See the Code - See it Full Page - See Details Sticky slide out navigation menu bar with just a tiny bit of JavaScript ;) let me know what you think :) This Pen uses: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, and
See the Code - See it Full Page - See Details Circular Navigation Menu Selector.Easily editable to any number of points or any size radii and colors in HTML, CSS, JS files. This Pen uses: Pug, SCSS, JavaScript, and
Hello everyoneđHere is my ''Left Navigation Menu Design'' design.What do you thing?Please share your thought in CommentsIf you like this please don't forget to show love.Thanks for the attestation Looking for UX/UI Design? Learn more about my works here andcontact me: sagorshopon143@gmail.comBehance :
Instagram | Behanceđ Hi there,Here's another side menu conceptualization with glassmorphism style and icons. What do you think? Which of the two options would you have chosen? Folder icons were created in Figma.Do you like it? Press "L".Feedback are always welcome---I am open to new projects!
The use of hidden menus in web design has been an upward trend for several years, largely due to smartphones becoming such a huge thing. The widespread use of mobile phones led designers to come up with a solution that would allow them to place multiple menu items or options in one place without sacrificing a websiteâs usability. And so, they created hiddenmenus.Hiding website navigation from immediate view is now commonplace. Contemporary websites need to look spotless on all devices, so the extensive use of pop-up menus seems like a logical choice. A hidden menu doesnât bother visitors, but itâs there when they needit.The main navigation is shown to the user upon some sort of action. And the most common action used to reveal hidden navigations is clicking on an icon, which usually comes in the shape of three horizontal lines placed on top of each other. Arranged like that, they resemble a hamburger, hence why theyâre also called hamburger icons. Of course, the way a menu icon looks can vary, mostly depending on a websiteâs aesthetic. Youâll come across semicircles, three dots, arrows, and combinations of various shapes andletters.Hidden menus are almost exclusively placed in one of the upper corners of the screen. Theyâre prominent enough for people to spot them, but they donât overshadow other elements on a page, ensuring users stay focused on the main interface the entire time. Due to their unobtrusive appearance, hidden menus donât clutter websites and leave a lot of room for content. Because of that, theyâve become somewhat of a designersâ staple at thispoint.The following examples demonstrate how sleek and subtle hidden menus are, and how much creative freedom they give to designers:CollageCanalsGlobeKitKatchMeCuspHelias OilsExtra lâAgenceDecadeBlabDaniele BuffaAlan MenkenUltima CapitalKatifoner DesignAnimalMaudCoboHarvard FilmArchiveCollageCollage is a Canadian studio that makes a wide range of hand-crafted objects. Their website oozes brutalism, with all the bold lettering, cool micro-interactions, and interesting text arrangements. The menu icon is elegantly shaped as four horizontal lines of different lengths arranged one on top of the other. It is placed in the top left corner of the page, but still easy to notice because of the striking contrast between the dark background and brightly-colored elements, as well as the smart use of whitespace.The menu icon is easily noticeable. On hover, its color changes from salmon pink to white, and all its lines become equally long. Once you click on the icon, the fullscreen menu appears, all in white and pastel hues, with black typefaces.Menu items are on the left-hand side, with primary links written in a larger font. When you place the cursor on a primary link, the letters become underlined. On their right, a tiny number shows up indicating how many elements are featured in the selected section. Secondary links look more subdued. Their color goes from black to light grey on hover. A picture of some of the Collageâs products takes up the large portion of the menu screen but is separated from the links by a decent amount of negative space. The products belong to their S019 collection, hence why theyâve displayed a link to that yearâs lookbook over the image. The tiny section on the far right includes the link to the homepage and the onlinestore.CanalsCanals is a great project that introduces users to the history of Amsterdamâs canals. This website comes with horizontal navigation, which gives it an editorial feel. You can either drag or scroll through sections with your mouse, discovering interesting facts about Amsterdamâs canal ring. Every story is backed up by exciting imagery, transporting you to the river banks and canalbridges.The hamburger button is in the top left corner. Its three parallel lines look demure until you click on them. The menu icon goes from three lines to one, and a burning-red menu takes up the entire screen. There are only four menu items to explore, which gave the siteâs designers a large canvas to make use of. So, they decided to present the menu links in massive, bold letters. All of the menu elements are black, but on hover, the number placed next to every link turns white while the letters become strikethrough with a white line. To close the menu, you can either click on the large âXâ button at the top right corner or tap the menu icon again. The âAbout & Sourcesâ section is also included in the bottom right corner of the menu. If selected, it will take you straight to the page where you can discover the names of the people included in the making of this site as well as the content they used to make it allhappen.GlobeKitGlobeKit is an animated interactive 3D globe that can be used in various types of projects, and its characteristics have been beautifully showcased on this one-page website. The transition from one section to the next is marked with a wavy effect that changes its color the moment you reach a new section. The hamburger icon is in the top right corner with âMenuâ written right next to it, so thereâs no doubt this is where youâll find the main navigation. When you click on it, a futuristic-looking overlay menu loads. The companyâs contact details are displayed on the left side of the menu, with the company inviting users to reach out to them to request a quote for their project. At the bottom left, youâll find links for the newsletter subscription and social networks. The larger portion of the menu is taken up by six different versions of a globe, each representing one section of the website. On hover, the globes become slightly bigger, the names of pages go from white to black, while the background behind them changes itscolor.KatchMeKatchMe is a recruitment agency with a colorful website that includes terrific transition effects, a video background, parallax effect, and a myriad of fun animated elements. The main navigation is hidden behind âMenuâ in the top right corner of the page. The word âMenuâ is surrounded by a thin white circular shape that becomes larger when you place your cursor on it. On click, the baby blue fullscreen menu appears. At first glance, itâs very minimalistic, with menu items placed horizontally, one next to the other, in the middle of the page. In the background, several concentric circles follow the movement of the mouse pointer, while other, smaller circles float all over the menu screen. When you place your cursor on any link, an image appears behind it while all other menu items lose their color and become see-through. The images are round for the most part, save for occasional intentional glitches that transform them into squares for a tiny fraction oftime.CuspThe Cusp website is minimal, but it comes with a compendium of interactive elements and striking animation effects that make the browsing experience all the more enjoyable and fun. The colors on the homepage are subtle, with images in beige, green, and soft black hues, while typography comes in prominent red. Once you click on the menu button in the top right corner of the screen, the web scenery changes. A black canvas drops from the top to the bottom of the page and all the colors disappear. All you see is the dark backdrop, menu items written in huge, all-caps, serif white letters, and several subtle favicons. But, thatâs not all there is to Cuspâs main navigation. Since it features only four items (each link is marked by appropriate Roman numerals), the siteâs designers have made things all the more interesting by adding the infinite scroll effect to the menu. The cursor is shaped like a large outlined red circle that becomes significantly smaller when placed on any clickable screen element. When you hover with it over menu items, an outlined white circular shape encircles the Roman numerals. Youâll find links to the Cuspâs social networks in the top left corner of the page, while the icon that takes you straight to their gallery is placed at the bottom left. To exit the menu, click the âCloseâ button in the top rightcorner.Helias OilsHelias Oils make natural oils and homeopathic remedies. Their website is a colorful web oasis adorned with a liquid scroll effect that imitates the movement of oil. As for the navigation, you can either click on the menu icon or explore the most important pages that are highlighted at the top of the page. The hamburger menu is more convenient for mobile users, whereas desktop users can choose the option they find more convenient. The menu icon opens a content-rich overlay menu. The four primary links are highlighted using big, black, bold letters. When you place the pointer on one of them, the color of the other primary links fades and turns light grey. Secondary links are separated by a decent amount of whitespace and are written using a smaller-sized font. Social media icons and contact details are vertically positioned in the middle of the page, while the right side of the menu features the latest posts from Heliasâ Instagram feed. The images include the undulating scroll effect. When you click on any of them, you will be redirected to the brandâs Instagram page.Extra lâAgenceExtra lâAgence comes with a black-and-white website that looks very artistic because of the background that resembles a sheet of drawing paper and the use of elegant and handwritten typefaces. The main navigation is hidden behind a simple lowercase âmenuâ link, but you canât possibly miss it as thereâs nothing else in the top bar save from the agencyâs name at the far right. While the siteâs backdrop is white, once you open the menu, its color goes to black and the texture becomes grainy. The menu is very simple and features four items in white letters. When you place your mouse on any of the four, the font loses some of its weight and turns from bold to slim. The cool thing about the menu is that every time you open it, the items will be arranged in a different manner.DecadeDecade is a branding and creative studio from New York. Their website is peppered with attractive videos and imagery illustrating the projects developed by the company. At the top of the page, thereâs a white section with the studioâs name written in the middle and the menu icon in the shape of a black semicircle. The choice of menu icon is a bit uncommon and interesting. However, all users have some preconceptions about where navigation will be located on a site, so they already expect to find the main navigation icon somewhere at the top. When you click on the semicircle, a fullscreen menu unrolls from the top of the page. You can learn more about the studio by exploring the âAboutâ section on the left-hand side of the menu. To control the amount of displayed information, use âRead Moreâ and âRead Lessâ links. The right side of the menu introduces you to Decadeâs âClientsâ and âSelected Projectsâ. To exit the menu altogether, you can either click on the semicircle again or on âDecadeâ.BlabBlab is an Italian communications agency with a website thatâs filled with entertaining animation effects. The menu is positioned right above the agencyâs name in the form of the three big dots. Again, this isnât a common choice for a menu icon, but itâs easy to guess what the dots âhideâ. When you place the pointer on them, they transform into a hamburger button and take you to the siteâs main navigation. The pink-colored menu features red typefaces and irregular, blue pulsating shapes that enliven the menu. The name of the company is subtly incorporated into the background using a soft shade of pink. The links are organized into two sections, with primary items in bold letters on the left and secondary items in italic on the right. The contact link and social media icons are featured at the bottom of thepage.Daniele BuffaThe portfolio website of Daniele Buffa is bursting with exciting animations and microinteractions that make the browsing experience smooth and enjoyable. You can reveal the hidden menu by clicking the word âListâ in the top right corner of the site. When you place your mouse on it, it becomes strikethrough. The menu items load as if theyâre on a spinning wheel. They stop moving the moment you access the menu. The website makers have used the infinite scroll effect here, so you feel like thereâs much more to explore than the five selected works. The links are written using black typefaces, but when you start scrolling, the top and the bottom part of each letter turn to red. The faster you scroll, the more a letter becomes red. On hover, you can see the image preview of the selected project while the names of other projects become invisible. The far-right side of the menu is where the websiteâs sections from 01 to 04 are vertically displayed. When you put the cursor on them, youâll see what each section is called so you can jump straight to any ofthem.Alan MenkenAlan Menken is a legendary composer and songwriter with a website that introduces the audience to his impressive oeuvre. Considering his profession, the use of several piano-inspired elements on his site comes as no surprise. First and foremost, the way his works are presented on the homepage resembles piano keys. On hover, each key springs to life and turns into a preview video of Alanâs projects. The three-lined menu button also looks more like piano keys than a hamburger because the bars are vertically placed. When you click on them, the dropdown menu appears, but it doesnât take up the entire screen. Instead, the homepage is still visible and you can simply click on it to close the menu. The menu is very simple, and includes just several categories, without any audio or visual ornaments. However, the playfulness of Alanâs songs is beautifully translated in typography and the way the navigation links are written in an animated Disney-esque style.Ultima CapitalUltima Capitalâs website comes with a menu hidden behind two parallel horizontal lines of different weights. The moment you put your pointer on them, they merge into one line. The fullscreen menu is in grid and it looks like a chart where each of the 8 fields contains one menu item. Everything looks clean and minimal, in black and white, so itâs easy for users to find the section theyâd like to explore. On hover, the fields become dark beige (the field where the homepage link is placed is always colored in that hue) and that is the only touch of color in themenu.Katifoner DesignKatifoner Designâs website looks very modern and simple, with large typography and attractive imagery that capture the visitorâs attention. The main navigation is, even though hidden, easily noticeable and well separated from other elements by a large chunk of negative space. When you put your mouse over âMenuâ, the letters take a zigzag form. The overlay menu includes just three links elegantly positioned in the middle of the page. The fonts are huge. Next to every menu item, there is a two-word description of what that section is about. And thatâs not all. When you hover over any link, a fullscreen background image appears illustrating the selected section while the remaining two items become see-through.AnimalAnimalâs website is all about minimalism. The pages are not cluttered with too much content, save for a few images and witty copy. The menu icon stays in the top right corner at all times so you can access the navigation whenever you want. The menu is splayed across the whole screen and is divided into two sectionsââââOur Workâ and âAbout Usâ. Secondary menu items are written in a smaller font size and displayed at the bottom of the page, but still easily noticeable. On hover, the color of all menu links changes from black to lightgrey.MaudMaudâs website features fullscreen showcases of their projects, both imagery and videos. The menu is hidden behind a small circle at the top right corner of the screen. The word âMenuâ is displayed right next to it, so you will easily spot it. When you click on the icon, the menu loads from the bottom to the top of the page. As soon as it pops up, the whole screen gets split into four equal horizontal parts. The homepage is visible in the top one. The menu items are placed in the remaining three sections along with snippets from every page included in the navigation. This kind of a menu isnât something you see every day and it speaks volumes about the creativity of Maudâs team. You can explore each one either by clicking on or by scrolling over the item of your interest.CoboCobo is a world-renowned brand known for plastic injection molding. Their website looks very modern, with a black background, interesting typography choices, and great animation effects. The menu is hidden behind the hamburger button which is surrounded by a thin-lined circle. When you place your cursor over it, the circle becomes bouncy and starts following the movement of your cursor. When you click on the menu icon, a side menu appears on the right. It looks clean and sleek, ensuring an easy navigation experience for users. The four primary links take up the better part of the menu and are highlighted using bold and large typefaces. On hover, a short description pops up next to every menu item telling you what each section isabout.Harvard FilmArchiveThe Harvard Film Archive website is imbued with numerous details that create an enthralling cinematic atmosphere. The grainy background resembles a 35mm film stock. While you wait for the content to load, the old movie countdown appears over the entire screen. The navigation is safely tucked behind the hamburger icon in the top left corner. On click, the side menu appears, featuring a handy search option. The main menu items are displayed at the very top, in sans-serif, elegant lettering. The links to HFAâs social channels are placed at the bottom of the menu. Navigation is simple and well-organized, so you can effortlessly find what youâre interested in.Final WordsWebsite navigation is, unquestionably, one of the key elements of web design. As such, it needs to be organized in a clear and logical way so that users can easily engage with your website. However, that doesnât necessarily mean you have to display menu items in an obvious way somewhere on the main page. As the examples in our roundup illustrate, you can hide your menu from plain sight and have it appear only when visitors interact with your menu icon. Using a hidden menu on your site is a refined and simple solution that enables you to prioritize content and keep users focused on what you have to say andshow.Originally published at Exciting Examples of Hidden Menus in Web Design was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
This month we are focusing on three trends within a bigger website design trend â different navigation menu styles and features. So many projects are featuring interesting navigation patterns right now as thereâs a focus â and almost push and pull â on navigation that feels more consistent between devices.
I recently designed a mega menu for a client project which is similar to this one. I recorded a quick video tutorial on how I developed the navigation with Webflow. Webflow tutorial (German): preview of the desktop version:
âMealâ is a free One Page HTML restaurant template built by Features include neat load transitions, an off-canvas navigation, food menu (with breakfast, lunch, dinner switcher), chef profiles, customer review slider, reservation form and a smart footer with Google Maps integration. Full Review | Direct Link
Here's my weekend animation! A concept for widget menu navigation đ
A short description of how a hamburger menu affectsUX.Is there anyone who doesnât know the name of the above three lines? If yes, these three lines combined are called the hamburger menu and this icon is common in all mobile screens.We can see these three lines on our mobile(mainly on the top left side) even on the websitetoo.Do you know what are the problems we face while using hamburger menus?If your answer is No, then read the briefbelow.Discoverability and efficiency are two important parts of a UX design. Here we are going to discuss how the hamburger menu negatively affectsthese.Discoverability is an important part that affects the user experience of a product. It is the ability for a user to find content or functionality present in a given experience.How the hamburger menu negatively affects discoverability?Lulu BlogNavigation is an important factor while we using a mobile or web. Proper navigation reduces the friction of the experience. One of the major problem found with the hamburger menu is that it decreases the discoverability by hiding navigational elements inside it. By placing navigational links inside the hamburger menu, it reduces the discoverability and thereby increasing the time to achieve the usersâ goal. ie, interaction cost (sum of effortsâââmental and physicalâââthat the users must deploy in interacting with a site in order to reach their goals) is higher for thesecases.2. Efficiency is the next factor that affected by the hamburger menu Efficiency is all about speed. How fast can the user get the jobdone?How the hamburger menu affects efficiency?ShutterstockIn most of the mobile applications placement of the hamburger menu is at the top left corner. The top left corner is the hardest region of a mobile phone to reach with our hands. Due to this, time to reach the hamburger menu is high compared to other regions inmobile.Also, if the navigation links are in the hamburger menu, it requires two taps to get that link. These two reasons will negatively affect the efficiency of aproduct.Crazy EggNow we are going to take a look at the hamburger menu of the app Internshala. Internshala is an app used to find internships. This app is an example of the negative effect of the hamburger menu.If users need to see internship posts or they need to see the status of their applications, they should rely on the hamburger menu in the top left corner. Placing of the navigational link of internship post and application status inside the hamburger menu negatively affects the discoverability and efficiency of theapp.Internshala appscreensHow can we solve those issues of the Internshala app?By replacing the main navigational links to the bottom navigation bar, the user can access that easily. Thereby we can solve the hamburger problems to a certain limit. Therefore navigational links are easily discoverable. Also, users can easily access that with their thumb. This will reduce the interaction cost and will help users to achieve their goalseasily.ConclusionIncluding all navigational links inside the hamburger menu is less discoverable and they need high interaction cost too. If there are more than 4 navigation links, spend more time on thought processes and simplify the information architecture as youcan.Choose the most important 4 navigational links and place that on the bottom navigation bar. Thereby we can solve the problem of discoverability and efficiency due to the hamburger menu. This will increase the overall user experience.Thatâs for all now, folks. Thanks forreading.Reference: nngroup, Interaction Design FoundationThree lines that hurt UX was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
The bottom menu of the app with custom iconsCheck the full project on behance!
Iconly animation is now on the Twitter desktop and mobile app with fantastic transactions. As you know, micro-interactions are so much crucial for making extra-level apps in today's market. You can download Iconly Animation for your next projects from here with 50% OFF.We hope you love it. đđAvailable for new projects. Let's chat! Info@piqo.designIconly product story on Medium.comFollow Piqo Design:Gumroad | IG | BE | TW
To create the best native app design, you should bear in mind the differences between the iOS and Android platforms. These platforms differ not only in terms of what native applications look like; they also differ in terms of the structure and flow. You need to keep these differences in mind to provide the best user experience through the native application design.Native mobile applications for iOS and Android have special operating system-specific features. Guidelines by Apple and Google recommend to use platform-standard navigation controls whenever possible: page controls, tab bars, segmented controls, table views, collection views, and split views. Users are familiar with how these controls typically work on each platform, so if you use the standard controls, your users will intuitively know how to get around your app. We focus on the main differences between interaction design patterns on iOS and Android to clarify why apps look different on iOS and Androidâââand why they should. We also provide native app design templates and native mobile application examples to help you visualize what weâre talkingabout.Differences in navigation patternsMoving between screens is a common action in mobile applications. Itâs very important to consider that iOS and Android have different native app design guidelines when it comes to navigation patterns. Thereâs a universal navigation bar at the bottom of Android devices. Using the back button in the navigation bar is an easy way to go back to the previous screen or step, and it works in almost all Androidapps.Global navigation bar (Android)On the other hand, the Apple design approach is quite different. Thereâs no global navigation bar, so we canât move back using a global back button in native iOS app design. This affects the design of iOS mobile applications. Internal screens should have a native navigation bar with a back button in the top leftcorner.Back button(iOS)Apple also includes a left-to-right swiping gesture in applications to go to the previous screen. This gesture works in almost allapps.Left-to-right swiping gestureâââgo back(iOS)The difference between iOS and Android in this case is that on iOS devices in native apps left-to-right swiping gesture will return you to the previous screen. The same gesture on Android devices will switch tabs. But in contradistinction to iOS, there is a bottom navigation bar on Android devices with the back button which will return you to the previousscreen.Itâs always important to keep in mind this difference between the platforms to maintain consistency with other mobile applications.Left-to-right swiping gestureâââswitch between tabs (Android)In-app navigation patterns are different in iOS andAndroidThere are a few different navigation options in the Material Design Guidelines. One well-known navigation pattern used in Android applications is a combination of a navigation drawer andtabs.A navigation drawer is a menu that slides in from the left or right by pressing the hamburger menu icon. Tabs are located right below the screen title and enable content organization at a high level, allowing the user to switch between views, data sets, and functional aspects of anapp.Leftâââdrawer navigation menu; rightâââtabs (Material Design)Thereâs also a component called bottom navigation in Material Design. This component is also important for a Material Design native app. Bottom navigation bars make it easy to explore and switch between top-level views in a single tap. Material Design Guidelines donât recommended to use bottom navigation and tabs at the same time because it may cause confusion when navigating.Bottom navigation (Material Design)In the Apple Human Interface Guidelines thereâs no standard navigation control thatâs similar to the drawer navigation menu. Instead, Appleâs guidelines recommended putting global navigation in a tab bar. The tab bar appears at the bottom of the app screen and provides the ability to quickly switch between main sections of anapp.Usually, the tab bar contains no more than five destinations. As we can see, this component is similar to the bottom navigation in Material Design but is more commonly used in iOSapps.Top leftâââiOS segmented control; bottom rightâââiOS tab bar(HIG)Although there are similar elements that perform similar functions in both operating systems (tabs and segmented control, bottom navigation and the tab bar), navigation is still one of the main differences between iOS and Android. There are both objective differences, such as the global navigation bar in Android and its lack in iOS, as well as differences in the vision of these twosystems.Apple believes that primary navigation elements should be in the foreground and that the hamburger menu should be used only to store functions that arenât daily tasks performed by the user. On the other hand, itâs common practice to hide primary navigation in the hamburger menu in Android applications.Custom views for standard controls require additional development time and are unfamiliar tousersIf you want each element in your application to look the same across platforms, youâll require additional development efforts to create the best mobile app design. The most complicated use cases involve default controls such as radio buttons, checkboxes, toggles, and so on that require a custom view implementation to show iOS-like controls on Android or Android-like controls oniOS.Each platform has its unique interactions. Good design is design that respects usersâ habits in each operating system. Itâs really important to keep in mind the differences between platforms when designing a mobile application for both iOS and Android so you design applications that do meet the expectations ofusers.One example of an element thatâs typically designed differently on the two platforms is a date picker. Android users arenât familiar with the slot machine reel-style date selector thatâs common in iOS. Using this style of date picker in Android would require custom views, which can get complicated, increasing the complexity and duration of development and making your app design look alien to the Android platform.Leftâââstandard iOS controls; rightâââstandard AndroidcontrolsLeftâââstandard iOS pickers; rightâââstandard AndroidpickersButton styles in iOS andAndroidThere are two styles of buttons in the Material Design Guidelinesâââflat and raised. These buttons are used in different situations. The text on buttons in Material Design is usually all uppercase. Sometimes we find uppercase button text in native iOS apps too, but most often we find titlecase.Leftâââstandard Material Design buttons; rightâââstandard HIGbuttonsThereâs also one more type of buttonâââfloating action buttons on Android and call to action buttons on iOS. A floating action button represents the primary action in an application. For example, the compose button in a mail app or the new post button in a social network app can be floating action buttons. The analogous design for the primary action in iOS apps is call to action button, which is located in the center of the tabbar.Leftâââstandard floating action button in Android; rightâââstandard CTA button iniOSDifferences between native bottom sheets in Android and action sheets & activity views iniOSThere are two types of bottom sheets in Android: modal bottom sheets and persistent bottom sheets. Modal bottom sheets have two types of content: modal bottom sheets with different actions and an app list that appears after the user taps the Share icon. We can find the same types of content in native iOS action sheets and activity views. But these components look different than Android bottomsheets.Leftâââstandard Material Design bottom sheets; rightâââaction sheet in iOSappDifferences in touch targets andgridsiOS and Android have slightly different guidelines for touch targets (44px @1x for iOS and 48dp/48px @1x for Android). Material Design Guidelines also suggest aligning all elements to an 8dp square baselinegrid.Typography differencesSan Francisco is the system typeface in iOS. Roboto is the standard typeface in Android. Noto is the standard typeface for all languages in Chrome and Android that arenât supported by Roboto. Youâll need to pay close attention to the typographic and layout conventions of each platform.LeftâââMaterial Design typography; rightâââHIG typographyMicrointeractionsWhen it comes to design, the first impression is usually the last forusers.Thatâs why itâs so important to attract usersâ attention from the very beginning. During app design and development, we can create a really fascinating experience for users through microinteractions and animations.Letâs define the major rules and recommendations regarding interactions and motions for both platforms and look at detailed examples.Focus and importanceâââInteractions focus the userâs attention on whatâs really important in the app, so itâs necessary to use them only when truly required. Both platforms discourage excessive animations, as they distract and strainusers.Consistency and hierarchyâââItâs really important to keep in mind that interactions help users to orient themselves in the app by showing how elements are related to one another. Familiar, smooth, and unobtrusive transitions from one screen to another keep users engaged. Motion indicates how to perform actions and offers helpful suggestions.Although the basic recommendations for using micro-animations are quite similar in the Material Design Guidelines and the Human Interface Guidelines, there are some differences that are clearly defined. Users are accustomed to these platform-specific transitions and perceive them as being absolutely natural.Thatâs why itâs important to pay special attention to familiar interactions that will improve the user experience and look natural on each platform.iOSiOS users are accustomed to the subtle animations used throughout iOS, such as smooth transitions, fluid changes in device orientation, and physics-based scrolling. iOS users can feel disoriented when movements donât make sense or appear to defy the laws of physics. If a user reveals a view by sliding it down from the top of the screen, for example, they expect to be able to dismiss the view by sliding it back up. Itâs highly recommended by HIG that, unless youâre creating an immersive experience such as a game, you make custom transitions comparable to built-in animations.AndroidAccording to Material Design Guidelines, during a transition, interface elements that are converted are classified as outgoing, incoming, or permanent. The category to which the item belongs affects how it is converted.An animation directs the userâs attention. When a UI changes appearance, motion provides continuity between the placement and appearance of elements before and after the transition. Navigation transitions are an important element in the overall interaction with an interface. They help users orient themselves by expressing the appâs hierarchy. For example, when an element expands to fill the entire screen, the act of expansion expresses that the new screen is a child element. The screen from which it expands is its parentelement.Navigation transitions are an important element in the overall interaction with an interface. They help users orient themselves by expressing the appâs hierarchy. For example, when an element expands to fill the entire screen, the act of expansion expresses that the new screen is a child element. The screen from which it expands is its parentelement.Example of a parent-to-child transition (Material Design Guidelines)From a parent screen, an embedded child element lifts up when touched and expands inplace.The transition puts the focus on the child screen while reinforcing the relationship between parent andchild.Screens that share the same parent (such as photos in an album, sections in a profile, or steps in a flow) move in unison to reinforce their relationship. The peer screen slides in from one side while its sibling moves off the screen in the opposite direction.Tabs are at the same elevation and move together on the horizontalAt the top level of an app, destinations are often grouped into major tasks (which may not relate to one another). These screens transition in place by changing values such as opacity andscale.ConclusionsOf course there are exceptions: some iOS applications follow Material Design Guidelines (like Gmail) and some Android apps follow the Human Interface Guidelines (like Instagram).LeftâââGmail on iOS; rightâââGmail onAndroidLeftâââInstagram on iOS; rightâââInstagram onAndroidBut one thing is obviousâââitâs much faster to design a mobile application using native components for both operating systems. Thus, itâs better to spend time on the design rather than make one application mockup thatâs a mix of Appleâs Human Interface Guidelines and Googleâs Material Design components and then spend lots of time on development because of custom elements.SteelKiwi is a software development and app design company. If you want to know how to design a native app, get in touch with us! We follow Android design best practices and adhere to Appleâs Human Interface Guidelines.Want to see native design app examples where we use native elements as well as custom interfaces with powerful styling? Visit our Dribbble and Behance pages to get a better idea of what weâre capableof.Differences between Designing Native iOS Apps and Native Android Apps was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Here's a brief snippet of the new navigation menu I designed for my company's updated admin pages. Thanks for taking a look!
This weekâs Designer News â â 558 â includes UX Design for Navigation Menus, Write Fewer Media Queries with the clamp() CSS Function, Menu Reveal By Page Rotate Animation, Beautiful CSS box-shadow Examples, The Evolution of the Google Sign Up Form, Buttons that Spark Joy and much, much more!The post Weekly News for Designers â 558 appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
Two new additions to the site. One you might have already seenâand usedâsince itâs been online for more than a week at this point and thatâs the new navigation. The new menu makes it easier to jump from one category to another, to quickly search for something, and to access the new /stream.Youâll also find a new âRead minimalâ section on the homepage. In this age of AI and digital content, I find books more and more valuable which is why I want to make them a more integral part of the site. Iâm starting with just this small section with some suggested books but a new /books page is coming soon. If you have books worth featuring, my inbox is open.
Here's a little navigation animation for your Friday. Check out the real deal at
How can a new website design reduce the bounce rate by 24% and increase the average order value by 1.7 times? In this article, we will tell you about the Lamour website redesign process, how to change UX/UI design, and what practices to use to improve metrics and increase the conversion of the onlinestore.More about the project andtaskLAMOUR BEAUTY COMPANY ( is an importer of professional Italian hair cosmetics. We exclusively represent TM Compagnia del Colore, Organethic, Bubblekid, Alfaparf Milano, and Endoten in Ukraine. The company is also an official supplier of Yellow in the Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, and Vinnytsia regions.Based on recommendations from our partners, Lamour Beauty approached us for a website redesign to increase the conversion and effectiveness of their current website. The owner quickly agreed to the cooperation because he had previously read a case study on the Symbol online store redesign.Lamour Beauty Company has B2B and B2C customers, but Turum-burumâs task was to improve interaction with the B2C segment and attract new customers while retaining existingones.Stages of website redesign using the ESR approach or how we increased the conversion of the Lamour Beauty onlinestoreWe divided the website redesign process into several stages. Initially, we conducted a UX audit as the first step in optimizing the conversion of the onlinestore.The usability analysis process included the following:Set up tools and track user behavior using click maps, scroll maps, heat maps,etc.Analyze analytical data to generate hypotheses on interface improvement and increase conversion.Provide a detailed report with hypotheses and descriptions of problems, accompanied by screenshots and recommendations for best practices.Determine the priority of identified problems and propose solutions to address them based on their level of criticality.It is worth noting that during the audit, we encountered the problem of insufficient traffic to the website. That led to the stage of analyzing indicators in the project taking moretime.After the usability analysis, we developed a plan for gradual improvement of the site, proposing to implement all changes using the ESR methodology: first, to fix the most critical errors, the elimination of which has the highest impact on the efficiency of the website and then to address the issues of lower priority (and additional ownerâs requests).In addition, we also divided the work scope into threesprints:Optimization of the main page, navigation, product page, and overall websitestyling.Processing the product list, cart, order processing, and websitestyling.Fixing issues in the personal account, site search, branching for PRO clients, and refining websitestyling.Read on to learn more about the process of completing the work for the first sprint, with real examples and compelling results. Currently, we are in the process of performing the work for the second sprint, so stay tuned for moreupdatesâŠWebsite Styling andHomepageAs Lamour Beauty is a brand, the homepage is the main entry point. Here, users get to know the company and learn about the services provided. Therefore, improving the website design and styling began with the homepage.Problem: The projectâs styling wasnât distinctive, didnât convey brand identity, and some elements, such as buttons, didnât look clickable. The design of certain blocks was too minimalistic, gray, and plain, with no visual accents. That affected user engagement metrics and resulted in an unusually high bounce rate of63%.The homepage lacked points to engage users and move them to the next step of the funnel: no distinct block of promotions, top-selling products, andothers.Solution:We worked on the styling of the main design elements, namely:Buttons, primary and secondary.We emphasized and highlighted clickable elements.We added buttons with a more accentuated color, and the cursor icon and element color changed upon hovering over clickable elements.Blocks positioning thecompany.We demonstrated the companyâs advantages and added more attractive banners adapted to mobiledevices.Block of the companyâs advantagesProduct blocks (permeating).We added blocks of top-selling products, promotions, discounts, new products, and brand offers to increase the number of entry points, acquaint the user with the siteâs theme, and attract the user to proceed further down thefunnel.Here is the block with the most popular products in the online store with the ability to add the product to the cart, go to the product page, or view the categoryproductsBlock with promotional productsReviews and prices of top products.To encourage B2C users to buy more often, we added social proof to build trust and help them decide on the purchase.These solutions allowed us to prioritize page elements and focus on the main interface blocks.Navigation on thewebsiteProblem: The main goal of navigation is to speed up the search for the necessary goods or information, even if the user is on the site for the first time, but before the redesign, the navigation of Lamour Beauty did not perform its functions sufficiently.We have identified a number of errors in the interface, among which can be highlighted:There was no quick access to the main sections of the catalog on mobile devices and no fixed navigation menu when scrolling, so users could not quickly navigate to the catalog, search, or shoppingcart;View of the page in the adaptive version of the website before theredesignUnstructured product catalog, which hindered the quick search for the necessary goods;Catalog view before theredesignHair menu categories did not fit on one screen, so users could not find the goods categoryneeded;View of categories before theredesignNot configured site search function, which reduced the effectiveness of thetool;In the mobile site version, users did not see the second-level categories because clicking on the category led to a list of products. To open the second-level category users had to click on the arrow icon, which was very inconvenient.The appearance of the catalog in the mobile version of the online store before the websiteredesignIn the adaptive design of the website, the burger menu icon was unusual and not prominent, so the users ignored it, which affected the exit and bouncerates.The menu icon in the mobile version of the online store website was notobviousSolution:To optimize the navigation of the site, we implemented the following:The navigation menu was fixed at the top of the page and is displayed when scrolling up;The fixed navigation when scrolling up in the adaptive design of thewebsiteThe fixed navigation when scrolling up in the desktopversionWe worked on the hierarchical structure of thecatalog;We arranged the catalog in horizontal order, structuring subcategories by mutual purpose andtype;After implementing the recommendations, the user can not only view all options on one screen but also quickly go to the page of a particular brand thanks to clickable logosWe display second-level categories when clicking on the entire area to shorten navigation andsearch;Catalog after implementing recommendationsConfigured Google Analytics search to better understand if users are using the search function and what they are looking for to simplify the navigation process on thesite;Made the burger menu icon, consisting of three lines, which is more familiar to theusers.The usual menu icon in a familiar place simplifies and speeds up the search for the desiredproductProduct pageProblem: On the product page, the information was unstructured and unprioritized, and the most crucial elementsâââthe product name, purchase block, description, and features sectionsâââwere not highlighted.At the same time, the focus was on the product code, âBuy,â âAdd to Favorites,â and âCompareâ buttons. Users struggled to navigate and find the information they needed. That made product selection more complicated and delayed decision-making.Product card before theredesignSolution: Prioritized information, highlighted product name, buy button, section headings, and descriptions. In order to clarify the meaning of the âPro Onlyâ button we added a piece of descriptive information.The appearance of the product card after implementing recommendations for interface optimizationRedesign of website: results of the 1st sprint and conclusionsWebsite design is based on several factors such as functionality, adaptability, user experience, usability, visual appeal, and brand consistency.To achieve maximum efficiency, the designer always considers the needs and expectations of the target audience, as well as practical aspects such as technical feasibility and optimization for search engines. The main goal of the website design is to improve the userâs interaction with the website and provide an easy and convenient user experience.To identify the main problems and determine further actions, Turum-burum first conducts a usability analysis. Thus, after a UX audit of the website, we decided to use the ESR approach.According to the approach, we performed the following scope of work within the 1st sprintplan:Processed the overall site style, making it more attractive and customer-oriented;Developed an adaptive design of the site to take care of mobileusers;Improved usability, navigation, and catalog structure to shorten the userâspath;Structured the product page to speed up decision-making;Added upsell and cross-sale tools to increase the average check and provide additional options for theuser.All the design solutions were implemented by our partnerâââShopExspress. As a result of optimization and changes in UX/UIdesign:The bounce rate for the desktop version of the site decreased by24%;Attraction to pages increased by almost 100% per session and 100% of time spent on the site for the desktop version of thesite;The number of products per order increased by+43%;The average check increased by 1.7times;User engagement metrics increased by almost +92% for pages per session and +79% of time spent on the site for the desktopversion.Thus, even small changes in UX/UI design can have a significant impact on the number of customers and conversion rates overall. The optimization of the website was no exception. It is also worth noting that the website update coincided with the update of the companyâs corporate style. Therefore, these two processes reinforced each other and strengthened the brandâs position in the market. Nevertheless, there is still work to be done to improve the websiteâs performance and maintain the achievedresults.A New Look for Lamour: How a Website Redesign Helped Increase the Average Check by 1.7 Times was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
A few things are so essential to user experience as the menu is. Serving as a roadmap for the site, and also, to an extent, as a âmeans of transportationâ for the users to get to a specific location, the menu is the number one navigational element and, as such, needs to be carried out perfectly.Thereâs a lot to be said about what constitutes a good website menu, UX-wise. Clean, clear, intuitive and logicalâââthese are just some of the attributes of a well-executed menu. And you donât even have to be a design wiz to understand that. Even as laymen, we are already intuitively aware of what a menu should look like and how it should work. We are used to finding it in certain placesâââquite commonly itâs going to be a header menu, located at the top of the page, or a side menu, located to the left or to the right of the main content. More and more frequently, designers opt for hidden fullscreen menus, accessed through hamburger icons or variously shaped openers. Either way, we rarely actually have to look for the menu. That is, if the navigation has been designedright.The same goes for interactions. Menus (and their items) donât have to be animated, but itâs often best if they are. Microinteractions serve as indications that a certain action has been carried out or that it will take place if we click, scroll or hover. Take hover animations, for instanceâââthey indicate that if we click on an item, it will take us to aplace.And so on, and so forth. So far, weâre basically just stating the obvious. A good menu means good navigation, good navigation means good UX and good UX means success. But today we actually want to talk about something else. We want to examine the menus that stand out, design-wise.The thing about web design is that when itâs good, itâs good in every single aspectâââfunctional and aesthetic. You can have a perfectly honest, functional and practical menu that does nothing for you because it is bland, dull, forgettable. You can also have a dashing menu with elaborate interactions, gorgeous typography and loads of embellishments, but if your visitors find it hard to use, if they even have to think about how to use it, itâs good for literally nothing.A website menu can be both. It can be innovative and practical, gorgeous and utilitarian.So, letâs try to figure out exactly what makes a menu stand out. To do that, weâre going to check out some of our favorite websites that feature innovative, dazzling, stylish, elegant, irreverent menus. In short, weâre going to try to figure out what makes an inspiring menu design. Stay tuned as we gothrough:Julia JohnsonBaillat StudioNiccolĂČ MirandaMUTEK MontrealVerholy RelaxParkCraie CraieFan Study bySpotifyLe PuzzCommonwealth FusionSystemsAroz JewelryMatthew FisherJon WayStudioGlenn CatteeuwKacper ChlebowiczBridge TourJulia JohnsonFor her portfolio website, the photographer Julia Johnson created a beautiful combination of retro aesthetics and modern, interactive web design elements, dominated by the large logo in Helvetica. The bold character of the typeface is reflected in the menu opener, consisting of two thick black dashes. When clicked, the icon opens a menu that follows the aesthetic line of the homepageâââthe Helvetica typeface sets the dominant mood, skillfully coupled with a vibrant orange background. The somewhat stripped-down character of the menu becomes more dynamic as we hover over the menu items, which prompts the background color change and portfolio images popping up, so we basically have two moods hereâââone minimalist and the other louder and more substantial.Baillat StudioThe website of the Montreal-based Baillat Studio, specializing in branding, design, motion and creative direction, is definitely not a minimalist one. Attention-grabbing custom typography, full-width video sections, interactive lists and oversized text occupy the homepage in a somewhat loud manner, so the layout basically has no room for essential navigation linksâââat least not without resulting in clutter. Thatâs why the designers tucked the menu away, behind a round opener in the upper right cornerâââa good place for it, too, considering most people would intuitively look for it there. When clicked, the icon opens a fullscreen menu, which has a much airier and tidier layout with large horizontal sections of interactive text. Massive black typography on a light background creates a fine balance, and the thin separator lines give the menu a tidy look. A welcome touch is the oversized X that closes the menu, as we know how difficult to spot and click those menu closers canbe.NiccolĂČ MirandaWhen it comes to gorgeously designed, inspiring menus, we canât help but revisit one of our old acquaintances, whose website we talked about in our article on poster style in web design, NiccolĂČ Miranda. For his portfolio website, the talented web designer and developer set out to recreate a newspaper-style layout with lots of delightful details and twists that hint to the printed media and old school television. It is also a skillful exhibition of web interaction and animation, and the website menu is one of the best examples. A simple icon opens a fullscreen menu with a torn paper effect, a newspaper heading-style title and large Canopee typography that gives the design a retro character. The item indicating the section weâre currently on has a red overline and the letters expand a bit when hovered upon. And thatâs pretty much it. Itâs a functionally simple and visually very well crafted menu that can serve as an example of menu UX doneright.MUTEK MontrealFor the 2022 edition of the renowned festival of digital creativity and electronic musicâââMUTEK Montrealâââthe designers opted for a loud, even flashy style with large typography, neon colors and strong navigational elements. The menu opener, located in the upper right corner, has a geometric quality to itâââwhen clicked, it becomes a square containing a circle containing an X that can be moved with the cursor. The menu text is large and partially overlaps with other text, but is essentially just white letters on a light blue background. The left portion of the menu is static and consists of an image. Thereâs nothing really revolutionary about this menu, no super-innovative interactions, 3D graphics or mind-bending effects. It is, however, a well-designed, informative and practical menu that fits perfectly with the overall vibe of the website and does an excellent job at serving its actual purpose, which is to provide any essential information a visitor might have regarding the festival.Verholy RelaxParkTucked away in the forests of the Poltava region, Ukraine, the Verholy Relax Park is a spa hotel that promises a perfectly relaxing immersion with nature in a luxury ambiance. The hotel website is elegant and refined, combining dark green background with subtle and light interface lines and icons. The menu is accessed by clicking on the icon in the upper left-hand corner of the homepage, and opens as a fullscreen layout consisting of two sections. The left section features numbered interactive links to the appropriate pages, while the right one displays images related to the section in question. The two sections are connected by a fine curved line, serving as a contrast to the more strict grid lines featured in the layout. Another contrasting point to the straight and sharp elements of the menu is the cursorâââa small dot that grows larger when hovered over menuitems.Craie CraieCraie Craie is a Lyon-based architecture and interior design studio known for exquisite style and impeccable taste, which is evident from its portfolio website, too. Combining a very light pink with bright red, the grid-based layout of the homepage spells creativity and individualism, but the real visual treat is hidden behind the star-shaped menu opener. The full-screen menu opens from the bottom in a rather swift but smooth transition, filling the screen with a lovely bright red. Subtle light pink grid lines are matched by the vertical text in the same color, serving as links to the Projects, Studio and Contact pages. The studio logo, as well as several smaller instances of text, are white, which was a smart choiceâââpink alone would render the design perhaps a bit feminine or maybe trendy (pink and red have been among the hottest color combinations for years now), while white on red would cause too strong a contrast. The entire composition is topped by a small black dot for the cursor, visually tying the whole menu together.Fan Study bySpotifyAnother website that is so gorgeous we just have to write about it repeatedly (remember our article on purple websites?), Fan Study by Spotify is in our focus today because of its innovative approach to menu design. Weâre generally used to finding menus either in the header or behind a menu opener tucked in a corner of the page. This time, weâre looking at the center. An interactive icon resembling volume or bass lines is located in the middle of the header, red on purple background, in line with the websiteâs initial color palette. When clicked, the icon opens a full-width menu consisting of draggable items, going from one to 15. Poster-like gradient infographics are color-coded and thematically grouped in metrics including Reach, Engagement, Release and Merch. Each item can, of course, be clicked to reveal more detailed information. Whatâs interesting is that the menu doesnât offer links to other pagesâââinstead, the very same content is offered below, in the body of the page, so to speak. The menu is, therefore, simply an alternative way to visually present the dataâââin a digest form, as the sections below are more elaborate and detailed, complete with links to additional resources.Le PuzzIf our next website doesnât cheer you up today, nothing will. Marketed as Wonderfully Whimsical Weirdo Wigsaw Wuzzle Wumpany, Le Puzz collects, trades and creates random-cut puzzles with a vintage quality and vibe. Not only does Le Puzz recreate the aesthetics of the 1970âs and 1980âs, but they also promise that the quality of their puzzles (the thickness of the pieces, among other things) can be matched only by those old school puzzles we had as kids that were so solid you could pick them up from the table in one piece once theyâre done. Le Puzz website is delightfully weird and playful, but donât think for a second the vibe isnât a result of meticulous design work. From the layout design to the palette, from fonts to animations, every single design element is spot-on. The main brand color is a warm yellow with a retro vibe, used both for the puzzle boxes and for select website elements, such as the header. Le Puzz opted for a simple and straightforward header menu, divided by grid lines into several tidy sections, ensuring the visitors can quickly and easily find their way to whatever they are interested in. The colors of the menu sections revert on hover, turning from yellow to black, and thatâs about it. Simple and clean, itâs a menu that supports the overall style of the website perfectly and does its job without any fancy pretensions.Commonwealth FusionSystemsDedicated to finding, researching and producing clean energy, Commonwealth Fusion Systems is a company that aims to deliver the most efficient path to fusion energy for commercial use. Its work combines science, technology and engineering using state-of-the-art solutions, and the company website is appropriately modern and functional. Note that when we say âmodernâ we donât mean intricate motion design and complex pages that take forever to load. Rather, we mean simple, clean design that only considers the most practical and efficient elements in modern web design trends. The menu is a good exampleâââplaced in grid, with clean, geometric sections and legible, professional NB International Mono typography, it gives off an air of knowledge and innovation. The sections are hollow but fill in with white when hovered upon, indicating they can be clicked. They are also in a bit of asymmetryâââthe left part contains four sections with menu items while the right part, which serves as a holder for the company name at the far right side, is longer. Still, thereâs no sense of imbalance here, perhaps because the entire menu looks like it follows some mathematical order that we donât necessarily have to be aware of in order to appreciate its elegant simplicity.Aroz JewelryThe use of grid lines in web design is certainly one of the most efficient ways to assure clean layouts with content that is easy to consume. When they are thin and subtle, grid lines also add a touch of elegance to a design, which is why we so often see them in websites across all niches. Aroz Jewelry, for instance, opted for thin lines that divide parts of the header (or, rather, the header propper and the top bar) both horizontally and verticallyâââdefining the sections and keeping the content well-organized. The transparent header houses elegant white items with no dividing lines, creating a breezy, light feel. Some of the menu items, when hovered upon, reveal a mega menu with solid white background, as here readability and precision are vital, while others can simply be clicked to lead the visitor to separatepages.Matthew FisherWe have lately been seeing a rise in websites whose design relies to a great extent on typographyâââloud, large, distinctive or idiosyncratic typefaces that constitute a big chunk of the siteâs visual identity. The portfolio of the New York-based visual artist and designer Matthew Fisher is one example of this trend. Itâs an elegant and finely polished display of Fisherâs work thatâs not as image-heavy as one would expect from his line of work. A big counter serves as the preloader, followed by a slider displaying select imagery, and then we are welcomed by a hero section that states âArt Objectsâ in large letters. The menu is clearly marked in the upper left corner, and opens with a fluid animated transition with something of a curtain effect. A vertical, numbered section on the left displays menu items that combine serif and sans-serif typography and feature a roll-over and font change effect on hover. Hovering also prompts a change in images that appear to the leftâââeach menu item has a designated image that appears when that particular item is engaged with. The menu is entirely monochromaticâââwhite letters on black background, with black and white images. It is an elegant and striking design, and the inconsistency in typography adds a bit of an edge toit.Jon WayStudioJon Way is a creative brand partner and strategist with over 13 years of experience with brands, companies and individuals. Way has invested a lot of care and attention into his portfolio website, using custom typography, video sections and a modern, clean layout defined by horizontal grid lines. The menu is of a âclassicâ type, if thereâs even such a thing. Itâs a transparent header menu, with clean, readable items without any dividers or lines between them. When hovered upon, the menu items get a dotted underline to indicate clickability. This clean and tidy look serves as a counterweight for the somewhat busier hero section that features a dynamic interplay between very large and very small typography, followed by a noisy video section. In addition, it assures good UX through clean and straightforward navigation.Glenn CatteeuwStatic noise, grid and a finely tuned monochromatic character are the main stylistic components of the portfolio website of Glenn Catteeuw, a Belgium-based digital designer. Never once breaking the websiteâs unique atmosphere, Catteeuw created an exciting and seemingly simple layout based on a grid pattern that resembles project papers and has a somewhat analog quality to it. The menu is cleverly placed in the bottom right corner of the grid, or, to be more precise, in a part that actually lacks a few squares of the grid. Geometric and precise, like the rest of the layout, the menu is unpretentious yet striking. It features simple hand-written effects upon hoverâââan overline or a circle, which adds a touch of charm and warmth to the design. Animations and interactions are discrete and designed with good measure, contributing to the cohesive and consistent pagedesign.Kacper ChlebowiczA thick, hyper-stylized, animated letter K greets us as a preloader for the website of the Polish art director Kacper Chlebowicz, before taking its place in the upper left corner as the site logo. Meanwhile, Chlebowiczâs last name in huge letters takes center stage, against an animated backdrop of abstract forms. After this initial sequence, we are invited to scroll down and explore the featured work, divided into categories on a vertical carousel. All the while, as we scroll and drag the page, exploring the projects, one thing remains constant and unmovableâââthe menu. Located not at the top but at the actual bottom of the page, this sticky menu is simple, clean, minimalist. It features just three menu itemsâââWork, About and Contact, with a simple underline effect upon hover. This choice of a simple, even basic menu, shows Chlebowiczâs good sense and fine tasteâââhe could have gone with a full-screen menu replete with interactions and visual content, but, given the nature of the rest of the website, that would have been too much. Instead, he chose to balance the page out with a clean and tidy menu, creating a great navigational pathway for his visitors.Bridge TourAfter years of constantly developing, perfecting and polishing our best-selling theme, Bridge, at some point we decided it deserved a proper showcase, and thatâs how the Bridge Tour was born. Showcasing not just the 610+ meticulously designed demos that come with the theme, but also some of the innovative design and animation solutions we used for it, the Bridge Tour offers an immersive, exciting and engaging narrative that takes the visitor on a journey through one of our greatest accomplishments. The entire storytelling experience is based on the scroll actionâââas the user scrolls, the content starts to transform, blend and travel in and out of the viewport. After the initial sequence, an elegant, transparent, grid-based menu appears in the header, featuring the theme logo and a couple of links. The most important element of the menu is the icon in the far right corner that essentially tells the user what to do in order to engage with the websiteâââin most cases itâs the scroll action, but at certain points the user is prompted to wiggle the mouse, to focus, or to play a video. The subtle lines give the menu a very polished and modern look, and the arrangement of the sections bears a distinct geometric quality, communicating order and precision.Wrapping ItUpAs we saw from this short but inspiring trip through various menu designs, thereâs no definitive or universally applicable rule when it comes to designing a website menu. Well, in fact, there is something that can be considered a good rule of thumb and a solid starting point and that isâââalways consider the wider content of a website when designing amenu.Some websites, like Kacper Chlebowiczâs, for instance, will benefit the most from a clean, neat menu that balances an otherwise rich design. Some will work best if in grid, like the one we designed for our Bridge Tour. Minimalist layouts, like Matthew Fisherâs, can make great use of full-screen menus which, again, provide some form of balance to the overall design. Itâs okay to go all in with elements and animations in a menu, as long as it does not hamper the UX in any way. Like we said earlier, navigation represents the backbone of a website, and the backbone needs to be in perfect health in order for the body to do itsthing.Again, functional and practical does not and should not mean plain or dull. It is completely possible to design a website menu that is as beautiful as it is functional, and every single menu on this list achieves just that. As itâs often the case, the beauty lies in small detailsâââthe choice of color, the typography, the animation. Combine your most flattering visual elements with a perfectly mapped out navigation experience, and you got yourself a menu that will keep the visitors comingback.15 Websites with Inspiring Menu Design was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Tabs are extremely practical elements that allow for a clutter-free UI. And while theyâre most commonly used to group related content within a single website page, some designers have experimented with them and started employing tabs as a navigational device for entire sites. Instead of displaying pages as simple links, they started placing them into beautifully designed and clean tabbed menus, creating visually appealing and intuitive website navigation systems.Over the last few years, vertically placed, full-height navigation tabs became particularly popular in modern web design. The typography on these tabs is often perpendicular, making the menus look a bit unusual and interesting to the eye. In some cases, tabbed menus arenât even placed at the top. They often take up either the entire screen or a significant portion of it, becoming an important part of the page content. Moreover, both vertical and horizontal tabs are often adorned with engaging effects that enhance their appeal and make them more prominent.In this article, we are going to share a collection of websites that illustrate how creative you can be when designing tab-based navigation and implementing tabs into your projects. The brands that illustrate the versatility and flexibility of tabbed navigation include:Book.LandQueertripCanal StreetMarketSpaceâââdeSpaceTablet MagazineVine TrailOff SeasonG!theimagineersEmbassy ofInternetEDA ArchitectsGreat JonesBook.LandBook.Land is a terrific project for collaborative storytelling. It was devised by Harry Boyd, a graphic designer, with the goal of encouraging audiences worldwide to write a novel together. Each user needs to continue the story where it was left off and also add some illustrations to complement the text. The siteâs layout is unusual and interesting to the eye. The homepage opens with an amusing logo animation, where letters turn into doodles for a split secondâââthe two oâs morph into a cat, smiley face, an envelope, etc. On either side of the screen, there are vertical tabs, resembling books placed on a shelf. This design perfectly complements the siteâs purpose. The homepage gives off brutalist vibes, with uppercase sans serif typography and the screaming fluorescent green clashing with the surrounding calmness of the neutral white color. The tabs at both sides of the screen contain a brief description of their content. Inner pages are divided into two parts, with doodles on the left and stories on the right side of the screen. The title of each story is animated in an electrifying way, breaking the inertia of the surrounding content and announcing the novel in an attention-grabbing way. There is also a barcodeâââa standard element on physical book copies. But instead of the 8-digit number, the barcode on this website displays thetime.QueertripQueertrip is an LGBT travel agency. The project was devised with the goal of introducing those who identify as queer to the places they can travel to without having to worry about their safety. The homepage shows a rotating illustration of the Earth and an animated arrow that travels around the globe. At the same time, the color of the background, elements, and typography changes every few seconds, mirroring the colors of the rainbow. On the right-hand side of the screen, youâll notice two tabs. One is in black and the other in white. They both feature perpendicular, animated typography, informing you about the content that hides behind these tabs. Even though the homepage is bursting with colors, the scrolling typography and the monochromatic color palette of the tabs are just as attention-grabbing. When you place the cursor on either tab, they slightly expand, revealing a small part of the content they feature. On click, the content takes up almost the entire portion of the screen, but the tabs remain visible on the side, so you can jump from one to the other whenever youwant.Canal StreetMarketCanal Street Market is a retail market, food hall, and community space located in New York City. The websiteâs content is organized into colorful tabs. Each section is presented using a different hue. The homepage includes a subtle white backdrop, while other pages have more vibrant backdrops, including blue, red, and orange shades. The switch from one color to the next enhances the siteâs visual appeal and makes it appear more exciting to your eye. When you click on tabs, they elegantly stretch across the screen, showcasing the beauty of featured content. Aside from the gorgeous visuals, some pages also include animated lines. For instance, in the upper section of the homepage, there is a zig-zag line that incessantly flows from one side of the screen toward the other. On the other hand, toward the bottom of the homepage, youâll come across animated dotted lines. The movement of the lines as well as the vivacious color palette on the site perfectly balance out and soften the rigidness of tabs, creating a fun and engaging environment for users toexplore.SpaceâââdeSpaceSpaceâââde Space was a place in Luzern where artists could exhibit their work. Even though the website includes a program from 2018, we added this example to the list because it exemplifies a particularly creative implementation of tabs on a site. The homepage evokes alternative vibes. The name of the organization is depicted using a combination of cursive typography and geometric shapes. Itâs hardly readable and it looks more like an ornament that amplifies the siteâs appeal. Each exhibition is presented as a tab. The tabs overlap, with only their tops peaking, revealing the name of the artist, the date, and a glimpse of the content featured inside. Each tab is colored in a different hue. However, since the majority of the tabs are painted in pastel shades, the homepage, despite containing a lot of elements, isnât hard on the eyes. In fact, the transitions from powdery pink and soft yellow to baby blue and delicate violet make the page appear more exciting to explore. The way tabs are arranged one on top of the other makes exploring the homepage feel like going through a well-organized filedrawer.Tablet MagazineTablet is an online Jewish magazine. Its design resembles the look of printed newspapers, with a paper-like background and grid-based layout. The content is in black-and-white with call-to-action buttons in red. However, when you hover over images, they gain color, enlivening the site. On the far-right part of the screen, youâll notice an invitation to explore the magazineâs sections. The all-caps, red letters encourage you to click on them. When you put the cursor over that section of the page, youâll see it slightly expand, revealing two more tabs. When you click on them, a collection of selected articles appears in the viewport, stretching across the entire screen. Article previews and featured visuals are all organized into tabs. You can explore them by using the horizontal navigation, which helps make this section more immersive and fun to browse. The articles appear in threes, so the entire screen stays covered in tabs all thetime.Vine TrailVine Trail sources, imports, sells and distributes wines from France, Northern Spain, and Italy. The homepage opens with a stunning fullscreen animated photo, transporting you to one of the breathtaking wine regions. And while the homepage provides a beautiful introduction to the brand, if you want to learn more about the growers and discover the full wine list, you should click on the two eye-catching blue and orange tabs on the right-hand side of the screen. When you click on them, they take up the entire surface of the screen. Both tabs contain long lists of data organized into columns either alphabetically (growers) or by the region (wines). You can also apply handy filters to find the content that interests you the most. Implementing tabs on the site allowed the designers to display a lot of information in a visually appealing way without cluttering the screen and overwhelming you. Instead, you can elegantly click on the section you want to learn more about and immerse yourself in the fullscreen, vividly coloredcontent.Off SeasonOff Season is a design and photo studio that specializes in working with musicians. Their website represents a compelling combination of grid lines and tabs. The layout is unusual and interesting to explore. On the left-hand side, a small portion of the screen includes a short description of the studio. Underneath the text, there are two intersecting squares. They interact with your cursorâââthe closer you bring your mouse to the squares, the further apart they drift and vice versa. The rest of the layout consists of menu sections presented as tabs. When you click on them, each folder expands, revealing its colorful content. Before each section title, there is a small, outlined circle that on hover and on click becomes black, signaling that the tab is in an âactiveâstate.G!theimagineersG!theimagineers is a production studio that combines architecture, scenography, light, image, and sound in their work. The most obvious elements on the site are grid lines and a variety of geometric shapes that stand out against the black background. The overall design is minimalist and simple, but the clever and playful implementation of lines makes the site engaging and immersive. The grid lines form full-height tabs that include main menu links. When you click on the tabs, they expand, revealing the featured content. No matter the page you open, the other tabs stay visible on the screen so you can quickly go to some other section on the site. Inner pages are split into several parts using grid lines. On the left-hand side, they usually include animated geometric shapes, such as circles, while other areas on the page include information about the studio and what theydo.Embassy ofInternetEmbassy of Internet is an experimental platform created with the scope of encouraging discussions about the future of the Internet and its role in our society. Even though this project is no longer active, we added it to our list because of the creative use of tabs on the site. When you hover over each section, a short description of the pages appears. At the same time, the color of typography and the background invert. The blue color used on the page is very specificâââit resembles the blue screen of death we used to see in older versions of Windows, giving the site a retro feel. The homepage also evokes strong brutalist vibes. It includes attention-grabbing, large, uppercase sans serif typography and there are almost no visuals save for the pulsating large blue circle at the bottom right corner of the screen. Even though the entire website is text-based, you never feel bored exploring it. The combination of blue and grey hues makes the pages exciting to the eye, luring you into reading more about theproject.EDA ArchitectsEDA Architects is an architecture, interior design, and planning firm. On their website, the menu sections are presented as vertical tabs. There is an element of surprise when exploring the site because you canât even see a glimpse of the content behind the tabs. Some pages include a fullscreen slider while others feature exciting galleries. Animation effects are terrific, especially the scroll-triggered animations added to the âAboutâ page. At one point, you enjoy a fullscreen photo. Then, on scroll, the screen splits in two, with one image on each side. Then, a small photo remains on one side while the accompanying text appears on the right. The changes on each scroll make the page appear dynamic and more fun to explore. The dominant monospace typography amplifies the modernist character of the studioâs buildings and wonderfully complements the minimalist vibe of some of the layouts. The pages about the services EDA provides and their contact information contain only text, but the monospace font and the use of grid lines make them beautiful to look at andexplore.Great JonesGreat Jones is a cookware brand founded in 2018. The main navigation is placed at the top, with gorgeous tabs inciting visitors to learn more about the company and explore their products. The colors used on the tabs are beautifulâââdeep shades of pink, green, and yellow serve as an appealing introduction to the site. They also stand as harbingers of what Great Jones items are like. The company is known for its colorful products and their beauty stands out against a beige background. As soon as you start to scroll down any page, the tabs disappear and the menu sections show up in the header. As soon as the transformation occurs, the menu becomes sticky, allowing users to easily go to any section of thesite.Closing WordsThe brands featured on our list have nailed the tabbed navigation design. They have demonstrated that tabs are just as flexible as any other UX element and that they allow a lot of room for expressing your creativity.As you can see, you can place tabs in the header next to each other or one below the other. Alternatively, you can make room for them on one side of the screen or display one tab and arrange that the rest of them appear on hover. If you like, you can also organize your entire content into tabs and then arrange them across the wholescreen.To make your tabs more prominent, you can consider coloring them in vivid colors. And if you feel like experimenting with hover effects, you can rely on them to further amplify the appeal of your tabbed navigation. You could have tabs change color on hover, add some animated objects to them, or increase their size. Donât be afraid to express your creativity, but also be mindful your tabbed navigation stays clear and intuitive at alltimes.Originally published at Stunning Examples of Tab Based Navigation was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
See the Code - See it Full Page - See Details 100dayscss - 007#Sliding notifications cardCard design, feed animation, hidden navigation, sliding card to show menu.Menu icon micro-interaction + hover effect from @IanLunn 's amazing hover.css libraryJust a touch of jquery to fire event on click This Pen uses: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, and
40 Beautiful and Effective Responsive Navigation Menus responsive menu navigation webdesign
Rabona is a London-based football magazine. Featuring journalistic content, photography, videos and podcasts, it stands out with its special attention to aesthetics and its strong and minimalist design.Asked for the design of a Media Kit - compiling informations, facts and figures- we set up a principle of dynamic layout by playing on horizontality and verticality, contrasts and visuals. The system of vertical menu provides a comfortable navigation through the document and a more playful object handling.
We have compiled 6 web design ideas that are the ever-green starting point for every project. From innovative layouts to captivating color schemes, these ideas are designed to push the boundaries and enhance user experience.Each idea is carefully curated to provide a fresh perspective and offer endless possibilities for your next project. Gain inspiration from modern, sleek designs that leave a lasting impression. Unleash your artistic side with bold typography and eye-catching visuals. Embrace minimalism or embrace vibrant designs that demand attention.Whether youâre designing a website for an e-commerce store or a portfolio site, these ideas can be tailored to suit your specific needs. With each idea, we provide insights and tips on how to execute them effectively, helping you bring your vision to life. Get ready to let your creativity run wild and revolutionize the digital landscape with these inspiring web designideas.Minimalist Web DesignIdeasLess is moreâââthatâs the mantra of minimalist web design. This design approach focuses on simplicity, cleanliness, and clarity. By stripping away unnecessary elements, minimalist web design creates a visually appealing and clutter-free experience for users. It allows the content to take center stage and ensures that the design does not distract from themessage.One popular technique in minimalist web design is the use of ample white space. White space, also known as negative space, refers to the empty space between elements on a web page. It helps to create a sense of balance and harmony, making the design feel open and uncluttered. By using white space effectively, you can draw attention to key elements and enhance the overall visual impact of thedesign.Another characteristic of minimalist web design is the use of a limited color palette. Instead of using a wide range of colors, minimalist designs often opt for a monochromatic or limited color scheme. This helps to create a sense of harmony and cohesiveness, making the design feel more polished andrefined.Typography is also a crucial aspect of minimalist web design. Choosing the right fonts and using them in a consistent and deliberate way can greatly enhance the overall aesthetic of the design. Minimalist typography is often clean, simple, and easy to read, ensuring that the content remains thefocus.Incorporating ample white space, using a limited color palette, and employing minimalist typography are just a few examples of how you can create a minimalist web design. By embracing simplicity and focusing on the essentials, you can create a website that is elegant, sophisticated, and visually striking.Examples of Minimalist WebDesignTRĂF CreativeZabriskieShupatto BagsBold and Vibrant Web DesignIdeasIf minimalism is not your style, why not go bold and vibrant? Bold and vibrant web design ideas are all about making a statement and grabbing attention. These designs often use bright and contrasting colors, large and eye-catching visuals, and striking typography to create a visually stimulating experience forusers.Color plays a crucial role in bold and vibrant web design. Instead of sticking to a limited color palette, these designs often embrace a wide range of colors, including bright and bold hues. This creates a sense of energy and excitement, instantly capturing the attention ofusers.Visual elements such as images and illustrations are also key in bold and vibrant web design. These designs often feature large and impactful visuals that draw users in and create a memorable impression. By carefully selecting and placing visuals, you can create a visually stunning and engagingwebsite.Typography in bold and vibrant web design is anything but ordinary. These designs often feature unique and attention-grabbing fonts that add personality and character to the design. By experimenting with different font styles, sizes, and colors, you can create a typographic hierarchy that guides users through the content and enhances the overall visual impact of thedesign.Bold and vibrant web design ideas are perfect for brands that want to stand out and make a bold statement. Whether youâre designing a website for a creative agency, an event, or a fashion brand, these ideas can help you create a visually striking and memorable online presence.Examples of Bold and Vibrant WebDesignThe FlowPartySebÂźRunwayTypography-Focused Web DesignIdeasTypography is more than just selecting a font. Itâs an art form that can greatly enhance the overall aesthetic and impact of a design. Typography-focused web design ideas put typography front and center, using it as a powerful visual element to communicate the message and create a unique user experience.One popular technique in typography-focused web design is the use of oversized and dramatic typography. By using large and bold fonts, you can create a strong visual impact and instantly capture the attention of users. This technique works particularly well for headlines and important messages that you want to emphasize.Another technique is the use of creative and unique typography styles. Instead of sticking to traditional fonts, typography-focused designs often experiment with custom fonts, hand-drawn lettering, and decorative elements. This adds personality and character to the design, making it feel more unique and memorable.Hierarchy is also crucial in typography-focused web design. By using different font sizes, weights, and styles, you can create a visual hierarchy that guides users through the content and highlights the most important information. This ensures that the design remains visually appealing and easy toread.Typography-focused web design ideas are perfect for brands that want to make a strong visual statement and stand out from the crowd. Whether youâre designing a website for a magazine, a blog, or a creative portfolio, these ideas can help you create a visually stunning and impactful design.Examples of Typography-Focused WebDesignMama Joyce PeppaSauceSynchronizedHourlyInteractive and Engaging Web DesignIdeasOne popular technique in interactive web design is the use of animations and transitions. By adding subtle animations and transitions to elements such as buttons, images, and menus, you can create a sense of interactivity and enhance the overall user experience. These animations can range from simple hover effects to more complex interactions, such as parallax scrolling.Another technique is the use of microinteractions. Microinteractions are small animations or visual cues that provide feedback and guide users through the interface. For example, when a user hovers over a button, it can change color or display a tooltip. These small but meaningful interactions add a layer of interactivity and make the design feel more responsive.Scrolling effects are also popular in interactive web design. Instead of having a traditional scrolling experience, these designs often incorporate parallax scrolling, where different elements of the page move at different speeds as the user scrolls. This creates a sense of depth and adds a dynamic element to thedesign.Interactive and engaging web design ideas are perfect for brands that want to create a memorable and immersive user experience. Whether youâre designing a website for a gaming company, a travel agency, or an e-commerce store, these ideas can help you create a visually stunning and interactive design.Examples of Interactive and Engaging WebDesignArmurLusionActive TheoryUnique Navigation Web DesignIdeasNavigation is a crucial element of web design, as it determines how users navigate through the website and find the information theyâre looking for. Unique navigation web design ideas aim to create a navigation system that is both functional and visually appealing, enhancing the overall user experience.One popular technique in unique navigation web design is the use of hidden navigation menus. Instead of the traditional horizontal or vertical menu, these designs often hide the menu behind an icon or a button. When the user clicks on the icon or button, the menu slides out or expands, revealing the navigation options. This creates a clean and uncluttered design, allowing the content to take centerstage.Another technique is the use of mega menus. Mega menus are large drop-down menus that display multiple levels of navigation options. These menus often include images, icons, and descriptive text, providing users with a comprehensive overview of the websiteâs structure. Mega menus are particularly useful for websites with a lot of content or complex navigation hierarchies.Incorporating unique and creative navigation elements, such as sticky menus, slide-out menus, or tabbed navigation, can also enhance the overall user experience. These elements add a layer of interactivity and make it easier for users to navigate through thewebsite.Unique navigation web design ideas are perfect for brands that want to create a visually appealing and user-friendly navigation system. Whether youâre designing a website for a restaurant, a news publication, or a corporate organization, these ideas can help you create a unique and intuitive navigation experience.Examples of Unique Navigation WebDesignAccueilEnpower TradingGlideDark Mode Web DesignIdeasdark mode has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a sleek and modern alternative to traditional light themes. Dark mode web design ideas aim to create a visually striking and immersive experience by using dark backgrounds and light-colored elements.One technique in dark mode web design is the use of high contrast. By using light-colored elements on a dark background, you can create a strong visual contrast that enhances the readability and overall visual impact of the design. This ensures that the content remains easily readable and the design feels visually appealing.Another technique is the use of bold and vibrant colors. Dark mode designs often incorporate bright and contrasting colors to create a visually striking and engaging experience. These colors can be used to highlight important elements, create visual interest, or add a touch of personality to thedesign.Typography also plays a crucial role in dark mode web design. By using light-colored fonts on a dark background, you can create a visually striking and easy-to-read typography. Itâs important to choose fonts that have good contrast and legibility, ensuring that the content remains readable in different lighting conditions.Dark mode web design ideas are perfect for brands that want to create a modern and visually striking online presence. Whether youâre designing a website for a tech company, a photography portfolio, or a creative agency, these ideas can help you create a design that stands out and leaves a lasting impression.Weâve written more about DarkModesExamples of Dark Mode WebDesignAI Color Combination GeneratorGeminiSVZFinding Inspiration for Your Web DesignProjectsIn the fast-paced world of web design, finding inspiration is essential to stay ahead of the curve and create designs that are fresh, innovative, and impactful. The 10 inspiring web design ideas discussed in this article are just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless other ideas and techniques waiting to be explored.Remember, creativity knows no limits. Donât be afraid to experiment, push boundaries, and think outside the box. Take inspiration from various sources, such as other websites, art, fashion, and nature. Keep up with the latest design trends and technologies, and constantly challenge yourself to learn andgrow.With the right mix of creativity, technical skills, and a deep understanding of user experience, you can create web designs that not only look great but also deliver a seamless and engaging user experience. So, go ahead, ignite your creativity, and revolution6 Web Design Ideas that are Always a Great Design Strategy was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
See the Code - See it Full Page - See Details Recommended for Firefox browser!The whole site on pure css (without javascript):- parallax scrolling- simple animation of links and buttons with the css-property cubic-bezier- smooth scrolling when click on the navigationanimation of the hamburger clickopen/close the click menuetc. This Pen uses: Pug, SCSS, JavaScript, and
Whatever beautiful and elegant a website is, whatever useful content, services, or products it offers, all the benefits may easily be ruined by only one factor: poor navigation. In this article, we continue the theme of web usability, this time to discuss breadcrumbs as an element of web navigation. Letâs learn what this term means and explore the types of breadcrumbs and best UX practices to make them work effectively.What Are BreadcrumbsBreadcrumbs are navigation elements used mostly in web design and supporting users in a journey around the website. Due to breadcrumbs, users get aware of where they are on the website and can get used to the website structure easier, which means that breadcrumbs present a tool for better wayfinding. Yet, breadcrumbs donât replace the primary navigation menu; they present the secondary level of navigation and increase website usability in case it has lots ofpages.Breadcrumbs on the product page onAmazonWhy such a funny name is used for this interactive element? If you think it resembles something from a fairytale rather than from design terminology, you are right. The term echoes Grimm Brothersâ tale about Hansel and Gretel: in it, the characters used breadcrumbs to mark the way home and not get lost. On the web, it works the same way: breadcrumbs visualize the path or the usersâ journey from the perspective of the website hierarchy. Thatâs why they are also called a breadcrumb trail.Types of BreadcrumbsAs for classification, there are three basic types of breadcrumbs:Location-based: they show the visitors where they are according to a website hierarchy, usually applied to websites with complex navigation schemes consisting of multiplelevels.Image sourceAttribute-based: they show the visitors the trail of attributes of the page they areon.Image sourcePath-based: these show the visitors the trail of steps they took to arrive on the page they are on. This type is often referred to as less effective compared to previous ones and is not recommended toapply.Why Use BreadcrumbsAmong the benefits of breadcrumbs as a navigation element, we would mention the following.increased findability: the more complex is the website architecture, the more content it has, the better organized it should be to be found quickly. Breadcrumbs give users another touchpoint to the content and help to understand the structure of the websiteeasierfewer clicks needed: with breadcrumbs, website visitors can jump from one level of the hierarchy to any previous step with no effort and no need to take all the way back, which means it takes fewer clicks and transitions to reach the page theywanteffective use of screen space: crafted well, breadcrumbs take a narrow horizontal line with plain-looking text elements that donât need much space, so users get navigated but designers have no need to overload thepageno misinterpretation: breadcrumbs present the element which is hardly ever misunderstood by users: the behavior pattern for them has solidified through years and people rarely mistake this element for anythingelselower bounce rate: breadcrumbs are great support for first-time visitors or people that have no everyday experience of dealing with complex websites, so the more confident they feel the slimmer are the chances of them bouncing the page. Whatâs more, itâs an effective way of engagement for the users directed to a particular landing page: seeing it as a part of the bigger structure shown via breadcrumbs, users can get interested in jumping to other pages and seeingmore.The minimalist product page by tubik for an e-commerce website uses breadcrumbs to follow the typical mental model users expect and help them with quick navigation.Design Practices for BreadcrumbsHereâs a bunch of UX design tips and practices that can help to master breadcrumbs as a supportive and handy element of web navigation. Bear in mind that none of these practices is a cure-all to apply for any website: the examples below show you how different products approach this navigation element to cover their priorities.Donât use breadcrumbs as the primary navigationThe key rule of thumb for breadcrumbs is using them as an addition to major navigation. They shouldnât be seen and used as a replacement for global navigation, usually found in the website header or menu. Instead, they support and amplify primary navigation.Place breadcrumbs above the H1headingThe most common place where users expect to find breadcrumbs and where they work effectively as a part of the general layout is above the H1 heading. It may be the name of the category, the product, the articleâs title, etc. Sure, not all the pages have visually defined H1 heading; in this case, designers find the most appropriate place, typically in the top part of thelayout.For instance, on the George website, the product page features the classic approach to the breadcrumbs: they are placed right above the H1 heading, with a slight line used as a visual divider between them. However, on the category page, which doesnât have an obvious H1 title, the breadcrumbs just keep at the same position at the layout, below the top navigation, and visual dividers help to clearly separate the trail from other navigation elements andfilters.Consider starting a breadcrumb trail with a link to the homepageNoticeable and easy-to-reach link to the home page that allows the user to jump to the websiteâs main page from any point of the journey is still an essential part of web navigation. Although more and more users are getting used to the pattern when the logo featured in the website header is clickable and helps to jump to the home page, there are still many those for whom this flow is not obvious. As the breadcrumbs let users quickly define the website hierarchy and their current position in it, itâs logical to start the trail from the main page of thewebsite.However, if there is a text link to the home page in the primary navigation, for instance, in the header, you donât need to double it in the breadcrumbs.As well, in the case of a polyhierarchical website, you may want to concentrate usersâ attention on a particular level or category instead of sending them to the home page. For example, Uniqlo starts the trail from the name of the major category user is browsing at the moment, letting the logo in the top left corner do the job of moving visitors to the homepage.Make the current location look non-clickable (or donât showit)There are two different approaches to the last item of the breadcrumb trail: you may show the name of the current page or finish it with the previous step, which means that the current pageâs name isnât shown at all. Whatever your choice, ensure all the elements cover a particular goal and help users. If you suppose that adding the current location to the breadcrumbs is necessary to support usability, make it clear that itâs not clickable and thus looks different from the interactive elements. For the mobile experience, itâs better not to show the current location at all, as the screen space is verylimited.On the contrary, for all the other elements of the breadcrumb trail, make it obvious that they look clickable and are clickable.Example of a breadcrumb trail on the WalmartwebsiteClearly separate theelementsOne of the most popular separating symbols for the elements of the breadcrumb trails is the symbol âgreater thanâ (>), which typically defines hierarchy and features the movement from the parent category to the child category. Other frequently used symbols are slash (/), right-angle quotation mark (»), and arrow to the right (â). So, designers do have what to choose from, donât they? Some also separate breadcrumbs with the color putting them into the colored tabs that imitate the line of elements, each colored in a different shade.Mind readability and whitespaceAs well as for any text element, the primary goal of breadcrumbs is to make the information packed in written form perceived and absorbed easily and in no time. So, take care of making them highly readable rather than decorative. And make sure there is enough space between the elements so that it is easy to read them, visually separate the pieces of text, andclick.A clear and unobtrusive breadcrumb trail on the Google SupportwebsiteShow the website hierarchy instead of the interaction historyUnlike the fairytale characters who used breadcrumbs to mark all their way, web designers would do much more effectively turning to show users the clear hierarchy of the pages instead of all the way they got through to reach this page. Such an approach will always look more logical and, furthermore, will clarify the clear and simple path back for the visitor who could get lost otherwise. Whatâs more, in this case, breadcrumbs donât work at all for users who landed on a particular page and didnât take any stepsyet.As Jacob Nielsen mentioned in his article, âa history trail can also be confusing: users often wander in circles or go to the wrong site sections. Having each point in a confusing progression at the top of the current page doesnât offer muchhelp.âDonât clutter the page with too manyelementsWhat if the breadcrumb trail gets too long? Sure, it wonât be good to overload the page, especially at the secondary navigation level. In the case of the too long breadcrumb trail, some of them in the middle can be hidden behind the ellipsis. But never hide the first and the last element so as not to break thelogic.In his article about breadcrumbs, Alex Zlatkus recommends not to let breadcrumbs take more than half of the page and think about such a shortening with an ellipsis inside when the trails get more than 5items.Image sourceSure, the final decision is up to the designers of the particular project. It should be based on usability testing, as there can be different creative design solutions that allow for organizing longer breadcrumb trails effectively.Donât emphasize breadcrumbs visually in the webpagelayoutIf you feel the urge to find a super bright and catchy solution for the breadcrumbs, consider refocusing that on the other object of the web page layout. Breadcrumbs are not the primer violin in this show; thatâs not the goal behind them, so keep them stylish but moderate. No need for bright accents, bigger sizes, and impressive fontsâââbreadcrumbs should just provide the secondary level of wayfinding, not scream into usersâ faces distracting them from more important things that solve usersâ problems.For example, the OldNavy website uses super minimalist and non-distractive breadcrumbs placed in the top left corner right below the header with primary navigation, this way sticking to a common left-to-right reading and scanning pattern. That makes breadcrumbs almost unnoticed when you donât need them but easily found whenneeded.Donât use multiple lines of breadcrumbs onmobileThe most precious asset of any mobile app screen is space. So, optimizing your website for mobile, take special care about that aspect: if the breadcrumbs trail is just copied from the website to mobile, it may take several lines, which snips off the big part of the limited screen space. So, by that, you get into the higher risk that some critical elements, for example, the name of the product on the product page or the introductory text, wonât be seen at once just due to the lack ofspace.Donât apply breadcrumbs to the websites with a flat or simple hierarchyAs well as with internal website search, breadcrumbs are needed and helpful in cases when the website has multiple pages and a complex hierarchy consisting of multiple layers. Breadcrumbs are commonâââand expected by usersâââin big e-commerce websites and platforms, media and news websites, blogs, and magazines covering a wide range of topics, etc. If thatâs not your case and your website has a simple hierarchy, primary navigation will be enough to let the users effectively interact withit.Example of a breadcrumb trail on the California State University websiteBreadcrumbs present the perfect example of how much details matter in user experience design for the web. Being far from primary and critical functionality but approached thoughtfully and crafted well, this interaction element can contribute much to making interactions easier and user-centered. Nevertheless, think twice and test twice before deciding upon them, as there may be more effective secondary navigation options to solve a particular task for a certainproject.Useful ArticlesHereâs a bunch of articles to dive deeper into the theme of web usability and user experience design.Motion in UX Design: 6 Effective Types of Web AnimationTypes of Contrast in User Interface DesignThe Anatomy of a Web Page: 14 BasicElementsUX Design: How to Make Web Interface ScannableUX Design: Types of Interactive Content Amplifying Engagement5 Pillars of Effective Landing PageDesignWeb Design: 16 Basic Types of WebPages5 Basic Types of Images for WebContentError Screens and Messages: UX Design PracticesFrom Zero to Hero: Look at Hero Images in WebDesignOriginally written by Marina Yalanska for TubikBlogWelcome to check designs and art by Tubikvia:WebsiteDribbbleBehanceTubik ArtsWeb Usability Practices: Breadcrumbs as a Part of User Experience was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Hey guys,I was working on a new lottery app, and the score idea went to my head!I hope you like it and I like to know your comments Don't forget to press "L" đ„°
A Case Study on Simplification and User Experience EnhancementIntroductionRecently, I received a call from an unknown number. As I answered, chilling laughter echoed from the other end before the call abruptly cut off. I quickly went to Truecallerâs website to find out who it was. Turns out, it was just my friend playing a prank onme.This incident made my brother suggest, âWhy not use the Truecaller app instead?â But before we dive into the answer, letâs first understand what Truecaller is.Truecaller is a popular app that detects, blocks spam calls and messages, while also providing information about unknown numbers. With an active user base exceeding 300 million users per month, it has become one of the most widely used applications inIndia.Why Redesign?To answer this, letâs understand what actually prevents me from using the Truecaller app regularly. While I have used it multiple times and found it effective, I find the appâs usage a bit challenging. I believe the design could be much more user-friendly, clean, and straightforward.Here are some of the observations I made, which will be discussed in detail throughout the casestudy:Cluttered Interface: Truecaller app has too much information which overwhelms users and makes it difficult to focus on the essential elements.Lack of Visual Hierarchy: The appâs unclear visual structure makes it challenging to identify important components, leading to confusion.Complex Navigation: The appâs numerous features make it hard to navigate through the menu structure and find specific functionalities.Inconsistent Design Language: There are inconsistencies in designs, like icons, fonts, colors, and spacing, which disrupt the user experience. The excessive use of icons without clear explanations can cause confusion.Intrusive Ads: While ads are important, the app should provide more control and flexibility to users. It affects the user experience and has a negative impact on engagement. Striking a balance between ad placement and user satisfaction is important for a positive user experience.Based on my understanding of the pain points, I decided to proceed with the process of addressing and resolving these issues. I was curious to understand if others were also facing any difficulties with the app. To gain further insights, I conducted a small survey among my friends. Letâs explore the findings from thesurvey.Letâs getstartedUser ResearchThe research was conducted through Google Forms and one-on-one interviews to gather comprehensive feedbackâââthis combination of methods allowed for a thorough understanding of their experiences and painpoints.While researching, I focused on individuals between the ages of 19â29, primarily consisting of tech-savvy individuals. Since most of them were already using Truecaller, I conducted a series of questions regarding the pain points identified earlier. Many participants shared their specific pain points, and here are some of the answers I received during thesurvey.Results from GoogleFormsAfter surveying and talking to them personally, I found that many individuals are also experiencing similar problems tomine,They found the appâs interface cluttered and overloaded with information, hampering navigation and usability.People faced challenges in accessing specific features due to a confusing navigation flow, with the appâs menu structure.Ads in Caller ID, especially during critical actions like making calls or performing essential tasks. The automatic pop-up of ads that led to unintentional clicks disrupted their overall experience with theapp.Additionally, Iâve noticed that none of the users have set the app as their default phone app. When I asked them about it, they mentioned finding it confusing and opting for a default app instead. As a result, Itâs a significant problem with user engagement, and itâs crucial to address these pain points and find solutions to improve appusage.Competitive AnalysisIâve actively engaged in comprehensive research and testing to enhance my understanding of various products and features. This involved exploring diverse aspects such as user flows, design patterns, andmore.To get more hands-on experience, I tried few popularapps.ACR PhonePhone byGoogleDrupeWhile many apps may share similar design patterns, I noticed that each app has unique characteristics that set it apart from others. Despite using common design patterns, such as navigation menus or card layouts, the specific implementation and visual elements can vary significantly.Wire-framesTo address the identified issues and develop a solution, I initiated the process by sketching Wire-frames and documenting all the ideas that came to mind. This allowed me to visually conceptualize the proposed improvements and organize my thoughts in a structured manner.Initial Wireframes andSketchesHome PagePurpose: To provide users with an overview by offering essential information, navigation options, and access to core functionalities in a clear and organized manner.Problem 1: Lack of Visual Hierarchy and cluttered information.đĄ SolutionI have improved the spacing, font sizes, and icon sizes to make it more readable and easier to navigate. With more space between elements, users can more easily distinguish between different sections. Larger font sizes make the text easier to read, especially for users who may have trouble reading smaller text. Additionally, larger icons make it easier for users to quickly identify important elements.I inherited custom features that enable users to utilize the search tab more effectively. One of these features is a built-in microphone that allows users to search by speaking instead of typing. Additionally, I expanded the amount of information available to users by including the location results, time,etc.I also implemented a day-wise filtering system for recent calls. This organizes calls based on specific days, making it simpler for users to comprehend their call history. By providing a clear and structured view, users can easily locate and manage their recentcalls.Home PageProblem 2: Complex navigation flow with multipletabs.đĄ SolutionI simplified the interface by removing unwanted tabs and excessive information, creating a cleaner and less overwhelming user experience. This process streamlined the app, making it easier for users to navigate and find what they needquickly.I made the decision to add the Contacts tab within the call section of Truecaller for improved accessibility and convenience. By adding this feature, users can now conveniently manage their contacts from one central location.Tabs &SectionsIn addition to fixing the frequent call list mentioned in the top section by adding a starred option, it is also worth noting that this will benefit users by providing a clearer understanding of the feature. With the starred option, users can easily identify and prioritize important calls, making their communication more efficient and effective.Starred PageNow, you might be wondering, âWhat exactly are Government services?â Well, the Truecaller app, provides a valuable resource for users in need of emergency assistance. It offers a convenient and helpful collection of important numbers directly within the app, ensuring quick access to essential services during critical situations.But the problem again lies in the navigation flow, as the feature is hidden beneath the settings which many users may not actively explore. Despite its potential usefulness, the placement makes it less discoverable to users who could benefit fromit.To provide quick access to important call logs and emergency contacts, I made the decision to place the Government Services feature within the âStarredâ option. This tab serves as a centralized hub, offering users easy access to both their loved onesâ call logs and a curated list of essential emergency numbers in crucial situations.MenuPurpose: A menu simplifies navigation by organizing features and options, making it easier for users to find and access specific sections or functionalities.Problem 1: The layout of the 3-dot menu lacks consistency with the overalldesign.đĄ SolutionTo improve the layout, I introduced a side menu bar. The side menu bar design allows for ample space and larger icons, ensuring better readability and ease of use. With this, users can navigate through the app more efficiently, as important options and features are now easily accessible at alltimes.Side MenuPrototype for SideMenu: 2: The menu options and features appear unorganized and scattered, lacking a cohesive structure.đĄ SolutionMerging the outgoing, incoming, and missed call sections into a unified âCall Historyâ significantly reduces user flow by 3 times, providing convenient access to all options in one place. This streamlined approach simplifies navigation and improves efficiency within theapp.Call historypageTo improve usability, I reorganized scattered features like video caller ID and free HD voice call from the home screen into a side menu section, making it easier for users to access different features from one place. Additionally, I implemented a dedicated bottom section for ads, ensuring a non-intrusive user experience while maintaining visibility for promotional content.Scattered Features on SideMenuAd ManagementPurpose: To efficiently handle and control advertisements within a platform by giving flexibility and control to the users. It aims to provide a positive user experience by ensuring relevant and non-intrusive ad placements while supporting the goals of advertisers.Problem 1: The issue lies with the placement of ads across the entire app, affecting the user experience.đĄ SolutionIn response to user feedback regarding ads and their placement, I have implemented a range of options that offer users greater flexibility and control. Recognizing the importance of ads for businesses, I wanted to address the concerns raised in the survey by empowering users to customize ad placements according to their convenience and personal preferences.Here are the 3 main options that would make the Ad experience better:Personalized Ads: Truecallerâs current ad system is random and ineffective. A more personalized ad system, based on user preferences, would be more effective and engaging. I implemented a similar system, which made the experience better by showing relevant ads instead of randomones.Time Duration: I have implemented an option to let users choose how long they want to see ads. This will help improve overall engagement, as users will no longer feel frustrated by having to watch ads every time they use theapp.Ad Management PageAd Placement Preference: In the Ad Placement feature, users have the ability to select their preferred location for ad display, ensuring that they primarily see ads in their chosenspot.In the above image, I have selected the calling screen as my preferred ad placement option, even though Truecaller currently does not display ads on the calling screen. I would willingly opt to see ads in that location. Why?In practical terms, as I would primarily be engaged in phone conversations on the calling screen, the presence of ads would have minimal impact on my experience. Surprisingly, I would welcome the opportunity to see ads in that location and might even click on them out of curiosity while continuing mycall.Displaying Ads on the CallingScreenProblem 2: The combination of ads on Caller ID and a cluttered interface leads to users accidentally clicking on the ads, which ultimately becomes a significant source of frustration forthem.Surprisingly, Caller ID is among the most widely used features on the Truecaller app, conveniently displaying information about unknown numbers both before and after calls. Regardless of the userâs ongoing activities on the screen, Caller ID consistently appears, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a seamless user experience, especially during critical tasks. To ensure it does not disrupt the experience, it is crucial to find ways to optimize its efficiency.Users found that the presence of ads on Caller ID increases the risk of accidental clicks for users, especially when they are occupied with essential tasks, there is no way to hide them, leading to potential disruptions in the overall user experience. Additionally, the amount of information presented in the UI creates a cluttered interface, making it more challenging for users to comprehend.đĄ Solution:As a primary step, I decided to revamp the UI of the caller ID, addressing its cluttered and outdated appearance. By focusing on key elements such as optimizing the size, refining icons, and colors, selecting appropriate fonts, and improving the overall layout, I aimed to create a more visually appealing and user-friendly interface.Furthermore, I made additional modifications to the caller ID feature. Instead of displaying the SIM network name, I replaced it with easily recognizable logos, enhancing user understanding. Moreover, I improved the presentation of location information, providing more accurate and detailed results. Additionally, I placed greater emphasis on displaying the callerâs name and number, ensuring they are prominently highlighted for easy identification byusers.Display CallerIDOkay, now you must be wondering where are other buttons. Where is add, where is save, and the blockbutton?Well, you could expand the tab more by clicking the downmenu.Hereâs the prototype: other solution is limited display time, If ads appear on the main home screen, consider implementing a timer or countdown mechanism that automatically dismisses the ad after a short period. This way, the ad can still be shown to the user, but it wonât stay on the screen indefinitely, reducing frustration.Limited Display Time for CallerIDIteration 2:You can check more Iterations & Files: Allow users to customize their devices, manage connectivity and security settings, and control various features and preferences.Problem 1: Navigating through specific sections and locating particular features can be challenging.đĄ SolutionAs the Truecaller app is filled with features, sometimes itâs hard to find specific sections in settings. I have implemented a dedicated search bar within the settings page. This addition allows users to effortlessly locate desired features and access hidden settings by simply typing in corresponding initials or keywords.Settings PageIf you are thinking about where About and Privacy Center are, I have already added them to the side menu feature, ensuring quick accessibility.ConclusionIn the end, I did a small test with a couple of people, those who never used Truecaller, mainly iPhone users:PWhen I presented both designs side by side and explained the user problems that were addressed, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my solutions were preferred.Undoubtedly, product testing involves numerous intricate considerations, and the process is far from simple. However, this project has been an enjoyable experience, allowing me to apply my skills and knowledge in a practical setting.LearningsExplored Google's Material 3 design guidelines to gain a deeper understanding of its principles and practices.Putting the user at the center is crucial. Understanding their needs, pain points, and preferences is essential in the designprocess.Research helps a lot, especially in design decisions, and ensuring solutions align with user expectations.ChallengesThe entire process, starting from defining the problem to designing the solution and going through multiple iterations, requires a significant investment of time andenergy.Achieving a balance between design aesthetics and user experience.Maintaining design consistency across different screens, tabs, and features can be challenging.Thatâs pretty much it, hope you enjoyed readingit!Although I primarily focused on the calling aspect, there is much more to discuss regarding messaging and other features. However, delving into those topics would have made this case study quite lengthy, letâs keep that it for another day:PFeel free to connect with me on LinkedIn for further discussion.I am also actively seeking internship opportunities to contribute and grow in a professional setting.Wait, wanna see a magic? Hold the clap for a moment;)Enhancing Truecallerâs Calling Experience and Boosting User Engagement: UI/UX Case Study was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Discussing cognitive load and how will it affect the usabilityPixabayDo you consider human needs and human brain capacity or memory while designing?Just like computers, the human brain also has the processing power and memory capacity. Too much data and forcing the brain to accommodate all these data frustrate the user and leads them to abandon the task. The short term memory of our brain has limitations. It varies from users to users. Psychologist says that an average user can store 7 chunks of information in his short term memory at a time. Adding more than this information leads to an increase in cognitive load. This not means that we can add only 7 menus in a navigation bar. We donât need to remember the menu items. It is always there on the navigation bar. The menu items have relied on Recognition rather than recall (usability heuristics).Consider we have two screens of the mobile app, the first screen has some instructions that to be followed on the second screen. According to our short term memory capacity providing overloaded instructions on the first page increases the cognitive load and forcing people to read instructions again andagain.Good user experience is good for everyone, not only for those people who have a large short term memory. So, a general good practice of design is to limit the burden put on the usersâmemory.The term âcognitive loadâ was originally coined by psychologists to describe the mental effort required to learn new information.How cognitive load affects Usability?Mental ModelWhen designing a product (website), the user has a mental model of how the website works from their past experience. Therefore designing a new one with a huge difference in layout or labels leads to thinking in users. This increases the cognitive load. While using the layout and labels that are familiar to users will reduce the new learning of users and thereby decreases the cognitive load. If the website has a huge difference from the userâs mental model, then the cognitive load will increase and interaction cost will increase.2. Affordances and signifiersHere I am considering mobile apps to explain how affordances and signifiers affect the cognitive load. We all saw the bottom navigation bar in mobile apps. To increase the aesthetics of the app, some designers will remove the label(signifier) of the icons(affordance) from the navigation bar.The screen of an app from playstoreDoes anyone understand the purpose of the icon inside the red rectangle? Maybe someone understands the purpose or meaning of other icons. This will leads the user to think about the purpose of the icon. Thinking about this increases the cognitive load and will decrease usability.Designing with apt affordances and signifiers will reduce the cognitive load and maximize usability.3. ChunkingcontentIn the field of user-experience design, âchunkingâ usually refers to breaking up content into small, distinct units of information.Chunking has a much important role in reducing cognitive load.I believe that all of you understood how chunking data can reduce cognitive load. It is easy to remember the above number after chunking. Chunking is critical for presenting content that users can comprehend and remembereasily.4. VisualdesignThe visual design also has a role in cognitive load. What about if a site contains too small font size and blurred or irrelevant images? For example, if one site contains an image that has no relation to its content. Then users get confused about that and it leads to an increase in cognitive load.It is important that designers should reduce cognitive load while designing. By reducing the cognitive load we can increase usability. Thereby less interaction cost. So the user can achieve their task without any frustration and the user loves to use our product again and again. One of the factors that influence user experience is valuable. By decreasing the cognitive load we can increase the valuable(business) of ourproduct.Minimum cognitive load=Maximum UsabilityThanks forreading.Reference:nngroup. Your valuable feedbacks are appreciated.The effect of cognitive load in UX was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
[Image Source]A web design company could deliver great eCommerce web design to help convert web visitors into customers. Ideally, the design of the website should make for an easy, faster, and stress-free purchase process. No matter how great the online ads are, you could lose valuable clientele if your site is not sales-optimized.Additionally, it could also be a waste of valuable money if visitors leave your site the moment theyâre onit.Tips on Website Design to BoostSales[Image Source]1. Keep Users inMindAlways keep users in mind with every decision you make on your web design. From product images to contract forms, every single detail could be a contributing factor to the decision of a user to buy. User experience is paramount to turn web visitors into customer and to turn customers into repeatbuyers.If you are not certain that your site has a good user experience, consider an eCommerce website development service provider like eTatvaSoft to help you develop a design that boostssales.2. Using Simple WebDesignConsistently rated as visually more trustworthy and appealing is minimalist web design. To optimize the eCommerce web design for conversions, consider streamlining it. Any information thatâs not necessary should be removed. Moreover, make sure to use a minimalistic design theme that has a lot of whitespace.There should be no distracting images, videos, or links. The call of action as well should be defined clearly and the simplistic design sends off a minimalistic, professional feel.3. Honesty OnPricingWhen designing, always be upfront and honest regarding the prices of products and services. Never attempt to hide information or make it hard for visitors to find it on your website. You donât want your visitors to feel that theyâre tricked or deceived.The price transparency should also be applied to shipping. Itâs important to be upfront about the costs of shipping on products and shipping policies as well. Make it a point that your customers could see the total product amount, including shipping before they make a purchase.4. QualityPicturesBoost web design with high-quality images of products and perhaps even a video. For internet shoppers, the biggest pain point is likely the reality that they could not see a product in person, like with a physical shop. To help ease this, you would have to boost your web design with product images that are of high-quality and a video could even be added, depending on theproduct.High-resolution images are a must. Blurred or pixelated pictures could turn away customers, thinking that they produce your offer is cheap. Photo galleries for each product is a good idea, so users could click through and see various product angles. A pop-up box is a wonderful feature where people could zoom in on a particular image and see the finedetails.Using lifestyle photos of people who actually interact or use the product is a great idea. Clothing is much more alluring when worn by a model, instead of worn by a mannequin or laidflat.5. View CartButtonItâs proven that keeping this button visible at all times boosts the rates of conversion. Most eCommerce websites have a tiny shopping cart icon somewhere on each page, which enables users to see items theyâve added to their cart easily. Among the eCommerce web design strategies, this is one of the mostvital.Make certain that the icon is something that people could easily recognize, such as a shopping bag or shopping cart. Since this is one of the most critical buttons on the website, consider using bright colors to make it stand out from the background. Furthermore, it should be bigger than the otherbuttons.6. Testimonials andReviewsThis helpful statistic could be used to your advantage by promoting conversions and sales. Sixty-one percent of internet shoppers read customer reviews before buying. An effective strategy in web design is the inclusion of a product-centered review directly beneath the description of eachproduct.7. Keep The Products OrganizedOrganize products into specific categories. Make it easy as possible for users to find what they are looking for, make certain to keep the products on the site organized and divided into separate categories.A menu bar helps keep categories easy to find and to simplify the search process. Furthermore, this provides users a glance into the product categories that they are not even aware that youhave.8. Navigation MenuMenus enable users to navigate pages of the website easily. For maximum ease, the menu must appear across all pages, at the top of the page preferably. In some instances, menu bars are vertical along the left side to accommodate the Fformat.However, you have to be careful to load up the menu with a lot of options, because this could look confusing and cluttered. If you have numerous pages and categories on the site, consider using a drop-down menu to organize them more easily without sensory overload.9. SearchBarThis bar enables visitors to find the product they have in mind in a seamless manner. Most web visitors probably have a certain product in mind when they enter the site. If they could not find a way to search through the site for it, then most likely they would go to anothersite.The search bar therefore must be situated near the top of the site, normally in the right hand corner, to easily and quickly findit.10. Show ProductScarcityBuilding scarcity of products could play tricks on the psyche of customers. The best-sellers are those products that are often out of stock. More often, users notice products that are sold out, limited stocks in the homepage or categorypages.If visitors fear that they could be missing out on a product, it would result in buying on impulse, which of course boosts brandsales.11. Contact InformationThe contract information, as much as possible should be easy to find and should also include as much information. Should a customer have any query or problem while viewing the site, they would likely look for the âcontact usâ page or scroll to the bottom of the homepage.You wouldnât want to lose customers simply because you forgot to put your contact number or email address. There are several options, including your phone or cellphone number, email address, contact form, operation or store hours that let users send an email directly or even a widget to allow them to send an FB message directly to thecompany.12. Simple, quickCheckoutAlways simplify the entire checkout process. The higher cart abandonment rates are due to a complex checkout process. Simplifying it could include enabling users to check out as a guest. Itâs easy for visitors to be suspicious when theyâre required to put too much information when making a purchase.You should only ask for information thatâs absolutely necessary, including the name, payment information, and shipping address. For an entirely digital product or service, you donât have to ask for an address atall.13. Mobile OptimizationToday, a site thatâs mobile-optimized is paramount. The majority of sites are being opened and accessed from mobile devices. One of the biggest mistakes you could make is failing to make your website mobile-optimized.A responsive layout lets your site adapt to any kind of operating system or screen, thus you need not worry about making a whole separate mobile website version for every device. Nonetheless, make certain that the sizes of the image and form fields would work on all platforms.14. The âThank YouâPagesThe page serves very important purposes, thus do not forget to redirect a customer who makes a purchase to a thank you page. When someone makes a purchase on your site, redirect them to a thank you page. Thank you pages or order confirmation pages are a necessity to track conversion via social media ads in the rightway.15. Consistent BrandingConsistent branding across website pages makes standing out from the competition easy. Make certain that the logo could be seen on each page of the site, as well as keep the fonts and color schemes consistent. Nobody wants to click on a page only to wonder if theyâre entirely on a new site. The same exact design scheme and navigation menu should be maintained across all pages, to display consistency and trustworthiness.16. FAQPageThis page establishes more trust from website visitors. This page lets your visitors be aware that youâre making an effort to be transparent with your goods and services. Moreover, they let users know youâre serious in answering their questions and suggest that you have great customer serviceskills.Having an accessible list of answers to common questions regarding the brand will establish you as an expert, which creates confidence in prospective customers. More likely, people would purchase from a company that looks knowledgeable and reputable.17. Social MediaLinksIt inspires long-term relationships between the customer and the business. The most popular eCommerce shops have buttons linking to their social media on their site. Including social icons in the design invites customers to stay in touch, as well as encourages more long-term relationships between your brand and the customers.Social media links on the site additionally have also been proven to enhance the SEO rankings. Make sure that the links open to your social media accounts in a new tab so people would not leave yoursite.Top Web Design Tips for eCommerce Website to Boost Sales was originally published in Muzli - Design Inspiration on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Hi folks đđ»Lately, Weâve been working on Piqo products and presentations. After a while, we decided to design a creative navigation menu.We can consider a tactile response to navigations when the user touches the icons. Simple and easy!Likewise, these icons are available for download from the "good for sale" part.đAvailable for new projects. Let's chat! Our Figma community: Piqo Design:Gumroad | IG | BE | TW
Menu Navigation Concept - Feel free to give me some feedback. Press "L" if you love it.Want to collaborate?Email : ikakodesign@gmail.comTelegram : +995 514 71 00 77BEHANCE I Instagram | Linkedin
Hey guys! What's up? đ„In today's post, I am going to show you the animated version of my menu. An effort has been made to pay high attention to and to emphasize elegance in this animate. I hope you enjoy it. â€ïžPlease feel free to leave me a comment and like it.Collaboration with : AmirHere are the icons I used in my design that you can download: iconsax.ioIf you like it, press the "L" button. đâ€ïžFollow Me on instagram: My Instagram PageWe are available for new design project : đ© Work With Us: Aceagency: Instagram | Behance | Twitter | UI8
Browsing experience room ideas for AoiroStudioApr 23, 2019 Back from my #ABDZinShanghai trip and slowly getting into things here on ABDZ. Wanna kick right back in with the UI/UX browsing experience concepts for Designed by Aleksey Stiques and Stan Rapp who took this popular shopping site into a delightful experience. I love their concepts for browsing by colours and style and the subtle transition when navigating through the menu navigation. Check it out!LinksFull project on BehanceCreditsAleksey Stiques Stan Rapp