player
and NFL Hall of Farner Ronde Barber was invited
back to his alma mater the week of homecoming.
Barber attended the fall pep rally and spoke to the
school. After losing their previous two games,
Barber spoke to the football team prior to the
homecoming game. "He definitely helped bring a
spark to some of my teammates that were down
and out of the groove," sophomore football player
Cooper Hodson said. Barber also attended the
homecoming game to be recognized for his


the competition cheer team
placed first in states. After a third-place
finish the previous year, the team was
determined to come out on top. With ten
incoming freshmen, the team was ready for
a fresh start. "The bond this year between
me and my teammates was different from
past years because I feel like I can talk to
anyone and go to anyone ," junior Emery
Weld said, " I feel like that had a big part in
us winning states this year." photornbrmnc~


Student Life

On January 15. the school had its first snow day in
two years. Roanoke received four inches of
snow, causing schools to close for two days
and have a two-hour delay on the third day.
"When I found out there was no school, I was
so happy because we haven't had snow days in
so long," sophomore Cecilia Alouf said. p1101ossubrruno1

On February 17, the girls' swim 200 free relay team placed
first at states. A month before states, junior Tessa
Gorby broke her foot but continued practicing for her
team . "It sucked, but I thought of my coach and team,
so I did it for them," Gorby said. After winning prelims,
the pressure was high to maintain their spot in first.
Sophomore Jillian Sylvester Johnson, junior Tessa
Gorby, freshman Alexis Schaaf and senior Zoey Lusk
swam a group time of 1 :37.47 seconds. "It was really
exciting because this is my first year at Cave Spring
and I was happy for Zoey Lusk because she got to win


4 ro

sophomore Graham Kuehl
gets help from his teacher,
Mrs. Amy Bolen. "Mrs.
Bolen is very involved in
the classroom activities.
She really loves her
students and her class is
very fun and interactive,"
Kuehl said. imtolrtdlr•'"*'J

'' 1

sophomore Kaylin Dalton

keeps on beat with the rest of her
classmates. Dalton has been in band since
middle school and enjoyed the welcoming
but also challenging atmosphere th e class
brings. "Band takes a lot more thought
process with reading notes, keeping on
tempo and being able to read ahead of what
you're playing," Dalton said . pilll1obyornorrb

junior Aidyn Alexander is congratulated on stage by
National English Honor Society president Samantha Man ico (12).
During their induction ceremony on November 20, new members
were inducted into the honor society based off of their
successes in the English arts . "It was a big honor and a really
cool experience to be able to do a lot of community stuff,"

in the Lincoln-Douglas
debates, which is a style of
schedule: Governor's School,

debate that emphasizes moral

Acadmic Team and Debate

values. She was a teacher and

occupy her days. Just this year

a student, consistently learning

she has been in a total of 12

about new topics and helping
others to
write their

In Governor's


"You just have to get [the worik]
done. There's plenty of time

topics too,

when you take advantage of it."
-Jeanne Picard, 10

usually about


the Middle

and engineering. Much like

East, health care and other

college, Governor's School

similar stuff," Picard said .

required testing, essays and
teacher recommendations to

With so much on her plate,

gain entrance. It provided

Picard took advantage of every

in-depth classes and more

free moment to stay on top of

time to focus on personal

assignments. "You just have to

interests and projects. "For my

get it done. There's plenty of

science fair this year, I built a

time when you take advantage

handwriting robotic arm,"

of it," Picard said.

Picard said.
Picard shared how she coped
As a member of both the

with stress while juggling

Academic and Debate teams,

Debate, Gov. School and

Picard continued to build her

Academic Team. "I do stress

resume at a young

sometimes. Gov. School has

age.Academic Team

some resources for that. They

tournaments were all about

have a counselor there, she is

teamwork and understanding a

really nice. We do yoga

wide variety of topics . With a

together. I usually try to get my

few wins under her belt, Picard

confidence up before a

planned to continue attending

Debate competition . I read

tournaments and supporting

over my cases , talk to othe r
people and try to rel ax," Pi card
said . ~"'~





New friendships are formed
in Buddies Club and Help
Save the Next Girl

Plating their food, juniors Skylar Uherick,
Presley McClellan and Ranah Hassan
participate at the annual Help Save the
Next Girl Halloween bake-off. Each
member was invited to bring in a
baked item decorated with a
Halloween theme for the opportunity
to win a trophy. Faculty members
judged the treats based off taste and
presentation. Uherick has been a
member of the club since eighth grade
and joined because she loves the idea
behind the club and what they do. "I
enjoy Help Save the Next Girl because
you get to make new friends and
everybody is always so kind," Uherick
said. d!!Signb'1m 11n11.inaide sa•lo.!illotobye morns OJ~/bym ms&•



Buddies Club and Help
Save the Next Girl
members reach out to
their community

Passing out candy junior Jaycee Mills
participates in Trunk or Treat for
Help Save the Next Girl. The theme
for their trunk was Candy Land.
Mills helped set up the trunk and
pass out candy to all the kids. Her
favorite thing about Help Save the
Next Girl club is gathering with
kind people. " I think that it's really
good that there is a club that girls
can join where we can iust come
together and support each other,"
Mills said .

Academics and Organizations

to the club
Members share how many years they
have given to their club

Singing around a microphone. sophomores Alexa
Carter, Kyrstin Bratcher Davis, Ainsley
Moseley and Megan Miles participate in the
Buddies Club karaoke event. Buddies Club
encouraged engaging with everyone in th e
school. They hosted parti es at meetings to
make sure everyone felt included. "[My
favorite song to sing was] 'Baby' by Justin
Bieber" Carter said . Cheeri ng on th e team.

Kendall West (11) has been in H el p Save The Next Girl for

sophomore Ain sley Mose ley helps with the

five years. She joi ned because her cousin knew

Special Olympics. Special Olympics was an

Morgan Dana Harrington , w ho was a 20 year ol d

event where several different schools came

woman who was abducted and murdered in 2009. Th e

together to have a field day. There were

club formed in Harrington 's hon or to teach you ng

events like running and shot put. At th e end

women about situational awareness. West's favorite

of th e events, everyone received a medal.

part of the club was talking and socializing w ith people.

Moseley contributed by holding onto

One of th eir social events was a baking co mpetition

belonging s, helping out with race s and

held before Hallowee n. "[ In the baking competition] I

helping people navigate the event. Moseley

won third most creative, and I made mummy

joined Buddies Club because her cousin

cupcakes," W est said .

with a disability inspired her to join. "I think
th at people should join Buddies Club
because the members are so me of the
sweetest peo pl e I know and I think people
should get the chance to see how amazing
everyone is ," Moseley said.

ohatosby l covan

Sitting 111 the library freshman Ella
Skee le, a member of Help Save the
Next Girl , makes th ank you card s
for teachers. The c lub did this to
show appreciati on for their
teachers and build up th e


com munity. Skeele made cards for

Her favorite thing about Buddies C lub was the positive



•:he· Dai

joined Buddi es C lub this year.

Mrs. Clark , Mrs. Bills, Ms. Knight

energy and how kind people were . B ratc her Davis

and Mr. H ough . "I parti c ipate in the

made a lot of new fr iends and plans to remain in the

c lub because I like the message it

c lub next year. "I joined Buddi es C lu b because I have a

has. My favo rit e part is seeing a lot

co usin th at has a learnin g di sability. I don't see her that

of my friends in the c lub ," Skeele

muc h, however I fe el li ke it helps me help her, and
other peopl e," Bratc her Davis said . ... " '

Buddies Club and Help Save the Next Girl

Key Club and Science
Olympiad emphasize

working together
Building a tower, junior Peyton Sloane along with seniors
Elise Grieme and Robert Votta prepare for their Science
Olympiad competition at Virginia Tech . Sloane was the
president and founding member of the club. Members of
the club competed in different events by doing labs or
tests to score points. "I wanted people who don't
normally do science stuff to learn more about science,"
Sloane said.

desgnbyk hortanohatobys ma111cooaaybya 1egau1t


Pl ANNING Ato look
into what it takes
run a club

Organizing events, seniors Samantha Manico and Matthew Bradley write down
Key Club events for the month. As a Key Club officer, Manico was
responsible for finding events for Key Club members to participate in. "I
love being a part of Key Club because I get to serve my community, and I
get to teach others how they can serve th e ir comm unity too ," Mani co sa id .
ohotoo1· man•CJJ

Smiling as she works on a project, senior Elise Grieme runs a Science

Olympiad meeting after school. As vice president, Grieme kept eve ryon e
on track to be ready for com petitions. "We wanted to create a community
for people who love science ," Grieme said. "'"'""' ""·.1o,1


Academics and Organizations

Bagging sandwiches, seniors Samantha Manico and Siena lademarco
volunteer at the Rescue Mission for Key Club . They spent an hour
and a half bagging 700 sandwiches to give to those in need. "I really
like the Key Club community because we all come together with the
common goal of helping others," lademarco said. Preparing s'mores,
freshmen Kaelyn Rogers and Madison Steffen volunteer at the
Gingerbread Festival on December 2. "I like volunteering with
Madison because its fun to be able to give back to the community
with my friend ," Rogers said.


Key Club volunteers for the
Salvation Army's Angel Tree program
Checking out at the store, sophomore Madelin e Blanton an d
freshman Caitlin McBroom shop for an Ang el Tree kid . Th e kids
were able to make a wish li st of thing s they wanted and needed
for their holiday gifts. "I liked th at I was abl e to go sh oppin g for
kids during this event because it was mo re f un than oth er
volunteering events" Blanton said . Pushing her shopping cart. juni or
Skylar Uherick uses this voluntee r event as an opportunity to
give back to children in the co mmunity. "My favo rite eve nt from
key club has bee n preparing meals at the resc ue miss ion. I also
love th at key club is a co unty wide c lu b so everyo ne can get
invo lved" Uheri ck said . '"'''"'"''"

Key Club and Science Olympiad

Looking at vocabulary, juniors Ella Sciullo and Julie Danco participate in French IV together. In a normal class, they
read their textbooks and wrote down words they were unfamiliar with. Sometimes they went outside for
speaking assignments, but most of the time they looked at PowerPoints, then completed an assignment
afterward . "I used to really like Paris when I was a kid, so I wanted to learn the language so I could visit," Sciullo
said. Writing index cards, sophomore Maya Thomp so n and Raine Sydnor prep are to p erform a skit in Spanish Ill.
They were instructed to make a story an d present it to their class . Thompson 's story was about a friend group
lying to each other abo ut a party that they were going to. "I take Spani sh b eca use I w ant to be an interpreter as
a career in the future, " Thompson said . de.gn by s iademarcoahawsbye rna111scopybi c 111Meandm me~q


Students discuss their
Journey navigating a
brand new country
" In Mongolia every sc hool has uniform s
" Peo ple are a lot more friendly in the US ,

th at eve ryo ne has t o wear and th e re is no

in Mo ngo lia peo ple don 't smile as often

jewelry or pi e rc ings all owed . I like it h e re

and aren 't as happy."


A cademics and Organizations

be cause I can express myself." .•1.11'"'"



Presenting lo their class, junior Kensington
Reynolds and sophomore Rishika
Sethumadhavan introduce their Spanish
project. "I'm in my third year of Spanish and
I took it because it has so many real world
applications," Reynolds said, "In all honesty
I took a language because I need it to
graduate but it has been pretty challenging .
The hardest part of learning a second
language in my opinion is the words that are
just super different from English and also
the grammatical structures." Performing for
their class, junior Nicholas Renick and
sophomores Ayush Pinnamaraju and Anish
Suryapeta utilize props in their skit.
Pinnamaraju 's favorite part of Spanish class
was completing memorization assignments.
He would like to continue into Spanish next
year because "it's supposed to look better
for my transcripts and college applications,"
Pinnamaraju said , "[During the skit) it was
fun to see all the people doing [the skit] in
costumes." Laughing during French class, juniors
Brittany Hagee and Rosa Parks Ebacha
enjoy the teachings of the French language.
Hagee has taken French for four years. "I
love taking French because I am really
interested in the French culture and I love
my teacher Madame J," Hagee said . pha1nsby1'°""

Representing both of his cultures, sop homo re Ni c holas H oefner provides insig ht on his experience
being bilingual. "My mom started speaking Spanish to me as soon as I was born. My brother
and I both speak it but my dad on ly speaks a littl e bit of Spanish. Knowing two languages in
ex treme ly important because I iu st speak Spanish with my mom and also my mom's side of
the fam ily ju st speaks Spanish. I also used to live in New Mexico and there's a very hu ge part
of the population th at is Hispanic, so it has been very useful ," H oefner said . aha10bv 1 hopl11l.1


Seniors share
their plans for
the future

"I have always wanted to go to Tech,
ever since I was little because my
dad went there. I cannot wait to
spend the next four years there."


"I am looking forward to
collegiate sports. I think
balancing softball and school
will be easier in college then
high school. My schedule is
going to be sorted out
throughout the week and I am
going to have set times for


"I was originally planning on staying
in-state for college, but Valparaiso
University had the majors I was
looking for and was a little bit of a
better fit for me . Then I received a
scholarship called the Lutheran
Leader Scholarship; it's both a
leadership program and a full-ride



Senior Isaiah Swanson was accepted into University of Chicago, 668 miles


Swanson knew he had to focus on his personal essay to set him apart. "I

away from his home. With th e university's 5% acceptance rate,
cho se to write about my personal experience growing up [raised by] white
grandparents. As a black kid I didn't align with a lot of the culture of other
black kids. It was harder to make friends with other black people, and I also

Isaiah Swanson prepares to

had to face a lot of jokes and discrimination because I don't act like a

move to the number one

stereotypical black kid," Swanson said . Swanson was looking forward to the

business school in the nation

to move to becau se it's very vibrant," Swanson said . He plann ed to major in

new environment and diversity. "I think the city of Chicago will be really nice
business with a focus on th e managerial side of music production .
to st art a lab el," Swanson said. aho1osubm111o1,,,0yby s m'""'

Academics and Organizations



Student athletes and
their coaches share
how and why they
decided to sign

"I had the dream to swim in
college ever since the
beginning of high school from
like watching the Olympics
and NCAA, that just really
inspired me to push myself to
a higher level."

"I am attending


Radford for their
Nursing program. My
, dad went there and
loved it, so I felt it
would be a good fit."

"I had been talking to Zoey
since before her junior year
about looking at schools and
which will be the best fit for


her. Through lots of ups and
downs, I am thrilled that she


chose JMU and I look forward
to watching her excel in the
world of collegiate swimming."


"They have


extremely high
diversity rates and
being introduced to

"I wanted to go to Davidson

all different types of

because they have a great

people was one
huge factor in my
decision ."

de>gnby k. horton

ph01ossubminerlcopyby 1 C<lticchio


combination of high
academics and athletics. I am
going to stay focused on my
academics while working hard
at golf."





Embarking on a life-changing journey, senior David
Jordan and junior Martin Hays prepare to
leave for the military once they graduate this
year. Martin Hays is only a junior but is
graduating early so that he can pursue his
dream of being a Navy Seal. "My
grandfather was an Army Ranger and he did
solo missions in Vietnam . He did a lot of
top-sec ret stuff and that's really what made
me want to go into the military," H ays said .
"This venture mean s a lot to him , he even
plans on g etting a t attoo to represe nt what
he' s ab o ut to go d o ," Kri sten C anipe,
Jordan 's teac her, said . 11notossub111111 eo co111b"


Seniors plan to go into the m ilitary

The Burton Center for Arts and
Technology introduces students
to a variety of possibilities

Reading a manual, junior Cameron Noell works
as a student in the automotive program at
Burton . "The hands-on learning at Burton is
more inclusive. People who are visual
learners do better," Noell said, "The Burton
environ ment t reats the students more like
adults instead of tee nagers to prepare them
for future careers post high school. It's less
of a formal environment and more of a
wo rkplace."

~tjs a~~

d"'Jo by1 orxp/lotossubmmed OJpy b'fb ca•cchio


Burton interns discuss their on the job knowledge

Helping an elementary school
student, senior Yarian Colon is
assigned to Penn Forest

Academics and Organnzatnons

Elementary to co mplete her

Working on an engineering project,

teaching internship. " It's

freshman Claire Yanishak

honestly a great experience

prepares for a future job in

to work with c hildren at Pen n

bio med ical e ngineering . " In

Forest because I get to learn

thi s program , I get to d es ign

and see more about teaching

part s online and then make

and lead ing kid s," Colon

them from different

said .

mate rial s ," Yanishak said .

The principal of Burton discusses his school

Taking notes, juniors Bryan Parker and
Kenneth Walters participate in an
engineering lab. Parker is a third year
engineering student at BCAT and has

Sitting at his desk, Principal Christian Kish hopes to help each

taken multiple science and math

student become opportunity ready and prepare for success in

classes, along with the main engineering

the future. "BCAT is a special place because the students

class. "We learn about the engineering

choose to be here with us and are taking classes that are of

process as a whole and we learn how to

high interest to them," Kish said. Burton is a specialized

use programs related to engineering,"

school, which combines all five RCPS base schools. Students

Parker said, "All the programs we use

had to interview for a spot in each individual program . "There

are helpful for everyday life." Using a shovel,

are plenty of high quality, work-based, authentic learning

sophomore Ethan Richards participates

activities the students engage in . Students are able to compete

in his building trades class. "Burton is all

in skill competitions at the local, state and national levels.

about finding the trade you like. I build

BCAT students are also able to meet students from the other

objects with wood, sculpt, do a little bit

schools across the division in a dynamic and diverse

of masonry, plumbing and electrical

environment that fosters connections, collaboration and

work," Richards said .

personal growth ," Kish said.


The emergency medical technician program was just one
of 26 programs available at Burton. Th e program
differed from normal school c lasses due to the
type of instruction . "We do hands-on activiti es ,
like stop the bleed, " junior Karly Bardales said .
Burton offered co nnections for vo lunteer
opportunities in EMT, so students could easily
jump into th eir post high sc hool caree r goals.
"Now I have more kn owledge fo r the medi cal
f ield and emergencies ," Bardales said.


take a look at
Science scholars perform
experiments to gain a
deeper understanding

Focused on her fake wound, senior Kylie Henson
uses fake blood, putty and an oil-based
makeup pallet to create a wound in anatomy
class. "It was fun being at the table with my
classmates and being able to create these
fake wounds. This lab was cool because we
got to see how wounds really look on the
body," Henson said . Simulating a burn wound,
junior Avery Remines uses a combination of
fake skin and makeup to create the wound on
her arm . "This lab was much better than other
labs we 've done because I was able to learn
more and it was a lot of fun, " Remines said.
designbykhor1onphotosbyLhopkinscopy bya.!eg2ull



Student s of Roanoke
Valley Governor 's
School participat e in
science fair

"I'm working on how the pill Berberine

"My project is a automatic pill sorter

"I'm constructing a robotic arm with

affects the heart rate of Daphnia

and dispenser for the elderly. "

an electromagnet on the end that cal

Magna. I decided to do this project


pick up sc rap metal from a work

because it c ould possibly help people
with type two diabetes ."


Acad emics and Organizations

bench. "



a deep wound on his arm . "This was a cool hands-on
experience and I really enjoyed playing with the
different colors," Manning said . Creating a black eye. senior
Abigail Wes cott works with different colors of eye
shadow to replicate a bruise around her eye. "It was
interesting to learn about the difference in co lors
between bruises and burn wounds," Wescott said.

AP physics students
find the velocity of a
flying pig as it takes

Observing the flying pig. seniors

ten laps around their

Thomas Loschn er and Elizabeth


Simkins measure th e amount of
tim e it took for th e pig to do ten
revolutions. "I took this class
because I want to be an
engineer," L osc hn er said.

Working with l1is peers. sen ior
Robert Loveless ca lcu lates the
data needed for the lab.
Measuring the radius al the circle the
pig is making. sen ior Isaiah
Swanson uses the meter stic k
to find the rad ius. With this
measurement, they ca lcu lated
the ve locity of the pig . 00o10.s11.. , ""'"~

Science Department

ca tie
Students gain life
skills in culinary and
marketing classes

Enjoying their deserts. Cave Spring staff
members Kim Heck and Courtney
Noell test out the Knightly Grind's
recent delicacies. "I think the Knightly
Grind is a super positive experience
t hat brings students together socially.
It gives students the ability to start their
day off positively and gives students
t hat w ork there real employment
experience . The coffee in the mornings
alw ays makes my day," Heck said .

of OECA prepare for
OF DECA Members
the district competition


0-.. -


"DECA is a good stepping stone to
focus on pursuing long term
ed ucation su ch as college or even
step pi ng into a fu ll career role ."





I- !



"Being in DECA has helped me
develop communication skills as well
as learn how to think on my feet ."
O'oNE l\J I PY 1r r

"I love t he competition opportunities in
DEC A. "

Academ ics and Organizat ions

t l/llJJl<H


Behind the cash register. junior Connor


George and sophomores


Katelynne Bratcher Davis and
Grace Caudill work the morning
shift at the Knightly Grind. "The
Knightly Grind has been a very fun
and tiring experience where I've
gotten to meet a lot of new people.
It's a good experience for the future
because it gives you restaurant and
customer service experience,"
George said . "It can also be a really
great place to meet peo ple and a
hangout spot for stude nts in the
mornings." Cleaning up her work space.
junior Lauren New bold participates

Sitting the flour. junior Antonio Grogans and freshman Jaylen Wiley bake durin g

in the culinary class's clean up

culinary arts class. "My favorite things that we make in culinary are pastries

process . "I took culinary because I

and baked goods. I really just like sweet things ," Grog ans said. Plating their

really like to cook and wanted to do

dishes. sophomores Estella Mahgerefteh and Samantha Slocum showcase

more of it. The environment is nice

their cooking skills in class. "I took culinary because of my love for cooking. I

because you get to pick your

think the class is important because we learn how to work together,"

groups and choose who you're

Mahgerefteh said. Presenting their creations. junior Antonio Grogans and senior

with, so it's a great time to be with

Zachary Hodges display their dishes for the school faculty. "Students can

your friends and make new ones as

benefit from being in culinary because these are skills that yo u can use for

well," New bold said.

the rest of your life," Hodges said . ohotosbye momnd l covoo

des1gn brs 12demaicoohotos bre

moms and ! cova11 copybyc t11ble

Marketing students host
local business owners
"I did marketing because I have always
been interested in business a nd
marketing . It seemed like a really f un
opportunity . This c lass he lps to
prepare me for future careers an d
gives m e experience in market in g fo r

M arketing, Culinary and Knig ht ly Grind


point of stability.

Crouse knew she had found

both stepped up and really

a new passion. "I wanted to

helped with developing ideas

fter only one year in
Eco Club, junior Gisele

"Mrs. Lee and Ms. Burnett

learn more about the

and getting the word out

environment and actually do

about the club. They have

something to help," Crouse

also been really helpful in


contacting organizations and

Crouse wanted to become a

clean-ups, " Crouse said.

getting vests for the litter
leader in Eco
Club almost
after joining.
"After my first
year, we didn't

"I've learned alat mare people care
[about the environment] than I
initially realized because alat mare
people are taking action."

do much in

-Gisele Crouse, 11

the club. I

She also
hoped that
the club
become more
for their

wanted to make sure we took

efforts so that more people

advantage of the resources

would join . "We are

we have at school," Crouse

collecting a ton of plastic

said .

throughout the school and
trying to encourage people to

Part of Grouse's goal of

collect plastic that they have

in creasing Eco Club's

at their house. If we get

presence involved a focus on

1,000 pounds of plastic and

recycling. "We started

enter it into the competition ,

collecting recycling in

then we will get a bench for

classrooms for the teachers

the school," Crouse said.

who have volunteered , and
we are doing the Trex

Crouse gained new insight

Recycling Challenge to see if

into her peers and

we can get 1,000 pounds of

community through her

plastic to recycle ," Crouse

involvement in Eco Club. "I've


learned a lot more people

They also hosted litter

than I initi ally realized

care [about the environment]
clean-ups around the school.

because a lot more people

"I hope the members get a

are taking action," Crouse

new sense of res pon sibility

said .

for what they can do for th e
environment, like learning

Eco Club has even inspired

new things and becoming

new life pl ans for Crou se.

more aware of things that

"Recently, [my interest in the

they weren't aware of

environm ent] has re ally

before," Crouse said .

picked up since learning

Crouse aimed to leave the

am t hinking about going into

club more organi zed and

environmental science or

stable after sh e graduates.

starting a zero-waste

more after joining the clu b. I

She credited her advisers for

business," Crouse said.

helping get the c lu b to a new


°"·• "l"J

Choir and drama take the
stage at the school play
and basketball game

Staring into the eyes of Alice, The Madhatter of Alice in
Wonderland is played by senior Ava Giannini. With years
of experience in theater since elementary school the show
reflected the larger than life personality and stage
presence of Giannini. "It's a new experience with every
show and the excitement pulls me back every time,"
Giannini said. Completing a complex handshake, sophomore
Claire Kelley plays Tweedle Dee with sophomore Maya
Thompson as her scene partner Tweedle Oum . "It was very
fun, with everyone playing these wacky rolls you really get
to dive into it together," Kelley said. Bowing with the rest of the

cast, sop homore Olivia Sloan plays the part of the Queen
of Hearts. The part was her first ever role in a theater
production. "It was stressful being in my first show with
only two weeks to prepare," Sloan said.

ae•gnbyc hotton20dh d11per ph01os byb
murphyC1Jpybys rearick

Dancing along with her classmates, senior Evelyn

Bo lling spends tim e practicing her dancing,
sing ing and acting in theater class.
"Everyone in that class is so amazing but we
are abl e to all co me together and make
someth ing better than any of us co uld do on
our own ," Bolling said.

Lined up with his class, sophomore Jack Daly
participates in theater class. "All the friends
you make in class and becoming closer with


each performance is real ly f un ," Daly said .


[i ,

. ,. ~·

Academics and Organizat ions





Choir students discuss the range
of activities they are involved in
Deep in thought, junior
Isabella Christensen is a
student of both choir and
theater. She wanted to
become a choir teacher
and musical director.
"With spring musicals
incorporating choir
students, it brings out
the more difficult songs
and brings more people
to the productions,"
Christensen said .

Looking over her part, junior
Harley Rose is an alto
two for the choir and a
part of All-District Choir.
"It's not like class, it's a
serious commitment. It's
pretty fun because you
get to work with other
kids from the district. I
look forward to it every
year," Rose said.

ohotos bvl ""'11

Singing at the basketball game,


freshman Randall Landes
completes his part as a teno r
two in choir. With twe nty t wo
students singing at the
basketball game , each vo ice
was heard. "It is nerve wracking ,
but the vo ices make it all wo rth
it," Lan des said. Directing his class,
choir teacher Bradl ey Stump
guides his group through the
music. "It was good to see th e
exciteme nt on th eir faces to sing
in front of the student bod y, "
Stum p said. Leading the chorus,
junio r Iris Dyer sin gs w ith her
c lass mates. "Th e basketball
game was qu ite fun, re hears in g
with everyo ne else was alright , I
wou ld probably do it again .··
Dyer said . '·


5 7
Choir and Dirama

The marching band
shows out with new

Playing for the judges, freshman Jack McNeil and
senior Jared Hollins perform the Marching
Knight's show entitled "Chaos Order" in the
Blue Ridge Festival of Bands on October 28. "I
picked clarinet because the parts are usually •JJ•,~
really fun and it has the best range and the keys
are cool. I have made so many friends in band
and I've done it for so long. It is something that
you can work towards and get better at. Seeing
my friends every practice and competition is my
favorite part of doing band , it is very fun, " Hollins
said, "Before we perform , my section has a little
dance we do every competition. I'm usually pretty
nervo us before a show, but we know how to
prepare a lot for it."

de>gnoc holtonwdh draoe<0no10 bye morrocapyby c holton


Marching with his drum, junior Malachi Lee performs at
halftime. "Band is a really good community. You get to
do so much more than just practice and perform, you
get to be a part of that community," Lee said. Out in the

pit, freshmen Gage Allran and Ziggfield Bernardo
rock out. They served as the stationary element of the
marching band. "We just started doing the pit again,
but it's a lot of fun . You get to work on a specific
piece of music," Al Iran said. Laughing with a teacher,
senior Dominick Ostrander takes in the marc hing
band environment in the rain . "Being a part of the
drumline , with how central it is to the pul se of a b and,
is extremely satisfying ."

Academics and Organizations

.IJP • !J•

· ~i:11c~

nt11J10 u•. ,,.,\.!li!r

P R 0 U D

football game of th e season on October 20 . "My aunt told me
to have fun in high school I should go and do stuff, so I do
band ," Bills said, "It's a really great community. My sister and I
do band tog ether and I've made a lot of friend s. The music and
th e practic es are fun . B efore a perform ance when it gets cold ,

Waving for the camera, junior C on nor George gets

we have to keep blowing warm air into [our instruments] to keep

ready for halftim e. G eorg e played tuba at each

them in tune . I've gotten really into music because of band ."

game. "I started playing in fifth grade in a trailer at

Playing a lune, sophomore Chase Hunter marc hes on the field at

my old school. I wante d to play an instrument and

the homeco ming game on S eptember 22. " I joined band in

the tuba was the biggest one they had . I wanted to

middle sc ho o l because I thought it would be fun learning an

play it because I was a small kid and it was a big

in strument and theres so many peopl e in band you can kind of

instrument," Georg e said , "Co mpetitions are fun. I

re late to," Hunter said, "Competitions are re ally fun. B efo re we

like watching the other bands and mun c hing on the

go on , I run through the mu sic in my head. I have a lot of fun

concessio n foods. Band has made me me and I

and it's b ee n so fun making new friends eve ry year." ohotosbva h"""

have met a lot of new friends."

ohotobva n:mJen

Color guard takes the field
Tossing a rifle and waving a flag, senior Paige Walters and sophomore Luciana
Covati perform at halftim e. Th e co lor guard performed using a total of 75
fl ags through out th e show. "I've been in color guard for three years. I tho ught
co lor guard looked really cool and it wo uld be good to be involved in ," Covati
said , "Before every competitio n, we all get in a circ le and we take a pixie
sti ck and we all eat the pi xie stick at the same time . After the co mpetiti on . we
have maybe a minute to co llect all 75 flag s off the field and then we have to
take them , put th em all in a big pile and distribute them . It's very tedious and
it's hard, especial ly with the amount of flags we have ."


Marching Band

over the net. "My team encourages me to
play better by being the best supporters and
always cheering me on . I know that my
teammates want the best for me and the
team and that overall helps me play better,"

places first in pole vault at the first
meet of the indoor track season. After
being injured most of his sophomore
season, Steffen was ready to be back
competing. "Being able to come out
and open with a PR is pretty nice and
gives me high hopes for the rest of the
season ," Steffen said.

p.,~1;y,, 1!12111co

Huddled together, seniors Kameron Tinsley, Deshawn Washington
and Charlie Parker, sophomore Ethan Jones and junior Carter
Cornett encourage each other in a mid-game huddle. "We have a
close family and love each other on the court as much as off. We
are constantly getting together off the court to hang out," Parker

focusing [in] on

With arms extended, seniors Mason
Hazelwood, Owen Sweeney and
Braden Gromada jump to block a
Highlander field goal. On September
8, the Knights lost to the Glenvar
Highlanders 7-3. "Since eighth grade
everyone on the team has helped me
strive and work towards my goals in life
after football," Gromada said.


Defending his opponent, se nior Matthew
Bradley keeps his focus. The Knights
lost to the Vikings on September 1
27-30. Bradley meditates before
every game as a pregame ritual. "In
the game and pregame you try to use
that [meditation technique] to
eliminate al l distractions and really
do your job," Bradley said . photo bys mamcoo

on the


Twelve steps from a
touchdown . junior
Amaurien Tolliver
sprints into the end
zone. On
September 22, at
the game against
Blacksburg , the
Knights won 38-7. "It
feels good , knowing
that in a close game
I can help the team
o ut," Tolliver said. ii<'-"
Oy ~



Kicking through the goal, sophomore Oliver Layell
plays his role as kicker. The Knights defeated
the Bruins 38-7 on August18. "Being the
tiebreaker of the game feels good. Those
points lead us to the win ," Layell said . Moving the

ball down field, junior Jackson Steffen has eyes
set on the end zone. The Knights played at
William Byrd on September 29, falling short
with a score of 12-14. "Running a ball is
something I've loved since I was a kid. It's
freeing, you almost don't realize what you're
doing until afterwards," Steffen said.


ALL in the

Football players
explain the
meaning behind
their numbers

"It was my dad's number
and I grew up with it... it

"My broth er wore
[number 58], and it
pu shes me to be better."


makes me play harder
because it fee ls like he 's
playing with me. " '''""t" iu""

KE NT RAV (12)




he five-time state champion cheerleading
program was known for more than just their

titles, but also their competition themes. The
Knights took on the theme "Fight Knight" for the
2023 season. It was inspired by aiming for a
comeback from their 2022 season, where the
team broke a nine-year streak of placing first or
second in the state when they placed third.
"['Fight Knight'] was a way to say we're here and
fighting our way back to the top," junior Ava
Livingston said. "The theme was so good for this
year considering what the team went through."
The cheer team overcame obstacles such as
season-ending injuries and sickness. The Knights
ultimately fought their way back to the top, ranking
first in the state in their division in Richmond on
November 4. desiynbysmarncoandl.sw-'1\SoncopybysmanlcoandlsNa/\Slln

Leg extended. freshman Abbey Wohlford flies at her first state
championship. "It was very different than middle school
because it was a lot more intense, but I enjoyed it," Wohlford
said. pha1oby d1mn Perlorming a standing tuck. senior Catrena Graham
performs for the crowd. Graham's favorite part of cheer was
the tumbling aspect. Graham has cheered since she was six
years old. She was on both the sideline and competitive
teams. "I do cheer because I like the exercise of it and my
friends do it," Graham said. pha10bys rnarnco

Sideline cheer offers a
different perspective

With hands together senior captain
Raegan Shively claps to the
beat of a cheer. On August 25
the Knights were victorious
against the Blacksburg Bruins
with a score of 38-7. The theme
was Cave Crazies and the
cheerleaders parti c ipated with
red and black beads . "I enjoy
being a part of the atmosphere
at football games and dressing
up with the student section ,"
Shively said.


from a lte rn ate to
After a setback, the cheer team
overcomes new challenges

Freshman cheerleader Annabelle Croy stepped up for junior Hannah Conner
after a season-ending injury. As an alternate, Croy was expected to
know the routine and be able to perform on the mat with short
notice. Conner's injury occurred 30 minutes before the end of
practice one week prior to the regional competition. Practice was
extended by an hour so the team could rework their routine. Along
Cheering for the crowd . junior Brooke Majors hypes up her
fellow students during the homecoming pep rally on
September 22. The team worked on their routine for the
pep rally starting in August. Some responsibilities of the
cheerleaders in the pep rally were to lead the crowd and

with Cray's new position on the mat, junior Ava Livingston was
forced to switch stunt groups. "[Croy] was obviously nervous but
she took it like a champ," Livingston said. Despite the team's
setback, the routine at regionals went smoothly with no major errors,
which allowed them to move on to the state competition. "I felt a lot

get them excited for what was to come. "I think the pep

more confident going into states because regions went smoothly,"

rally was one of our best performances, so I am very

Croy said. At the state competition, Croy and her team earned first

proud of the team," Majors said.

place, making it the program's fifth state championship win.

ohoiobvs sweenev

Clapping her hands sophomore

Performing a stunt. junior Hannah

Kami Hallet cheers from the

Conner and freshman Kinsley

sidelines. Hallet did both

Trivett work together to use the

sideline and competition cheer.

SCREAM trash can to get the

Sideline c heer took place at

student section excited . "I love

basketball and football games,

being able to engage with my

so it required less stunting than

peers outside of schoo l in such

competition . "I do c heer

a fun atmosphere," Conner said .

because it is a fun , motivating

ohotoby , ,,.,enev


sport and it's like having a whole
other family ," Hallet said.


Cross country and
volleyball teams
put everything on
the line to win

, senior Thomas Loschner
represents the Knights at the 19th annual Knights
Crossing Invitational at Green Hill Park in Salem on
September 9. Loschner has competed in this meet
since freshman year, as the Knights host the event. "I
physically feel bad and tired after finishing a race, but if
I do good then it makes me glad," Loschner said .
senior Mitchell Keller outpaces his
opponents at Knights Crossing. "We rely on all the
income from Knights Crossing to fund cross country
and even track," Keller said, "Our coach is there for a
so lid week working from 6 am to 9 pm. He puts in a lot
of hours, pulls a lot of people and asks for many
favors ," Keller said.

designby<.1:mpho1osbya. h'Jliancopyby; c,,io;ru,

the cross
country teams gets up at 7:30 am
for summer training. Summer
training allows the distance
runners to excel farther in season.

take in the

"It takes time to build up a good
base in distance running so
getting miles during the summer
gets us ready for races and
workouts in the fall ," senior
Jordan Wetzel said.
the team travels up Mill

The cross country team

Mountain, standing at 1703 feet

tra vels to new locations
with high altitudes for

of elevation. Junior Mateo Hanson
and senior Thomas Loschner led
the pack as they descended back
down the steep mountain.



The volleyball
team reaches
for new

sophomore Amelia Vannoy leads the junior varsity team to a
winning season. Into the varsity post-season, Vannoy continued to encourage
the team as they fought against the William Byrd Terriers and the
Christiansburg Blue Demons. "I enjoyed getting to know my teammates and
being able to watch us improve as the season continued," Vannoy said .
junior Ripley Hunter screams in support for her team. On
September 14, the Knights fell short against the Blue Demons of
Christansburg. As a defensive specialist, Hunter rotated from the bench to the
court. "It's important to me to keep everyone's spirits up by continuing to
cheer and hype up plays even when I'm not on the court," Hunter said.
senior captain Elle Williams speaks to her team before the match. In
contrast to previous years, the team had a positive outlook on the season .
"There's more belief this year and we are actually being told we can go far,
unlike previous years," Williams said.


Coach Tamalyn Tanis secured five state championship titles thus far over the
course of her coaching career. After losing their coach mid-season , the volleyball
team had a role to fill. Coach Tanis stepped up and mad e her return to coachin g in
the middle of the 2023 season. With a background of five state championship titles
and an appearance in the state tournament seven out of the nine seasons sh e
coached, she strove to push the team for the remainde r of their season together
and put winning in their realm of possibility. "I like to have comp etitive practi ces
with a balance of skill work and team work so that on game day, it gives you a
snapshot of where you are ," Tanis said , "When it 's time to flip the sw itc h, I want it

aho1obye mo111s

Cross Country and Volleyball

Track athletes
hit their stride

With arm raised, senior Jordan Wetzel
celebrates with Coach John Wiggins.
Wetzel went into regionals on February 17
ranked fourth and ended up coming in
third place with a 19 second personal. "I
felt nothing but pure joy and relief after
crossing the finish line and knowing I had
secured the spot at states I had wanted so
badly all season ," Wetzel said, "It was so
great to share the excitement of state
qualifying w ith Coach Wiggins. Having him
cheering and calling out my splits helped
me stay focused each of the sixteen laps of
the race .11 deslgnbyk.hononplltltosbys man!roropyby a. fegault



'":!earing the bar senior Isabella Cavicchio
competes in th e pole vaulting event in the
regi ons meet. "This is my first year pole
vaulting and I love it. There are a lot of
diffe rent steps and it's a lot harder than it
looks but it's rewarding to get new personal
reco rd s," Cavicchio said . Vaulting over the bar
se nior Jared Hollins competes in his last
pole vault meet of the seaso n. Hollin s was a
me mber of the trac k te am fo r six years and
enjoyed pole vaulting the most. "I love the
com petition with yourse lf and trying to beat
you r standard times and heights," Hollins
said . In a11 junior Parker Harman reaches fo r
a new personal reco rd in the pole vault
event . "I li ke po le vault a lot because of the
drive to im prove and I'm always work in g to
do my best," Harman said.


Pole vaulters discuss their event

Passing the ba ton to her teammate. senior Gabrielle Holohan
finishes her leg in the 4 x8 relay race . Placing second in
both races, Holohan was a member of the 4x4 and the
4x8 relay teams . "Since we got second place in both
races, it qualified us for states which was really exciting.

Breaking a school record (twice]

The relays are definitely my favorite because theres a
special bond between our team and we all run for each
other," Holohan said . In stride. junior Camden Wilson races
to finish the 55 meter dash . "My friends and I all play
football together so we all have a close bond and they
always encourage me during my races. I push myself the
hardest to make my parents proud," Wilson said . phatosby s.""'1ico

Sprinting around his opponent, junior Jackson Steffen competes in
a relay at regionals . Steffen ran a relay and the 300 meter
race during the indoor track season, and managed to break
the school record two times for the 300 . "The people
around me help push me to be the best person I am.
Breaking the record the first time was surprising and very
exciting . Because I was sick when I originally broke the
school record , I was expecting myself to do a little bette r
during states, but I was still super nervo us until I officially
broke it for th e second time, " Steffen said.

aha1aby s m2rnco

With baton


hand . senior Lauren Mather competes

in her last indoor track race at states on February
26 . "It was sad running my last indoor race but I
loved thi s season because I got to run with so
many amazing people," Mather said. With his eyes on
the f1111sh line senior Kameron Geralds helps lead
his team to twelfth pl ace in states . "People
underestimate the chemistry and timing it takes to
execute hand offs in a race as fast and chaotic as
th e 4x2 ," Geralds said. Sprinting to the en~ freshman
Abigail Tozier competes in her first state meet.
Tozier competed in th e 4x4 and the 4x2 races.
"Running at st ates was rea lly scary because I had
never run before thi s yea r. It helps to have
supportive teammates th at I know I c an trust and
that th ey wo n't b e mad if I d o n't d o my best, "
Tozier sai d . Jl•ow•a . "'"'



s a three-time captain

However, the remaining nine

of the varsity lacrosse

goals were of less concern

team, senior Lillian Swanson

than her team was. "I'm

was within reach of scoring

more of a team player, I

100 individual goals, while

don't love to drive the ball all

balancing putting her team

the time. I would much
rather pass it to my
teammates ,"

"My goal for
the season is
to definitely


"I try to score as often as
possible, but more importantly, I

said .

try to make smart decisions for

With huge

my team."

-Lillian Swanson, 12

shifts in the
roster from
season to

I've wanted to accomplish

season, Swanson has been

since freshman year,"

forced to alter her style of

Swanson said.

play. "Where the team is at

The milestone of scoring

right now, I think that I need

100 goals is a benchmark

to work on more 1 v1 s,

for lacrosse players across

making more of an effo rt to

high school and collegiate

score ," Swanson said, "I


definitely have to play in a
way I don 't want to play."

Swanson is often
recognized on the field as a

Due to Swanson serving as

player with good field vision

captain for three years , she

and smooth movements .

has seen the teams

" Lilly has very graceful

evolution first hand. " My

movements, she makes

freshman year, I only had

lacrosse look easy th e way

one assist because I would

she plays ," teammate Emm a

throw the ball to someone

Sexton (12) said.

and they just wouldn't catch
it, but then junior year I had

Going into her senior

roughly 20 assists . So, it

season , Swanson had

shows how much we

racked up ninety-one goals

improved as a team, "

from her freshman,

Swanson said. ~a•g•qm:osallll"ll'fby•

sophomore and junior

Wrestling and
swim compete
against their
opponents and

' 1Ln

hand in 'le air junior Davis Henritze

earns another win . Henritze came in third
place at regionals and wrestled a two
seed and one seed at the state
tournament. "The thing that drives me to
keep wrestling the way I do is that I hate
losing . When I'm wrestling, it feels like a
flow state. I have to watch back film to
remember what I even did," Henritze said .
deslgnlr1 t hortoophn1olr1slllll11coDJt1Ybya.legauit

' m

sophomore Avery

Spurlock finishes the 50 meter
freestyle race. Spurlock has been on
t he school team for two years and has
also been on a year around swim team
since she was in fourth grade. "My
frie nds are my biggest motivation and
it's a lot of fun when we all hype each
other up," Spurlock said .
se nior Heidi Thompson competes
in the 200 meter breaststroke.
Th ompson has been swimming for
eight years and loves th e sport 's
competitive nature. "I may not be th e
fastest perso n in a race, but I'm always
ve ry competitive with myself and try to
improve my times at eac h meet,"
Th ompson said . t/ll~'"'' t2~en



sophomore Nathaniel Muncy,
has been wrestling for three years. His
favorite thing about wrestling is the hard work
and dedication it takes to be on the team .
Muncy has been putting in hard work since
his Freshman year to make it to states this
year. He finds his motivation from his dad who
has helped him since he started wrestling , as
well as some of his teammates like Preston
Lonker. At regionals he placed fourth and won
two matches and lost two matches. "The team
atmosphere is like no other. We're basically
like brothers and sisters," Muncy said. photobys ma>1co

freshman Alexis Schaaf competes in the 300 meter
butterfly event. She placed in the top eight at states on February
17. Schaaf has been swimming for 11 years with her favorite
events being the 100 meter butterfly and 200 meter butterfly. "The
atmosphere of high school swim is a lot different from year around
swim because its not as scary. I really liked getting to hangout with
my school friends during the school season," Schaaf said. onotobya ha)•en

senior Brandon Noell
s ec ures his 100th win of his high school
career. "G etting my 100th win honestly just
felt like another match to me , but I know it
made my dad proud ,
which felt good . I felt like
I got it more for him
instead of myse lf
becau se he has b ee n
coac hing me sin ce I w as
three years old ," N oe ll
said . iJ I J'.n' n.

r11~ ·~·

7 3
Wrestling and Swim

it's all in the

Embracing on the court. senior Deshawn
Washington supports sophomore Shawn
Turner. "I'll always treat him and love him
like a little brother," Washington said , "Our
team environment is not your average high
school basketball team ... it takes more than
one person to w in a game." Conversing on the
bench. sopho more Vernal Holbrook looks to
William Underwoo d "My main mindset is to
be a good teammate , to make other players
better and to create a bond with my
teammates," Holbrook said. The Knights
beat the Christiansburg Demons 62-40 on
December 5.

de•gnb11 coxoipybyb



Conquering the board junior Madison Coleman

looking to a score. senior Kameron Tinsley

Putting up a threat senior Charlie Parker made

has 235 and co unting rebounds throug hout

breaks the previous school record of

nine three pointers against the Pulaski

her seaso n, breaking the school re co rd

points scored in a game whi le playing the

County Cougars, beating the previou s

against the Blacksburg Bruins . "I had to work

Blacksburg Bruins by a sing le basket. The

schoo l record of eight three pointers. " It felt

hard and put in effort in and out of practice .

record changed from 43 to 45. "My

good to break it and to know the leve l of

Knowing I was c lose to the record pushed

teammates were the main focus for thi s,

difficulty it takes to break it. It felt even

me a little extra to imp rove even more in the

because they got me the ball in th e best

better coming off the court to see all my

games and to fight for those extra rebounds ,"

position for me to score," Tinsley said .

guys cheering and jumping ," Parker said .

Co leman said.


Defending in unison.


teammates senior Olivia
Jones and freshman
Scotlyn Leonard take
on the Lady Cavaliers of
Botetourt County. "We
all know each others
strengths and
weaknesses on the

Sharing a pre-game handshake.
junior Mia Hylton and senior
India Cox dance out their
nerves before starting their
senior night game against
rival Hidden Valley. The
Knights beat the Titans
50-40 on January 12. "The
bond that I share with my
teammates allows me to trust
and rely on them in difficult
situations," Cox said .

Above his opponents, senior Owen Sweeney
catches air during his senior night game
against Hidden Valley. Sweeney scored 17
points and three dunks. "I think having fun
can build confidence and if you 're confident
you are going to play a lot better," Sweeney
said. He made his comeback to basketball
after not playing since eighth grade. "I had a
lot of persuasion from Coach Gruse and my
teammates . I also thought it's my senior year,
so why not go out and see if I li ke it. If I don't
I might regret it," Sweeney said.

Freshmen strive to find a role
on their new teams
Protecting the ball. freshman guard
Scotlyn Leonard fights for possession
against th e Salem Spartans. "Being
on varsity is a lot faster and is super
competitive, " Leonard said . Playing up
close defense. freshman Ameli a Stoner
stops the oppos in g player. "It was
intimidating at first , being th e
youngest , but my older teammates
push and support me on and off the
court and helped build co nfid ence ,"
Stoner said. Block111g a Spartans shot
freshm an post Ashlyn Braaten learns
from old er playe rs. "I rea lized I can
use my height to my advantage to
make an impact during the game ,"
Braaten said.

7 5

Softball and baseball
step up to the plate


junior Abigail

"''.ii Bradberry hits the ball.
Bradbe rry sco red nin e run s o n
Marc h 2 due to her teammates
hitt ing her in. "Wh en I' m in the box,
I'm very excite d to try and make th e
defense work to get on base and
help my team out ," B radberry said.


Running between bases, sophomore
Caitlyn Karnes plays in a
jamboree against the James
River Knights and the Tazewell
Bulldogs. "It is so fun being on
varsity and I love each and
every practice and game. They
are aways the highlight of my
day," Karnes said . Swinging the
bat. freshman Madison Steffen
scores her first home run on
varsity. Steffen was the only
freshman on varsity and hit a
home run in her first game.
"Hitting the home run cleared
some of my nerves and it
made me feel like I belonged
on varsity, but it is still a lot of
pressure being on varsity,"
Steffen said.

Pitching lo hts opponent. senior Owen Sweeney


plays against the William Byrd Terriers. As a
senior, this was the last time he would play
with his teammates. "It's disappointing
because I have built a ton of memories with
the guys, but I'm glad I got to have it with
them and I wouldn't want it any other way, "
Sweeney said. Stealt•1g th1nl l se senior Victor
Skaff and his team play against the William


Byrd Terriers . Skaff has been playing with
most of the senior c lass for ten years. "It is
s ad that I won't be playing with the se guys on
one team ever gain," Skaff said. '



teamm, ·t', seniors John Chick , Owen Tozier,
Mason Hazelwood, Owen Sweeney, Kyle
Cook , Michael Witt , Preston Lanker, Vi ctor
Skaff, Kent Ray and Ree ce Tibey pose for a
pi c ture after a game . Tozier has b ee n pl aying
with many of th ese se ni o rs sin ce he was
seven . "Th e fact that w e have pl ayed togeth er
s o long has improved the dynami c and tea m

Number of years the senior
baseball boys have been
playing together

chemistry," Tozier said . ""'"°''' '"""''

7 7
Softball and Baseball


Freshman cheerleader Kinsley Trivett played an


important role in helping her competition cheer
team win a state championship . Trivett has been

Cornett was the only freshman on the

cheering since the age of four ar;id has steadily

varsity roster, and he also earned

grown since then. She was able to do a full , an

playing time on the court."This is the

advanced tw mbl ing trick, by the age of ten,

first time in ten years that I have brought

which is a skill that only a few cheerleaders on

up a freshman to play on varsity,"

a newcomer on the basketball team .

her high school team have been able to achieve.

Coach Jacob Gruse said . Going from

Wh en going to her fi rst high school open gym ,

the middle school level straight to

Trivett felt nervou s being one of the youngest

varsity, Cornett had to adapt to the skill

there. "My fi rst time at afil open gym I was really

level of his competitors. "I went from

quiet and barely talkecd to anyone. Since then,

being in middle school and being the

my confidence grew with having the support of

bigg est kid on the court to now being

my new teammates," Trivett said.

the smallest, " Cornett said. photobis. ~·roeney



Young athletes
set out to prove

•, .

Sophomore baseball player Ryan Tibey was
pulled up to varsity after his junior varsity
seascrn as a freshman. "I had a pretty
successful JV year, and when I got
pulled up to varsity I wasn't expecting to
said. Even as a sophomore, Smith made sure she was a

play too much, but I got to get in the

leader on the field. "Talking to your team is important

game a few times," Tibey said. The

because when you're a goalie, you're a director on the

advanced level of play pushed Ti bey to

field . You try to direct the defense to do what you need

improve. "I defililitely g0t better because

them to do. You see the whole field and they don't,"

durililg playoffs I got to practice with all

Smith said. Going into her sophomore season, Smith felt
the need to prove her capabilities. "I'm feeling pressure

0f tlile varsity players. It was more fast

this year to prove that I still deserve a starting spot and

pitchers and the speeds at which they

that I'm better than last year," Smith said.

were throwiFlg," Tibey said. •tiJ•"'""l'

photo bycruochmvp

paced. It was a b>ig jump, especially with


Blocking her opponent, se nior defender Isabella
Cavicchia competes against the Cavaliers
of Jefferson Forest. Th e senior took up the
sport of lacro sse late in her se nior year.
"Bella is a natural athlete and has come so
far with her ski lls. I don 't know w hat we
would do without her grit on defense,"
teammate Samantha Manico (12) said.
Being a multiple sport athlete impacted
Cavicchio's view of the sport. "B ei ng on
the lacrosse team has giving me a new
perspective on ath letics as a who le and
how important a team atmosphere is,"
C avicchia said.
design and cnpybys maruco 2nd I swanson photo tiy 1manico

Ready for the whistle, junior Cassidy Egle prepares to take the
draw. Egle had a 55 .6 draw control wi n percentage
against Jefferso n Forest co ntributi ng to the team's 63 .6
draw control win percentage . "My teammates motivate me
to be the best player I can be and they aways hype me up
during the game," Eg le said. Eyes on the ball, so phomore
Mitchell A nderson faces off against his oppone nt from
H idden Valley. Anderson 's ro le on the team is FOGO ,
wh ich stands for face off and go. His job is to obtai n
possession and run off the field. "The w hole ti me you 're
fight ing for the bal l and it's basically kee p away, so the
face off is rea lly im portant ," Anderson said . Dhoroo11 """'"'"'D1 b1rn<n<o


Players face off to
control possession

Sibling duo Kendall and Ryder Compton
come together through lacrosse

"I feel our
relationship has
sophomore Sp encer
Trivett plays against
Hidden Vall ey. Trivett

"I like having my brother
play the same sport as
me , because he knows

gotten stronger
because we are able to
help each other grow

and his team defeated

what's going on so he

through th e sport of

Hidd en Valley 10-4. In

can actually give good

lacrosse and are able to

pre paration for his
games, Trivett liked to
liste n to mu sic.

corrections and advice ."


provid e critiqu es."




With eyes on the goal, se nior Kaitlyn
Holbrook drive s in for a shot.
Holbrook scored two goals
against the Jefferso n Fore st
Cavaliers . "My favorite part of
offense is finding strategies o n
how to get points on th e board, "
Holbrook sa id . photo by 1 mamco

Driving in, se nior Liam Wampler scores a
goal. On March 14, Wampler scored four
goals against th e Hidden Valley Titans . "I
think being a senior and leader on the team
means settin g a positive example and
helping younger players. I motivate
everyone else and make sure I'm not
bringing them down ," Wamp ler said. ill'• •oso1'



Eyes on the ball, senior Samu el Heefner goes for
the header during th e Cave Spring Jamboree.
Heefner is a mid-fielder on the varsity team and
has been playing all throughout high school. "It's
sen ior year so I'm hoping to make an impact and
be an important part of th e team ," Heefner said .

Watching the defender, jun io r B enjamin Harvard tries
to steal the ball. Th is was his first year on the
varsity team. After the loss against Glenvar,
Harvard believed there was room for
improvement, "Th e loss has made me want to
work harder during practice and in my free tim e,"

Defensive players share
their experience on the

Striking the ball, freshman
Charlotte Wright passes the
ball to her teammates . Wright
was a defender o n the varsity
team. She starte d th e position

soccer pitch

three years ago and
immediately took an interest in
it. "I enjoy working togethe r
with my team. It takes a lot of
co mmun ication and patience ,
but it 's rewarding ," Wright
said .



Watching from the bench, freshman Scotlyn Leonard is healing from
Taking the hall, freshman Abigail Tozier has played soccer

an injury sustained January 31 at the girls' basketball game at

since she was six years old. Tozier has played center

Northside High School. Her doctor originally said that her ankle

back for four years, but before that she played mid

was fractured, but it tuned out to be a sprain. Leonard 's doctor

field. She also played for VA United which is a travel

told her that the recovery would take a total of four weeks. This

team. "[At their first scrimmage] I thought we did well

put Leonard was out for the first twenty-one days of the soccer

as a team for not having much practice" Tozier said.

season. To prepare for her return , she did physical therapy and

Running through the fi eld, freshman Naomi Fetzer has played

stretching. "[What I love most about soccer is] the intensity of

soccer for her whole life. She used to play defense, but

getting to play and the running," Leonard said, "I am really

now she plays mid-field. Fetzer continued playing for a

excited to return to the field and play with my friends ."

photoby <maniro

travel team in the off season. "This was my first time on
varsity, and it has really been a fun experience with the
new team," Fetzer said.

photos bys mantco

Passing the ball, se nior Finnegan
Returning th e ball, senior Aiden

Boccieri moves the ball up the

Likens gives it off to the

field. Boccieri played as a

defense. Likens started out as

defender for the last fourtee n

the goalie seven years ago.

years. "As a defender, I have to

Initially struggling with ball

support the offense but also

handling skills, his experience in

recognize w hen I have to drop

football led him to excel as a

back," Bocc ie ri said. After

goalie. One of his struggles was

starting on varsity for the last

positioning himself in the goal.

two years, Bocceieri felt ve ry

"You could be the best shot

con nected to his defensive

sto pper in the world but if your

teammates, "As defenders we

position is wrong, you're never

take a lot of pride in keepin g a

going to make a save ," Liken s

cl ean sheet," Boccieri said . nht>tosbv

said .

Socce r

Golf and tennis
hit the ground

junior Nafisah lzzat
competes against the Glenver
Highlanders in their first match of the
season. "We train to be consistent
because consistency always wins,"
lzzat said. By putting the work in at
practice, she hoped to defeat the
Christanburg Blue Demons and the
Blacksburg Bruins this season.

ohatabyl omu

junior Benjamin Fradette
watches the ball inch towards the hole.
He planned to continue the sport as a
hobby after high school, but did n't plan
• I~

to play in college. "For my senior year I
wanted to kee p imp roving my sco re. I
take golf seriously, but it's also a lot of
fun to mess around with my friends,"
Fradette said.

designby1,,. 011o1abyme1aucncooybyb ""''"'"

Nate Faulkner's hard work fuels his success
Senior Nate Faulkner was ranked sixth in Virginia golfers for the
class of 2024. He was named AJGA Rolex Scholastic Junior
All-American and First Team All-District , All-Region and All-State
during his final high school season. "It's an honor to be ranked that
highly in the state and see my hard work paying off," Faulkner said.
He was signed and committed to play Division 1 golf at Davidson
College. "Long hours on the range and putting green, spending a lot
of time playing in Jess-than-ideal weather and putting together a
strong tournament schedu le are some of the key factors that have
helped me get my game to where it is today," Faulkner said .


junior Kendall West works on
clearing the green at her tournament. She
was the only female on the varsity team . "You
have to learn to adapt at all the tournaments
because you never play against girls. It
makes it all seem more competitive and
intense," West said.

photoby llfetouch

sophomore Hannah Myers competes in both
single and double matches against the
2023 state champion Glenvar Highlanders
on March 5. The Knights won g-o. " It feels
really good to play and win against a state
championship-winning team and I hope to
be ranked fourth on the team this season,"
Myers said . pho1oby tcovau


Jayson Doolan focuses on sharpening his
skills for future opportunities. "Afte r high
school, I plan on coaching golf at Lucy
Addison , Cave Spring and Faith Christian ,"
Doolan said.


Brothers Rian and Rishi
Patel discuss sharing
the court

junior Rian Patel

freshm an Rishi Patel foc uses on

mentors his young er broth er as he navigates

wi nning his match. "I'm seen as the underdog for

throu g h his freshm an season. " I try to act as a role

the team , so I hope to w in as many matc hes as I

model for him to help pu sh him to get better," Patel

can ," Pate l said, "I'm eventual ly trying to get bette r

sa id , "We grew up practi cing tog eth er and always

than [Ri an ] and when we play toget her, I try to mim ic

wa nted to end up playing together."

what he does. " '"'''' " ' .

Golf and Tennis



ince she was two and

McBroom admitted to

a half years old,

experiencing nerves oefore a

freshman Caitlin McBroom

competition. "I'm pretty used
to it. I've been doing it for a

has been dancing. "I do ballet,
lyrical, contemporary, tap,

while but sometimes it

hip-hop, musical theater,

depends. If it's a really hard

modern, pretty much

competition, then I do get

everything," McBroom said.

nervous," McBroom said.
For most of the

"Dance is away I can express
feelings that I wouldn't be able
to otherwise. It's my personal
outlet away from school."

-Caitlin McBroom, 9

her team tended
to stay close to
Virgin ia. "We go
to South
Carolina and
North Carolina a
lot, and we've

been to Georgia once, but
on the team since I was five,"
McBroom said.

typically [competitio ns are]
somewhere near Tennessee ,"
McBroom said.

The team had practices
Monday, Wednesday,

Traveling with the team

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and

provided plenty of bon ding

sometimes Sunday. "Usually

opportunities. McBroom

for each individual class or

developed some close dance

rehearsal it will be one or one

friendships over the years,

and a half hours, but some

"Some people leave afi'ld some

days I have three or four

people join late, but typically

classes , some days I have

it's the same five people that I

one- it just depends,"

have been the closest with

McBroom said.

since I was a baby," McBroom

McBroom shared that just like

joined my studio last year. She

said, "One of my best friends
in the show "Dance Moms,"

danced at Ardell [dance

parents got involved in their

school ], but now she is one of

child's dance career. "I know

my closest friends. Another

some people who are

one of my friends I met when I

seventeen and still can 't do

was three and we have been

anything for themselves, but

close fri ends fo r so many

most people start wanting to

years now."

be independent [with dance]
around thirteen ," McBroom

Above all, dance served as an

said .

escape for McBroom . "Dance
is a way I can express feelings

Th e com petition season ran

that I wouldn't be able to

from March to April or May,

otherwise. It's my personal
outlet away from school. "

and then the team went to
nationals. which 1s about a
week long .

McBroom said.

Student Feature: Cait~i n



Filming on her phone, junior Karly Bardales
records seniors Elise Grieme and India Cox
as they participate in a psychology
assignment to determine if they would eat
crickets. "I did not eat the cricket because it
made me feel queasy," Bardales said . p11>10byd.

Making music with his timpani, sophomore
Noah Pickelsimer prepares for his
winter concert. "In class I play a lot
more instruments then in marching
band. In marching band I only play
bass drum. The drums are different
because the bass drum is vertical and
everything else is pretty much
hori20ntal. I prefer band class over
marching band because I don't like to
march as much," Pickelsimer said.


Talking on the sideline, junior Charlotte Fetzer helps athletic trainer
Danielle Power at a football game. Fetzer has helped on the
sidelines for two years to support her interest in the orthopedic
field of medicine. "Danielle is the coolest athletic trainer I could
be shadowing and I have a lot of fun on the sidelines with her. It's
really cool to be able to get a taste of something I want to do as a
future career, " Fetzer said. desi",nby•mwai8'!1.rt1aJ1SCO~'iotoby•"""'"'OJPYbyts...,ns""

Oasim AIGburi
Sadiah Ali
Rayhanah Alsaady
Ava Amos, "Hold on, let me overthink this."; Varsity Volleyball (11-12), JV
Volleyball (9-10), DECA (9-12), FCA (9-12), FCCLA (10-12), National French
Honor Society (11), Knightly Grind Cafe (11), JV Volleyball Team Captain (10)

WHY DO I LOOK SO SMUG???", Chess Club (12)
Evelyn Anderson, "I can't reme mber when I was n't tired. " -Eeyo re; Marching
Band (9- 12), Jazz Ban d (9-11), TRl-M (Music Honor Society) (10-12), NEHS
(12), Mu Alpha Theta (12), Roanoke Valley Governor's School (9-12),
Marching Band Snare Captain (10-12)
Aweel Anyuon, "This wasn't like high school musical at all."; FCCLA (11-12),
Help Save the Next Girl (9), Knight Knoles (10)
Brooke Appleyard, "Let us look for love, Let us no longer struggle. Let us
ever become who we most want to be . As we begin to be who we truly are,
the world will become a better place." -John Denver; Debate Team (9-10),
NEHS (11-12), FCCLA (10-12), Key Club (11-12)

Isabelle Arbaugh, "How to survive high schoo l: Energy drinks, music, an d
your favo rite hoodie."; Dram a (11-12), National English Honor Society (12),
Knight Knoles (10)
Breana Arthur
Xiomara Ayala Quiroz
Jashad Baker

Barna Bakhit
Abby Beamer, "You wi ll never influ ence the world by trying to be like it." -Tay
Lauren; Debate Team (11-12), FCCLA (11-12)
Lai ne Bennett, "I Just li ke to Smile. Smiling 's my favo rite." -The Elf Movie;
Indoor Track ( 10-12), Varsity Softball ( 10-11 ), JV Softball (9), Outdoor Track
(12), NEHS (12), French Club (9-11 ), Key Club (9- 12), Ind oor Track 4x200m
State Champion (10)
Kathryn Berry, W restling (10), Marching Band ( 10- 12), Color Guard ( 10-12),
DECA (11 -12), Help Save the Next Girl (10)

Rose Berry, "If you can't love yourself, how are you gonna love somebody
else?" -Ru Paul; Color Guard (9-12), TRl-M (11 -12), Buddie s Club ( 12), Choir
(9), Dram a (10-12), HSTNG (9), Lat in Club ( 10), Out Club (9-10, 12), Mu
Alpha Theta (11-12)
Georgia Bills, Swimming (9), March ing Band (11-1 2), Concert/Symphonic
Band (9-12 ), Drama (10- 12)
Ella Bishop, "Everybody dies but not everybody lives." -Drake; DECA (11-12),
FCCLA (10-11 ), Key Club (12), Spanish Club (11)
Karly Bishop

Finnega n Boccieri , "The night all of my dreams came true , and like all happy
end ing s, It was a tragedy, Of my device , fo r I succeeded ." -Finn egan Bell;
Varsity Soccer ( 10-12), JV Soccer (9), NEH S (11- 12), National Spanish H onor
Society (12), JV Soccer Team Captain (9)
Tho ma s Boeh ling, "A successfu l person neve r loses ... they either win or
learn ." -John Calipari; Varsity Soccer (11-12), JV Soccer (9-10)
Eve lyn Bolling, "I light up to find what I've known all this tim e, there's some
beauty here ye t. •· -Hippo Cam pu s; Drama (11 -12 )
Matt hew Brad ley, "And the first th ing you gotta learn if you 're go nna be a
racecar d river, is that you don 't listen to losers like your know-i t-all teach here ."
-Reese Bobby: Varsity Football ( 11-1 2), JV Football (9-10). Outdoor Track
(11 -12), BETA ( 12). DECA (11 -12)


Cole Brunelli, "Farewe ll."; FCC LA (11-1 2), Social Studies H onor Society
(Rho Kappa) ( 11-1 2), HOSA ( 12), Homecom ing Cou rt ( 11)
Owen Brydges, "I don't want to live in a hole anymore. It makes me fee l poor. "
-The Fantastic Mr. Fox; Eco C lub ( 11 -12), Key Club (11-1 2) SCA ( 12)
Magnolia Burden , "She's a summer love in the spring, fa ll and winter"Grateful Dead
Ava Byers, "So do not fear, fo r I am with you; do not be dismayed, fo r I am
your God . I will strengthen you and help you ; I will uphold you with my
righteous hand ." -Isaiah 41 :10; FCC LA (12)

Kaitlyn Cannady
Alexis Carreon
Angela Catral , ''Th e fl ower th at bl oo ms in adversity is the rarest and most
beautiful of all ." -Mulan
Damien Cauley

Isabella Cavicchio, "Womp wom p"; Vars ity Voll eyball (11-12), JV Volleybal l
(9-10), Varsity Basketball ( 10), JV Basketball (g), Indoor Track (11-1 2),
Outd oor Track (9-12), C oncert/Symphonic Band (9- 11 ), TRl-M (9-11 ), BETA
(12), NEHS (11-12), Eco Cl ub (11 ), Key C lub ( 11-1 2)
Debora Charles , "Ne reve pas ta vie, mais vis ton reve" -Bern ard Asleyr;
Indoor Track ( 11 ), JV Socce r (10), O utdoo r Track (12), Academic Team (10),
B uddies C lub (1 2), Debate Team ( 11 ), FB LA ( 12), HSTNG ( 10,12), Key Cl ub
(11 -12), Spanish Cl ub (10- 12),
John Chick
Carolina Clemmer, "It's not ego, I just th ink higher of myself than you do. ";
Choir (9-1 0) , DECA (11 -12), Drama (11-12), Costume Director fo r Drama
( 11-1 2)

Sarah Cleveland , "Neve r be ashamed of trying ... Effortlessness is a myth."
-Taylor Swift; Sideli ne Football Cheer ( 10-12), Sidel ine Basketball C heer
(10-12), FCCLA (10- 12), Help Save the Next Gi rl (9)
Adam Cochran , "Well done is better than we ll said. " -Benjamin Franklin;
Varsity Basebal l (11), JV Baseball (9- 10), BETA ( 12), NEHS ( 12), Key C lub
( 12), SCA ( 12), Rho Kappa ( 11-12), Spanish Cl ub (9- 12), National Spanish
Honor Society ( 10- 12), Student Government ( 12)
Gabriella Coch ran
Varian Colon

Ryan Connelly, "Don't live someone's else dreams, find your own. "; Cross
Country (9- 12), Ind oor Track (9-1 2), O utdoor Track (9- 12)
Alexis Cook, "Shoot fo r the stars, so if you fa ll you will land on a cloud " Kanye West; Color G uard (10), C hoir (9), FCCLA (1 1), H elp Save the Next
Gir1( 10- 11 )
Kyle Cook
Kaleigh Copper, "Th is took Lore lai G ilmo re amounts of coffee."

Sarah Corbin
Zharick Cortes-Cald as
Indi a Cox, "Drink some coffee , put some gangsta rap on, and hand le it . ' -Ice
Cube ; Varsity Basketball (9-10 ,12), BETA ( 12), NEHS ( 11-12), Ke y C lub
(1 1-12), SCA (11-12), Spanish Club ( 10-12), Rh o Kappa ( 12). Natio nal
Spanish Honor Society ( 10- 12) , Yearb ook ( 10-12)
Sara h Crawford , "In my High School Musical 3 Era ."; JV Voll eyball (9 ). Varsity
Volleybal l ( 10). DECA ( 11 -12). National Eng lish Honor Society ( 11-12).
FCC LA (10-11 ). Key Club (11 -12) , National Spanish Hon or So cie ty ( 10-·12).
Yearbook ( 11 -12) , DECA President ( 12)

Senior Portraits

Ava D'Arensbourg
Christopher Darnell
Liam Deavers, "What is a man? A miserabe pile of secrets." -Dracula;
Wrestling (11-12)
Maxine del Castillo, ''They let me out early on good behavior."; FCCLA (12),
Eco Club (12), Help Save the Next Girl (12)

Sofia Deleon, "Proverbs 3:5-6"; Varsity Softball (9-12), DECA (11 -12), FCA
(12), Spanish Club (10-11 ), National Spanish Honor Society (10-12)
Benjamin Dellinger, "It takes a great deal of courage to stand alone even if
you believe in something ve ry strong ly" -12 Angry Men
Ryson DelVecchio
Kevin Diazperez

Daniela Dinsmore, "Inspired by the fear of being average."; Sideline
Football/Basketball Cheer (9- 11 ), Competition Cheer (9-10), NEHS (11-12),
FCCLA (9), Rho Kappa (11-12), Spanish Club ( 11-12), National Spanish
Honor Soci ety (11-12), Competition Cheer State Champion (10)
Eliza Dmochowski, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don 't stop and look around
once in a wh ile, you cou ld miss it." -Ferris Bueller; Sideline
Football/ Basketball Cheer (9- 12) , Competition Cheer (9-10 , 12), Varsity
Soccer (11-12), JV Soccer (9-10), FCA (12)
Jayson Doolan , "Never the wrong time to do the right thing ."- Jacob Gruse;
Golf (10 ,12)
William Drake, "I'm not sure what to do with my hands." - Ricky Bobby; Indoor
Track (12), Outdoor Track (11-12), Marching Band (9-12),
Concert/ Symphonic Band (9-12), TRl-M (Music Honor Society) (10-12)

Savannah Drewery, "Hey man , am I driving ok?" -Cheech; JV Softball (9),
DECA (12)
Helen Enya rt, "don 't worry, I've got a pen."; Varsity Volleyball (12), Lacrosse
(12), National English Honor Society (12), FCA (12), Spanish Club (12)
Drew Ermel , "You ever kick a rock? "; Va rsity Soccer (9-12), DECA (9-12),
FBLA (1 1), Key Club (11-12)
Christian Estrada , "I Try. "- C liff Booth; Marching Band (9-12),
Concert/ Symphonic Band (10-12), TRl-M (Music Honor Society) (9-12).
DECA ( 11 -12), DECA Treasurer ( 12), Marching Band Sections Leader (12)

Jacob Fariss
Nate Faulkner
Emily Furrow
John Gagnon

Beatriz Ga rcia , "This was the very first page. not whe re the storyline ends."
-Taylor Swift; Cross Co untry ( 12). Indoor Track ( 11 -12), Outdoor Track
( 10-12 ), FCC LA ( 11), Key C lu b (11-12), Knigh tl y News/ Jou rnali sm ( 12)
Jsean Garcia
Nevaeh Gardner, All that I am or hop e to be. I owe 1t all to th ose who
believed in me ."
G rafted : TRl-M (M usic Honor Society) ( 12 ). C hoir (9 ,11-12 ). National Eng lish
Honor Society ( 12). FBLA ( 10-12 ), Knightly News/ Journali sm ( 11 -12 )

Refer ence

Elliott George
Kameron Geralds
Ava Giannini, "Art gets what it wants and art gets what it deserves." -Will
Toledo; Drama (10-12), National Fren ch Honor Society (11), Yearbook (9-12),
2 acting awards in One Act Competition Regional level (11)
Gabrielle Gonzalez, "I forgot to make this quote, that was my high school
experience."; FCCLA (12), Diversity Club (12), Art Club (12)

Aila'Rynn Graham, "It's ok sweetie, you're doing great."
Ali Graham, ''This place is worse than Omashu " - Cabbag merch ant (Avatar
the Last Airbender); Robotics (10-12)
Catrena Graham, "Cinderella" -Mac Miller; Sideline Football/ Basketball
Cheer (9-12), Competition Cheer (9-12), Outdoor Track (12), DECA ( 11-12),
Key Club (12) JV Sideline Football Cheer Captain (10), Varsity
Football/ Basketball Cheer Captain (12)
Gareth Graham, ''There's no such thing as an original idea, someone else
has thought that at least once."; Drama (11), Robotics (10-12), Robotics Team
Captain (11-12), 2023 VWCC Robotics Competition (11)

Elise Grieme, "Better to remai n silent and thought a fool than to speak out
and remove all doubt." -Ab raham Lincoln ; XC (11-12), Indoor and Outdoor
Track (10-12), BETA ( 12), NEHS (11-12), FCCLA (10), Eco Club (10-12) ,
HSTNG (10), Key Club (10-12), Rho Kappa (11-12)
Braden Gromada
Ronald Gromada , "You know, sometim es all you need is 20 seconds of
insane courage. Just, literally, 20 seconds of just embarrassi ng bravery. And I
promise you, something great will come of it."-Benjamin Mee; Varsity Football
(11-12), JV Football (9-10), Wrestling (11-12)
Steven Grubb, "Is it already time to go? Not sure I'm ready." ;
Concert/ Symphonic Band (9-12)

Cameron Haggett, ''Take the moment and taste it. " -Taylo r Swift; Marching
Band (9- 12), Concert/Symphonic Band (10-12), TRl-M (10-12), Academic
Team (11-12), NEHS (11·12), Academic Team Co-Captain (12), Marching
Band Flute Section Leader (11-12), NEHS H istori an (11·12)
Tyler Hamlet, "I'm in my body but I'm not playing the game it's like yo u're not
in control; you just know what to do[ ... ] That's why it doesn't feel real when
you beat it." -Kenny "Riot"; FBLA (10,12), Robotics (10), Chess Club (10-12 ),
Tabletop Games Club (11-12)
Daniel Han
Mayzie Hanson , "I polish up real nice" -T. Swift; Tennis (10,12), Lacrosse
(9,12), Academic Team (10-12), BETA (12), Buddies Cub (11 -12), NEHS
(11-12), FCA (10-11), HSTNG (9-1 1), Key Club (10- 12) , SCA (10), RKHS
(11-12), Spanish Club (11-12), NSHS (12), SAC (10-11)

Mackenzie Harris, "Nothing lasts forever, but at least we got th ese
memories" -J. Cole; Varsity Soccer (10- 12), JV Soccer (9), DECA ( 11 -12),
FCA (9-12)
Abigail Harrison
Sydney Hassall , "You're like the coolest person I've ever met, and you don 't
even have to try." "I try very hard actually. " -Juno MacGuff and Pauli e Bleeke r;
FCCLA (10) , National French Honor Society ( 11 ), Eco Club (11-12), Key C lub
(11 -12)
Martin Hays

Mason Hazelwood
Terrance Henderson , "If you have a Plan A don 't make a Plan B" -Dontre
Graves, NASCAR Photographer; DECA (12), FCCLA (11 ,12)
Kylie Henson
Matthew Hinchy

Senior Port r aits

Samuel Heefner, "Do NOT speed on Brambleton with 3 passengers in your
car. "; Varsity Soccer (9-12), National English H onor Society (11-12), Key Club
(11-12), Social Studies Honor Society (Rho Kappa) (11-12), National Spanish
Honor Society ( 10-12)
Kaitlyn Holbrook, Lacrosse (9-12), DECA (11-12), Spanish Club (11)
Jared Hollins, "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happe ned." -Dr.
Seuss; Indoo r Track (11-12), Outdoor Track (9-12), Marching Band (9-12),
Concert/ Symphonic Band (9-12), TRl-M (10-12) , Academic Team (9), BETA
(12), NEHS (11-12), FCA (11-12), Key Club (12)
Gabrielle Holohan

Kate Horton, Indoor Track ( 10-12), Outdoor Track (9-12), BETA Club ( 12),
National English Honor Society (11-12), Key Club (10-12), Social Studies
Hon or Society (Rho Kappa) (11-12), Yearbook (11-12)
Siena lademarco, "Always believe in your dreams, exce pt someti mes don't."
-Anna Kendrick; XC (9-10), Ind oor Track (9-11), Outdoor Track (9,11), DECA
(12), NEHS (1 1-12), Key Club (9-12), Rho Kappa (11-12), Yearbook (11-12),
Mu Alpha Theta (11-12)
Skyler Ingle
Marley Jackson

Lilly Jayne
Carlos Johnson
Ryan Johnson, "Don't do anything I wouldn't not do. "; Cross Country (11),
Ind oor Track ( 11 ), Varsity Soccer (10), JV Soccer (9), Outdoor Track (11)
Kamryn Jones, "It's not how you start, it's how you finish. "; JV Softball (9-10),
DECA (11-12)

Olivia Jones
David Jordan
Mitchell Keller, "High schoo l musical lied to me."; XC (10-12), Indoo r Track
(10-12), JV Soccer (9-10), Outdoor Track (11- 12), NEHS (12), Eco Club (12),
Key C lub (10-12), Rho Kappa (11 -12), Spanish Club (10), National Spanish
Honor Society (10-12)
Bryan King , "I know'd you wouldn 't leave without saying goodbye!" -Lassete r,
J. (Director). (2006). Cars [Film]. Pixar.

Gabriel Kirk
Kennedy Lange
Davinique Lawes, "My sentence is fina lly up. l'M FREE!! "; Robotics ( 12),
Diversity C lub (12), Diversity Club Treasurer (12)
Alexandra Lawrence

Adelain e LeGa ult , "O ue sera sera (Whateve r will be, will be. Th e f uture is not
ours to see. Don't wo rry, if it's supposed to happen, it will)"; Varsity Soccer
( 11 -12), JV Soccer (9-10 ), Jazz Band (9 ), FCCLA (9 ), French C lub (9-10),
HSTNG (9-10), Key Club (11)
Tania Lexima , "B ro nze d in elegance , black without apology :)"; Varsity
Baske tball (1 2), JV Basketball (9-10 ), O utdoor Track (11 -12), DECA ( 12), Key
C lub (11 ), SCA (9-10)
Samue l Light , "I'm number three on roll in g stone, 2020 it 's big shiesty
year."-Pooh Shi esty; XC (10-12), Indoor Track (10-12), O utd oor Track (9-12 ),
Jazz Ba nd (9-11) , TR l-M (10-1 1), NEHS (11-12) , Nat ional French Honor
Society (1 1-12), XC Team Captain (11 -12)
Aiden Likens , "Don't wish for 11, Work fo r 11. "; JV Football (9). Varsity Soccer
(9-1 2), Varsity Socce r 1st Team All-Region (10 ). Honorable Mention
All-District (10 ). 2nd Tea m All State (10), 2nd Team Al l-Distri ct (11 ),
Ho norabl e Mention All Regi on ( 11 )


Hailey Lipscomb, "Whatever will be will be" -ATCO; JV Basketball ( 10),
Indoor/Outdoor Track (11 ), JV Soccer (10), Marching Band (9-12) ,
Concert/ Symphonic Band (g-12), TRl-M (10-12), BETA (12), Debate (12),
NEHS (11-12), Eco Club (11-12), Key Club (11-12), Latin Club (10)
Rhianna Loftland
Preston Lenker, "Be on your guard . Stand firm in the faith. B e men of
courage. Be strong." -1Cor. 16:13; Varsity Football (g-12), Wrestling (9-12),
JV Baseball (9), Outdoor Track (10), Cave Spring Knight (12), 4th in 2023
State Wrestling Tournament (11)
Thomas Loschner

Robert Loveless, "It's a piece of cake until you get to the top. You find you
can 't stop playing the game the way you've always played it..." -Presid ent
Richard M. Nixon; Marching Band (g-12), Concert/ Symphonic Band (g-12),
TRl-M (10-12), French Club (10-12)
Zoey Lusk
Samantha Manico, "\'\\be CNU later."; Indoor Track (g-11 ), Lacrosse (g-12);
Beta (12), NEHS (11-12), Eco Club (10-12), HSTNG (9-12), Key Club (9-12),
Journalism (9), SCA (9-12), Rho Kappa (11-12), Spanish Club (10-12),
National Spanish Honor Society ( 10-12), Yearbook (9-12), Yearbook
Co-Editor in Chief (10-12)
Bethany Mardian, "I'll probably be your boss one day."; Lacrosse (10-12),
DECA (9-10 ,12), FBLA (12), FCA (12), Key Club (12), Yearbook (10-11)

Dillon Marlowe, "Life has roadblocks, and life is like school - you'll be tested;
we gotta pass it."-DJ Khaled; JV Football (10), Golf (12), Varsity Socce r
(11 -12), JV Soccer (9-10), BETA Club (1 2)
Lauren Mather
Sara Mattox, "All that we see or seen is but a dream within a dream" -Edgar
Allan Poe; FCCA (11)
Sophia Mays, "There are some loony people in this world. " -Dolly Parton ;
French Club (11 -12), French Club President (12)

Tyler McCarthy
William McClellan, "Don't be good at something you don't want to do. "
-Rodrick Heffley; French Club (11-12), Key Club (11-12), Social Studies
Honor Society (Rho Kappa) (11-12), Mu Alpha Theta (12)
Madison McCutcheon
Ian McDaniel, "You're never too young to dream big. "

Tyler McGhee, "... I'm gonna leave the past behind , I've had enoug h, I'm
breaking free ... I've put my money where my mouth is for the first time in my
life, I've made mistakes but I believe that everything was worth the fig ht... "
-Forget by MARINA; Debate Team (12)
Jacob McKinney
Delaney Mclaughlin, "Everything happens fo r a reason.": Swimming (9- 12),
Concert/Symphonic Band (9), BETA Club (12), NEHS (12), Key Cl ub
(11-12), Latin Club (9- 10), Rho Kappa (11 -12), Mu Alpha Th eta (11 -12), Swim
Team Captain (12), Key Club Officer (12)
Mark Mclaughlin

Abigail McNamara, "You know, I've realized that I'm perfect and it's everyo ne
aro und me that has issues. " -Scott Disick; Varsity Volleyball (11 -12), JV
Volleyball (g-10)
Emma Meadows, "Be a little kinder than you have to" -We Were Liars by E.
Lockhart; Choir (9 ,11 -12), FCCLA (12), Help Save th e Next G irl (10-1 2)
Nuela Mebratu, "History will be ki nd to me for I intend to write it." -Winston
Chu rchill; Tenn is (10-12), Debate Team (12), National English Honor Society
(11 -12), Key Club (11 -12), Spanish C lub (11 -12)
Marly Metro

Senior Portraits

Amalia Midkiff
Sophie Mills, "Get busy living or get busy dying ."; Varsity Basketball (g· 12),
Varsity Softball (9), DECA (12), Spanish Club (11)
Cassandra Monjaraz, "We have th e right to remain silent, but god forbid we
speak." -Renaada Williams P.O.C; French Club (12)
Adrienne Morris

Elise Moseley, "I ain 't mad e to hang around and just grow old." -Danna
Simpson; Lacrosse (g-12), Key Club (10-12)
Cameron Moyer
Alexandra Mullins
Eden Mullins , "I'm starting to think I will neve r be old enough to know better."

Anna Murphy, "FREEEEEEEEDDOOMMMM !!! !! !!!!!"; Indoor Tra ck (10-12),
Outdoor Track (g-12), Con cert/ Symphonic Band (9-12)
Weston Nichols
Lauren Niday, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don 't stop and look around once
in a while, you could miss it." -Ferri s Buell er; XC (9-12), Indoor Track (9-12),
JV Softball (g) , Outdoor Track ( 10-12), Key Club (10-12), Knightly
News/Journalism (11)
Brandon Noell , "Sometimes you never will kn ow th e value of a moment until
it becomes a memory."; W restling (9-12), Wrestling Team Captain (11 -12)

Dominick Ostrander, "Stay kind , stay soft, an d listen to people. Do what
makes you happy. All the love in the world is betwee n us. Al so, 6 seaso ns
and a movie. Peace. "; Marching Band (9-12), C once rt/ Symphonic Band
(9-12), TRl-M (10-12) , NEHS (11 -12)
Abel Pace, "If you want a rainbow, you have to deal with the rain. " -Augu stus
C aesa r; SkillsUSA Teamwork s (10,12)
Madison Palmer, "Don 't shine so that oth ers can see you. Shine so that
through you , others can see Him ." -C.S. Lewis; BETA Club (12 ), Debate Team
(g-12), FCC LA ( 11)
Charlie Parker, "I didn 't come this fa r just to come this fa r and not be happy"
-Drake; Varsity Baske tball ( 11 -12), JV Basketball (g-10), FBLA (12), FCA
(g- 12), FCCLA ( 11)

Nicky Patel
Mason Peters
Sophia Peters , "Bu ild your own dreams, or so meo ne else will hire yo u to
build theirs." -Farrah G ray; Varsity Softball ( 10-12), JV Soft ball (9) , DEC A
( 11 -12), FCC LA ( 10)
Ryan Poe

And rew Q uakenbush , "I don't understand why people would want to get rid
of pigeons. They don't both er no o ne. "-M ike Tyson ; JV Baske tball (9-10),
O utdoo r Track (g·1 2), Ma rching Band (9-12 ), Jazz Band (g.12),
Concert/ Symph onic Band (g. 12), TR l-M (Music H onor Soc iety) (9-12)
Sebastian Radu , "Speak soft ly and ca rry a big sti ck" -Th eodore Rooseve lt;
Swimming (9-12) . BETA C lub ( 12), Key C lub ( 11- 12). Social St udi es H ono r
Soc iety (Rh o Kap pa) ( 11-12)
Sa nj ana Ra jesh , 'It's okay to look back at the past. Just don 't stare."
-Ben1amin Dover: Acade mic Team (9-12), Debate Team (9- 12 ), NEHS ( 11-12 ),
French C lub (1 2). National French H onor Soc iety (1 1-12), Rho Kappa ( 11 -12) ,
French C lub Soc ial Media Manager ( 12)
Ca rson Ray, Any sufficiently advanced techno logy 1s indi stin g uishable fro m
magic -Arthu r C . C larke : Acade mic Team ( 11-12). BETA ( 12). Robotics
( 10-1 2). Rho Kappa (11- 12). Natio nal Span ish Honor Society (1 1-12) ,
Acade mic Tea m Co-Captain ( 12)


Kent Ray, "Buy more Raiders gear!" -Coach Askew; JV Football (g), Varsity
Football (10-12), JV Baseball (g-10), Varsity Baseball (11-12), Varsity Football
Captain (11-12), First Team A/I-State Baseball (11)
Sydney Rearick
Diya Reddy, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye
so hard." -Winnie the Pooh; Tennis (g-12), BETA (12), Debate Team (9-12),
NEHS (11-12), Key Club (9-12), Rho Kappa (11-12), Key Club Officer (12),
NEHS Secretary (12)
Hayes Reger, "If you have the opportunity to play this game of life, you need
to appreciate every moment." -Kanye West; Lacrosse (g-12), National English
Honor Society (12), Eco Club (11-12), Lacrosse Team Captain (12), Captain
ofTeamWorks at Burton (12)

Arabella Riddle, "To the stars who listen- and the dreams that are answered. "
-Rhysand, A Court of Thorns and Roses; Choir (9), Drama (12), Help Save
the Next Girl (12)
Delilah Rodriguez, "There are no regrets in life, just lessons." -Jennifer
Anniston; FCCLA(10-11)
Santiago Rodriguez
Ezequiel Romero

Ryan Roshioru
Austin Rutrough
Anton Sanders
Brianna Schaad, "So, make the friendship bracelets." -Taylor Swift; Marching
Band (9-12), Concert/Symphonic Band (9-12), TRl-M (Music Honor Society)

Erin Schallon, "Life has no remote ... get up and change it yourse lf." -Mark A.
Cooper; BETA Club (12), National English Honor Society (11-12), Key Club
(11), National Spanish Honor Society (10-12), Mu Alph a Theta (11 -12)
Chase Schillinger, "It's crazy how much a seating chart can change your
life."; Golf (10,12), Marching Band (9), Buddi es Club ( 12), DECA (12), FCA
Christopher Scott
Ryan Scott

Madilynn Seale, "Time passes, life happens, people come and go, so love
whoever you can for as long as yo u can."; Varsity Volleyball ( 11-12), Varsity
Softball ( 10-12)
Johan Serrano Murillo, "MMG made me the man I am now. "; JV Football (g),
JV Soccer (9-10), Varsity Soccer (11- 12)
Emma Sexton, "Even though not everything can be fixed, alm ost everyt hing
can be survived" -Meredith Grey; Indoor Track ( 11 -12), Lacrosse (9- 12),
Concert/Symphoni c Band (9); DECA (11 -12), HSTN G (g-10), Key Club
(11-12), Yearbook (11-12), Social Media Pres ident (12)
Jordyn Shaywitz, "I have to be successful because I like expensive th ings.";
National English Honor Society (12), FCCLA (11-12), Help Save the Ne" Girl
(9·12), Key Club (9- 12), Knightly News/ Journalism (9- 12), Spanish Cl ub ( 12)

Uzair Sheikh, "disappointm ent inject sacrifice extreme spit consider"
-randomwordg ene rator.com; Robotics ( 11 ), C hess Club (9-12), D&D C lub
(11-12), Chess Club Co-Presid ent (12)
Kendall Shepherd, "Hold onto the memories. they wi ll hold onto you." -Taylor
Swi ft, New Year's Day; BETA (12), Drama (1 1-12), NEHS ( 11- 12), Eco C lub
(10- 12), HSTNG (9-10), Key Club (9- 12), SCA (11-12). Mu Alph a Theta
(11 -12), Key Club Officer (12)
Raegan Shively, "Opportunities don 't happen , you create them." -Chris
Grosser. Sidelin e Football Cheer (9-12), Sidel in e Basketball Cheer (9-12 ),
Co mpetition cheer (9-12), Varsity Cheer Captain ( 12), Top All-Am eri can
Cheerl eader (12), Cheer State Champion ( 10)
Aydin Short, "Fear ki lls more dream s than fa ilu re ever will. " -Ka nye West

Senior Portraits

Elizabeth Simkins, "It's what you do in the dark that puts you in the light."
-Michael Phelps; Swimming (9-12); BETA (12), NEHS (11-12), FCA (10-12),
Rho Kappa (11-12) National Spanish Honor Society (11-12), Mu Alpha Theta
Kathryn Simmerson, "Don't worry if you're making waves simply by being
yourself. The moon does it all the time."-Scott Stabile; Choir (11-12), National
English Honor Society (12), Knight Knoles (11), National Spanish Honor
Society (11)
Bryce Simpson
Victor Skaff, "Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, 'Would an idi_ot
do that?' and if they would, I do not do that thing ."-Michael Scott; Varsity
Football (9), JV Football (9), Varsity Baseball (10-12), JV Baseball (9-10),
DECA (11-12)

Mackenzie Smallwood
Connor Smigielski , "It's all good man"
Avery Smillie
Wyatt Smith, "Dreams are made of today's actions." -ChatGPT; Varsity
Soccer (11-12), JV Soccer (9-10), DECA (12), National English Honor Society
(12), FBLA (11-12), Key Club (11-12), Social Studies Honor Society (Rho
Kappa) (11-12), Spanish Club (10)

Peyton Stepka, "It's okay to not be okay."; Varsity Volleyball (10-12), JV
Volleyball (9), JV Volleyball Team Captain (9), Varsity Volleyball Team Captain
Taryiah Stover, "It's a leap of faith. That's all it is, Miles. A leap of faith."
-Peter B. Parker
Zoe Struzinsky, ""What if it's not everything that I dreamed it would be?" "It
will be."" - Tangled; French Club (12)
Christina Su

Isaiah Swanson, "To the windowww... " -Lil John & The East Side Boyz; XC
(9- 12), Indoor Track (9-12), Outdoor Track (9-12), Jazz Band (9-12),
Concert/Symphonic Band (11-12), TRl-M (10-12), NEHS (11-12), FBLA
(10-12), Mu Alpha Theta ( 11-12), Student Voice Team (12)
Lillian Swanson, ''To the walllll. .. " -Lil John & The East Side Boyz; Indoor
Track (11-12), Lacrosse (9-12), BETA ( 12), NEHS (11-12), Key Club (10-12),
Mu Alpha Theta (1 1-12), Yearbook (10-12), Varsity Lacrosse Team Captain
(10-11), Yearbook Co-Editor in Chief (10-12)
Owen Sweeney, "Hook Em ' Horns"; Varsity Football (9-12), Varsity Baseball
(10-12), Varsity Basketball (12), Buddies Club (12)
Nathaniel Sykes , "I was born a ramblin ' man. " -Richard Betts; Marching Band
(9-12), Concert/Symphonic Band (9-12)

Kirstin Taylor
Caleb Terstegen, "Ford ... you 're turning into a penguin. Stop it." -Douglas
Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy); Wresting (10-12), FTC
Robotics (9-11)
Heidi Thompson , Roads? Where we're going, we don't need road s. -Doc
Brown ; Swimming (11-12); Academic Team (10-12), National Spanish Honor
Society (11- 12). Governor's School (9-12), Academic Team Co-Captain
Leah Thompson, "You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come
down again . So why bother in the first place? Ju st this: What is above knows
what is below, but what is below does not know what is above ... " -Rene
Daumal ; National Spanish Honor Society ( 11)

Reece Tibey, "A divine plan placed t his continent between the oceans to be
fo und by a people from every corner of the earth who had a special love of
fa ith , freedom , and peace." -Ronald Reagan ; Varsity Football (9-12); National
English Hon or Society (12), FBLA (12)
Kameron Ti nsley, "Fail ure is an eve nt , not a person . Yeste rday ended last
night." -Zi g Zig lar; JV Basketball (9), Varsity Basketball (10-12); Varsity
Basketball First Team Al-District and Second Team All-Region (11)
Jayden Tolson , "I've learn ed that every waken mome nt is enough and excess
never leads to better thing s .. ." - Zach Bryan
Owen Tozier, "You are my God . My future is in your hands." -Psalms 34 :14;
JV Basketball (9-10), Varsity Baseball (1 1-12), JV Baseball (9-10); National
Eng lish Honor Society ( 11 -12), Spanish C lub (10); Varsi rt Baseball First
Team All-Region an d First Team All-District

Refer ence

Victoria Treibley, "Some endings become better begi nnings." -Edward Lee
Kendra Turner, "I think we're parked man." -Chong ; FCCLA ( 10-1 2); Help
Save the Next Girl (12), Key Club (12)
Joseph Vannoy
Eamon Vaughan

Hannah Vitolo, " I'm not mean, this is just my face" - me! ; Sideline Football
Ch ee r (11 -12), Sideline Basketball Ch eer (11-1 2), Swimm ing (10)
Robert Votta, "Yo u have power over your mind - not outsid e eve nts. Realize
this , and you will find strength." -Marcus Aurelius; Swimming (9-1 2); Jazz
Band (9-1 2); National English Honor Society (12), Key C lub (12), Latin C lub
(10), Science O lympiad (12); State Swim
Jace Walters
Paige Walters, "Why is Al aska cold and Hawaii hot if th ey' re ri ght beside
each other?" -Paige age 15; Color Guard (9-12), TRl-M (Music Honor
Society) (11-1 2); Ch oir (9- 12), Drama (9-12), H elp Save the Next G irl (9-10);
Choir President (12), Col or Guard Captain (1 0- 12)

Liam Wampler
Deshawn Washington
Cierra Webb
Natalie Welch

Abigail Wescott
Jordan Wetzel, "A person's a person, no matter how smal l. " -Dr. Suess,
Horton Hears a W ho; Cross Country ( 11 -12), Indoor Track (10-12), Varsity
Socce r (10- 12), JV Socce r (9); BETA, (12), NEHS (11-1 2), FCA (9- 12) , Key
Club (10-12), Rh o Kappa (11 -12)
Sofia Whealton
Everett Wheeling

Colton White
Lukas White, "G one but never fo rgotten, my brother Alexand er Moran";
Cross Co untry (9- 12), Indoor Track (9- 12), O utdoor Track (9- 12); FCA (9-12),
Kni ghty News/ Journalism (9-12)
James Whittaker
Elle Will iams, "Hay Day got me th rou gh it. "; Varsity Vo lleyball (10-12), JV
Volleyball (9); DECA (12), National Engl ish Honor Society ( 11 -1 2), FC CLA
(1 0-11), Help Save the Next Girl (10) , Key C lub (11 -12), Spanish C lu b (9- 12),
National Span ish Honor Society (10-11)

Bailey Wilson , "W aiting for somethin g to happen?" -Mewo, O mori; French
Club (10-1 2)
Abigail Wissinger, "Strength grows in the moments when you think you can't
go on but you keep going anyway" -Sharifa hNo r; Cross Country (12), O utd oor
Track (11-12); HOSA (1 2), National Math Honor Society (M u Alpha Theta)
(11- 12), Social Studies Honor Soc iety (R ho Kappa) (1 1-12)
Micha el Witt
Rossi Wolfe, "Be stro ng, things will get better. It might be sto rmy now, but
rain doesn't last fo rever"; FCCLA ( 11 -12)

Senior Portraits

Tyler Wright, "Life is like a roll of toilet paper, you're either on a roll or taking
crap from someone else" - Drake; JV Basketball (9-10), Varsity Soccer
(11-12), JV Soccer (9-10)
Emma Yanishak, Indoor Track (10), Outdoor Track (9-10); BETA Club (12),
National English Honor Society (11-12), FBLA (11), French Club (9-11),
National French Honor Society (9-11 ), Key Club (9-12), Yearbook (11-12);
French Club Secretary (11)
Makenna Yopp, "Do something today that your future self will thank you for"
-Sean Patrick Flanery.
Austin Zhang, "Just call it a day."; Key Club (12), National Spanish Honor
Society (10); FCCLA (11), Spanish Club (10-12)


As one of 24 parent-child
pairs in the school the
lademarcos share, what
they enjoy about being
Knights together

"I like having my dad as a teacher
"It's nice to have a special co nnection
with my daughter in school , and I like
having her here because I get to see her

because there are little things
throughout the day. He will leave notes
on my car, and I talk to him after lunch.
It's something special to have in my
high school experience."


Mustafa Albakari
Aidyn Alexander
Ayat Al' Gburi
Colton Allran
William Amos
Logan Angell
Isabella Arthur

Alex Arzuaga
Aurora Averill
Aaron Avery
Sharmila Balaji
Blake Balzer
Karly Bardales
Helen Barrow

Lilah Beamer
Lea Belcher
Elijah Bills
Landon Bishop
Scott Blankenship
Jonathan Booker
Syriah Bousquet

Avery Bowles
Abigail Bradberry
Bentley Brandetsas
Benjamin Bravo
Rowan Breeding
Anna Brinkley
Andrew Browning

Samantha Byers
Kathryn Caldwell
Joseph Carnes
Fa ith Cassell
Jada Cauley
Mischaela Cha rles
Isabella Christensen

Isaac Ch ristley
Devin Clark
Charles Clemons
Soph ie Coates
Caleb Cole
Madison Coleman
Hannah Conner

Addison Cook
Trenton Cook
Tyler Cooper
Carter Cornett
Jacob Crain
Gisele Crouse
Jayde Cund iff


Senior Portraits, J unior !Portraits

Julie Danco
Grace Daugherty
Drake Davis
Amelia de Coligny
Mya Del'Vecchio
Lynasia Dickerson
Colton Difloure

Moyosoluwa Dinakin
Ava Distefano
Aubrie Dodson
William Dowdy
Sofia Downie
Holly Draper
Ethan Duffey

Mayson Duncan
Bailey Duran
Isabella Durica
Iris Dyer
Rosa Parks Ebacha
Cassidy Egle
Austin Engle

King Solomon Evans
Charlotte Fetzer
Austin Finnigan
Benjamin Fradette
Lia m French
Jack Frost
Ian Fuentes

Connor George
Anabelle Gibson
Bayleigh Gold en
Tessa Gorby
Logan Graham
Cade Gregory
Antonio Grogans

Angela Guillen Obre gon
Britta ny Hage e
Jolee Ha irston
Mateo Hanson
Pa rker Harman
Brookelyn Hartman
Rache l Hartman

Benjamin Harva rd
Ra nah Hassa n
Wyatt Hayden
Davis He nritze
Christian Herna ndez
Ayden Hirsbrunner
Kyra Hoffma n


Lauren Hoffman
Ellyott Holland
Kayla Holt
Max Holthouser
Claire Holton
Ripley Hunter
Mia Hylton

Nafisah lzzat
Naisha Jain
Jackson Janney
Ethan Kelly
Mitchell Kennedy
Mason Kesler
Nathan Lawton

Joseph Lee
Malachi Lee
Brynn Leigh
Landyn Leonard
Kayleigh Levering
Ella Light
Ava Livingston

Joseph Logan
Makayla Long
Mikah Long
Lamis Mahayni
Brooke Majors
Benton Manning
Daniel Mannon

Anna Martin
Toby Massengill
Carter Matthews
Tyler Matthews
Garrett Mattox
Jennah Mayberry
Presley McClellan

Allie McGuire
David Michaux
Adam Midkiff
Mackenzie Miller
Jaycee Mills
Madison Mills
Jamira Mletseni

Rachelle Moran
Braedyn Morg an
Rylen Mullins
Lily Nash
Lauren Newbold
Katelynn Newcomb
Jorden New man


Junior Portraits

Cameron Noell
Evan Ondrus
Julio Ortiz Rivera
Alexis Osborne Parkins
Emelia Ostrander
Gavin Overstreet
Anvita Panchumarthy

Bryan Parker
Rian Patel
Tirth Patel
Laine Pennylegion
Heather Perdue
Marcelyn Phlipot
Alana Price

Michael Price
Nicholas Rainsbury
Kaitlyn Raker
Haleigh Ratcliffe
Ella Ratliff
Avery Remines
Nicholas Renick

Eric Resendiz
Kensington Reynolds
Nathan Rhodes
William Richardson
Ava Ridinger
Cavan Robertson
Julian Rodriguez

Harley Rose
Rio Rupert
Mario Saade
Levin Santhosh
Sanjay Sawh
Ella Sciullo
Christopher Sekinger

Stell a Sganga
Dylan Shaver
Sabre Shepherd
Parker Shields
Maggie Simmons
Owen Sinozich
Austin Sizemore

Lindsay Slawson
Olivia Sloan
De laney Smith
Ethan Smith
Mary Smith
Briggs Smithson
Scott Sowder


Jackson Steffen
Noah Svirsky
Aaron Sylvester
Russell Tanner

Carlyn Trible
Skylar Uherick
William Underwood
Shanyu Vadapalli
Alannah Vest
Piper Walk
Kenneth Walters

Thomas Wasily
Emery Weld
Tristan Welly
Kendall West
Kylie White
Logan Williams
Connor Wilson

Debrah Wilson
Emma Wohlford
Rhett Womack
Keane Wright
Noah Wrigh t
Kaleigh Wynne
Leo Xiao

J unior Portraits

Abigale Adkins
Hayden Allen
Cecilia Alouf
Jesse Amos
Mitchell Anderson
Gaibriella Asbury
Grayson Athey

Honesty Atkins
Jesse Battee-Bonnie
Logan Baker
Nicole Baker
Hunter Barham
Reagan Basel
Parker Basham

Achbilig Batbayar
Ochbilig Batbayar
Trinity Bates
Temuun Bayarmunkh
Dario Bermo
Layla Bien-Aime
Cole Binner

Brooklyn Blankenship
Joshua Blankenship
Matthew Blankenship
Madeline Blanton
Jenna Block
Jada Bobbitt
Daniel Boice

Margaret Bolling
Bronwyn Boone
Jason Boswell
Ma rina Botrous
Jima Bousquet
Katelynne Bratcher Davis
Kyrsti n Bratcher Davis

Liam Breen
Vivianna Brooks
Nathan Bulla
Nea l Bulla
Travia Byrd
Alyssa Cacciatore
Damien Carreon

Grace Ca udill
Kevin Chogjinjalav
Ka idin Colburn
Josi lynn Cole
Ryder Compton
Luciana Covati
Aryana Cox


Brandon Cronise
Grace Crowe
Kaylin Dalton
Jack Daly
Addison Daniels

Sidney DeFeo
Elena D'Elicio
Samantha Dellinger
Isabella DeMello
Sunday Dhane
Andrew Dinsmore
Jeru Doletin

Sarah Donaldson
Dylan Dooley
Hassane Doucoure
Tyler Dulaney
Hallie Dunstan
Jayden Eanes
Autumn Eckles

Kian Ermel
Joseph Farwell
Lucas File
Brayden Floyd
Avery Fralin
Reagan French
Lowen Fullen

Amelie Gagnon
DaMarion Garcia
Saleen Garcia
Kaden Gaylor
Kristian Gaylor
Charles Gilmer
Destiny Goins

Michael Green
Lauren Grieme
Jiachen Guo
Riley Guzo
Bryce Hagee
Asher Hale
Stephen Hal e

Kami Hallet
Layla Halsey
Dylan Haman
Charlotte Harri s
Tyle r Harrison
Caleb Hartson
Francyn Harvey


Sophomore Portraits

Brooke Havens
Dominic Hawley

John Heck
Aubri Hodges
Zachary Hodges
Cooper Hodson
Nicholas Heefner

Vernal Holbrook
Macy Holthouser
Tanner Hopkins
Kaleb Humerickhouse
Quashawn Hunt
Chase Hunter
Muneeb llyas

Riley James
Cameron Jarczynski
Kevante John
Aniyah Johnson
Brian Johnson
Ethan Jones
Aiden Jones-Thomas

Caitlyn Karnes
Claire Kelley
Kobey Kerznar
Dessa Kesler
Abbie Kidd
Grace Kielty
Madison Kingery

Sullivan Knight
Ece Konca
Graham Kuehl
James Kupidlovsky
Langston Lamour
Kylie Lanter
Alexander Laughlin

Oliver Layell
Lilith Leach
Ashton Letts
Ma dilynn Lewis
Jackson Libassi
Alli Likens
Garrett Lenker

Elizabeth Loschner
Christopher Lathes
Elizabeth Love less
Seldin Lugonjic
Justin Lutz
Riley Ma be
Este ll a Ma hgerefteh


Kierra Martinez
Landon Mathews
Casi Matthews
Chloe Mays
Gavin McMahon
Maxxamillian McNeil
Aman Mengistu

Makenzie Metko
Megan Miles
Skyler Mitchell
Brian Morales
Ahtziry Morales-Lopez
Jack Morgan
Erin Morris

Ainsley Moseley
Anushka Mukherjee
Jack Mulkey
Nathaniel Muncy
James Murphy
Brett Myers
Elisha Myers

Hannah Myers
Muhammad Naveed
Cyrille Obimo
Danica Ogle
Sean 0 · Herron
Gretchen Orr
Jesse Pace

Meharjot Padda
Dhairya Patel
Jarrett Pellanda
Alaina Pendry
William Phillips
Jeanne-Eugenie Picard
Noah Pickelsimer

Joseph Pietravalle
Ayush Pinnama raju
Meara Plyler
Alexander Poe
Abby Poff
Rylan Poff
Mason Ponting

Ethan Pontiveros
Emeth Powell
Austin Price
Keaton Prokopcha k
Justin Quam
Mason Razvillas
Josera Redman


Sophomore Portraits

Alijah Reeves
Cooper Reger
Ayden Reynolds
Ethan Richards
Skyler Royalty'Anderson
Jesus Son Rubes
Keirstin Salisbury

Breeana Santos
Sarah Schallon
Rishika Sethumadhavan
Ahmed Shaheen
McKenna Shaver
Madalyn Shively
Samantha Simkins

Alpinveer Singh
Samantha Slocum
Anna Smith
Sheldon Smith
Wilson Smith
Andrew Sprouse
Avery Spurlock

Colten Stepka
Anish Suryapeta
Raine Sydnor
Jillian Sylvester-Johnson
Raiden Tarvin
Penelope Tear
Joshua Terstegen

Jayden Th omas
Landon Th ompson
Maya Thompson
Ryan Tibey
Dorsa Torkiyan
Spencer Trivett
Emily Tull

Katelyn Turley
Shawn Turner
Amelia Vannoy
Eva Ve lkoff
Dhyana Vithalani
Emma Vitolo
Heaven Wa lke r

Brock Ward
Hunter Wasi ly
Sophie Weddle
Jordan Wheeler
Scarlet Whisna nt
Tzion Whitaker
Chase Wh ited


Wendel Wilborne

Kaylee Wilsher
Camden Wilson
John Wilson
Jonathan Wilson

West Wingate
Mary Wissinger



What is your favorite season of high school sports to watch?


12 %



120/2 B2sophomoressurvo\~d

1 11

Sophomore Portraits

Aulena Abdullahu
Carlos Aguilar
Ashley Aguilar-Valadez
Gage Allran
Abbas Almusawi
Ali Alsaady
Sarah Alsuri

Peniel Amo Mensah
Trevor Amos
Jimi Arthur
Brayden Austin
Gloria Avila
Monserrath Ayala Quiroz
Jacob Baker

Wyatt Barham
Jackson Barker
Rory Basel
Jackson Bauer
Brennan Bayrer
Parker Bell
Jeremiah Bellamy

Josiah Bell Lauro
Ziggfield Bernardo
Ruby Bills
Courtney Blankenship
Ashtynn Borgman
Addison Bousquet
Madalynn Bowles

Ashlyn Braaten
Timothy Brady
Casey Branch
Christiana Brown
Sawyer Brydges
Daniel Burgess
Nicole Anne Caducoy

Gabriella Carnevali
Emanuel Castro · Rivera
Brian Catlin
Job Daniel Catral
Joshua Chapmon
Mary Chapmon
Lucas Chattin

Cameron Chidester
Da linda Childers
Tristan Chivers
Sameer Cho udhary
Kainen Coffey
Kenda ll Compton
Jayden Cook


Amelia Cooper
Ashton Cornett
Richter Crews
Annabelle Croy
Kevin Cruze
Ashley Davis
Liana Therese Dela Cruz

Riley Dehner
Christian Dooley
Riley Duff
Jadrien Durruthy

Mason Dyer
Joshua Ebacha
Isabella Faircloth

Nicholas Freeman
Zoe Furrow
Hector Gil Gutierrez
Chandler Glenn
Aira Sofia Nicole Go
Lila Gorby
Ayden Graham

Wyatt Graham
Elijah Greer
Delia Griffin
Anthony Grogans
Troy Guilliams
Harshit Hadagali
Yajae Hairston

Lyniah Hall
Carine Hartman
Magnus Harvard
Madeline Heffron
Jacob Henesy
Nelvin Hernandez
Sophia Hernandez

Sienna Hewitt
Katelyn Hinchy
Joshu a Hodge
Jaden Hollins
Rachel Holohan
Rachel Horsley
Nathaniel Howell

Freshman Portraits

Serinity Hunter
Elizabeth Hutchens
Audra Hylton
Demiana lskandar
Chase Janney
Mya Jefcoat
Madelyn Jennings

Avery Johnson
Alexander Juarez
Landen Keeling
Zaylan Keen
Flora Khanin
Adelyn Kingsly
Neema Kirimi

Avery Klahn
Benjamin Krause
Brady Kuyper
Randall Landes
Max Lang
James Lankford
Jonathan Lankford

Brandon Latchman
Evan Lee
Kayden Leftwich
Eleanor LeGault
Scotlyn Leonard
Marshal Lewandowski

Remington Lewis
Lindsay Lexima
Michael Lipscomb
Noah Livingston
Emory Lanker
William Luck
Natalie Manspile

Yadira Mascia
Logan Mather
Caitlin McBroom
Mika McGuire
Samuel McKabney
Jack McNe il
Roselynn McNeil

Emma Meadows
Logan Mei nster
Be njam in Meyer
Chloe Miller
Aadesh Mitta l
Destiny Mletseni
Cayden Morehead


Nevaeh Murphy
Qualasha Murphy
Aidan Musselman
Reagan Nash
Asma Nazeery
Ateena Nazeery
Benedict Nderitu

Hattie Newcomb
Efren Nichols
Aiden Nowocin
Nelly Omboga
Mila Oranchak
Gage Orange
Hayven Osborne

Gabrielle Overstreet
Wesley Owen
Niki Panogeorgou
Jahanvi Patel
Nikhil Patel
Rishi Patel
Landon Patterson

Mead Pennylegion
Whitney Perdue
Lucy Phillips
Kendal Pierce
Mason Pierce
Lucia Pietravalle
lshani Pinnamaraju

Sierra Plocher
Dominic Powell
Parker Ray
Max Rector
Alishia Redd
Prateek Reddy
Emmalee Reinmann

Jazzmin Reynolds
Jacob Rice
Claire Ricketts
Sophia Robers
Madison Roberts
Madilyn Rodgers
Aileen Rodriguez

Khloe Rodriguez
Mia Rodriguez
Kaelyn Rogers
Jocelyn Romero
Al yssa Rorer
Gabriella Saker
Charlotte Salters

Freshman Portraits

Josh Sandidge
Joshua Sandidge
Collin Saunders
Alexis Schaaf
Jacob Schillen
Cole Schillinger
Aliza Schopf

Wyatt Selvia
Austin Sensinger
Tasneem Shaheen
Bianca Shelton
Jason Shilling
Jade Shively
David Shorter

Addyson Simmons
Lacy Simpson
Ella Skeele
Jayden Smith
Lydia Soucie
Christopher Spruill
Rosh ini Sriram

Easton Stafford
Madison Steffen
Amelia Stoner
Camden Tarrazi
Kaleel Tate
Aldin Telalovic
Ayden Terstegen

Owen Thacker
Brady Thompson
Colin Thompson
Corde Townes
Abigail Tozier
Kinsley Trivett
Kaydyn Tune

Lucas Turner
Sam Urgo
Saharsh Vadapalli
Chloe Velkoff
Isaac Vest
Adelina Wagner
Mia Wagner

Kaylyn Wagoner
Aaron Walters
Landon Warfe
Bla ke Webb
Raelyn n Welly
Madison Welsh
As hl ey West


Wyatt Wheeling
Sonja Wiedmann
Jaylen Wiley
Ashton Williams
Piper Wilson
Samantha Winesett
Abbey Wohlford

Lucas Wolfrey
Braylan Wood
Logan Wood
Charlotte Wright
Cooper Wright
Evan Wright
Lily Xiao


As one of 24 parent-child pairs in the school,
the Shillings discuss how sharing a
classroom impacts them

"I have suc h hi gh expectatio ns
fo r him. It's bee n enli ghte ning to
me being 'mom,' be cause I am a
mom first. Fin ding the balance
"Sh e has a lot high er
expectation s for me. Sh e expects
me to be th e best in th e c lass ."

betwee n 'mom ' and 'teacher'
has been a chall enge because I
want to be 'mom' first. "


11 7
Freshman Portraits

Kevin Anderson, Instru cti onal Assistant
Rick Bailey, BA , Furman Un iversity; MEd + 30, Clemso n Unive rsity; Full-time substitu te
Stephanie Benne
Katie Bills , BA, Brigham Young Un iversity; B S, Weste rn G ove rn ors Un iversity; DB G eo metry,
Adv. G eometry

Amy Bolen, BA , Liberty Un iversity; MS, Virgi nia Tech ; Spanish Ill, IV & AP; Spanish Cl ub,
Spanish H onor Society
Jamie Borgman , BS , Virgi nia Tech; Atte ndance Secretary
Katie Bredenkamp
Brandy Browning , BS , Radford Un ive rsity; Eng lish g & 10

Kaitlin Brubaker, BS , Radfo rd University; MS, Radford Unive rsity; AP/ DE Eng lish 11 , C B Eng lish
11 , Adv. Eng lish 9
Laine Brummell , BA & MAED, Virginia Tech; Adv. Eng lish g, Photojournalism I-IV; Accolade
Sarah Burnett, BS, University of W isconsin Eau Clai re; MAED , Virginia Tech ; Earth Scie nce; Eco
C lub, Science Olympiad, Dungeons & Dragons
Kelsey Burton , BS, Liberty University; VAjUS H istory, AP US History; H ead C oach Swim/ Dive;
Beta Club, Senior Class Sponsor

Kriste n Canipe , BS , Liberty University; Marketing Exploration, Marketing, Sports & Entertain ment
Marketing, Entrepre neu rship, Advanced Marketing; DECA
Sara Cann , BS & MAED, Vi rg in ia Tech; AP/ Du al Biology, Biology
Tamara Carson
Alli son Cl ark, BA & MAED , Vi rginia Tech ; Ad v. Eng lis h 10, Eng lish 9 C B , Engl ish 9; JV Volleyball ,
Book C lub

Robert Cooper, BS , American National Unive rsity; Gove rn ment
Josh David
Haley De ed s, BS , Roan oke C ollege; M.Ed, American College of Edu cati on; Principal
Chris Dell , School Resource Officer

Kim Emory, BS , Roanoke College; M. Ed , Radford University; AFOA , AP Computer Science A,
C omputer Programming
Justin Garland , FAACTS
Katie Gray, BA. Virginia Tech; MA, Appalchian State; Physics, Ch emistry, AP Physics
Jacob Gruse, BS , Co ncord Co llege; Eco nomics & Personal Finance, Principl es of B usiness,
Lead ership; H ead Coach Varsity Boys' Basketball ; FCA, FB LA

Kriste n Gruse , BA . The University of North Caroli na at Chapel Hi ll; School Testing C oordin ator;
Kimberly Heck
Wesley Holdre n, BA & MED . Vi rgi nia Tech; English 9 & 10; Dungeo ns and Dragons
Ann a Hollins, G uidance Secretary


Mark Hough , BA, Radford Un iversity; Earth Science; Tennis, FCA
Valeh Houshiar, BA, Vi sual Arts; Instructional Assistant
Anne Houston, BA , Long wood Un iversity; MA, H ollin s University; Biology, An atomy; Key Club
West Hubard , BA , H ampden-Sydney College; MA, University of North Carolina at Charlotte ; MAT,
Hollins University; Psychology & Sociology, AP Psychology, DE US History

Michelle Hunter, RN , Fanshawe College; School Nurse
Nicholas lademarco, BA & MEd, George Mason Un iversity; Wo rld History II, Ad v. World History
II; Golf
Marley James, BS, Radford University; MS, Texas A&M University; H ealth and Physical Educatio n
9 & 10; Swimming & Diving , CSMS Chee r
Rebekah Johnson, BA , Virginia Tech; French II-IV & AP; French C lub, Fre nch H onor Society

Karly Knight, BS, Liberty University; Geometry; JV Softball; H elp Save the Next G irl
Carly Lee , BS Longwoo d Un iversity; MED, Mary Baldwin; Biology; Eco Club
Amy Leonard , BS , East Tennessee State University; MAT, College of Charleston; MEd , UVA;
English 11 , AFOA; Hel p Save the Next G irl
Ricky Lanker, BA, Emory and Henry; Art I, II, Ill, Computer Graphics I, II, Dig ital Photo I, II; Varsity
Football Coach, Head Varsity Baseball C oach; Art Club

Tommy Maguire, BS , Radford University; Drive r Education , Health II, PE 10; C ross Country and
Outdoor Track
Doreen Malcolm, BSBA , Young stown State Unive rsity; Administrative Ass istant
Ryan Martin, BA , Roanoke Col lege
Sheryl Martino

Ryan Mason, BS , Virgin ia Tech ; MAEd , Vi rginia Tech; College Algebra, G eo met ry. Computer
Megan McDonagh , BS , Radford Un iversity; MS , Capella Un iversity; English 11
Tori Meador, BA, Roanoke College; Instru ctio nal Assistant, FAACTS
Elizabeth Meise, BA , Roanoke College; CB Chemistry, Advanced Chemistry; Science Olympiad

Freeman Nester, BS , Concord Un iversity; Algebra 1, Algebra 1 DB
Courtney Noell , Instructi onal Assistant
Catherine Parke r, BS , S.U.N.Y Fredonia;MS , Radford University; Special Ed ucation Coordinato r
Charles Parker, BS , Virginia Interment College; MS , Radford University; Assistant Principal

Amy Perkins , BA, Lynchburg College; Nutrit ion and Wellness, Child Development . Adulting 101 :
Ryan Poff, BA , Radford University; Worl d Geography, Adv. World Histo ry I; Football
Brian Quakenbush , BA, East Tennessee State University; MAEd , Vi rgini a Tech; Conce rt &
Symphonic Band, Jazz Band; Marching Band, Pep Band ; Tri-M Music Honor Society
Tim Roberts , BS , Radford Un iversity; FAACTS; Head JV Football C oac h Assistant Varsity
Football Coach

Faculty !Portraits

Ashley Robinson, FAACTS
Lydia Scott
Chrystal Shawn, BA , James Madison University; MAT, Hollins University; AP/ DE English 12,
Journalism; NEHS
Kelly Shilling, BA, Ouinnipiac University; MAT, Quinnipiac University; Adv. Algebra II, AP/Dual
Calculus AB, AP/Dual Calculus BC; Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society

Robb Shipp
Cheryl Shupe, BS, Roanoke College; Ecology
Colleen Sisinni, BS , Monmouth University; MS, Nova Southeastern University; AP Statistics,
Algebra II; Mu Alpha Theta
William Slawson, BS , Unive rsity of Central Florida; MA, Hollin s University; Perso nal Finance &
Eco nomi cs, Business Law; FBLA, Chess Club

Brittany Sm ith, MA & MAED, Virginia Tech ; Adv. English 10, English 10 CB
Michael Spradlin
Edward Spruell, BA, El on University; MA, Hollins University; MED, Rad fo rd University; Librari an
Dolores Stevens, BA, Metropolitan State College of Denver; MA, Unive rsity of Northern
Colorado; Engli sh 9 & 10

Bradley Stump, BA, Bluefiel d College; MAT, Liberty University; Chorale and Mixed Chorus
John Swartz, BS , Roanoke College; Health/ PE/ Driver's Ed . 10, Advanced Phys. Ed. ;
Girls' Basketball
Lesley Swartz, AAS, VWCC; BBA, Roanoke College; MEd, Liberty Unive rsity
Margaret Taylor, BS, Roanoke College ; MED, Virginia Tech; AP/DE Chemistry,
Adv. Chemistry; SCA

James Tiffany, BS , Plymouth State Unive rsity New Hampshi re; MA, Mary Baldwin ; FAACTS
Brittany Turner, BS , Southern Wesleyan; MAT, Mary Baldwin ; FAACTS; B uddies Club
Deidre Turner, SUNY Oneonta; BA, Fordham Unive rsity; MAED, Radfo rd Unive rsity;
Earth Science
Lauren Turner

Darlen e Walstrum, BA, Hollins University; MS, Radford ; Precalcu lus, Geometry
Gabriella Weston , BSBA, American University; Bookkeeper
Krisha Whited, BA, James Madison Unive rsity; MAT, Hollins Unive rsity; Spanish II &
Penny Williams , BS , Virgi nia Tech ; MED , Vi rgi nia Tech; School Counseling Coordinator &

Kim Wilson , BS , Roanoke Co llege; MS, Louisiana Tec h Unive rsity; Biol ogy, Ecology;
Junior Class Sponsor
Julie Wright, BA , Marshall University; MAT, Marshall University




Students and staff reflect on the
experience of sharing a school with family

"Although I don't see her
often, it is super cool to to
have my mom at school with
me. It is nice logistically
because my siblings can
drive with her when I sleep in.
Mostly though, it gives me
peace of mind to know that if
"My favorite part of having my

I ever need anything or if

mom here is the free candy

something bad happens

that I get when I see her."

she's right there to help."


"I love having my kids here. It's more

"My mom loves to try to embarrass me

convenient and it's also nice just to be more

during school, but I don't really mind, I like

aware of the things going on in their lives,

her being here. The best part of it all is

so I think it's great."

really just getting to see my family more and


knowing that there are a few more people
that care about me."


"Having my mom at the school w ith

"I like that my mom gives me

me helps me connect with other

Andes Candi es."




" I like having my kids at school with me, because it's fun to see them. "


Faculty Portraits

River City Rumble
Viking Voyage
Battle at Byrd
Cougar Classic
Region 30



Front Row: Emery Weld, Ava Livingston, Amalia Midkiff, Catrena Graham, Raegan Shively, Eliza Dmochowski , H annah Conner and Brooke
Majors. Middle Row: Kaelyn Rogers, Pyper Dickenson, Alijah Reeves, Isabella Durica, Kayden Leftwich, Abbey Wohlford and Braylan Wood .
Back Row: Bianca Shelton, Reagan Nash , Annabelle Croy, A shtynn Borgman and Kinsley Trivett.


Front Row: H ann ah Vitolo, Eli za Dm oc hows ki , Amali a Midkiff , Catrena Graham, Rae gan Shive ly and S ara h Cl eve land . Middle Row: Alij ah
Reeves, Ava Livingston , B rae dyn Morg an , Em ery W eld , Isabell a Duri ca , H ann ah Co nn er, Brooke Maj o rs and Kami H all et. Back Row: Pyp er
Dicken son , Kae lyn Rogers, B ian ca S helto n, Ann abell e C ro y, Reagan Nas h, Asht ynn B o rg man, Kin sley Trivett , Kayden Left w ic h , Abb ey
Wo hlfo rd and Braylan W ood .



Front Row: Mitchell Keller, Thom as Losc hner, Ryan Conn e lly, Cole Binn er, Robert Legault, Noah Wright, Delan ey Smith, Eli se Grieme,
Peyton Sloane, Logan Sanders on, B e nj amin Bravo, Jesse Baffo e Bonni e and Chase Whited . Middle Row: Coach Te ss Wiggins , Tabith a
Wilson , Tyl e r H ewi tt, Issac Schallon, Mackenzie Sloane, Al ice Hicks, G w en Finl ey, Abigail Wescott , Asher H ale, Parker Bell, Anthony
Brady, Dyl an Su etl e rl ein, Ruby Bill s, Lau re n Niday and Coach Tommy Maguire. Back Row: Co ach John Wiggin s, Mateo H anso n, Laure n
H offman, G abri ell e H o loh an, Samuel Light, Micah Myers , Isa iah Swanson , Geoffrey Schumaecker, Cade Gregory, Cal eb Reyno lds, Lukas
White , Eli sha Myers, Brandon Cronise , Ell a Light an d W yatt H ayden .

Bengal Clash
Knights Crossing
Adidas Challenge
Eastern Montgomery
Randy Smith Classic
Blue Ridge
Region D
State 3A Championship
Bengal Clash
Knights Crossing
Adidas Challenge
Eastern Montgomery
Randy Smith Classic
Blue Ridge
Region D
State 3A Championship

14th & 11th
11th & 8th
15th & 8th

Western Albemarle
William Byrd
Hidden Valley
Patrick Henry


Front Row: Kam ero n Gerald s, Reece Tib ey, Braden Gromada, Presto n Lanke r, Mi chael Ray. Owen Sweeney, Mason H azelwood , Ronald
Gromada and Matth ew Bradl ey. Second Row: Ahm ed Shaheen, Evan Ondrus, Carter Matth ews, Amaurien Tolliver, Joseph Lee, B riggs Smi thso n,
Jackso n Steffen, Andrew Browning , N ath an Rhodes , Rh ett Womack , Co lton Difloure and Thomas Wasi ly. Third Row: Jason Boswe ll, Brett Mye rs,
O liver Laye ll , James Murphy Jr., Ethan Ri c hards , Cooper H odson , Hunter W as ily, Camden Wilson . Brock Ward , Seldin Lu gonji c, Garrett Lanker
and Loga n B aker. Fourth Row: Cooper Wright. Lu cas Turn er, Kevin Cr uze, Trevor Amos , Co rd e Tow nes , Cae l Flana ry, Jacob Baker. Co lin
Th ompson , Cameron C hidester. Jaden H o ll ins . Landon Patterson. Cayden Morehead , Jayl en W il ey. Kaydyn Tun e and Noah Livingston . Back

Row: At hl eti c Trainer D ani e ll e Powe r. Coach Jefferson Lee , Coach Landon Dermott. Coac h Ryan Poff, Coach Brady. H ead Coach Hu nte r
Shep herd , Coach Robert Shepherd . Coach Derri c k H o lli ns , Coach Ricky Lanker. Coach Timothy Roberts and Coach James Murphy Sr.



Front Row: Andrew Macafee, Emory Lanker, Wyatt Selvia, Kendall West, Mason Razvillas, Lindsay Slawson, Thom as Bo eh ling , Mason
Henritze, Mason Dyer and Li am McBride. Back Row: Coach Andy Henritze, Owen Sinozich , Sheldon Smith, Willi am Gurney, Drake D avis,
Grayson Athey, Jayson Doo lan , Chase Schillinger, B enjam in Fradette, Rio Rup ert, Nate Fau lkn er and D amien Carreon.

Star City Classic
Cavalier Classic
Blue Ridge Festival of Bands


Flute: Georgia Bill s, Syriah Bou squet, Kaylin Dalton, Cameron Haggett, Brianna S c haad and Li ly Xiao . Clarinet: Caro lin e Fl oyd , Jared Hollins.
Nafisah lzzat , Devin Jo rdan , Austin Pri ce and C lari ssa Schaad. Alto Sax: Elij ah Bills , King Solomon Eva ns, Kate lyn Hinc hy, Jack M c Neil and
And rew S prouse . Tenor Sax: Jesse Pace and Jaco b Sch ill en. Trumpet: Eli za beth Hutc hens, Aadesh Mittal, Sarah Schall o n , M ary Smith ,
C hri sti an S pro use . Nathani el Sykes and Aaron Wa lters . Mellophone: Robert Love less and Ryan Scott . Trombone: Nic k Free man , D ani el H an,
Chase Hun ter. Jami e Lewis, Jord en N ew man , Andrew Quakenbu sh, Shanyu Vadap alli and Matthew Young . Drum Majors: H ai ley Lip sco mb
and Tyler Cooper Baritone: D av id Drake , Noah Svirsky and Saharsh Vad apall i. Tuba: Christian Estrada an d Co nn or George . Snare: Eve lyn
Anderson and N ath an Bu ll a. Tenors: D o mini c k Ostran d er. Basses: Katelyn Crouch. James Lankford. Malachi Lee and N oah Pi cke lsim er. Front
Ensemble: Ziggfie ld B erna rd o . Coen va n Montfran s. Gag e Allran . Delaney Shield s. Kenneth Walters and B ra ndon Latc hma n. Color Guard:


Adrienne Moms . Pa ige Wa lte rs. Rose Berry. H eather Perdu e. Alan a Pri ce . Charlotte Salters. El ena D Eli c ia . Lu cia na Covat1. Ell a Ratliff,
Lucy Phi ll ips. Mia Rodnguez. Gabriell e Ove rst reet. Samanth a Byers, C laire H o lton . So phi e Coates and Kath ryn Berry.

. Ci.

. 11.

·--· ' -t

Front Row: Abigail Mc namara, Ripl ey Hunter, Peyton Stepka and Abigail Bradberry. Middle Row: Kensington Reynolds, Isabella Cavicchia,
Ava Amos, Jayde Cundiff and Ell e Williams. Back Row: M ackenzie Miller, Avery Bowl s, Helen Enyart, Maggie Simmons, Madilynn Seale and

William Byrd
Lord Botetourt
Lord Botetourt
Patrick Henry
Hidden Valley
Patrick Henry
William Byrd
Hidden Valley


Coach Josh James.

William Byrd
Lord Botetourt
Pulaski County
Lord Botetourt
Patrick Henry
Hidden Valley
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
William Byrd
Hidden I/alley


Front Row: Caitlyn Karnes , Jayden Eane s, Rache l H ors ley and Chand ler Glenn. Middle Row: Emily Tull , Brennan Bayrer, C laire Ri cketts,
Hannah Myers and Camd en Tarrazi. Back Row: Amelia Vannoy , Mearah Deavers, Remington Lewis, Macy Holthouse r and Madalyn Shive ly.


Pulaski County
Franklin County
Patrick Henry
Jefferson Forest
William Byrd
Hidden Valley
Westover Christian
Franklin County
Patrick Henry
Pulaski County
Hidden Valley
Patrick Henry
Lord Botetourt


Front Row: Coach Burt Sparks, Owen Sweeney, Deshawn Washington, Coach Jacob Gruse, Charlie Parker, Kameron Tinsley
and Coach Charlie Urgo. Back Row: William Underwood, Vernal Holbrook, Ethan Jones, Carter Cornett, Daniel Mannon ,
Ashton Cornett, Shawn Turner and Manager Rian Patel.

' !"'.~:.·~!

William Byrd
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
Lord Botetourt
William Byrd
Franklin County
Pulaski County
Hidden Valley




Insu r an c e


Don Hod


Front Row: Langston Lamour, Kaleb Hum erickhouse, H assane Doucoure , Coach Charli e Urgo , Riley James , Jack Mulkey and
Christopher Lathes . Back Row: Yajae Hairston , Sam Urgo , Sean O'Herron , Benjamin Krause, Anthony Grogans, Max Lang
and Manager Jason Shi llin g.



Back Row: Coach Jessica Ficarra, S cotlyn Leo nard, Ain sley Moseley, Ashlyn Braaten , Remington Lewis, Courtney
Blankenship, Amelia Stoner, Ava Ridinger and Coach John Swartz. Front Row: Mia Hylton, Madison Coleman , Olivia Jones,
India Cox, Sophie Mill s, Tania Lexi ma and Karly B ardale s.

William Byrd
Staunton River
Lord Botetourt
William Byrd
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
Lord Botetourt
Hidden Valley
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
Staunton River
Hidden Valley
Pulaski County

50-3 2



Christiansburg Invitational
Jefferson Forest
Lord Botetourt/Salem
Christiansburg/Patrick Henry
All Timesland
PH/Byrd/Hidden Valley
Jeff. Forest/CHS/Blacksburg
Hidden Valley
VHSL 3A States



Front Row: Hail ey Lipscomb, H eidi Th ompson, Robert Votta, Sebastian Radu , Gareth Graham, Delaney Mcl augh lin and
Elizabeth Simkins . Second Row: Jilli an Sylvester Johnson, Mc Kenna Yearsley, Mackenzie Miller, Ellyott Holland , Au rora Averi ll ,
Lamis Mahayni , Emm a Wohlford , Isabel la Durica, Lindsay Slawson , Tessa Gorby, Sophie Coates and Liam Rodrigu ez. Third
Row: Caro lin e Fl oyd , M ad alynn Bow les, Emm a Vitolo, Mearah Deavers, Avery Spurlock, Colton Allran , Samantha Sim kins,
Maya Th ompson , Lauren Grieme , Al exis S c haaf and Avery Jo hnson. Fourth Row: Charlotte Salters , Elizabeth Hutchens ,
Robert Grah am , M atth ew Young , Temuun B ayarmunkh, Miles H o ll and , Am elia Cooper, Lila Gorby, Emm a Meadows and
Samantha Dellinger Back Row: Mary Mi c halski , Precious Thuku , Em ree Horton , Mallory Mi ll er and Ste ll a Kidder.



Front Row: Nicholas Hoefner, Nathaniel Muncy, Mary Smith, Julian Rodriguez Dom ·in· H
h. w ·illiam
1c awley Joshua Blan ens 1p,
B ·
' .
Luck, Davis Henntze, Alannah Vest, Jonathan Wilson and nan orales . Middle Row·
w ·
t Cameron
I bT
· orna Bakh1t West
inga e,
Noell , Jason Boswell , Brandon Noell, John Chick, a e
erstegen, Hunter Wasily A.d
Floyd and
h M.
• 1 an usse lman
ray en
Cecrl1a Alouf. Back Row: Madelyn Jennings, Dahnda
1 ers , oac
1ke Noell Oua h
'Id G
da Braden
b L.
s awn unt Rona
Gromada, Preston Lonker, Kevin Cruze, Michael L1pscom , 1am eavers, Landon p tt
c' h M uncyroma
d Coach
a erson, oac
G ray.

· c

Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
Franklin County
Hidden Valley
Pulaski County
William Byrd
Patrick Henry
Hidden \/alley

4/ 2
4/ 9
4/ 11
4/ 19

Front Row: Michael Ray, Reece Tibey, Owen Tozier, Mason Hazelwood, Kyle Cook, Owen Sween ey, Landon Mathews,
Preston Lonker and Michael Witt. Back Row: Ryan Ti bey, Vi ctor Skaff, Tyler Harrison , Garrett Lanker, John Chick and Jose ph
Farwel l.



William Byrd
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
Franklin County
Hidden Valley
Pulaski County
William Byrd
Patrick Henry
Hidden Valley


Front Row: Benjamin Meyer, Logan Meinster, Casey Branch, Sam Urgo, Ethan Richards, Sheldon Smith, Seldin Lugonjic and
Joshua Chapmon . Back Row: Gavin Young, Cael Flanary, Emory Lenker, Evan Lee, Colten Stepka and Matthew Blankenship .

Lord Botetourt
Hidden Valley


William Byrd
E.G. Glass
Hidden Valley
Jefferson Forest
Patrick Henry
Franklin County


William Byrd
Rockbridge County


Front Row: Daniel Boi ce, Tristan W e lly, Ryd er Compton, Lu cas Turn er, Cooper Reger, Spence r Trivett and Jackson Libassi.
Middle Row: Liam W ampl e r, Graham Kuehl , H ayes Reger, Bl ake Balzer, Gabriel Ave rill and Miles Holland. Back Row: Coach
Ri ck Kelley, Coach C harles G il roy, C hristop her Scott, B enjam in Fradette, Briggs Smithson, Dylan Haman , Mitchell
Anderson and Coach B e nj amin Robert s.


Lord Botetourt
Hidden Valley
William Byrd
E.C. Glass
Hidden Valley
Jefferson Forest
Patrick Henry
Franklin County
William Byrd
Rockbridge County

4/ 4

Front Row: Ph in Gilroy, Kevin Chogjinjalav, Keaton Prokopchak, Jacob Hanson, Liam Nugue, James Fortuna, Jayden Smith and
Mitchell Mosley. Middle Row: Witt Tugle, Chase Kesler, Cohen Blount, Jacob Phelps, Madden Babich and Aidan Musselman.
Back Row: Coach Charles Gilroy, Coach Rick Kelley, Jason Shilling, Aiden Luck, Max Douglas and Coach Benjamin Roberts.

Hidden Valley
William Byrd
Patrick Henry
E.C. Glass
Hidden Valley
Jefferson Forest
Patrick Henry
Franklin County
William Byrd

5/ 13
5/ 15

Front Row: S carlet Whi snant, Charlotte Fetzer, Lillian Swanson , Cassidy Egle, Bethany Mardian , Samantha Manico and Jad a
B obbitt. Back Row: Coac h Lilly O'Bri en, Lily Nash, Emma Sexton, Kendall Compton , A shley Davi s, Anna Smith , McKenna
Yearsley, Kaitlyn Holbroo k and Coac h Meredith B all.


Wiiiiam Byrd
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
Hidden Valley
Pulaski County
William Byrd
Patrick Henry
Hidden Valley


Front Row: Alexander Juarez, Finnegan Boccieri, Samuel Haefner, Benjamin Harvard, Wyatt Smith, Mateo Hanson, James
Kupidlovsky and Carlos Aguilar. Middle Row: Coach Hunter, Toby Massengill , Dillon Marlowe, Tyler Wright, Alexander Poe,
Aiden Likens, Oliver Layell, Wilson Smith , Wyatt Hayden, Amin Albisheh, Noah Wright, Benjamin Bravo and Coach Landon
Dermott. Back Row: Coach Drew Owens, Thomas Boehling, Drew Ermel, Connor George, Johan Serrano Murillo, Avery
Smillie, Nathan Lawton, Jackson Janney and Coach Caleb Meyer.

Wiiiiam Byrd
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
Hidden Valley
Pulaski County
William Byrd
Patrick Henry
Hidden Valley


Front Row: Kevante John, Joshua Ebac ha, Kian Ermel and Silas Guzo. Back Row: Coach Hunter, Gage Allran , Raiden Tarvin,
Benjamin Krause, Jiachen Guo , Jesse Pace and Coach Caleb Meyer.

13 1

Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
William Byrd
Hidden Valley
William Byrd
Patrick Henry
Hidden Valley

4/ 5

Front Row: Gabriella Carnevali, Grace Kielty, Naomi Fetzer, Scotlyn Leonard, Anna Brinkl ey and Kaleigh Wynn e. Middle Row:
Rory Basel , Madison Kingery, Alli Likens, Amelia Stoner, Mackenzie H arri s , Charlotte Wright and Dessa Kesler. Back Row:
Coach Erin Smith , Lucia Pietravalle, Addison Daniels, Abigail Tozier, Mead Pennylegion, Riley Guzo, Rachel Holohan and
Coach Logan Skaff.

William Byrd
Lord Botetourt
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
Franklin County
Hidden Valley
Pulaski County
William Byrd
Patrick Henry
Franklin County
Lord Botetourt
Franklin County
Hidden I/alley


3/ 12
3/ 19
3/ 22
4/ 2
4/ 3

4/ 5
4/ 9

4/ 11
4/ 19
4/ 22
4/ 23
4/ 26
4/ 29
4/ 30
5/ 3

5/ 6

Front Row: Rachel Hartman, Autumn Ec kl es and Caitlyn Karn es . Middle Row: Jayden Eanes , S ofi a D eleo n, Kennedy Lange ,
Ab igail B radberry an d Ella B is hop. Back Row: C oac h Scott, Dani ca Ogl e, Madiso n Steffen, S o phia Pete rs , M adilynn S eale,
Mag nolia Burd en and Coach Nick.







Front Row: Grace Morgan, Erin Morris, Whitn ey Perdue, Ella Skeele, Jovie Mille and Emmalee Reinmann . Middle Row: Alyssa

William Byrd
Lord Botetourt
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry
Hidden Valley
Pulaski County
William Byrd
Patrick Henry
Franklin County
Lord Botetourt
Franklin County
Hidden Valley


C acciatore, Alijah Reeve s , Lila Clemons and Abby Poff. Back Row: Mya Dunbar, Madeline Heffron, Ava Babock and
Amberleigh Gallo.


William Byrd
Lord Botetourt
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry




Front Row: Ad es h Pate l, Tan ner H opkins , Mason Dyer, Caleb Myers , Ri shi Pate l and Carter Kuyper. Back Row: Co le Schillinger,
Prateek Reddy, Rian Pate l, Tirth Pate l, Anish Suryapeta , Dh airya Patel and Brady Kuyper.


William Byrd
Lord Botetourt
Pulaski County
Patrick Henry


Front Row: Sarah Alsuri, Nafisah lzzat, Sharmila Balaji, Nicole Baker and Coach Hughes. Back Row: Diya Reddy, Hannah Myers ,
Mayzie Hanson, Nuela Mebratu and lshani Pinnamaraju.


Help Save the
Next Girl club
hosts a

attend Help Save the Next Girl 's self-defense class in the
auxiliary gym on March 8. Pietravalle liked that she got the
opportunity to learn how to be prepared for any situation .
The host of the class was club sponsor Mrs. Amy Leonard.
They learned a vari ety of skills to help them get out of
difficult situations. "They did this thing where they would
hold onto your wrists, and told you how to hold and
maneuver your hands to get away," Pietravalle said.

Number of participants in
Help Save the Next Girl's
self-defense class

Teams, Clubs and Organizations



Front Row: Nikhil Patel , Reagan Base l, Anna Martin, Sanjana Rajesh , Cameron Haggett
and Brittany H agee. Back Row: Heidi Thompson , Heather Perdue, Mayzie Hanson, Bryce

Front Row: Adelaine Legault, Ella Sciullo, Samantha Manico, Sydney Rearick and Adviser
Laine Brummell. Second Row: Holly Draper, Andrew Browning, Carlyn Trible, Erin Morris,
Moyosoluwa Dinakin and Kayleigh Leve ring. Third Row: Madalyn Shively, Kate Horton,

Hagee, Connor Wilson and Jeanne Eugenie Picard.

Lilly Swanson , Makenzie Metko, Claire Holton , Siena lademarco and Tann e r Hopkins.

Back Row: Sarah Crawford, India Cox, Luciana Covati, Ava Giannini, Emma Sexton and
Isabella Cavicchia.




Front Row: Adr ienn e Morris , Maxine Del Castil lo , Brynn Leigh , Olivia Sloan and Elizabeth
Lovel ess. Middle Row: Marly Metro, Davinique Lawes , Lilah Beamer. Gabriell e Gonzalez,
Ly n1ah Hall and Madison Welsh . Back Row: Madi lyn Rodgers. Nikhil Patel , Tyler Mcghee ,

Front Row: Syriah B o usq uet , Laine Pennylegion , Jack Mcneil , Noah Pi cke lsimer, Steven

Mearah Deave rs . Tzion Wh itaker and Pene lope Tear.


Grubb , Jared H o llin s , Cameron H aggett , Kaylin Dalton , Georgia Bills , Brianna Schaad
and Caroline Fl oyd . Second Row: N athani e l Howe ll . Aidyn Alexander. Gise le Crouse,
Noah Svirsky, Heather Perdue , Mary Smith. Anna Murphy, Aadesh Mittal , Jo shua
Eb acha , King Solomon Evan s and Sarah Scha ll on . Third Row: H ail ey Lip sco mb, James
Lankford , Jaco b S c hillen , Matthew Young, Thomas Loschner, Aaron Walters , Je sse
Pace , Christian H ernandez, Reagan Nash and Katelyn Hin c hy. Back Row: Elijah Bills,
Austin Pri ce , Gage Allran , Kenneth Walters , Nathaniel Sykes , Andrew Quakenbush ,
Connor George , Isaiah Swa nso n, Christian Estrada, Ryan Scott and Samantha Simkin s.


Front Row: Chase Hunter, Aaron Walters , Noah Svirsky, Caroline Floyd and Katelyn
Hinchy. Middle Row: Thomas Loschner, Cavan Robertson, Aldin Telalovic , Ziggfield
Bernardo and Robert Votta . Back Row: Matthew Young, Jorde n Newman, Andrew
Quakenbush , Elijah Bill s and James Lankford.


Front Row: Advi ser Alli son Cl ark , Ell a S ciullo, Moyoso lu w a Din akin , Aurora Averill and
Ava Di stefan o. Middle Row: Aidyn Al ex and e r. Brittany H ag ee , H o lly Draper and Anvita
Panc hum arthy. Back Row: Kathryn Ca ld we ll , Iris Dye r, Juli e Danco, Maso n Kes ler and
Naisha Jain .


Front Row: Madison Palmer, Mackenzie Harris, Siena lademarco, Adrienne Morri s, Sarah
Cleveland, Delaney Mclaughlin , Samantha Manico, Emma Yanishak and Jo rdan W etzel.
Second Row: Mitchell Keller, Kate Horton, Christina Su , Isabella Cavicchio, Jared Ho llin s,
Elise Grieme, Eliza Dmochows ki , Abby Beamer and Erin Schallon. Third Row: Matth ew
Bradl ey, Sebastian Radu, India Cox, Austin Zhang , W yatt Smith , Th omas Loschn er,
Dillon Marlowe and Samu el Hoefner. Back Row: Adam Cochran, Col e Brun ell i, Avery
Smillie, Isaiah Swanson, Hailey Lipscomb , Brooke Appleyard , Mayzie Hanson , Reece
Tibey and Robert Loveless.


Front Row: Advise r Va leh Houshi ar, Sidn ey Defeo, Mad ilynn Lewis , El la Ratliff , Jordan
W hee ler, Alexa Carter, Sarah Schall on and Adviser B rittany Turner. Second Row: Advise r
Ashl ey Rob in so n, Scotlyn Leo nard, Gabriell e Ove rst reet, Skylar Uherick, Kylie Lanter,
Kendall W est, Jacob Hanson and Adv ise r To ri Meador. Third Row: Katelynn e
B ratc her · Davis, C laire Holton , Samanth a Bye rs, Keirstin Sal isbu ry, C arlyn Trible , Aryana
Cox, Kyrstin B ratcher · Davis and Madiso n Co leman. Back Row: Owen Swee ney, Mayz1e
Hanson, Ai nsley Mose ley, Skyler Mitchell , Ryan Roshioru , Luciana Covat1, Samantha
Si mkin s and Adv ise r Lisa Miko.

C~u bs

and Organizations



Front Row: John Garlow, Reagan B asel, Adviser Wiliam Slawson an d Tyler Matthews.

Front Row: Erin Morri s, Mary Chapmon, Kyrstin Bratcher D avis and Rand all Landes.
Second Row: Iris Dyer, Lu cy Phillips, El eanor Lega ult , Kat hryn Simmerso n and Lilith
Leach. Third Row: Pip er W alk , Paige W alters, Sofia Wh ea lto n, Lynasia D ickerso n and
Brooke H ave ns. Back Row: Jo se ph Lee, Joh n Garlow, Aiden Jo nes Th o mas, Lu ciana
Covati and Kaylee Wil sher.


Front Row: N uela Mebratu . Mary Wissinger, Layla Bi en Aime , Sharmila Balaji , Emi ly
Z o ljarga l. Nicky Patel and Alana Pri ce . Second Row: Diya Reddy . Sunday Dh ane , Madison
Palm e r. S aniana Raiesh . Kyrstin Bratcher Davis , Abby Beamer and Adviser Elizabeth
Mayer Third Row: C hristina Su . Ins Dyer. Ranah H assan , Muhammad Naveed , Prateek
Re ddy. Prec ili a Kin sley and W est Wingate. Bacl< Row: H ail ey Lipscomb , Jea nn e Eug e ni e
Pi c ard . Tyl er Mc gh ee. Jose ph C arne s. Hass an e Dou cou re. Nicholas Rainsbury , Gabriel
Toryak and Penelo pe Tear



Front Row: Carlyn Trible , Brooke Majors . Amalia Midkiff, Lamis Mahayni , H annah Conn er,
Savannah Drewe ry and Adviser Kristen C anip e . Second Row: Tania Lex ima, Trenton
Cook , Andrew Browning , Allie M c Guire . Ann a Brinkl ey, M ackenz ie H arri s and Caro lin a
Clemmer. Third Row: Ra chel Hartman. Wyatt H ayden. Eamon Vaughan. Adam Midkiff,
Raegan Shively, Davis H enritze and Co le Schil li ng er . Back Row: Bryce Hag ee, Jo se ph
Vannoy, Max H olthouser, Chase S c hillinger, Sophia Peters . Sarah Crawford and
Matthew Bradley.


Front Row: Kylie Henson, Lilith Leach, Reagan French, Olivia Sloan, Trinity Bates,
Reagan Basel and Kathryn Simmerson. Middle Row: Evan Wright, Jeremiah Bellamy,
Penelope Tear, Tzion Whitake r, Chloe Velkoff, Lindsay Slawso n and Hunter Barham.
Back Row: Advi se r Sarah Burnett, Connor Smigielski, Cameron Jarczynski, Ethan Kelly,
Liam Deave rs, Jason Bo swe ll and Advis er Wesley Holdren .


Front Row: Sophi e Weddle , Alli Likens , D e bora Charles, Emil y Zoljargal and Amalia
Midkiff. Back Row: Adviser William Slawson , Jo hn Garlow, Isa iah Swanson and Davis
H enritze .


Front Row: Ella Sciullo, Helen Barrow, Kyrstin Bratch er Davis, Sharmil a B alaji , Maxine
Del Castillo and Ava Distefano. Second Row: Brynn Leigh , Anvita Panchumarthy, M itch ell
Keller, Ella Light, Elise Grieme, Moyosoluwa Dinakin and S amantha Manico. Third Row:
Sawyer Brydges, Kendall Sh epherd, G isele Crou se, Aidyn Al exand er, Brittany Hag ee
and Avery Remin es. Back Row: Mason Ke sler, Hayes Rege r, Matthew Bradl ey, Owen
Brydges, Hail ey Lipscomb, Iris Dyer and Juli e Danco.


Front Row: Adv iser Mark H oug h, S cotlyn Leonard , James Kupid lovsky, Rory Basel ,
Kyrsti n B ratcher Davis, Pyper Dickenson, Macke nzie H arris and Adv iser Kristen Grus e.

Second Row: Sam Urgo, Jaden Hollin s, Jared H o llin s. Amali a Mid kiff, Reagan Base l.
Mad elin e Bl anton and Advise r Kri sten Ca nip e. Third Row: B en1amin Krause. Tyler
Dul aney, Mead Pennylegi on, Ke nd all C om pto n, Samantha Simkins. Asht ynn Borg man.
Eliza Dm oc hows k1and Trevo r Amos. Back Row: Sean 0 Herron , Avery Smi llie . Col li n
Saund ers, Max H olth ouse r. Mario Saade. Ryde r Compton , Mearah Deavers. Elise
Mose ley and Cael Fl anary.

Clubs and Organizations



Front Row: Madiso n Palmer, Skylar Uh erick, Caitlyn Karnes , Ch arlotte H arris, All i Likens,

Front Row: Hallie Dun stan, Charlotte H arri s, Kaylin Dalto n, Anu shka Mukherjee, Kylie
Lanter, Ell a S ci ull o, Avery Johnson and C assandra Monjaraz. Second Row: Gretch e n Orr,

Rachell e Moran , Pyper Dickenso n, Ameli a Cooper, Emma W ohlfo rd , H aleig h Ratc liffe,
Brae dyn Morg an, Maxine Del Castillo an d Sarah Al suri. Second Row: Samanth a Byers,
Laine B e nn ett, S arah Cleve land , Awee l Anyuon, Katelynne Bratcher Davis, Lil a Gorby,
As hley West, Ava Byers, Rosa Parks Ebacha and Kendal Pi erce. Third Row: Ryan Tibey,
Reece Tibey, Karly Bishop, Emm a Vitolo, Jada Cauley, Aniyah Johnso n, Adri en ne Morris,
Grace Caud ill , Hayven O sborn e, Kathryn Caldwe ll an d Max Rector. Back Row: Ross i
Wo lfe, A nn abe ll e Croy, Brooke Appl eyard , Brookelyn H artman , Jennah Mayberry,
Jaycee Mi ll s, Macy Holthouser, Raegan Shively, Madalyn Shively, Terrance H end erso n
and Sophie Weddle.


W est Win gate, B arna B ak hit, Joshu a Ebac ha, Aulena Abdull ahu , Lillian Young, S anjana
Rajesh and Lucy Phillips. Third Row: Samanth a Byers, H o lly Drape r, Ellyott Holl and,
Elizabeth Loschn er, Claire H o lton, Rosa Parks Eb ac ha, M ason Ponting and Advi ser
Rebekah Johnson. Back Row: H assane D o uco ure, Langston Lamour, Nic holas
Rai nsbu ry, Avery Smillie, Mario S aade, M egan M iles, C hl oe Mays , Juli e D anco and
Brittany H agee.


Front Row: SanJan a Rajesh . Avery Sm illi e . Cassa ndra Monjaraz and Advise r Rebekah

Front Row: Adviser Karl y Knight , Lain e Pen nylegion, Reagan Base l, Gabrie ll a Carnevali,

John son .

Maxine D el Castill o, Lea B elche r, Rh iann a Loftl and . S cot lyn Leo nard and Skylar
Uherick . Second Row: Parker Shields , Am elia Cooper, Brooklyn B lankens hip, Aniyah
Johnson . Emma Mead ows. Made lyn Je nning s . Anu shka M uk herjee. Rory B ase l and
Kendal l West. Third Row: Ash ley D avis, Ranah H assan , Mad ison We lsh, El ea nor Legaul t.
Lu cia Pietravalle. Charlotte Wright . Am elia Stoner. Ella Skeele and Jaycee Mill s. Back
Row: Adviser H annah Trip lett , Ashley West , Mearah D eavers . Brennan B ay rer, Faith
Lawhorn . Ke irst in Sali sbury, Kendall Compton . Mead Pennyleg1on , Alexis S chaaf and
Adviser Amy Leonard .

14 0



Front Row: Jordyn Shaywitz, Ella Light, Julie Danco, Aidyn Alexander, Brittany Hagee,

Front Row: Rishi Patel, Holly Draper, Moyosoluwa Dinakin, Layla Halsey, Taryiah Stover,

Madison Steffen, Sawyer Brydges , Noah Wright, Jacob Crain, Kate Horton, Laine
Bennett, Karly Bishop and Elise Grieme. Second Row: William McClellan, Brooke
Appleyard, Mitchell Keller, Robert Votta, Wyatt Smith, Mario Saade, Isabella Cavicchia,
Sebastian Radu, Gabrielle Holohan and Rian Patel. Third Row: Toby Massengill, Mayzie
Hanson, Ainsley Moseley, Mearah Deavers, Luciana Covati, Reece Tibey, Parker
Basham, India Cox, Madalyn Shively, Raegan Shively and Kendall Shepherd. Back Row:
Briggs Smithson, Benjamin Fradette, Isaiah Swanson, Adam Cochran, Carter
Matthews, Owen Brydges, Wyatt Hayden, Jackson Steffen, Matthew Bradley, Austin
Zhang, Hailey Lipscomb and Parker Harman.

Kaelyn Rogers, Rachel Hartman , Kylie Lanter, Presley McClellan, Lamis Mahayni , Sarah
Schallon and Jordan Wetzel. Second Row: Scotlyn Leonard, Charlotte Wright, Amelia
Stoner, Vivianna Brooks, Xiomara Ayala Quiroz, Nicky Patel, Mya Del Vecchio, Samantha
Byers, Helen Barrow, Claire Yanishak and Ella Ratliff. Third Row: Samantha Manico,
Siena lademarco, Gisele Crouse, Rosa Parks Ebacha , Claire Holton, Keirstin Sali sbury,
Avery Remines, Jared Hollins, Skylar Uherick, Emma Yanishak and Maxine Del Castillo.
Back Row: Samantha Simkins, Caitlin McBroom, Madeline Blanton, Kendall West, Sophie
Weddle, Mischaela Charles, Andrew Browning, Carlyn Trible, Barna Bakhit, Debora
Charles, Victoria Treibley and Delaney Mclaughlin.


Front Row: Adviser Terena Hale, Grace Caudill , Amelia De Coligny and Gabrielle
Overstreet. Back Row: Eliza Dmochowski, Connor George and Katelynne Bratcher Davis.


Front Row: Reagan Bas el, Aulen a Abdullahu , Al ana Pri ce and Laure n Math er. Back Row:
Delaney Smith , John Garlow, Lukas White and Jordyn Sh aywitz.

ChJJbs and Organizations



Front Row: Emma Meadows, Isabella Christensen, Alexis Osborne Parkins and Isabella
Arthur. Middle Row: Harley Rose , Addyson Simmons, Laine Pennylegion, Kierra Martinez
and Lyniah Hall . Back Row: William Richardson , Ranah Hassan, Riley Dohner, Parker
Shields and Chloe Diehl.

Front Row: Rachelle Moran, Mischaela Charles, Skylar Uherick, Adrienne Morris, Alana
Price, Helen Barrow, Delaney Mclaughlin, Nicky Patel, Jordan Wetzel and Erin Schallon.

Second Row: Kate Horton, Isabella Cavicchia, Ella Light, Aidyn Alexander, Lilly Swanson,
Siena lademarco, Heather Perdue, Kendall Shepherd and Jared Hollins. Third Row: John
Garlow, Robert Loveless, Sebastian Radu, Mitchell Keller, Rian Patel, Samuel Haefner,
Toby Massengill, Gabrielle Holohan, Chri stina Su and Noah Wright. Back Row: Adam
Cochran, Avery Smillie, Isaiah Swanson, Hailey Lipscomb, Max Holthouser, Jackson
Steffen, William Mcclellan, Owen Tozier, Reece Tibey and Mayzie Hanson.



Front Row: Cameron Haggett, S anjana Rajesh, Anna Martin , Samantha Mani co , Alana
Price , Rache l Hartman, Rachell e Mo ran, H ele n Barrow and Nic ky Patel. Second Row:

Front Row: Davis H e nritze, Is abella Cavicchia , Benjamin Bravo, Kate Horton , Laine
Bennett, Lilly Swanson and Advi se r Elizabeth Mayer. Second Row: Owen Tozier, Robert

De laney Mclaug hlin , Jared H o llin s, Diya Reddy, S iena lade marc o , Nuela Mebratu , Evelyn
Anderson , Skylar Uh erick , Ann a Brin kley and C harlotte Fetze r. Third Row: Gi se le C rou se ,
Aidyn Alexander, Peyton S loa ne, Eli se G rieme, Carl yn Tribl e, Kend all W est and Erin
Schall on . Back Row: Iris Dyer, Heather Perd ue, Mateo H anso n, To by Masse ngill , Andrew
Brow ning , Magnolia B urden . Borna B akhit and Advise r C hrystal Sh aw n.

Votta , Wyatt Smith , Wyatt Hayde n, Samu e l Haefn er, Ell a Light, Gabri e lle Holohan,
Mitche ll Kell er and Ke nd all She ph e rd. Third Row: Matthew Bradl ey, Parker Harman,
Sarah Crawfo rd , India Cox, Hayes Reger, Chri stina Su, Rian Patel, Anvita Pan c hum arthy
and Finnegan Boccieri . Back Row: Brooke Appleyard , Jackson Steffen , Mari o Saade,
Avery Smillie, Adam Cochran, Is aiah Swanson , Max Holthou ser, Reec e Tibey , Hailey
Lipsc omb and Thomas Losc hn er.




Front Row: Sullivan Knight, Ali Graham , Davinique Lawes and Gareth Graham. Back Row:

Front Row: Jared Hollins, Tyler Cooper, Helen Barrow, Adrienne Morris and Alana Price.
Middle Row: Noah Wright, Heather Perdue, Peyton Sloane, Elise Griem e and Advise r
Sarah Burnett. Back Row: Isaiah Swanson , Hailey Lipscomb, Mitchell Keller, Robert Votta

Dhairya Patel.

and Gabrielle Holohan.



Front Row: Adviser Amy Bol e n, Rachel Hartman , Sharmila Balaji, Vivi anna Brooks and
Skylar Uherick. Middle Row: Aidyn Al exa nd er, Nue la M ebratu , Jared Hollins, Moyosoluwa
Dinakin and Carlyn Trible . Back Row: Mayzie H anson , Lu ciana Covati, India Cox,
C hri stina Su and Iri s Dye r.

Front Row: Adviser Amy Bol en, Moyosoluwa Dinakin , Nicky Patel , Jordan Wetze l, Anna
Brinkl ey and Sharmila Balaj i. Second Row: Samuel Haefner, Sien a lademarc o, Skylar
Uherick , Rachel Hartm an , Samantha Manico and Jared Hollins. Third Row: Mayzie
Hanson, C hri st in a Su, Kate Horton , Aidyn Alexander, Erin S chall on, Eli se Gri eme and
Mitchell Keller. Back Row: Jackson Steffen , Owen Tozier, Matthew Brad ley, Finn ega n
Boccieri , Ryan Scott and India Cox.

Ciiulbs and Org anizations



Front Row: Naomi Fetzer, Rachelle Moran and Scotlyn Leo nard. Back Row: Robert

Front Row: Madilyn Rodg ers, Rac hell e M o ran , Rory Base l, Sawye r Brydges and Rishi
Patel. Second Row: D anica Ogle, D avis H en ritze , Lyn iah Hall , Sophie W eddle, Kendall
Sh eph erd and Mad elin e Bl anto n. Back Row: Adam Cochran, M atth ew Bradley, India Cox,

Legau lt, Noah Wright, Sophie W eddl e and Isabella Cavicchia.

Isabell a Cavicchia and Owen Brydges.



Front Row: D iya Reddy, Lauren Newbold , C harl otte Wright, And rew Browning and
Rache ll e Moran . Back Row: M ead Pennyleg ion , C laire Ke ll ey, Adam Cochran , Isaiah

Front Row: Rachelle Moran, Arabella Riddle , Kylie White and Bro oke lyn H artman. Back
Row: Adviser Terena H ale , Lau ren Newbold . Brooke Appl eyard , Ava Byers an d Ann a

Swan son and Davis Henritze .

Martin .



Front Row: Lynasia Dickerson, Syriah Bousquet, Kyrstin Bratcher Davis, Alana Price,
Katelyn Hinchy, Caroline Floyd, Ella Ratliff and Brianna Schaad. Second Row: Kaylee
Wilsher, Elizabeth Hutchens, Jared Hollins, Evelyn Anderson, Cameron Haggett,
Adrienne Morris, Lucy Phillips, Georgia Bills and Piper Walk. Third Row: Elijah Bills,
Jesse Pace, Aaron Walters, Iris Dyer, Heather Perdue, Claire Holton, Aidyn Alexander,
Gisele Crouse, Erin Morris and Aiden Jones Thomas. Back Row: Hailey Lipscomb,
Luciana Covati, Thomas Loschner, Ziggfield Bernardo, James Lankford , Andrew
Quakenbush, Jorden Newman, Isaiah Swanson, Christian Estrada and Kenneth

"His laughter and smile could light
up a room, that presence is forever
missed." -The Moran Family

Clubs and Organizations

Reece Tibey
Congratulations! We are so proud of you and how hard
you have worked and persevered, especially this year.
W e admire your determination and are looking forward to
all that you accomplish in your future endeavors.
W e love you!
Dad, Mom, Ryan and Anna

Liam Deavers

Congratulations Liam! We are so proud of you! Your future is wide open, your
success is yours, as are your dreams, goals, and relationships . Contemplate,
as you venture ahead, what Indiana Jones said in 11 Raiders of the Lost Ark", 11 1
don 't know, I'm making this up as I go," and it will all work out.
All our love,
Mom, Dad, Mearah and Logan

14 6

Abby McNamara
Follow your heart, listen to your intuition, and nothing
will ever stop you. We are so proud of you and can't
wait to see where this new chapter takes you! We could
not be prouder!
Dad, Mom, and Keenan

Erin Schallon
We are incredibly proud of who you are! The world is lucky to have
this intelligent, beautiful, passionate, creative, remarkable and
hardworking young woman. Remember that finding the path that
sparks your joy and gifts is a blessing and a treasure. We love you
very much and are supporting and praying for your journey.
Mom, Dad, Sarah, Isaac and Hannah

Senior Ads

Brooke Chance Appleyard
You have reached a major milestone in your life. We are
all so proud of you and love you. More milestones to
come. We will be with you all the way. Remember your
Love. Pop & Mom Mom


Mackenzie Harris

CONGRATULATIONS! We are so proud of you and love
you very much! Can't wait to see what the future holds for
you. You are my sunshine. Love, Mom, Dad and Mason

Marly Metro
We are so proud of you! We love you the most and know that
your future is so bright! Congratulations! Love, Momma &

Senior Ads

Zoe Grace Struzinsky


Congratulations Zoe! We are so proud of you and the way you have
managed to forge your own path. Despite challenges, you proved to
be a leader and a role model by supporting others. You bring us so
much joy and laughter. "It's ok to be different, just do your best and
be confident, don't stop dreaming and show the world what you got" TXT. Love you! Mom, Dad, Aimee, and Nicole


Kam er on Tinsley

Elizabeth Joyce Simkins

We love you so much and are so proud of you! Thank you for
being such a wonderful young man! Keep reach for your
dreams! Love, Your Biggest Fans!!

W e are so proud of you! We know you will go on to do
amazing things!
Mom, Dad, and Samantha

Senior Ads

Samantha Manico

"Fight for the things that you care about. But do it in a way that will
lead others to join you." -Ruth Bader Ginsburg
We are so proud of the young woman you are today and can't wait to
see all you'll accomplish in the future. The sky is the limit!
We love you! Love, Mom, Dad, and Kathryn


Lilly Swanson
We're so proud of you and are
amazed by your
determination, talent,
intelligence and kindness.
You're going to do great
things! Love, Mom, Dad and

~~~·~ ! •
Caleb Terstegen
We are so proud of the young man you've become. We know that
you will use all the tools you've been honing and knowledge
you've gained to succeed In this new bioltechnologlcal age. We
love you!
Your family.

Senior Ads


Evelyn Grace Bolling
Dear Grace,
Eighteen years have gone by too fast, even
though you are beginning a new chapter in
your life, we have all cherished watching you
become the beautiful person you are. We
are so proud of you and truly feel lucky to
call you our daughter. You are an inspiration
to us and a hopeful reminder of the good in
this world. Remember to always stay true to
yourself and to hold onto hope in difficult
times. Remember to love when its easier to
hate. Remember to laugh when its easier to
cry. Remember to see the beauty when its
easier to see the ugly. But most of all,
remember we will always love you.
Stay Gold,
Mom, Dad, Milo, Truman and London

Senior Ads

Madison Palmer
Congratulations, Maddie!
Keep looking to Christ in all that you do,
and always know how much you are loved.
"Do not be anxious about anything..."
Philippians 4:6-7
We are proud of you!
Love you the mostest,

Ben Dellinger
Congratulations, Ben! We love you and
are so proud of your accomplishments
so far! Can't wait to see where God will
lead you. Hang on tight to Him for a
worthwhile journey as you seek out your
next adventure. We look forward to
seeing all you will do and who you will
continue to become.
Love, Mom & Dad


Sarah Grace Crawford

It has been such a blessing to watch you grow into a beautiful, strong young woman. The world
holds big things for you baby girl. We all love you very much. "Be strong and courageous. Do
not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go".
(Joshua 1:9)

Kathryn Simmerson
We a re s o very proud of you, K! You are an amazing young
woman with a heart of gold, and we look forward to all that
is in store for you! Congratulations!
Much love, from all of us (you know who we are!)

Senior Ads

Anna Murphy

Never stop being you, Anna. We love you and we are very proud of the bright young woman you
have become.


Charlie, you are an amazing young Man. We are
so happy for you and all that you have
accomplished thus far. We are very thankful for
God's blessings in your young, rich life.
We love you and thank God for you everyday"
Love, Mom & Dad, and Abigail

Senior Ads





~: :

~·!"firmly believe that any man's fir1est
:: .·hour, the greatest fulfiillment 01'all
"'. · that he holds dear, is that moment
~ · when he has worked his heart out in
a good ca·use ancl lies exhausted on ~kioi...,,,r.;m
the field of b§ttle - victorious.
-Vin~ Lombardi

It's been an amazing ride, Kid.
Thanks for letti ng us tag along.
We love you.

Senior Ads

Cameron Moyer
We could not be more proud of you. We are so blessed to
have you as our son. May the lord guide and direct your steps
always. Never let anyone dim your brilliant light. We love you
so much. Love Mom and Dad (David)

Jake McKinney
We are so incredibly proud of
you and everything that you
have accomplished. We can't
wait to see what the future
holds for you and all the great
things that you will do.
Dad, Mom & Kirsten


Heidi Thon1pson
Think of all the places you've lived so far ...
From your start in Cooperstown, to Roanoke,
Pittsburgh, a short stint in Sicily, then back to
Roanoke ... Your life is a wonderful adventure & we
can't wait to see where you go for college &
beyond. Heidi Sunshine, you bring light to our
days with your kindness and quiet strength. We
are so proud of your hard work in high school &
have no doubts you will continue to grow into an
amazing woman. We love you so much!
Mama, Daddy, Maya, & Jasper

Addy LeGault
To the incredible young woman that you are, we are so very
proud of you, Addytt The world awaits .. .go do important
things! We will be cheering you ont
-From the whol e big bun c h of uslt

Senior Ads

Emma Yanishak
We are so proud of the young woman
you have become! You are kind, hard
working, and your love of life and travel
is infectious!
Reach for the stars baby girl!
We Love You!
Mom, DTM, Claire, Cole, and Sully

Hailey Lipscomb
Words cannot express how proud we are of
you! You have worked so hard to achieve your
goals. You are driven, strong and kind. We
are excited to see all the wonderful things the
future holds for you, sweet girl.
We love you so much!
Mom, Dad, Trey, Gigi, Papa and Family


Nicky Ostrander
Nicky, we are so proud of the young man you've becom e. You're
compassionate and kind, intelligent and c reative, driven and talented.
Amazing oppo rtunities lie ahead . Make you r mark on this world and
know that w e 're always here to support you.
Mom, C urtis, Emma, Kaitlyn, and Wesley

Senior Ads

Alexis Emily Cook



:::·· .






.:,_,,..,.J \


You did it! Congratulations on your high school graduation! You continue to fill our hearts with pride and joy. Embrace
yo ur achievement and cherish the memories of this day . And remember, as you embark on your next new adventure, never
stop taking pictures of the sunrise! We love you .
Mom and Dad

Olivia Leigh Jones
Olivia we are so proud of you! We have been
honored to be your parents and to watch you
mature and blossom over the years . You are a
confident, wise, resilient, strong passionate
person whose future is bright. We are
wish ing you the best in your post secondary
experience. Remember to always put God first
and trust the process. Congratulations Olivia!
Love always,
Dad and Mom


Senior Ads

India Cox
Congratulations India! You did it! We are so incredibly
proud of you and all your accomplishments. You have
grown up to be an amazing young woman and we can't
wait to see how you will conquer this world.
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."

Madison Mccutcheon
We are all so proud of you. You managed to be a girl scout for the last
12 years, dancer for Floyd Ward for 13 years and stayed on top of
your school work, pushing yourself further and further and you have
succeeded. It has been a tough road to graduation but you stayed
strong like bull and overcome all the obstacles ahead of you. Always
follow your dreams and just remember wherever you go, go with all
your heart. Love you always, Vie, Mom, Granny and Paw Paw, Nay
Nay and your 3 little brothers.

Evelyn Anderson
"Go Confidently in the Direction of your
Dreams. Live the Life You've Imagined"
You are such a beautiful and talented young
woman! We are so excited to see what the
future holds for you. Keep working hard,
dance from your heart, and enjoy all that
this next chapter brings you.
We love you! Mom, Dad and Claudia


Magnolia Grace Burden

We are so proud of you. Your enthusiasm, creativity,
determination, and kindness are inspiring. We can't wait
to see what comes next.
Love, Mom & Dad

Ella Bishop

Abigail Harrison

We are so proud of all of you r accomplishments and looking
forward to you r next adventure! Congratulationsl

Wow. how didwa get hara sofast? It seems like just yesterday you were running the halls at !Jaarbmok and
now hers wa are at the and of your senior year. It has bean an honor watuhlng you grow fmm aplayful.
energetic. silly. andcarefree little girl into an amazing, loving, caring. andsmart young ~man. We are so vary
proud of the person you have become and the challenges you have overcome. Wecannot wait to see 111lat this
next chapter Inlifeholds for you. Remember. we will be here for you every stepof the way. Congratulatio~
We love you!

Mom and D ad

Momma. Daddy. Chass andAddie

Senior Ads

Isabelle Elise Arbaugh
Isabelle, all great things have small beginnings. We have watched you
grow from before you were born to now and we look forward with great
expectation to where you are headed. We will always be here to remind
you, in the words of Christopher Robin to Winnie-the-Pooh ,
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem , and smarter
than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we are apart,
We'll always be with you."


Mitchell Keller
Congratulations M itchell! We are so proud o f
you and your accomplishments. Never stop
smiling and always follow your dreams. We
love you very much!
Mom, Dad , and Andrew

Senior Ads

Jordan Wetzel

Eliza Dmochowski

You have always kept us in line even though you are our baby!
There is no doubt you will go out and crush all your goals while
touching the world with your compassion and Jesus filled heart!
Always keep the vis ion alive with no excuses and you will
continue doing amazing things!
We love you, Dad, Mom, Caleb & Grace •

Liza, we are so proud of all that you have accomplished
during your time at CSHS . In the classroom, on the field,
and on the mat, your determination and hard work have
paid off. We love you so much and can 't wait to see what
the future holds. We'll certainly be cheering you on!
Love, Mom and Dad

Dani Dinsmore
Congratulations Dani, we are so proud
of you ! You have worked so hard
academically and simultaneously
pursued your own passions with style
and grace. We are so excited to watch
you as you set out on your new journey,
yo u are going to do amazing things!
Love, Mom & Dad


Ava Noelle Byers

To our daughter, Ava Noelle, we are so proud of you and can 't wait to see
what the future holds. Follow your heart and dreams, enjoying every minute!
We love you! Mom, Dad and Sammy
Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal rock.
Isaiah 26:4

'-0 tney



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Bailey, Rick 118

Boice, Daniel 106, 129

Baker, Jacob 112, 123

Bolen, Amy 36, 118, 143

Canipe, Kristen 33 , 47, 52, 118, 138, 139

Baker, Jashad 90

Bolling, Evelyn 56, 90, 155

Cann, Sara 118

Baker, Logan 106, 123

Bolling, Margaret 106

Cannady, Kaitlyn 91

Baker, Nicole 106, 134

Booker, Jonathan 101

Carnes, Joseph 101, 138

Abdullahu, Aulena 112, 140, 141

Bakhit, Barna 16, 90, 128, 140, 141, 142

Boone, Bronwyn 106

Carnevali, Gabriella 112, 132, 140

Adkins, Abigale 106

Balaji, Sharmila 101, 134, 138, 139, 143

Borgman, Ashtynn 112, 122, 139

Carreon, Alexis 91, 146

Aguilar, Carlos 112, 131

Ball, Meredith 130

Borgman, Jamie 118

Carreon, Damien 106, 124

Aguilar-Valadez, Ashley 112

Balzer, Blake 101, 129

Boswell, Jason 32, 106, 123, 128, 139

Carson, Tamara 118

Albakari, Mustafa 101

Barber, Ronde 34

Botrous, Marina 106

Carter, Alexa 41 , 137

Albisheh, Amin 131

Bardales, Karly 29, 49, 88, 101, 127

Bousquet, Addison 112

Cassell, Faith 101

Alexander, Aidyn 37, 101, 136, 137, 139, 141,

Barham, Hunter 106, 139

Bousquet, Jima 106

Castro· Rivera, Emanuel 112

142, 143, 145

Barham, Wyatt 112

Bousquet, Syriah 101, 124, 136, 145

Catlin, Brian 112

Ar Gburi, Ayat 101

Barker, Jackson 112

Bowles, Avery 60, 101, 125

Catral, Angela 91

AIGburi, Qasim 90

Barrow, Helen 101, 139, 141, 142, 143

Bowles, Madalynn 112, 127

Catral, Job · Daniel 112

Ali, Sadiah 90

Braaten, Ashlyn 75, 112, 127

Caudill, Grace 53, 106, 140, 141

Allen, Hayden 106

Basel, Reagan 32, 106, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141
Basel, Rory 112, 132, 135, 139, 140, 144

Bradberry, Abigail 76, 101, 125, 132

Cauley, Damien 91

Allran, Colton 101, 127

Basham, Parker 106, 141

Bradley, Matthew 16, 42, 62, 90, 123, 137, 138,

Allran, Gage 58, 112, 124, 131, 136

Batbayar, Achbilig 44, 106

139, 141, 142, 143, 144

Cauley, Jada 101 , 140
Cavicchio, Isabella 7, 25, 68, 80, 91 , 125, 136,

Almusawi, Abbas 112

Batbayar, Ochbilig 44, 106

Brady, Anthony 123

137, 141, 142, 144

Alouf, Cecilia 35, 106, 128

Bates, Trinity 106, 139

Brady, Timothy 112

Chapmon, Joshua 112, 129


Candies, Andes 121

Alsaady, Ali 112

Bauer, Jackson 112

Branch, Casey 112, 129

Chapmon, Mary 112, 138

Alsaady, Rayhanah 90

Bayarmunkh, Temuun 106, 127

Brandetsas, Bentley 17, 101

Charles, Debora 91 , 139, 141

Alsuri, Sarah 112, 134, 140

Bayrer, Brennan 112, 125, 140

Amo · Mensah, Peniel 112

Beamer, Abby 90, 137, 138, 163
Beamer, Lilah 101, 136

Bratcher Davis, Katelynne 53, 106, 137, 140,

Chattin, Lucas 112

Amos, Ava 24, 90, 125, 160
Amos, Jesse 106

Charles, Mischaela 101, 141, 142

Bratcher Davis, Kyrstin 41, 106, 137, 138, 139,

Chick, John 16, 77, 91, 128

Belcher, Lea 101, 140


Chidester, Cameron 112, 123

Amos, Trevor 11 2, 123, 139

Bell, Parker 112, 123

Bravo, Benjamin 101, 123, 131 , 142

Childers, Dalinda 112, 128

Amos, William 101

Bellamy, Jeremiah 112, 139

Bredenkamp, Katie 118

Chivers, Tristan 112

Anderson, Curtis 90

Bell' Lauro, Josiah 112

Breeding, Rowan 101

Chogjinjalav, Kevin 106, 130

Benne, Stephanie 118

Breen, Liam 106

Choudhary, Sameer 112


Christensen, Isabella 57, 101, 142

Anderson, Evelyn 17, 90, 124, 142, 145, 168
Anderson, Kevin 118
Anderson, Mitchell 80, 106, 129
Angell, Logan 101
Anyuon, Aweel90, 140
Appleyard, Brooke 90, 137, 140, 141, 142, 144,
148, 171
Arbaugh, Isabelle 90, 170
Arthur, Breana 90
Arthur, Isabella 101, 142
Arthur, Jimi 112
Arzuaga, Alex 101
Asbury, Gaibriella 106
Athey, Grayson 106, 124
Austin, Brayden 11 2
Averill, Aurora 101, 127, 137
Averill, Gabriel 129
Avery, Aaron 101
Avila, Glori a 11 2
Ayala· quiroz, Monserrath 11 2
Ayala Quiroz, Xiomara 90, 141


Bennett, Laine 17, 21 , 25, 90, 140, 141 , 142,

Brooks, Vivianna 106, 141, 143

Christley, Isaac 101

Bermo, Dario 106

Brown, Christiana 112

Clark, Allison 41, 118, 137

Bernardo, Ziggfield 58, 112, 124, 137, 145

Browning, Andrew 101, 123, 136, 138, 141, 142,

Clark, Devin 101

Berry, Kathryn 90, 124


Clemmer, Carolina 91 , 138

Berry, Rose 90, 124

Browning, Brandy 118

Clemons, Charles 101

Bieber, Justin 30, 41

Brubaker, Kaitlin 118

Clemons, Lila 133

Bien Aime, Layla 106, 138

Brummell, Laine 118, 136

Cleveland, Sarah 91 , 122, 137, 140, 148

Bills, Elijah 15, 59, 101, 121, 124, 136, 137, 145

Brunelli, Cole 91 , 137

Coates, Sophie 101, 124, 127

Bills, Georgia 90, 121, 124, 136, 145

Brydges, Owen 52, 91 , 139, 141 , 144

Cochran, Adam 91, 137, 141, 142, 144

Bills, Katie 41, 118

Brydges, Sawyer 112, 139, 141, 144

Cochran, Gabriella 91

Bills, Ruby 112, 121, 123
Binner, Cole 106, 123

Bulla, Nathan 17, 106, 124

Coffey, Kainen 112

Bulla, Neal 106

Colburn, Kaidin 106

Bishop, Ella 12, 17, 24, 47, 90, 132, 169
Bishop, Karly 90, 140, 141
Bishop, Landon 101

Burden, Magnolia 29, 91, 132, 142, 169
Burgess, Daniel 112

Cole, Caleb 101
Cole, Josilynn 106
Coleman, Madison 74, 101, 127, 137

Blankenship, Brooklyn 106, 140

Burton, Kelsey 47, 118

Blankenship, Courtney 112, 127

Byers, Ava 20, 91 , 140, 144, 173

Blankenship, Joshua 106, 128

Byers, Samantha 101, 124, 137, 140, 141

Compton, Ryder 81 , 106, 129, 139

Blankenship, Matthew 106, 129

Byrd, Travia 106

Connelly, Ryan 13, 17, 91, 123

101 , 132, 138, 14~ 143

Burnett, Sarah 118, 139, 143

Blankenship, Scott 101

Conner, Hannah 65, 101 , 122, 138

Blanton, Madeline 43, 106, 139, 141, 144

Cook, Addison 101

Block, Jenna 106

Cook, Alexis 91 , 166

Blount, Cohen 130
Bobbitt, Jada 106, 130
Boccieri, Finnegan 83, 90, 131, 142, 143
Boehling, Thomas 90, 124, 131 , 152


Babich, Madden 130

Cacciatore, Alyssa 106, 133

Babock, Ava 133

Caducoy, Nicole · Anne 112

Baffoe Bonnie, Jesse 106, 123


Colon, Varian 48, 91
Compton, Kendall 81 , 112, 130, 139, 140

Caldwell, Kathryn 101, 137, 140

Cook, Jayden 112
Cook, Kyle 77, 91 , 128
Cook, Trenton 101, 138
Cooper, Amelia 113, 127, 140
Cooper, Amelia 127
Cooper, Robert 118
Cooper, Tyler 101, 124, 143

Copper, Kaleigh 91
Corbin, Sarah 91

Dhane, Sunday107, 138
Diazperez, Kevin 92

Cornett, Ashton 78, 113, 126

Dickenson, Pyper 113, 122, 139, 140

Cornett, Carter 61, 101 , 126

Dickerson, Lynasia 102, 138, 145

Cortes-Caldas, Zharick 91

Diehl, Chloe 113, 142

Covati, Luciana 59, 106, 124, 136, 137, 138,

Difloure, Colton 102, 123

Faircloth, Isabella 113

Gorby, Tessa 35, 102, 127

141, 143, 145
Cox, Aryana 106, 137

Crain, Jacob 101, 141

Distefano, Ava 102, 137, 139

Fariss, Jacob 92
Farwell, Joseph 107, 128
Faulkner, Nate 47, 84, 92, 124
Fetzer, Charlotte 89, 102, 130, 142
Fetzer, Naomi 83, 113, 132, 144

Graham, Aila'Rynn 93

Cox, India 20, 25, 47, 75, 88, 91 , 127, 136, 137,
141 , 142, 143, 144, 168

Dinakin, Moyosoluwa 102, 136, 137, 139, 141,
Dinsmore, Andrew 107
Dinsmore, Daniela 12, 92, 172

Crawford, Sarah 17, 25, 46, 91 , 136, 138, 142,

Dmochowski, Eliza 92, 122, 137, 139, 141, 172

Ficarra, Jessica 127

Graham, Logan 102

Crews, Richter 113

Dodson, Aubrie 102

File, Lucas 107

Graham, Robert 127

Dohner, Riley 113, 142
Doletin, Jeru 107
Donaldson, Sarah 107
Doolan, Jayson 85, 92, 124
Dooley, Christian 113
Dooley, Dylan 107

Finley, Gwen 123

Graham, Wyatt 113

Finnigan, Austin 102

Gray, Katie 118

Flanary, Gael 113, 123, 129, 139
Floyd, Brayden 107, 128
Floyd, Caroline 113, 124, 127, 136, 137, 145
Floyd, Madison 20, 113

Green, Michael 107
Greer, Elijah 113
Gregory, Cade 102, 123
Grieme, Elise 24, 29, 42, 88, 93, 123, 137, 139,
141, 142, 143

Cronise, Brandon 107, 123
Crouch, Katelyn 124
Crouse, Gisele 5, 54, 55, 101, 136, 139, 141,
142, 145
Crowe, Grace 107
Croy, Annabelle 65, 113, 122, 140

Go, Aira · Sofia · Nicole 113


Goins, Destiny 107
Golden, Bayleigh 102
Gonzalez, Gabrielle 93, 136
Gorby, Lila 29, 113, 127, 140

Graham, Ali 93, 143
Graham, Aydon 113
Graham, Catrena 12, 15, 64, 93, 122
Graham, Gareth 93, 127, 143

Doucoure, Hassane 107, 126, 138, 140

Fortuna, James 130

Cruze, Kevin 113, 123, 128

Douglas, Max 130

Foster, Taylor 12

Grieme, Lauren 107, 127

Cundiff, Jayde 101, 125

Dowdy, William 102

Fradette, Benjamin 84, 102, 124, 129, 141

Griffin, Delia 113

Downie, Sofia 102

Fralin, Avery 107

Grogans, Anthony 113, 126

Drake, David 124

Freeman, Nicholas 15, 113, 124

Grogans, Antonio 53, 102

Drake, William 15, 92


Draper, Holly 17, 102, 136, 137, 140, 141
Drewery, Savannah 92, 138
Duff, Riley 113

French, Liam 102
French, Reagan 107, 139
Fuentes, Ian 102
Fullen, Lowen 107

Duffey, Ethan 102

Furrow, Emily 92

Gromada, Braden 62, 93, 123, 128
Gromada, Ronald 17, 93, 123, 128
Grubb, Steven 93, 136
Gruse, Jacob 75, 78, 118, 126
Gruse, Kristen 118, 139

Dalton, Kaylin 36, 107, 124, 136, 140

Dulaney, Tyler 107, 139

Furrow, Zoe 113

Guillen · Obregon, Angela 102

Daly, Jack 56, 107
Danco, Julie 9, 44, 102, 137, 139, 140, 141

Dunbar, Mya 133
Duncan, Mayson 102

Guo, Jiachen 107, 131

Daniels, Addison 107, 132

Dunstan, Hallie 22, 107, 140
Duran, Bailey 102

Gurney, William 124

D'Arensbourg, Ava 92
Darnell, Christopher 92
Daugherty, Grace 102
David, Josh 118
Davis, Ashley 113, 130, 140

Durica, Isabella 102, 122, 127
Durruthy, Jadrien 113
Dyer, Iris 57, 102, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 145
Dyer, Mason 113, 124, 133

Guilliams, Troy 113


Guzo, Riley 107, 132

Gagnon, Amelie 107


Guzo, Silas 131

Davis, Ashley 130

Gagnon, John 92

Davis, Drake 102, 124

Gallo, Amberleigh 133

Davis, Morgan 107
Deavers, Liam 92, 128, 139, 146

Garcia, Beatrice 29
Garcia, Beatriz 33, 92

Hadagali, Harshit 113

Deavers, Mearah 107, 125, 127, 136, 139, 140,

Garcia, DaMarion 107

Hagee, Brittany 45, 102, 136, 137, 139, 140,

De Coligny, Amelia 102, 141
Deeds, Haley 118, 188
Defeo, Sidney 107, 137
Dela · Cruz, Liana · Therese 113


Garcia, Jsean 92


Garcia, Saleen 107

Hagee, Bryce 107, 136, 138
Haggett, Cameron 4, 21 , 23, 46, 93, 124, 136,

Gardner, Nevaeh 92
Garland, Justin 118
Garlow, John 33, 92, 138, 139, 141, 142

Del Castillo, Maxine 92, 136, 139, 140, 141


Gaylor, Kaden 107

142, 145
Hairston, Jolee 102
Hairston, Vajae 113, 126

Deleon, Sofia 14, 92, 132

Ebacha, Rosa Parks 45, 102, 140, 141

Gaylor, Kristian 107

Hale, Asher 107, 123

D'Elicio, Elena 107, 124

Eckles, Autumn 107, 132

George, Connor 30, 53, 59, 102, 124, 131, 136,

Hale, Stephen 107

Dell, Chris 118

Egle, Cassidy 14, 80, 102, 130


Hale, Terena 141, 144

Dellinger, Benjamin 92, 156

Emory, Kim 118

George, Elliott 93

Hall, Lyniah 113, 136, 142, 144

Dellinger, Samantha 107, 127

Engle, Austin 102

Geralds, Kameron 69, 93, 123

Hallet, Kami 65, 107, 122

Del Vecchio, Mya 102, 141

Enyart, Helen 92, 125

Giannini, Ava 56, 93, 136, 153

Halsey, Layla 107, 141

DelVecchio, Ryson 92

Ermel, Drew 12, 13, 92, 131 , 158

Gibson, Anabelle 102

Haman, Dylan 107, 129

DeMello, Isabella 107

Ermel, Kian 107, 131

Gil' gutierrez, Hector 113

Hamlet, Tyler 93

Dermott, Landon 27, 123. 131

Estrad a, Christian 92, 124, 136, 145, 154

Han, Daniel 93, 124

Derr, Wyatt 113

Evans. King Solomon 102, 124, 136

Gilmer, Charles 107
Gilroy, Charles 129, 130
Gilroy, Phin 130
Glenn, Chandler 113, 125

Hanson, Mateo 66, 102, 123. 131. 142

Eanes, Jayden 107, 125, 132
Joshua 113, 131, 136, 140

Hanson, Jacob 130, 137


Hanson, Mayzie 93, 134, 136, 137, 141, 142,

Hollins, Jared 58, 68, 94, 124, 136, 137, 139,
141, 142, 143, 145

Johnson, Carlos 94
Johnson, Rebekah 119, 140

Latchman, Brandon 11 4, 124


Lawes, Davinique 94, 136, 143

Laughlin, Alexander 108

Holohan, Gabrielle 69, 94, 123, 141, 142, 143

Johnson, Ryan 94

Harris, Charlotte 107, 140

Holohan, Rachel 113, 132

Jones, Ethan 61, 108, 126

Lawhorn, Faith 140

Harris, Mackenzie 25, 93, 132, 137, 138, 139,

Holt, Kayla 103

Jones, Kamryn 12, 17, 53, 94, 156

Lawrence, Alexandra 94


Holthouser, Macy 20, 108, 125, 140

Jones, Olivia 75, 94, 127, 166

Lawton, Nathan 103, 131

Harrison, Abigail 12, 13, 17, 93, 169
Harrison, Tyler 107, 128

Holthouser, Max 103, 138, 139, 142
Holton, Claire 103, 124, 136, 137, 140, 141, 145
Hopkins, Tanner 108, 133, 136

Jones Thomas, Aiden 108, 138, 145

Layell, Oliver 63, 108, 123, 131
Le, Anna 114

Horsley, Rachel 113, 125

Juarez, Alexander 114, 131

Harman, Parker 68, 102, 141, 142

Hartman, Brookelyn 102, 140, 144
Hartman, Carine 113

Jordan, David 47, 94
Jordan, Devin 124

Leach, Lilith 108, 138, 139
Lee, Carly 119

Hartman, Rachel 102, 132, 138, 141 , 142, 143

Horton, Emree 127

Lee, Evan 114, 129

Hartson, Caleb 107

Horton, Kate 94, 136, 137, 141, 142, 143

Lee, Jefferson 123

Harvard, Benjamin 82, 102, 131

Hough, Mark 41, 119, 139

Harvard, Magnus 113

Houshiar, Valeh 119, 137

Harvey, Francyn 107
Hassan, Sydney 25, 93
Hassan, Ranah 40, 102, 138, 140, 142

Houston, Anne 119
Howell, Nathaniel 113, 136


Lee, Joseph 103, 123, 138
Lee, Malachi 58, 103, 124
Leftwich, Kayden 114, 122

Hubard, West 119
Humerickhouse, Kaleb 108, 126

Karnes, Caitlyn 20, 77, 108, 125, 132, 140

Legault, Adelaine 24, 94, 136, 163
Legault, Eleanor 114, 138, 140

Keeling, Landen 114

Legault, Robert 123, 144

Hawley, Dominic 108, 128

Hunt, Quashawn 108, 128

Keen, Zaylan 114

Leigh, Brynn 103, 136, 139

Hayden, Wyatt 102, 123, 131, 138, 141, 142

Hunter, Chase 59, 108, 124, 137

Keller, Mitchell 16, 25, 66, 94, 123, 137, 139,

Leonard, Amy 119, 135, 140

Hays, Martin 47, 93

Hunter, Michelle 119

141, 142, 143, 171

Leonard, Landyn 103

Hazelwood, Mason 62, 77, 93, 123, 128

Hunter, Ripley 103, 125

Kelley, Claire 56, 108, 144

Heck, John 108

Hunter, Serinity 114

Kelley, Rick 129, 130

Leonard, Scotlyn 75 , 83, 114, 127, 132, 137,
139, 140, 141, 144

Heck, Kimberly 52, 118

Hutchens, Elizabeth 114, 124, 127, 145

Kelly, Ethan 103, 139

Letts, Ashton 108

Heffron, Madeline 113, 133

Hylton, Audra 114

Kennedy, Mitchell 103

Henderson, Terrance 93, 140
Henesy, Jacob 113

Hylton, Mia 30, 75, 103, 127

Kerznar, Kobey 108

Levering, Kayleigh 23, 103, 136
Lewandowski, Marshal 114

H aven~

Brooke 108, 138

Kesler, Chase 130

Lewis, Jamie 124

Henritze, Andy 124

Kesler, Dessa 108, 132

Lewis, Madilynn 108, 137

Henritze, Davis 72, 102, 128, 138, 139, 142,

Kesler, Mason 103, 137, 139

Lewis, Remington 114, 125, 127


Khanin, Flora 114

Lexima, Lindsay 114

Henritze, Mason 124

Kidd, Abbie 108

Lexima, Tania 94, 127, 138


Kidder, Stella 127

Libassi, Jackson 108, 129

Kielty, Grace 17, 108, 132
King, Bryan 94

Light, Ella 103, 123, 139, 141, 142
Light, Samuel 94, 123

Kingery, Madison 108, 132

Likens, Aiden 14, 25, 83 , 94, 131

lademarco, Nicholas 119

Kingsly, Adelyn 114

Likens, Alli 108, 132, 139, 140

Hewitt, Tyler 123

lademarco, Siena 17, 43, 94, 100, 136, 137,

Kinsley, Precilia 16, 138

Lipscomb, Hailey 95, 124, 127, 136, 137, 138,

Hicks, Alice 123

141, 142, 143

Kirimi, Neema 114

139, 141 , 142, 143, 145, 164

Hinchy, Katelyn 113, 124, 136, 137, 145

llyas, Muneeb 108

Kirk, Gabriel 94

Lipscomb, Michael 114, 128

Hinchy, Matthew 93

Henson, Kylie 50, 93, 139
Hernandez, Christian 102, 136
Hernandez, Nelvin 113
Hernandez, Sophia 113
Hewitt, Sienna 113

Ingle, Skyler 17, 94

Klahn, Avery 114

Livingston, Ava 64, 65 , 103, 122

Hirsbrunner, Ayden 102

lskandar, Demiana 114

Knight, Karly 41 , 119, 140

Livingston, Noah 114, 123

Hodge, Joshua 113

lzzat, Nafisah 84, 103, 124, 134

Knight, Sullivan 108, 143

Loftland, Rhianna 30, 95, 140
Logan, Joseph 103

Hodges, Zachary 53, 108

Konca, Ece 108
Krause, Benjamin 114, 126, 131 , 139

Hodson, Cooper 34, 108, 123

Kuehl, Graham 36, 108, 129

Long, Mikah 103

Kupidlovsky, James 5, 27, 108, 131 , 139

Lanker, Emory 114, 124, 129

Hodges, Aubri 108

Haefner, Nicholas 45, 108, 128
Haefner, Samuel 82, 94, 131, 137, 142, 143
Hoffman, Kyra 102
Hoffman, Lauren 16, 103, 123
Holbrook, Kaitlyn 81 , 94, 130
Holbrook, Vernal 74, 108, 126
Holdren, Wesley 118, 139
Holland, Ellyott 103, 127, 140
Holland, IVliles 23, 127, 129
Hollins, Anna 118
Hollins, Derricl< 123
Hollins, Jaden 113, 123, 139


Lanker, Garrett 108, 123, 128

Kuyper, Carter 133

Lanker, Preston 5, 11, 31 , 73, 77, 95, 123, 128,

Jackson, Marley 94

James, Riley 108, 126
Janney, Chase 29, 114
Janney, Jackson 103, 131

Lanker, Ricky 119, 123


Jarczynski, Cameron 108, 139

Lamour, Langston 108, 126, 140

Jayne, Lilly 94

Landes, Randall 57, 114, 138

Jefcoat, IVlya 114

Lang, Max 11 4, 126

Jennings, Madelyn 114. 128, 140

Lange, Kennedy 25, 46, 94, 132

John , ICevante 108, 131

Lankford, James 15, 11 4. 124, 136, 137. 145

Johnson , Aniyah 108, 140

Lankford, Jonathan 114

Johnson, Avery 114, 127. 140
Johnson, Brian 108


Kuyper, Brady 114, 133

Jain, Naisha 103, 137
James, Marley 119

Long, Makayla 103

Lanter, Kylie 108, 137. 140, 141

Loschner, Elizabeth 108, 140
Loschner, Thomas 51 , 66, 95, 123, 136, 137,
142, 145
Lathes, Christopher 108, 126
Loveless, Elizabeth 108, 136
Loveless, Robert 51 , 95 , 124, 137, 142
Luck, Aiden 130
Luck, William 114, 128
Lugonjic, Seldin 108. 123, 129
Lusk, Zoey 35, 47, 95
Lutz. Justin 108

Mabe, Riley 108

Meadows, Emma 127, 140, 142
Mebratu, Nuela 95, 134, 138, 142, 143
Meinster, Logan 5, 114, 129
Meise, Elizabeth 119

Parker, Catherine 119


Parker, Charlie 25, 61, 74, 96, 126

Parker, Charles 13, 119, 188
Patel, Adesh 133
Patel, Dhairya 109, 133, 143

Mengistu, Aman 109
Metko, Makenzie 109, 136

Nash, Lily 103, 130

Patel, Jahanvi 115

Macafee, Andrew 124

Metro, Marly 95, 136, 149

Nash, Reagan 115, 122, 136

Patel, Nicky 96, 138, 141, 142, 143

Maguire, Tommy 119, 123

Meyer, Benjamin 114, 129

Naveed, Muhammad 109, 138

Patel, Nikhil 115, 136

Mahayni, Lamis 103, 127, 138, 141
Mahgerefteh, Estella 53, 108

Meyer, Caleb 131

Nazeery, Asma 115

Patel, Rian 85, 104, 126, 133, 141, 142

Michalski, Mary 127

Nazeery, Ateena 115

Patel, Rishi 8, 85, 115, 133, 141, 144

Majors, Brooke 17, 20, 65, 103, 122, 138

Michaux, David 103

Nderitu, Benedict 115

Patel, Tirth 104, 133

Malcolm, Doreen 119

Midkiff, Adam 103, 138

Nester, Freeman 119

Patterson, Landon 115, 123, 128

Manico, Samantha 7, 14, 24, 37, 42, 43, BO, 95,

Midkiff, Amalia 25, 52, 96, 122, 138, 139

Newbold, Lauren 17, 29, 53, 103, 144

Pellanda, Jarrett 109

130, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 152

Miko, Lisa 137

Newcomb, Hattie 115

Pendry, Alaina 109

Manning, Benton 51, 103

Miles, Megan 41, 109, 140

Newcomb, Katelynn 103

Pennylegion, Laine 104, 136, 140, 142

Mannon, Daniel 103, 126

Mille, Jovie 133

Newman, Jorden 103, 124, 137, 145

Pennylegion, Mead 115, 132, 139, 140, 144
Perdue, Heather 104, 124, 136, 142, 143, 145

Manspile, Natalie 114

Miller, Chloe 114

Nichols, Efren 115

Mardian, Bethany 95, 130

Miller, Mackenzie 103, 125, 127

Nichols, Weston 96

Marlowe, Dillon 95, 131, 137

Miller, Mallory 127

Niday, Lauren 30, 96, 123

Perdue, Whitney 115, 133
Perkins, Amy 119

Martin, Anna 21, 103, 136, 142, 144

Mills, Jaycee 40, 103, 140

Noell, Brandon 6, 12, 15, 17, 24, 73, 96, 128

Peters, Mason 96

Martin, Ryan 119

Mills, Madison 103

Noell, Cameron 48, 104, 128

Peters, Sophia 96, 132, 138, 162

Martinez, Kierra 109, 142

Mills, Sophie 7, 29, 96, 127

Noell, Courtney 52, 119

Phelps, Jacob 130

Martino, Sheryl 119

Mitchell, Skyler 109, 137

Nowocin, Aiden 115

Phillips, Lucy 115, 124, 138, 140, 145

Mascia, Yadira 114

Mittal, Aadesh 114, 124, 136

Nugue, Liam 130

Phillips, William 109

Mason, Ryan 17, 119

Mletseni, Destiny 114

Phlipot, Marcelyn 104

Massengill, Toby 103, 131, 141, 142

Mletseni, Jamira 103

Picard, Jeanne Eugenie 5, 39, 109, 136, 138

Mather, Lauren 33, 69, 95, 141

Monjaraz, Cassandra 96, 140

Pickelsimer, Noah 88, 109, 124, 136

Mather, Logan 114

Morales, Brian 109, 128
Morales · Lopez, Ahtziry 109

Matthews, Carter 103, 123, 141

Moran, Alexander 145

Matthews, Casi 109

Moran, Rachelle 103, 140, 142, 144

Pierce, Kendal 115, 140

Mathews, Landon 109, 128

Matthews, Tyler 103, 138

Morehead, Gayden 114, 123

Mattox, Garrett 103

Dbimo, Cyrille 109

Morgan, Braedyn 103, 122, 140

Mattox, Sara 95

Ogle, Danica 76, 109, 132, 144

Morgan, Grace 133

Mayberry, Jennah 103, 140

O'Herron, Sean 109, 126, 139

Morgan, Jack 109

Mayer, Elizabeth 138, 142

Omboga, Nelly 115

Morris, Adrienne 96, 124, 136, 137, 140, 142,

Mays, Chloe 109, 140

Ondrus, Evan 104, 123

143, 145

Oranchak, Mila 115

Pierce, Mason 115
Pietravalle, Joseph 109
Pietravalle, Lucia 115, 132, 135, 140

Mays, Sophia 95

Morris, Erin 109, 133, 136, 138, 145

McBride, Liam 124

Orange, Gage 115

Moseley, Ainsley 41 , 109, 127, 137, 141

Orr, Gretchen 109, 140

McBroom, Caitlin 5, 43, 86, 87, 114, 141

Moseley, Elise 96, 139

McCarthy, Tyler 95

Ortiz, Julio 104

Mosley, Mitchell 130

McClellan, Presley 40, 103, 141

Osborne, Hayven 115, 140

Moyer, Cameron 96, 162

McClellan, William 95, 141 , 142

Osborne Parkins, Alexis 104, 142

Mukherjee, Anushka 20, 109, 140

Mccutcheon, Madison 95, 168

Ostrander, Dominick 58, 96, 124, 165

Mulkey, Jack 109, 126

McDaniel, Ian 95

Ostrander, Emelia 104

Mullins, Alexandra 96

McDonagh, Megan 119

Overstreet, Gabrielle 115, 124, 137, 141

Mullins, Eden 96

McGhee, Tyler 95 , 136, 138

Overstreet, Gavin 104

Mullins, Rylen 103

Owen, Wesley 115

McGuire, Allie 103, 138

Muncy, Nathaniel 73, 109, 128

McGuire, Mika 114

Murphy, Anna 96, 136, 158

McKabney, Samuel 114

Murphy, James 109, 123

McKinney, Jacob 12, 95, 162

Murphy, Nevaeh 115

Mclaughlin, Delaney 25, 95, 127, 137, 141, 142,

Murphy, Oualasha 115
Musselman, Aidan 115, 128, 130

Owens, Drew 131

Myers, Brett 109, 123
Myers, Caleb 133

McNamara, Abigail 12, 95, 125, 147

Myers, Elisha 109, 123

McNeil, Jack 58, 114, 124, 136

Myers, Hannah 85, 109, 125, 134

McNeil, Maxxamillian 109

Padda, Meharjot 109

Myers, Micah 123

Palmer, Madison 96, 137, 138, 140, 156

Meadows, Emma 95, 114, 127, 140, 142


Plocher, Sierra 115
Plyler, Meara 109
Poe, Alexander 109, 131
Poe, Ryan 96
Poll, Abby 76, 109, 133
Poll, Ryan 119, 123
Poll, Rylan 109
Ponting, Mason 109, 140
Pontiveros, Ethan 109
Powell, Dominic 115
Powell, Emeth 109
Power, Danielle 89, 123
Price, Alana 104, 124, 138, 141, 142, 143, 145
Price, Austin 109, 124, 136
Price, Michael 104


Mclaughlin, Mark 95

Meador, Tori 119, 137

Pinnamaraju, lshani 115, 134

Prokopchak, Keaton 109, 130

McMahon, Gavin 109

McNeil, Roselynn 114

Pinnamaraju, Ayush 45, 109

Pace, Abel96

109, 12l 131, 136, 145

Panchumarthy, Anvita 9, 104, 137, 139, 142


Panogeorgou, Niki 115
Parker, Bryan 49, 104

Quakenbush, Andrew 96, 124. 136. 137. 145


Royalty' Anderson, Skyler 110

Shively, Jade 116

Rubes, Jesus· Son 110

Shively, Madalyn 110, 125, 136, 140, 141

Rupert, Rio 104, 124

Shively, Raegan 12, 25, 64, 97, 122, 138, 140,
141, 149

Struzinsky, Zoe 98, 150

Short, Aydin 97


Su, Christina 98, 137, 138, 142, 143

Shorter, David 116

Suetlerlein, Dylan 123

Rajesh, Sanjana 96, 136, 138, 140, 142
Raker, Kaitlyn 104
Ratcliffe, Haleigh 104, 140

lluakenbush, Brian 119
lluam, Justin 109

Rutrough, Austin 97


Stoner, Amelia 29, 75 , 116, 127, 132, 140, 141
Stover, Taryiah 98, 141
Stump, Bradley 57, 120

Shupe, Cheryl 120

Suryapeta, Anish 45 , 110, 133

Simkins, Elizabeth 51, 98, 127, 151

Svirsky, Noah 105, 124, 136, 137

Simkins, Samantha 110, 127, 136, 137, 139, 141
Simmerson, Kathryn 98, 138, 139, 157

Swanson, Isaiah 20, 46, 51 , 98, 123, 136, 137,
139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145

Saade, Mario 104, 139, 140, 141, 142

Simmons, Addyson 116, 142

Swanson, Lillian 5, 17, 24, 70, 71 , 98, 130, 136,

Saker, Gabriella 115

Simmons, Maggie 20, 104, 125

142, 153

Salisbury, Keirstin 110, 137, 140, 141

Simpson, Bryce 98

Swartz, John 120, 127

Ratliff, Ella 104, 124, 137, 141, 145

Salters, Charlotte 115, 124, 127

Simpson, Lacy 116

Swartz, Lesley 120

Ray, Carson 21, 96

Singh, Alpinveer 110

Ray, Kent 31 , 63, 77, 97, 123, 128

Sanders, Anton 97
Sanderson, Logan 123

Sweeney, Owen 62, 75, 77, 98, 123, 126, 128,
137, 161

Ray, Parker 115
Razvillas, Mason 109, 124

Sandidge, Joshua 116
Santhosh, Levin 22, 104

Rearick, Sydney 97, 136

Radu, Sebastian 96, 127, 137, 141, 142
Rainsbury, Nicholas 104, 138, 140

Sinozich, Owen 19, 104, 124
Sisinni, Colleen 120

Sykes, Nathaniel 98, 124, 136

Santos, Breeana 110

Skaff, Logan 132

Sylvester, Aaron 105
Sylvester Johnson, Jillian 35, 110, 127

Rector, Max 115, 140

Saunders, Collin 116, 139

Skaff, Victor 77, 98, 128

Redd, Alishia 115

Sawh, Sanjay 104

Skeele, Ella 41 , 116, 133, 140
Slawson, Lindsay 104, 124, 127, 139

Reddy, Diya 97, 134, 138, 142, 144

Schaad, Brianna 97, 124, 136, 145

Reddy, Prateek 115, 133, 138

Schaad, Clarissa 124

Slawson, William 120, 138, 139

Redman, Josera 109

Schaaf, Alexis 35, 73, 116, 127, 140

Sloan, Olivia 56, 104, 136, 139

Reeves, Alijah 110, 122, 133

Schallon, Erin 8, 97, 137, 142, 143, 147

Sloane, Mackenzie 123

R ege~

Sloane, Peyton 30, 31 , 42, 123, 142, 143

Reger, Hayes 97, 129, 139, 142

Schallon, Issac 123
Schallon, Sarah 8, 110, 124, 136, 137, 141

Reinmann, Emmalee 115, 133

Schillen, Jacob 116, 124, 136

Smallwood, Mackenzie 98

Remines, Avery 50, 104, 139, 141

Schillinger, Chase 97, 124, 138

Smigielski, Connor 98, 139

Renick, Nicholas 45, 104

Schillinger, Cole 116, 133, 138

Resendiz, Eric 104

Schop!, Aliza 8, 116

Smillie, Avery 24, 98, 131, 137, 139, 140, 142,

Reynolds, Ayden 110

Schumaecker, Geoffrey 123

Smith, Anna 79, 110, 130

Reynolds, Caleb 123

Sciullo, Ella 44, 104, 136, 137, 139, 140

Smith, Brittany 120

Reynolds, Jazzmin 11 5

Scott, Christopher 97, 129

Reynolds, Kensington 45, 104, 125

Scott, Lydia 120

Smith, Delaney 104, 123, 141
Smith, Erin 132

Cooper1 10, 129

Slocum, Samantha 53, 110

Rhodes, Nathan 104, 123

Scott, Ryan 21, 97, 124, 136, 143

Smith, Ethan 104

Rice, Jacob 115

Seale, Madilynn 97, 125, 132

Smith, Jayden 116, 130

Richards, Ethan 49, 110, 123, 129

Sekinger, Christopher 104

Smith, Mary 104, 124, 128, 136

Richardson, William 104, 142

Selvia, Wyatt 116, 124

Smith, Sheldon 110, 124, 129

Ricketts, Claire 115, 125

Sensinger, Austin 116

Smith, Wilson 110, 131

Riddle, Arab ella 97, 144

Serrano Murillo, Johan 15, 97, 131

Smith, Wyatt 31 , 98, 131 , 137, 141 , 142

Ridinger, Ava 104, 127

Sethumadhavan, Rishika 45, 110

Robers, Sophia 115

Sexton, Emma 17, 24, 33, 71 , 97, 130, 136, 151

Smithson, Briggs 104, 123, 129, 141
Soucie, Lydia 116

Roberts, Benjamin 129, 130

Sganga, Stella 104

Sowder, Scott 104

Roberts, Madison 115

Shaheen, Ahmed 110, 123

Spradlin, Michael 120

Roberts, Tim 11 9, 123

Shaheen, Tasneem 116

Sprouse, Andrew 110, 124

Robertson, Cavan 104, 137

Shaver, Dylan 104

Sprouse, Christian 124

Robinson, Ashley 120, 137

Shaver, McKenna 110

Spruell, Edward 120

Rodgers, Madilyn 115, 136, 144

Shawn, Chrystal 32, 120, 142, 188

Spruill, Christopher 116

Rodriguez, Aileen 115

Shaywitz, Jordyn 97, 141, 170

Spurlock, Avery 72, 110, 127

Rodriguez, Delilah 4, 25, 97, 167

Sheikh, Uzair 97

Sriram, Roshini 116

Rodriguez, Julian 104, 128

Shelton, Bianca 11 6, 122

Stafford, Easton 116

Rodriguez, Khloe 115

Shepherd, Hunter 123

Rodrig uez, Liam 127

Shepherd, Kendall 97, 139, 141, 142, 144

Steffen, Jackson 60, 63 , 69 , 105, 123, 141 ,
142, 143

Rodriguez, IVlia 115, 124

Shepherd, Robert 123

Steffen, Madison 43, 77, 116, 132, 141

Rodriguez, Santiago 97

Shepherd, Sabre 104

Stepka, Colten 110, 129

Rogers, Kaelyn 43, 11 5. 122, 141

Shields, Delaney 124

Stepka, Peyton 24. 98 , 125

Romero, Ezequiel 97

Shields, Parker 104, 140, 142

Steven s, Dolores 120

Romero, Jocelyn 115
Rorer, Alyssa 115

Shilling, Jason 6, 116, 117, 126, 130

Stevens, William 105

Rose, Harley 57, 104, 142
Roshioru, Ryan 137

Shipp. Robb 120. 188


Sydnor, Raine 44, 110

Sizemore, Austin 104

Shilling, l<elly 17, 120

Tanner, Russell 105
Tarrazi, Camden 116, 125
Tarvin, Raiden 110, 131
Tate, Kaleel 116
Taylor, Brandon 105
Taylor, Kirstin 98
Taylor, Margaret 120
Tear, Penelope 110, 136, 138, 139
Telalovic, Aldin 116, 137
Terstegen, Ayden 116
Terstegen, Caleb 98, 128, 153
Terstegen, Joshua 110
Thacker, Owen 116
Thomas, Jayden 110
Thompson, Brady 116
Thompson, Colin 116, 123
Thompson, Heidi 72, 98, 127, 136, 163
Thompson, Landon 110
Thompson, Leah 98
Thompson, Maya 44, 56, 110, 127
Thuku, Precious 127
Tibey, Reece 15, 77, 98, 123, 128, 137, 140,
141 , 142, 146
Tibey, Ryan 79, 110, 128, 140
Tiffany, James 120
Tinsley, Kameron 61 , 74, 98 , 126, 151
Tolliver, Amaurien 62, 123
Tolson, Jayden 98
Torkiyan, Oorsa 110
Toryak, Gabriel 105. 138
Townes, Corde 116, 123
Tozier, Abigail 69 , 83 , 116. 132
Tozier. Owen 24, 30, 77, 98, 128. 142, 143
Treibley, Victoria 99 , 141

Trible, Carlyn 105, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143
Triplett, Hannah 140
Trivett, Kinsley 65, 7B, 116, 122

Walters, Kenneth 49, 105, 124, 136, 145
Walters, Paige 59, 99, 124, 13B, 170

Wohlford, Emma 105, 127, 140
Wolfe, Rossi 99, 140
Wolfrey, Lucas 117

Trivett, Spencer Bl, 110, 129

Wampler, Liam Bl , 99, 129

Womack, Rhett 63, 105, 123

Tugle, Witt 130

Ward, Brock 110, 123

Wood, Braylan 117, 122

Tull, Emily 110, 125

Warfe, Landon 116

Wood, Logan 117

Tune, Kaydyn 116, 123
Turley, Katelyn 110

Washington, Deshawn 61, 74, 99, 126
Wasily, Hunter 110, 123, 128
Wasily, Thomas 105, 123

Workman, Andrew 111

Webb, Blake 116

Wright, Charlotte 82, 117, 121, 132, 140, 141,
Wright, Cooper 117, 123

Turner, Kendra 99

Webb, Cierra 99

Wright, Evan 117, 139

Turner, Lauren 120

Weddle, Sophie 110, 139, 140, 141, 144

Wright, Julie 120

Turner, Lucas 116, 123, 129

Welch, Natalie 99

Wright, Keane 105

Turner, Shawn 74, 110, 126

Weld, Emery 34, 105, 122
Welly, Raelynn 116

Wright, Noah 22, 105, 121, 123, 131, 141, 142,

Turner, Brittany 120, 137
Turner, Deidre 120


Walters, Jace 99

Welly, Tristan 105, 129
Welsh, Madison 116, 136, 140
Wescott, Abigail 51 , 99, 123
West, Ashley 116, 140
West, Kendall 41, B5, 105, 124, 137, 140, 141,


143, 144
Wright, Tyler 13, 100, 131
Wynne, Kaleigh 105, 132


Uherick, Skylar 40, 43 , 105, 137, 140, 141, 142,

Weston, Gabriella 120, lBB

Underwood, William 31, 74, 105, 126
Urgo, Charlie 126
Urgo, Sam 116, 126, 129, 139

Wetzel, Jordan 66, 6B, 99, 137, 141, 142, 143,
Whealton, Sofia 99, 13B
Wheeler, Jordan 110, 137
Wheeling, Everett 99

Xiao, Leo 105


Wheeling, Wyatt 117


Vadapalli, Saharsh 116, 124
Vadapalli, Shanyu 105, 124
van Montfrans, Coen 124
Vannoy, Amelia 110, 125
Vannoy, Anderson 12, 30, 99, 13B
Vaughan, Eamon 99, 13B
Velkoff, Chloe 116, 139
Velkoff, Eva 110
Vest, Alannah 105, 12B
Vest, Isaac 116
Vithalani, Dhyana 110
Vitolo, Emma 110, 127, 140
Vitolo, Hannah 99, 122
Votta, Robert 42, 47, 99, 127, 137, 141 , 142,



Whisnant, Scarlet 110, 130
Whitaker, Tzion 4, 110, 136, 139
White, Colton 99
White, Kylie 105, 144
White, Lukas 32, 99, 123, 141, 148
Whited, Chase 110, 123
Whited, Krisha 120
Whittaker, James 99
Wiedmann, Sonja 117
Wiggins, John 68, 123
Wiggins, Tess 123
Wilborne, Wendel 111

Yearsley, McKenna 20, 105, 127, 130
Yopp, Makenna 100
Young, Dylan 117
Young, Gavin 111, 129
Young, Lillian 111, 140
Young, Matthew 117, 124, 127, 136, 137

Williams, Ashton 117
Williams, Elle 24, 99, 125, 171
Williams, Logan 105
Williams, Penny 120
Wilsher, Kaylee 111, 138, 145
Wilson, Bailey 99
Wilson, Camden 29, 69, 111, 123
Wilson, Connor 31, 105, 136

Zhang, Austin 100, 137, 141
Zoljargal, Emily 105, 138, 139

Wilson, Debrah 105
Wilson, John 111
Wilson, Jonathan 111 , 120
Wilson, Kim 120
Wilson, Piper 117
Wilson, Tabitha 123

Wagner, Kalek 16

Winesett, Samantha 117

Wagner, Mia 116
Wagoner, Kaylyn 116

Wingate. West 111 , 12B, 138, 140
Wissinger, Abigail 99
Wissinger, Mary 111 , 13B

Walker, Heaven 110
Walstrum, Darlene 120

Yanishak, Claire 48, 117, 141
Yanishak, Emma 25, 32, 100, 137, 141, 164

Wiley, Jaylen 53, 117, 123

Wagner, Adelina 116

Walk, Piper 105, 138, 145

Xiao, Lily 117, 124

Witt, Michael 30, 77, 99, 12B
Wohlford, Abbey 64, 117, 122

Walters, Aaron 116, 124, 136, 137, 145


se nior Ava Giannini puts
on a show as the Mad Hatter opposite sophomore
Michael Green. On Decem ber 10, the theater
department performed "Alice in Wonderland."
Giannini has worked in the theater department for
the past four years of high schoo l. "I love theater
because you get to be someone you're not. I'm
going to miss the program ," Giannini said.


;;>1b m..;>1

2 2 choir students came together to sing the National Anthem
at the senior night basketball game (56, 57]. The band One Eye
Open created a total of ~, '- songs (18, 19). Eco Club collected a
total of • • pounds of plastic for the Trex Recycling Challenge
[54, 55]. The Color Guard team used a total of



flags for

every performance (58, 59}. Sophomore James Kupidlovsky had
about 2 5 5 followers on his Bible study TikTok (26, 27). But it
doesn't end here.

How a yearbook gets made

Volume 68 of ACCOLADE was printed by Herff Jones Inc. in
Edwardsville, Kansas. The theme was "It's All Here, Take a
Look." The inspiration for the theme was to focus in on the little
detail s that make thi s year special if we just take the time to look.
The 24 stud ents in the yearbook class produced the188-p age
book using eDesign. The binding was Smyth sewn and
squarebac ke d. The custom laser cut four-color litho cover was
printed on Permocote base material. UV gloss coating and
suede lamination were applied. The four-color endsheets were
printed on Signature White S 01 stock. The paper stock was
100# matte paper of a 9 x 12 format. The fonts belonged to
Craft Gothic and MicroSquare families. HJ repre se ntative was
Olivia Nicholson, and the customer se rvi ce adviser was Deb
Rock. Portraits, team and club photos we re by Lifetouch .

Olivia Nicholson: You 're the best yearbook rep on the planet and no
one can tell me otherwise. Thank you for sticking with us
through yet anoth er excellent year. We couldn't do it without you!

Deb Rock: Thank yo u fo r dealing w ith our page re-submissions and
he lpin g us with plant iss ues. You're the glue that holds the
process togeth er!
Mrs. Gabriella Weston: Thank you fo r being our money expert! You
made my life so much easier this year (an d every year) just by
being so good at your job. I appreciate you so much!

Mrs. Deeds, Mr. Parker, Mr. Hall and Mr. Shipp: Th ank you for trusting and
supporting us! We are lu cky to have yo u on our team.

Mrs. Chrystal Shawn: Our index queen' Thank yo u for being the
wisest former yearbook adviser ever. It was so helpful to have
you in the bu ild ing to turn to with all our questions. Thank you so
much I

Jessica Farmer: Thank you for bei ng our go-to photo extrao rdin aire.
Thi s was a challenging year, but you we re always there for us to
help with any chall enges we experienced . Th ank you!
Sam and Lilly: You two are the best edito rs-in-chief an adviser co uld
hope for. Thank you for be in g so dedicated , enthu siastic,
c reative and much more organ ized than me. I tru ly cannot
express how much of an impact you have had on this program.
You are lite ral superstars. Go conq uer the world!

Addy, Siena, Kate, Emma V., Sarah and Emma S.: Thank you for being
amazin g conten t editors this year. Your hard work did not go
unnotice d . Yo u are the glue that ho lds us all together. I am so
excite d to se e the wo nderful th ings you w ill accomp lish as you
venture into the world'

Our Staff: Not at all exagge rating when I say this is the best staff
we 've ever had . You made namin g cl ub ph otos , intervi ewing (and
re-interviewing ) stude nts . writi ng an amazing detail -fi ll ed capti on,
arra nging spreads and getting the perfect action shot look easy .
You're the best'



The paper f iber used
this yea rbook was
respons ibly source d.

"Accolade2024.pdf"  · Virginia Room Digital Collection (2025)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.